Search results for ""author lee""
Hohm Press,U.S. The Thunder, Perfect Mind: Voice of the Divine Feminine
Laurence King Publishing How to Build a Shed
Levine Querido Red and Green and Blue and White
On a block dressed up in Red and Green one house shone Blue and White. It's a holiday season that both Isaac, whose family is Jewish, and Teresa, whose family is Christian, have looked forward to for months! They've been counting the days, playing in the snow, making cookies, drawing (Teresa) and writing poems (Isaac). They enjoy all the things they share, as well as the things that make them different. But when Isaac's window is smashed in the middle of the night, it seems like maybe not everyone appreciates "difference." Inspired by a true story, this is a tale of a community that banded together to spread light.
Basic Health Publications Amazing Water Bottle Workout: No Gym No Weights No Problem!
A litre of water weighs 1Kg (2.2lbs); a gallon weighs 4.5Kgs (10lbs), making water bottles (plastic or stainless) the best possible resistance devices. All it takes is a water bottle for an efficient, affordable and effective workout. Authors Jason Greenspan and Lee Noonan offer: · Carefully conceived workouts for the whole body · Challenging workout for every fitness level · Strength and endurance workouts · Time and balance workouts The days of schlepping to an expensive, dirty, sweaty gym are over. With THE AMAZING WATER BOTTLE WORKOUT, gyms and cumbersome home exercise equipment are passé. Water bottles are today's cheap, safe, easily obtainable and environmentally friendly exercise equipment. Greenspan and Noonan's self-guided water bottle routines work all muscle groups with instructions for all fitness levels; warnings about common mistakes and cautions for those with knee and back pain. Includes more than 40 exercises with photos demonstrating proper technique, plus core work, balance and stretching and water bottle weight charts and green alternatives.
Astra Publishing House A Bunch of Punctuation
Selected by noted anthologist Lee Bennett Hopkins, this collection of all-new poems is written from the points of view of personality-filled punctuation marks, and is a memorable introduction to grammar for kids (adults, too!)In this land of punctuation, the exclamation mark is a superhero who tells a story chock-full of bops and bams, the comma lets you pause to enjoy the weather, and the period is where you must come to a full stop--or else the Grammar Police will get you. With humor and imagination, A Bunch of Punctuation makes it easy to remember the jobs of the various punctuation marks. Award-winning poet and anthologist Lee Bennett Hopkins has compiled a unique collection of poems featuring brand-new works by well-known poets, accompanied by inventive artwork by illustrator Serge Bloch.
powerHouse Books,U.S. Friedlander First Fifty
Margaret K. McElderry Books Sharing the Seasons: A Book of Poems
Forge Can't I Go Instead
Belly Song Press A Path Made by Walking: Process Work in Practice
Rowman & Littlefield Imagining the Internet: Personalities, Predictions, Perspectives
In the early 1990s, people predicted the death of privacy, an end to the current concept of 'property,' a paperless society, 500 channels of high-definition interactive television, world peace, and the extinction of the human race after a takeover engineered by intelligent machines. Imagining the Internet zeroes in on predictions about the Internet's future and revisits past predictions—and how they turned out—to put that imagined future in perspective. Interlaced with revealing analysis, this compendium of thoughts from stakeholders and skeptics, from George Orwell, Marshall McLuhan, and Isaac Asimov to Bill Gates, Bruce Sterling, Nicholas Negroponte, Al Gore, and many others, combines history and biography with future visions and a look at the social, political, and economic consequences of new communication technology. It also gives the history of communications in a nutshell, illustrating the serious impact of pervasive networks and how they will change our lives over the next century. Visit to view a comprehensive database that forms the investigative basis for this book.
