Search results for ""Author Alfred""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Brazilian Politics: Reforming a Democratic State in a Changing World
Brazilian Politics offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to the contemporary politics of South Americas largest democracy. Accessibly written for students, the book traces the major trends in Brazils political development and analyses the main challenges facing the country today. Topics covered include the crisis of the state, economic and political causes of inequality and poverty, the failures of the electoral and party system, the widening array of social movements and non-governmental organizations, and the heightened role of Brazil in the areas of international trade, security and diplomacy. Focusing on five key themes the strength of the state, representation, social equity, citizenship and political participation, and the role of the state in a global community of states Alfred Montero shows that Brazilian democracy has advanced greatly in recent years. However, this process is a complex one and, as the author cautions, Brazilian democracy still has a long way to go. But the high public expectations which accompanied the election of Lula da Silva to the presidency in 2002 have given Brazilian politics a renewed optimism and momentum. By building on the achievements of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1994-2002), the book concludes that the Lula presidency holds out the hope of changing Brazilian politics for the long haul. Divided into 8 chapters, each containing a concise introduction outlining the core issues for discussion and an annotated guide to further reading, this book offers the most complete primer available for anyone interested in the politics of contemporary Brazil.
Harvard University Press Inventing the Electronic Century: The Epic Story of the Consumer Electronics and Computer Industries, With a New Preface
Consumer electronics and computers redefined life and work in the twentieth century. In Inventing the Electronic Century, Pulitzer Prize–winning business historian Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., traces their origins and worldwide development. From electronics prime mover RCA in the 1920s to Sony and Matsushita’s dramatic rise in the 1970s; from IBM’s dominance in computer technology in the 1950s to Microsoft’s stunning example of the creation of competitive advantage, this masterful analysis is essential reading for every manager and student of technology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Hospitality Design for the Graying Generation: Meeting the Needs of a Growing Market
A comprehensive and practical approach to designing for the growingsenior market As people live longer, stay healthier, and enjoy more disposableincome, their use of hospitality services is increasingdramatically. Hospitality Design for the Graying Generation helpsyou cater to this expanding market by providing criticalinformation on designing facilities which are sensitive to theneeds of the over-65 population. With the important principlesexplained in this book, designing for the senior consumer can becreative, cost-effective, and benefit all consumers withoutsacrificing style. This indispensable guide includes: * A Universal Design approach that can be applied to bothcommercial and residential projects, going beyond compliance withADA guidelines * A wide range of hospitality design, including restaurants, hotelguest rooms, lobbies, and lounges * Design principles beautifully illustrated with concise, detaileddrawings * Extensive coverage of the specific physical needs and psychologyof seniors, including physical strength, hearing, sight, colorpreferences, and other areas * A quick-reference checklist of "senior-friendly" designfeatures When the interior design needs of the over-65 market are met, allpotential users gain, regardless of age or ability. This accessiblebook is an invaluable resource for designers, operators, and otherprofessionals throughout the hospitality industry. With millions of baby boomers rapidly approaching retirement age,the over-65 age group is the fastest-growing segment of thepopulation. As they become healthier, live longer, and have moredisposable income, their use of hospitality services, such ashotels and restaurants, will increase dramatically. Whether you area designer or a hospitality professional, Hospitality Design forthe Graying Generation helps you plan for this growing market byproviding you with critical information for designing facilitiesthat accommodate the needs of all generations. Clearly written and generously illustrated, Hospitality Design forthe Graying Generation shows you how to address the specificphysical and psychological needs of seniors, with detailed chapterson mobility, hearing, vision, color preferences, and otherimportant areas. Going beyond ADA guidelines, Alfred Baucom'sUniversal Design approach enables you to integrate senior-friendlydesign principles into a wide range of specific environments --fromlobbies, common areas, and public restrooms to restaurants,lounges, and hotel guest rooms. In meeting the needs of the over-65 market, Hospitality Design forthe Graying Generation ensures that all potential users, regardlessof age or ability, will be well accommodated.
