Search results for ""author manus"
Plural Publishing Inc Rapid Audiogram Interpretation: A Clinician's Manual
Rapid Audiogram Interpretation: A Clinician's Manual'' provides a methodical, step-by-step approach for interpreting audiograms. Training and experienced clinicians, as well as non-audiologists in related fields, will benefit from this unique workbook and easy-to-remember interpretation process. The manual includes audiogram examples on a varying level of complexity (basic, intermediate, and advanced), accompanied by official interpretations, matching the specific interpretation method recommended by the authors. This specific interpretation process allows the reader to learn the method and apply it to every future audiogram interpretation, making it an invaluable resource. Otolaryngology trainees (graduate medical students, residents, fellows) are expected to have a working knowledge of audiogram interpretation, however, few, if any, have direct lectures or mentored clinical experiences designed to provide this knowledge within their first few years of training. This resource fills that gap and provides a means for beginners to master interpretation of the audiogram. It also serves as a general review for more experienced clinicians. Key Features: *Includes 65 audiogram examples! *Uses an 8-step method that can be easily learned and universally applied to future audiogram interpretations *A searchable index by diagnosis for each audiogram aids the learner in seeing disease-specific examples *Spiral-bound format allows readers to easily test themselves on audiogram and interpretation examples *Blank interpretation sheets for audiogram practice) *Includes a Glossary for quick reference of key terms *Written by otolaryngologists and an a audiologist for comprehensive expertise and coverage ''Rapid Audiogram Interpretation'' will also be helpful for students and professionals in related fields, such as audiology, speech-language pathology, and deaf/hard of hearing education.
Pearson Education (US) Student Solutions Manual for Precalculus
For courses in Precalculus. Prepare. Practice. Review. Michael Sullivan’s time-tested approach focuses students on the fundamental skills they need for the course: preparing for class, practicing with homework, and reviewing the concepts. The 11th Edition continues to evolve to meet the needs of today’s students. This series prepares and supports students with access to help, where and when they require it. The hallmark Sullivan cycle of continuous preparation and retention—along with the high-quality exercises that Sullivan texts are known for—gives students the reinforcement they need. Also available with MyLab Math By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab Math personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Math does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Math, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
David & Charles The Renewable Energy Home Manual
The Renewable Energy Home Handbook is biased towards the practical, and covers the installation of all leading types of alternative domestic energy sources - from ground- and air-source heat pumps, PV solar electricity generation and solar water heating, to bio-mass domestic heating systems and wind turbines. Discussing the pros and cons of each technology, it also provides you with a clear overview of what's genuinely required and the benefits to be gained from each system. The author, Lindsay Porter, is best known for his books on motor vehicle technology, making car mechanics and body repairs easy to understand and carry out. But alternative energy and conservation have long been a passion for him and his wife, Shan, so this manual is very much a labour of love. Here, Lindsay applies his commitment to making difficult subjects easy for everyone to understand to the money-saving - planet-saving - systems we can apply to our homes.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Improving Profitability Through Green Manufacturing: Creating a Profitable and Environmentally Compliant Manufacturing Facility
Manufacturers can be green and highly profitable at the same time Profits do not have to be sacrificed to environmental responsibility, or vice versa. Following this book's tested and proven approach, readers discover how to create and operate manufacturing facilities that are highly profitable while meeting or exceeding the environmental standards of their local community, state, and federal governments. The authors' approach is broad in scope, setting forth the roles and responsibilities of organizational functions such as marketing, product design, manufacturing technology, management, and human resources. The book begins with an overview explaining why profitability and green manufacturing must be viewed as a single objective. Next, the book becomes a "how to" guide to creating and maintaining an environmentally compliant and profitable manufacturing operation, with chapters covering: Manufacturing, waste, and regeneration Building a decision-making model Environmental regulation, standards, and profitability Case studies Tools used to improve manufacturing operations The facility Applying the profitable and compliant process chart The final chapter is dedicated to a step-by-step approach in the application and use of the profitable and compliant process chart, a core working tool discussed in the book. In this chapter, several actual manufacturing applications, along with their worksheets, are presented to illustrate how this approach can minimize resources and waste. Armed with this comprehensive systems approach, readers will no longer view profitability and green manufacturing as two opposing goals. Instead, they'll have the tools and knowledge needed to create and maintain a manufacturing operation that is both profitable and green.
Pearson Education (US) Student Solutions Manual for Differential Equations: Computing and Modeling and Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling
For one-semester sophomore- or junior-level courses in Differential Equations. Fosters the conceptual development and geometric visualization students need–now available with MyLab Math Differential Equations: Computing and Modeling blends traditional algebra problem-solving skills with the conceptual development and geometric visualization of a modern differential equations course that is essential to science and engineering students. It balances traditional manual methods with the new, computer-based methods that illuminate qualitative phenomena–a comprehensive approach that makes accessible a wider range of more realistic applications. The book starts and ends with discussions of mathematical modeling of real-world phenomena, evident in figures, examples, problems, and applications throughout. For the first time, MyLab™ Math is available for the 5th Edition, providing online homework with immediate feedback, the complete eText, and more. Additionally, new presentation slides created by author David Calvis are now live in MyLab Math, available in Beamer (LaTeX) and PDF formats. The slides are ideal for both classroom lectures and student review, and combined with Calvis’ superlative videos offer a level of support not found in any other Differential Equations course. Also available with MyLab Math MyLab™ Math is the teaching and learning platform that empowers instructors to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab Math personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Math does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Math, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Math, search for: 0134996003 / 9780134996004 Differential Equations: Computing and Modeling Media Update and MyLab Math with Pearson eText -- Title-Specific Access Card Package, 5/e Package consists of: 0134850475 / 9780134850474 Differential Equations: Computing and Modeling Media Update 0134873084 / 9780134873084 MyLab Math plus Pearson eText — Standalone Access Card - for Differential Equations: Computing and Modeling Media Update
Haynes Publishing Group Chinese, Taiwanese & Korean 125cc Motorcycles Haynes Repair Manual: Revised 2015
With a Haynes Manual, you can do it yourself, from simple maintenance to full repairs. Every Manual is based on a complete stripdown of the bike. Our authors and technicians work out the best methods to do a job and present this with the home mechanic in mind. Our Manuals have clear instructions and hundreds of photographs that show each step. Whether you're a beginner or a competent mechanic, you can save money with Haynes., Each Manual includes:, Clear and easy to follow page layout, Full procedures written from hands-on experience, Easy-to-follow photos, Faultfinding information, How to make special tools, Colour wiring diagrams (where available)
Haynes Publishing Group Yamaha YZF600R Thundercat & FZS600 Fazer (96 - 03) Haynes Repair Manual
With a Haynes Manual, you can do it yourself, from simple maintenance to full repairs. Every Manual is based on a complete stripdown of the bike. Our authors and technicians work out the best methods to do a job and present this with the home mechanic in mind. Our Manuals have clear instructions and hundreds of photographs that show each step. Whether you're a beginner or a competent mechanic, you can save money with Haynes., Each Manual includes:, Clear and easy to follow page layout, Full procedures written from hands-on experience, Easy-to-follow photos, Faultfinding information, How to make special tools, Colour wiring diagrams (where available)
Collective Ink Little Manual of Enlightenment, The – 7 Valuable Tips for Those in Search of Awareness
Vikas Malkani is a metaphysical teacher who comes from a corporate business background. His forte is to make the ancient wisdom of the spiritual masters simple to understand and easy to apply in our daily lives. Vikas Malkani has been described as a Zen Master, rich monk, a motivator, and an expert on the human mind. Born and brought up in a business family in India, he was the head of a large business enterprise when his life underwent an inner transformation at the age of 29. He is the founder of SoulCentre (in India and Singapore). He leads life-transforming workshops on spirituality, leadership, the creation of success and love and relationships that have touched the lives of thousands worldwide.He shares a message of manifesting holistic success; an abundance that is apparent by our external material wealth as well as our inner spiritual wisdom. He is the founder of the SoulKids program for confident and creative children, and is the author of "The Yoga of Wealth", "The Yoga of Love", "The Little Treasure Books Collection on Life, Happiness, Success and Leadership", and "Tantra Demystified" (O books). He appears on primetime every night on a national spiritual TV channel in India and has been a guest on numerous TV and radio shows worldwide.