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Marvelous Math: A Book of Poems
Simon & Schuster Marvelous Math: A Book of Poems
WW Norton & Co Law and Disorder: Absurdly Funny Moments from the Courts
Charles M. Sevilla finds comic gems in court transcripts. This new collection starts with a chapter on defendants (one of whom, when asked his marital status, replies after a long pause, "Adequate") and follows with sections on lawyers, experts, witnesses, evidence and even one called “Malaprops”. Sevilla’s stories have become viral Internet sensations, priming readers for more disorder.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Applied Psychology Readings: Selected Papers from the Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology 2021
This book is a compilation of the best papers presented at the 2021 edition of the Singapore Conference of Applied Psychology (SCAP) organised and facilitated by East Asia Research in Singapore. The selection of papers addresses the latest innovations, trends, concerns and practical challenges encountered in the field, and poses practical solutions within the field of applied psychology. The theme for 2021 is psychological well-being, and so the collection covers aspects of clinical and non-clinical psychological well-being in different arenas, from education to the workplace. Following a rigorous peer-review process led by the School of Psychology at the University of Derby, this collection is a valuable resource for academics, researchers and practitioners looking to keep themselves up-to-date with recent research in the field. The book is of interest to educators and practitioners in applied psychology focused on well-being.
Johns Hopkins University Press Seven Wonders of the Universe That You Probably Took for Granted
Time. Gravity. Night. So much of what surrounds us feels familiar and mundane. But each is a wonder that reveals profound insights into the world around us. C. Renee James's whimsical tour of seven everyday experiences-night, light, stuff, gravity, time, home, and wonder-opens the Universe to fantastical contemplation. Light? Although we need it to see, there's much more to it than meets the eye. Stuff? When it comes down to it, things are almost entirely empty space-99.9% nothing-especially when you get to the atomic level. Home? James's contemplation of our place in the Universe shows that it's not just a place to hang your hat-and that there's really nothing else like it. James introduces each of these seven wonders with a simple question that appears to be easily answered. The questions are deceptive, though-as is James's casual, light-hearted style. Underneath lie such concepts as relativity, matter and antimatter, and the electromagnetic spectrum. Her accessible discussion uses common analogies and entertaining illustrations to provide a bundle of detail on historical discoveries and to provoke serious pondering. Fun and edifying, Seven Wonders of the Universe That You Probably Took for Granted is an inviting introduction to secret knowledge of our everyday world. This book may be 99.9% nothing, but the thoughts it will inspire are massive.
Tuttle Publishing Periplus Pocket Cantonese Dictionary: Cantonese-English English-Cantonese: Fully Revised and Expanded, Fully Romanized
The Periplus Pocket Cantonese Dictionary is a convenient and handy pocket-sized dictionary that contains the most common Cantonese words you will need to use and understand, whether as a traveller or as a beginner in the early stages of learning the language. Different meanings of the same word are distinguished so that you will always be able to make the correct choice with confidence. This handy reference guide provides the essentials of Cantonese pronunciation that will ensure you are always understood when speaking. This Cantonese dictionary features: Bidirectional Cantonese-English and English-Cantonese sections Over 12,000 essential words and expressions Headwords printed in easy-to-read type for quick and easy reference Latest computer, mobile phone, Internet and social media terms A basic overview of grammar and pronunciation.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of the Visual System
Providing the ocular anatomy and physiology content needed for a thorough comprehension of this complex field, Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of the Visual System, 4th Edition, offers a solid foundation for recognizing and understanding specific clinical situations and how they relate to anatomic structure. This concise, well-referenced resource covers the clinical anatomy of the eye, its adnexa and visual pathways, and histologic information-the information you need for success in coursework, certification exams, and clinical practice. Features vivid, full-color illustrations that help you visualize the clinical anatomy of the eye along with the cellular physiology behind diseases and disorders of the visual system. Emphasizes clinical application throughout, helping you better understand the processes that occur in disease and dysfunction. Clinical Comment sections offer a unique focus on clinical situations, conditions, diseases, and treatments. Contains new OCT, OCTA, MRI, and CT images that demonstrate clinical views of ocular anatomy. OCT technology is incorporated to describe the retinal layers, newly described anatomical components of the vitreous, corneal and anterior chamber angle anatomy, and the choroidal and retinal vasculature. Covers current topics such as genes essential in eye development, scleral and choroidal changes occurring with myopia progression, limbal stem cells, age-related macular degeneration and VEGF therapies, and microinvasive glaucoma surgical procedures. Includes updated concepts and terminology: Edinger Westfall preganglionic cells, sensory innervation to the cornea, knees of Wilbrand, intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells, and more. Provides expert coverage by a practicing optometrist, giving you a practical framework for recognizing and understanding clinical situations, problems, and treatments. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
