Search results for ""Guilford Publications""
Guilford Publications Helping Students Overcome Depression and Anxiety: A Practical Guide
Now in a revised and expanded second edition, this bestselling guide provides expert information and clear-cut strategies for assessing and treating internalizing problems in school settings. More than 40 specific psychoeducational and psychosocial intervention techniques are detailed, with a focus on approaches that are evidence based, broadly applicable, and easy to implement. Including 26 ready-to-use worksheets, in a large-size format with permission to photocopy, the second edition has been updated throughout to ensure its currency and clinical utility. Coverage of psychiatric medications has been extensively revised with the latest developments and findings. A new chapter addresses prevention-oriented social and emotional learning curricula for the classroom. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by T. Chris Riley-Tillman.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Individual Differences in Social Behavior
How do individual differences interact with situational factors to shape social behavior? Are people with certain traits more likely to form lasting marriages; experience test-taking anxiety; break the law; feel optimistic about the future? This handbook provides a comprehensive, authoritative examination of the full range of personality variables associated with interpersonal judgment, behavior, and emotion. The contributors are acknowledged experts who have conducted influential research on the constructs they address. Chapters discuss how each personality attribute is conceptualized and assessed, review the strengths and limitations of available measures (including child and adolescent measures, when available), present important findings related to social behavior, and identify directions for future study.
Guilford Publications Relapse Prevention: Maintenance Strategies in the Treatment of Addictive Behaviors
This important work elucidates why relapse is so common for people recovering from addictive behavior problems--and what can be done to keep treatment on track. It provides an empirically supported framework for helping people with addictive behavior problems develop the skills to maintain their treatment goals, even in high-risk situations, and deal effectively with setbacks that occur. The expert contributors clearly identify the obstacles that arise in treating specific problem behaviors, review the factors that may trigger relapse at different stages of recovery, and present procedures for teaching effective cognitive and behavioral coping strategies.
Guilford Publications Managing Geographic Information Systems
Now in a fully revised and expanded second edition, this widely adopted text and practical reference addresses all aspects of developing and using geographic information systems (GIS) within an organization. Coverage includes the role of the GIS professional, how geographic information fits into broader management information systems, the use of GIS in strategic planning, and ways to navigate the organizational processes that support or inhibit the success of GIS implementation. All chapters retained from the prior edition have been thoroughly updated to reflect significant technological, empirical, and conceptual advances, as well as the changing contexts of GIS use. New chapters discuss organizational politics, metadata, legal issues, and GIS ethics.
Guilford Publications Contemporary Play Therapy: Theory, Research, and Practice
This highly practical book presents current developments in play therapy, including innovative applications for particular problems and populations. Contributors first discuss the latest ideas and techniques emerging from object relations, experiential, dynamic, and narrative perspectives. Next, research evaluating the effectiveness of play interventions is reviewed in detail. The book's third and largest section demonstrates creative approaches for helping children deal with a variety of adverse circumstances: homelessness, family problems, sexual abuse, social aggression, natural disasters, and more. Throughout, rich case illustrations enhance the book's utility for clinicians.
Guilford Publications Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment
Now in a fully revised and updated second edition, this important work provides authoritative scientific and applied perspectives on the full range of paraphilias and other sexual behavior problems. For each major clinical syndrome, a chapter on psychopathology and theory is followed by a chapter on assessment and treatment. Challenges in working with sex offenders are considered in depth. Thoroughly rewritten to reflect a decade of advances in the field, the second edition features many new chapters and new authors. New topics include an integrated etiological model, sexual deviance across the lifespan, Internet offenders, multiple paraphilias, neurobiological processes, the clinician as expert witness, and public health approaches.
Guilford Publications Reinventing Leadership DVD
This compelling video program distills the ideas and insights offered in the late Dr. Edwin H. Friedman's acclaimed workshops on leadership. Drawing on his extensive experience with families and religious congregations--and broadening the focus to encompass larger organizations as well--Dr. Friedman shares essential insights into why systems become stuck, who makes change happen, and how. The program includes segments from actual seminars, on-camera discussions with Dr. Friedman and with workshop participants, and a companion study and discussion guide. Running time: 42 minutes.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Developmental Disabilities
This authoritative handbook reviews the breadth of current knowledge about developmental disabilities: neuroscientific and genetic foundations; the impact on health, learning, and behavior; and effective educational and clinical practices. Leading authorities analyze what works in intervening with diverse children and families, from infancy through the school years and the transition to adulthood.Chapters presentestablished and emerging approaches to promoting communication and language abilities, academic skills, positive social relationships, and vocational and independent living skills. Current practices in positive behavior support are discussed, as are strategies for supporting family adaptation and resilience.
