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Genealogas de la mirada
Las imágenes distan de ser transparentes, están plagadas de sobreentendidos y códigos, tienen etimologías, dialectos y jergas. La visión no es solo un fenómeno óptico, implica también pactos y procesos sociales. La adopción de hormas mentales derivadas de la perspectiva renacentista o el empleo de artefactos como la cámara oscura o la linterna mágica estuvieron cargados de consecuencias. Y la enunciación de la mirada contemporánea supone suscribir, consciente o inconscientemente, un complejo aluvión de atavismos asentados en nuestro ADN cultural, desde Altamira hasta la Capilla Sixtina o las actuales pinturas callejeras.Este libro, profusamente ilustrado, muestra algunos de esos itinerarios. Por sus páginas desfilan Leonardo, Brueghel, El Bosco, El Greco, Rembrandt y Arcimboldo; Cervantes y Borges; Goya y Solana; Einstein, Escher y Moebius; Eisenstein, Orson Welles, Hitchcock, Pasolini, Godard, Buñuel y Dalí. Pero también otros eslabones menos conocidos, que han configurado nuestra
HarperCollins Sicker Fatter Poorer
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Francisco de Roma y Francisco de Ass una nueva primavera en la iglesia
Ha sido providencial que el cardenal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, venido del fin del mundo ?de ese Gran Sur donde están los pobres de la Tierra y vive la mayoría de los católicos? haya escogido, elegido papa, el nombre de Francisco. Francisco de Asís sintió la llamada a restaurar la Iglesia de su tiempo que estaba en ruinas para devolverla a la tradición de Jesús. Esa misma inspiración mueve ahora a Francisco, obispo de Roma: una Iglesia pobre y para los pobres, humilde, sencilla, con olor a oveja y no a flores de altar.En una Iglesia que vuelva a ser hogar espiritual, el papa ha de ser pastor antes que autoridad eclesiástica; ha de presidir más en la caridad y menos con la frialdad del derecho canónico; tiene que ser más hermano entre otros hermanos aunque con responsabilidades diferenciadas. Tras el largo invierno eclesial, el papa Francisco recupera la frescura y la fragancia del Evangelio que caracterizaron al Pobrecillo de Asís, desde el cuidado y la relación fraterna con todos los s
Tusquets Editores Mascaras Havana Red Mario Conde
Tras un macabro asesinato, el teniente Mario Conde debe resolver un caso lleno de implicaciones religiosas, diplomáticas y culturales en la Cuba actual.En la tupida arboleda del Bosque de La Habana aparece un 6 de agosto, el día en que la Iglesia celebra la transfiguración de Jesús, el cuerpo de un travestí con el lazo de seda roja de la muerte aún al cuello. Para mayor zozobra del Conde ?el policía encargado de la investigación?, aquella mujer sin los beneficios de la naturaleza, vestida de rojo, resulta ser Alexis Arayán, hijo de un respetado diplomático del régimen cubano. La investigación se inicia con la visita del Conde al impresionante personaje del Marqués, hombre de letras y de teatro, homosexual desterrado en su propia tierra en una casona desvencijada, especie de excéntrico santo y brujo a la vez, culto, inteligente, astuto y dotado de la más refinada ironía. Poco a poco, el Conde va adentrándose en el mundo hosco en el que le introduce ladinamente el Marqués, pobl
EUNSA. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. Lecciones de psicologa clsica
EUNSA. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. Persona y libertad
En la antropología trascendental la libertad coincide con la persona: la coexistencia es intimidad libre que, al carecer de réplica, se torna en búsqueda. Persona y libertad trascendental no se distinguen, porque la libertad no se convierte con ella. Este enfoque hace que la concepción de la libertad de Polo sea novedosa y alcance una profundidad inédita a lo largo de la historia, corrigiendo de paso el planteamiento, pretendidamente trascendental, moderno. Completan el volumen dos artículos, La libertad posible y Libertas transcentalis, ya publicados, que aquí, al añadirse a dos inéditos más extensos, cobran un nuevo sentido y pueden ser comprendidos dentro de un contexto más apropiado.
Editorial Sal Terrae Hablemos de la otra vida
El futuro para después de esta vida, en que el cristiano cree, ha sido presentado demasiadas veces como algo aterrador y desconectado de la vida presente. Boff evita lo uno y lo otro. Y sin quitar nada de la seriedad que tienen verdades como la muerte, el juicio, la purificación, el infierno y el paraíso, sabe presentarlas con profundidad, con todo su mensaje para el aquí y el ahora de la vida, y con un palpitante aliento de esperanza en el Dios que salva.