HarperCollins Focus Sell Different!: All New Sales Differentiation Strategies to Outsmart, Outmaneuver, and Outsell the Competition
Game-changing new strategies to outsmart, outmaneuver, and outsell your competition!Salespeople face fierce competition in their pursuit of winning deals. Differences in product features and functions get smaller by the minute and are not always meaningful to buyers.How do you stand out from the pack and not just land the account, but win deals at the prices you want?Lee B. Salz’s previous ground-breaking, bestselling book, Sales Differentiation, armed salespeople with strategies to differentiate both what they sell and how they sell it. Sell Different! provides a new component of Sales Differentiation strategy to help you outsmart, outmaneuver, and outsell the competition to win more deals at the prices you want. This book provides you with the tools you need to land new accounts and grow existing ones.The practical, proven strategies presented in Sell Different! include: How to defeat your toughest competitor (hint: it’s not who you think it is) An actionable 16-phase plan to reach and engage elusive prospects Finding more of your best clients (it’s easier than you think) Acquiring more referrals than you ever dreamed possible Virtual selling and how to harness its potential Neutralizing the fear of change that paralyzes buyers and kills deals Structuring pilot programs that advance your deals Identifying the critical person needed to win more deals at the prices you want Solving closing problems and fixing the real issue limiting your success Dissecting and resolving the most challenging sales objection — price! What 99.999% of salespeople don’t do, but should Expanding account relationships to explode revenue and lock out the competition How to address a major flaw when comparing salespeople with professional athletes And much, much more! If you are a salesperson, executive, or business owner who desires to win more deals at the prices you want, then this book is for you.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Crime Fiction
A Companion to Crime Fiction presents the definitive guide to this popular genre from its origins in the eighteenth century to the present day A collection of forty-seven newly commissioned essays from a team of leading scholars across the globe make this Companion the definitive guide to crime fiction Follows the development of the genre from its origins in the eighteenth century through to its phenomenal present day popularity Features full-length critical essays on the most significant authors and film-makers, from Arthur Conan Doyle and Dashiell Hammett to Alfred Hitchcock and Martin Scorsese exploring the ways in which they have shaped and influenced the field Includes extensive references to the most up-to-date scholarship, and a comprehensive bibliography
Penguin Books Ltd Social Mobility: And Its Enemies
What are the effects of decreasing social mobility?How does education help - and hinder - us in improving our life chances?Why are so many of us stuck on the same social rung as our parents? Apart from the USA, Britain has the lowest social mobility in the Western world. The lack of movement in who gets where in society - particularly when people are stuck at the bottom and the top - costs the nation dear, both in terms of the unfulfilled talents of those left behind and an increasingly detached elite, disinterested in improvements that benefit the rest of society.This book analyses cutting-edge research into how social mobility has changed in Britain over the years, the shifting role of schools and universities in creating a fairer future, and the key to what makes some countries and regions so much richer in opportunities, bringing a clearer understanding of what works and how we can better shape our future.
Watson-Guptill Publications Draw 50 Famous Cartoons
Even the youngest artists can make famous characters look great. It is aimed at aged 5 and upwards. "Draw 50 Famous Cartoons" teaches aspiring artists how to draw with easy by following simple, step-by-step instructions. Celebrated author Lee J. Ames shows readers how to draw a myriad of beloved cartoon characters, including Felix the Cat, Tin Tin, Flinstones, Yogi bear, Popeye, Scoobie Doo and many more. Ames' illustration style and renowned drawing method has made him a leader in the step-by-step drawing manual - the twenty-seven books in his "Draw 50" series have sold more than three million copies. It's easy to draw cartoons when it's done the "Draw 50" way.