Guilford Publications Teens Who Hurt: Clinical Interventions to Break the Cycle of Adolescent Violence
Offering a fresh perspective on treatment, this book presents an overarching framework and many specific strategies for working with violent youth and their families. The authors shed light on the complex interplay of individual, family, community, and societal forces that lead some adolescents to hurt others or themselves. Effective ways to address each of these factors in clinical and school settings are discussed and illustrated with evocative case material. The book provides essential guidance on connecting with aggressive teens and their parents and managing difficult situations that are likely to arise. The strengths-based interventions presented are applicable to a broad range of high-risk behaviors, from bullying and assault to substance abuse, self-mutilation, and suicidality.
Guilford Publications Attachment Theory in Clinical Work with Children: Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice
Attachment research has tremendous potential for helping clinicians understand what happens when parent–child bonds are disrupted, and what can be done to help. Yet there remains a large gap between theory and practice in this area. This book reviews what is known about attachment and translates it into practical guidelines for therapeutic work. Leading scientist-practitioners present innovative strategies for assessing and intervening in parent–child relationship problems; helping young children recover from maltreatment or trauma; and promoting healthy development in adoptive and foster families. Detailed case material in every chapter illustrates the applications of research-based concepts and tools in real-world clinical practice.
Guilford Publications Attachment in Psychotherapy
This eloquent book translates attachment theory and research into an innovative framework that grounds adult psychotherapy in the facts of childhood development. Advancing a model of treatment as transformation through relationship, the author integrates attachment theory with neuroscience, trauma studies, relational psychotherapy, and the psychology of mindfulness. Vivid case material illustrates how therapists can tailor interventions to fit the attachment needs of their patients, thus helping them to generate the internalized secure base for which their early relationships provided no foundation. Demonstrating the clinical uses of a focus on nonverbal interaction, the book describes powerful techniques for working with the emotional responses and bodily experiences of patient and therapist alike.
Guilford Publications What Works for Bipolar Kids: Help and Hope for Parents
It may be hard to believe your child will ever get better, but kids with bipolar disorder can and do lead healthy, stable lives. In this compassionate and optimistic book, expert clinician and renowned researcher Mani Pavuluri delivers information, advice, and proven strategies that empower you to deal with the challenges of bipolar disorder and help your child get well. Drawing on 20 years of experience with bipolar kids and their families, she provides solidly researched strategies for reducing or eliminating problems with mania, aggression, sleep disturbances, depression, and other issues. You’ll discover practical ways to handle crises at home and in school, work with professionals to find an effective combination of medicine and psychotherapy, and cultivate a supportive community of friends and peers for your child. Dr. Pavuluri also helps you deal with the stress that comes with parenting, so you can maintain your poise, focus on the positive, and be a powerful advocate for your child.Winner--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award
Guilford Publications Missing Data: A Gentle Introduction
While most books on missing data focus on applying sophisticated statistical techniques to deal with the problem after it has occurred, this volume provides a methodology for the control and prevention of missing data. In clear, nontechnical language, the authors help the reader understand the different types of missing data and their implications for the reliability, validity, and generalizability of a study’s conclusions. They provide practical recommendations for designing studies that decrease the likelihood of missing data, and for addressing this important issue when reporting study results. When statistical remedies are needed--such as deletion procedures, augmentation methods, and single imputation and multiple imputation procedures--the book also explains how to make sound decisions about their use. Patrick E. McKnight's website offers a periodically updated annotated bibliography on missing data and links to other Web resources that address missing data.
Guilford Publications Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Adolescents
*Outstanding sales potential: shows how DBT, a proven nondrug therapy for suicidal adults, can be adapted to help adolescents. *From coauthor Marsha Linehan, bestselling author of DBT Skills Training Manual. *Suicide is the third leading cause of death among American teens: treatments are needed and therapists are eager to use DBT with this population. *Highly practical: includes cases, handouts, sample dialogues, and clinical advice. *Features a completely new DBT skills training module specifically for troubled teens and their families.
