Search results for ""author erik"
Nova Science Publishers Inc Acute Kidney Injury: Detection, Predictors & Long-Term Outcomes
Rowman & Littlefield Night Boat to New York: Steamboats on the Connecticut, 1815–1931
Night Boat to New York: Steamboats on the Connecticut, 1824-1931, is a portrait of the vanished steamboat days–when a procession of stately sidewheelers plied between Hartford and New York City, docking at Peck’s Slip on the East River in the shadow of the Brooklyn Bridge. At one time, Hartford could boast two thousand steamboat arrivals and departures in a year. Altogether, some thirty-five large steamboats were in service on the Connecticut River in these years, largely on the Hartford to New York City route. These Long Island Sound steamers, unlike the tubby, wedding cake dowagers of Western waters, were long, sleek craft, with sharp prows cutting a neat wake as they cruised along. Departing each afternoon from State Street or Talcott Street wharf in Hartford, the “night boats” reached New York at daybreak, inaugurating a pattern of city commuting that continues to this day. Steamboating not only brought people and goods—Colt’s firearms and Essex’s pianos—down river to New York for export to world markets, but also helped America’s inland “spa Culture” transplant itself to the seashore, making steamboating not just convenient transportation but also a social phenomenon noted by such writers as Charles Dickens and Mark Twain. No wonder crowds wept in the fall of 1931, when the last steamboats, made obsolete by the automobile, churned away from the dock and headed downriver—never to return.
Rowman & Littlefield Hiking Wyoming's Cloud Peak Wilderness: A Guide to the Area's Greatest Hiking Adventures
This book includes more than 75 hikes in this spectacular country, from the western canyons and badlands to the soaring heights of the Cloud Peak Massif. Detailed hike descriptions, helpful maps, and elevation profiles make this the only guide you'll need to enjoy hiking in the Cloud Peak Wilderness.
Gebruder Mann Verlag Ludwig Meidner: Werkverzeichnis Der Gemalde Bis 1927 / Catalogue Raisonne of the Paintings Until 1927
Arc Medieval Press Books Before Print
Dover Publications Inc. Creative Haven Modern Tattoo Designs Coloring Book
Hodder & Stoughton The Hinges of Battle: How Chance and Incompetence Have Changed the Face of History
There is no shortage of stories when it comes to battles. Some were decided by genius, but many more by a quirk of fate, when that thin balance which separates success from disaster lay in a minor decision or a trivial incident that tipped the scales. The thrust of a spear, the blink of an eye, a single phrase or a misinterpreted command is all it takes. A moment of courage or cowardice, energy or weariness, resolution or indecision.Battles have shaped the course of history and decided the fate of mankind. From a brutal Attila the Hun who went down to defeat on the Catalaunian Fields, to an overbearing French artillery colonel at Dien Bien Phu; from the stout walls of Constantinople to a skimpy mealie-bag wall at Rorke's Drift; from the sun of Austerlitz to the snows of Stalingrad, it was always an incident that decided the outcome of battle.
Cambridge University Press Moving Bodies: Embodied Minds and the World That We Made
Increasingly we have come to live in our heads, leaving our bodies behind. The consequences have been far-reaching, of which cognitive theory has warned us, advocating a 'return to the body.' This book employs several case studies-kings performing in ballets, sea captains dancing with natives, nationalists engaged in gymnastics exercises-to demonstrate what has been lost and what could be gained by a more embodied approach to living, to history. These curious movements were ways to be, to think, to know, to imagine, and to will. They highlight the limits of historical explanations focusing on cultural factors and question currently fashionable 'cultural' and 'post-modern' perspectives. Bodies, cognitive theory tells us, are the same regardless of historical context, and they engage in the same intentional activities. Returning to our bodies and their movements enables us not only to explain historical actions anew, but also to understand ourselves better.
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Devil In The White City
'An irresistible page-turner that reads like the most compelling, sleep defying fiction' TIME OUT One was an architect. The other a serial killer. This is the incredible story of these two men and their realization of the Chicago World's Fair of 1893, and its amazing 'White City'; one of the wonders of the world. The architect was Daniel H. Burnham, the driving force behind the White City, the massive, visionary landscape of white buildings set in a wonderland of canals and gardens. The killer was H. H. Holmes, a handsome doctor with striking blue eyes. He used the attraction of the great fair - and his own devilish charms - to lure scores of young women to their deaths. While Burnham overcame politics, infighting, personality clashes and Chicago's infamous weather to transform the swamps of Jackson Park into the greatest show on Earth, Holmes built his own edifice just west of the fairground. He called it the World's Fair Hotel. In reality it was a torture palace, a gas chamber, a crematorium. These two disparate but driven men are brought to life in this mesmerizing, murderous tale of the legendary Fair that transformed America and set it on course for the twentieth century . . .
