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Columbia University Press Social-Ecological Resilience and Law
Environmental law envisions ecological systems as existing in an equilibrium state, reinforcing a rigid legal framework unable to absorb rapid environmental changes and innovations in sustainability. For the past four decades, "resilience theory," which embraces uncertainty and nonlinear dynamics in complex adaptive systems, has provided a robust, invaluable foundation for sound environmental management. Reforming American law to incorporate this knowledge is the key to sustainability. This volume features top legal and resilience scholars speaking on resilience theory and its legal applications to climate change, biodiversity, national parks, and water law.
HarperCollins Publishers Higher Applications of Maths: Comprehensive textbook for the CfE (Leckie Student Book)
Exam Board: SQA Level: Higher Subject: Applications of Maths The Higher Applications of Maths Student Book helps teachers and students map their route through the CfE programme, providing comprehensive and authoritative guidance for the course. Full coverage of the new Higher course specifications with list of learning intentions Attractive layout with clear text features Key questions highlight crucial concepts and techniques that need to be grasped by students in order to progress to the next learning intention Datasets included online Student Books give a practical, supportive approach to help deliver the new curriculum and offer a blend of sound teaching and learning with assessment guidance.
HarperCollins Publishers Leckie Practice Question Book – National 3/4/5 Applications of Maths: Practise and Learn CfE Topics
Exam Board: SQALevel: N3/4/5Subject: Maths Masses of practice questions for every topic on the curriculum. Essential extra questions for every topic on the curriculum, to reinforce learning and build exam confidence. It can be used either alongside the N5 Maths Student Book or as a flexible standalone resource – for homework, independent study or exam practice. Included in this book: Questions for every topic on the curriculum, with more of the tricky ones Example answers with workings-out help explain difficult concepts Hints and tips throughout give practical advice about the different kinds of question Answers can be downloaded from
Oxford University Press Inc Why Are There Differences in the Gospels?: What We Can Learn from Ancient Biography
Anyone who reads the Gospels carefully will notice that there are differences in the manner in which they report the same events. These differences have led many conservative Christians to resort to harmonization efforts that are often quite strained, sometimes to the point of absurdity. Many people have concluded the Gospels are hopelessly contradictory and, therefore, historically unreliable accounts of Jesus. The majority of New Testament scholars now hold that most if not all of the Gospels belong to the genre of Greco-Roman biography and that this genre permitted some flexibility in the manner that historical events were narrated. However, few scholars provide a robust discussion on how this plays out in Gospel pericopes (self-contained passages). Why Are There Differences in the Gospels? provides a fresh approach to the matter by examining the works of Plutarch, a Greek essayist who lived in the first and second centuries CE. Michael R. Licona discovers three-dozen pericopes narrated two or more times in Plutarch's Lives, identifies differences between the accounts, and views these differences in light of compositional devices acknowledged by classical scholars to have been commonly employed by ancient authors. The book then uses the same approach with nineteen pericopes narrated in two or more Gospels to demonstrate that the major differences found in them likely result from the same compositional devices employed by Plutarch. By suggesting that both the strained harmonizations and the hasty dismissals of the Gospels as reliable accounts are misguided, Licona invites readers to view the Gospels in light of their biographical genre in order to gain a clearer understanding of why the differences are present.
Rowman & Littlefield Midair: An Epic Tale of Survival and a Mission That Might Have Ended the Vietnam War
Midair is a true account of one of the most remarkable tales of survival in the history of aviation – a midair collision at 30,000 feet by two bomb-laden B-52s over a category 5 super typhoon above the South China Sea during the outset of the Vietnam War. Authored by Craig K. Collins, the nephew of B-52 pilot Maj. Don Harten, Midair is an historically important work that is about more than survival. Interwoven through Harten’s dramatic story of his million-to-one struggle against near-certain death is a previously unexamined look at how America had developed an aerial battle plan that would likely have ended the Vietnam conflict in under a month during the late winter of 1965. Instead, the country’s war planners and politicians veered off course and into a bloody eight-year quagmire. Harten was on the February 1965 top-secret mission – a massive B-52 bombing raid of railways, supply depots, and airfields in and around Hanoi – that was called off in mid-flight. That mission and battle plan was mothballed until Dec. 18, 1972, when it was dusted off and dubbed Linebacker II, effectively ending the war within a week. Over 120 B-52s bombed Hanoi-area military installations for eight consecutive days. As a result of the heavy bombing, the North Vietnamese declared a truce, attended peace talks in Paris in early January and signed the Paris Peace Accords, ending hostilities in Vietnam on Jan. 27, 1973. It is the gripping tale of a young Air Force officer’s first combat mission that instantly pulls the reader in and never lets up.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Ronin: Skirmish Wargames in the Age of the Samurai
Set in an age of feuding samurai, wandering swordsmen and fearless warrior monks, Ronin is a skirmish wargame that captures the flavour and excitement of such Akira Kurosawa films as Seven Samurai and Yojimbo. Whether they prefer the loyal samurai retainers of a feudal lord or a horde of desperate bandits, players choose from one of several factions and build forces to battle for dominance and survival in 16th-century Japan. They may also recruit swords-for-hire to supplement their forces – masterless ronin, martial arts masters and secretive ninja will lend their skills to any commander who can afford them. A full points system, incorporating a wide range of equipment and skills, allows for detailed customisation of characters, while scenarios and a campaign system permit them to gain experience and develop over time. The fast-paced rules simulate the cut and thrust of hand-to-hand combat and require the player to make tactical decisions in the middle of a fight, immersing them in an era of war.