The University of Chicago Press Maimonides' "guide of the Perplexed": A Philosophical Guide
A classic of medieval Jewish philosophy, Maimonides's Guide of the Perplexed is as influential as it is difficult and demanding. Not only does the work contain contrary--even contradictory--statements, but Maimonides deliberately wrote in a guarded and dissembling manner in order to convey different meanings to different readers, with the knowledge that many would resist his bold reformulations of God and his relation to mankind. As a result, for all the acclaim the Guide has received, comprehension of it has been unattainable to all but a few in every generation. Drawing on a lifetime of study, Alfred L. Ivry has written the definitive guide to the Guide--one that makes it comprehensible and exciting to even those relatively unacquainted with Maimonides' thought, while also offering an original and provocative interpretation that will command the interest of scholars. Ivry offers a chapter-by-chapter exposition of the widely accepted Shlomo Pines translation of the text along with a clear paraphrase that clarifies the key terms and concepts. Corresponding analyses take readers more deeply into the text, exploring the philosophical issues it raises, many dealing with metaphysics in both its ontological and epistemic aspects.
Cosmo Publications History of Anthropology
Nova Science Publishers Inc Polycrystalline Films: Characteristics, Applications & Research
Eliot Werner Publications Inc The Artifacts of Pecos
'The Artifacts of Pecos has been widely recognized as a groundbreaking volume by one of the most influential figures in modern American Archaeology.' So writes Fred Wendorf in his new foreword to this classic work published in 1932 by Yale University Press, which he goes on to describe as 'the first description of the complete artifact inventory of a major archaeological site in the Southwest, and possibly in the New World.'
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Art Deco Sculpture and Metalware
At the forefront of the Art Deco movement were metalware and sculpture, made by highly skilled craftsmen and artists. This book contains over 200 photographs and illustrations of Art Deco metalwares and sculptures, The author discusses Art Deco's most significant artists, as well as their predecessors and modern counterparts. He provides an introduction to the designs of Hagenauer, WMF, the Bauhaus, Ferdinand Priess, Chiparus, Brancusi, and Brandt, among other important metalworkers of the era. Value Guide.
Harvard University Press The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business
The role of large-scale business enterprise—big business and its managers—during the formative years of modern capitalism (from the 1850s until the 1920s) is delineated in this pathmarking book. Alfred Chandler, Jr., the distinguished business historian, sets forth the reasons for the dominance of big business in American transportation, communications, and the central sectors of production and distribution.The managerial revolution, presented here with force and conviction, is the story of how the visible hand of management replaced what Adam Smith called the “invisible hand” of market forces. Chandler shows that the fundamental shift toward managers running large enterprises exerted a far greater influence in determining size and concentration in American industry than other factors so often cited as critical: the quality of entrepreneurship, the availability of capital, or public policy.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing The New Criticism: Formalist Literary Theory in America
This volume covers a variety of authors and topics related to the New Criticism school of the 1920s–1950s in America. Contributors trace the history of the New Criticism as a movement, consider theoretical and practical aspects of various proponents, and assess the record of subsequent engagement with its tenets. The volume will prove valuable for its renewed concentration not only on the New Critics themselves, but also on the way they and their work have been contextualized, criticized, and valorized by theorists and educators during and after their period of greatest influence, both in the United States and abroad.
Les Belles Lettres Plaute, Comedies. Tome V: Mostellaria - Persa - Poenulus
Les Belles Lettres Plaute, Comedies: Tome III: Cistellaria - Curculio - Epidicus
Burnham, Incorporated Problem Finding and Problem Solving
To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit
NOVA MD Die Macht der Dankbarkeit
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Contemporary Global Economy: A History since 1980
The Contemporary Global Economy provides a lively overview of recent turbulence in the world economy, focusing on the dynamics of globalization since the 1980s. It explains the main drivers of economic change and how we are able to discern their effects in the world today. A lucid and balanced survey, based on extensive research in data and documents, accessible to the non-specialist Written by a renowned specialist in international economic relations with academic and government credentials Offers clear and engaging explanations of the main motors of economic change and how we are able to discern their effects in the world today The author assumes little knowledge of economic theory or financial markets Identifies the challenges for sustainable recovery and economic growth in the years ahead
Les Belles Lettres Plaute, Comedies: Tome VII: Trinummus - Truculentus - Vidularia - Fragments
Les Belles Lettres Plaute, Comedies: Tome II: Bacchides - Captivi - Casina
Ohio University Press Revisiting U.S. Trade Policy: Decisions in Perspective
In trade policy, as in many other areas of public policy, decision makers often confront present and future problems with little understanding of how similar disputes were resolved in the past. Too often, busy public officials had no time to write or record negotiating histories. Revisiting U.S. Trade Policy, which is certain to become a classic in the literature of trade negotiations, is just such a record. Built on the oral histories of thirty-five former U.S. trade policymakers—including Michael Blumenthal, Alonzo McDonald, William Roth, and Robert S. Strauss—this unique record, prepared for publication by Alfred E. Eckes, revisits some of the most important moments of America’s trade liberalization program in the years after World War II. From GATT to the World Trade Organization, these major players look back in candid hindsight at their decisions concerning trade policy and the effects that those decisions had on shaping the new international economic order.