Verlag Antike Fragmenta Comica: Kratinos Seriphioi - Horai
Aladdin Paperbacks The Hedgehog of Oz
Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag Kleine Sakramentenlehre
Unionsverlag Wie Staub im Wind
Unionsverlag Adis Hemingway
Unionsverlag Das Meer der Illusionen Das HavannaQuartett Herbst
Klett Sprachen GmbH Tre racconti Lektre KlettAugmented Il lungo viaggio Il mare colore del vino Lesame
Springer Computational Science ICCS 2024
Bitter Lemon Press Grab a Snake by the Tail
Havana's Chinatown is not his usual beat, but when Conde is asked to take a murder case by the sultry, perfectly proportioned Police Lieutenant Patricia Chion, a frequent object of his nightly fantasies, he can’t resist. Pedro Cuang is found hanging naked from a beam in the ceiling of his dingy room. One of his fingers has been cut off, and the outline of two arrows was carved with a knife on his chest. Was this a ritual Santería killing or a just a sordid settling of accounts in a world of drug trafficking beginning to infiltrate Cuba in the 1980s? Soon Conde discovers unexpected connections, secret businesses and a history of misfortune, uprooting and loneliness that affected many immigrant families from China. The Barrio Chino was once one of the largest Chinatowns in the West. Now it feels like a ghetto of uprooted families, with its derelict cemetery and boarded-up shops. The story is soaked in atmosphere: African spells cast by babalao sorcerers, deliciously smoke-filled bars, deep friendships, and beautiful women. Especially the exotic Afro-Chinese Patricia Chion.
Bristol University Press Navigating the Local: Politics of Peacebuilding in Lebanese Municipalities
How is peace built at the local level? Covering three Lebanese municipalities with striking sectarian diversity, Saida, Bourj Hammoud and Tyre, this book investigates the ways in which local service delivery, local interactions and vertical relationships matter in building peace. Using the stories and experiences of municipal councillors, employees and civil society actors, it illustrates how local activities and agencies are performed and what it means for local peace in Lebanon. Through its analysis, the book illustrates what the practice of peacebuilding can look like at the local level and the wider lessons - both practical and theoretical - that can be drawn from it.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Critical Pedagogy and Race
Critical Pedagogy and Race argues that a rigorous engagement with race is a priority for educators concerned with equality in schools and in society. A landmark collection arguing that engaging with race at both conceptual and practical levels is a priority for educators. Builds a stronger engagement of race-based analysis in the field of critical pedagogy. Brings together a melange of theories on race, such as Afro-centric, Latino-based, and postcolonial perspectives. Includes historical studies, and social justice ideas on activism in education. Questions popular concepts, such as white privilege, color-blind perspectives, and race-neutral pedagogies.
Duke University Press Beyond Civil Society: Activism, Participation, and Protest in Latin America
The contributors to Beyond Civil Society argue that the conventional distinction between civic and uncivic protest, and between activism in institutions and in the streets, does not accurately describe the complex interactions of forms and locations of activism characteristic of twenty-first-century Latin America. They show that most contemporary political activism in the region relies upon both confrontational collective action and civic participation at different moments. Operating within fluid, dynamic, and heterogeneous fields of contestation, activists have not been contained by governments or conventional political categories, but rather have overflowed their boundaries, opening new democratic spaces or extending existing ones in the process. These essays offer fresh insight into how the politics of activism, participation, and protest are manifest in Latin America today while providing a new conceptual language and an interpretive framework for examining issues that are critical for the future of the region and beyond. Contributors. Sonia E. Alvarez, Kiran Asher, Leonardo Avritzer, Gianpaolo Baiocchi, Andrea Cornwall, Graciela DiMarco, Arturo Escobar, Raphael Hoetmer, Benjamin Junge, Luis E. Lander, Agustín Laó-Montes, Margarita López Maya, José Antonio Lucero, Graciela Monteagudo, Amalia Pallares, Jeffrey W. Rubin, Ana Claudia Teixeira, Millie Thayer
Gregory R Miller & Company Four Generations: The Joyner / Giuffrida Collection of Abstract Art