Ediciones Urano Nuestra Historia de la Adiccion
La huella del terror franquista en Bizkaia jurisdicción militar políticas de captación y actitudes sociales 19371945
Este libro trata sobre el funcionamiento y el impacto de la jurisdicción militar tras la entrada de las tropas sublevadas en Bilbao, ofreciendoi una radiografía integral de la represión jurídico militar, que no se limita a consignar únicamente sentencias de cárcel y muerte sino que aborda también el desenlace de los expedientes que finalizaron tanto con sobreseimiento de causa, absolución, así como con conmutación de la pena, proporcionando además un retrato completo del perfil político y social de los procesados. Ahora bien, pese a que la represión fue elemento configurador de la identidad del régimen franquista, su consolidación requirió tanto la neutralización de la disidencia como la adhesión y el consentimiento de gran parte de la sociedad civil.
Academia Verlag Human Wisdom: Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy
Brookes Publishing Co Including People with Disabilities in Faith Communities: A Guide for Service Providers, Families and Congregations
This book addresses how faith communities, service providers, and families can work together to support the full participation of individuals with disabilities in the faith community of their choice. Topics include: rationale for including and supporting people with disabilities within a faith community; the importance of collaboration among faith communities, service providers, families, and individuals with disabilities to establish and maintain supports; specific ideas for including individuals with disabilities and for developing a network of religious groups, service providers, and families to make faith communities more inclusive. Carter incorporates the following elements into the book: practical strategies, vignettes, case examples (i.e., model programs), resource lists, and photocopiable forms, checklists, and interview guides.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Urge: Our History of Addiction
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Mercy River: A Thriller
Plan9 Verlag Der Weizen gedeiht im Süden
Ahriman- Verlag GmbH Wie unrecht hatte Marx wirklich
Coppenrath F Meja Meergrün Bd. 7
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Der Wert Der Freundschaft in Der Mediatisierten Alltagswelt: Eine Narratologisch-Semiotische Analyse Der Freundschaftserzahlungen Jugendlicher
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Post-Pandemic World: Sustainable Living on a Wounded Planet
The Covid-19 pandemic is a repeating biophysical shock yet one for which our current socio-economic structure was not prepared. Climate change, scarcity, depletion of natural resources, and the inevitable transition to renewable energy are one time events. Taken together, they present an existential threat to human society. This book is a guide to navigating these megatrends, which confront us now but whose consequences will unfold over decades. By presenting clear options on the path to a renewable energy future, this book gives readers a broad perspective as well as detailed, well-illustrated examples to weigh in making decisions which will secure stability and prosperity for their families, their communities and their nations.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalization, Economic Development and Inequality: An Alternative Perspective
Evolutionary economics gained acceptance for the study of industrialized countries during the 1990s but has, as yet, contributed little to the study of world income inequality. The expert contributors gathered here approach underdevelopment and inequality from different evolutionary perspectives. It is argued that the Schumpeterian processes of 'creative destruction' may take the form of wealth creation in one part of the globe and wealth destruction in another. Case studies explore and analyse the successful 19th century policies that allowed Germany and the United States to catch up with the UK and these are contrasted with two other case studies exploring the deindustrialization and falling real wages in Peru and Mongolia during the 1990s. The case studies and thematic papers together explore, identify and explain the mechanisms which cause economic inequality. Some papers point to why the present form of globalization increases poverty in many Third World nations. Members of the anti-globalization movement will find the explanations given in this book insightful, as will employees of international organizations due to the important policy messages. The theoretical interest within the book will appeal to development economists and evolutionary economists, and policymakers and politicians will find the explanations of the present failure of many small nations in the periphery invaluable.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Psychology of Saving: A Study on Economic Psychology
This innovative book provides an up-to-date assessment of the factors accounting for the differences between people who save and people who do not save money. Humans are forward looking and want to make provisions for future consumption according to saving theories. Some people save and others with similar incomes and wealth do not. Why? Whilst psychology has devoted little attention to the forward looking dimension of human behaviour, it contributes theories and techniques for studying the cognitive, motivational, and social factors that affect saving. The book examines the assumption that man is forward looking and desires to provide for the future. It summarises theories and behavioural research in the area of saving and explores the psychological insights and findings of economists and interprets them in terms of modern psychology.The Psychology of Saving will be welcomed as a major contribution to economic psychology which brings together research and analysis, developing our understanding about rationality, expectations and consumer behaviour.
