Search results for ""Author Manny"
Manning Publications Docker in Practice, Second Edition
Docker's simple idea, wrapping an application and its dependencies into a single deployable package, has continued to drive a revolution in software delivery. Docker in Practice, Second Edition presents nearly 120 practical techniques, hand-picked to help users get the most out of Docker. This book is an essential resource that readers will want to have open on their desk! Key features · Hands-on guide · Step-by-step instructions · Full of practical tips Written for developers and engineers using Docker in production. About the technology Docker is a platform that allows users to “build, ship, and run any app, anywhere.” It has come a long way in an incredibly short time and is now considered a standard way of solving one of the costliest aspects of software: deployment. Author biography Ian Miell is the Lead OpenShift Architect at Barclays. Aidan Hobson Sayers is a developer at Hadean. Previously, they used Docker to transform DevOps at OpenBet.
Hatherleigh Press,U.S. Manners That Matter Most: The Easy Guide to Etiquette At Home and In the World
Red Wheel/Weiser The Art of Body Talk: How to Decode Gestures, Mannerisms, and Other Non-Verbal Messages
Theologischer Verlag ... Und Kein Bisschen Mude!: Reformation in Hombrechtikon, Stafa Und Mannedorf: Damals - Heute - Morgen
Manning Publications HTTP/2 in Action
HTTP/2 introduces request multiplexing and request prioritization, which allows the web to handle the ever-increasing traffic that makes up modern websites. HTTP/2 in Action is a complete guide to HTTP/2, one of the core protocols of the web. Concentrating practical matters, this interesting book presents key HTTP/2 concepts such as frames, streams, and multiplexing and explores how they affect the performance and behaviour of your web sites. Key Features · Upgrading to HTTP/2 · Frames, streams, and multiplexing · Implementing server push Audience Written for developers or website administrators with a basic understanding of web development. Some chapters use JavaScriptbased examples but the techniques should apply to any HTTP/2 implementation. Author Bio Barry Pollard is a professional software developer with nearly two decades of industry experience developing and supporting software and infrastructure. He has a keen interest in web technologies, performance tuning, security, and the practical usage of technology.
MP-MEL Melbourne University Against the Grain Brian Fitzpatrick and Manning Clark in Australian History and Politics
AU Press The Anatomy of Ethical Leadership: To Lead Our Organizations in a Conscientious and Authentic Manner
Performance at all costs, productivity without regard to consequences,and a competitive work environment: these are the ethical factorsdiscussed in The Anatomy of Ethical Leadership, whichhighlights issues in workplace culture while looking into a brighterfuture for labour ethics. Dr. Lyse Langlois maintains that an awarenessof ethical decision-making in difficult situations will lead to theestablishment of practices that encourage productive relationshipsbetween co-workers. Will the twenty-first century be marked as an eraleading to a healthier work environment?
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. Chicken Soup for the Soul BABIES: Everyone Says Please (Except Cat): A Book About Manners
Harrassowitz Thetis 26 (2021): Mannheimer Beitrage Zur Klassischen Archaologie Und Geschichte Griechenlands Und Zyperns
The University of Chicago Press Money, Morals, and Manners: The Culture of the French and the American Upper-Middle Class
Drawing on remarkably frank, in-depth interviews with 160 successful men in the United States and France, Michhle Lamont provides a rare and revealing collective portrait of the upper-middle class--the managers, professionals, entrepreneurs, and experts at the center of power in society. Her book is a subtle, textured description of how these men define the values and attitudes they consider essential in separating themselves--and their class--from everyone else. Money, Morals, and Manners is an ambitious and sophisticated attempt to illuminate the nature of social class in modern society. For all those who downplay the importance of unequal social groups, it will be a revelation.