Capstone Press Big Train
Random House Children's Books Mystery of the Spotted Leopard
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Visualizing Anatomy and Physiology
This text is an unbound, binder-ready edition. Visualizing Anatomy and Physiology is a visually powerful textbook, illustrated for maximum pedagogical effect, up-to-the-minute in all aspects of anatomical science and physiology. Organized into 16 chapters, the material is designed to fit more easily into the shorter one-semester course. Chapters 1-16 provide motivating and engaging content as well as clinical and everyday relevance of the science of the discipline. This edition includes numerous assessment opportunities and tested visuals that are used to teach and explain, not just illustrate.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Visualizing Anatomy and Physiology
Visualizing Anatomy and Physiology is a visually powerful textbook, illustrated for maximum pedagogical effect, up-to-the-minute in all aspects of anatomical science and physiology. Organized into 16 chapters, the material is designed to fit more easily into the shorter one-semester course. Chapters 1-16 provide motivating and engaging content as well as clinical and everyday relevance of the science of the discipline. This edition includes numerous assessment opportunities and tested visuals that are used to teach and explain, not just illustrate.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd The Alawis of Syria: War, Faith and Politics in the Levant
Throughout the turbulent history of the Levant the 'Alawis - a secretive, resilient and ancient Muslim sect - have aroused suspicion and animosity, including accusations of religious heresy. More recently they have been tarred with the brush of political separatism and com--plicity in the excesses of the Assad regime, claims that have gained greater traction since the onset of the Syrian uprising and subse--quent devastating civil war. The contributors to this book provide a com--plex and nuanced reading of Syria's 'Alawi communities - from loyalist gangs (Shabiha) to outspoken critics of the regime. Drawing upon wide-ranging research that examines the historic, political and social dynamics of the 'Alawi and the Syrian state, the current social identities, and relations to the Ba'ath party, the Syrian state and the military apparatus. The analysis also extends to Leba--non with a focus on the embattled 'Alawi community of Jabal Mohsen in Tripoli and state rela--tions with Hizballah amid the current crisis.
Harvard University Press Chimpanzee and Red Colobus: The Ecology of Predator and Prey
Our closest living relatives, the chimpanzees, are familiar enough--bright and ornery and promiscuous. But they also kill and eat their kin, in this case the red colobus monkey, which may say something about primate--even hominid--evolution. This book, the first long-term field study of a predator-prey relationship involving two wild primates, documents a six-year investigation into how the risk of predation molds primate society. Taking us to Gombe National Park in Tanzania, a place made famous by Jane Goodall's studies, the book offers a close look at how predation by wild chimpanzees--observable in the park as nowhere else--has influenced the behavior, ecology, and demography of a population of red colobus monkeys.As he explores the effects of chimpanzees' hunting, Craig Stanford also asks why these creatures prey on the red colobus. Because chimpanzees are often used as models of how early humans may have lived, Stanford's findings offer insight into the possible role of early hominids as predators, a little understood aspect of human evolution.The first book-length study in a newly emerging genre of primate field study, Chimpanzee and Red Colobus expands our understanding of not just these two primate societies, but also the evolutionary ecology of predators and prey in general.