Holly B. Clegg Eating Well Through Cancer Easy Recipes Tips to Guide You Through Treatment and Cancer Prevention
Igloo Books The Magical Zoo: Padded Board Book
Arcadia Publishing East Sacramento
Stanford University Press Selling the City: Gender, Class, and the California Growth Machine, 1880-1940
Between 1880 and 1940, California cities were in the vanguard in creating comprehensive city plans and zoning ordinances that came to characterize modern American city growth. This book reveals the means by which property-owning middle-class women achieved entry into the male-dominated sphere of urban planning. It suggests that women in California were not excluded from public life. Instead, they embraced the middle-class ideology of propertied self-interest and participated to the fullest extent possible in the urban struggle for regional dominance that shaped this period of western history. Likewise, as urban historians have presented this story as essentially male, this work suggests that although California's urban elite often maintained a division of labor along traditional gender lines, they clearly worked in a cross-gender alliance to shape a regional identity based on a commitment to urban growth.
Artech House Publishers Introduction to Radar Using Python and MATLAB
"A well-constructed and concisely written book, incorporating a balanced combination of textual explanations and well-presented mathematical descriptions, which serves both as an introduction to many important aspects of radar but also as an extensive exercise in the usage and application of both the MATLAB and Python programming applications. It is eminently readable and understandable. I assess that it is probably most relevant to post graduate student scientists and engineers requiring a moderately detailed understanding of aspects of radar with a view to practical applications”Aerospace Magazine This comprehensive resource provides readers with the tools necessary to perform analysis of various waveforms for use in radar systems. It provides information about how to produce synthetic aperture (SAR) images by giving a tomographic formulation and implementation for SAR imaging. Tracking filter fundamentals, and each parameter associated with the filter and how each affects tracking performance are also presented. Various radar cross section measurement techniques are covered, along with waveform selection analysis through the study of the ambiguity function for each particular waveform from simple linear frequency modulation (LFM) waveforms to more complicated coded waveforms. The text includes the Python tool suite, which allows the reader to analyze and predict radar performance for various scenarios and applications. Also provided are MATLAB® scripts corresponding to the Python tools. The software includes a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) that provides visualizations of the concepts being covered. Users have full access to both the Python and MATLAB source code to modify for their application. With examples using the tool suite are given at the end of each chapter, this text gives readers a clear understanding of how important target scattering is in areas of target detection, target tracking, pulse integration, and target discrimination.
Pelican Publishing Company Thibodeaux Turtle and Boudreaux Bunny: The Tortoise and the Hare with a Louisiana Twist
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Humanities Through the Arts
Rowman & Littlefield Our Point of View: Fourteen Years at a Maine Lilghthouse
Tom and Lee Szelog were the first tenants to live in the former lightkeeper's house at Marshall Point Light in Port Clyde, Maine. A professional photographer, Tom naturally kept a visual record of their years at Marshall Point, and both Szelogs kept personal journals. This book offers arrestingly beautiful visual images, as well as moving and interesting selections from the Szelogs' journals.