The acclaimed overview of Black abstract art, now in an expanded edition with nearly 100 additional color plates The Joyner/Giuffrida Collection of Abstract Art is widely recognized as one of the most significant collections of modern and contemporary work by artists of the African diaspora and from the continent of Africa itself. Four Generations: The Joyner/Giuffrida Collection of Abstract Art draws upon the collection's unparalleled holdings to explore the critical contributions made by Black artists to the evolution of visual art in the 20th and 21st centuries. This revised and expanded edition updates Four Generations with several new texts and nearly 100 images of works that have been added to the collection since the initial publication of this influential and widely praised book. Lavishly illustrated and featuring important contributions by leading art historians, critics, and curators, Four Generations gives an essential overview of some of the most notable Black artists and movements of the past century, and their approaches to abstraction in its various forms. Filled with countless insights and visual treasures, Four Generations is a journey through the momentous legacy of postwar art of the African diaspora. Artists include: Firelei Báez, Romare Bearden, Kevin Beasley, Zander Blom, Mark Bradford, Leonardo Drew, Sam Gilliam, David Hammons, Isaac Julien, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Glenn Ligon, Julie Mehretu, Oscar Murillo, Christina Quarles, Robin Rhode, Lorna Simpson, Shinique Smith, Alma Thomas, Kara Walker, Jack Whitten, Lynette Yiadom-Boakye and many others. Rarely is a monograph on a private collection as revelatory as this—what an extraordinary, rich body of work is packed into these pages. The achievements of the artists, as well as their conceptual and formal daring, leave no doubt that a new page on American art is about to be opened." –Okwui Enwezor
Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica de la Universidad de Málaga El ser temporal Doctrina del Mtodo Otras Publicaciones Spanish Edition
El título de este libro juega con el de Heidegger con vistas a la inversión de sus implicaciones histórico?filosóficas. Sobre la base de algunas de las principales averiguaciones de la fenomenología de la temporalidad, particularmente en Max Scheler, y en seguimiento del método del abandono del límite mental propuesto por Leonardo Polo, Fernando Haya plantea una imponente propuesta teórica, la reducción metódica del tiempo, en orden al conocimiento explícito del ser temporal, tema de la metafísica.
Rizzoli International Publications Ralph Lauren's Polo Shirt
The Polo shirt is to Ralph Lauren what Mickey Mouse is to Disney or the Empire State Building is to New York City. Whether worn with the collar popped up, open and untucked, or dressed up under a suit jacket, the Polo embodies the optimism of American style. In Lauren s words, It s honest and from the heart and hopefully that is what touches the diversity of all who wear it. It was never about a shirt, but a way of living. Featuring a gallery of stars from the worlds of sports, politics, film, and music from Leonardo DiCaprio and Spike Lee, to Bill Clinton and Oprah Winfrey, to Pharrell Williams and Venus Williams as well as everyday people who make the Polo their canvas for self-expression, The Polo Shirt looks at the enduring cool of a wardrobe classic. Included are the full range of colours, styles, and fits the shirt has been produced in during its more than 50 year history. From the classic white to the weathered Polo, from the striped Polo to the US Olympic, US Open, and Wimbledon Championship collaborations, this catalogue celebrates the full spectrum of the Polo, making it a collector s dream.
SPCK Publishing Sister Wendy's Bible Treasury: Stories And Wisdom Through The Eyes Of Great Painters
The Bible contains some of the greatest stories and teachings of all time. It is also the inspiration for some of the greatest pictures ever painted. Sister Wendy's Bible Treasury captures some of the Bible's most dramatic scenes and memorable characters, as depicted by artists such as Botticelli, Caravaggio, Degas, Duccio, Durer, El Greco, Giotto, Leonardo, Raphael, Rembrandt, Rubens Rublev, Titian and Van Gogh. From the majesty of Genesis to the mystery of Revelation, Sister Wendy invites you to share her delight in the way these painters have interpreted and depicted the Bible over two thousand years. This beautifully presented volume includes 55 illustrations.
Tercer volumen ya de nuestra Historia del Arte en cómic, y este estará dedicado al Renacimiento, la cosa se pone seria! Aunque seria no es un adjetivo que les pegue a nuestros agentes de la historieta, que siguen haciendo de las suyas, acompañados en esta ocasión de cicerones de la categoría de Leonardo, Sofonisba Anguissola, la Gioconda, Miguel Ángel, Rafael, Durero, Tiziano o Garcilaso de la Vega? Menudo equipo! Pasear por la Florencia de los Medici y asombrarnos con la cúpula de Brunelleschi, por la esplendorosa Roma del cinquecento y contemplar la Capilla Sixtina ?en todo el esplendor que nos proporciona un tríptico desplegable!?, o perdernos ascendiendo La torre de Babel de Brueghel el Viejo? Llamarlo síndrome de Stendhal es poco para como vas a quedarte tras leer este libro!