Guilford Publications Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual, Second Edition: PDM-2
Now completely revised (over 90% new), this is the authoritative diagnostic manual grounded in psychodynamic clinical models and theories. Explicitly oriented toward case formulation and treatment planning, PDM-2 offers practitioners an empirically based, clinically useful alternative or supplement to DSM and ICD categorical diagnoses. Leading international authorities systematically address personality functioning and psychological problems of infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age, including clear conceptualizations and illustrative case examples. Purchasers get access to a companion website where they can find additional case illustrations and download and print five reproducible PDM-derived rating scales in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition *Significant revisions to all chapters, reflecting a decade of clinical, empirical, and methodological advances. *Chapter with extended case illustrations, including complete PDM profiles. *Separate section on older adults (the first classification system with a geriatric section). *Extensive treatment of psychotic conditions and the psychotic level of personality organization. *Greater attention to issues of culture and diversity, and to both the clinician's and patient's subjectivity. *Chapter on recommended assessment instruments, plus reproducible/downloadable diagnostic tools. *In-depth comparisons to DSM-5 and ICD-10-CM throughout. Sponsoring associations include the International Psychoanalytical Association, Division 39 of the American Psychological Association, the American Psychoanalytic Association, the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy, the American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work, and five other organizations.Winner--American Board and Academy of Psychoanalysis Book Prize (Clinical Category)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Analytical Food Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual
The new edition of the highly regarded laboratory manual for courses in food microbiology Analytical Food Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual develops the practical skills and knowledge required by students and trainees to assess the microbiological quality and safety of food. This user-friendly textbook covers laboratory safety, basic microbiological techniques, evaluation of food for various microbiological groups, detection and enumeration of foodborne pathogens, and control of undesirable foodborne microorganisms. Each well-defined experiment includes clear learning objectives and detailed explanations to help learners understand essential techniques and approaches in applied microbiology. The fully revised second edition presents improved conventional techniques, advanced analytical methodologies, updated content reflecting emerging food safety concerns, and new laboratory experiments incorporating commercially available microbiological media. Throughout the book, clear and concise chapters explain culture- and molecular-based approaches for assessing microbial quality and safety of diverse foods. This expanded and updated resource: Reviews aseptic techniques, dilution, plating, streaking, isolation, and other basic microbiological procedures Introduces exercises and relevant microorganisms with pertinent background information and reference material Describes each technique using accessible explanatory text, detailed illustrations, and easy-to-follow flowcharts Employs a proven “building block” approach throughout, with each new chapter building upon skills from the previous chapter Provides useful appendices of microbiological media, recommended control organisms, available supplies and equipment, and laboratory exercise reports With methods drawn from the authors’ extensive experience in academic, regulatory, and industry laboratories, Analytical Food Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual, Second Edition, is ideal for undergraduate and graduate students in food microbiology courses, as well as food processors and quality control personnel in laboratory training programs.
Sounds True Inc The Remarriage Manual: How to Make Everything Work Better the Second Time Around
Remarriages are harder than firsts. Discover 10 keys to success—covering sex, communication, money, step-kids, and more. “Love may be sweeter the second (or third) time around, but once the bliss wears off, the reality of joining two distinct worlds sets in,” writes marriage and family therapist Terry Gaspard. She knows all the pitfalls and landmines. She has counseled couples for over 30 years and conducted original research, and her blogs for top websites are read and shared by hundreds of thousands. In The Remarriage Manual, Gaspard shows couples how to manage the 10 areas that most threaten second marriages. Unfinished business with exes (and other old baggage), pressures of dealing with debt and handling money, blending families, finding time and space for sex, managing conflict, and more can strain second marriages to the breaking point. We might joke that marriage should come with a manual, but for remarriages it’s essential. The divorce rate is 60 percent compared to 50 percent for firsts. The tips and tools Gaspard offers have directed countless remarried couples toward lasting happiness, including the author and her husband. The Remarriage Manual provides everything a couple needs to inspire or repair their second marriage. Therapists, divorce lawyers, and clergy will also find crucial insights for helping their clients.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Industrial Policy for the Manufacturing Revolution: Perspectives on Digital Globalisation
The fourth industrial revolution is having a major impact on industry and societies primarily because of what has been called its raw material: data. New technologies are allowing hyper-connection on a global scale, not only between people, but also between people and machines and, in the case of the Internet of Things, even amongst machines themselves. This book offers a critical reflection on the meaning and expected consequences of the fourth industrial revolution, with a particular focus on the advent of digital globalisation and its implications for industrial policy. Industrial revolutions are considered not only in terms of technological progress, but also in the context of the changing relationship between market and production dynamics, and the social and political conditions enabling the development of new technologies. Industrial Policy for the Manufacturing Revolution aims to increase our capacity to anticipate and adapt to the forthcoming structural changes. It outlines the type of industrial policy and strategies that are needed in this era of rapid transformation. The authors propose a 'comprehensive industrial policy' that considers the complexity of structural changes involving industry as well as institutions and social and education policies, in order to encourage the participation of all citizens in the development process. The book also features a concrete example of comprehensive industrial policy implementation at the regional level.This stimulating and thoughtful book makes the case that industrial policies are more vital than ever, particularly now as the economy undergoes a technological revolution. It will be required reading for all those interested in industrial economics and policy, business and technology.