Harrassowitz Thetis 20 (2013): Mannheimer Beitrage Zur Klassischen Archaologie Und Geschichte Griechenlands Und Zyperns
Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale Bad Manners: The Official Cookbook: Eat Like You Give a F*ck: A Vegan Cookbook
Manning Publications Hibernate Search in Action
HIGHLIGHT Hibernate Search in Action presents the concepts and techniques a Java developer needs to add full-featured search to enterprise applications. Author Emmanuel Bernard is the lead developer of the Hibernate Search project at RedHat/JBoss. DESCRIPTION Enterprise and web applications require full-featured, “Google-quality” search capabilities, but such features are notoriously difficult to implement and maintain. Hibernate Search builds on the Lucene feature set and offers an easyto- implement interface that integrates seamlessly with Hibernate—the leading data persistence solution for Java applications. Hibernate Search in Action introduces both the principles of enterprise search and the implementation details a Java developer will need to use Hibernate Search effectively. This book blends the insights of the Hibernate Search lead developer with the practical techniques required to index and manipulate data, assemble and execute search queries, and create smart filters for better search results. Along the way, the reader masters performance-boosting concepts like using Hibernate Search in a clustered environment and integrating with the features already in your applications. This book assumes you’re a competent Java developer with some experience using Hibernate and Lucene. KEY POINTS • Hibernate Search is a mature (version 3) technology with the full support and backing of JBoss/RedHat. • Authors Bernard and Griffin are well-known as the experts in this area. • Writing is concise and to-the-point, staying focused on practical concerns. MARKET INFORMATION Enterprise applications require high-quality search to give users access to and control over the massive amounts of information stored in databases and other structures. Lucene, the ultra-powerful foundation for many search implementations, is difficult to use directly. Hibernate Search makes the power of Lucene directly available to the millions of Java developers working with Hibernatebased applications.
Manning Publications The Cloud at Your Service
DESCRIPTION Cloud Computing is here to stay. As an economically viable way for businesses of all sizes to distribute computing, this technology shows tremendous promise. But the intense hype surrounding the Cloud is making it next to impossible for responsible IT managers and business decision-makers to get a clear understanding of what the Cloud really means, what it might do for them, when it is practical, and what their future with the Cloud looks like. The Cloud at Your Service helps cut through all this fog to help enterprises make these critical decisions based on facts and the authors’ informed unbiased recommendations and predictions. KEY POINTSF • Highly readable approach.F • Cuts through the hype.F • Helps managers make decisions.F • Practical guidance on working in the Cloud.
Little, Brown & Company Would It Kill You To Stop Doing That: A Modern Guide to Manners
A few years ago, humourist and journalist Henry Alford found himself 'reverse-apologizing': offering apologies for other people, on their behalf, when they failed to do so themselves. Ever since, he's realized he needed to take a closer look at manners-his own, and others'.In WOULD IT KILL YOU TO STOP DOING THAT? he interviews experts both likely (Miss Manners, Tim Gunn) and unlikely (a former prisoner, an army sergeant). He volunteers himself as a tour guide for foreigners visiting New York City and as an online etiquette coach for his friends. He travels to Japan. He teaches Miss Manners how to steal a cab and designates the World's Most Annoying Bride.Providing answers to questions like, Why shouldn't you ask a cabdriver where's he's from? and Why is posting baby pictures on Facebook a fraught activity?, this hilarious and non-elitist book looks past the standard 'dos' and 'don't's' of good form, in search of ways we can treat each other better.
Baker Publishing Group The Cultural World of the Bible – An Illustrated Guide to Manners and Customs
In this new edition of a successful book (over 120,000 copies sold), now updated throughout, a leading expert on the social world of the Bible offers students a reliable guide to the manners and customs of the ancient world. From what people wore, ate, and built to how they exercised justice, mourned, and viewed family and legal customs, this illustrated introduction helps readers gain valuable cultural background on the biblical world. The attractive, full-color, user-friendly design will appeal to students, while numerous pedagogical features--including fifty photos, sidebars, callouts, maps, charts, a glossary of key terms, chapter outlines, and discussion questions--increase classroom utility. Previously published as Manners and Customs in the Bible.