1527. El sol del primer día del verano se va alzando sobre una Florencia devastada por la peste. Un hombre agoniza en su mansión al borde del Arno. Ha sido consejero de los más poderosos y amante de las más bellas. Solo en su lecho de muerte, el canciller Nicolás Maquiavelo trata de poner luz a lo que fue su vida. Evoca a damas por las que fue amado, a papas con los que negoció, a poderosos señores que no siempre estuvieron a la altura de sus proyectos.Un pasaje que no logra descifrar lo atormenta. En aquella confusa aventura, que empezó en 1499, se anudaron los tres nombres decisivos en su vida: la condesa de Forlì, Caterina Sforza, el papa Alejandro VI y su hijo César Borgia. Y un turbio regalo que llegó tarde a su destinatario: el retrato nupcial de Bianca Sforza, sobrina de Caterina, muerta demasiado joven. Por qué era tan importante aquel encargo? Qué destino de muerte habitaba ese exquisito retrato del maestro Leonardo que el canciller Maquiavelo entregó demasiado tarde?
Profile Books Ltd ¡No Pasaran!: Writings from the Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Civil War captured the imaginations of writers and readers around the world. ¡No Pasarán! collects thirty-eight of the most vivid, poignant stories to come out of the conflict, by writers from across the political, geographical and artistic spectrum. The writers include celebrated international figures such as Jean-Paul Sartre, Leonardo Sciascia and Victor Serge and well known British and American observers such as George Orwell, Gamel Woolsey, Langston Hughes and Muriel Rukeyser. Uniquely, where previous collections privileged the writings of the International Brigades, ¡No Pasarán! draws most heavily on writers from Spain itself - including Mercè Rodoreda, Javier Cercas and Luís Buñuel. ¡No Pasarán! is the essential anthology of Spain's Civil War writing, and allows the reader to witness life and death, hope and despair at the front lines of one of the century's most bitter wars.
Princeton University Press Finding Fibonacci: The Quest to Rediscover the Forgotten Mathematical Genius Who Changed the World
A mathematician’s ten-year quest to tell Fibonacci’s storyIn 2000, Keith Devlin set out to research the life and legacy of the medieval mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, popularly known as Fibonacci, whose book Liber abbaci, or the “Book of Calculation,” introduced modern arithmetic to the Western world. Although most famous for the Fibonacci numbers—which, it so happens, he didn’t discover—Fibonacci’s greatest contribution was as an expositor of mathematical ideas at a level ordinary people could understand. Yet Fibonacci was forgotten after his death, and it was not until the 1960s that his true achievements were finally recognized. Drawing on the diary he kept of his quest, Devlin describes the false starts and disappointments, the unexpected turns, and the occasional lucky breaks he encountered in his search. Fibonacci helped to revive the West as the cradle of science, technology, and commerce, yet he vanished from the pages of history. This is Devlin’s search to find him.
BIS Publishers B.V. Old Masters Memory Game
Old Masters Memory Game collects the most famous and beloved portrait painters from the 16th and 17th centuries in one game that is fun to play, educational, and a feast for the eyes. The task, as always, is to collect two cards that make one set: in this case, two portrait paintings by the same painter. The sets are clearly recognizable by the posture of the figure, facial expression, the style of painting, and attributes like clothes and hairstyle. To help, there is always the brochure with all the paintings in pairs and a little explanation on the painters. This is a wonderful gift item for gift shops and all museums that collect the old masters. The game consists of 50 cards of 25 sets featuring world-famous portraits by the likes of Rembrandt van Rijn, Johannes Vermeer, Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticello, Titian, Frans Hals, Albrecht Durer, Goya, and many others.
Orion Publishing Co Looking at Art with Alex Katz
Have you ever dreamt of having your own private museum tour with one of the world’s most-celebrated artists? Take a walk through art history in the company of one of the pre-eminent American painters of our time, Alex Katz. Describing his personal encounters with the work of over 90 key artists, Katz’s observations offer a fluent, vivid and incisive view, making Looking at Art with Alex Katz the perfect guide both for those looking for an introduction to the world of visual art, and anyone looking for a fresh view on their favorite artist. Includes entries on: Francis Bacon, Louise Bourgeois, Paul Cézanne, Leonardo da Vinci, Peter Doig, Alberto Giacometti, Philip Guston, David Hockney, Henri Matisse, Joan Miró, Edvard Munch, Barnett Newman, Jackson Pollock, Rembrandt, Henri Rousseau, Titian, Luc Tuymans, Vincent van Gogh, Johannes Vermeer and more.