Collective Ink Power of the Impossible, The: On Community and the Creative Life
On community and the creative life. The Power of the Impossible surveys cultural figures from Spinoza to popular culture icon Ivan Lendl, to illuminate the challenge and problem of establishing a future-oriented world community and its conceptual intersection with heterogeneous forms of the creative life. 'This original, unorthodox study illuminates our current crises of community formation and creativity in ways unexpected but necessary.' Robert Appelbaum, Uppsala University
Hachette Children's Group The Only Light Left Burning
THEY FOUND EACH OTHER. NOW THEY MUST RESCUE WHAT THEY LEFT BEHIND. The highly-anticipated sequel to the queer genre-bending dystopian romance All That''s Left in the World.Against the backdrop of a ravaged world, Andrew and Jamie have settled in a new community, more in love than ever. Finally they''ve reached safety and have each taken on roles and responsibilities in this new life. But it''s soon clear they want different things:Jamie is ready to move on and take to the road, just the two of them.Andrew wants to remain in the safety of numbers.With a storm brewing up the coast they have no choice to head back into the wilderness where old enemies roam and they don''t know who to trust. Can they find their way back to safety and each other?
Museum Tusculanum Press The Last Plague in the Baltic Region, 1709-1713
Clavis Publishing The Big Bird Search Book
A colorful seek-and-find book about the nature around us. For bird lovers ages 5 years and up. Nature is more fun when you know more about it! In this book, you’ll discover over a hundred birds from around the world. Are you good at playing I spy? Then you’ll have a blast with this book!
Nova Science Publishers Inc Progress in Nonlinear Analysis Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Trends in Stem Cell Research
Agenda Publishing European Studies: Past, Present and Future
In 1969 a small group of US scholars began discussing the possibility of starting a consortium of Western European Studies programmes. Europe was increasingly becoming an object of study and it was felt that greater coordination of the intellectual effort would help avoid duplication and further the acceleration of research. So began the Council for European Studies. In commemoration of the founding of the Council fifty years ago, this volume brings together some of the most influential Europeanists writing today to take stock of the subject and to consider the most fruitful avenues for future research. With European democracy seemingly under threat from populism on the left and the right, the economies of countries still struggling to emerge from a decade of recession and stagnating growth, environmental concerns paramount and the quest for social cohesion a distant goal, the contributors to this volume bring their insight to bear on the fertile ground that the EU and the continent more broadly offer researchers. The contributors – drawn from 52 institutions across the globe – present a wide range of perspectives on Europe’s past and present, and the key challenges facing its future, such as immigration, multiculturalism, nationalism and integration. Although it remains to be seen whether Europeans will continue to promote the dream of union or whether they will retreat back into their nation states, these essays offer valuable insights into how Europe might respond and the changing nature of what it means to be a European.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc All That's Left in the World
Lo Scarabeo Illuinati Tarot
New in Chess Play 1...D6 Against Everything: A Compact and Ready-to-Use Black Repertoire for Club Players
Classiques Garnier L'Infortune Napolitain
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Welcome to Mars: Politics, Pop Culture, and Weird Science in 1950s America
Sasquatch Books Beluga Whales, Grizzly Tales, and More Alaska Kidsnacks: Fun Recipes for Cooking with Kids
Sasquatch Books Totem Tale: A Tall Story from Alaska
iUniverse Stalin's Priests
Simon & Schuster Sea Clocks: The Story of Longitude
Random House USA Inc Shark Attack! (DC Super Friends)
When the deep-sea villain Black Manta is up to no good, Batman™ and the DC Super Friends have to battle a sea of sharks and other underwater creatures to stop him. Boys and girls ages 4 to 6 will love this Step into Reading leveled reader featuring an action-packed super hero story, plus real nonfiction facts about sharks! And super-cool fact cards add to the fun.