Guilford Publications Schema Therapy: A Practitioner's Guide
Designed to meet the formidable challenges of treating personality disorders and other complex difficulties, schema therapy combines proven cognitive-behavioral techniques with elements of other widely practiced therapies. This book--written by the model's developer and two of its leading practitioners--is the first major text for clinicians wishing to learn and use this popular approach. Described are innovative ways to rapidly conceptualize challenging cases, explore the client's childhood history, identify and modify self-defeating patterns, use imagery and other experiential techniques in treatment, and maximize the power of the therapeutic relationship. Including detailed protocols for treating borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder, the book is illustrated with numerous clinical examples.
Guilford Publications Interpersonal Cognition
Presenting state-of-the-art research from leading investigators, this volume examines the processes by which people understand their interpersonal experiences. Provided are fresh perspectives on how individuals glean social knowledge from past relationships and apply it in the here and now. Also explored are the effects of biases and expectancies about significant others on relationship satisfaction and personal well-being. Broad in scope, the book integrates findings from experimental social psychology with insights from developmental, personality, and clinical psychology. Throughout, chapters strike an appropriate balance between theory and method, offering an understanding of the core issues involved as well as the tools needed to study them.
Guilford Publications Methods for Disaster Mental Health Research
This authoritative book will be of interest to anyone involved in studying the mental health consequences of large-scale traumatic events or in measuring the effectiveness of postdisaster interventions. The book considers disasters from different perspectives and translates their chaotic aftermath into feasible research ideas and approaches. Contributing authors, all experienced researchers and practitioners, present a wide range of methods and strategies used in epidemiology, program evaluation, and public mental health planning in the aftermath of natural or technological disasters and terrorism. Descriptions of exemplary studies bring to life the associated logistical and scientific challenges and show how these challenges can be addressed using high-quality research designs.
Guilford Publications The Emotional Survival Guide for Caregivers: Looking After Yourself and Your Family While Helping an Aging Parent
Caring for a parent whose health is in decline turns the world upside down. The emotional fallout can be devastating, but it doesn't have to be that way. Empathic guidance from an expert who's been there can help. Through an account of two sisters and their ailing mother--interwoven with no-nonsense advice--The Emotional Survival Guide for Caregivers helps family members navigate tough decisions and make the most of their time together as they care for an aging parent. The author urges readers to be honest about the level of commitment they're able to make and emphasizes the need for clear communication within the family. While acknowledging their guilt, stress, and fatigue, he helps caregivers reaffirm emotional connections worn thin by the routine of daily care. This compassionate book will help families everywhere avoid burnout and preserve bonds during one of life's most difficult passages.
Guilford Publications Multiple Case Study Analysis
Examining situational complexity is a vital part of social and behavioral science research. This engaging text provides an effective process for studying multiple cases--such as sets of teachers, staff development sessions, or clinics operating in different locations--within one complex program. The process also can be used to investigate broadly occurring phenomena without programmatic links, such as leadership or sibling rivalry. Readers learn to design, analyze, and report studies that balance common issues across the group of cases with the unique features and context of each case. Three actual case reports from a transnational early childhood program illustrate the author's approach, and helpful reproducible worksheets facilitate multicase recording and analysis.
Guilford Publications Behavioral and Emotional Disorders in Adolescents: Nature, Assessment, and Treatment
Systematic, authoritative, and timely, this is an outstanding reference and text for anyone working with or studying adolescents. More than 50 leading experts comprehensively review current knowledge on adolescent externalizing disorders, internalizing disorders, developmental disorders, personality and health-related disorders, gender identity and sexual disorders, and maltreatment and trauma. Chapters identify the core features of each disorder; explore its etiology, course, and outcome; address diagnostic issues specific to adolescents; and describe effective assessment and treatment approaches. The book also provides an integrative conceptual framework for understanding both healthy and maladaptive adolescent development.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Neurodevelopmental and Genetic Disorders in Adults
While neurodevelopmental and genetic disorders are often diagnosed in childhood, understanding and managing the impact of these conditions is a lifelong challenge. This authoritative handbook presents cutting-edge knowledge to guide effective assessment and treatment throughout the adult years. Illuminated are the neurobiological bases and clinical characteristics of a broad range of conditions that affect learning and behavior as well as physical functioning and health. Following a consistent format, chapters comprehensively describe the developmental course of each disorder, the changing needs of adults, and ways to help them harness their strengths.
Guilford Publications Helping the Noncompliant Child: Family-Based Treatment for Oppositional Behavior
This popular treatment manual presents an empirically validated program for teaching parents to manage noncompliance in 3- to 8-year-olds. Practitioners are provided with step-by-step guidelines for child and family assessment, detailed descriptions of parent training procedures, effective adjunctive treatment strategies, and complete protocols for conducting and evaluating the program. Nationally recognized as a best practice for treating conduct problems, the program is supported by a substantial body of treatment research.
