Search results for ""Author Rainer"
Kohlhammer Inklusion Im Forderschwerpunkt Lernen
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) EMRK/GG: Konkordanzkommentar zum europäischen und deutschen Grundrechtsschutz
Die dritte Auflage des Konkordanzkommentars EMRK/GG erörtert in bewährter Form die Wechselwirkungen zwischen deutschem und europäischem Grundrechtsschutz. Auf der Grundlage der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte und des Bundesverfassungsgerichts werden die dogmatischen Grundfragen, die Einzelgewährleistungen und die Durchsetzungsmechanismen des europäischen und deutschen Grundrechtsschutzes einer vergleichenden Analyse unterzogen. Die seit der Vorauflage ergangene Rechtsprechung ist umfassend in die Darstellung eingearbeitet. Dabei werden auch aktuelle Entwicklungen wie die praktischen Auswirkungen der neu entfachten Debatte über das Subsidiaritätsprinzip und den mitgliedstaatlichen Beurteilungsspielraum bei der Bewertung von Grundrechtseingriffen gebührend berücksichtigt.
De Gruyter Friedl Dicker-Brandeis: Works from the Collection of the University of Applied Arts Vienna
Bauhaus artist Friedl Dicker-Brandeis The work of Friedl Dicker-Brandeis (1898–1944) occupies a key position in the broader history of the Austrian avant-garde while also deepening our understanding of modernism. Her work covers an impressive range of media and genres in the visual and applied arts. Influenced by her studies at Vienna’s Kunstgewerbeschule (which later became the University of Applied Arts Vienna), the Itten Private School, and the Bauhaus in Weimar, she worked as a painter, stage designer, architect, designer in Vienna and Berlin, in exile, and as a deportee. This book explores the heterogeneity of Dicker’s work, reconstructs her artistic strategies and references to aesthetic and political discourses from the 1920s to the 1940s, and documents for the first time her works in the collection of the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Portrait of her work and collection catalog, dedicated to the artist, designer, and architect Friedl Dicker-Brandeis Essays by Julie M. Johnson, Robin Rehm, Daniela Stöppel, and others To accompany an exhibition in Vienna and Zurich; awarded as one of the most beautiful books in Austria in 2022
John Wiley & Sons Inc 5G for the Connected World
Comprehensive Handbook Demystifies 5G for Technical and Business Professionals in Mobile Telecommunication Fields Much is being said regarding the possibilities and capabilities of the emerging 5G technology, as the evolution towards 5G promises to transform entire industries and many aspects of our society. 5G for the Connected World offers a comprehensive technical overview that telecommunication professionals need to understand and take advantage of these developments. The book offers a wide-ranging coverage of the technical aspects of 5G (with special consideration of the 3GPP Release 15 content), how it enables new services and how it differs from LTE. This includes information on potential use cases, aspects of radio and core networks, spectrum considerations and the services primarily driving 5G development and deployment. The text also looks at 5G in relation to the Internet of Things, machine to machine communication and technical enablers such as LTE-M, NB-IoT and EC-GSM. Additional chapters discuss new business models for telecommunication service providers and vertical industries as a result of introducing 5G and strategies for staying ahead of the curve. Other topics include: Key features of the new 5G radio such as descriptions of new waveforms, massive MIMO and beamforming technologies as well as spectrum considerations for 5G radio regarding all possible bands Drivers, motivations and overview of the new 5G system – especially RAN architecture and technology enablers (e.g. service-based architecture, compute-storage split and network exposure) for native cloud deployments Mobile edge computing, Non-3GPP access, Fixed-Mobile Convergence Detailed overview of mobility management, session management and Quality of Service frameworks 5G security vision and architecture Ultra-low latency and high reliability use cases and enablers, challenges and requirements (e.g. remote control, industrial automation, public safety and V2X communication) An outline of the requirements and challenges imposed by massive numbers of devices connected to cellular networks While some familiarity with the basics of 3GPP networks is helpful, 5G for the Connected World is intended for a variety of readers. It will prove a useful guide for telecommunication professionals, standardization experts, network operators, application developers and business analysts (or students working in these fields) as well as infrastructure and device vendors looking to develop and integrate 5G into their products, and to deploy 5G radio and core networks.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bio- and Multifunctional Polymer Architectures: Preparation, Analytical Methods, and Applications
This reference/text addresses concepts and synthetic techniques for the preparation of polymers for state-of-the-art use in biomedicine, synthetic biology, and bionanotechnology.