Haynes Publishing Group Yamaha TZR125 (87 - 93) & DT125R/X (88 - 07) Haynes Repair Manual
With a Haynes Manual, you can do it yourself, from simple maintenance to full repairs. Every Manual is based on a complete stripdown of the bike. Our authors and technicians work out the best methods to do a job and present this with the home mechanic in mind. Our Manuals have clear instructions and hundreds of photographs that show each step. Whether you're a beginner or a competent mechanic, you can save money with Haynes., Each Manual includes:, Clear and easy to follow page layout, Full procedures written from hands-on experience, Easy-to-follow photos, Faultfinding information, How to make special tools, Colour wiring diagrams (where available)
Haynes Publishing Group Suzuki TL1000S/R & DL1000 V-Strom (97 - 04) Haynes Repair Manual
With a Haynes Manual, you can do it yourself, from simple maintenance to full repairs. Every Manual is based on a complete stripdown of the bike. Our authors and technicians work out the best methods to do a job and present this with the home mechanic in mind. Our Manuals have clear instructions and hundreds of photographs that show each step. Whether you're a beginner or a competent mechanic, you can save money with Haynes., Each Manual includes:, Clear and easy to follow page layout, Full procedures written from hands-on experience, Easy-to-follow photos, Faultfinding information, How to make special tools, Colour wiring diagrams (where available)
Haynes Publishing Group Honda VFR V-Tec V-Fours (02 - 09) Haynes Repair Manual
With a Haynes Manual, you can do it yourself, from simple maintenance to full repairs. Every Manual is based on a complete stripdown of the bike. Our authors and technicians work out the best methods to do a job and present this with the home mechanic in mind. Our Manuals have clear instructions and hundreds of photographs that show each step. Whether you're a beginner or a competent mechanic, you can save money with Haynes., Each Manual includes:, Clear and easy to follow page layout, Full procedures written from hands-on experience, Easy-to-follow photos, Faultfinding information, How to make special tools, Colour wiring diagrams (where available)
University of Texas Press For Glory and Bolívar: The Remarkable Life of Manuela Sáenz
She was a friend, lover, and confidante of charismatic Spanish American independence hero Simón Bolívar and, after her death, a nationalist icon in her own right. Yet authors generally have chosen either to romanticize Manuela Sáenz or to discount her altogether. For Glory and Bolivar: The Remarkable of Life of Manuela Sáenz, by contrast, offers a comprehensive and clear-eyed biography of her. Based on unprecedented archival research, it paints a vivid portrait of the Quito-born "Libertadora," revealing both an exceptional figure and a flesh-and-blood person whose life broadly reflected the experiences of women during Spanish America's turbulent Age of Revolution.Already married at the time of her meeting with the famous Liberator, Sáenz abandoned her husband in order to become not only Bolívar's romantic companion, but also his official archivist, a member of his inner circle, and one of his most loyal followers. She played a central role in Spanish South America's independence drama and eventually in developments leading to the consolidation of new nations. Pamela Murray, for the first time, closely examines Sáenz's political trajectory including her vital, often-overlooked years in exile. She exposes the myths that still surround her. She offers, in short, a nuanced and much-needed historical perspective, one that balances recognition of Sáenz's uniqueness with awareness of the broader forces that shaped this dynamic nineteenth-century woman.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Taylor's Differential Diagnosis Manual: Symptoms and Signs in the Time-Limited Encounter
Everything you need to know about diagnosis -- in a book that fits inside your pocket -- Taylor’s Differential Diagnosis Manual is your must-have primary care handbook. Easy to reference and succinct, this book can be referenced at the point of care to verify or help you make an accurate diagnosis. It was authored precisely with the fast-paced clinical environment in mind. With more than 140 chapters organized according to condition and diagnosis, each section of this manual serves as a stand-alone text on each condition -- leading to more accurate diagnosis and better patient care.A new, user-friendly third edition reflects the latest in clinical practice, and covers everything from mental health to the nervous system to the female reproductive system. Don’t miss out on the new edition of this essential diagnostic tool.Features: Chapter structure organized by organ system, further broken into symptoms so you can quickly find what you need Definitions accompanied by evidence-based references so you can use only one resource Easy-to-read tables and bullet points to aid your understanding Detailed look at laboratory and radiologic abnormalities so you won’t miss a diagnosis New Third Edition chapters: Abnormal Mammogram, Anticoagulation, Bipolar Disorder, Corneal Abrasion, Dyspareunia, and Loss of Vision
The Crowood Press Ltd The Helicopter Pilot's Companion: A Manual for Helicopter Enthusiasts
The Helicopter Pilot's Companion is essential reading for those who are considering training to be a helicopter pilot, those currently undertaking training and those who have recently gained their Private Pilot's Licence for helicopters. Written in a clear, no-nonsense style, it covers a whole range of subjects concerning rotary aviation including common myths about flying helicopters, choosing a flying school and an instructor, the basics of rotary aerodynamics, and all practical aspects of learning to fly helicopters. Issues are examined that are important when the new helicopter pilot has gained his, or her, licence and is able to fly along, including flying with passengers, coping with challenging weather and dealing with emergencies. In addition, the author provides useful advice to those readers who are considering becoming professional helicopter pilots.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Global Manufacturing Revolution: Product-Process-Business Integration and Reconfigurable Systems
The concrete tools manufacturing enterprises need to thrive in today's global environment For a manufacturing enterprise to succeed in this current volatile economic environment, a revolution is needed in restructuring its three main components: product design, manufacturing, and business model. The Global Manufacturing Revolution is the first book to focus on these issues. Based on the author's long-standing course work at the University of Michigan, this unique volume proposes new technologies and new business strategies that can increase an enterprise's speed of responsiveness to volatile markets, as well as enhance the integration of its own engineering and business. Introduced here are innovations to the entire manufacturing culture: An original approach to the analysis of manufacturing paradigms Suggested methods for developing creativity in product design A quantitative analysis of manufacturing system configurations A new manufacturing "reconfigurable" paradigm, in which the speed of responsiveness is the prime business goal An original approach to using information technology for workforce empowerment The book also offers analysis and original models of previous manufacturing paradigms' technical and business dimensions—including mass production and mass customization—in order to fully explain the current revolution in global manufacturing enterprises. In addition, 200 original illustrations and pictures help to clarify the topics. Globalization is creating both opportunities and challenges for companies that manufacture durable goods. The tools, theories, and case studies in this volume will be invaluable to engineers pursuing leadership careers in the manufacturing industry, as well as to leaders of global enterprises and business students who are motivated to lead manufacturing enterprises and ensure their growth.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Blood Platelets: Morphology, Physiology and Pharmacology
Platelets are tiny blood cells that help the body form clots to stop bleeding. Antiplatelet medications, such as aspirin and clopidogrel, are commonly used to thin the blood which limits clotting and reduces the risk of heart attack. This book is a comprehensive guide to blood platelets for haematologists. Beginning with discussion on platelet structure, morphology, function and physiology, the next chapters cover the role of calcium in platelet activation and calcium modulation by cyclic nucleotides. The following sections explain the pharmacology of antiplatelet drugs, antiplatelet therapies, aspirin resistance, and the association of diabetes mellitus with major platelet dysfunction. The book concludes with chapters on acute coronary problems, interaction between endothelial cells and platelets, and blood biocompatibility studies. Authored by a Minneapolis-based expert in the field, the text is further enhanced by clinical photographs, diagrams and tables. Key points Comprehensive guide to blood platelets for haematologists Extensive coverage of antiplatelet drugs and resistance Recognised author from University of Minnesota Highly illustrated with clinical photographs, diagrams and tables
