Search results for ""author howard""
University of California Press A Picture Gallery of the Soul
A vivid and moving celebration of the ways that Black Americans have shaped and been shaped by photography, from its inception to the present day. A Picture Gallery of the Soul presents the work of more than one hundred Black American artists whose practice incorporates the photographic medium. Organized by the Katherine E. Nash Gallery at the University of Minnesota, this group exhibition samples a range of photographic expressions produced over three centuries, from traditional photography to mixed media and conceptual art. From the daguerreotypes made by Jules Lion in New Orleans in 1840 to the Instagram post of the Baltimore Uprising made by Devin Allen in 2015, photography has chronicled Black American life, and Black Americans have defined the possibilities of photography. Frederick Douglass recognized the quick, easy, and inexpensive reproducibility of photography and developed a theoretical framework for understanding its impact on public discourse, which he delivered as a series of four lectures during the Civil War. It has been widely acknowledged that Douglass, the subject of 160 photographic portraits and the most photographed American of the nineteenth century, anticipated that the history of American photography and the history of Black American culture and politics would be deeply intertwined. A Picture Gallery of the Soul honors the diverse visions of Blackness made manifest through the lens of photography. Published in association with the Katherine E. Nash Gallery. Exhibition dates: Katherine E. Nash Gallery: September 13–December 10, 2022.
WW Norton & Co Emotions, Learning, and the Brain: Exploring the Educational Implications of Affective Neuroscience
A neuroscience revolution is making its way into classrooms around the country, changing the way we understand how emotions influence thinking and learning. This book makes available the most pertinent scientific information in a way classroom teachers can understand and apply.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Classics of American Political and Constitutional Thought, Volume 2: Reconstruction to the Present
Volume 2 of a 2-volume set. Volume 2 covers reconstruction to the present. Volume 1 covers origins through the Civil War. Together the two-volume set offers an unparalleled selection of key texts from the history of American political and constitutional thought. North American rights only.Note about the current 2021 printing: Selections from the following texts have been removed from the 2021 revised printing of this book (2021 edition ISBN: 978-1-64792-012-8): E. B. White, Freedom; Langston Hughes, selected poems; Hannah Arendt, Reflections on Little Rock; Whittaker Chambers, Witness; C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite; Kurt Vonnegut, Harrison Bergeron; Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Family and Nation. In all other respects, this printing is identical to the original edition published in 2007 (paperback ISBN of the now out of print 2007 edition: 978-0-87220-885-8).
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Lurking Fear: Collected Short Stories Volume Four
‘The thing came abruptly and unannounced; a demon, rat-like, scurrying from pits remote and unimaginable, a hellish panting and stifled grunting, and then from that opening beneath the chimney a burst of multitudinous and leprous life - a loathsome night-spawned flood of organic corruption more devastatingly hideous than the blackest conjurations of mortal madness and morbidity.’ Only the expansive imagination of H.P. Lovecraft could conceive the delicious and spine-tingling horrors you will find within the pages of this unique collection. In addition to such classics as The Picture in the House, The Music of Erich Zann and The Rats in the Walls, this volume contains some fascinating rarities: examples of Lovecraft's earliest weird fiction and material unpublished during his lifetime. H.P. Lovecraft's creation of the Cthulhu Mythos has influenced many modern authors, and still remains at the forefront of supernatural literature.
Harvard University Press Negotiation Analysis The Science and Art of Collaborative Decision Making OIP
Written by the author of "The Art and Science of Negotiation", this title incorporates three strands of inquiry: individual decision analysis, judgmental decision making, and game theory.