John Wiley & Sons Inc First Person Accounts of Mental Illness and Recovery
In First Person Accounts of Mental Illness, case studies of individuals experiencing schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, substance use disorders, and other mental ailments will be provided for students studying the classification and treatment of psychopathology. All of the cases are written from the perspective of the mentally ill individual, providing readers with a unique perspective of the experience of living with a mental disorder. "In their book First Person Accounts of Mental Illness and Recovery, LeCroy and Holschuh offer the student, researcher, or layperson the intimate voice of mental illness from the inside. First Person Accounts of Mental Illness and Recovery is a wonderful book, and it is an ideal, even indispensable, companion to traditional mental health texts. I am grateful that they have given the majority of this book to the voices that are too often unheard." —John S. Brekke, PhD, Frances G. Larson Professor of Social Work Research, School of Social Work, University of Southern California; Fellow, American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare "This is absolutely a must-read for anyone who has been touched by someone with a mental illness, whether it be personal or professional. It is imperative that this book be required reading in any course dealing with psychopathology and the DSM, whether it be in psychology, psychiatry, social work, nursing, or counseling." —Phyllis Solomon, PhD, Professor in the School of Social Policy & Practice and Professor of Social Work in Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania A unique volume of first person narratives written from the perspective of individuals with a mental illness Drawing from a broad range of sources, including narratives written expressly for this book, self-published accounts, and excerpts from previously published memoirs, this distinctive set of personal stories covers and illustrates a wide spectrum of mental disorder categories, including: Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders Mood disorders Anxiety disorders Personality disorders Substance-related disorders Eating disorders Impulse control disorders Cognitive disorders Somatoform disorders Dissociative disorders Gender identity disorders Sleep disorders Disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence Reflecting a recovery orientation and strengths-based approach, the authentic and relevant stories in First Person Accounts of Mental Illness and Recovery promote a greater appreciation for the individual's role in treatment and an expansion of hope and recovery.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Exercises in Oral Radiology and Interpretation
By providing the most radiography practice and placing it within a unique Q&A format with detailed answers and rationales to ensure comprehension, Exercises in Oral Radiology and Interpretation, 5th Edition, is specifically designed to complement radiography instruction throughout the continuum of dental professions. For more than 35 years, this go-to supplement has bridged the gap between the classroom and the clinic, providing hundreds of opportunities to practice and master image interpretation. It serves as a valuable adjunct to the core content presentation, with more than 600 images with case scenarios, plus examples, questions, and tips to fill in the gap in textbook coverage and prepare you for clinical experiences and classroom and board exams. UNIQUE! Hybrid atlas/question-and-answer format focuses your energies on applying core text content within hundreds of practice opportunities - both knowledge-based and critical thinking - to better prepare you for clinical experiences. Hundreds of clinical photos and radiographs allow you to see not only how images should be obtained, but also how to identify normal and abnormal findings on radiographs. 525 test questions, organized by radiation science and assessment/interpretation, offer board review practice. A back-of-book answer key contains detailed answers and rationales for each Q&A set within each chapter, in addition to simple answers for the board review questions. Comprehensive coverage of all dental imaging techniques and errors, as well as normal and abnormal findings, makes this supplement a must-have throughout your radiography courses, as a board study tool, and as a clinical reference. Emphasis on application through case-based items that encourage you to read, comprehend, and assimilate content to formulate a well-reasoned answer. Approachable, straightforward writing style keeps the focus on simply stated, succinct questions and answers, leaving out extraneous details that may confuse you. Chapter Goals and Learning Objectives serve as checkpoints to ensure content comprehension and mastery. Written by two highly trusted, longtime opinion leaders, educators, and clinicians in oral medicine and oral radiology, Bob Langlais and Craig Miller, this valuable instructional and study aid promotes classroom and clinical success. NEW! Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) chapter covers the technique, equipment, sample images, and cases related to CBCT. NEW! Implant Imaging chapter covers the vital role that imaging plays in successful dental implant therapy. NEW! NEW! Art program features full-color anatomy illustrations and technique photos as well as a variety of radiographs, providing hundreds of examples that promote practice and mastery in image evaluation. NEW! Focus on digital imaging to ensure that you are practicing with examples and questions that reflect modern dental practice. NEW! Content on panoramic imaging, including the panoramic bite-wing and periapical images and modern equipment such as hybrid panoramic machines exposes you to cutting-edge equipment and its use. NEW! Expanded coverage of radiation principles, safety, and infection control provides a more comprehensive product. EXPANDED! An updated test-prep section includes 525 questions to help you excel on classroom and board exams.
Zondervan Christians in an Age of Wealth: A Biblical Theology of Stewardship
What does the Bible say about money, material possessions, and stewardship? In Christians in an Age of Wealth, Craig Blomberg addresses tough questions about the place and purpose of wealth and material possessions in a Christian's life. He points to the goodness of wealth, as God originally designed it, but also surveys the Bible's many warnings against making an idol out of money.Taking a close exegetical look at this topic as it’s discussed in Scripture, Blomberg answers the toughest questions about Christianity and wealth: Is there any one key to keeping possessions in their proper, God-intended perspective? Are there limits on how rich we should become or on how poor we should allow others to get? What does a truly Christian economic system look like? How does the Bible's teaching on wealth fit into the gospel? Blomberg expounds upon how the sharing of goods and possessions is the key safeguard against both greed and covetousness. He expands on the concept of giving generously, even sacrificially, to those who are needier, demonstrating how Christians can participate in God's original good design for abundance and demonstrate the world-altering gospel of Christ.____________Part of the Biblical Theology for Life series, this practical and challenging book will help you and your church ground your worldly possessions on the solid foundation of biblical understanding and reflection.
