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Enclave de Libros Ediciones Viaje al final de la ciudad la metrpolis y las artes en el otoo posmoderno 19722011
Tusquets Editores La neblina del ayer Havana Fever Serie Mario Conde Mario Conde Series
Tusquets Editores Vientos de cuaresma Havana Gold Mario Conde
La investigación del asesinato de una joven profesora lleva al teniente Mario Conde a adentrarse en el lado oscuro de la Cuba de hoy.En los infernales días de la primavera cubana en que llegan los vientos calientes del sur, coincidiendo con la cuaresma, al teniente Mario Conde, que acaba de conocer a Karina, una mujer bella y deslumbrante, aficionada al jazz y al saxo, le encargan una delicada investigación. Una joven profesora de química del mismo preuniversitario donde años atrás estudió el Conde ha aparecido asesinada en su apartamento, en el que aparecen además restos de marihuana. Así, al investigar la vida de la profesora, de impoluto expediente académico y político, el Conde entra en un mundo en descomposición, donde el arribismo, el tráfico de influencias, el consumo de drogas y el fraude revelan el lado oscuro de la sociedad cubana contemporánea.
Tusquets Editores El teatro de la memoria
EUNSA. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. Nominalismo idealismo y realismo
EUNSA. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. La persona humana y su crecimiento La originalidad de la concepcin cristiana de la existencia
Editorial Sal Terrae San José padre de Jesús en una sociedad sin padre
Esta obra es fruto de muchos años de investigación en las mejores bibliotecas especializadas sobre san José. El resultado es una visión exhaustiva que pretende actualizar el significado de san José en nuestros días, teniendo en cuenta la Biblia, la Tradición, la doctrina del magisterio y de los teólogos, la liturgia y la piedad popular. Ante todo, trata de conocer con detalle al propio san José como trabajador, esposo, padre y educador. Después expone de qué manera ilumina san José las cuestiones actuales de la familia y de la figura del padre, tan cuestionada en esta sociedad. Finalmente, muestra cómo nos ayuda san José a entender las facetas nuevas del misterio de Dios, en cuya encarnación no sólo asumió la realidad de Jesús, sino que además fue ?asumida? la paternidad humana de José (Redemptoris custos, 21). Para ello hay que tener en cuenta que san José no nos legó ni una sola palabra. Sólo tuvo sueños: unos sueños de los que él hacía caso incluso sin entenderlos. Su lenguaje era o
Editorial Sal Terrae Comer y beber juntos y vivir en paz
Una gran parte de la Humanidad pasa hambre o está mal alimentada, lo cual constituye un escándalo y es indicio de una absoluta inhumanidad, porque disponemos de los medios técnicos y políticos que nos permitirían dar de comer al menos tres veces al día a todos los habitantes del planeta. No lo hacemos porque perdemos la sensibilidad para con nuestros semejantes, cuyo clamor no escuchamos y cuyas manos suplicantes desdeñamos. Uno de los sueños más antiguos de la humanidad es que todos los habitantes de la Casa Común que es la Tierra puedan un día sentarse juntos a la misma mesa y celebrar la alegría de comer y beber juntos los frutos de la Tierra y de su propio trabajo. Sería el inicio del Reino de la Paz perpetua. Pero no habrá paz en el mundo mientras haya estómagos vacíos, falta de solidaridad y de compasión para con los más necesitados. Este libro ?tercero y último de una serie en la que se intenta presentar las virtudes básicas para ?otro mundo posible?: la hospitalidad, la convive
TUSQUETS Personas decentes
Como polvo en el viento
La gran novela sobre el exilio cubano.Un deslumbrante canto a la amistad. Un retrato humano conmovedor.El día comienza mal para Adela, joven neoyorquina de ascendencia cubana, tras recibir la llamada de su madre. Llevan enfadadas más de un año, porque Adela no solo se ha trasladado a Miami, sino que vive con Marcos, un joven habanero recién llegado a Estados Unidos al cual, por su origen, su madre rechaza. Marcos le cuenta a Adela historias de su infancia en la isla, arropado por un grupo de amigos de sus padres, llamado el Clan. Adela descubre entre los rostros a alguien familiar y un abismo se abre bajo sus pies. Como polvo en el viento es la historia de un grupo de amigos que ha sobrevivido a un destino de exilio y dispersión. Qué ha hecho la vida con ellos, que se habían querido tanto? Cómo les ha cambiado el tiempo? Volverá a reunirlos la fuerza de los afectos? O sus vidas son ya polvo en el viento?Una obra maestra. José M. Pozuelo Yvancos, Abc
Callisto Reference New Frontiers in Developmental Biology