Estrella Polar Latles furtiu
Aquesta és la vida de Jafudà Cresques, un cartògraf mallorquí de l'edat mitjana. Una història d'intriga al voltant dels seus mapes fa de fil conductor, i ens transporta, entre enigmes i entrebancs, pels paisatges i els personatges de la seva època.
66 rpm Edicions Burning Madrid
Ediciones Deusto El derecho para no juristas una gua para entender el sistema jurdico
Además de los futuros juristas, estudiantes de otras carreras tienen en algún momento contacto con el derecho. Los autores son juristas con mucha experiencia pero han hecho el esfuerzo de contemplar el derecho desde fuera para transmitir con la mayor claridad posible sus nociones fundamentales y para animar a todo el mundo a entenderlas y criticarlas, porque no se ha hecho la sociedad para el derecho sino el derecho para la sociedad.
SLACK Incorporated Physical Agent Modalities: Theory and Application for the Occupational Therapist
The successful Physical Agent Modalities: Theory and Application for the Occupational Therapist has been updated and revised into a comprehensive Second Edition that logically provides a foundation for understanding the bio-physiological effects of physical agents and their impact on an individual’s occupational performance and functioning. Recognized as an expert in physical agent modalities, Dr. Alfred Bracciano clearly and effectively explains difficult concepts in an easy-to-understand format and presents information that can be readily applied in the clinical setting.Physical Agent Modalities, Second Edition provides the occupational therapist and student with a user-friendly and organized reference on the application of physical agent modalities, commonly used by occupational therapists, as well as emerging technologies and interventions such as lasers and electromyographic biofeedback. This Second Edition outlines the application procedures for each modality, indications for their use, and the precautions and contraindications of the modality. New graphics and pictures enhance the reader’s understanding of the physical agents, while case studies facilitate clinical reasoning and provide a practical resource to safely and effectively understand and use physical agents.New to the Second Edition: A chapter outlining a theoretical framework for physical agent modalities used by occupational therapists based on the AOTA Occupational Therapy Practice Framework Extensive coverage of the changes in state regulatory issues and guidelines impacting the use of physical agents by occupational therapists A discussion on the impact of the revised AOTA PAM Position Paper, NBCOT Practice Analysis, and the ACOTE requirements on the education and training of occupational therapists in physical agent modalities A chapter reviewing laser and light therapy, clinical applications, precautions, and indications for use Each Chapter Contains: Objectives Glossary of Key Terms Case Studies References With a user-friendly format, updated chapters, and volumes of new information, Physical Agent Modalities: Theory and Application for the Occupational Therapist, Second Edition provides clinicians, educators, and students with a common language to facilitate the incorporation of physical agents into clinical practice grounded in evidence-based practice.
Königsweg Verlag Ich habe meinen Zwilling verloren Alleingeborene erzhlen Eine Entdeckungsreise fr Suchende
Rüffer&Rub Sachbuchverlag Joseph Schmidt
Ca Ira Verlag Das Ideal des Kaputten
Springer Business Guide for Strategic Management: 50 Tools for Business Success
This book follows the credo "Don't work hard - work smart". Smart in the sense of cleverness, systematic organization of work and time as well as farsightedness to open up business perspectives. In alphabetical order, the book presents the success factors, methods and strategies that help strengthen market positions and realign strategies. The clear chapters are also very suitable for reference.The book is aimed at managers, executives and self-employed people who want to use their most valuable resources sustainably and consciously to develop products and services that customers really want. Over 100 national and international case studies provide a high utility value. For the 2nd edition, numerous text passages have been revised, new case studies have been integrated and up-to-date data material has been made accessible. With valuable practical tips at the end of each chapter. The electronic usage of the German-language edition of the book has so far led to more than 1.6 million accesses.