Ebury Publishing Digital Etiquette: Everything you wanted to know about modern manners but were afraid to ask
How do you reply to your colleague's weird email? What might Debrett’s say about your Tinder profile? And just how do you know if you're mansplaining? In this irreverent journey through the murky world of digital etiquette, WIRED's Victoria Turk provides an indispensable guide to minding our manners in a brave new online world.The digital revolution has put us all within a few clicks, taps and swipes of each other. But familiarity can breed contempt, and whilst we’re more likely than ever to fall in love online, we’re also more likely to fall headfirst into a blazing row with a stranger. Google’s unofficial motto is Don’t Be Evil, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. If you've ever encountered the surreal battlefields of digital life and wondered why we don't all just go analogue, this is the book for you.
The University of Chicago Press Money, Morals, and Manners: The Culture of the French and the American Upper-Middle Class
Drawing on remarkably frank, in-depth interviews with 160 successful men in the United States and France, Michèle Lamont provides a rare and revealing collective portrait of the upper-middle class—the managers, professionals, entrepreneurs, and experts at the center of power in society. Her book is a subtle, textured description of how these men define the values and attitudes they consider essential in separating themselves—and their class—from everyone else.Money, Morals, and Manners is an ambitious and sophisticated attempt to illuminate the nature of social class in modern society. For all those who downplay the importance of unequal social groups, it will be a revelation. "A powerful, cogent study that will provide an elevated basis for debates in the sociology of culture for years to come."—David Gartman, American Journal of Sociology"A major accomplishment! Combining cultural analysis and comparative approach with a splendid literary style, this book significantly broadens the understanding of stratification and inequality. . . . This book will provoke debate, inspire research, and serve as a model for many years to come."—R. Granfield, Choice"This is an exceptionally fine piece of work, a splendid example of the sociologist's craft."—Lewis Coser, Boston College
Harrassowitz Thetis / Thetis 27 (2022): Mannheimer Beitrage Zur Klassischen Archaologie Und Geschichte Griechenlands Und Zyperns
American Girl Publishing Inc A Smart Girl's Guide: Manners: The Secrets to Grace, Confidence, and Being Your Best
Hirmer Verlag Land Art as Climate Action: Designing the 21st Century City Park: Land Art Generator Initiative, Mannheim
Land Art and Climate Action: Designing the 21st Century City Park highlights regenerative artworks that respond to this pivotal moment in human history and inspire viewers to embrace the beauty, abundance, and cultural vibrancy of a world that has left fossil fuels behind. Featuring three hundred color images, the book includes essays by Robert Ferry, Peter Kurz, Elizabeth Monoian, Alessandra Scognamiglio, and Sven Stremke to bring attention to design projects and landscape architecture where environmentalism is part of the concept, not an afterthought.
Manning Publications Data Wrangling with JavaScript
With a growing ecosystem of tools and libraries available, and the flexibility to run on many platforms (web, desktop and mobile), JavaScript is a terrific all-round environment for all data wrangling needs! Data Wrangling with JavaScript teaches readers core data munging techniques in JavaScript, along with many libraries and tools that will make their data tasks even easier. Key Features · How to handle unusual data sets · Cleaning and preparing raw data · Visualizing your results Audience Written for developers with experience using JavaScript. No prior knowledge of data analytics is needed. Author Bio Ashley Davis is a software developer, entrepreneur, writer, and a stock trader. He is the creator of Data-Forge, a data transformation and analysis toolkit for JavaScript inspired by Pandas and Microsoft LINQ.
University of Wales Press The Society for the Reformation of Manners in Hull, 1698-1706: 'Favour'd with the Lord's Wonders'
The Society for the Reformation of Manners in Hull was formed in 1698 by religiously-inspired mariners, merchants and tradesmen who aimed to hinder the spread of sin and wickedness in their town. Their methods included initiating prosecutions against their neighbours’ transgressions, and sponsoring sermons on the subject of spiritual reformation. Unlike other religious societies of this period, the majority of the leading members in the Hull society were Dissenters from the Church of England. For many nonconformists, the period represented a providential ‘now or never’ moment for moral reform. The Society’s activities shed considerable light on the degree to which High Churchmen were willing to tolerate the Toleration. An exceptional survival for a regional society for the reformation of manners, this volume presents their records in full for the first time, with an introductory essay analysing its origins, membership, methods, and ultimate decline.
Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale Bad Manners: Fast as F*ck: 101 Easy Recipes to Pack Your Plate: A Vegan Cookbook
Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale Bad Manners: Hungry as Hell: Meals to Live by, Flavor to Die For: A Vegan Cookbook
The School of Life Press The School of Life Guide to Modern Manners: how to navigate the dilemmas of social life
Modern life is full of minor but acute dilemmas: we get stuck at a gathering with someone unusually boring and wonder how to move on without causing offence; in the course of introducing one friend to another, we realise that we have forgotten one of the party’s names; we run into an ex while on an early date with a new partner; we spill red wine across a host’s sofa... Such dilemmas might – at one level – seem desperately insignificant. But they actually belong to some of the largest and most serious themes in social existence: how can you pursue our own agenda for happiness while at the same time honouring the sensitivities and wishes of others; how can you convey goodwill with sincerity; how can you be kind without being supine or sentimental? These dilemmas were once covered by books on etiquette or manners. The modern age often doesn’t seem to value manners, equating them with an old fashioned stuffiness, instead we are advised to communicate our feelings and tell it the way it really is. But the result, in practice, is that we are often confused as to how to act around others and discharge our obligations to them. This book puts good manners back at the centre our lives. It features twenty case-studies on common social dilemmas and our possible responses to them, contributing to a new and original philosophy of graceful conduct. Manners are far from negligible fancies; they stand at the day-to-day end of a hugely grand and dignified mission which The School of Life is committed to: the creation of a kinder and more considerate world.
Manning Publications Redux in Action
Description The Redux JavaScript library consolidates state in a single object, radically simplifying one of the largest sources of bugs. With Redux in Action, you'll discover how to integrate Redux into your React application and development environment, write custom middleware, and optimize for performance. Key features · Clear introduction · Hands-on examples · Step-by-step guide Audience Written for web developers comfortable with JavaScript and ES6, as well as experience using React. About the technology Whether users are passing data through several layers of components or sharing and syncing data between unrelated parts of the app, Redux makes state management a breeze. Redux promotes predictability, testability, and the ability to debug dynamic applications, letting users focus on building great apps. Author biography Marc Garreau has architected and executed half a dozen unique client-side applications leveraging Redux for state management. Will Faurot is experienced in equal parts production Redux, and mentoring Redux developers of all skill levels.
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd A Pug’s Guide to Good Manners: Lessons in Life for the Well-Rounded Pug
Follow the way of the pug and learn the correct behaviour in all situations, from the park to the dinner table. Pugs play by their own set of rules. When you want them to sit, they stand; when you want them to stay, they go; and when you want them to stop eating that unidentified item on the floor, well... Traditional schools of canine thought put this behaviour down to a stubborn refusal to be trained that's inherent in the breed. Not so. This behaviour is, in fact, down to an ancient set of rules, passed down from pug generation to pug generation. A Pug's Guide to Good Manners attempts to explain these rules, thereby advancing pug-human relations to hitherto unprecedented heights.
