Search results for ""Cengage Learning""
Cengage Learning, Inc A History of Latin America, Volume 1
The best-selling text for introductory Latin American history courses, A HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA encompasses political and diplomatic theory, class structure and economic organization, culture and religion, and the environment. The integrating framework is the dependency theory, the most popular interpretation of Latin American history, which stresses the economic relationship of Latin American nations to wealthier nations, particularly the United States. Spanning pre-historic times to the present, A HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA takes both a chronological and a nation-by-nation approach, and includes the most recent historical analysis and the most up-to-date scholarship. The Ninth Edition includes expanded coverage of social and cultural history (including music) throughout and increased attention to women, indigenous cultures, and Afro-Latino people assures well balanced coverage of the region's diverse histories.
Cengage Learning, Inc The Dobe Ju/'Hoansi
This classic, bestselling study of the !Kung San, foragers of the Dobe area of the Kalahari Desert describes a people's reactions to the forces of modernization, detailing relatively recent changes to !Kung rituals, beliefs, social structure, marriage and kinship system. It documents their determination to take hold of their own destiny, despite exploitation of their habitat and relentless development to assert their political rights and revitalize their communities. Use of the name Ju/'hoansi (meaning 'real people') acknowledges their new sense of empowerment. Since the publication of the Third Edition in 2003, Richard Lee has made eight further trips to the Kalahari, the most recent in 2010 and 2011. The Dobe and Nyae Nyae Areas have continued to transform and the people have had to respond and adapt to the pressures of capitalist economics and bureaucratic governance of the Namibian and Botswana states. This Fourth Edition chronicles and bears witness to these evolving social conditions and their impacts on lives of the Ju/'hoansi.
Cengage Learning, Inc Interviewing for Solutions
Written in a clear, informative, and informal style, INTERVIEWING FOR SOLUTIONS features a unique solutions-oriented approach to basic interviewing in the helping professions. Peter DeJong and Insoo Kim Berg's proven approach views clients as competent, helps them to visualize the changes they want, and builds on what they are already doing that works. Throughout the book, the authors present models for solution-focused work, illustrated by examples and supported by research.
Cengage Learning, Inc Intermediate Algebra
Algebra can be like a foreign language, but INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA, 5E, gives you the tools and practice you need to fully understand the language of algebra and the 'why' behind problem solving. Using Strategy and Why explanations in worked examples and a six-step problem solving strategy, INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA, 5E, will guide you through an integrated learning process that will expand your reasoning abilities as it teaches you how to read, write, and think mathematically. Feel confident about your skills through additional practice in the text and Enhanced WebAssign. With INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA, 5E, algebra will make sense because it is not just about the's also about the WHY.
Cengage Learning, Inc Experimental Psychology
Kantowitz, Roediger, and Elmes, all prominent researchers, take an example-based approach to the fundamentals of research methodology. The book is organized by topic--such as research in human factors, learning, thinking, and problem solving--and the authors discuss and clarify research methods in the context of actual research conducted in these specific areas. This unique feature helps readers connect the concepts of sound methodology with their practical applications. Carefully selected real-world examples allow readers to see for themselves the issues and problems that can occur in conducting research. More importantly, readers develop a sense of how to anticipate and adjust for problems in their own research.
Cengage Learning, Inc Scene Design and Stage Lighting
Now in full color and packed with professional information and cutting-edge technologies, SCENE DESIGN AND STAGE LIGHTING, Tenth Edition, equips you with the most up-to-date coverage available on scenery, lighting, sound, and technology. Completely current, the exciting new tenth edition has two new chapters on digital integration in scene design and lighting design (Chapters 12 and 13), a new chapter on getting work in the profession (Chapter 28), and mirrors the best of real-world practices. Vibrant color production photographs support the text and spotlight examples of contemporary work. The book retains its strong emphasis on modern technology, with many changes in the lighting design and sound design chapters, reflecting the latest practices. The text also includes an expanded section on television design, as well as an emphasis on health and safety issues. The authors emphasize collaboration in all sections of the text, and they provide insight via interviews with professional lighting and scenery designers in two features: 'Working Professionals' and 'Designers at Work.' Reflecting current professional practice, SCENE DESIGN AND STAGE LIGHTING, Tenth Edition, offers in-depth coverage of a broad range of topics, making it the most detailed and comprehensive text available in the scenic, lighting, and sound design fields.