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC The Knight Captain is the New Princess-to-Be Vol. 1
In this shojo rom-com tale, a dashing female bodyguard pretends to be engaged to her childhood friend, the prince...but is their fake betrothal really just an act to him?Christina, a.k.a. "Lady Chris," was born into a noble family and treated more or less like a boy growing up. Now a dashing young woman, Chris is not only captain of the imperial guards–she personally protects Prince Leonardo, who has been a dear friend since childhood. When his father, the king, demands he find a suitable girl to marry, Leo insists that he's already found one: Chris! Chris is shocked, but figures that Leo doesn't really love her like that; it's probably just some ploy to keep the king happy. Chris decides to play along, but as the charade goes on, she starts to wonder if maybe her princely pal has actually fallen for her!
White Star Vincent van Gogh: Genius
A new series of illustrated books specifically designed for children in elementary education, narrating the stories of those great historical figures who have left their mark on humanity in fields such as science, art, exploration, music and other subjects. Young readers will be able to read all about these famous people's main achievements, experiencing the main steps of their lives through Isabel Munoz's engaging illustrations, and finding out some curious facts about their work and success. In the six volumes of the series, children will be fascinated by the genial and revolutionary intuition of Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci's vast breadth of expertise, the incredible discoveries about space made by Galileo Galilei, Mozart's infinite musical creativity, the masterpieces created by Picasso and Van Gogh. There is an index at the end of each volume listing the main biographical events and some simple quizzes will help children to further understand and test their knowledge. Ages: 6 plus
Headline Publishing Group The National Gallery Masters of Art Puzzle Book: Explore the World's Greatest Artists in 100 Stunning Puzzles
Featuring 150 iconic artworks, The National Gallery Masters of Art Puzzle Book is a visually spectacular puzzle challenge perfect for any art-enthusiast. This must-buy gift book contains 100 puzzles reproducing and inspired by the world's most famous paintings, making it a truly one-of-a-kind decorative delight.From pictorial puzzles such as Fake or Fortune, Jigsaw and Scrambled Image, to cryptic puzzles like Odd One Out or The Missing Link, through logic puzzles, riddles and even a series of progressively more difficult art knowledge quizzes, there is something for everyone, from the puzzle master to the art aficionado.Featured paintings include Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh, The Fighting Temeraire by J.M.W. Turner, The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck, The Hay Wain by John Constable, The Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci, Bathers at La Grenouillère by Claude Monet and many, many more.
Regnery Publishing Inc Measure of a Man: From Auschwitz Survivor to Presidents' Tailor
He's been called "America's greatest living tailor" and "the most interesting man in the world." Now, for the first time, Holocaust survivor Martin Greenfield tells his incredible life story. Taken from his Czechoslovakian home at age fifteen and transported to the Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz with his family, Greenfield came face to face with "Angel of Death" Dr. Joseph Mengele and was divided forever from his parents, sisters, and baby brother. In haunting, powerful prose, Greenfield remembers his desperation and fear as a teenager alone in the death campand how an SS soldier's shirt dramatically altered the course of his life. He learned how to sew; and when he began wearing the shirt under his prisoner uniform, he learned that clothes possess great power and could even help save his life. Measure of a Man is the story of a man who suffered unimaginable horror and emerged with a dream of success. From sweeping floors at a New York clothing factory to founding America’s premier custom suit company, Greenfield built a fashion empire. Now 86 years old and working with his sons, Greenfield has dressed the famous and powerful of D.C. and Hollywood, including Presidents Dwight Eisenhower, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama, celebrities Paul Newman, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Jimmy Fallon, and the stars of Martin Scorsese's films. Written with soul-baring honesty and, at times, a wry sense of humor, Measure of a Man is a memoir unlike any otherone that will inspire hope and renew faith in the resilience of man.