Cornell University Press Tip of the Spear: Land, Labor, and US Settler Militarism in Guåhan, 1944–1962
In Tip of the Spear, Alfred Peredo Flores argues that the US occupation of the island of Guåhan (Guam), one of the most heavily militarized islands in the western Pacific Ocean, was enabled by a process of settler militarism. During World War II and the Cold War, Guåhan was a launching site for both covert and open US military operations in the region, a strategically significant role that turned Guåhan into a crucible of US overseas empire. In 1962, the US Navy lost the authority to regulate all travel to and from the island, and a tourist economy eventually emerged that changed the relationship between the Indigenous CHamoru population and the US military, further complicating the process of settler colonialism on the island. The US military occupation of Guåhan was based on a co-constitutive process that included CHamoru land dispossession, discursive justifications for the remaking of the island, the racialization of civilian military labor, and the military's policing of interracial intimacies. Within a narrative that emphasizes CHamoru resilience, resistance, and survival, Flores uses a working class labor analysis to examine how the militarization of Guåhan was enacted by a minority settler population to contribute to the US government's hegemonic presence in Oceania.
Stanford University Press Requiem for the Ego: Freud and the Origins of Postmodernism
Requiem for the Ego recounts Freud's last great attempt to 'save' the autonomy of the ego, which drew philosophical criticism from the most prominent philosophers of the period—Adorno, Heidegger, and Wittgenstein. Despite their divergent orientations, each contested the ego's capacity to represent mental states through word and symbol to an agent surveying its own cognizance. By discarding the subject-object divide as a model of the mind, they dethroned Freud's depiction of the ego as a conceit of a misleading self-consciousness and a faulty metaphysics. Freud's inquisitors, while employing divergent arguments, found unacknowledged consensus in identifying the core philosophical challenges of defining agency and describing subjectivity. In Requiem, Tauber uniquely synthesizes these philosophical attacks against psychoanalysis and, more generally, provides a kaleidoscopic portrait of the major developments in mid-20th century philosophy that prepared the conceptual grounding for postmodernism.
University of Toronto Press Conflict of European and Eastern Algonkian Cultures, 1504-1700
Princeton University Press Legal Reform in Occupied Japan: A Participant Looks Back
After a distinguished career as a jurist in Germany, Alfred Oppler came to the United States in 1939, and in 1946 was invited to Tokyo, where he was SCAP's authority on reform of the Japanese legal order to implement the principles of the new Constitution. Here is his account of the legal reforms and the methods used to achieve them. The author describes the wide scope of his activities, which included a vigorous promotion of civil liberties, surveillance of relevant legislation, and observation of the administration of justice throughout the country. He focuses on the Continental nature of the Japanese law and analyzes the American objectives as well as the personalities of the Occupation and of Japanese with whom he negotiated. Special chapters describe the Supreme Court mission to the United States (which the author escorted), the removal of General MacArthur, and the author's post-Occupation work on Japanese, Korean, and Ryukyuan problems. Treating all aspects of the legal reforms, this book provides insights into Japan during and after the Occupation. Originally published in 1976. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
The Natural History Museum The Malay Archipelago
The Malay Archipelago is a vivid, momentous and far-reaching account of Alfred Russel Wallace's eight-year exploration of South East Asia in the 1850s and 60s. Wallace's travels led him to conceive of evolution through natural selection independently of Charles Darwin, and their theories were jointly proposed in a paper to the Linnean Society in 1858. During his travels he accumulated an astonishing 125,660 specimens, including more than 5,000 species new to western science, establishing his reputation as the 19th century's leading expert on the geographical distribution of animal species and the "father of biogeography". This handsome facsimile has been reproduced from Wallace's personal copy of the 10th edition which includes a number of handwritten annotations made by Wallace himself. This edition was published in 1890, 28 years after the first, and has additional information from subsequent collectors and footnotes in which Wallace corrects some earlier errors. It features illustrations by contemporary artists Thomas Baines, Walter Hood Fitch, John Gerrard Keulemans, E. W. Robinson, Joseph Wolf and T. W. Wood, and includes two fold-out colour maps of the archipelago, one showing the routes he took and the other the volcanic belts in the region. There is also a new foreword by Sandra Knapp, President of the Linnean Society (2018-2022).