The University of Chicago Press The Politics of Same-Sex Marriage
Same-sex marriage emerged in 2004 as one of the hottest issues of the campaign season. But in a severe blow to gay rights advocates, all eleven states that had the issue on the ballot passed amendments banning the practice, and the subject soon dropped off the media's radar. This pattern of waxing and waning in the public eye has characterized the debate over same-sex marriage since 1996 and the passing of the Defense of Marriage Act. Since then, court rulings and local legislatures have kept the issue alive in the political sphere, and conservatives and gay rights advocates have made the issue a key battle-field in the culture wars. "The Politics of Same-Sex Marriage" brings together an esteemed group of scholars to explore all facets of this heated issue, including the ideologies and strategies on both sides of the argument, the public's response, the use of the issue in political campaigns, and how same-sex marriage fits into the broad context of policy cycles and windows of political opportunity. With comprehensive coverage from a variety of different approaches, this volume will be a vital sourcebook for activists, politicians, and scholars alike.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Wind & Hydropower Integration: Concepts, Considerations & Case Studies
Zondervan A History of the Quests for the Historical Jesus, Volume 1: From the Beginnings of Christianity to the End of World War II
A comprehensive, two-volume reassessment of the quests for the historical Jesus that details their origins and underlying presuppositions as well as their ongoing influence on today's biblical and theological scholarship.Jesus' life and teaching is important to every question we ask about what we believe and why we believe it. And yet there has never been common agreement about his identity, intentions, or teachings—even among first-century historians and scholars. Throughout history, different religious and philosophical traditions have attempted to claim Jesus and paint him in the cultural narratives of their heritage, creating a labyrinth of conflicting ideas.From the evolution of orthodoxy and quests before Albert Schweitzer's famous "Old Quest," to today's ongoing questions about criteria, methods, and sources, A History of the Quests for the Historical Jesus not only chronicles the developments but lays the groundwork for the way forward.The late Colin Brown brings his scholarly prowess in both theology and biblical studies to bear on the subject, assessing not only the historical and exegetical nuts and bolts of the debate about Jesus of Nazareth but also its philosophical, sociological, and theological underpinnings. Instead of seeking a bedrock of "facts," Brown stresses the role of hermeneutics in formulating questions and seeking answers.Colin Brown was almost finished with the manuscript at the time of his passing in 2019. Brought to its final form by Craig A. Evans, this book promises to become the definitive history and assessment of the quests for the historical Jesus. Volume One covers the period from the beginnings of Christianity to the end of World War II. Volume Two (sold separately) covers the period from the post-War era through contemporary debates.
Baker Publishing Group Ecclesiastes
Respected Old Testament scholar Craig Bartholomew, coauthor of the well-received Drama of Scripture, provides a careful exegetical reading of Ecclesiastes in this addition to the Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms series. Along with helpful translation and commentary, Ecclesiastes considers the theological implications of the text and its literary, historical, and grammatical dimensions. Footnotes deal with many of the technical matters, allowing readers of varying levels of interest and training to read and profit from the commentary and to engage the biblical text at an appropriate level. Pastors, teachers, and all serious students of the Bible will find here an accessible commentary that will serve as an excellent resource for their study.
Weldon Owen What the Fat?: Fat's In, Sugar's Out: How to Live the Ultimate Low Carb Healthy Fat Lifestyle
Columbia University Press The Green New Deal and the Future of Work
Catastrophic climate change overshadows the present and the future. Wrenching economic transformations have devastated workers and hollowed out communities. However, those fighting for jobs and those fighting for the planet have often been at odds. Does the world face two separate crises, environmental and economic? The promise of the Green New Deal is to tackle the threat of climate change through the empowerment of working people and the strengthening of democracy. In this view, the crisis of nature and the crisis of work must be addressed together—or they will not be addressed at all.This book brings together leading experts to explore the possibilities of the Green New Deal, emphasizing the future of work. Together, they examine transformations that are already underway and put forth bold new proposals that can provide jobs while reducing carbon consumption—building a world that is sustainable both economically and ecologically. Contributors also debate urgent questions: What is the value of a federal jobs program, or even a jobs guarantee? How do we alleviate the miseries and precarity of work? In key economic sectors, including energy, transportation, housing, agriculture, and care work, what kind of work is needed today? How does the New Deal provide guidance in addressing these questions, and how can a Green New Deal revive democracy? Above all, this book shows, the Green New Deal offers hope for a better tomorrow—but only if it accounts for work’s past transformations and shapes its future.