Candlewick Press,U.S. The Maine Coon's Haiku: And Other Poems for Cat Lovers
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Law and Courts
This comprehensive Research Handbook offers a multi-faceted analysis of the politics of law and courts and their role in governing. The authors develop new theoretical, empirical and methodological approaches to the study of law and courts as institutions, while accounting for the increasing diversity and complexity of the jurisdictions they oversee. The Research Handbook on Law and Courts features contributions from leading scholars in the United States, New Zealand, South Africa, Latin America and a number of European countries, enriching the scope of theoretical development in the field and identifying areas for future research. Chapters address courts' centrality to governance by explaining how they participate in holding democratic administrations politically accountable, as well as by highlighting the political significance of court decisions concerning citizenship and inclusion. Chapters include studies of interactions between legal arguments, courts and other institutions that rely on law, as well as reflections on the physical and digital spaces of law. This volume also examines demographic diversity in judging before concluding with discussions of increasing digitization and computing power, and the significance of both for legal processes and sociolegal scholarship. Scholars concerned with courts and political accountability in complex, multi-layered governance will find this Research Handbook an invaluable resource. Since courts and legal structures are increasingly significant around the world, the Research Handbook will also be useful to other social scientists concerned with inclusion, representation, and accountability through law.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Atlas of Reconstructive Breast Surgery
Concise, practical, and highly illustrated, Atlas of Reconstructive Breast Surgery focuses exclusively on non-cosmetic procedures performed due to cancer, accidents, or congenital defects of the breast. Covering both autologous and implant-based reconstruction techniques, this uniquely comprehensive reference provides step-by-step visual guidance on correcting dysfunctional areas and repairing defects to restore normal appearance and function. Provides detailed illustrations for clear visual guidance on every procedure. Features up-to-date coverage of pre-pectoral reconstruction, partial breast reconstructions, symmetry procedures, and fat grafting for total breast reconstruction as well as contouring for reconstructive breast procedures. Includes procedural videos on numerous selected topics such as Breast Reconstruction with the Pedicled Transverse Rectus Abdominis Musculocutaneous (TRAM) Flap; Latissimus Dorsi Flap Breast Reconstruction; Immediate Implant Breast Reconstruction with ADM- Two-Stage; Nipple/Areolar Complex Reconstruction; and Correction of Congenital Breast Deformity (Poland Syndrome). Covers new developments in flap design, use of fat graft , oncoplastic (mastectomy-sparing) surgery, and tissue engineering. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Delta Publishing Sdn Bhd.,Malaysia Malaysian Favourites
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC What Works?: Research and evidence for successful teaching
From the authors of the Sutton Trust-EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit comes What Works?, a must-read guide that summarises the research and hard evidence of what works and what doesn't in primary and secondary classrooms, and provides practical strategies for transforming pupils' progress. Lee Elliot Major and Steve Higgins look at common teaching approaches, including raising aspirations, improving behaviour, outdoor learning and parental engagement. They present the research and evidence behind each approach and provide practical steps for best practice in the classroom to boost the learning and life outcomes of all pupils. Explored in a concise, accessible manner, the research and evidence is distilled into clear, precise guidance that can be used immediately, ideal for any busy teacher. What Works? makes it easy for all primary and secondary teachers to become research-informed practitioners in every aspect of their teaching. From debunking enduring education myths to providing practical next steps and strategies that really make a difference, this is the essential guide to evidence-based teaching and a must-have for every teacher looking to increase their impact in the classroom.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership
AN ELEGANT FRAMEWORK FOR MORE EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP Bolman and Deal’s four-frame model has been transforming business leadership for over 40 years. Using a multidisciplinary approach to management, this deceptively simple model offers a powerful set of tools for navigating complexity and turbulence; as the political and economic climate continues to evolve, this model has never been more relevant than today. The Structural Frame explores the convergence of organizational structure and function, and shows why social architecture must take environment into account. Case studies illustrate successful alignment in diverse organizations, and guidelines provide strategic insight for avoiding common pathologies and achieving the right fit. The Human Resource Frame dissects the complex dynamics at the intersection of people and organizations and charts the leadership and human resource practices that build motivation and high performance. The Political Frame shows how competition, conflict, and the struggle for power and resources can be either a tool for growth or a toxic landmine for an individual or organization. Case studies show how both constructive and destructive practices influence social, political, and economic trends both within and beyond organizational boundaries. The Symbolic Frame defines organizational culture, and delves into the emotional and existential underbelly of social life. It underscores the power of symbolic forms such as heroes, myths, and rituals in providing the glue that bonds social collectives together. The Seventh Edition has been updated with new information on cross-sector collaboration, generational differences, virtual environments, globalization, cross-cultural communication, and more, with an expanded Instructor’s Guide that includes summaries, mini-assessments, videos, and extra resources.