Hal Leonard Corporation Beauty and the Beast: Instrumental Play-Along - from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
Hal Leonard Corporation Beauty and the Beast: Instrumental Play-Along - from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
Hal Leonard Corporation Beauty and the Beast: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
Carroll & Graf Publishers Inc Secrets of the Ocean Realm
A photographic celebration of the spectacular drama of exotic marine creatures’ lives and the otherworldly beauty of the deep-sea ecosystems that shelter them, Secrets of the Ocean Realm is based on a five-part series of public television specials. Written and photographed by Emmy Award winning couple Michele and Howard Hall, Secrets of the Ocean Realm is more than just a collection of stunning photographs: it is a revelation of the sea creatures’ complex and mysterious cycles and patterns of behavior. The reader is presented with striking images of all manner of marine life—sharks, opalescent squid, molting lobsters, dolphins, giant whales—engaged in the vital activities of mating, threat displays, hunting, and feeding. The remarkable photographs of Secrets of the Ocean Realm are complemented with fascinating and engaging stories that take the reader behind the scenes and reveal the state-of-the-art equipment and techniques used to capture these exquisite scenes of underwater life.
Emerald Publishing Limited Latin America: Management Education's Growth and Future Pathways
Latin American business schools have grown in scale and quality in recent decades, yet they have received a relatively low level of attention globally when compared to schools from other parts of the world. This book seeks to address this dearth of attention and provide an in-depth examination of management education in the region. The book examines the main historical, cultural, social, political, and economic aspects of the Latin American continent and describes the evolutionary path of business education in the region until its current state. It analyzes and interprets the major events, key issues, impact of different actors, main changes, and "blind spots" in the evolution of management education in Latin America over the last 10 years. It then identifies the biggest on-going challenges confronting business education on the continent and discusses whether a Latin American model for management education is a realistic proposition. Finally, the book explores how the competitive environment of business education in the region will evolve over the next 10 years, and how these changes will influence the critical issues facing Latin American management education.
Marvel Comics Moon Knight: Marc Spector Omnibus Vol. 1
Taylor & Francis Ltd Aboriginal Religions in Australia: An Anthology of Recent Writings
Over the last 25 years there has been an explosion of interest in the Aboriginal religions of Australia and this anthology provides a variety of recent writings, by a wide range of scholars. Australian Aboriginal Religions are probably the oldest extant religious systems. Over some 50,000 years they have coped with change and re-invented themselves in an astonishingly creative way. The Dreaming, the mythical time when the Ancestor Spirits shaped the territories of the Aborigines and laid down a moral and ritual law for their occupants, is the fundamental religious reality. It is the basis of the Aborigines's view of their land or country, kinship relationships, ritual and art. However, the Dreaming is not a static principle since it is interpreted in different ways, as in the extraordinary movement in contemporary indigenous painting, and in attempts at an accommodation with Christianity. The contributions of anthropologists, cultural historians, philosophers of religion and others are included in this anthology which not only guides readers through the literature but also ensures this still largely inaccessible material is available to a wider range of readers and non-specialist students and academics.
Harvard University Press American Protest Literature
“I like a little rebellion now and then”—so wrote Thomas Jefferson to Abigail Adams, enlisting in a tradition that throughout American history has led writers to rage and reason, prophesy and provoke. This is the first anthology to collect and examine an American literature that holds the nation to its highest ideals, castigating it when it falls short and pointing the way to a better collective future. American Protest Literature presents sources from eleven protest movements—political, social, and cultural—from the Revolution to abolition to gay rights to antiwar protest. Each section reprints documents from the original phase of the movement as well as evidence of its legacy in later times. Informative headnotes place the selections in historical context and draw connections with other writings within the anthology and beyond. Sources include a wide variety of genres—pamphlets, letters, speeches, sermons, legal documents, poems, short stories, photographs, posters—and a range of voices from prophetic to outraged to sorrowful, from U.S. Presidents to the disenfranchised. Together they provide an enlightening and inspiring survey of this most American form of literature.