Guilford Publications Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Bipolar Disorder, Second Edition
From leading scientist-practitioners, this pragmatic, accessible book provides a complete framework for individualized assessment and treatment of bipolar disorder. It addresses the complexities of working with individuals with broadly varying histories and clinical presentations, including those who have been recently diagnosed, those who are symptomatically stable, and those who struggle day to day to achieve symptom remission. Extensive case material illustrates proven strategies for conceptualizing patients' needs and working collaboratively to help them adhere to medication treatments, recognize the early warning signs of manic and depressive episodes, build coping skills, and manage specific symptoms. The second edition is a complete revision of the original volume, updated and restructured to be even more user friendly for clinicians.
Guilford Publications Assessing Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students: A Practical Guide
This is the first book to present a practical, problem-solving approach and hands-on tools and techniques for assessing English language learners and culturally diverse students in K-12 settings. It meets a crucial need among practitioners and special educators working in today's schools. Provided are research-based, step-by-step procedures for conducting effective interviews with students, parents, and teachers; making the best use of interpreters; addressing special issues in the prereferral process; and conducting accurate, unbiased assessments of academic achievement, intellectual functioning, language proficiency, and acculturation. Among the book's special features are reproducible worksheets, questionnaires, and checklists--including several in both English and Spanish--in a ready-to-use, large-size format. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by T. Chris Riley-Tillman.
Guilford Publications Human Behavior: Atypical Development
Thoroughly examining brain-behavior relationships in atypically developing children, this important volume integrates theories and data from multiple disciplines. Leading authorities present research on specific clinical problems, including autism, Williams syndrome, learning and language disabilities, ADHD, and issues facing infants of diabetic mothers. In addition, the effects of social stress and maltreatment on brain development and behavior are reviewed. Demonstrating the uses of cutting-edge methods from developmental neuroscience, developmental psychology, and cognitive science, the contributors emphasize the implications of their findings for real-world educational and clinical practices. Illustrations include eight pages in full color.
Guilford Publications Treating the Tough Adolescent: A Family-Based, Step-by-Step Guide
This book illuminates the causes of severe adolescent behavioral problems and presents a research-based, 15-step model for helping families bring about meaningful change. Incorporating structural and strategic principles, the author's cohesive approach focuses on setting clear rules and consequences; changing the mood and direction of confrontations; neutralizing such problem behaviors as disrespect, truancy, running away, violence, and threats of suicide; and restoring positive, nurturing family relationships. Special treatment issues covered include adolescent substance abuse and managing problems that arise in single-parent and divorced families, as well as ways to collaborate effectively with outside systems. Featuring a wealth of illustrative case examples, this is an indispensable clinical guidebook and text.
Guilford Publications The Complexity of Connection: Writings from the Stone Center's Jean Baker Miller Training Institute
In this important third volume from the Stone Center at Wellesley College, founding scholars and new voices expand and deepen the Center's widely embraced psychological theory of connection as the core of human growth and development. The volume presents an absorbing and practical examination of connection and disconnection at both individual and societal levels. Chapters explore how experiences of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, class, and gender influence relationships, and how people can connect across difference and disagreement. Also discussed are practical implications of the theory for psychotherapy, for the raising of sons, and for workplace and organizational issues.
Guilford Publications Treating Personality Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Relational Approach
This groundbreaking volume presents a framework for understanding personality disorders in children, distinguishing them from more frequently diagnosed problems, and delivering effective interventions. Efrain Bleiberg draws on extensive clinical experience and cutting-edge neurobiological research to illuminate how specific personality disorders develop when children--and caregivers--become trapped in rigid, maladaptive patterns of feeling, coping, and relating. Strategies are described for integrating individual psychotherapy, family treatment, and pharmacotherapy to provide meaningful help to this highly challenging population. With particular attention to building and maintaining a strong therapeutic alliance, the book includes case vignettes and transcripts that bring each stage of treatment to life. Winner--Gradiva Award, National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis
Guilford Publications Helping Adolescents at Risk: Prevention of Multiple Problem Behaviors
Written by leading authorities, this comprehensive volume reviews current knowledge about multiple problem behaviors in adolescence, focusing on what works in prevention and treatment. Cutting-edge research is presented on the epidemiology, development, and social costs of four youth problems that frequently co-occur: serious antisocial behavior, drug and alcohol misuse, tobacco smoking, and risky sexual behavior. A framework for reducing these behaviors is outlined, drawing on both clinical and public health perspectives, and empirically supported prevention and treatment programs are identified. Also addressed are ways to promote the development, dissemination, and effective implementation of research-based intervention practices.