The Islamic Texts Society Al-Ghazali on the Manners Relating to Eating: Book XI of the Revival of the Religious Sciences
New York University Press What Would Mrs. Astor Do?: The Essential Guide to the Manners and Mores of the Gilded Age
A richly illustrated romp with America’s Gilded Age leisure class—and those angling to join it Mark Twain called it the Gilded Age. Between 1870 and 1900, the United States’ population doubled, accompanied by an unparalleled industrial expansion, and an explosion of wealth unlike any the world had ever seen. America was the foremost nation of the world, and New York City was its beating heart. There, the richest and most influential—Thomas Edison, J. P. Morgan, Edith Wharton, the Vanderbilts, Andrew Carnegie, and more—became icons, whose comings and goings were breathlessly reported in the papers of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. It was a time of abundance, but also bitter rivalries, in work and play. The Old Money titans found themselves besieged by a vanguard of New Money interlopers eager to gain entrée into their world of formal balls, debutante parties, opera boxes, sailing regattas, and summer gatherings at Newport. Into this morass of money and desire stepped Caroline Astor. Mrs. Astor, an Old Money heiress of the first order, became convinced that she was uniquely qualified to uphold the manners and mores of Gilded Age America. Wherever she went, Mrs. Astor made her judgments, dictating proper behavior and demeanor, men’s and women’s codes of dress, acceptable patterns of speech and movements of the body, and what and when to eat and drink. The ladies and gentlemen of high society took note. “What would Mrs. Astor do?” became the question every social climber sought to answer. And an invitation to her annual ball was a golden ticket into the ranks of New York’s upper crust. This work serves as a guide to manners as well as an insight to Mrs. Astor’s personal diary and address book, showing everything from the perfect table setting to the array of outfits the elite wore at the time. Channeling the queen of the Gilded Age herself, Cecelia Tichi paints a portrait of New York’s social elite, from the schools to which they sent their children, to their lavish mansions and even their reactions to the political and personal scandals of the day. Ceceilia Tichi invites us on a beautifully illustrated tour of the Gilded Age, transporting readers to New York at its most fashionable. A colorful tapestry of fun facts and true tales, What Would Mrs. Astor Do? presents a vivid portrait of this remarkable time of social metamorphosis, starring Caroline Astor, the ultimate gatekeeper.
Universitatsverlag Winter Auch Ein Versuch Uber Die Mannigfache Bedeutung Des Seienden: Uberlegungen Zur Rekonstruktion Der Aristotelischen Prinzipienlehre
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Essential Manners for Men 2nd Edition: What to Do, When to Do It, and Why
Etiquette expert Peter Post tackles the issues of real concern for today's men in this all-new edition of the "New York Times" bestseller. Completely updated and now in a convenient paperback format (with French flaps!), "Essential Manners for Men" draws from recent Post Institute surveys to cover a range of subject matter in three easy-to-follow parts - Daily Life, Social Life, and On the Job. Filled with accessible sidebars, tips, and stories from Peter's own experiences, "Essential Manners for Men" is quick, sharp, and sensible, with all new material including: Social Media: social networking, gaming, and the world of online dating; Communication: both in person - greetings, handshakes, and the all-important first impression - and on-the go-texting, emailing, and smart phones; Life Changes: dealing with bumps in the road, from divorce to layoffs; Weddings: the man's role in a wedding-from groom to best man to usher-and the changing nature of the bachelor party; and, Entertaining, dining, tipping and much more. "Essential Manners for Men" gives men the confidence they need to excel in their personal, social and business lives, and the know-how to navigate even the most difficult situations.
Free Spirit Publishing Inc.,U.S. How Rude!: The Teen Guide to Good Manners Proper Behavior and Not Grossing People Out
Hilarious etiquette and manners guide teaches teens how to use manners to gain respect, feel good about themselves, and enjoy life to the fullest.Discussing etiquette and manners from common courtesies to cell-phone smarts to classroom decorum, Alex J. Packer blends outrageous humor with sound advice as he explains why etiquette and manners are important because people who know how to handle themselves in social situations come out on top, get what they want, feel good about themselves, and enjoy life to the fullest. Full of practical tips for every occasion, How Rude! is a serious etiquette and manners encyclopedia and a hilarious read. This revised and updated edition describes the basics of polite behavior in all kinds of situations at home, in school, online, and in the world.?For more must-have advice from Alex J. Packer, Ph.D., check out Slaying Digital Dragons: Tips and tools for protecting your body, brain, psyche, and thumbs from the digital dark side.