Cengage Learning, Inc Guide to Operating Systems
Cengage Learning, Inc Integrating the Arts Across the Elementary School Curriculum
This book is designed to assist pre-service and in-service classroom teachers in weaving music, visual arts, drama, and movement into the elementary school curriculum--thereby stimulating the learning process, enriching other subject areas, and providing opportunities for creative expression and self-fulfillment. Featuring content informed by the National Standards for the Arts, the book provides the basic tools and activities that teachers need to gain confidence in using the arts in their elementary classrooms.
Cengage Learning, Inc Elementary Science Methods: A Constructivist Approach
In this pioneering text, a constructivist approach guides users in learning how to teach in a constructivist manner. The book is based on the belief that it���s more important for children to learn how to do science than it is for them to learn about science, and that teachers of elementary science do not need to know a great deal of science to teach it effectively, but rather need to be co-inquirers with their students. More than 170 process-oriented activities, organized by grade level, help practicing teachers encourage children to develop and perform their own investigations.
Cengage Learning, Inc Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry
Clear explanations, an uncluttered and appealing layout, and examples and exercises featuring a variety of real-life applications have made this book popular among students year after year. This latest edition of Swokowski and Cole's ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY WITH ANALYTIC GEOMETRY retains these features. The problems have been consistently praised for being at just the right level for precalculus students. The book also provides calculator examples, including specific keystrokes that show how to use various graphing calculators to solve problems more quickly. Perhaps most important--this book effectively prepares readers for further courses in mathematics.
Cengage Learning, Inc Preparing for the AP United States History Examination
Cengage Learning, Inc English in Action Level 2
English in Action is a four-level core language series for secondary and adult students that engages learners as workers, family members, and citizens. Students master listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar through a variety of lively, classroom-tested, easy-to-use activities.
Cengage Learning, Inc Guía Ilustrada del Templo
El Monte del Templo en Jerusalén es uno de los lugares mà s asombrosos en el mundo. Este fue el sitio del gran Templo de Salomón, una "casa de oración para todos los pueblos"- el centro de adoración y celebración. El Templo es importante, tanto como una obra maestra histórica y arquitectónica, como un sÃ-mbolo espiritual del deseo de Dios de habitar en su pueblo. Este libro viene con là minas transparentes, mà s de 100 imà genes, graficas, diagramas, fotos e ilustraciones, muchas de las cuales nunca han sido publicadas. Abarca el lapso de tiempo desde Abraham hasta nuestros dÃ-as. The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is one of the most breathtaking places in the world. This was the site of Solomon's great Temple, a "house of prayer for all people" - the center of worship and celebration. The Temple is important, both as a historical and architectural masterpiece, and as a spiritual symbol of God's desire to dwell with his people. Now you can see what the Temple looked like more than 3000 years ago. This full-color book gives a complete easy-to-understand overview of the history of the Temple in Jerusalem. People who enjoy Bible study will love the fact that it answers many questions about how the Temple looked during biblical times. Bible scholars and professors will enjoy the well-annotated text. The author is archaeologist and professor Dr. Randall Price. He has spent more than 30 years exploring the Holy Land studying the Temple. This book comes with a clear overlay, more than 100 images, charts, diagrams, photos, and illustrations, many of which have never published before. It covers the span of time from Abraham to modern day.