American Society for Microbiology Bacteria and Intracellularity
Human Kinetics Publishers Therapeutic Modalities for Musculoskeletal Injuries
Therapeutic Modalities for Musculoskeletal Injuries, Fourth Edition With Online Video, offers comprehensive coverage of evidence-based therapies for rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries. The information aligns with the Board of Certification’s Role Delineation Study/Practice Analysis, Sixth Edition, and the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education’s Athletic Training Education Competencies, Fifth Edition, and is a vital resource for students preparing for examinations as well as professionals in the field who wish to stay informed of the latest research. Therapeutic Modalities for Musculoskeletal Injuries, Fourth Edition, applies evidence-based research and clinical experiences of top practitioners in the field to optimize the care of musculoskeletal injuries and provides students and practitioners with solid fundamentals in development of rehabilitation programs. The content of this fourth edition has been significantly updated and revitalized to include all modalities that coincide with BOC requirements and offers the latest in contemporary science in the field. Further updates include the following: • New online video that corresponds to modalities discussed throughout the text, directly demonstrating how to apply techniques to individual patients • A new chapter on mechanobiology that provides new understanding of the effects of movement and activity on cell function • A new chapter on the application of exercise as a stimulus for tissue repair • Additional information on the principles and clinical applications of cold, heat, electrotherapy, laser, and ultrasound • Updated and revamped case studies and guided scenarios that apply all modalities found throughout the book to real-world situations The content of the book is organized in parts to logically address therapeutic interventions for musculoskeletal injuries. Part I explains the core concepts of therapy, specifically in terms of clinical practice, and part II addresses the physiology of the acute response to tissue damage, tissue repair, and pain. Part III examines electrical modalities for pain management, provides an introduction to neuromuscular control, and addresses the use of biofeedback and neuromuscular stimulation to restore neuromuscular control in rehabilitation. Parts IV and V delve into a critical evaluation of therapeutic applications of cold, superficial heat, ultrasound, electromagnetic fields, and low-power laser therapy. Part VI examines foundational concepts of mechanobiology and explains how and why exercise and mechanical forces are essential to musculoskeletal tissue repair. Part VII brings all of the concepts from the text together through a series of case studies and guided scenarios, which allow students to apply fundamentals to real-world situations. Therapeutic Modalities for Musculoskeletal Injuries, Fourth Edition With Online Video, contains many learning features to assist comprehension, including chapter objectives, key terms and a glossary, sidebars with clinical application of current concepts, and chapter summaries. Additionally, access to 21 online videos of applying modalities in clinical practice will help students better understand concepts from the text. For instructors, a robust set of ancillaries is provided, including a fully updated tesst package and instructor guide, as well as a newly added presentation package plus image bank to assist with lecture preparation. Therapeutic Modalities for Musculoskeletal Injuries, Fourth Edition, explains how to apply each therapy and addresses why and when a therapeutic intervention can improve the outcome of care. Students and professionals alike will develop stronger decision-making skills when determining the safest and most effective use of each treatment method.
Baker Publishing Group Why Christian Faith Still Makes Sense – A Response to Contemporary Challenges
In recent years the Christian faith has been challenged by skeptics, including the New Atheists, who claim that belief in God is simply not reasonable. Here prominent Christian philosopher C. Stephen Evans offers a fresh, contemporary, and nuanced response. He makes the case for belief in a personal God through an exploration of natural "signs," which open our minds to theistic possibilities and foster belief in the Christian revelation. Evans then discusses why God's self-revelation is both authoritative and authentic. This sophisticated yet accessible book provides a clear account of the evidence for Christian faith, concluding that it still makes sense to believe.