Harvard University Press The Italian Renaissance of Machines
The Renaissance was not just a rebirth of the mind. It was also a new dawn for the machine.When we celebrate the achievements of the Renaissance, we instinctively refer, above all, to its artistic and literary masterpieces. During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, however, the Italian peninsula was the stage of a no-less-impressive revival of technical knowledge and practice. In this rich and lavishly illustrated volume, Paolo Galluzzi guides readers through a singularly inventive period, capturing the fusion of artistry and engineering that spurred some of the Renaissance’s greatest technological breakthroughs.Galluzzi traces the emergence of a new and important historical figure: the artist-engineer. In the medieval world, innovators remained anonymous. By the height of the fifteenth century, artist-engineers like Leonardo da Vinci were sought after by powerful patrons, generously remunerated, and exhibited in royal and noble courts. In an age that witnessed continuous wars, the robust expansion of trade and industry, and intense urbanization, these practitioners—with their multiple skills refined in the laboratory that was the Renaissance workshop—became catalysts for change. Renaissance masters were not only astoundingly creative but also championed a new concept of learning, characterized by observation, technical know-how, growing mathematical competence, and prowess at the draftsman’s table.The Italian Renaissance of Machines enriches our appreciation for Taccola, Giovanni Fontana, and other masters of the quattrocento and reveals how da Vinci’s ambitious achievements paved the way for Galileo’s revolutionary mathematical science of mechanics.
La cena secreta
Enero de 1497. Durante semanas, una serie de cartas anónimas enviadas a la corte del papa Alejandro VI advierten que en Milán el controvertido Leonardo da Vinci está ejecutando una obra diabólica: un mural de La Última Cena en el que no sólo ha pintado a los apóstoles sin su preceptivo halo de santidad sino que el propio artista se ha retratado entre ellos, dando la espalda a Jesucristo.Gray Agustín Leyre, inquisidor dominico experto en la interpretación de mensajes cifrados, es enviado a la corte de los Sforza para supervisar esa pintura y tratar de descifrar la clave que protege la identidad del remitente de las cartas. Lo que está a punto de descubrir conseguirá cambiar nuestra forma de ver la pintura del genio del Renacimiento? para siempre.Con la maestría de los grandes escultores de novelas de intriga, Javier Sierra recupera uno de los enigmas más fascinantes de la historia del arte.
De Gruyter Marginale Zeichentechniken: Pause, Abklatsch, Cut&Paste als ästhetische Strategien in der Vormoderne
Motorisch-mechanische Zeichentechniken wie Pause, Abklatsch und Cut&Paste gehören zu den elementaren Werkstattpraktiken der Vormoderne. Sie wurden ebenso in der Ausbildung wie von renommierten Künstler:innen wie Leonardo, Dürer, Michelangelo und Rubens eingesetzt, um Entwürfe zu verändern, den Motivvorrat zu erweitern und neue Kunstwerke herzustellen. In der damaligen Kunsttheorie waren sie jedoch weitgehend unbedacht oder gar herabgesetzt. Nur wenige Positionen der Wertschätzung bis hin zur entschiedenen Nobilitierung von Abklatschen im 18. Jahrhundert sind zu verzeichnen. Die Diskrepanz zwischen der Bedeutung der Zeichentechniken in der Praxis und ihrer Thematisierung in der Kunsttheorie blieb lange unbeachtet. Der vorliegende Band unternimmt in dieser Hinsicht eine unverzichtbare Neuperspektivierung der Zeichnungsforschung und bindet dabei transdisziplinäre Kontexte wie kunsttechnologische und philosophische Gesichtspunkte ein.
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Da Vinci Code: (Robert Langdon Book 2)
Harvard professor Robert Langdon receives an urgent late-night phone call while on business in Paris: the elderly curator of the Louvre has been brutally murdered inside the museum. Alongside the body, police have found a series of baffling codes. As Langdon and a gifted French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, begin to sort through the bizarre riddles, they are stunned to find a trail that leads to the works of Leonardo Da Vinci - and suggests the answer to a mystery that stretches deep into the vault of history.Unless Langdon and Neveu can decipher the labyrinthine code and quickly assemble the pieces of the puzzle, a stunning historical truth will be lost forever...Origin, the spellbinding new Robert Langdon thriller from Dan Brown, is out now
University of Texas Press America: Icons and Ingenuity
Winner of the 2012 Los Angeles Book Festival Photography/Art Book Award, Dan Winters’ America: Icons and Ingenuity is the first retrospective of the career of this talented artist. Winters has spent more than two decades creating memorable photographs for such publications as the New York Times Magazine, Vanity Fair, GQ, and Rolling Stone. Best known for his iconic celebrity portraits, Winters has photographed public figures ranging from the Dalai Lama to President Barack Obama, Hollywood celebrities from Leonardo DiCaprio to Helen Mirren, and artistic luminaries from Jeff Koons to William Christenberry. His style of portraiture is instantly recognizable, characterized by impeccable lighting, muted backgrounds, and the contemplative postures of his sitters.Winters’ lifelong fascination with science, technology, and human ingenuity finds similar expression in significant groups of photographs: close-up studies of honeybees and airplanes and a magnificent series devoted to the last three launches of NASA’s space shuttles. These photographs reveal an aspect of Winters’ career that is less familiar than his commercial work but equally compelling.In addition to the popular icons, America includes expressions of Winters’ personal vision. This lyrical body of work shows the same keen eye for lighting and composition, but with a decidedly more intimate ambiance: photographs of his wife and son, spare cityscapes, and elegant collages.America: Icons and Ingenuity also includes a biographical essay that traces his development in a varied and productive career that is, itself, a work in progress.
