Search results for ""Peeters""
Peeters Publishers Ibn at-Taiyib. Fiqh an-nasraniya «Das Recht der Christenheit», II: V.
Peeters Publishers Concordance Du Nouveau Testament Sahidique, II. Les Mots Autochtones, 1
Peeters Publishers Des Heiligen Ephraem Des Syrers Hymnen De Paradiso Und Contra Julianum: V.
Peeters Publishers Papyrus Bodmer, III. Evangile De Jean Et Genese I-IV, 2 En Bohairique: V.
Peeters Publishers Ibn at-Taiyib. Fiqh an-nasraniya «Das Recht der Christenheit», I: T.
Peeters Publishers Atti Di Krestos Samra: V.
Peeters Publishers Lettres De S. Antoine. Version Georgienne Et Fragments Coptes: T.
Peeters Publishers Sancti Ephraem Syri in Genesim Et in Exodum Commentarii: T.
Peeters Publishers Saint Éphrem. Commentaire de l'Évangile concordant, version arménienne: V.
Peeters Publishers Lexique Compare Du Texte Grec Et Des Versions Latine, Armenienne Et Syriaque De L'"Adversus Haereses" De Saint Irenee, II. Index Des Mots Latins
Peeters Publishers Liturgiae Ibericae Antiquiores: (Iber. I, 1), T.
Peeters Publishers Commentaire D'Iso'dad de Merv sur L'Ancien Testament, I. Genese: T.
Peeters Publishers Concordance du Nouveau Testament Sahidique, I. Les Mots D'origine Grecque
Peeters Publishers Iacobi Sarugensis Epistulae Quotquot Supersunt: (Syr. II, 45), T.
Peeters Publishers Severi Antiocheni Orationes Ad Nephalium. Eiusdem Ac Sergii Grammatici Epistulae Mutuae: (Syr. IV, 7), T.
Peeters Publishers Iacobi Edesseni Hexaemeron Seu in Opus Creationis Libri Septem: (Syr. II, 56), T.
Peeters Publishers Historia Ecclesiastica Zachariae Rhetori Vulgo Adscripta, II. Accedit Fragmentum Historiae Ecclesiasticae Dionysii Telmahrensis: (Syr. III, 6), V.
Peeters Publishers Synaxarium Alexandrinum, II: (Ar. III, 19), V.
Peeters Publishers Chronicon Ad A.C. 1234 Pertinens, I. Praemissum Est Chronicon Anonymum Ad A.D. 819 Pertinens Curante Aphram Barsaum: (Syr. III, 14), T.
Peeters Publishers Timothei Patriarchae I Epistulae, I: (Syr. II, 67), T.
Peeters Publishers Vitae Sanctorum Indigenarum, I. Acta S. Walatta Petrros. II. Miracula S. Zara-Buruk: (Aeth. II, 25), T.
Peeters Publishers Eliae Metropolitae Nisibeni Opus Chronologicum, II: (Syr. III, 8), T.
Peeters Publishers Eliae Metropolitae Nisibeni Opus Chronologicum, II: (Syr. III, 8), V.
Peeters Publishers Documenta Ad Origines Monophysitarum Illustrandas: (Syr. II, 37), T.
Peeters Publishers Eutychii Patriarchae Alexandrini Annales, I: (Ar. III, 6), T.
Peeters Publishers Annales Regum 'Iyasu II Et 'Iyo'as: (Aeth. II, 6). V.
Peeters Publishers Acta Martyrum, I: (Copt. III, 1), V.
Peeters Publishers Acta Martyrum, I: (Aeth. II, 28), T.
Peeters Publishers Apocrypha de Beata Maria Virgine: (Aeth. I, 7), T.
Peeters Publishers Vitae Sanctorum Antiquiorum, I. Acta Yared Et Pantalewon: (Aeth. II, 17), T.
Peeters Publishers Historia Regis Sarsa Dengel (Malak Sagad). Accedit Historia Gentis Galla, Curante I. Guidi: (Aeth. II, 3), T.
Peeters Publishers Philosophi Abessini: (Aeth. I, 31), V.
Peeters Publishers Iso'yahb Patriarchae III. Liber Epistularum: (Syr. II, 64), V.