National Galleries of Scotland Sound Silence Modernity in Dutch Pictures of Manners Watson Gordon Lecture 2007 The Watson Gordon Lecture 2007
Ausbildungspark Verlag Gm Auswahlverfahren Bundeswehr Bewerbung Vorstellungsgesprch Einstellungstest Sporttest Assessment Center Ausbildung und Studium FWDL Mannschaften Unteroffiziere Feldwebel und Offiziere
Diaphanes AG Anarchy–In a Manner of Speaking – Conversations with Mehdi Belhaj Kacem, Nika Dubrovsky, and Assia Turquier–Zauberman
David Graeber was not only one of today’s most important living thinkers, but also one of the most influential. He was also one of the very few engaged intellectuals who has a proven track record of effective militancy on a world scale, and his impact on the international left cannot be overstated. Graeber has offered up perhaps the most credible path for exiting capitalism—as much through his writing about debt, bureaucracy, or “bullshit jobs” as through his crucial involvement in the Occupy Wall Street movement, which led to his more-or-less involuntary exile from the American academy. In short, Anarchy—In a Manner of Speaking presents a series of interviews with a first-rate intellectual, a veritable modern hero on the order of Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Linus Torvald, Aaron Swartz, and Elon Musk. Interviewers Mehdi Belhaj Kacem and Assia Turquier-Zauberman asked Graeber not only about the history of anarchy, but also about its contemporary relevance and future. Their conversation also explores the ties between anthropology and anarchism, and the traces of its DNA in the Occupy Wall Street and Yellow Vest movements. Finally, Graeber discussed the meaning of anarchist ethics—not only in the political realm, but also in terms of art, love, sexuality, and more. With astonishing humor, verve, and erudition, this book redefines the contours of what could be (in the words of Peter Kropotkin) “anarchist morality” today.
Manning Publications Deep Learning with Python
DESCRIPTIONDeep learning is applicable to a widening range of artificialintelligence problems, such as image classification, speech recognition,text classification, question answering, text-to-speech, and opticalcharacter recognition. Deep Learning with Python is structured around a series of practicalcode examples that illustrate each new concept introduced anddemonstrate best practices. By the time you reach the end of this book,you will have become a Keras expert and will be able to apply deeplearning in your own projects. KEY FEATURES • Practical code examples• In-depth introduction to Keras• Teaches the difference between Deep Learning and AI ABOUT THE TECHNOLOGYDeep learning is the technology behind photo tagging systems atFacebook and Google, self-driving cars, speech recognition systems onyour smartphone, and much more. AUTHOR BIOFrancois Chollet is the author of Keras, one of the most widely usedlibraries for deep learning in Python. He has been working with deep neuralnetworks since 2012. Francois is currently doing deep learning research atGoogle. He blogs about deep learning at
Catholic Record Society Mannock Strickland (1683-1744): Agent to English Convents in Flanders. Letters and Accounts from Exile
An invaluable collection of primary sources for the study of eighteenth-century convent life. Between 1728 and 1744 the Catholic lawyer Mannock Strickland (1673-1744) acted as agent for English nuns living on the Continent, including St Monica's, Louvain, the Brussels Dominicans and the Dunkirk Benedictines. Most convent archives perished at the French Revolution, but Strickland's papers survived in the archives of Mapledurham House, Oxfordshire, offering a unique insight into the workings of English convents. These extraordinary documents reveal the reality of exile for a group of formidable yet vulnerable women, "doubly dead" to English law. Two hundred letters tell stories of hardship, isolation, severe winters, war, starvation, Jacobite intrigue and international finance. They show that convent bursars became skilled at playing international exchange markets yet remained at the mercy of unscrupulous investors. The letters are presented here with full notes; a thorough introduction sets theletters, cash day books, bills of exchange and other documents in context. Richard G. Williams is Librarian and Archivist of Mapledurham House; he has also held senior posts at the University of Warwick, Imperial College London, Birkbeck College London and at Yale University.