States Academic Press Handbook of Developmental Biology
Murphy & Moore Publishing Developmental Biology: Essential Concepts and Applied Principles
Rockridge Press The CBT Workbook for Anger Management: Evidence-Based Exercises to Help You Understand Your Triggers and Take Charge of Your Emotions
Aladdin Paperbacks The Hedgehog of Oz
Aladdin Paperbacks The Simple Art of Flying
Harvest Publications Sicker, Fatter, Poorer: The Urgent Threat of Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals to Our Health and Future . . . and What We Can Do about It
Hagebutte Verlag Aufzeichnungen von hoher See
AB Die Andere Bibliothek Das gyptische Konzil
Wagenbach Klaus GmbH Der Zusammenhang Eine Parodie Ein sizilianischer Kriminalroman
Books on Demand Online Dating: Sehnsucht nach Zweisamkeit mit 60+
Unionsverlag Die Palme und der Stern
Unionsverlag Anständige Leute
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Two Faces of Institutional Innovation: Promises and Limits of Democratic Participation in Latin America
Many democratic theorists have viewed the recent innovations adopted throughout Latin America in a positive light. This evaluation has engendered the idea that all innovations are democratic and all democratic innovations are able to foster citizenship. Presenting a realistic analysis of both the positive and negative aspects of innovation, this book argues that these innovations ought to be examined at the intersection between design and the political system.The Two Faces of Institutional Innovation offers a new perspective on developments such as participatory budgeting, the National Electoral Institute (INE) and the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) in Mexico and comités de vigilancia in Bolivia, and evaluates the extent to which, in reality, citizens were involved in decision-making, distributive policies and citizen education. Further chapters also examine the expansion of innovation to the field of judicial institutions - one of the key areas in which innovation took place in Latin America, showing that the role of legal corporations in democracy cannot be compared with the role of engaged citizens.Contemporary and astute, this book will captivate students and scholars researching in the areas of innovation policy and regulatory governance. Its analysis of the positive and negative aspects of democratic innovation will also benefit democratic theorists and policy-makers alike.
Red Sea Press,U.S. How To Say It English/amharic/italian
Austin Macauley Publishers A Boy Full of Emptiness
HarperCollins Publishers The Night Portrait
‘Historical fiction at its best’ Reader review The Tattooist of Auschwitz meets Girl with a Pearl Earring in this gripping, dual-timeline historical novel about one of Leonardo da Vinci's most famous paintings and the woman who fought to save it from the Nazis. ‘Simply a masterpiece… Fans of Kristin Hannah’s Nightingale and Anthony Doerr’s All the Light We Cannot See will delight in this epic novel’ Lori Nelson Spielman Between 1939 and 1943, the Nazis attempted to steal every known painting by Leonardo Da Vinci, imprisoning the original owners or worse. This is the story of the most infamous of these thefts… Munich, 1939 In fear of the brutal Nazi regime, art conservator Edith Becker is forced to find one of the world’s most priceless works of art and hand it over to none other than Hans Frank – the Butcher of Poland.Confronted by the horrors she witnesses in Poland and risking her own life, Edith tries to hide her own small acts of resistance – and avoid the unpredictable gaze of Frank himself. Milan, 1492 Cecilia Gallerani, the beautiful mistress of the Duke of Milan must fight for her place in the palace—and against those who want her out. Sitting before Leonardo da Vinci, she becomes the subject of his most ambitious portrait to date. Two women, separated by 500 years, are swept up in the tide of history as one painting stands at the centre of their quests for their own destinies. Readers absolutely love The Night Portrait: ‘A truly original novel that has earned its place among my favourite works of historical fiction’ Jennifer Robson ‘I found myself racing through the last chapters to see how the story ended and would definitely recommend this book to historical fiction lovers’ Joanne ‘Gives us so many heartbreaking and yet wonderful experiences…an excellent book that and kept me glued to the pages’ Angela ‘Remarkable…brushstrokes of magic here’ Book Trail ‘Breathtaking…this isn’t just another book about WWII’ Sarah ‘A fascinating dual timeline novel with its roots in reality…compelling’ Julia