Gregory R Miller & Company On the Town: A Performa Compendium 2016–2021
From demands for racial justice to the discussions around monuments and memorials, On the Town provides a vivid account of current debates through the lens of performance This book builds on a series of acclaimed Performa drawing content and inspiration from the organization’s international biennials and programs. It features projects by more than 100 of the leading artists, choreographers, architects, theater and film directors working today. On the Town documents the 2017 and 2019 editions of the Performa biennial along with five years of public programs, films and exhibitions touring the globe. Illustrated with performance photos, essays and interviews with the artists, it captures a critical juncture in the evolution of performance.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Vom Berührtsein und von der Kunst der Berührung: Leidfaden 2023, Heft 4
Berührungen: Manchmal sind sie selbstverständlich, manchmal sehr intim. Oft beiläufig, gelegentlich bewusst. Manche nehmen wir kaum wahr und erinnern uns nicht an sie, andere haben für immer eine Bedeutung. Manche sind intensiv oder gehen gar unter die Haut und andere wiederum gehen zu nahe, überschreiten Grenzen. Berührungen können berühren – und Berührungen sind keine »Einbahnstraße«. Berühren wir, werden auch wir berührt und damit unser Dasein. Berühren sucht nach einer Antwort, die wir in der Begegnung finden. Warum braucht der Mensch überhaupt Berührung? Was lernen wir aus der Pandemie, in der Menschen in Pflegeinrichtungen und Sterbende in Kliniken plötzlich keine Nähe und auch keine Berührung mehr erfahren durften? Was passiert, wenn wir emotional zu sehr berührt werden, und ist Abgrenzung oder aber Nähe das beste Rezept, um uns davor zu schützen? Tattoos von Verstorbenen Menschen gehen »unter die Haut«, sind eingeprägt wie die körperlichen Erfahrungen, an die sich selbst Menschen mit Demenz erinnern können. In diesem Leidfaden-Themenheft gehen wir auf »Tuchfühlung«, wenn es um die körperlichen, emotionalen und seelischen Berührungen in unserer täglichen Arbeit geht.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Who’s who im Neuen Testament?: Berühmte Personen aus den urchristlichen Schriften im Porträt
Noch heute laufen manche Menschen von Pontius zu Pilatus oder waschen ihre Hände in Unschuld. Manche werden gar vom Saulus zum Paulus oder müssen ihr Licht wahrlich nicht unter den Scheffel stellen. Erstaunlich, wie viele Sprichwörter ihren Ursprung in den Geschichten haben, die das Neue Testament über Jesus oder die Menschen aus seinem Umfeld erzählt. Was genau es damit auf sich hat, erklärt dieses Buch – in verständlicher, unterhaltsamer Sprache und zugleich wissenschaftlich, theologisch und historisch fundiert. Mehr als 40 Kurzporträts zeichnen ein facettenreiches Bild von Menschen, die Jesus während seines irdischen Lebens – und danach – begegnet sind. Ein ausführliches Kapitel widmet sich Jesus selbst und beleuchtet sein Leben, sein Lehren und Handeln. Dieser Band eignet sich als Einstiegslektüre ins Neue Testament und als Nachschlagewerk für die berufliche Praxis. Neben Erläuterungen zu den Bibeltexten enthält er zeitgeschichtliche Zusatzinformationen und bietet Impulse für die bleibende Bedeutung dieser Erzählungen.