Guilford Publications The Social Psychology of Stigma
The devaluation of those perceived as different has profound repercussions both for individuals and for society. This book brings together leading researchers to present groundbreaking findings on such topics as the dimensions of stigma, why people stigmatize others, how targeted individuals are affected by and respond to stigmatization, and influences on social interactions. Chapters are organized around a cohesive conceptual framework that incorporates the perspectives of both the perceiver and the target; the relevance of personal and collective identities; and the interplay of affective, cognitive, and behavioral reactions in stigmatization.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Early Literacy Research
Current research increasingly highlights the role of early literacy in young children's development--and facilitates the growth of practices and policies that promote success among diverse learners. The Handbook of Early Literacy Research presents cutting-edge knowledge on all aspects of literacy learning in the preschool years. Volume 1 covers such essential topics as major theories of early literacy; writing development; understanding learning disabilities, including early intervention approaches; cultural and socioeconomic contexts of literacy development; and tutoring programs and other special intervention efforts.
Guilford Publications Making the System Work for Your Child with ADHD
There’s lots of help out there for kids with ADHD, but getting it isn’t always easy. Where can you turn when you’ve mastered the basics and “doing everything right” isn’t enough--the insurer denies your claims, parent-teacher meetings get tense, or those motivating star charts no longer encourage good behavior?Dr. Peter Jensen has spent years generating ways to make the healthcare and education systems work--as the father of a son with ADHD and as a scientific expert and dedicated parent advocate. No one knows more about managing the complexities of the disorder and the daily hurdles it raises. Now Dr. Jensen pools his own experiences with those of over 80 other parents to help you troubleshoot the system without reinventing the wheel. From breaking through bureaucratic bottlenecks at school to advocating for your child’s healthcare needs, this straightforward, compassionate guide is exactly the resource you’ve been looking for.
Guilford Publications Integrated Treatment for Dual Disorders: A Guide to Effective Practice
This comprehensive clinical handbook provides virtually everything needed to plan, deliver, and evaluate effective treatment for persons with substance abuse problems and persistent mental illness. From authors at the forefront of the dual disorders field, the book is grounded in decades of influential research. Presented are clear guidelines for developing integrated treatment programs, performing state-of-the-art assessments, and implementing a wide range of individual, group, and family interventions. Also addressed are residential and other housing services, involuntary interventions, vocational rehabilitation, and psychopharmacology for dual disorders. Throughout, the emphasis is on workable ways to combine psychiatric and substance abuse services into a cohesive, unitary system of care. In a convenient large-size format, the volume includes reproducible assessment forms, treatment planning materials, and client handouts.
Guilford Publications Treating Affect Phobia: A Manual for Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy
This hands-on manual from Leigh McCullough and associates teaches the nuts and bolts of practicing short-term dynamic psychotherapy, the research-supported model first presented in Changing Character, McCullough's foundational text. Reflecting the ongoing evolution of the approach, the manual emphasizes affect phobia, or conflict about feelings. It shows how such proven behavioral techniques as systemic desensitization can be applied effectively within a psychodynamic framework, and offers clear guidelines for when and how to intervene. Demonstrated are procedures for assessing patients, formulating core conflicts, and restructuring defenses, affects, and relationship to the self and others. In an easy-to-use, large-size format, the book features a wealth of case examples and write-in exercises for building key clinical skills. The companion website ( offers useful supplemental resources, including Psychotherapy Assessment Checklist (PAC) forms and instructions.
Guilford Publications Children and Grief: When a Parent Dies
Drawing upon extensive interviews and assessments of school-age children who have lost a parent to death, this book offers a richly textured portrait of the mourning process in children. The volume presents major findings from the Harvard Child Bereavement Study and places them in the context of previous research, providing insights on both the wide range of normal variation in children's experience of grief and the factors that put bereaved children at risk. The book also compares parentally bereaved children with those who have suffered loss of a sibling to death, or of a parent through divorce, exploring similarities and differences in these experiences of loss. A concluding section explores the clinical implications of the findings and includes a review of intervention models and activities, as well as a screening instrument designed to help identify high-risk bereaved children.