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Manual for Evidence-Based CBT Supervision
The effectiveness of CBT depends on the quality of the supervision and training that is provided to its practitioners. A Manual for Evidence-Based CBT Supervision is intended to significantly strengthen the available resources for training and supporting CBT supervisors. The authors drew on the insights of many accredited CBT supervisors to develop the guidance, and the work is built firmly on an evidence-based approach. This manual will also be useful for individual supervisors and to those who support and guide trainers and supervisors (e.g., peer groups, consultants, managers, administrators, training directors), as the authors include training supervision guidelines and training materials (e.g., video clips, guidelines and PowerPoint slides). In summary, this manual provides critical guidance in a number of areas: Training resources and evidence based guidance to individual supervisors in a continuing education/professional development workshop format Criteria and guidance (including measurement tools and competence standards) to support the certification of supervisors Assisting in a “train the trainers” approach suitable for agency or organization-based training of supervisors Coaching and training supervisors and supervisees remotely, through supplementary materials and an interactive website
O'Reilly Media Dreamweaver CS5: The Missing Manual: The Book That Should Have Been in the Box
Web designers, web producers, and webmasters rely on one program above all others to design, build, and manage professional websites: Adobe Dreamweaver. It provides the tools you need to create everything from simple HTML pages to database-driven PHP pages. But what makes Dreamweaver so versatile is also what makes it difficult to learn. This bestselling guide offers you with clear, jargon-free explanations to help you master this sophisticated program -- and bring stunning, contemporary websites to life. Written by veteran Dreamweaver teacher and author David McFarland, Dreamweaver CS5: The Missing Manual takes you through site creation step-by-step, from building your very first page to launching a template-driven, fully interactive site. You'll hone your skills with the help of hands-on, guided tutorials throughout the book. * Learn how to control the appearance of your web pages with CSS, from basic to advanced techniques * Design dynamic, database-driven websites, from blogs to product catalogs, and from shopping carts to newsletter signup forms * Add interactivity to your website with ready-to-use JavaScript programs from Adobe's Spry Framework * Effortlessly control the many helper files that power your website and manage thousands of pages * Examine web page components and Dreamweaver's capabilities with the book's "live examples"
McGraw-Hill Education Harrisons Manual of Medicine
All the authority of the most trusted brand in medical content in a convenient, portable guideA Doody's Core Titles for 2023! The Harrison’s Manual, derived from most clinically salient content featured in Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th Edition, delivers numerous clinical algorithms in one practical, portable resource. The Manual also includes abundant quick reference tables, plus concise text—providing rapid access to bedside information when decisions need to be made quickly. This full color summary guide covers all diseases and conditions commonly seen in inpatient general medicine, so you can be sure to find invaluable content directly to your workflow and practice.The 20th edition has been updated to reflect the latest clinical developments in medicine. The Manual truly makes it easy to find what you need at the point of care. The easy-to-navigate chapters cover symptoms/signs, medical emergencies, specific diseases, and care of the hospitalized patient, with a particular focus on: Etiology and Epidemiology Clinically Relevant Pathophysiology Signs and Symptoms Differential Diagnosis Physical and Laboratory Findings Therapeutics Practice Guidelines, and more
Haynes Publishing Group Ford S-MAX & Galaxy Diesel (Mar 06 - July 15) Haynes Repair Manual
With a Haynes Manual, you can do it yourself, from simple maintenance to full repairs. Every Manual is based on a complete stripdown of the car. Our authors and technicians work out the best methods to do a job and present this with the home mechanic in mind. Our Manuals have clear instructions and hundreds of photographs that show each step. Whether you're a beginner or a competent mechanic, you can save money with Haynes!, Each Manual includes:, Clear and easy to follow page layout, Full procedures written from hands-on experience, Easy-to-follow photos, Fault finding information, How to make special tools, Colour wiring diagrams (where available)
Taylor & Francis Inc Faculty Mentoring: A Practical Manual for Mentors, Mentees, Administrators, and Faculty Developers
Faculty mentoring programs greatly benefit the institutions that have instituted them, and are effective in attracting and retaining good faculty.Prospective faculty members commonly ask about mentoring at on-campus interviews, and indicate that it is a consideration when choosing a position. Mentoring programs also increase the retention rate of junior faculty, greatly reducing recruitment costs, and particularly help integrate women, minority and international faculty members into the institution, while providing all new hires with an orientation to the culture, mission and identity of the college or university. The book provides step-by-step guidelines for setting up, planning, and facilitating mentoring programs for new faculty members, whether one-on-one, or using a successful group model developed and refined over twenty-five years by the authors. While it offers detailed guidance on instituting such programs at the departmental level, it also makes the case for establishing school or institutional level programs, and delineates the considerable benefits and economies of scale these can achieve. The authors provide guidance for mentors and mentees on developing group mentoring and individual mentor / protégé relationships – the corresponding chapters being available online for separate purchase; as well as detailed outlines and advice to department chairs, administrators and facilitators on how to establish and conduct institution-wide group mentoring programs, and apply or modify the material to meet their specific needs.For training and faculty development purposes, we also offer two chapters as individual e-booklets. Each respectively provides a succinct summary of the roles and expectations of the roles of Mentor and Mentee. Faculty Mentoring / Mentor GuideFaculty Mentoring / Mentee GuideThe booklets are affordably priced, and intended for individual purchase by mentors and mentees, and are only available through our Web site.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing: Modeling, Simulation, and Experiments
Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing Explore laser-based additive manufacturing processes via multi-scale modeling and computer simulation In Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing: Modeling, Simulation, and Experiments, a distinguished team of researchers delivers an incisive framework for understanding materials processing using laser-based additive manufacturing (LAM). The book describes the use of computational modeling and simulation to explore and describe the LAM technique, to improve the compositional, phase, and microstructural evolution of the material, and to enhance the mechanical, chemical, and functional properties of the manufactured components. The accomplished authors combine a comprehensive overview of multi-scale modeling and simulation with experimental and practical observations, offering a systematic review of laser-material interactions in advanced LAM processes. They also describe the real-world applications of LAM, including component processing and surface functionalization. In addition to explorations of residual stresses, three-dimensional defects, and surface physical texture in LAM, readers will also find: A thorough introduction to additive manufacturing (AM), including the advantages of AM over conventional manufacturing and the challenges involved with using the technology A comprehensive exploration of computation materials science, including length- and time-scales in materials modeling and the current state of computational modeling in LAM Practical discussions of laser-material interaction in LAM, including the conversion of light energy to heat, modes of heat dissipation, and the dynamics of the melt-pool In-depth examinations of the microstructural and mechanical aspects of LAM integrated with modeling Perfect for materials scientists, mechanical engineers, and physicists, Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing: Modeling, Simulation, and Experiments is perfect for anyone seeking an insightful treatment of this cutting-edge technology in the areas of alloys, ceramics, and composites.