De Gruyter Wendepunkte im Bauen: Von der seriellen zur digitalen Architektur
Wendepunkte im Bauen begleitet die Ausstellung in der Pinakothek der Moderne in München von März bis Juni 2010. Das Buch beinhaltet: • Aufsätze u.a. zur Geschichte des Systembaus in Deutschland, über Industrialisierung und Digitalisierung des Bauens und über den Einsatz von Computern in der Planung • Ausführlicher Katalogteil mit Fotos von Modellen/gebauten Beispielen und Plänen zu Projekten (August von Voit | Glaspalast, Jean Prouvè | Maison tropicale, Richard Buckminster Fuller | Dymaxion House, Konrad Wachsmann | United States Air Force Hangar, Frank O. Gehry | Vitra Design Museum, Thomas Herzog, Hanns Jörg Schrade | Design Center, Foster and Partners | Überdachung des Great Court des British Museum, UNStudio - van Berkel & Bos | Mercedes-Benz Museum • Gedanken zeitgenössischer Architekten zu Bedeutung und Wirkung von Wachsmanns „Wendepunkt im Bauen“ "
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Grundlagen der Baubetriebslehre 1: Baubetriebswirtschaft
Die Autoren geben einen umfassenden, leichtverständlichen Einblick in alle Themenbereiche des Baubetriebs und der Bauwirtschaft. Dabei beschreiben sie u.a. auch Ausschreibungen nach VOB, VOL und VOF sowie die Kalkulation und deren Ablauf. Die 2. Auflage wurde aktualisiert und berücksichtigt die VOB 2009.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Operations Research: Eine Einführung
Das vorliegende Buch liefert eine Einführung in das Gebiet des Operations Research und ist primär für Studenten nicht-mathematischer Fachrichtungen, insbesondere für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler gedacht. Es werden jedoch auch Mathematiker angesprochen, die sich einen einführenden methodischen Überblick über das Gesamtgebiet verschaffen wollen. Dem Praktiker werden die Ausführungen helfen, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des praktischen Einsatzes von OR-Verfahren zu beurteilen. Durch die anschauliche, leicht verständliche und durch viele Grafiken unterstützte Darstellung soll der mathematisch weniger geübte Leser angesprochen werden. Dabei wird nicht nur die Lineare Optimierung (einschließlich der Sensitivitätsanalyse und der Ganzzahligen Optimierung) behandelt. Es wird ebenfalls eine Einführung in die Nichtlineare Optimierung und in die Dynamische Optimierung gegeben. Die dargestellten Verfahren werden ausführlich in jedem Schritt erläutert.
Birkhauser Flat Roof Construction Manual: Materials, Design, Applications
often described as the "fifth façade", the flat roof is extremely popular with architects. Its essential task is to shelter the space beneath it from the elements. Beyond this, the use of flat roofs may be optimized by integrating them as green roofs, roof terraces, circulation areas, and even productive solar roofs. In practice, however, their correct and professional realization is a highly exacting task: in addition to providing the planner with basic rules of construction and design, the Flat Roof Manual also supplies an overview of the use and construction types as well as the standard assemblies for flat roofs. Together with the most important standards and bodies of regulations, construction drawings of the principal connection points round out the volume.