Hatje Cantz Ugo Rondinone (Bilingual edition): the water is a poem unwritten by the air no. the earth is a poem unwritten by the fire
You Got to Burn to Shine Ugo Rondinone’s 2022 exhibition 'the water is a poem unwritten by the air / no. the earth is a poem unwritten by the fire' at the Petit Palais in Paris explores the theme of transformation. Ugo Rondinone presents three ensembles of sculptures and a monumental video installation. Earth, sky, air, water and fire are invoked in the fullness of their spiritual dimension. Under the museum’s painted ceilings, the first ensemble welcomes visitors in a farandole of suspended bodies painted in a clouded sky camouflage, underlining the ephemeral melding of air and water. A second ensemble is composed of seated sculptures of dancers at rest made from a blend of wax and earth collected from seven continents. The centerpiece artwork titled burn to shine, is a film installation presented in a monumental charred wood cylinder. The artwork depicts bodies coming together throughout movement, with dancers and musicians gathered around a fire in the desert from sunset to sunrise. In echo with John Giorno's poem titled You Got To Burn To Shine. This catalogue is a unique document of the dialogue between Rondinone’s works confronted with the museum’s architecture and its collections.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Development of African American English
This book focuses on one of the most persistent and controversial questions in modern sociolinguistics: the past and present development of African American Vernacular English (AAVE).
Human Kinetics Publishers Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy
Develop a body that can withstand the rigorous pressures of competitive sport and physical activity! Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy offers you a detailed look into some of the most common sport injury conditions and the best exercises to help prevent their occurrence.Throughout the text, stunning full-color medical illustrations paired with the latest sport injury science guide you in reducing the likelihood of an injury before it happens.Reduce the risk of common injuries like ACL tears, shoulder instability, concussions, and strains of the hamstring and low back. The book’s comprehensive coverage presents injuries by body segments—beginning with the head and neck and continuing all the way down through the lower leg and foot.Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy helps you design your own exercise programs by exploring the key components of an injury prevention program: needs analysis, exercise selection, training frequency, timing, and intensity and volume. Focusing on resistance training as an ideal injury prevention method, you’ll find sample programming templates as well as advice on how to incorporate the various exercises into an existing training plan. You’ll also learn the important role the warm-up plays in injury prevention and discover methods to prime your body for optimal performance.No one wants to be sidelined by injury. Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy provides you with the know-how to protect your body from damage and stay in competitive form.Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes both the book and exam.
Hal Leonard Corporation Satie - Gymnopedies and Gnossiennes
Verso Books Foucault's Analysis of Modern Governmentality: A Critique of Political Reason
Tracking the development of Foucault's key conceptsLemke offers the most comprehensive and systematic account of Michel Foucault's work on power and government from 1970 until his death in 1984. He convincingly argues, using material that has only partly been translated into English, that Foucault's concern with ethics and forms of subjectivation is always already integrated into his political concerns and his analytics of power. The book also shows how the concept of government was taken up in different lines of research in France before it gave rise to "governmentality studies" in the Anglophone world.A Critique of Political Reason: Foucault's Analysis of Modern Governmentality provides a clear and well-structured exposition that is theoretically challenging but also accessible for a wider audience. Thus, the book can be read both as an original examination of Foucault's concept of government and as a general introduction to his "genealogy of power."
University Press of Southern Denmark Soviet Civilization Between Past & Present
Lit Verlag Data Protection and Facebook: An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Consent in Social Networks
Wakefield Press Sweating Blood
First published in French in 1893, Sweating Blood describes the atrocities of war in 30 tales of horror and inhumanity from the pen of the "Pilgrim of the Absolute," Léon Bloy. Writing with blood, sweat, tears and moral outrage, Bloy drew from anecdotes, news reports and his own experiences as a guerilla fighter to compose a fragmented depiction of the 1870 Franco-Prussian War, told with equal measures of hatred and pathos, and alternating between cutting detail and muted anguish. From heaps of corpses, monstrous butchers, cowardly bourgeois, bloody massacres, seas of mud, drunken desperation, frightful disfigurement, grotesque hallucinations and ghoulish means of personal revenge, a generalized portrait of suffering is revealed that ultimately requires a religious lens: for through Bloy’s maniacal nationalism and frenetic Catholicism, it is a hell that emerges here, a 19th-century apocalypse that tore a country apart and set the stage for a century of atrocities that were yet to come. Léon Bloy (1846–1917) was born to a freethinking yet stern father and a pious Spanish–Catholic mother in southwestern France. Nourishing anti-religious sentiments in his youth, his outlook changed radically when he moved to Paris and came under the influence of Jules-Amédée Barbey d’Aurevilly. In his subsequent years of writing pamphlets, novels, essays, poetry and a multi volume diary, Bloy earned his dual nicknames of "The Pilgrim of the Absolute" through his unorthodox devotion to the Catholic Church and "The Ungrateful Beggar" through his endless reliance on the charity of friends to support him and his family.