Harvard University Press On Hashish
Walter Benjamin's posthumously published collection of writings on hashish is a detailed blueprint for a book that was never written--a "truly exceptional book about hashish," as Benjamin describes it in a letter to his friend Gershom Scholem. A series of "protocols of drug experiments," written by himself and his co-participants between 1927 and 1934, together with short prose pieces that he published during his lifetime, On Hashish provides a peculiarly intimate portrait of Benjamin, venturesome as ever at the end of the Weimar Republic, and of his unique form of thought.Consciously placing himself in a tradition of literary drug-connoisseurs from Baudelaire to Hermann Hesse, Benjamin looked to hashish and other drugs for an initiation into what he called "profane illumination." At issue here, as everywhere in Benjamin's work, is a new way of seeing, a new connection to the ordinary world. Under the influence of hashish, as time and space become inseparable, experiences become subtly stratified and resonant: we inhabit more than one plane in time. What Benjamin, in his contemporaneous study of Surrealism, calls "image space" comes vividly to life in this philosophical immersion in the sensuous.This English-language edition of On Hashish features a section of supplementary materials--drawn from Benjamin's essays, letters, and sketches--relating to hashish use, as well as a reminiscence by his friend Jean Selz, which concerns a night of opium-smoking in Ibiza. A preface by Howard Eiland discusses the leading motifs of Benjamin's reflections on intoxication.
University of Washington Press Six Chapters from My Life “Downunder”
By now the world is familiar with the disastrous consequences of the ten year period (1966-1976) in China's history known as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. The mistakes of Mao Zedong's later years have been officially acknowledged, and the infamous Gang of Four publicly tried and sentence for their crimes. But on the cultural front the thaw had no sooner come than gone. A campaign against what is regarded as "spiritual pollution" is being waged to inhibit free expression among creative writers. Thousands of scholars, authors, respected professors and academicians, who as a class were the most persecuted in what some observers called China's "holocaust," are back at their respective stations, bent over the task of modernization. For understandable reasons, few have written candidly about their experiences during the Cultural Revolution. Yang Jiang is an outstanding exception. In this memoir she give a poignant account of the more than two years she and her husband were sent "downunder" to the barren countryside for reeducation through labor. Yang Jiang touches upon any horrendous acts only in passing, or by indirection; mainly she relates in well-tempered tones the everyday incidents at their "cadre school" which add up to a harrowing tale. Patterned after Shen Fu's "Six Chapters of a Floating Life," a minor classic of the Qing dynasty, Six Chapters form My Life 'Downunder' is a testimony of remarkable sophistication, and at the same time a powerful indictment of the madness of ignorant, totalitarian rule. The author writes in a subtle, almost allegorical style, letting the reader share in her skepticism, disappointment, and frustration with the people, or the system, responsible for what was done to her family and her fellow victims. More in sorrow than in anger, here and there with a touch of wry humor, she records the backwardness and distrust of the peasants who were their "masters"; the utter waste of human resources; the vicious nature of political campaigns and the people involved in them; and, above all, the devotion between husband and wife which kept them going throughout their ordeal. While describing a society in one of its darkest moments, Yang Jiang reaffirms the endurance of humanity. Although Yang Jiang lives in Beijing, Six Chapters from My Life 'Downunder' first appeared in a Hong Kong magazine in April 1981, and was published in book form there in the following month, attracting wide attention. it was published in the People's Republic of China later that year. The edition sold out quickly and no subsequent printings have been available. The present English translation, first published in the journal "Renditions," is issued here in slightly revised form and with the addition of footnotes and background notes.
Penguin Putnam Inc On the Road: the Original Scroll: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)
Emerald Publishing Limited Creating Value through Skill-Based Strategy and Entrepreneurial Leadership
The fields of entrepreneurship and strategic management deal with the fundamental processes and forces that affect the start-up, prosperity, and survival of organizations. In both fields it is argued that a company's potential long-run performance is determined by the degree to which it can develop and maintain a 'fit' between its skills and resources and environmental demands. Through the use of rigorous, in-depth case studies, this book takes a comprehensive look at the process by which leaders, as entrepreneurs and strategists, attempt to build and craft the skill-bases of their firms to best create long-term value for their customers. Part one examines the foundations of resource-based approaches to management and strategic thinking, and presents a detailed process-typology of organizational resources that serves as a basis for understanding how resources can be leveraged into sustainable strategic advantage. Part two presents the case histories of four very different firms, including a high-tech chemicals research company, a custom cabinet manufacturer, a large corporate industrial engineering firm, and a craft-oriented surgical instrument maker. Each case provides a unique setting from which insights into the value creation process are presented. Part three compares and contrasts the insights discussed in the case analysis, and integrates the findings into a 'practitioner-based' model of value creation. This model is then further integrated with current academic theory, and a more formal theory of the value creation process is presented. In part four, issues such as the 'skill life-cycle', the relationship between technology and human skill development, and leadership styles and processes are discussed. The implications of the research are presented with respect to the practice of entrepreneurship and strategic thinking, to future research and theory in those fields, and to policy choices for government and private leaders.