John Wiley & Sons Inc LTE for Public Safety
The aim of the book is to educate government agencies, operators, vendors and other regulatory institutions how LTE can be deployed to serve public safety market and offer regulatory / public safety features. It is written in such a way that it can be understood by both technical and non-technical personnel with just introductory knowledge in wireless communication. Some sections and chapters about public safety services offered by LTE network are intended to be understood by anyone with no knowledge in wireless communication.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Partial Discharges (PD): Detection, Identification and Localization
PARTIAL DISCHARGES (PD) — DETECTION, IDENTIFICATION AND LOCALIZATION Explore state-of-the-art partial discharge measurement techniques In Partial Discharges (PD) — Detection, Identification and Localization, a team of distinguished electrical engineers delivers a comprehensive treatment of the behavior, modeling, measurement, monitoring, localization, and evaluation of partial discharges. It includes coverage of all major advancements in the field that have occurred over the last few decades. It also discusses partial discharge phenomena, detection methods, and strategies for analyzing and processing collected data. Mechanisms of insulation failure are explored, as is the denoising of partial discharge measurement data and the localization of partial discharge in large, high-voltage equipment. Non-electric principles and procedures are discussed, and the book offers a variety of tables, figures, and photographs to illustrate the concepts discussed within. Partial Discharges(PD) also provides: A thorough introduction to the physical behavior of partial discharges, including their causes and classification Comprehensive modeling of partial discharge behavior, including classical and dipole discharges Practical discussions of the measurement of partial discharges, including the electrical method, partial discharge decoupling, and pre- and post-processing of partial discharges In-depth examinations of the monitoring of partial discharge behavior, including methods and realization Perfect for electrical engineers engaged in electrical power engineering, Partial Discharges (PD) will also earn a place in the libraries of research and development specialists employed in the manufacturing, quality testing and operation of electrical systems.
Northwestern University Press Constraining Chance: Georges Perec and the Oulipo
A token of the world's instability and of human powerlessness, chance is inevitably a crucial literary theme. It also presents formal problems: Must the artist struggle against chance in pursuit of a flawless work? Or does chance have a place in the artistic process or product? This book examines the representation and staging of chance in literature through the study of a specific case - the work of the twentieth-century French writer Georges Perec (1936-82).In ""Constraining Chance"", James explores the ways in which Perec's texts exploit the possibilities of chance, by both tapping into its creative potential and controlling its operation. These works, she demonstrates, strive to capture essential aspects of human life: its 'considerable energy' (Perec's phrase), its boundless possibilities, but also the constraints and limitations that bind it. A member of the Ouvroir de litterature potentielle (known as Oulipo), Perec adopted the group's dictum that the literary work should be 'anti-chance' - a product of fully conscious creative processes. James shows how Perec gave this notion a twist, using Oulipian precepts both to explore the role of chance in human existence and to redefine the possibilities of literary form. Thus the investigation of chance links Perec's writing methods, which harness chance for creative purposes, to the thematic exploration of causality, chance, and fate in his writings.
DruckVerlag Kettler Painting Forever! 5 pb
This four-part publication, bound into a single volume with binding screws, catalogues a four-part exhibition at the Berlinische Galerie, Deutsche Bank KunstHalle, KW Institute for Contemporary Art and Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin. It includes work by Martin Eder, Anselm Reyle, Thomas Scheibitz, Franz Ackermann, Jeanne Mammen and many others. Bilingual edition ***Four volumes held together by screws***
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH R für Dummies
Wollen Sie auch die umfangreichen Möglichkeiten von R nutzen, um Ihre Daten zu analysieren, sind sich aber nicht sicher, ob Sie mit der Programmiersprache wirklich zurechtkommen? Keine Sorge - dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, wie es geht - selbst wenn Sie keine Vorkenntnisse in der Programmierung oder Statistik haben. Andrie de Vries und Joris Meys zeigen Ihnen Schritt für Schritt und anhand zahlreicher Beispiele, was Sie alles mit R machen können und vor allem wie Sie es machen können. Von den Grundlagen und den ersten Skripten bis hin zu komplexen statistischen Analysen und der Erstellung aussagekräftiger Grafiken. Auch fortgeschrittenere Nutzer finden in diesem Buch viele Tipps und Tricks, die Ihnen die Datenauswertung erleichtern.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Management Information Systems: Moving Business Forward, EMEA Edition
The 4e, EMEA Edition of Management Information Systems promotes active learning like no other text in the market. Each chapter is comprised of tightly coupled concepts and section-level student activities that transport your students from passively learning about IS to doing IS in a realistic context.