La Galatea una novela de novelas
Situada en la tradición de la novela pastoril española y en deuda tanto con la Arcadia de Jacopo Sannazaro como con la lírica eclógica clásica y moderna, La Galatea es un cercado laberinto de amor y de poesía y un lazo de narraciones. Es, ciertamente, una novela de novelas en la que, sobre un relato primario esencialmente pastoril que oficia de hilo conductor, se suspenden, en ponderado equilibrio, hasta cuatro secundarios: el de Lisandro y Leonida; el de Teolinda, Artidoro, Leonarda y Galercio; el de Timbrio y Silerio, y el de Rosaura, Grisaldo y Artandro. La Galatea, una novela de novelas no solo pretende ofrecer una visión renovada de la estructura de la novela pastoril de Cervantes, sino también, y sobre todo, analizar en profundidad los cuatro episodios, haciendo especial hincapié en la función trascendental que desempeñan en el texto.
Paperblanks Rubedo (Cockerell Marbled Paper) Ultra Lined Hardcover Journal
For over a century, the Cockerell family name represented the highest quality bookmaking. Though no longer in business, the Cockerell and Son Bindery remains celebrated for their unique style of paper marbling, developed by the late Sydney (Sandy) M. Cockerell.Described as a “latter-day Leonardo,” Sandy Cockerell possessed not only an artist’s talents, but a scientist’s mind and engineer’s skill as well. He took the painstaking tradition of handmade marbled papers and found a way to produce the strikingly complex designs at high speeds and volumes. By improving existing equipment and creating his own gadgets and tools when that which he needed did not already exist, Cockerell embraced new mass production techniques.For his contributions to the paper arts, Sandy Cockerell was awarded an OBE and an honourary doctorate from Cambridge. When we launched Paperblanks journals in the early 1990s, a selection of his designs graced some of our first covers. We are honoured to return these iconic marbled papers to our collection with this black, white and red Rubedo design.
John Murray Press Eureka!: Mindblowing Science Every Day of the Year
Introduced by Jim Al-KhaliliCould you surf down an erupting volcano?Why do zebras have stripes?Are you breathing the same air as Leonardo da Vinci?Are there any green mammals?Why do pineapples have spikes?Why do songs get stuck in your head?What happens when black holes collide?Can you extract your DNA?New Scientist has been a treasure trove of fascinating and surprising questions and answers for over a decade. From how to measure the speed of light using chocolate, to why dogs howl at sirens, Eureka! brings together 365 mindblowing questions, fascinating facts and exciting experiments.If you've ever wondered how to escape quicksand, what would happen if the moon vanished, and why cats (nearly) always land on their feet, you've come to the right place.
Penguin Books Ltd The Beach
Celebrate the 25th anniversary of The Beach, a classic story of paradise found - and lost, the book that inspired the major film starring Leonardo DiCaprioRichard lands in East Asia in search of an earthly utopia. In Thailand, he is given a map promising an unknown island, a secluded beach - and a new way of life. What Richard finds when he gets there is breathtaking: more extraordinary, more frightening than his wildest dreams.But how long can paradise survive here on Earth? And what lengths will Richard go to in order to save it?'Fresh, fast-paced, compulsive and clever' Nick Hornby'A powerful narrative drive, exotic locations that unfold like a corrupt and mysterious flower, and a moody intelligence that holds everything together' J.G. Ballard'A gripping adventure, and a fascinating jigsaw' The Times
University of California Press Brunelleschi's Egg: Nature, Art, and Gender in Renaissance Italy
Feminist historians of science and philosophy have shown that during the Italian Renaissance, the profound shift in the concept of nature - from an organic worldview to the scientific - was assisted by the gender metaphor that defined nature as female. In this provocative and groundbreaking book, Mary D. Garrard extends this analysis to the history of art and proposes that the larger shift was both anticipated and mediated by the visual arts. In case studies of such major figures as Brunelleschi, Masaccio, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Pontormo, Giorgione, and Titian, Garrard examines the changing relationship of art and nature in the Renaissance, and shows how they were cast by artists and theorists as gendered competitors in a steadily escalating rhetoric.
