Search results for ""author todd""
Hendrickson Academic Christianity in East and Southeast Asia
Trans Pacific Press Globalization, Culture and Inequality in Asia
Georgetown University Press The Sexual Person: Toward a Renewed Catholic Anthropology
Two principles capture the essence of the official Catholic position on the morality of sexuality: first, that any human genital act must occur within the framework of heterosexual marriage; second, each and every marriage act must remain open to the transmission of life. In this comprehensive overview of Catholicism and sexuality, theologians Todd A. Salzman and Michael G. Lawler examine and challenge these principles. Remaining firmly within the Catholic tradition, they contend that the church is being inconsistent in its teaching by adopting a dynamic, historically conscious anthropology and worldview on social ethics and the interpretation of scripture while adopting a static, classicist anthropology and worldview on sexual ethics.While some documents from Vatican II, like "Gaudium et spes" ('the marital act promotes self-giving by which spouses enrich each other'), gave hope for a renewed understanding of sexuality, the church has not carried out the full implications of this approach. In short, say Salzman and Lawler: emphasize relationships, not acts, and recognize Christianity's historically and culturally conditioned understanding of human sexuality. "The Sexual Person" draws historically, methodologically, and anthropologically from the best of Catholic tradition and provides a context for current theological debates between traditionalists and revisionists, regarding marriage, cohabitation, homosexuality, reproductive technologies, and what it means to be human. This daring and potentially revolutionary book will be sure to provoke constructive dialogue among theologians, and between theologians and the Magisterium.
Hendrickson Academic Christianity in Oceania
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Companion to German Realism 1848-1900
New, specially commissioned essays on representative works of 19th-century German realism. This volume of new essays by leading scholars treats a representative sampling of German realist prose from the period 1848 to 1900, the period of its dominance of the German literary landscape. It includes essays on familiar, canonical authors -- Stifter, Freytag, Raabe, Fontane, Thomas Mann -- and canonical texts, but also considers writers frequently omitted from traditional literary histories, such as Luise Mühlbach, Friedrich Spielhagen, Louise von François, Karl May, and Eugenie Marlitt. The introduction situates German realism in the context of both German literary history and of developments in other European literatures, and surveys the most prominent critical studies of ninteenth-century realism. The essays treat the following topics: Stifter's Brigitta and the lesson of realism; Mühlbach, Ranke, and the truth of historical fiction; regional histories as national history in Freytag's DieAhnen; gender and nation in Louise von François's historical fiction; theory, reputation, and the career of Friedrich Spielhagen; Wilhelm Raabe and the German colonial experience; the poetics of work in Freytag, Stifter, andRaabe; Jewish identity in Berthold Auerbach's novels; Eugenie Marlitt's narratives of virtuous desire; the appeal of Karl May in the Wilhelmine Empire; Thomas Mann's portrayal of male-male desire in his early short fiction; and Fontane's Effi Briest and the end of realism. Contributors: Robert C. Holub, Brent O. Petersen, Lynne Tatlock, Thomas C. Fox, Jeffrey L. Sammons, John Pizer, Hans J. Rindisbacher, Irene S. Di Maio, Kirsten Belgum,Nina Berman, Robert Tobin, Russell A. Berman. Todd Kontje is Professor of German at the University of California, San Diego.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Defining the Value of Spine Care
This book is a comprehensive guide to defining the value of spine care. Beginning with an introduction and definition of common terminology, the following chapters evaluate the processes and outcomes of spinal surgery. Written by recognised, US-based experts in the field, this practical manual provides spine care specialists with an in depth understanding of the key concepts, measurement tools and methods for value-based spine care.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Sexual Minority Research in the New Millennium
Nova Science Publishers Inc Sexual Minority Research in the New Millennium
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Handbook of Dialysis
The updated 5th edition of the Handbook of Dialysis is full of evidence-based, practical information on all aspects of dialysis training and therapy. Authored by international nephrology experts, each chapter addresses a different area of the clinical realities of patient management. Topics include screening, diagnosis and management of dialysis patients, including diagnostic work-ups, patient safety, and patient monitoring issues in acute dialysis and hemodialysis cases. This is the essential dialysis manual, filled with up-to-date dialysis information, including preparation, procedures, surgery, problems and side-effects.Features:" NEW expanded coverage of vascular access placement and management NEW discussion of urgent start peritoneal dialysis NEW chapter on practical implementation of sorbent dialysis NEW updated section on home and intensive hemodialysis therapies Coverage of topics including: peritoneal dialysis, acute dialysis, hemodiafiltration, home and intensive dialysis, blood-based therapies, the physiology of peritoneal dialysis, diabetes, hypertension, optimal management of anemia, infections, nutrition, mineral bone disorder, and much more! Quick-reference outline format Content illustrated with tables, diagrams and charts Your book purchase includes an eBook version created for Android, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, PC, & Mac. This eBook features: Complete content with enhanced navigation A powerful search tool that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick-reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use