Taylor & Francis Inc Popular Manufacturing Myths: Eliminating Widely Held Beliefs That Reduce Competitiveness
Addressing the beliefs and attitudes that can be detrimental to your organization’s competitiveness, Popular Manufacturing Myths: Eliminating Widely Held Beliefs That Reduce Competitiveness offers time-tested insight into the most common myths encountered in manufacturing environments. It classifies these myths into management myths, shop floor myths, and if appropriate, shared management and shop floor myths.Explaining the reasons why these deeply ingrained beliefs exist, the book outlines remedies that can help to quickly dispel them within your organization. It presents case studies that examine these myths and includes numerous real-world examples that outline simple, yet effective, solutions. Some of the myths dispelled in this book include: Increasing line speed always decreases quality and creates more scrap Reducing the cost of raw materials will decrease the cost of manufacturing Increased inspection will boost quality If it is successful in R&D, it will be successful in production Process problems can only be solved by changing one process parameter at a time Covering the basics of data collection tools, techniques, and analysis, the text offers simple methods to structure your data to assist in communicating clear and logical conclusions across the organization. The author keeps the arithmetic and statistics to a minimum, so readers only require a basic understanding of averaging and normal variation. However, for those who wish to understand a little bit more about a particular concept, technique, tool, or procedure, the book includes an addendum chapter with more detailed explanations and sample calculations.
O'Reilly Media Photoshop CS5: The Missing Manual: The Book That Should Have Been in the Box
You'd be hard-pressed to find a published image that hasn't spent some quality time in Adobe Photoshop. With new features such as Content-Aware Fill and Puppet Warp, Photoshop CS5 is more amazing -- and perhaps more bewildering -- than ever. That's where this full-color Missing Manual comes in. It covers Photoshop from a practical standpoint, with tips, tricks, and practical advice you can use every day to edit photos and create beautiful documents. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced pixel pusher ready to try advanced techniques, author and graphics pro Lesa Snider offers crystal-clear, jargon-free instructions to help you take advantage of these powerful tools -- not only how they work, but when you should use them. Describing the CS4 edition, bestselling Photoshop author Scott Kelby wrote, "Lesa did a great job on the book, and in my mind, it is the new Photoshop Bible." * Learn your way around Photoshop's revamped workspace * Get up to speed on essential features such as layers and channels * Edit images by cropping, resizing, retouching, working with color, and more * Create paintings and illustrations, work with text, and explore filters * Prepare images for printing or the Web, and learn how to protect your images online * Work smarter and faster by automating tasks and installing plug-ins Written with the clarity, humor, and objective scrutiny, Photoshop CS5: The Missing Manual is the friendly, thorough resource you need.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cognitive-Behavioural Integrated Treatment (C-BIT): A Treatment Manual for Substance Misuse in People with Severe Mental Health Problems
This exciting new book addresses the important issue of how to provide integrated mental health and substance misuse treatment of individuals with these co-occurring disorders. Combining both theory and practice, by the use of illustrative clinical case material, it provides a survey of different approaches to the integration of mental health and substance misuse services. A unique collection of chapters, from authors who are experts in the field and pioneering innovative approaches, provides an international perspective (including UK, Germany, Australia, USA, Canada) of treatment. Arranged in five sections, Section 1 provides an introduction to the issue of substance misuse amongst those with psychosis. Section 2 introduces a range of integrated service models from different countries. The third section provides a practical hands-on guide to assessment and treatment. The fourth section addresses the specific treatment needs of special population groups (including young people, forensic groups, homeless people and those with HIV/AIDS). The final section examines treatment outcome studies and implications for the future. Clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, case managers, and psychiatric social workers in training and practice in clinic, hospital and community settings will find this book an essential practical resource for working with individuals (and their families) with co-occurring disorders.
Hogrefe Publishing ASSIP - Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program: A Manual for Clinicians: 2015
Attempted suicide is the main risk factor for suicide. The Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP) described in this manual is an innovative brief therapy that has proven in published clinical trials to be highly effective in reducing the risk of further attempts. ASSIP is the result of the authors' extensive practical experience in the treatment of suicidal individuals. The emphasis is on the therapeutic alliance with the suicidal patient, based on an initial patient-oriented narrative interview. The four therapy sessions are followed by continuing contact with patients by means of regular letters.This clearly structured manual starts with an overview of suicide and suicide prevention, followed by a practical, step-by-step description of this highly structured treatment. It includes numerous checklists, handouts, and standardized letters for use by health professionals in various clinical settings.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Collaborative R&D: Manufacturing's New Tool
The ability to collaborate, particularly in new manufacturing technology development, is becoming a corporate competence that will determine which companies survive in the next decade. With the advent of the telecommunications and information infrastructure realized in the 1990s, companies that can effectively collaborate to get new technologies applied will stand a greater chance of remaining competitive in today's market. Collaborative R&D offers the methods and metrics for developing collaborative technology programs and partnerships, both within the industry and between major competitors. R&D experts Allen and Jarman provide a complete map for collaboration, taken from their collective years of experience in creating, promoting, and managing many collaborative R&D initiatives over the past decade. They include the guidelines for determining what technology development areas are appropriate for collaboration, and what ingredients need to be in place for it to be successful. The authors' experiences are detailed in a format that walks the reader through the process of identifying, starting, and managing collaborative R&D programs. Having developed these programs with companies like Ford, Texas Instruments, Boeing, AT&T, and Kodak, Allen and Jarman include numerous real-world examples, which show how to choose collaborative partners, how to use the government in establishing R&D programs, successful management techniques, means of addressing intellectual property, and how to address accounting concerns. The book also illustrates the significant benefits of collaborative R&D, helping managers and technology professionals realize its value by enabling them to make the most knowledgeable decisions and take the best actions possible, in any given situation. Among some of the benefits that have resulted from the authors' collaborative programs: * Pratt & Whitney developed software tools that enabled them to keep one of their plants from closing. * Ford reduced a two-week design process to four hours. * An acceleration by at least a year in 32 key Printed Wiring Board research tasks resulted in research savings of about $35.5 million. Collaborative R&D is valuable reading for any business that plans to thrive in a new global economy where all available financial and human assets will need to be leveraged for the greatest return-and with minimal risk. "R&D means innovation, productivity, and growth-the three things our economy needs the most. This important new book explains how and why the R&D revolution is transforming American industry, a theme everyone who cares about the future of our economy should understand." -Jerry Jasinowski, President, National Association of Manufacturers. "Allen and Jarman provide the definitive pathway to competitive advantage through collaborative R&D, the new tool for cost-effective innovation in the twenty-first century." -Leo Reddy, President, National Coalition for Advanced Manufacturing. "Collaboration among companies is very new in American industry. Most companies are still striving to have their own employees collaborate with each other. This book portrays the strength and power of intercompany collaboration." -Jack E. Swindle, Senior Vice President, Texas Instruments. "This is a must read for any entrepreneur thinking of becoming involved in cross-organizational collaboration, for any corporate executive concerned about how cross-organizational R&D collaboration will help his company to remain competitive in the future, and for any manager who is responsible for managing people involved in cross-organizational collaborative efforts." -Dr. Ann Majchrzak, Professor of Information Systems, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California "Collaborative R&D is mandatory reading for any enterprise leader looking to expand and leverage market influence." -Mike McEvoy, Vice President, Advanced Engineering and Design Center, Baxter Healthcare Corporation.