John Murray Press How to Deal with Anxiety: A 5-step, CBT-based plan for overcoming generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and worry
Everyone feels anxious from time to time, and worry is a natural part of life. But it is all too common to allow concerns about our health, our security, our relationships or our place in the world to become a negative cycle and a burden. Anxiety gets called GAD when the worry is repetitive, becomes associated with a variety of emotional and physical symptoms, and begins to impact upon our ability to enjoy life. If these problems sound familiar to you, this book will provide you with practical help to deal with and overcome the problem.By picking this book up you've taken the first stride. Now, using the STEP system - a structured, CBT-based approach that delivers both support and proven techniques for beating anxiety - you can begin to transform your daily life. Written by an expert team with many years of clinical experience, this book will help you get a better understanding of your anxiety and what keeps it going, tackle negative thoughts and behaviour, and progress to a healthier, happier outlook - without fear of setbacks or relapse.ABOUT THE SERIESEveryone feels overwhelmed sometimes. When that happens, you need clarity of thought and practical advice to progress beyond the problem. The How To Deal With series provides structured, CBT-based solutions from health professionals and top experts to help you deal with issues thoroughly, once and for all. Short, easy to read, and very reassuring, these books are your first step on a pathway to a happier future. They are perfect for self-directed use and are designed so that medical professionals can prescribe them to patients.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Geology and Mineralogy of Gemstones
Understanding gemstones in a geological context Gemstones are colorful treasures of the Earth that have captivated humans for thousands of years. The physical and chemical characteristics of each type of gem provide insights into the geological processes that created them. Geology and Mineralogy of Gemstones is a textbook aimed at upper-level undergraduate and graduate students. It presents the basic mineralogical and geological knowledge needed to understand gemstones and examines the characteristics and geological origins of different types of gemstone. Volume highlights include: Concepts in mineralogy Structure and chemical composition of minerals Geological processes that lead to the formation and movement of gemstones Equipment and tools used to examine gemstones and their physical properties The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.
Book*hug I Am a Body of Land
Finalist for the 2019 A.M. Klein Prize for PoetryEdited, with an introduction by multiple award-winning writer, elder, and activist Lee Maracle.If poetry is a place to question, I Am a Body of Land by Shannon Webb-Campbell is an attempt to explore a relationship to poetic responsibility and accountability, and frame poetry as a form of re-visioning.Here Webb-Campbell revisits the text of her earlier work Who Took My Sister? to examine her self, her place and her own poetic strategies. These poems are efforts to decolonize, unlearn, and undo harm.Reconsidering individual poems and letters, Webb-Campbell's confessional writing circles back, and challenges what it means to ask questions of her own settler-Indigenous identity, belonging, and attempts to cry out for community, and call in with love.Praise for I Am a Body of Land:"Poetry awake with the winds from the Four Directions, poetry that crosses borders, margins, treaties, yellow tape warning Police Line: Do Not Cross. Poetry whose traditional territory, through colonization, has become trauma and shame. Unceded poetry. Read. Respect. Weep." —Susan Musgrave, author of Origami Dove"Shannon Webb-Campbell's work forces readers out of polite conversation and into a realm where despair and hard truths are being told, being heard and finding the emotion strength to learn from it, find out way out and embrace our beauty as Indigenous women." —Carol Rose Daniels, author of Hiraeth and Bearskin Diary, winner of the First Nations Communities READ Award and the Aboriginal Literature Award.
Astra Publishing House Jumping Off Library Shelves
Here is the library! Fifteen poems celebrate the thrill of getting your first library card, the excitement of story hour, the fun of using the computer, the pride of reading to the dog, and the joy of discovering that the librarian understands you and knows exactly which books you'll love. The poems in this engaging picture book are compiled by noted poet and anthologist Lee Bennett Hopkins.All pay homage to the marvels of books and reading. Accompanied by Jane Manning's colorful, imaginative illustrations, this collection celebrates the magic of libraries and is a must for every school and public library -- and it's ideal for anyone who loves to visit their local library, too!