Guilford Publications A Mind Apart: Understanding Children with Autism and Asperger Syndrome
Why would a child refuse to talk about anything but wasp wings-or the color of subway train doors? What does it mean when a nine-year-old asks questions about death hundreds of times a day? And how can parents build a close relationship with a little girl who hates to be touched? In this compassionate book, leading autism authority Dr. Peter Szatmari shows that children with autism spectrum disorders act the way they do because they think in vastly different ways than other people. Dr. Szatmari shares the compelling stories of children he has treated who hear everyday conversation like a foreign language or experience hugs like the clamp of a vise. Understanding this unusual inner world-and appreciating the unique strengths that thinking differently can bestow-will help parents relate to their children more meaningfully, and make the outer world a less scary place.
Guilford Publications The Five-Factor Model of Personality
Since the 1980s, personality psychologists from a range of perspectives have found the five-factor model to be an effective tool for identifying and structuring personality attributes. Measuring individual differences in terms of degrees of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience, the model provides a common language for the field of personality psychology while, at the same time, it supports widely divergent approaches. How has the model evolved over time, and how has it been challenged? Are these five dimensions adequate to describe the entire range of personality traits? This timely and inclusive volume addresses these and other questions as it explores the five-factor model's theoretical underpinnings, initiating a fruitful dialogue among some of the leading figures in contemporary personality research.
Guilford Publications Narcissistic Personality Disorder
This volume presents significant recent advances in research and clinical practice in the area of pathological narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Originally published as a Special Supplement to the Journal of Personality Disorders, the book brings together leading clinical experts. Chapters examine the neuroscientific and psychological underpinnings of NPD, describe cutting-edge diagnostic approaches, and explore the complexities of the therapeutic relationship. Addressing the dos and don'ts of clinical work with this population, the book reviews the status of specialized treatment strategies--such as transference-focused psychotherapy and mentalization-based treatment--and identifies important directions for future research.
Guilford Publications MindfulnessOriented Recovery Enhancement
Guilford Publications What Happens in Couple Therapy
Guilford Publications Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties Third Edition
Guilford Publications Creating Change
Guilford Publications Computerized Adaptive Testing
Guilford Publications Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD Second Edition
Guilford Publications Covid-19: Psychological Research from 2020on the Emerging Pandemic
Guilford Publications Treatment Plans and Interventions in Couple Therapy
Filled with rich case examples, this pragmatic book provides a complete toolkit for couple-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). The book presents guidelines for planning and implementing evidence-based treatment for diverse couples.
Guilford Publications Psychodynamic Therapy Second Edition
Firmly grounded in contemporary clinical practice and research, this pragmatic guide for professionals and students is now in a revised and expanded second edition. The book explains the theory underlying psychodynamic approaches and lays out a model for understanding psychopathology. Vivid case examples demonstrate how to tailor psychodynamic therapy effectively for individual patients. The authors provide a framework for diagnosing the patientâs core psychodynamic problem and engaging the most useful mechanisms of change, using an integrative approach. Special topics include remote and hybrid treatment, combining therapy with psychopharmacology, and working with couples and families. New to This Edition *Incorporates cutting-edge research on psychotherapy process and mechanisms of change. *Chapter on telepsychotherapy, including clear recommendations for practice. *More attention to the social determinants of health--the psychic effects of adversity and
Guilford Publications Bayesian Statistics for the Social Sciences, Second Edition
The second edition of this practical book equips social science researchers to apply the latest Bayesian methodologies to their data analysis problems. It includes new chapters on model uncertainty, Bayesian variable selection and sparsity, and Bayesian workflow for statistical modeling. Clearly explaining frequentist and epistemic probability and prior distributions, the second edition emphasizes use of the open-source RStan software package. The text covers Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, Bayesian linear regression and generalized linear models, model evaluation and comparison, multilevel modeling, models for continuous and categorical latent variables, missing data, and more. Concepts are fully illustrated with worked-through examples from large-scale educational and social science databases, such as the Program for International Student Assessment and the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. Annotated RStan code appears in screened boxes; the companion website ( provides data sets and code for the book's examples. New to This Edition *Utilizes the R interface to Stan--faster and more stable than previously available Bayesian software--for most of the applications discussed. *Coverage of Hamiltonian MC; Cromwell’s rule; Jeffreys' prior; the LKJ prior for correlation matrices; model evaluation and model comparison, with a critique of the Bayesian information criterion; variational Bayes as an alternative to Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling; and other new topics. *Chapters on Bayesian variable selection and sparsity, model uncertainty and model averaging, and Bayesian workflow for statistical modeling.