Pearson Education Limited Manufacturing Engineering and Technology in SI Units, Global Edition
For courses in manufacturingprocess A comprehensive text on thescience, engineering, and technology of manufacturing In Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, 8thEdition in SI Units, the authors continue their efforts to present acomprehensive, balanced, and most importantly, an up-to-date coverage of thescience, engineering, and technology of manufacturing. It places an emphasis onthe interdisciplinary nature of every manufacturing activity, including complexinteractions between materials, design, process, and manufacturing process andoperations. The text is designed to help students learn not only the scienceand engineering that drives manufacturing, but to understand and appreciatemanufacturing’s important role in our modern, global economy. With more than120 examples and case studies, the text presents students with a breadth ofchallenges while providing them the tools and encouragement to exploresolutions to those challenges. Thenew edition is thoroughly updated with numerous new topics and illustrationsrelevant to all aspects of manufacturing and includes a completely revisedchapter covering the rapid advances in additive manufacturing.
O'Reilly Media Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Lion Edition
Ready to move to the Mac? This incomparable guide helps you make a smooth transition. New York Times columnist and Missing Manuals creator David Pogue gets you past three challenges: transferring your stuff, assembling Mac programs so you can do what you did with Windows, and learning your way around Mac OS X. Learning to use a Mac is not a piece of cake, but once you do, the rewards are oh-so-much better. No viruses, worms, or spyware. No questionable firewalls or inefficient permissions. Just a beautiful machine with a thoroughly reliable system. Whether you're using Windows XP or Windows 7, we've got you covered. * Transfer your stuff. Moving files from a PC to a Mac is the easy part. This guide gets you through the tricky things: extracting your email, address book, calendar, Web bookmarks, buddy list, desktop pictures, and MP3 files. * Re-create your software suite. Big-name programs from Microsoft, Adobe, and others are available in both Mac and Windows versions. But hundreds of other programs are Windows-only. Learn the Macintosh equivalents and how to move data to them. * Learn Mac OS X Lion. Once you've moved into the Macintosh mansion, it's time to learn your way around. You're in good hands with the author of Mac OS X: The Missing Manual, the #1 bestselling guide to Mac OS X.
Emerald Publishing Limited Process Automation Strategy in Services, Manufacturing and Construction
The importance of automation in the various industries has increased dramatically in recent years; business process automation serves to enhance product quality, improve process safety and plant availability, and efficiently utilize resources and lower emissions. With almost every industry facing sweeping and unprecedented change, Process Automation Strategy in Services, Manufacturing and Construction responds to a rapid pace of transformation that is both a major challenge and a fantastic opportunity. Customers’ expectations grow higher, economic pressures require them to do more with less, and each day new competitors appear. Examining case studies and examples of robotic process automation (RPA) across a range of industries and sectors, the authors explore the links between customer satisfaction and organizational performance, and how automation improves service for the end user. Appealing to business researchers, academics and practitioners, Process Automation Strategy in Services, Manufacturing and Construction brings to life the current trends in process automation and considers what the future holds.
Haynes Publishing Group Suzuki GSX-R600/750 (04 - 05) & GSX-R1000 (03 - 08) Haynes Repair Manual
With a Haynes Manual, you can do it yourself, from simple maintenance to full repairs. Every Manual is based on a complete stripdown of the bike. Our authors and technicians work out the best methods to do a job and present this with the home mechanic in mind. Our Manuals have clear instructions and hundreds of photographs that show each step. Whether you're a beginner or a competent mechanic, you can save money with Haynes., Each Manual includes:, Clear and easy to follow page layout, Full procedures written from hands-on experience, Easy-to-follow photos, Faultfinding information, How to make special tools, Colour wiring diagrams (where available)
Taylor & Francis Ltd Financial Models and Tools for Managing Lean Manufacturing
The effect Lean Manufacturing programs have on profit and loss statements during the early months of their implementation often causes them to be viewed as failures. The length of time it will take traditional financial reports to reflect lean manufacturing improvements depends upon how poorly the operation was doing in terms of inventory management prior to the initiation of the lean effort. As yet, no one has put forth a set of methods for dealing with the finances and financial reporting issues dynamically during the implementation of lean practices, until now.Financial Models and Tools for Managing Lean Manufacturing provides an understanding of the impact that traditional accounting practices have on operational improvement programs. The book shows managers of supply chains how to prepare for and present the impact of Lean Manufacturing to top management and stakeholders. To illustrate the impact of lean manufacturing on the income statement, the authors present a multi-month, Excel™ and Pro-Model™ based manufacturing operation environment that incorporates actual sales, sales forecasts, and production results. Their text gives supply chain managers the financial skills they need to successfully manage Lean Manufacturing and its impacts. In short, the book explains how existing accounting practices have a tendency to report the results of operational improvement programs in a negative light. Other books have identified this issue but have not attempted to quantify the impact to a firm’s profit and loss nor have they shown the impact over a series of reporting periods. As a consequence, although Lean Manufacturing practices are being adopted at an ever-increasing rate, they have not been eagerly embraced by manufacturers and supply chain managers. Identifying the effects of past poor manufacturing practices that are being cleaned up by the operational improvements brought by the lean program, the book arms you with the knowledge you need to defend the lean program through the months when income statements indicate a decline in profitability.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Organic Chem Lab Survival Manual: A Student's Guide to Techniques
Teaches students the basic techniques and equipment of the organic chemistry lab — the updated new edition of the popular hands-on guide. The Organic Chem Lab Survival Manual helps students understand the basic techniques, essential safety protocols, and the standard instrumentation necessary for success in the laboratory. Author James W. Zubrick has been assisting students navigate organic chemistry labs for more than three decades, explaining how to set up the laboratory, make accurate measurements, and perform safe and meaningful experiments. This practical guide covers every essential area of lab knowledge, from keeping detailed notes and interpreting handbooks to using equipment for chromatography and infrared spectroscopy. Now in its eleventh edition, this guide has been thoroughly updated to cover current laboratory practices, instruments, and techniques. Focusing primarily on macroscale equipment and experiments, chapters cover microscale jointware, drying agents, recrystallization, distillation, nuclear magnetic resonance, and much more. This popular textbook: Familiarizes students with common lab instruments Provides guidance on basic lab skills and procedures Includes easy-to-follow diagrams and illustrations of lab experiments Features practical exercises and activities at the end of each chapter Provides real-world examples of lab notes and instrument manuals The Organic Chem Lab Survival Manual: A Student’s Guide to Techniques, 11th Edition is an essential resource for students new to the laboratory environment, as well as those more experienced seeking to refresh their knowledge.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Life's Missing Instruction Manual: The Guidebook You Should Have Been Given at Birth