Grols Verlag Neue Gedichte
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Investment Law and History
Historiographical approaches to international investment law scholarship are becoming ever more important. This insightful book combines perspectives from a range of expert international law scholars who explore ways in which using a broad variety of historical methods and historical research can lead to a better understanding of international investment law.International Investment Law and History critically analyses the use of historical argument in international investment law. It examines the vital roles that historical arguments play in interpreting investment treaties, resolving investor-state disputes, and justifying or criticising the current system of investment protection.This book is the first in-depth study on the methodological challenges and benefits of historical analysis in international investment law. As such, it is a vital tool for scholars and practitioners in the field who wish to understand ways in which to use historical research and analysis to improve and redefine international investment law.Contributors include: M. Boase, H. Bray, Y. Chernykh, J. Ho, R. Hofmann, J. Kammerhofer, A. Kulick, K. Miles, M. Pinchis-Paulsen, S.W. Schill, T. St. John, C.J. Tams, J. Yackee
Apple Academic Press Inc. Pathways to Modern Physical Chemistry: An Engineering Approach with Multidisciplinary Applications
Pathways to Modern Physical Chemistry: An Engineering Approach with Multidisciplinary Applications focuses on recent trends and takes a systematic and practical look at theoretical aspects of materials chemistry. The book describes the characterization and analysis methods for materials and explains physical transport mechanisms in various materials. Not only does this book summarize the classical theories of materials chemistry, but it also exhibits their engineering applications in response to the current key issues. Recent trends in several areas are explored, including polymer science, textile engineering, and chemical engineering science, which have important application to practice.
Springer International Publishing AG Handbook of Signal Processing Systems
In this new edition of the Handbook of Signal Processing Systems, many of the chapters from the previous editions have been updated, and several new chapters have been added. The new contributions include chapters on signal processing methods for light field displays, throughput analysis of dataflow graphs, modeling for reconfigurable signal processing systems, fast Fourier transform architectures, deep neural networks, programmable architectures for histogram of oriented gradients processing, high dynamic range video coding, system-on-chip architectures for data analytics, analysis of finite word-length effects in fixed-point systems, and models of architecture. There are more than 700 tables and illustrations; in this edition over 300 are in color. This new edition of the handbook is organized in three parts. Part I motivates representative applications that drive and apply state-of-the art methods for design and implementation of signal processing systems; Part II discusses architectures for implementing these applications; and Part III focuses on compilers, as well as models of computation and their associated design tools and methodologies.
Springer International Publishing AG Intelligence - Theories and Applications
Intelligence allows people to understand events and to shape their surrounding environment. This book delves deeper into the theories and applications of intelligence, showing it is a multifaceted concept —defined and explained differently by prestigious experts of various disciplines in their own research. The book provides interdisciplinary connections of intelligence as it relates to a variety of clearly outlined subject areas, and should lead to a deep understanding of the phenomenon as it pertains to practical applications in different domains. Contributors in this volume present results from evolutionary biology, mathematics, artificial intelligence, medicine, psychology, cultural studies, economy, political sciences and philosophy. Individual scientific models are integrated in an interdisciplinary concept of wisdom. This volume will help enhance the common understanding of intelligence for fellow researchers and scientists alike.
Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Georg Baselitz: Peintre Graveur IV: Catalog Raisonne of the Graphic Work 1989-1992
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Forschungsprojekte Entwickeln: Von Der Idee Bis Zur Publikation
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften, Lehrbuch plus Aufgaben und Lösungen im Set: Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie, Differential- und Integralrechnung einer Variablen
Das günstige Set aus Lehrbuch und Übungsbuch zur linearen Algebra, analytischen Geometrie und Differential- und Integralrechnung einer Variablen!