Big Finish Productions Ltd The Tenth Doctor Adventures Volume Three: No Place
It's `Haunted Makeovers!’ The home improvement show with a spooky twist. The Noble family are hoping to cast out a few spirits along with the old bathroom suite. Presenter Justin joins Donna, Wilf, Sylvia and the Doctor for the latest edition of his reality TV series. Of course, Justin knows that any supernatural phenomena can be faked. Ghosts can't possibly be real. Can they..? CAST: David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna Noble), Jacqueline King (Sylvia Noble), Bernard Cribbins (Wilfred Mott), Joel Fry (Justin / Hidden Voice), Peter Singh (Jas). Other parts played by members of the cast.
JP Medical Ltd EFOST Surgical Techniques in Sports Medicine - Shoulder Surgery, Volume 2: Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Arthroplasty
EFOST Surgical Techniques in Sports Medicine – Shoulder Surgery Vol. 2: Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Arthroplasty provides orthopaedic surgeons with a collection of step by step surgical techniques for correcting shoulder injuries commonly encountered in sports and orthopaedic trauma. Each chapter explains how to perform a single surgical procedure in its entirety, from diagnosis, preparation, surgical technique to closure and rehabilitation, while also detailing pre and post-operative complications and how best to avoid them. The practical, easy to use format makes this book an invaluable resource for all surgeons involved with treating orthopaedic and sports trauma injuries of the shoulder. Key points EFOST – easy to reference surgical techniques written in a simple stepwise format Easy to follow ‘cook book’ chapter style Easy to navigate content allows rapid review of techniques Large number of high quality colour photographs Written by highly experienced orthopaedic and sports trauma surgeons
Big Finish Productions Ltd The Tenth Doctor Adventures: Cold Vengeance
The TARDIS arrives on Coldstar, a vast freezer satellite, packed with supplies to feed a colony world. But there are cracks in the ice, and something scuttles under the floors. Soon, Rose and the Doctor encounter robots, space pirates and... refuse collectors. As Coldstar's tunnels begin to melt, an even greater threat stirs within. An old enemy of the Doctor puts a plan into action - a plan for retribution. Nobody's vengeance is colder than an Ice Warrior's. David Tennant's return to the role of the hugely popular Tenth Doctor has been huge news both times it's happened for Big Finish - with news of his teaming up with Billie Piper making newspapers when it was announced. Billie Piper, famed British actor of stage and screen, and companion Rose Tyler, reprises the role for the first time since her departure in the tear-jerking Journey's End Doctor Who story on BBC1. Guest star Nicholas Briggs here provides the voices of iconic Doctor Who foe the Ice Warriors - a duty he's performed on TV too (as well as for the Daleks, Cybermen, and other creatures). CAST: David Tennant (The Doctor), Billie Piper (Rose Tyler), Keziah Joseph (Lorna), Maureen Beattie(Brona Volta), Sean Biggerstaf (Callum Volta), Anthony Stuart-Hicks (Management / Bert) and Nicholas Briggs (Lord Hasskor / Commander Slaan).