Bestselling author and marketing guru Joe Vitale offers insights and life lessons for achieving success In the simple, straightforward tone of an instructional manual, this little book offers big wisdom and little-known secrets for living a better life. Packed with life lessons most people will wish they'd learned earlier, Life's Missing Instruction Manual uses humor and anecdote to present practical steps readers can use to take control of their lives, overcome any obstacle, and find fulfillment. Each simple lesson is explained and brought into focus with real-life examples and includes practical steps on putting those lessons to work every day. Full of uncommon wisdom and lighthearted humor, this book will help readers develop confidence, create a plan for success, get ahead at work, build rapport with others, develop time-management skills, and find wealth and happiness. Readers will learn how to live life to the fullest when they discover how to: * Take chances that lead to success * Get through the tough times * Be themselves and like it * Find their purpose * Work as a team * Create their own blueprint for success * Believe in themselves * Lead a good and moral life * Accept their mistakes and move on * Define success for themselves Joe Vitale (Wimberley, TX) is President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., and author of The Attractor Factor (0-471-70604-3) and The E-Code (0-471-71855-6). He has been called "the Buddha of the Internet" for his combination of spirituality and marketing acumen. His professional clients include the Red Cross, PBS, Hermann Children's Hospital, and many other small and large international businesses.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Manual of Equine Reproduction
Now in full color, Manual of Equine Reproduction, 3rd Edition provides a comprehensive look at the reproductive management of horses, including management of stallions, pregnant mares, and neonatal foals. Expert authors use a concise, practical approach in discussing improved therapies and treatments in equine breeding. You'll enhance your skills and knowledge with this book's detailed coverage of techniques used in reproductive examination, breeding procedures, pregnancy diagnosis, foaling, and reproductive tract surgery. A clinical emphasis includes a step-by-step format of possible scenarios from conception to breeding management. Practical information includes topics such as breeding with transported cooled or frozen semen, and caring for the broodmare and newborn foal. The organization of material corresponds to the course of study in veterinary school, so you can find topics easily. Chapter objectives and study questions at the beginning of each chapter guide you through the material and provide clear learning goals. Evaluation of Breeding Records chapter covers the importance of breeding records, and how to use them to evaluate stallion performance and optimize fertility. References are listed at the end of each chapter for further research and study. Full-color photographs and illustrations clearly depict procedures, and all drawings have been redrawn and improved. NEW Assisted Reproductive Technology chapter goes beyond embryo transfer. Updated content includes the latest advances in therapies and treatments. New content is added to two chapters, Reproductive Physiology of the Nonpregnant Mare and Manipulation of Estrus in the Mare. Thorough coverage of every aspect of equine reproduction provides a strong foundation for success in veterinary practice, including a discussion of the use of GnRH-analog deslorelin (Ovuplant) to hasten ovulation; aseptic technique for endometrial biopsy; use of transabdominal ultrasonography, especially in early pregnancy; determination of fetal gender by transrectal ultrasonography; aspiration testicular biopsy using a spring-loaded biopsy instrument; and procedure for surgical embryo transfer.
Guilford Publications OCD in Children and Adolescents: The "OCD Is Not the Boss of Me" Manual
In a large-size format for easy photocopying, this user-friendly manual presents a tested treatment protocol for children and adolescents (ages 6 to 18) struggling with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). Ten flexible modules give clinicians tools for engaging kids and their parents and implementing successful exposure and response prevention activities, as well as other cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) strategies. Each module includes vivid clinical vignettes, sample scripts, “tips and tricks” drawn from the authors’ extensive experience, and numerous reproducible child and parent handouts and worksheets. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print additional copies of the reproducible materials, in color.
Alfaguara La noche de los alfileres
El ganador del premio Alfaguara de novela y del Independent Foreign Fiction Prize vuelve con un thriller apasionante en la Lima de los años noventa.Por qué ahora? Después de tanto tiempo? Y por qué recordar todo el horror? Me he pasado la vida tratando de olvidarlo.Beto, Moco, Carlos y Manu compartieron la amistad y el despertar de la sexualidad en un colegio de jesuitas de Lima. Pero también algo más: durante su adolescencia lucharon por ocultar su debilidad ante los compañeros, marcar su territorio y huir de sus respectivas realidades familiares. Un cóctel que les llevó a decidir que solo ejerciendo el poder sobre los demás con una furia irracional podrían conseguir dejar una huella definitiva de su existencia.Desde la edad adulta y ya con una franqueza que solo puede dar el paso del tiempo, los cuatro rememoran un acontecimiento dramático vivido en esos años del que solo ellos saben la verdad. Qué ocurrió en realidad la noche en que decidieron rebelarse
Headline Publishing Group The Reflexology Manual: Treating the body through the feet and hands
Relieve stress and tension and return the body to optimum health with this practical step-by-step manual. Clear illustrations show how all the internal body structures and organs are mirrored in the reflex points on the feet and hands, while a step-by-step guide explains how to perform pressure and massage techniques to give a full-body treatment and alleviate a variety of debilitating disorders. There's also a special section on incorporating chakra work and colour therapy into reflexology sessions, for those who would like to take their practice further. Learn how to relieve stress and alleviate common ailments with this effective holistic treatment; Suitable for beginners and those with experience alike; Clear photographs, reflex-point diagrams and easy to follow step-by-step instructions throughout; The author is a leading reflexologist and colour therapy practitioner.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Made to Serve: How Manufacturers can Compete Through Servitization and Product Service Systems
A comprehensive, practical introduction to one of the most important new trends in manufacturing, globally The delivery of a service component as an added value when providing products, servitization is all the rage in the manufacturing sector around the world. Yet, despite the clear competitive advantage of servitization, most manufacturers remain reluctant to venture into, what for them, is a strange new world. Written by a team of internationally respected servitization experts and innovators, this book provides you with a detailed road map for successfully navigating the servitization terrain. Unlike most authors on the subject who merely sing the praises of servitization, Baines and Lightfoot provide you with a framework for accessing the feasibility of adopting a services-led competitive strategy in your company, along with strategies for designing and implementing the kinds of service offerings customers increasingly are coming to expect. Grounded in real-world practice and supported by a wealth of up-to-the minute research, this book helps ease the way for manufacturers considering adopting a servitization model Shows how to exploit your company's manufacturing competencies to build a strong servitization element without becoming "just another services company" Provides numerous illustrations and examples of services-led competitive strategies, with an emphasis on the advanced services most widely associated with servitization worldwide Packed with fascinating and instructive case studies from leading manufacturing firms across industry sectors, including Caterpillar, Rolls-Royce, Alstom, MAN, Xerox and others
Editorial C & M Ladrones de Atlntida