Peeters Publishers Markante Jezuieten Uit De Lage Landen. Canisius, Verbiest, Lessius, Regout
Naar aanleiding van het Jubeljaar van de Societeit van Jezus organiseerde het Universitair Centrum Sint-Ignatius Antwerpen (UCSIA) in 2006 een lezingenreeks gewijd aan vier markante jezuieten uit de geschiedenis van de Societeit. Dit boek bundelt de lezingen die door Vlaamse en Nederlandse academici werden gebracht over Petrus Canisius, Leonardus Lessius, Robert Regout en Ferdinand Verbiest. Zij onderscheidden zich door hun innoverende benadering van cruciale thema's in verschillende maatschappelijk relevante sectoren: onderwijs, economie, volkenrecht, ontdekking van vreemde culturen. Hun drijfveren en verwezenlijkingen inspireren nieuwe initiatieven van de Societeit van Jezus. Daarvan getuigen de huidige werking van UCSIA en het SCRIBANI-netwerk van Europese jezuietencentra.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG A Practical Guide to Seismic Reservoir Characterization
This book covers in detail the entire workflow for quantitative seismic interpretation of subsurface modeling and characterization. It focusses on each step of the geo-modeling workflow starting from data preconditioning and wavelet extraction, which is the basis for the reservoir geophysics described and introduced in the following chapters. This book allows the reader to get a comprehensive insight of the most common and advanced workflows. It aims at graduate students related to energy (hydrocarbons), CO2 geological storage, and near surface characterization as well as professionals in these industries. The reader benefits from the strong and coherent theoretical background of the book, which is accompanied with real case examples.
Amalion Publishing Entre le Savoir et le Culte: Activisme et mouvements religieux dans les universités du Sahel
John Wiley & Sons Inc AWS Certified Database Study Guide: Specialty (DBS-C01) Exam
Validate your AWS Cloud database skills! AWS Certified Database Study Guide: Specialty (DBS-C01) Exam focuses on helping you to understand the basic job role of a database administrator / architect and to prepare for taking the certification exam. This is your opportunity to take the next step in your career by expanding and validating your skills on the AWS Cloud, and performing a database-focused role. AWS is the frontrunner in cloud computing products and services, and this study guide will help you to gain an understanding of core AWS services, uses, and basic AWS database design and deployment best practices. AWS offers more than relational and nonrelation databases, they offer purpose built databases, which allow you to utilize database services prebuilt to meet your business requirements. If you are looking to take the Specialty (DBS-C01) exam, this Study Guide is what you need for comprehensive content and robust study tools that will help you gain the edge on exam day and throughout your career. AWS Certified Database certification offers a great way for IT professionals to achieve industry recognition as cloud experts. This new study guide is perfect for you if you perform a database-focused role and want to pass the DBS-C01 exam to prove your knowledge of how to design and deploy secure and robust database applications on AWS technologies. IT cloud professionals who hold AWS certifications are in great demand, and this certification could take your career to the next level! Master all the key concepts you need to pass the AWS Certified Database Specialty (DBS-C01) Exam Further your career by demonstrating your cloud computing expertise and your knowledge of databases and database services Understand the concept of purpose built databases, allowing you to pick the right tool for the right job. Review deployment and migration, management and operations, monitoring and troubleshooting, database security, and more Access the Sybex online learning environment and test bank for interactive study aids and practice questions Readers will also get one year of FREE access after activation to Sybex’s superior online interactive learning environment and test bank, including hundreds of questions, a practice exam, electronic flashcards, and a glossary of key terms.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Source Separation in Physical-Chemical Sensing