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften 2: Aufgaben und Lösungen
Für alle, die noch mehr lernen möchten: mehr als 320 Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen zum Band 2 des unschlagbar präzisen Ansorge/Oberle-Lehrwerks zur Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften In sämtlichen Ingenieurwissenschaften, insbesondere im Maschinenbau, im Bauingenieurwesen und in der Elektrotechnik, ist Mathematik unverzichtbar bei der Beschreibung, Modellierung und Lösung ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Probleme. Für Studierende dieser Fächer ist es daher unabdingbar, sich detailliert mit der Mathematik auseinanderzusetzen und Wissen zu erwerben, das über die reine Anwendung von "Kochrezepten" hinausgeht. Das vorliegende Übungsbuch zu Band 2 des vollständig überarbeiteten und erweiterten Lehrwerks "Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften" enthält mehr als 320 Aufgaben und Lösungen zur Differential- und Integralrechnung mehrerer Variablen, Differentialgleichungen, Integraltransformationen und zur Funktionentheorie. * Zum Tiefereinsteigen: besonders geeignet für diejenigen, die eine anspruchsvolle Darstellung der höheren Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften suchen * Bewährtes Konzept, überarbeitet und erweitert: präzise, sauber, fachlich korrekt und anwendungsnah * Dazu passend: das neue Lehrbuch
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften 1: Aufgaben und Lösungen
Für alle, die noch mehr lernen möchten: mehr als 380 Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen zum Band 1 des unschlagbar präzisen Ansorge/Oberle-Lehrwerks zur Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften In sämtlichen Ingenieurwissenschaften, insbesondere im Maschinenbau, im Bauingenieurwesen und in der Elektrotechnik, ist Mathematik unverzichtbar bei der Beschreibung, Modellierung und Lösung ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Probleme. Für Studierende dieser Fächer ist es daher unabdingbar, sich detailliert mit der Mathematik auseinanderzusetzen und Wissen zu erwerben, das über die reine Anwendung von "Kochrezepten" hinausgeht. Das vorliegende Übungsbuch zu Band 1 des vollständig überarbeiteten und erweiterten Lehrwerks "Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften" enthält mehr als 380 Aufgaben und Lösungen zur Linearen Algebra und analytischen Geometrie sowie zur Differential- und Integralrechnung einer Variablen. * Zum Tiefereinsteigen: besonders geeignet für diejenigen, die eine anspruchsvolle Darstellung der höheren Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften suchen * Bewährtes Konzept, überarbeitet und erweitert: präzise, sauber, fachlich korrekt und anwendungsnah * Dazu passend: das neue Lehrbuch
Pennsylvania State University Press Judah and the Judeans in the Fourth Century B.C.E.
During the past decade, the period from the 7th century B.C.E. and later has been a major focus because it is thought to be the era when much of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament was formed. As a result, there has also been much interest in the historical developments of that time and specifically in the status of Judah and its neighbors. Three conferences dealing roughly with a century each were organized, and the first conference was held in Tel Aviv in 2001; the proceedings of that conference were published as Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babylonian Period. The second volume was published in early 2006, a report on the conference held in Heidelberg in July 2003: Judah and the Judeans in the Persian Period.Judah and the Judeans in the Fourth Century B.C.E. is the publication of the proceedings of the third conference, which was held in Muenster, Germany, in August 2005; the essays in it focus on the century during which the Persian Empire fell to Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic kingdoms came to the fore.Participants whose contributions are published here are: R. Achenbach, R. Albertz, B. Becking, E. Ben Zvi, J. Blenkinsopp, E. Eshel, H. Eshel, L. L. Grabbe, A. Kloner, G. N. Knoppers, I. Kottsieper, A. Lemaire, O. Lipschits, Y. Magen, K. Schmid, I. Stern., O. Tal, D. Vanderhooft, J. Wiesehöfer, J. L. Wright, and J. W. Wright.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Anchorage in Concrete Construction
A comprehensive treatment of current fastening technology using inserts (anchor channels, headed stud), anchors (metal expansion anchor, undercut anchor, bonded anchor, concrete screw and plastic anchor) as well as power actuated fasteners in concrete. It describes in detail the fastening elements as well as their effects and load-bearing capacities in cracked and non-cracked concrete. It further focuses on corrosion behaviour, fire resistance and characteristics with earthquakes and shocks. It finishes off with the design of fastenings according to the European Technical Approval Guideline (ETAG 001), the Final Draft of the CEN Technical Specification 'Design of fastenings for use in concrete' and the American Standards ACI 318-05, Appendix D and ACI 349-01, Appendix B.