The History Press Ltd Age of Confidence: The New Jewish Culture Wave: Celebrating Twenty Years of Jewish Renaissance
Taking the terrorist attacks of 9/11 as their starting point, five new essays look at how Jewish culture has changed over the past two decades. Covering music (Vanessa Paloma Elbaz), art (Monica Bohm Duchen), literature (Bryan Cheyette), theatre (Judi Herman) and film (Nathan Abrams), the essays explore the role of confidence in the cultural output of minority communities, and ask whether the trends identified look set to continue over the coming years.Commissioned to mark the twentieth anniversary of Jewish Renaissance magazine, the book includes a foreword by Howard Jacobson and is interspersed with a selection of the best articles from the magazine’s archive, including pieces by the director Mike Leigh, author Linda Grant and sociologist Keith Kahn-Harris.
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. Border Crossings
Paul Dry Books Surprised Again!--The Covid Crisis and the New Market Bubble
Arcadia Publishing Larkin Company
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Truth and its Deformities, Volume XXXII
Truth and Its Deformities is the 32nd volume in the Midwest Studies in Philosophy series. It contains major new contributions on a range of topics related to the general theme of the volume by some of the most important philosophers writing on truth in recent years.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Lady on the Hill: How Biltmore Estate Became an American Icon
"What William Cecil has accomplished at Biltmore Estate is one of the great preservation success stories of all time. He has set a high standard for what all historic house museums strive for: magnificently preserved buildings and grounds, engaging interpretation, and--perhaps most challenging of all--economic self-sufficiency. It is no surprise that Biltmore Estate is widely recognized as one of America's finest places to visit."—Richard Moe, President of the National Trust for Historic Preservation "Biltmore is a glorious national historic landmark that, through creative vision and entrepreneurial management, preserves and provides insight into a way of life in the early 1900s. Bill is the imaginative and multifaceted leader who has built this great monument to enrich his community. George and I admire his dedication and success."—George and Abby Rockefeller O'Neill "Bill Cecil and his team at Biltmore Estate have sure proved that they know how to build a successful business. They did it the old-fashioned way: embrace a bold idea that others said could not be done and--through commitment, determination, and hard work--bring it to life. Their achievement against the odds is inspiring, and their vision and perseverance are valuable lessons to us all."—Don Logan, Chairman, Media & Communications Group, Time Warner "If George Vanderbilt did nothing more than engage the two most prominent and storied designers of their time, architect Richard Morris Hunt and landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, to carry out his vision of a European estate in the southern Appalachians, he would have created an American icon. The beauty of the method by which the estate was executed and, even today, the meticulous attention to detail, in the presentation and care of the estate by William Cecil, have brought history to life."—Gary J. Walters, Chief Usher, The White House
American Meteorological Society Synoptic–Dynamic Meteorology and Weather Analysi – A Tribute to Fred Sanders
Key scientific research by authors including Kerry Emanuel, Robert Burpee, Edwin Kessler, and Louis Uccellini illustrates the evolution of the fields of synoptic meteorology, weather analysis, forecasting, and climatology. It is published in honor of the late Fred Sanders, emeritus professor of meteorology at MIT, whose influence was vast: he coined the term “bomb” for explosively intensifying winter storms; he established the roles of low-level horizontal confluence and convergence in frontal collapse; and he invented the field of oceanic mesometeorology. This monograph is both an essential tool for educating future weather researchers and a testament to Sanders’s legacy of teaching.
Guilford Publications The Juvenile Sex Offender
From leading scientists and practitioners, this authoritative work examines what is known about the nature and development of juvenile sexual offending, the consequences for both victims and perpetrators, and approaches to assessment, intervention, and relapse prevention. Pathways of normal sexual development are described, and the biological, social, and psychological processes that lead to sexual conduct problems are investigated. The book explores how juvenile offenders are dealt with in the mental health and criminal justice systems, reviews available psychological and pharmacological treatment approaches, and provides research-based recommendations for improving existing practices.