Flame Tree Publishing Italian Renaissance: Masterworks
The Renaissance of the 14th–16th centuries was, and forever will be, one of the most pivotal periods in the development of Western art. Its roots spread wide and deep, and much social and intellectual revitalization had begun before this revered time, but the renewed interest in ancient Greek and Roman texts and the development of expanding trade, which brought greater wealth, meant that classical and humanist thought combined with lavish patronage resulted in major breakthroughs across all spheres of human endeavour – art, architecture, music, literature, science, philosophy and more. And, while it spread across Europe, it was Italy that was to be its crucible. With 2020 marking the 500th anniversary of the death of Raphael, one of the stars of the Renaissance, this sumptuous book celebrates the prolific output of this era. From the radical perspective of Giotto di Bondone (1267–1337), breaking out of the Middles Ages, to the giants of the High Renaissance: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael, and many more, the reader will delight in the fascinating insights offered by the text accompanied by lush reproductions.
Manchester University Press Women in Italian Renaissance Art: Gender, Representation, Identity
This richly illustrated books tells the story of the different ways in which women were represented in Italian Renaissance painting. It is clearly arranged into four distinct areas that relate to the function of the art work: marriage furniture, portraiture, the nude and depictions of female saints. Uncovering the many layers of meaning hidden in the iconography of these paintings, the book reintroduces us to the cultural context in which the artists operated, providing interesting new readings of well-known works by Raphael, Leonardo and Titian, among others.
Menoscuarto Ediciones La cancin de Brenda Lee
Encuadernación: Rústica con solapas.Colección: Cuadrante 9; 23.El gran Leonardo Veneroni es un cantante de jazz, hijo de una recordada estrella de la canción melódica de los setenta, que falleció en accidente en la cumbre de su éxito. Su entrega a la música es incondicional. Mientras prepara con su grupo Veneroni?s Quartet un disco con el que pretende marcar un hito en el jazz español, aparece por azar en su vida Mariam, una dominante diosa del sexo que trastoca su existencia y pone en peligro su carrera musical, sometiéndolo a todo tipo de vejaciones. Miguel Ángel Muñoz, además de narrar esta historia actual con una prosa precisa y elegante, se aventura en un apasionante recorrido por las canciones del pasado siglo. Toda una apuesta por la capacidad de la buena música para iluminar las zonas oscuras de la condición humana.
De la angustia al lenguaje
Publicado como primera sección del libro titulado Faux pas (1943), De la angustia al lenguaje reúne a su vez una serie de pequeños ensayos centrados en torno a la literatura y la lengua ?y sus aporías? a partir del diálogo, crítico y creativo, que Maurice Blanchot, de una forma singular y con su inconfundible estilo, establece con autores tan diferentes como son su gran amigo Bataille y el Maestro Eckhart, Racine y Blake, Kierkegaard y Proust, Paulhan y Giraudoux, sin olvidar tampoco a Leonardo da Vinci o el pensamiento hindú.Esta recopilación de textos, precedidos por una larga reflexión sobre la angustia del escritor y las paradojas que esta no deja de entrañar, constituye una muestra inmejorable de lo que ha sido la trayectoria, en el ámbito de la crítica literaria, de ese gran novelista y pensador que es Maurice Blanchot.
Prestel 13 Artists Children Should Know
Whether it's Leonardo da Vinci's mysterious Mona Lisa, Vermeer's vibrant depictions of light, Van Gogh's mesmerizing brush strokes, or Matisse's playful cutouts, the art featured here is introduced in a format and style that will appeal to children. The book proceeds chronologically, accompanied by a timeline to offer helpful historical context. Each artist's entry includes a concise biography, beautiful reproductions of major works, and lively texts that speak directly to young readers. Games, quizzes and other activities help readers learn about the significant contributions of each artist in a way that is both fun and inspiring. Additional information about museums, suggestions for further reading, and online resources will satisfy the most curious minds.