Cengage Learning, Inc Libro de Líneas de Tiempo Bíblicas y de la Historia del Cristianismo
¡El Libro de Líneas de Tiempo de la Biblia y de la Historia del Cristianismo revela 6000 años de historia, desde Adán hasta nuestros días! Este cronograma desplegable de 20 pies (6 m) incluye cientos de datos históricos, personajes clave y fechas importantes de la Biblia y la historia del cristianismo, juntamente con sucesos destacados y protagonistas de la historia universal y del Oriente Medio. Esta publicación, que incluye docenas de ilustraciones coloridas y fotografías, puede leerse como un libro o desplegarse fuera de su encuadernación para exhibirse sobre una pared en un salón de clases o el hogar. Este panorama histórico organizado de una manera tan singular revela los eventos de la historia del cristianismo en forma paralela a los sucesos contemporáneos de la historia universal. Es fácil observar cómo la historia bíblica se relaciona con los sucesos que tuvieron lugar simultáneamente en todo el Oriente Medio y alrededor del mundo. Por ejemplo: ; Los primeros juegos olímpicos de la historia se celebraron en el tiempo del profeta Jonás (776 a.C.), ; El monte Vesubio entró en erupción y sepultó la ciudad de Pompeya durante el tiempo del apóstol Juan, ; El historiador griego Plutarco nació en 46 d.C., el mismo año en que a los seguidores de Cristo se los llamó por primera vez "cristianos" en Antioquía, ; Los hunos invadieron Europa en 360 d.C., el mismo año en que los libros reemplazaron a los rollos. Esta indispensable herramienta de estudio bíblico constituye un excelente agregado para la biblioteca de recursos de cualquier iglesia, escuela cristiana o sala de clases hogareña. The Book of Bible and Christian History Time Lines reveals 6000 years of history from Adam to today! This 20-foot foldout time line includes hundreds of historical facts, key people, and important dates from Bible and Christian history, alongside key events and people from world and Middle Eastern history. This resource can be read like a book or slipped out of its binding to display on a wall in a classroom or home and includes dozens of colorful illustrations and photographs. This uniquely arranged view of history shows Christian historical events unfolding next to their world history counterparts. It's easy to see how biblical history relates to events that were happening throughout the Middle East and around the world at the same time. For example:; Jonah lived during the time of the first recorded Olympic games (776 BC),; Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried Pompeii during the Apostle John's lifetime,; Plutarch the Greek historian was born AD 46, the same year that followers of Christ were first called "Christians" in Antioch, ; The Huns invaded Europe in 360, the same year that books replaced scrolls. This indispensable Bible study tool is a great addition for any church resource library, Christian school, or homeschool classroom.
Cengage Learning, Inc Student Solutions Manual for Straumanis' Organic Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry, 2nd
The Student Solutions Manual includes worked-out solutions to all Exercises.
Cengage Learning, Inc Runner
Cengage Learning, Inc Natural Health, Natural Medicine: The Complete Guide to Wellness and Self-care for Optimum Health
Demonstrates how to take an active role in preventative health care-learning how to eat, exercise, and relax, and maintain the immune system, with updated information on low-carbohydrate diets, hormone replacement therapy, Alzheimer's, ADD, reflux disease, autism, diabetes, and other important topics. Reprint.
Cengage Learning, Inc Twenty-One Elephants and Still Standing
Upon completion of the Brooklyn Bridge, P.T. Barnum and his twenty-one elephants parade across to prove to everyone that the bridge is safe.
Cengage Learning, Inc Gilgamesh
The most widely read and enduring interpretation of the classic Babylonian epic. One of the oldest and most universal stories known in literature, the epic of Gilgamesh presents the grand, timeless themes of love and death, loss and reparations within the stirring tale of a hero-king and his doomed friend. A finalist for the National Book Award, Herbert Mason's retelling is at once a triumph of scholarship, a masterpiece of style, and a labor of love that grew out of the poet's long affinity with the original.
Cengage Learning, Inc George and Martha: Round and Round Early Reader
Cengage Learning, Inc The Tin Drum
Cengage Learning, Inc Strokes of Genius: Federer, Nadal, and the Greatest Match Ever Played
Cengage Learning, Inc Whatever It Takes: Geoffrey Canada's Quest to Change Harlem and America
Cengage Learning, Inc The Kazdin Method for Parenting the Defiant Child
Cengage Learning, Inc Critical Thinking in Psychology : Separating Sense from Nonsense: Separating sense from nonsense
Do you have the tools to distinguish between the true science of human thought and behavior from pop psychology? John Ruscio's book provides a tangible and compelling framework for making that distinction. Because we are inundated with 'scientific' claims, the author does not merely differentiate science and pseudoscience, but goes further to teach the fundamentals of scientific reasoning upon which you can base your evaluation of information.