Harvard University Press Medicine Worth Paying For: Assessing Medical Innovations
How is medicine doing at the end of the twentieth century? While there has been no end of studies of our health care system and proposals for changing it, there have been few credible studies of the risks and benefits of widely used medical treatments. We simply do not always know whether one treatment is better than another or whether a particular drug is worth the price.Medical technology assessment is the discipline that studies what does and does not work in medicine. Howard Frazier and Frederick Mosteller are leading figures in this field. In Medicine Worth Paying For they attempt something completely new: to distill the methods and knowledge base of their highly specialized discipline into a text that is accessible—and therefore of great value—to a nontechnical audience.This book calls attention to the importance of technology assessment in medicine—the rigorous evaluation of the effects of medical treatments—with particular reference to medical innovations. Also, making use of a series of carefully selected cases, the authors identify important policy implications that can be drawn from the study of successful medical innovations. These case studies of medical successes are a rich source of examples of the effects, good and bad, of the application of technology to health care and of attempts to influence the diffusion of technologies in health care.Medicine Worth Paying For should be of interest to a variety of readers, particularly those concerned with health policy, investigators studying health services, those in the health professions, nonprofessionals who wish to maintain and improve the performance of the health care system, and others who simply want a system that provides benefits greater than risks at an acceptable financial cost.
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Selected Keyboard Works, Book II: Miscellaneous Pieces
C.P.E. Bach's Selected Keyboard Works have been published as part of ABRSM's 'Signature' Series - a series of authoritative performing editions of standard keyboard works, prepared from original sources by leading scholars. Includes informative introductions and performance notes.
Rowman & Littlefield The World Court in Action: Judging among the Nations
Over a century ago, a precursor to the International Court of Justice, usually called the World Court, was created. The United States had an important role in founding the Court, and a U.S. citizen—Andrew Carnegie-funded the Peace Palace, the building in which the World Court still convenes. But in 1985, during the second Reagan-Bush Administration, the U.S. effectively withdrew its support and authority from the Court in respose to its ruling on the U.S. use of force in Nicaragua. Since that time, the role of the World Court has grown in importance internationally even though the U.S. refuses to participate fully. And because the U.S. role has been so attenuated, the full story of the World Court has not been told, especially to U.S. citizens and students whose ignorance of it is a national embarrassment. Howard N. Meyer-longtime legal authority, activist, and champion of untold or misunderstood histories-traces the World Court all the way back to The Hague Conference of 1899 and shows its development through World War I, the League of Nations, World War II, and the Cold War, all the way up to the contemporary challenges of East Timor and Kosovo. More recently, Meyer distinguishes between the nation-state oriented work of the World Court and the work of the International Criminal Court which was proposed in 1998 to prosecute individual war criminals like Milosevic and others coming out of the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. As different as they are, the World Court and the ICC have a common problem that this book seeks to address: resistance in Washington to the international rule of law, especially when it comes to authority surrounding the use of force.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success
REVISED AND UPDAT ED WITH NEW RESEARCH INTO EQ AND PERSONAL AND CAREER SUCCESS What is the formula for success at your job? As a spouse? A parent? A Little League baseball coach or behind the bench of a minor hockey team? What does it take to get ahead? To separate yourself from the competition? To lead a less stressful and happier existence? To be fulfilled in personal and professional pursuits? What is the most important dynamic of your makeup? Is it your A) intelligence quotient? or B) emotional quotient? If you picked "A", you are partly correct. Your intelligence quotient can be a predictor of things such as academic achievement. But your IQ is fixed and unchangeable. The real key to personal and professional growth is your emotional intelligence quotient, which you can nurture and develop by learning more about EQ from the international bestseller The EQ Edge. Authors Steven J. Stein and Howard E. Book show you how the dynamic of emotional intelligence works. By understanding EQ, you can build more meaningful relationships, boost your confidence and optimism, and respond to challenges with enthusiasm-all of which are essential ingredients of success. The EQ Edge offers fascinating-and sometimes surprising-insights into what it takes to be a top law-enforcement officer, lawyer, school principal, student, doctor, dentist or CEO. You will learn what the top EQ factors are across many different kinds of jobs, from business managers and customer service representatives to HR professionals and public servants. The EQ Edge will help you determine which personnel are the right fit for job opportunities and who among your staff are the most promising leaders and drivers of your business. And because all of us have other roles-parent, spouse, caregiver to aging parents, neighbor, friend-The EQ Edge also describes how everyone can be more successful in these relationships. "Finally, a practical and usable guide to what emotional intelligence is all about. This book peels the onion on what EQ really is and teaches the reader to assess their own EQ and how to increase it. This is the holy grail for career success."—Michael Feiner, Professor, Columbia Graduate School of Business and author of The Feiner Points of Leadership