The New York Review of Books, Inc Walkabout
Harlequin Bestselling Author Collection Ready for Romance & Child on His Doorstep
Forge The Picture Bride
John Wiley & Sons Inc Occupational Ergonomics: A Practical Approach
OCCUPATIONAL ERGONOMICS Develop a healthier connection between worker and work with this practical introduction The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that 34% of all workdays lost each year are the result of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). These disorders result from a mismatch between a worker, their working conditions, and the task they perform. Improperly designed tasks or equipment, insufficient downtime between shifts or tasks, or even simple sitting position can all produce WMSDs. The key insights into preventing these disorders are produced by ergonomics, the scientific study of human bodies as they relate to objects, systems, and environments, especially work environments. Occupational Ergonomics: A Practical Approach aims to supply an ergonomic toolkit for creating healthier relationships between workers’ bodies and their work. Beginning with a set of foundational ergonomic principles, it then details multiple assessment techniques in ways easily adapted to specific workplace situations. This balance of theory and practice has made Occupational Ergonomics an essential reference concerning human beings and the work they do. Readers of the second edition will also find: Up-to-date ergonomic research reflecting the latest clinical and workplace data Entirely new chapters on Work Physiology, Total Worker Health, Return on Investment, and more Major revisions to chapters on Elements of an Ergonomic Program, Workstation Design, Work-Related MSDs, How to Conduct an Assessments, and Office Ergonomics Detailed and updated case studies applying ergonomic assessment techniques to common workplace scenarios Occupational Ergonomics is a must for workplace safety managers, safety coordinators, ergonomics program coordinators, facilities managers, and any professionals concerned with the work environment, and worker health and safety.
Random House USA Inc The Empty Copper Sea: A Travis McGee Novel
Putnam Publishing Group,U.S. Eight Animals on the Town
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Weather: Poems for All Seasons
Springer International Publishing AG Victorian Verse: The Poetics of Everyday Life
Victorian Verse: The Poetics of Everyday Life casts new light on nineteenth-century poetry by examining the period through its popular verse forms and their surrounding social and media landscape. The volume offers insight into two central concepts of both the Victorian era and our own—status and taste—and how cultural hierarchies then and now were and are constructed and broken. By recovering the lost diversity of Victorian verse, the book maps the breadth of Victorian writing and reading practices, illustrating how these seemingly minor verse genres actually possessed crucial social functions for Victorians, particularly in education, leisure practices, the cultural production of class, and the formation of individual and communal identities. The essays consider how “major” Victorian poets, such as the Pre-Raphaelites, were also committed to writing and reading “minor” verse, further troubling the clear-cut notions of canonicity by examining the contradictions of value.
Woodrow Wilson Center Press A Creative Tension: The Foreign Policy Roles of the President and Congress
A Creative Tension is a fresh look at the foreign policy roles of Congress and the president by one of the most astute congressional practitioners of foreign policy of recent decades, former U.S. representative and chairman of the House International Relations Committee Lee H. Hamilton. With an insider's perspective based on thirty-four years in Congress, Hamilton elucidates current domestic and international pressures influencing U.S. foreign policy, strengths and weaknesses in the foreign policy process, and ways to improve the performance of the president and Congress. A Creative Tension argues persuasively and elegantly that better consultation between the executive and legislative branches is the most effective way to strengthen American foreign policy. A Creative Tension is the most extensive analysis of the congressional and presidential roles in foreign policy by a former member of Congress. Hamilton explores the topic in an original, stimulating, and accessible manner by deftly mixing incisive commentary with illuminating personal reflections. The book includes timely and important recommendations for improving the ability of Congress and the president to develop a foreign policy that meets the challenges and opportunities of a post-September 11 world. It should be of interest to foreign policy makers, scholars and students of American politics, and the general public.Wilson Forum