Lit Verlag Proceed with Caution?: Concept and Application of the Precautionary Principle in Nanobiotechnology
Royal Society of Chemistry Green Chemistry for Surface Coatings, Inks and Adhesives: Sustainable Applications
Many modern surface coatings and adhesives are derived from fossil feedstocks. With fossil fuels becoming more polluting and expensive to extract as supplies dwindle, industry is turning increasingly to nature, mimicking natural solutions using renewable raw materials and employing new technologies. Highlighting sustainable technologies and applications of renewable raw materials within the framework of green and sustainable chemistry, circular economy and resource efficiency, this book provides a cradle-to-cradle perspective. From potential feedstocks to recycling/reuse opportunities and the de-manufacture of adhesives and solvents, green chemistry principles are applied to all aspects of surface coating, printing, adhesive and sealant manufacture. This book is ideal for students, researchers and industrialists working in green sustainable chemistry, industrial coatings, adhesives, inks and printing technologies.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Poems from the Book of Hours
Although The Book of Hours is the work of Rilke’s youth, it contains the germ of his mature convictions. Written as spontaneously received prayers, these poems celebrate a God who is not the Creator of the Universe but rather humanityitself and, above all, that most intensely conscious part of humanity, the artist. Babette Deutsch’s classic translations—born from “the pure desire to sing what thepoet sang” (Ursula K. Le Guin)—capture the rich harmony and suggestive imagery of the originals, transporting the reader to new heights of inspiration and musicality.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften, Lehrbuch plus Aufgaben und Lösungen im Set: Differential- und Integralrechnung, Differentialgleichungen, Integraltransformationen, Funktionen einer komplexen Variablen
Das günstige Set aus Lehrbuch und Übungsbuch zur Differential- und Integralrechnung mehrerer Variablen, Differentialgleichungen, Integraltransformationen und Funktionen einer komplexen Variablen!
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Compliance in International Human Rights Law
This comprehensive Research Handbook offers an in-depth examination of the most significant factors affecting compliance with international human rights law, which has emerged as one of the key problems in the efforts to promote effective protection of human rights. In particular, it examines the relationships between regional human rights courts and domestic actors and judiciaries.Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the Research Handbook explores the legal and political considerations that shape compliance, using a combination of both international and comparative law analysis in the assessment of regional human rights regimes. Chapters written by leading scholars and practitioners from around the globe cover a wide range of jurisdictions from Europe, Latin America and Africa and their interactions with regional human rights courts. The Research Handbook also discusses the limits of, and possible alternatives to, compliance as a framework for analysis, offering a fuller understanding of the effectiveness of international human rights law.Scholars, students and practitioners of public international law, international human rights law and comparative law will find this Research Handbook an invaluable resource. It will also benefit officials and lawyers working with international organisations who deal with human rights issues on a regular basis.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Multivalency: Concepts, Research and Applications
Connects fundamental knowledge of multivalent interactions with current practice and state-of-the-art applications Multivalency is a widespread phenomenon, with applications spanning supramolecular chemistry, materials chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and biochemistry. This advanced textbook provides students and junior scientists with an excellent introduction to the fundamentals of multivalent interactions, whilst expanding the knowledge of experienced researchers in the field. Multivalency: Concepts, Research & Applications is divided into three parts. Part one provides background knowledge on various aspects of multivalency and cooperativity and presents practical methods for their study. Fundamental aspects such as thermodynamics, kinetics and the principle of effective molarity are described, and characterisation methods, experimental methodologies and data treatment methods are also discussed. Parts two and three provide an overview of current systems in which multivalency plays an important role in chemistry and biology, with a focus on the design rules, underlying chemistry and the fundamental principles of multivalency. The systems covered range from chemical/materials-based ones such as dendrimers and sensors, to biological systems including cell recognition and protein binding. Examples and case studies from biochemistry/bioorganic chemistry as well as synthetic systems feature throughout the book. Introduces students and young scientists to the field of multivalent interactions and assists experienced researchers utilising the methodologies in their work Features examples and case studies from biochemistry/bioorganic chemistry, as well as synthetic systems throughout the book Edited by leading experts in the field with contributions from established scientists Multivalency: Concepts, Research & Applications is recommended for graduate students and junior scientists in supramolecular chemistry and related fields, looking for an introduction to multivalent interactions. It is also highly useful to experienced academics and scientists in industry working on research relating to multivalent and cooperative systems in supramolecular chemistry, organic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, chemical biology, biochemistry, materials science and nanotechnology.