Source Separation in Physical-Chemical Sensing Master advanced signal processing for enhanced physical and chemical sensors with this essential guide In many domains (medicine, satellite imaging and remote sensing, food industry, materials science), data is obtained from large sets of physical/chemical sensors or sensor arrays. Such sophisticated measurement techniques require advanced and smart processing for extracting useful information from raw sensing data. Usually, sensors are not very selective and record a mixture of the useful latent variables. An innovative technique called Blind Source Separation (BSS) can isolate and retrieve the individual latent variables from a mixed-source data array, allowing for refined analysis that fully exploits these cutting-edged imaging and signal-sensing technologies. Source Separation in Physical-Chemical Sensing, supplies a thorough introduction to the principles of BSS, main methods and algorithms and its potential applications in various domains where data are obtained through physical or chemical sensors. Designed to bridge the gap between chemical/physical analysis and signal processing, it promises to be invaluable in many fields. Its alertness to the latest technologies and the full range of potential BSS applications make it an indispensable introduction to this cutting-edge method. Source Separation in Physical-Chemical Sensing readers will also find: BSS examples on chemical and physical sensors and devices to enhance processing and analysis. Detailed treatment of source separation in potentiometric sensors, ion-sensitive sensors, hyperspectral imaging, Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy, chromatography, and others. Thorough discussion of Bayesian source separation, nonnegative matrix factorization, tensorial methods, geometrical methods, constrained optimization, and more. Source Separation in Physical-Chemical Sensing is a must-have for researchers and engineers working in signal processing and statistical analysis, as well as for chemists, physicists or engineers looking to apply source separation in various application domains.
Image Comics Undiscovered Country, Volume 3: Possibility
The smash hit series written by New York Times bestselling writers Scott Snyder (Dark Nights: Death Metal, Wytches) and Charles Soule (Star Wars, Curse Words) with art by Giuseppe Camuncoli (The Amazing Spider-Man, Darth Vader, Hellblazer), newcomer Leonardo Marcello Grassi and Eisner-award winning colorist Matt Wilson (The Wicked and the Divine, Paper Girls) continues!Collects UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY #13-18
Hachette Children's Group Amelia Earhart: Little Guides to Great Lives
The first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, Amelia Earhart was a superstar of aviation in the 1920s and 1930s and a pioneer of women’s rights. Her disappearance in 1937, while attempting to fly around the world, remains an unsolved mystery. From artists to aviators and scientists to revolutionaries, Little Guides to Great Lives is a brand new series of small-format guides introducing children to the most inspirational figures from history in a fun, accessible way. Launching with Leonardo da Vinci, Marie Curie, Nelson Mandela and Amelia Earhart, Little Guides to Great Lives tells the stories of the most amazing people from all over the world and across history, with colourful illustrations and fresh design to bring their incredible stories to life.
Viella Editrice L'Italia Repubblicana. Costruzione, Consolidamento, Trasformazioni 1: Il Primo Ventennio Democratico (1946-1966)
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Wartime and Peacetime Inflation in Austria-Hungary and Italy (1914-1925)
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Critical Environmental Politics
This timely Handbook offers a comprehensive outlook on global environmental politics, providing readers with an up-to-date view of a field of ever-increasing academic and public significance. Its critical perspective interrogates what is taken for granted in current institutions and social and power relations, highlighting the issues preventing meaningful change in the relationship between human societies and their biophysical underpinnings.Featuring contributions from over 60 established and emerging international scholars, the Handbook is organized into six thematic sections. It addresses theoretical approaches, contested notions, key issues, governance processes, mobilizations and emergent directions of inquiry, presenting a vital contemporary analysis of the major social science and political ecology debates over environmental questions.Scholars and students in the social sciences, in particular those studying politics and public policy, with an interest in the environment and climate change will find this Handbook to be essential reading. It will also be useful to academics in other disciplines related to ecology and environmental politics, as well as politicians and practitioners involved in green transition policies.