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fair Value for Financial Reporting: Meeting the New FASB Requirements
Is Purchase Price Equal to Fair Value? With the FASB changing the requirements for increasing categories of assets and liabilities to be shown at current fair value, Fair Value for Financial Reporting answers this and other pertinent questions with crystal clarity. Alfred King, a top expert in the field, provides financial executives and auditors with a deep understanding of fair value reporting, the appraisal process, and appraisal services, and demystifies this topic with practical advice and helpful knowledge, making it a trusted reference on the ins and outs of fair value financial disclosure. Fair Value for Financial Reporting highlights the accounting and auditing requirements for fair value information and offers a detailed explanation of how the FASB is going to change "fair value" with topics including: the FASB's fair value proposals; determining the fair value of intangible assets; whether fair value can truly be audited; valuation of liabilities and contingent payments; valuation of hard assets and real estate; why two appraisers come up with different results; auditing of valuation reports; and selecting and working with an appraiser.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Internal Control of Fixed Assets: A Controller and Auditor's Guide
For many companies, fixed assets represent the largest single aspect of their financial statement, yet rarely do they command time proportionate to the magnitude of the investment. This is the first book to show how to implement internal controls for fixed assets. It is a step-by-step guide for developing and maintaining a functioning internal control system that will withstand the closest scrutiny from independent public accountants and the PCAOB. With up-to-the-minute discussion of IFRS and GAAP, this is a must-have guide for controllers, auditors, and CFOs.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Executive's Guide to Fair Value: Profiting from the New Valuation Rules
Praise for Executive's Guide to Fair Value: Profiting from the New Valuation Rules "The advent of fair value reporting is not your Momma's (or your Papa's) kind of accounting. If you're a financial professional above the age of twenty-five who is working in industry, read this book. From choosing a fair value specialist to the perils of 'made as instructed' valuations to purchase price allocations to impairment testing to that SEC tripwire, customer relationships, fair value expert Al King gets it right. And he does so with neither jargon nor literary anesthesia. As a former CFO myself, all I can say is WOW!" -Warren D. Miller, CFA, ASA, CMA, CPA, Cofounder, Beckmill Research A hands-on guide for financial executives needing to understand the appraisal process Executive's Guide to Fair Value: Profiting from the New Valuation Rules brings senior level executives up to speed on what fair value really means. This new book addresses a full range of issues facing auditors and executives, including litigation and the "true" determination of value, estimating the value of working capital, and how to estimate the value and life of intangible assets. Complete with advice on the latest FASB rules and regulations, Executive's Guide to Fair Value: Profiting from the New Valuation Rules provides the most up-to-date and reliable information on: The latest fair value rules and how they impact both preparers and users of financial statements The role and responsibility of the appraisal specialist, including best practice tips for choosing and evaluating an appraiser Testing customer relationships for impairment A thorough knowledge of what fair value accounting is and how it can impact your corporation and its profitability Practical applications, including incentive compensation and equity-based compensation In basic, nontechnical language, Executive's Guide to Fair Value: Profiting from the New Valuation Rules will help all financial executives and auditors succeed in understanding the new fair value accounting rules that corporations must now follow. The result is a resource that professionals can rely on to understand the importance of valuation and the concepts that define it.
WW Norton & Co Children of the Sun: A History of Humanity's Unappeasable Appetite for Energy
All life on earth is dependent on energy from the sun, but one species has evolved to be especially efficient in tapping that supply. This is the story of the human species and its dedicated effort to sustain and elevate itself by making the earth’s stores of energy its own. A story of slow evolutionary change and sharp revolutionary departures, it takes readers from the origins of the species to our current fork in the road. With a winning blend of wit and insight, Alfred W. Crosby reveals the fundamental ways in which humans have transformed the world and themselves in their quest for energy. When they first started, humans found fuel much like other species in the simple harvesting of wild plants and animals. A major turn in the human career came with the domestication of fire, an unprecedented achievement unique to the species. The greatest advantage from this breakthrough came in its application to food. Cooking vastly increased the store of organic matter our ancestors could tap as food, and the range of places they could live. As they spread over the earth, humans became more complicated harvesters, negotiating alliances with several other species—plant and animal—leading to the birth of agriculture and civilizations. For millennia these civilizations tapped sun energy through the burning of recently living biomass—wood, for instance. But humans again took a revolutionary turn in the last two centuries with the systematic burning of fossilized biomass. Fossil fuels have powered our industrial civilization and in turn multiplied our demand for sun energy. Here we are then, on the verge of exceeding what the available sources of sun energy can conventionally afford us, and suffering the ill effects of our seemingly insatiable energy appetite. A found of the field of global history, Crosby gives a book that glows with illuminating power.