Encuadernación: RústicaCuando el joven egipcio Weni Imhotep desembarca en Manu, una isla legendaria en medio del Océano Atlántico, sólo es capaz de imaginar maravillas acerca de la civilización que la habita. No puede adivinar entonces las tribulaciones que tendrá qeu afrontar durante su accidentada estancia. Las circusntancias harán que finalmente, por gratitud y por amistad, se alíe con un singular grupo de ladrones. Al llegar, le embarga el entusiasmo por conocer la culturan natia y disfrutar del esplendor y el bienestar que reinan en aquellas tierras, pero no tardará en vislumbrar su decadencia y en percatarse de que, como él mismo dice, "en todas partes crece la hierba de la controversia y medra la podredumbre". Incluso en la ATLÁNTIDA.José Ángel Muriel González nació en Sevilla en 1972. Estudió Matemáticas en la Universdiad de Sevilla y ha desarrollado su carrera profesional en el sector de la informática. Sin embargo, su vocación ha sido siempre escribir. Ha recogido algun
Intellect Books Crafting Luxury: Craftsmanship, Manufacture, Technology and the Retail Environment
The idea of luxury has secured a place in contemporary western culture, and the term is now part of common parlance in both established and emerging economies. This book explores the many issues and debates surrounding the idea of luxury. This new research addresses contentious issues surrounding perceptions of luxury, its relationship to contemporary branding as created by the marketers, and the impact this has on the consumer and their purchasing habits. Crafting Luxury considers work within the field of luxury and luxury brands, encompassing established companies with a long heritage: from conglomerates and small independents to 'new' luxury and emerging models with innovative practices. It examines the industry structures with respect to production, as well as the hierarchies that exist, and the impact these have on both internal and external perceptions of luxury, from the makers to the sellers and consumers alike. Attention is also given to the working structures of the ateliers, production facilities, origin of materials, manufacture and the impact of technology on consumption, the retail environment and sales, all providing a true insider’s view of this complex world. The authors – a designer of product and jewellery, a brand strategist and a fashion designer, an architect, and a sociologist and specialist in business management – are practitioners and academics. Their approach to dissecting the complex world of luxury brings distinct viewpoints to the debate, offering different perspectives, thoughts and interpretations of luxury. Crafting Luxury will appeal to academics and educators, industry specialists and anyone interested in luxury as a concept. It will appeal to those in a variety of academic and industry disciplines: art history, history, social sciences and humanities with an interest in luxury, fashion studies, design, business, cultural studies and textiles. It will also be valuable to students and researchers in social sciences, humanities, business, design, branding, consumption, retail, architecture, cultural studies, fashion studies and textiles. May also appeal to industry practitioners in retail, design, technology, marketing, the supply chain and manufacture, as well as design professions including architecture, fashion and interior design.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Manual of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapies
Led by authors from MD Anderson's Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Department, the world's largest and highly respected program at the forefront of rapidly advancing treatments in the field, Manual of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapies is a comprehensive, focused reference covering the latest clinical developments and applications of stem cell transplant and cellular therapies for hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. This cutting-edge title, with a majority contribution from the MD Anderson Cancer Center and leading faculty from other academic institutions, covers breakthrough cell-based therapies for various diseases including lymphoma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, and select solid tumor and autoimmune diseases. This unique, definitive resource is essential for hematologists, fellows in hematology and immunotherapy, mid-level providers, pharmacists, and oncologists who refer patients for cell-based therapies. Addresses hematologic conditions including leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. Offers guidance on hematopoietic cell transplantation for solid tumors. Covers basic science principles, clinical aspects, pharmacology, radiation therapy, and disease-specific guidelines, including prevention and management of complications. Discusses key topics such as hematopoietic cell collection, bone marrow harvesting, umbilical cord blood transplantation, CAR T-cell therapy, and patient/donor selection and preparation of HCT. Features extensive summary boxes, bulleted content, and algorithms throughout for quick and easy reference. Offers team-based, clinically-focused coverage from world-renowned leaders in the field. An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
Wolters Kluwer Health The Washington Manual of Surgery
Focusing on must-know information in the broad spectrum of general surgery, The Washington Manual® of Surgery, 9th Edition, provides concise, high-yield content essential for surgical residents, attendings, medical students, and others who provide care for patients with surgical disease. Edited by Drs. Paul E. Wise and Jeffrey A. Blatnik, and written by teams of Washington University residents and faculty, this bestselling manual presents state-of-the-art, comprehensive information in a brief, outline format, along with numerous figures, tables, algorithms, and images throughout. In one convenient, portable resource, you’ll find practical coverage of all surgical subspecialties (thoracic, GI, colorectal, cardiac, vascular, breast, trauma, critical care, and more)—all at your fingertips for quick review and reference. Covers the latest advances in surgical technique, instrumentation, and standards of practice Presents information in a succinct, consistent, outline format that conveys the most important diagnostic and management information for a given topic Includes clinical algorithms of disease work-up, diagnosis, and management, as well as completely revised review questions in every chapter Includes key operative steps succinctly enumerated for relevant procedures Features new podcasts created for the eBook created by authors to reinforce chapter content Provides up-to-date references for readers who would like additional information on a particular topic Key Reference boxes provide deeper understanding of impactful trials and publications Written by faculty and residents from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, one of the world’s top surgical training programs The Washington Manual® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by Wolters Kluwer Health under license from Washington University. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. Podcasts reinforce important concepts from chapters.
O'Reilly Media Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Mountain Lion Edition
Ready to move to the Mac? This incomparable guide helps you make a smooth transition. New York Times columnist and Missing Manuals creator David Pogue gets you past three challenges: transferring your stuff, assembling Mac programs so you can do what you did with Windows, and learning your way around OS X. Learning to use a Mac is not a piece of cake, but once you do, the rewards are oh-so-much better. You won't find questionable firewalls or inefficient permissions. Just a beautiful machine with a thoroughly reliable system. Whether you're using Windows XP or Windows 7, we've got you covered. Transfer your stuff. Moving files from a PC to a Mac is the easy part. This guide gets you through the tricky things: extracting your email, address book, calendar, Web bookmarks, buddy list, desktop pictures, and MP3 files. Re-create your software suite. Big-name programs from Microsoft, Adobe, and others are available in both Mac and Windows versions, but hundreds of other programs are Windows-only. Learn the Macintosh equivalents and how to move data to them. Learn OS X Mountain Lion. Once you've moved into the Macintosh mansion, it's time to learn your way around. You're in good hands with the author of Mac OS X: The Missing Manual, the #1 bestselling guide to OS X.