Mousse Publishing Penumbra: Fondazione in Between Art Film
Quarto Publishing PLC The Anatomists' Library: The Books that Unlocked the Secrets of the Human Body: Volume 4
The Anatomist's Library is a fascinating chronological collection of the best anatomical books from six centuries, charting the evolution of both medical knowledge and illustrated publishing.There is a rich history of medical publishing across Europe with outstanding publications from Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, UK, and also many from Persia and Japan. Because of the high value of accurate medical textbooks, it was these works that pushed the boundaries of illustrated publishing. They commanded the expert illustrators and skilled engravers and hence didn’t come cheaply. They were treasured by libraries and their intrinsic worth has meant that there is an incredible wealth of beautifully preserved historic examples from the 15th century onwards The enduring popularity of Gray’s Anatomyhas shown that there is a long-term interest in the subject beyond the necessity of medical students to learn the modern equivalent – the 42nd edition (2020) – from cover to cover. But Englishman Henry Gray was late in the field and never saw the enduring success of his famous work. Having first published the surgeon’s reference book in 1858, he died in 1861 after contracting smallpox from his nephew (who survived). He was just 34. Gray was following on from a long tradition of anatomists starting with Aristotle and Galen whose competing theories about the human body dominated early medicine. However they did not have the illustrative skills of Leonardo da Vinci who was trained in anatomy by Andrea del Verrocchio. In 1489 Leonardo began a series of anatomical drawings depicting the human form. His surviving 750 drawings (from two decades) represent groundbreaking studies in anatomy. However none of Leonardo's Notebooks were published during his lifetime, they only appeared in print centuries after his death. Brussels-born Andries van Wesel (Andreas Vesalius) professor at the University of Padua is deemed to be the founder of modern anatomical reference with his 1543 work De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem ("On the fabric of the human body in seven books"). An Italian contemporary was Bartolomeo Eustachi who supported Galen’s medical theories. Among other discoveries he correctly identified the Eustachian tube and the arrangement of bones in the inner ear. His Anatomical Engravings were completed in 1552, nine years after Vesalius’s great work, but remained unpublished until 1714. These are just two entries in a book brimming with an abundance of important illustrated works – with some more primitive examples from the 15th century, up to the 42nd edition of Gray’s in the 21st.
Random House USA Inc Meet the Mutants! (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem)
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles come to the big screen in a major summer 2023 theatrical event!Producer Seth Rogen and his partners at Point Grey Pictures take Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Donatello back to their DNA in this animated boys-to-men origin story. Boys and girls ages 4 to 6 will thrill to this Step into Reading step 2 leveled reader.Step 2 readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. For children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.
Espasa Libros, S.L. Ortografía fácil de la lengua española
Encuadernación: Rústica.Una obra clara y concisa con las normas gramaticales elementales del español que todo hablante debe conocer y la solución a todas las dudas que se le pueden plantear.Un miembro o Una miembra? La jefe o La jefa? Los clubs o Los clubes? 10 kms. o 10 Km? Fuertísimoo Fortísimo? La o Le? Sentaroso Sentaos?Todos los hablantes de español hemos tenido alguna ve dudas sobre la forma correcta de expresarnos. Gramática fácil de la lengua española te ayudará a resolverlas de modo más fácil.
Espasa Libros, S.L. Gramática fácil de la lengua española resuelve todas tus dudas
Una obra clara y concisa con las normas gramaticales elementales del español que todo hablante debe conocer y la solución a todas las dudas que se le pueden plantear. Un miembro o Una miembra? La jefe o La jefa? Los clubs o Los clubes? 10 kms. o 10 Km? Fuertísimoo Fortísimo? La o Le? Sentaroso Sentaos? Todos los hablantes de español hemos tenido alguna ve dudas sobre la forma correcta de expresarnos. Gramática fácil de la lengua española te ayudará a resolverlas de modo más fácil.
Alianza Editorial Tratado de pintura