Cengage Learning, Inc Children and Their Art: Art Education for Elementary and Middle Schools
A trusted guide and companion for current and future art educators, CHILDREN AND THEIR ART presents a professional approach to teaching art consistent with national standards for student learning. This Ninth Edition is targeted at middle level and elementary schools. The authors are experienced as art teachers in the public schools and have a broad knowledge about school art programs. The Ninth Edition provides updated developments in theory, research and practices, with a strong emphasis on how digital technology provides new ways of teaching art. The most comprehensive textbook available for teaching art education methods, CHILDREN AND THEIR ART covers all aspects of teaching art in the elementary and middle school classroom: the basic principles and goals of art education, the characteristics and needs of children as learners, the core principles of art as a subject--aesthetics, principles of design, art history, new developments in art media and technology. It also covers all aspects of instruction--curriculum planning, sample lessons, suggested readings, and internet resources. Among numerous updates throughout the text, the Ninth Edition features a brand-new chapter on new media in art education with 22 new images. It features the use of digital technology in elementary and middle school classrooms and examples of digital art created by students.
Cengage Learning, Inc Trusted Criminals: White Collar Crime In Contemporary Society
TRUSTED CRIMINALS: WHITE COLLAR CRIME IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY is a comprehensive guide that covers topics ranging from the problems involved in studying white collar crimes to the principal focus of the crimes to the character of the legal and criminal justice response to the crime.
Cengage Learning, Inc Field Guide to Insects
Detailed descriptions of insect orders, families, and many individual species are illustrated with 1,300 drawings and 142 superb color paintings. Illustrations - which use the unique Peterson Identification System to distinguish one insect from another - include size lines to show the actual length of each insect. A helpful glossary explains the technical terms of insect anatomy.
Cengage Learning, Inc Peterson Field Guide To Rocks And Minerals, A
The definitive guide to rocks and minerals, completely updated for the fifth edition, includes 385 color photographs showing rocks, minerals, and geologic formations. Hundreds of minerals are described, with details such as geographic formations. Hundreds of minerals are described, with details such as geographic distribution, physical properties, chemical composition, and crystalline structures.
Cengage Learning, Inc Peterson Field Guide To Eastern Butterflies, A
This newly designed field guide features descriptions of 524 species of butterflies. One hundred color photographs as well as 348 color range maps accompany the species descriptions. The 541 exquisite color paintings clearly show even the most minute field marks. Introductory chapters include information on butterfly gardening, habitats, and conservation.
Cengage Learning, Inc Promised Land, Crusader State
Pulitzer Prize–winning historian Walter McDougall reinterprets the traditions that have shaped U.S. foreign policy from 1776 to the present in "an entertaining and iconoclastic fashion" (Philadelphia Inquirer). In a concise analysis, McDougall divides American diplomatic history into two stages, which he calls "Old Testament" and "New Testament" phases. The “Old Testament” phase, which ran from the Revolution to the 1890s, centered on protecting and perfecting America within. The "New Testament" phase, from the Spanish-American War to the present, is more interventionist, featuring competing ideals of containment, expansion, and meliorism. Within the “testament” phases, McDougall goes on to further categorize eight conflicting schools of thought.Conversational in tone and highly educational, readers will appreciate McDougall’s astute observations and overview of American foreign policy. Crucially, McDougall contends that by projecting U.S. standards and ideals onto other countries, the U.S. repeatedly overextends its resources and pays too a high a price for assuming such risk. In Promised Land, Crusader State, "McDougall has written a lively and provocative book" (Wall Street Journal) that is "a rich study of the American experience" (Los Angeles Times).