Baker Publishing Group Scripture and Tradition – What the Bible Really Says
In some of the church's history, Scripture has been pitted against tradition and vice versa. Prominent New Testament scholar Edith Humphrey, who understands the issue from both Protestant and Catholic/Orthodox perspectives, revisits this perennial point of tension. She demonstrates that the Bible itself reveals the importance of tradition, exploring how the Gospels, Acts, and the Epistles show Jesus and the apostles claiming the authority of tradition as God's Word, both written and spoken. Arguing that Scripture and tradition are not in opposition but are necessarily and inextricably intertwined, Humphrey defends tradition as God's gift to the church. She also works to dismantle rigid views of sola scriptura while holding a high view of Scripture's authority.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Evidence-Based Interventional Pain Medicine: According to Clinical Diagnoses
Unrelieved chronic pain is a worldwide epidemic Chronic pain has been subject to multiple international initiatives through the World Health Organization. Interventional Pain Medicine, the use of minimally invasive techniques to relieve pain, is the best approach when simpler measures such as physical therapy or medications fail. However, these procedures can be associated with significant risk and expense. Establishing uniformity in diagnostic criteria and procedural performance can reduce both morbidity and unnecessary procedures, and hence healthcare expenditures. While other texts explain how to perform these procedures, little focus has been given to diagnostic considerations: if and when these procedures should be performed. Evidence-Based Interventional Pain Medicine focuses on a balance between effectiveness and safety of interventional management for specific diagnoses, across all areas of chronic pain including: Head, neck and shoulder pain Lower back pain Neuropathic pain syndromes Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Pain in patients with cancer Vascular and visceral pain Evidence-Based Interventional Pain Medicine provides essential knowledge for anyone who uses, or intends to use, interventional pain techniques.
Gwasg Carreg Gwalch Tomos Llygoden y Theatr a Chrechwen y Gath
Baker Publishing Group Body, Soul, and Human Life – The Nature of Humanity in the Bible
Are humans composed of a material body and an immaterial soul? This view is commonly held by Christians, yet it has been undermined by recent developments in neuroscience. Exploring what Scripture and theology teach about issues such as being in the divine image, the importance of community, sin, free will, salvation, and the afterlife, Joel Green argues that a dualistic view of the human person is inconsistent with both science and Scripture. This wide-ranging discussion is sure to provoke much thought and debate. Bestselling books have explored the relationship between body, mind, and soul. Now Joel Green provides us with a biblical perspective on these issues.
MD - Duke University Press Beyond Biopolitics
Offers ways to conceptualize biopolitics as the ground for today's reformulation of governance
Baker Publishing Group Risen – 50 Reasons Why the Resurrection Changed Everything
What would happen if believers truly grasped how the resurrection of Jesus changes not just their own standing with God, but that it changes everything? In the spirit of John Piper's Fifty Reasons Why Christ Came to Die, Steven D. Mathewson unpacks the New Testament Scriptures that speak of the reasons Jesus was raised from the dead. In fifty brief chapters, he offers readers faith-filled meditations on the primary passages on the resurrection, taking these ancient truths and applying them to contemporary life. With compelling insight, he shows why Jesus not only had to die, but why his resurrection was necessary and how our lives change when we understand and embrace this essential truth of the Christian faith.
Stanford University Press Foundations for Inquiry: Choices and Trade-Offs in the Organizational Sciences
Foundations for Inquiry, a philosophy of social science book, is both a primer and a resource for anyone interested in social and behavioral research. As a "reader" with excerpts from classic and soon-to-be classic writings on research in the organizational sciences, the book shows the myriad choices facing researchers—including assumptions they make about ways of creating knowledge, beliefs and values they hold regarding reality, and philosophical and managerial allegiances they form. This book will give readers the information they need to select among these choices, appreciate the tradeoffs involved, and understand how they affect the ways in which data is collected, analyzed, and interpreted, and in which "truth" is ultimately created. Most books about research address the "how to" of inquiry rather than the "why." Foundations for Inquiry enlightens readers about the variety of philosophical assumptions regarding inquiry and organizational phenomena, demonstrates how these assumptions shape subsequent choices about theories, and shows how theoretical and philosophical choices consequently shape and guide the research process. Awareness of these choices and tradeoffs enables readers to be more discriminating consumers of, and adept contributors to, research-based knowledge.
Pennsylvania State University Press Stigma: Marking Skin in the Early Modern World
The early modern period opened a new era in the history of dermal marking. Intensifying global travel and trade, especially the slave trade, bought diverse skin-marking practices into contact as never before. Stigma examines the distinctive skin cultures and marking methods of Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas as they began to circulate and reshape one another in the early modern world. By highlighting the interwoven histories of tattooing, branding, stigmata, baptismal and beauty marks, wounds and scars, this volume shows that early modern markers of skin and readers of marked skin did not think about different kinds of cutaneous signs as separate from each other. On the contrary, Europeans described Indigenous tattooing in North America, Thailand, and the Philippines by referring their readers to the tattoos Christian pilgrims received in Jerusalem or Bethlehem. When explaining the devil’s mark on witches, theologians claimed it was an inversion of holy marks such as those of baptism or divine stigmata. Stigma investigates how early modern people used permanent marks on skin to affirm traditional roles and beliefs, and how they hybridized and transformed skin marking to meet new economic and political demands.In addition to the editors, the contributors to this volume are Xiao Chen, Ana Fonseca Conboy, Peter Erickson, Claire Goldstein, Matthew S. Hopper, Katrina H. B. Keefer, Mordechay Lewy, Nicole Nyffenegger, Mairin Odle, and Allison Stedman.