Columbia University Press Social Value Investing: A Management Framework for Effective Partnerships
Social Value Investing presents a new way to approach some of society’s most difficult and intractable challenges. Although many of our world’s problems may seem too great and too complex to solve — inequality, climate change, affordable housing, corruption, healthcare, food insecurity — solutions to these challenges do exist, and will be found through new partnerships bringing together leaders from the public, private, and philanthropic sectors.In their new book, Howard W. Buffett and William B. Eimicke present a five-point management framework for developing and measuring the success of such partnerships. Inspired by value investing — one of history’s most successful investment paradigms — this framework provides tools to maximize collaborative efficiency and positive social impact, so that major public programs can deliver innovative, inclusive, and long-lasting solutions. It also offers practical insights for any private sector CEO, public sector administrator, or nonprofit manager hoping to build successful cross-sector collaborations.Social Value Investing tells the compelling stories of cross-sector partnerships from around the world — Central Park and the High Line in New York City, community-led economic development in Afghanistan, and improved public services in cities across Brazil. Drawing on lessons and observations from a broad selections of collaborations, this book combines real life stories with detailed analysis, resulting in a blueprint for effective, sustainable partnerships that serve the public interest. Readers also gain access to original, academic case material and professionally produced video documentaries for every major partnerships profiled — bringing to life the people and stories in a way that few other business or management books have done.
Columbia University Press The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Literature
The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Literature has long been a definitive resource for Chinese literature in translation, offering a complete overview of twentieth-century writing from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, and making inroads into the twenty-first century as well. In this new edition Joseph S. M. Lau and Howard Goldblatt have selected fresh works from familiar authors and have augmented the collection with poetry, stories from the colonial period in Taiwan, literature by Tibetan authors, samplings from the People's Republic of China during the Cultural Revolution, stories by post-Mao authors Wang Anyi and Gao Xingjian, literature with a homosexual theme, and examples from the modern "cruel youth" movement. Lau and Goldblatt have also updated their notes and their biographies of featured writers and poets. Now fully up to date, this critical resource more than ever provides readers with a thorough introduction to Chinese society and culture.
Emerald Publishing Limited Silicon Valley North: A High-Tech Cluster of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The Silicon phenomenon was, is, and will be an extremely important phenomenon in the accelerated technological, scientific, and economic development of countries and regions. Silicon Valley North (SVN) is the high tech capital of Canada, the nations most developed and dynamic technology sector, which includes multiple clusters in telecommunications, software, photonics, and life sciences. It gave birth to many well-known companies such as Corel, JDS Uniphase, Mitel, Newbridge Networks, Nortel Networks, Digital Equipment of Canada, just to mention a few. A lot of literature describes Silicon Valley and Silicon Alley in the US, Silicon Islands in Asia, and so on. Despite the quite evident importance of Silicon Valley North for the regional, national, and international technological development (especially when Nortel Networks and JDS Uniphase became global leaders in their fields and expanded in explosive fashion), this phenomenon is far from being well understood.Because of this, a book on the Canadian Silicon Valley is an exceptionally timely endeavor. "Silicon Valley North: A High-Tech Cluster of Innovation and Entrepreneurship" is devoted to the multidimensional and multifaceted nature of SVN, its history, current state and future developments. The book offers a broad and deeply thematic analysis of one particular innovative clusterSilicon Valley North. The reader will obtain expert insight into what SVN is all about by acquiring a comprehensive and "panoramic picture" of SVN within a single book. The reader will develop an accurate sense of what spurs high tech start-up companies in SVN toward their exceptional performances, and how to apply these insights to his or her unique regional context.