Cengage Learning, Inc Pablo Neruda: Selected Poems/Bilingual Edition
Neruda's Spanish text is presented with in face translations in this comprehensive collection of his works.
Cengage Learning, Inc Philosophy
Students will like exploring the interesting philosophical ideas related to human nature, reality, truth, ethics, the meaning of life, diversity and social/political philosophy with Velasquez''s PHILOSOPHY: A TEXT WITH READINGS, 14th Edition. The book is built on clear and engaging writing and the nontechnical primary source readings make complex philosophical concepts easier to understand. The book includes numerous carefully crafted learning aids that help you quickly master the material and succeed in your course. Much of the text is designed to help users learn how to reason logically -- a skill that will be of immense benefit not only in your other courses, but throughout your life.
Cengage Learning, Inc Horizons Exploring the Universe
The 15th Edition of Seeds/Backman/Wegryn''s HORIZONS: EXPLORING THE UNIVERSE, is made for aspiring astronomers and science enthusiasts alike. This edition brings together the latest discoveries and interactive tools to match a variety of learning styles. Explore stars and how they''re connected to planet formation and life on Earth.
Cengage Learning, Inc Essentials of Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel
Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann/Anderson/Sweeney/Williams' ESSENTIALS OF MODERN BUSINESS STATISTICS WITH MICROSOFT? EXCEL?, 9th Edition, balances real-world applications with an integrated focus on the latest version of Microsoft? Excel?. Learn to master statistical methodology with an easy-to-follow presentation of a statistical procedure followed by a discussion on how to use Excel?. Step-by-step instructions and images ensure understanding. Over 70 new business examples, proven methods and application exercises show how statistics provide insights into today's business decisions and problems. A unique problem-scenario approach and new case problems demonstrate how to apply statistical methods to practical business situations. MindTap digital resources provide tools to help you master Excel?, Excel? Online and R as well as gain an understanding of business statistics.
Cengage Learning, Inc South-Western Federal Taxation 2024: Comprehensive Volume
Master today's most current tax concepts and tax law with Young/Persellin/Nellen/Maloney/Cuccia/Lassar/Cripe���s SOUTH-WESTERN FEDERAL TAXATION 2024: COMPREHENSIVE, 47th EDITION, and accompanying professional tax software. Updates emphasize the most recent tax changes impacting individuals, corporations, partnerships, estates and trusts, and financial statements. You will examine updates and reforms to 2023 tax laws as well as emerging developments. Recent examples, updated summaries and current tax scenarios clarify concepts and help sharpen critical-thinking, writing and research skills. Sample exam questions from Becker C.P.A. Exam Review also help you prepare. Each edition includes access to Intuit�� ProConnect tax software, Checkpoint�� Edge (Student Edition) from Thomson Reuters, and the online learning platform CNOWv2. Use this complete introduction to federal taxes to prepare for the C.P.A. exam or the Enrolled Agent exam, or to further your career in tax accounting, financial reporting or auditing.
Cengage Learning, Inc Package: Spanish Translated Milady's Standard Cosmetology with Standard Foundations (Softcover)
Give your program the edge it deserves with Milady Cosmetology, 14th edition, our best edition yet. This edition delivers a holistic cosmetology education that's inclusive of all clients and their unique needs. Future cosmetologists will develop the skills required to ace their state licensing exam and to launch a rewarding and successful career. Available in 2-book print format (Standard Foundations + Cosmetology 14th Edition) or digitally with CIMA, our sleek and sophisticated new digital learning platform. An even bigger emphasis on diversity and inclusion With keen insights on all hair textures, skin types and genders, this new-and-improved content will better prepare beauty professionals to successfully serve all clients. A modern approach to learning Competency based learning objectives are clear, defined and focus on what the student must demonstrate or perfect. Interactive content, including plenty of videos, will engage and educate in equal measure. New step-by-step procedures for current trends and popular styles Students will enjoy 21 procedures with revised steps and new imagery (making them more visual and intuitive). Lots of new video procedures are also available within CIMA, making it easier for your students to learn. A whole new look + layout worthy of the leader in beauty education Gorgeous imagery and compelling videos thoroughly demonstrate techniques, build confidence, and help students excel every step of the way. Smart tips regarding flipped classrooms and how to develop lesson plans in a hybrid/distance program are highlighted throughout the materials as well. A seamless transition With comprehensive instructor resources (built right into CIMA) and a transition guide that outlines every change between the editions, it ''s easier than ever to switch to the new edition.