University of Notre Dame Press Decentralization and Democracy in Latin America
The nine essays in this collection represent the first book-length treatment of one of the major changes that have shaped Latin America since independence: decentralization of the state. Contributors argue that though the assignment of political, fiscal, and administrative duties to subnational governments has been one of the most important political developments in Latin America, it is also one of the most overlooked. This volume is divided into three sections. Part one presents an overview of the topic by the editors; part two considers the political origins of decentralization; and part three examines decentralization and economic reforms. Decentralization and Democracy in Latin America explores the causes of decentralization in six significant case studies: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Venezuela. Shorter analyses of Uruguay and Peru are also included. The essays in this volume find substantial common ground across regime types, historical periods, and countries, and yield several substantive conclusions. First, historical-institutional and socioeconomic legacies matter. Second, democratization and neoliberal reform are neither necessary nor sufficient to explain decentralization. Finally, institutional and electoralist approaches, supplemented with analysis of macro and distal factors, offer the most promising avenues for further research. This book will be important for all students and scholars of Latin America and comparative politics.
University of Notre Dame Press The Existence and Nature of God
These original essays offer evidence that a growing number of Anglo-American philosophers are finding in the classical discussion of God's existence and nature fertile sources for the critical reflection on issues in the philosophy of religion. Nelson Pike challenges Aquinas' claim that God is not responsible for evil and shows how the rejection of this claim bears on the proem of evil. Richard Swinburne defends the classical Christian understanding of heaven and hell, arguing that it is both philosophically plausible and compatible with the Christian conception of God's goodness. Philip Quinn proposes a defensible version of the classical assertion that God's conserving a creature in existence is tantamount to his continuously creating that creature. Thomas Flint and Alfred Freddoso present an analysis of omnipotence which they claim to be both philosophically adequate and consonant with the orthodox Christian belief that God is both omnipotent and incapable of sinning. James Ross's main purpose is to dislodge the assumption that God's power is properly and adequately thought of as the power to cause (or bring about or actualize) states of affairs. Clement Dore reinterprets and defends Descartes' often maligned Fifth Meditation argument for God's existence. finally, Mark Jordan explicates the metaphysical foundations of Aquinas' doctrine of divine names.
The University of Chicago Press Britain in Transition: The Twentieth Century
This new edition extends and brings up to date the story of political, economic, and social change among the British. An entirely new chapter covers the Thatcher years, discussing such events as the Falkland Island crisis and the General Election of 1983. Other sections have been revised to reflect information only recently available. Throughout, Havighurst has incorporated material from official documents, monographs, biographies, articles, and the press. His fascinating narrative fully captures the ongoing importance of change itself in shaping the character of Britain.
Austin Macauley Publishers The PI p Cycle Secret of the 360days year calendar
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Medieval Record: Sources of Medieval History
Fully updated and revised, this edition of a classic medieval source collection features: Clear modern English translations, based on the best available critical editions, of more than 116 documentary sources—more than any other book of its kind Thirty-four artifactual sources ranging from fine art to everyday items A broad topical, geographical, and chronological approach, including textual and artifactual selections that shed light on such often-overlooked cohorts as women, Jews in Christian Europe, Byzantium, and Islam, and that range in time from the second century to 1493 Introductions and notes setting each source in its historical context A detailed Student's Guide providing step-by-step instruction on how to analyze documentary and artifactual sources Numerous illustrations in each chapter Topical Contents and a Glossary to assist students in their research
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Medieval Record: Sources of Medieval History
Fully updated and revised, this edition of a classic medieval source collection features: Clear modern English translations, based on the best available critical editions, of more than 116 documentary sources—more than any other book of its kind Thirty-four artifactual sources ranging from fine art to everyday items A broad topical, geographical, and chronological approach, including textual and artifactual selections that shed light on such often-overlooked cohorts as women, Jews in Christian Europe, Byzantium, and Islam, and that range in time from the second century to 1493 Introductions and notes setting each source in its historical context A detailed Student's Guide providing step-by-step instruction on how to analyze documentary and artifactual sources Numerous illustrations in each chapter Topical Contents and a Glossary to assist students in their research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Progress in Wireless Communications Research
Nabu Press Mummenschanz Des Todes
66 rpm Edicions No hay entradas experiencias de un aspirante a promotor