Manning Publications Pandas In Action
Pandas has rapidly become one of Python's most popular data analysis libraries. With pandas you can efficiently sort, analyze, filter and munge almost any type of data. In Pandas in Action, a friendly and example-rich introduction, author Boris Paskhaver shows you how to master this versatile tool and take the next steps in your data science career. about the technologyAnyone who’s used spreadsheet software will find pandas familiar. While its column-based grids might remind you of Excel or Google Sheets, pandas is more flexible and far more powerful. It can efficiently perform operations on millions of rows and be used in tandem with other Python libraries for statistics, machine learning, and more. And best of all, using pandas doesn’t mean sacrificing user productivity or needing to write tons of complex code. It’s clean, intuitive, and fast. about the book Pandas in Action makes it easy to dive into Python-based data analysis. You’ll learn to use pandas to automate repetitive spreadsheet functionality and derive insight from data by sorting columns, filtering data subsets, and creating multi-leveled indices. Each chapter is a self-contained tutorial, letting you dip in when you need to troubleshoot tricky problems. Best of all, you won’t be learning from sterile or randomly created data. You’ll start with a variety of datasets that are big, small, incomplete, broken, and messy and learn how to clean and format them for proper analysis. what's inside Import a CSV, identify issues with its data structures, and convert it to the proper format Sort, filter, pivot, and draw conclusions from a dataset and its subsets Identify trends from text-based and time-based data Organize, group, merge, and join separate datasets Real-world datasets that are easy to download and explore about the readerFor readers experienced with spreadsheet software who know the basics of Python. about the author Boris Paskhaver is a software engineer, Agile consultant, and educator. His six programming courses on Udemy have amassed 236,000 students, with an average course rating of 4.59 out of 5. He first used Python and the pandas library to derive a variety of business insights at the world’s #1 jobs site,
Manning Publications Spring in Action
"To me, this has always been the defacto standard for documentation on the Spring Framework. I bought the 1st edition when it first came out as we were converting alegacy app to Spring and this book was essential in learning how the current version worked." - Tony Sweets A new edition of the classic bestseller! Spring in Action, 6th Edition covers all of the new features of Spring 5.3 and Spring Boot 2.4 along with examples of reactive programming, Spring Security for REST Services, and bringing reactivity to your databases. You'll also find the latest Spring best practices, including Spring Boot for application setup and configuration. about the technologySpring Framework makes life easier for Java developers. The latest version of Spring brings its productivity-focused approach to microservices, reactive development, and other modern application designs. With Spring Boot now fully integrated, you can start even complex projects with minimal configuration code. And in recent version of Spring, the new RSocket specification makes your application's networking symmetrical—perfect for reactive design. about the bookSpring in Action, 6th Edition guides you through Spring's core features explained in Craig Walls' famously clear style. You'll roll up your sleeves and build a secure database-backed web app step by step. Along the way, you'll explore reactive programming, microservices, service discovery, RESTful APIs, deployment, and expert best practices. The latest version of a bestseller upgraded for Spring 5.3 and Spring Boot 2.4, this new edition also covers the RSocket specification for reactive networking between applications and delves deep into essential features of Spring Security. Whether you're just discovering Spring or leveling up to Spring 5.3, this Manning classic is your ticket! what's insideBuilding reactive applicationsRelational and NoSQL databasesIntegrating via HTTP and REST-based services, and sand reactive RSocket servicesReactive programming techniquesDeploying applications to traditional servers and containersSecuring applications with Spring SecurityCovers Spring 5.2 about the authorCraig Walls is a principal software engineer at Pivotal, a member of the Spring engineering team, a popular author, and a frequent conference speaker.We interviewed Craig as a part of our Six Questions series. Check it out here.