University of Illinois Press Phylogenetic Systematics
Phylogenetic Systematics, first published in 1966, marks a turning point in the history of systematic biology. Willi Hennig's influential synthetic work, arguing for the primacy of the phylogenetic system as the general reference system in biology, generated significant controversy and opened possibilities for evolutionary biology that are still being explored.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Political Science in Central-East Europe: Diversity and Convergence
The book will survey the recent development and current “state of the art” of political science in post-communist Central and Eastern Europe. It will comprise (a) three comparative overviews: Political Science and Regime Change in East-Central Europe from the 20th to the 21st Century; Analytical and Normative Elements in Political Science Approaches: Is there a Specific Central-East European Pattern?; Political Science Associations in East-Central Europe: How Important, how much International Cooperation?; (b) 20 detailed and comparable country reports: Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine; (c) a chapter on the European Confederation of Political Science Associations. The country reports will include tables on political science faculty, students with political science as a major, and sub-fields taught at both state and private universities (as per the end of 2008). They will cover the following topics: Institutionalization of the discipline; achievements, deficits, prevailing approaches, and funding of research in the discipline’s sub-fields; curricula, admission regulation, and degree system in political science teaching; national representation and international cooperation (major journals and published books, political science associations, international links); public impact of the discipline, labor market, challenges and opportunities.
CABI Publishing Natural Antimicrobials in Food Safety and Quality
The demands of producing high quality, pathogen-free food rely increasingly on natural sources of antimicrobials to inhibit food spoilage organisms, foodborne pathogens and toxins. Discovery and development of new antimicrobials from natural sources for a wide range of applications requires that knowledge of traditional sources for food antimicrobials is combined with the latest technologies in identification, characterization and application. This book explores some novel, natural sources of antimicrobials as well as the latest developments in using well-known antimicrobials in food. Covering antimicrobials derived from microbial sources (bacteriophages, bacteria, algae, fungi), animal-derived products (milk proteins, chitosan, reduction of biogenic amines), plants and plant-products (essential oils, phytochemicals, bioactive compounds), this book includes the development and use of natural antimicrobials for processed and fresh food products. New and emerging technologies concerning antimicrobials are also discussed.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Über Gott: Festschrift für Reinhard Feldmeier zum 70. Geburtstag
Die Beiträge dieses Bandes nähern sich dem Thema der Gotteslehre aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven (Alttestamentliche und Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, Kirchengeschichte, klassische Philologie, antike Religionsgeschichte, Judaistik, Systematische und Praktische Theologie). Sie ehren damit Reinhard Feldmeier, dessen biblisch-theologische Erkundungen zum Thema "Gott" stets antike und spätantike Religionsgeschichte einbeziehen und sich dabei durch Anschlussfähigkeit an moderne Religiosität, nicht zuletzt das Christentum im globalen Süden, auszeichnen.
Universitatsverlag Winter Am Anfang Schuf Gott Himmel Und Erde: Grundfragen Der Naturphilosophie. Aus Dem Nachlass Erganzte Neuedition Mit Materialien Und Beitragen
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Die Abbildungen Des Buches: Scheffer/Schachtschabel: Lehrbuch Der Bodenkunde
Dover Publications Inc. Letters to a Young Poet