Smith & Kraus Inc.,U.S. Great Scenes and Monologues for Children
Taylor & Francis Inc Understanding Ecological Programming: Merging Theory, Research, and Practice
Increase the effectiveness of prevention programs by altering community and social settings! Understanding Ecological Programming: Merging Theory, Research, and Practice contains vital information to help you become a better community-based program designer using ecological programming. Focused on the basic concept of the ecological programming modelthat people’s behaviors cannot be separated from their settingsthis book provides examples that clarify how ecological applications in programs increase their effectiveness. With tables, figures, assessment tools, and studies of programs currently using ecological or similar approaches, this book will show you how to change the individual’s environment to prevent further ruinous behavior. This book will help you find the answers to such questions as: what is an ecological social program? what are the components of ecological programming? what do real programs that have implemented these principles look like? how realistic is it to suggest that one should implement an ecological program, is it harder than it seems? what are the outcomes of programming with an ecological model? what is the cost/benefit ratio of an ecological approach? A major innovation presented in Understanding Ecological Programming is the Ecological Programming Scale (EPS), introduced by co-editor Dr. Susan Jakes. This book provides an overview, analysis, and evaluation of the EPS as a useful tool that assesses the ecologicalness of a social program and shows you how to apply it to your work. This valuable resource also offers an example of a successful program that encompasses ecological programmingthe Adolescent Diversion Project (ADP)as well as an example of a now-defunct social program that is evaluated to determine whether it failed due to a lack of ecological design incorporation. Using the information in this book, you can improve on pre-existing social programs and create better ones. Understanding Ecological Programming is a must-read for social program developers/designers, program operators, interventionists, extension agents, community psychologists, human service providers, and extension specialists.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Financial Accounting and Reporting: An International Approach
Financial Accounting and Reporting: An International Approach is an adaptation of McGraw-Hill Australia’s bestselling financial accounting text Australian Financial Accounting by Craig Deegan, authored by Anne Marie Ward of Ulster University. Set within an international context, with a solid grounding in IAS/ IFRS, the book provides students with a detailed grasp of reporting requirements in and accessible and engaging manner. Up to date throughout and complete in theoretical and practical coverage, the book successfully communicates the detail necessary to understand, challenge and critically evaluate financial reporting. The result gives students a strong foundation for current study and their future professional lives.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Carpenter's Exotic Animal Formulary
The only drug formulary on the market created solely for the treatment of exotic animals, Exotic Animal Formulary, 6th Edition addresses the most common questions and medical situations encountered in clinical practice. Using clear, current recommendations on drugs, indications, and dosages, this evidence-based text helps you find the information you need fast. In addition, there are numerous tables containing biologic, hematologic, and biochemical norms of common exotic pets. Species covered include birds, fish, invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, rabbits, pocket pets, backyard poultry, and more. Edited by James Carpenter and Craig Harms, each a respected expert in exotic animal, wildlife, and zoo animal medicine, this handbook has been a go-to reference of practicing veterinarians for more than 30 years. More than 300 drug tables provide current recommendations on drugs, indications, and dosages used in treating exotic animals. All drug information is reviewed for accuracy, ensuring that this reference remains authoritative and current. Biologic and hematologic tables provide details on therapies and diets, normal blood parameters of common species, venipunctures sites, and medical protocols for common conditions. Dosage recommendations from pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) studies are clearly indicated. 29 internationally recognized experts contribute chapters in their areas of specialization. More than 3,100 references are cited and provide additional context for dosages. NEW! Updates of drug tables include new information on doses, interactions, indications, adverse reactions, and contraindications for use. NEW! eBook version is included with print purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. NEW! Additional appendices include new topics in exotic animal practice. NEW! Updated and expanded index makes it easier to find drug information.
Indiana University Press The Shaken and the Stirred: The Year's Work in Cocktail Culture
Over the past decade, the popularity of cocktails has returned with gusto. Amateur and professional mixologists alike have set about recovering not just the craft of the cocktail, but also its history, philosophy, and culture. The Shaken and the Stirred features essays written by distillers, bartenders and amateur mixologists, as well as scholars, all examining the so-called 'Cocktail Revival' and cocktail culture. Why has the cocktail returned with such force? Why has the cocktail always acted as a cultural indicator of class, race, sexuality and politics in both the real and the fictional world? Why has the cocktail revival produced a host of professional organizations, blogs, and conferences devoted to examining and reviving both the drinks and habits of these earlier cultures?