Little Brown and Company Killer Instinct
We Do Listen Howard B. Wigglebottom and Manners Matters
Quercus Publishing Sanctuary
THE NEW AWARD-WINNING INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER BY THE AUTHOR OF THE MOUNTAINCan be compared (with no fear of hyperbole) to Stephen King and Jo Nesbø - Massimo Vincenz, La Repubblica.D''Andrea piles on the action and the atmosphere with the panache of a seasoned writer Marcel Berlins, The Times.Marlene Wegener is on the run. She has stolen something from her husband, something priceless, irreplaceable.But she doesn''t get very far. When her car veers off a bleak midwinter road she takes refuge in the remote home of Simon Keller, a tough mountain man who lives alone with his demons. Here in her high mountain sanctuary, she begins to rekindle a sense of herself: tough, capable, no longer the trophy on a gangster''s arm.But Herr Wegener does not know how to forgive, and in his rage he makes a pact with the devil. The Trusted Man. He cannot be called off, he cannot be reasoned wit
Seven Stories Press,U.S. La historia del pueblo de Estados Unidos para jóvenes: Revisada y actualizada
Triumph Books Numbers Don't Lie: Mets: The Biggest Numbers in Mets History
Numbers Don't Lie: Behind the Biggest Numbers in Mets History details the numbers every Mets fan should know by heart. Authors Russ Cohen and Adam Raider tell the stories behind the most memorable moments and achievements in Mets history, including 6: the number of Gold Gloves Keith Hernandez earned in his career; 480: the distance in feet Tommy Agee's home run traveled on April 10, 1969; and 696: the record number of at bats Jose Reyes had in in 2005 to set a franchise record. With over 50 entries that span more than a half-century of Mets magic, this resource is an engaging, unique look back at the history of one of baseball's most entertaining franchises.
Hal Leonard Corporation Beauty and the Beast: Medley - Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
Hal Leonard Corporation Beauty and the Beast: E-Z Play Today: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
Hal Leonard Corporation Beauty and the Beast: Instrumental Play-Along - from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
National Council of Teachers of English Deep Reading: Teaching Reading in the Writing Classroom
Hal Leonard Corporation Aladdin: Vocal Selections - from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Forgiveness in Practice
Forgiveness has often viewed as a religious obligation but is increasingly being advocated as a means of healing, release and promoting wellbeing. Forgiveness is variously viewed as a duty, virtue or cure, but when it comes to practising forgiveness in real life we find it is always caught up in the complexity of the situation. This book shines a light on how we tend to think about forgiveness in practice, including examples from social work, family therapy, chaplaincy and criminal justice. The book contains many different perspectives on how we think about forgiveness, including overviews of four major religions and reflections from those working in the healing professions. Without advocating a particular approach this book raises important questions around self-forgiveness and forgiving institutions and encourages the reader to think again about forgiveness and how it impacts, challenges and transforms relationships.
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd The Measure of a Man: A Novel about Leonardo da Vinci
October 1493, the height of the Renaissance. In a rapidly changing world, Milan flourishes under the leadership of Ludovico il Moro. Those wandering the courtyards of the city’s castle often encounter a man in his forties dressed in long pink robes, lost in his own thoughts. The man lives above his workshop, with his mother and a mischievous little boy whom he dotes on; he doesn’t eat meat, writes from right to left, and struggles to get paid by his employers. His name is Leonardo da Vinci. His fame extends beyond the Alps, to the French court of Charles VIII, whose envoys have been tasked with a secret mission that concerns Leonardo himself, and his most daring designs. When a man is found dead in the Castle’s courtyard, il Moro turns to Da Vinci for help. Though the corpse shows no signs of violence, the death is highly suspicious: rumours of a plague or superstitious explanations need to be disproven quickly. Leonardo is in no position to refuse his master’s request to investigate.