Manning Publications Algorithms and Data Structures in Action
As a software engineer, you’ll encounter countless programming challenges that initially seem confusing, difficult, or even impossible. Don’t despair! Many of these “new” problems already have well-established solutions. Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures teaches you powerful approaches to a wide range of tricky coding challenges that you can adapt and apply to your own applications. Providing a balanced blend of classic, advanced, and new algorithms, this practical guide upgrades your programming toolbox with new perspectives and hands-on techniques. about the technology Data structures and algorithms are the foundations for how programs store and process information. Choosing the optimal algorithms ensures that your programs are fast, efficient, and reliable. about the book Algorithms and Data Structures in Action expands on the basic algorithms you already know to give you a better selection of solutions to different programming problems. In it, you’ll discover techniques for improving priority queues, efficient caching, clustering data, and more. Each example is fully illustrated with graphics, language agnostic pseudo-code, and code samples in various languages. When you’re done, you will be able to implement advanced and little-known algorithms to deliver better performance from your code. what's inside Improving on basic data structures Efficient caching Nearest neighbour search, including k-d trees and S-trees Full ‘pseudo-code’ and samples in multiple languages about the readerFor programmers with basic or intermediate skills. Written in a language-agnostic manner, no specific language knowledge is required. about the author Marcello La Rocca is a research scientist and a full-stack engineer focused on optimization algorithms, genetic algorithms, machine learning and quantum computing. He has contributed to large-scale web applications at companies like Twitter and Microsoft, has undertaken applied research in both academia and industry, and authored the Neatsort adaptive sorting algorithm.
University Press of Mississippi Samuel Fuller: Interviews
In the early twentieth century, the art world was captivated by the imaginative, totally original paintings of Henri Rousseau, who, seemingly without formal art training, produced works that astonished not only the public but great artists such as Pablo Picasso. Samuel Fuller (1912-1997) is known as the ""Rousseau of the cinema,"" a mostly ""B"" genre Hollywood moviemaker deeply admired by ""A"" filmmakers as diverse as Jim Jarmusch, Martin Scorsese, Francois Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, and John Cassavetes, all of them dazzled by Fuller's wildly idiosyncratic primitivist style. A high-school dropout who became a New York City tabloid crime reporter in his teens, Fuller went to Hollywood and made movies post-World War II that were totally in line with his exploitative newspaper work: bold, blunt, pulpy, excitable. The images were as shocking, impolite, and in-your-face as a Weegee photograph of a gangster bleeding on a sidewalk. Fuller, who made twenty-three features between 1949 and 1989, is the very definition of a ""cult"" director, appreciated by those with a certain bent of subterranean taste, a penchant for what critic Manny Farber famously labeled as ""termite art."" Here are some of the crazy, lurid, comic-book titles of his movies: Shock Corridor, The Naked Kiss, Verboten!, Pickup on South Street. Fuller isn't for everybody. His fans have to appreciate low-budget genre films, including westerns and war movies, and make room for some hard-knuckle, ugly bursts of violence. They also have to make allowance for lots of broad, crass acting, and scripts (all Fuller-written) that can be stiff, sometimes campy, often laboriously didactic. Fuller is for those who love cinema--images that jump, shout, dance. As he put it in his famous cigar-chomping cameo, acting in Jean-Luc Godard's Pierrot le fou (1965): ""Film is like a battleground . . . love, hate, violence, death. In a single word: emotion."" After directing, Sam Fuller's greatest skill was conversation. He could talk, talk, talk, from his amazing experiences fighting in World War II to the time his brother-in-law dated Marilyn Monroe, and vivid stories about his moviemaking. Samuel Fuller: Interviews, edited by Gerald Peary, is not only informative about the filmmaker's career but sheer fun, following the wild, totally uninhibited stream of Fuller's chatter. He was an incredible storyteller, and, no matter the interview, he had stories galore for all sorts of readers, not just academics and film historians.
Peepal Tree Press Ltd My Bones and My Flute: A Ghost Story in the Old-Fashioned Manner and a Big Jubilee Read
Only when he is on board the steamer halfway to their remote destination up river in Guyana does Milton Woodsley realize that there is more to Henry Nevinson s invitation to spend time with his family in their jungle cottage. Milton, an artist, thinks he has been invited to do some paintings for Nevinson, a rich businessman. But when the Nevinsons mention a flute player that no one else can hear, Woodsley begins to glean that there is more to their stay. Told in Woodsley s skeptical, self-mocking and good-humored voice, Mittelholzer creates a brilliantly atmospheric setting for his characters and their terrified discovery that this is not a place where they can be at home."
Matthias Grunewald Verlag 'Es Ist Gut, Dass Wir Da Eine Andere Story Haben': Eheschlieaungsrituale Und Ihr Beitrag Zur Identitatspraxis Von Mannern