Indiana University Press The Shaken and the Stirred: The Year's Work in Cocktail Culture
Over the past decade, the popularity of cocktails has returned with gusto. Amateur and professional mixologists alike have set about recovering not just the craft of the cocktail, but also its history, philosophy, and culture. The Shaken and the Stirred features essays written by distillers, bartenders and amateur mixologists, as well as scholars, all examining the so-called 'Cocktail Revival' and cocktail culture. Why has the cocktail returned with such force? Why has the cocktail always acted as a cultural indicator of class, race, sexuality and politics in both the real and the fictional world? Why has the cocktail revival produced a host of professional organizations, blogs, and conferences devoted to examining and reviving both the drinks and habits of these earlier cultures?
Carpenter's Son Publishing Jump Ship Jonah
Using the fun, singsong rhythms of meter and rhyme, Jump Ship Jonah retells the biblical account of this colorful character and his struggle with obedience. From ship to whale to Ninevah, the story is accompanied with beautiful yet childlike paintings in vibrant watercolor to help bring the story alive in the imaginations of children. The illustrations in Jump Ship Jonah were created to help children identify with Jonah on his exciting adventure. His youthful features, a whimsical whale, and lively landscapes combine to make a fun setting for the story. There are lessons to be learned from Jump Ship Jonah about attitudes of selfishness and obedience. The book is designed to be read to a child, with an adult adding lighthearted commentary as desired. Jump Ship Jonah is the first in a series of Bible-based “rhyme time” picture books developed to whet the appetities of children ages 3-7 to read the biblical accounts for themselves when they reach the appropriate level. The witty story telling of this timeless tale will surely be revisited multiple times by young and old alike.
CSIRO Publishing Windcatcher: Migration of the Short-tailed Shearwater
A short-tailed shearwater flies from the edge of the Southern Ocean to the rim of the Arctic Circle – and back – every year. This remarkable 30,000 kilometre journey is driven by seabird law.Instinct and community will guide her. A wingspan the size of a child’s outstretched arms will support her. But first, she must catch the wind…Based on birds that live on Griffith Island, near Port Fairy, Victoria, Windcatcher is a tale of migration, conservation and survival that begins with one small bird called Hope.Written by award-winning children’s author Diane Jackson Hill and illustrated by Craig Smith, one of Australia’s most prolific and popular illustrators, Windcatcher explores the mysteries of seabird migration for primary aged readers.Features Remarkable story of the migration of the short-tailed shearwater from the Southern Ocean to the Artic Circle and back. Explores themes of seabird migration, conservation and survival. Teacher Notes to support use in the classroom will be available from the CSIRO Publishing website. From the author and illustrator of Chooks in Dinner Suits, which was a 2017 CBCA Notable and Wilderness Society Environmental Award for Children’s Literature picture fiction book winner.
Capstone Press City Train in Trouble: Level 1
Capstone Press Circus Train and the Clowns: Level 1
Capstone Press Freight Train
Capstone Press Circus Train
Atheneum Books Trucks Roll!
Johns Hopkins University Press Engineering Rules: Global Standard Setting since 1880
The first global history of voluntary consensus standard setting.Finalist, Hagley Prize in Business History, The Hagley Museum and Library / The Business History ConferencePrivate, voluntary standards shape almost everything we use, from screw threads to shipping containers to e-readers. They have been critical to every major change in the world economy for more than a century, including the rise of global manufacturing and the ubiquity of the internet. In Engineering Rules, JoAnne Yates and Craig N. Murphy trace the standard-setting system's evolution through time, revealing a process with an astonishingly pervasive, if rarely noticed, impact on all of our lives. This type of standard setting was established in the 1880s, when engineers aimed to prove their status as professionals by creating useful standards that would be widely adopted by manufacturers while satisfying corporate customers. Yates and Murphy explain how these engineers' processes provided a timely way to set desirable standards that would have taken much longer to emerge from the market and that governments were rarely willing to set. By the 1920s, the standardizers began to think of themselves as critical to global prosperity and world peace. After World War II, standardizers transcended Cold War divisions to create standards that made the global economy possible. Finally, Yates and Murphy reveal how, since 1990, a new generation of standardizers has focused on supporting the internet and web while applying the same standard-setting process to regulate the potential social and environmental harms of the increasingly global economy.Drawing on archival materials from three continents, Yates and Murphy describe the positive ideals that sparked the standardization movement, the ways its leaders tried to realize those ideals, and the challenges the movement faces today. Engineering Rules is a riveting global history of the people, processes, and organizations that created and maintain this nearly invisible infrastructure of today's economy, which is just as important as the state or the global market.