Cengage Learning, Inc Exam Review for Milady Standard Esthetics
Exam Review for Milady Standard Esthetics
Cengage Learning, Inc Calculus of a Single Variable : Early Transcendental Functions
Discover the clear explanations and digital support you need to truly understand calculus with CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, 8th Edition by award-winning authors Larson and Edwards. This edition effectively introduces and demonstrates the concepts and rules behind calculus using a thoroughly updated learning experience specifically designed to remove any typical barriers to learning. New 'Big Ideas of Calculus' notes present the overarching ideas behind chapter topics, while new automatically graded Proof Problems, annotated examples and 'Concept Checks' further reinforce your understanding. Step-by-step solution videos, exercise solutions and other tutorial support are available at no cost from, and In addition, 'Explore It' interactive learning modules within WebAssign digital resources help you develop a deeper conceptual understanding of calculus to succeed in this course and beyond.
Cengage Learning, Inc South-Western Federal Taxation 2023: Essentials of Taxation: Individuals and Business Entities (Intuit ProConnect Tax Online & RIA Checkpoint��, 1 term Printed Access Card)
Master today's most current tax concepts and tax law with SOUTH-WESTERN FEDERAL TAXATION 2023: ESSENTIALS OF TAXATION: INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ENTITIES, 26E. This brief edition focuses on the most important recent tax changes impacting individuals, corporations, partnerships, estates and trusts and financial statements. You examine updates and reforms to 2022 tax laws as well as emerging developments. Recent examples, updated summaries and current tax scenarios clarify concepts and help sharpen critical-thinking, writing and research skills. Sample exam questions from Becker C.P.A. Exam Review also help you prepare. Each new book includes access to Intuit�� ProConnect tax software, Checkpoint�� (Student Edition) from Thomson Reuters and CNOWv2 online learning platform. Use this brief resource to prepare for the C.P.A. exam or the Enrolled Agent exam, or to further your career.
Cengage Learning, Inc Fraud Examination
Learn to identify, detect, investigate and prevent financial fraud today with Albrecht/Albrecht/Albrecht/Zimbelman''s FRAUD EXAMINATION, 7th EDITION. Develop fraud skills as you become a better interviewer, stronger and more skeptical document examiner, better technology user and more informed decision-maker. Closely examine and gain a strong understanding of the types of fraud and nature of fraud investigation today with current business examples and numerous actual fraud cases, delivered first-hand from the authors'' experience. FRAUD EXAMINATION, 7th EDITION, presents today''s most important fraud concepts with an emphasis on the growing areas of e-business and cyber fraud. Significant discussion familiarizes you with forensic analysis as well as legal options for victims of fraud. New discussion also highlights how experts use technology to accomplish fraud and detect fraud.
Cengage Learning, Inc South-Western Federal Taxation 2023: Comprehensive (with Intuit ProConnect Tax Online & RIA Checkpoint��)
Master today's most current tax concepts and tax law with SOUTH-WESTERN FEDERAL TAXATION 2023: COMPREHENSIVE, 46E and accompanying professional tax software. Updates emphasize the most recent tax changes impacting individuals, corporations, partnerships, estates and trusts and financial statements. You examine updates and reforms to 2022 tax laws as well as emerging developments. Recent examples, updated summaries and current tax scenarios clarify concepts and help sharpen critical-thinking, writing and research skills. Sample exam questions from Becker C.P.A. Exam Review also help you prepare. Each new book includes access to Intuit�� ProConnect tax software, Checkpoint�� (Student Edition) from Thomson Reuters and CNOWv2 online tools. Use this complete introduction to federal taxes to prepare for the C.P.A. exam or the Enrolled Agent exam, or to simply further your career in tax accounting, financial reporting or auditing.
Cengage Learning, Inc Lab Manual for CompTIA A+ Guide to Information Technology Technical Support
The Laboratory Manual is a valuable tool designed to enhance your lab experience. Lab activities, objectives, materials lists, step-by-step procedures, illustrations, and review questions are commonly found in a Lab Manual.
Cengage Learning, Inc Industrial Motor Control
INDUSTRIAL MOTOR CONTROL 7E is an integral part of any electrician training. Comprehensive and up to date, this book provides crucial information on basic relay control systems, programmable logic controllers, and solid state devices commonly found in an industrial setting. Written by a highly qualified and respected author, you will find easy-to-follow instructions and essential information on controlling industrial motors and commonly used devices in contemporary industry. INDUSTRIAL MOTOR CONTROL 7E successfully bridges the gap between industrial maintenance and instrumentation, giving you a fundamental understanding of the operation of variable frequency drives, solid state relays, and other applications that employ electronic devices.
Cengage Learning, Inc Law Office Technology: A Theory-Based Approach
Gain a thorough understanding of the important role of technology in today's legal setting with Lusk/Traina Donnes' LAW OFFICE TECHNOLOGY: A THEORY-BASED APPROACH, 9E. This theory-based companion guide perfectly complements the practical lessons included in the National Society for Legal Technology���s (NSLT) Legal Technology Certificate program. With this guide, you examine the theory behind technology and its applications as you study "why" and "when" to use software tools in the legal profession. This focus on "why" software is used seamlessly supports NSLT's practical approach that emphasize "how" to use software. Engaging narratives integrate the latest developments as you explore the reasons to use software, and meaningful discussions delve into ethical considerations before using software tools. This critical content supplements what you learn in classroom lectures with interesting readings that enhance your overall software training experience.
Cengage Learning, Inc Psychopathology A CompetencyBased Assessment for Social Workers
Gray''s PSYCHOPATHOLOGY, 5e, offers a compelling look at the current state of knowledge about mental disorders from a social work perspective. The author?s accessible narrative includes detailed, realistic vignettes of situations social workers commonly encounter in clinical practice, and offers strategies for building on clients'' strengths, resilience and insights about social workers'' roles in working with the mentally ill. Part of the Cengage Empowerment Series, the up-to-date 5th edition summarizes the current state of knowledge about mental disorders, including a thorough integration of the DSM-5-TR. It also integrates the core competencies and recommended practice behaviors outlined in the 2022 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) set by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).
Cengage Learning, Inc Intermediate Financial Management
Gain an understanding of the financial challenges facing businesses today -- and the best solutions -- with the only book written specifically for intermediate or advanced corporate finance courses: INTERMEDIATE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, 14E. Written by leading finance authors Gene Brigham and Phillip Daves, this reader-friendly text blends in-depth discussions of core financial management issues with the most current coverage of topics reshaping finance today, including the unfolding impact of the global pandemic. This comprehensive approach balances theory with practical applications, using corporate valuation as a unifying theme to emphasize the theoretic groundwork for value maximization. Integrated, extensive Excel? tools and spreadsheet models work with recent examples, mini-cases and exercises to illustrate how financial theory in practice leads to stronger financial decisions. MindTap digital resources help you further master the concepts and skills to analyze business decisions.
Cengage Learning, Inc American Government and Politics Today
Ford/Bardes/Schmidt/Shelley's AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS TODAY equips you with the knowledge to make informed choices and the tools to play an active role in the decision-making process in your community. Bringing chapter concepts to life through engaging examples of politics, politicians and policies in action, the 19th edition is completely up to date and covers the 2020 primary and general elections, COVID-19, civil liberties in quarantine, climate change, gun violence, race and gender dynamics, migration and immigration, recent court decisions and social media's prominent role in politics. The text also explores the roots of political polarization, its impact on civil discourse and shared governance, and the consequences when our divisions prevent us from solving public problems. In addition, the MindTap digital learning solution gives you anywhere, anytime learning resources.