Peeters Publishers La Metamorphose a L'oeuvre: Recherches Sur La Poetique D'Ovide Dans Les Metamorphoses
Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide revetent encore aujourd'hui un interet litteraire qui depasse celui d'un document pour l'histoire des religions ou d'un temoignage sur le passe de notre civilisation. C'est pourquoi il semble judicieux de les aborder sous l'angle de la poetique, entendue a la fois comme geste producteur de poesie et comme etude de ses resultats. Ce long poeme offre un curieux foisonnement d'anecdotes extremement variees. Pourtant, il forme un tout, comme le proclame son prologue oA' s'affirme la volonte d'unifier le corpus mythique des transformations merveilleuses en un recit continu depuis la creation du monde jusqu'a l'epoque oA' Ovide a vecu. Un tel projet comporte une grande part de jeu: sous une manifeste diversite, se revele la constance d'une demarche ludique, attirant continuellement l'attention sur l'edifice narratif et formel qui se developpe. Gilles Tronchet, dans La Metamorphose a l'oeuvre, s'applique a inventorier les procedures auxquelles le poete a eu recours pour installer une continuite narrative, sans cesse relancee, mais sans cesse relativisee. Il s'efforce egalement d'elucider les circonvolutions d'une ecriture qui multiplie les rapprochements et les correlations entre les histoires evoquees, qui combine d'incessantes reminiscences issues de poemes et d'ecrivains anterieurs, au point de constituer un veritable entrelacs au sein du texte.
Peeters Publishers Franse Literatuur Na 1945. Deel 1: Figuren Uit De Canon
Franse literatuur na 1945 is een driedelig, Nederlandstalig overzichtswerk dat de belangrijkste literaire, theoretische en essayistische stromingen in het naoorlogse Franse literaire veld in kaart wil brengen. Elk volume bestaat uit een algemene inleiding gevolgd door een tiental bijdragen van Franse, Nederlandse en Belgische specialisten. De essays zijn op een toegankelijke manier geschreven zonder evenwel aan kwaliteit en precisie in te boeten. Het perspectief van de verschillende bijdragen is zowel monografisch als kritisch: ze geven een overzicht van het werk van de geselecteerde auteurs met de nodige aandacht voor de intertekstuele en contextuele inbedding en ze maken eveneens een tussentijdse balans op. Alle bijdragen worden bovendien gevolgd door een beknopte primaire en secundaire literatuurlijst, zodat de lezer zelf aan de slag kan. Franse literatuur na 1945 is dus duidelijk meer dan een louter encyclopedisch naslagwerk: "klassieke" namen worden aan een eigentijdse evaluatie onderworpen en "onbekende figuren" worden voor het eerst in het Nederlandse taalgebied geintroduceerd. Een zorgvuldig en internationaal samengestelde ploeg moet borg staan voor de kwaliteit van het geheel. Het eerste volume van dit driedelige werk over de naoorlogse Franse literatuur opent met een algemene inleiding waarin een overzicht wordt gegeven van de belangrijkste stromingen en figuren. De monografische essays belichten achtereenvolgens Jean-Paul Sartre, Marguerite Yourcenar, Samuel Beckett, Jean Genet, Henri Michaux, Francis Ponge, Yves Bonnefoy, Claude Simon en Georges Perec. Elke bijdrage wordt afgesloten met een beknopte literatuurlijst.
Peeters Publishers Le Culte Du Souverain Dans lEgypte Ptolemaique Au Iiie Siecle Avant Notre Ere Actes Du Colloque International Bruxelles 10 Mai 1995 34 Studia Hellenistica
Peeters Publishers Ethical Consensus and the Truth of Laughter: The Structure of Moral Transformations
We participate in moral debate, instead of taking established morality for granted, because of our discontent with the moral discourse already existing. We feel that something is distorted or concealed, that something remains to be said. One of the strategies to expose the deficiencies of established discourse is critical argument, but under certain specific historical circumstances, the apparent self-evidence of established moral discourse has gained such a dominance, has acquired such an ability to conceal its basic vulnerability, that its validity simply seems beyond contestation. Notwithstanding our discontent, we remain unable to challenge the established truth effectively. Then, all of a sudden, its vulnerability is revealed - and this is the experience of laughter. Moral criticism is preceded by laughter. In fact, all crucial transformations that emerged in the history of morality were accompanied by and made possible by laughter and moral criticism is basically and originally a comic genre. After drawing an outline of the present moral regime in chapter one, the moral significance of laughter is recovered with the help of four 'philosophers of laughter' in chapter two, namely Bakhtin, Nietzsche, Bataille and Foucault. Laughter allows reality to appear in a certain light, it contains a basic truth, it is a philosophical principle in its own right that cannot be reduced to or identified with the truth of science. In the subsequent chapters it is shown how three crucial moral transformations, occuring in the fourth century B.C., the sixteenth century A.D. and the nineteenth century A.D. evolved out of an experience of laughter, articulated by three outstanding protagonists of laughter presented in this book: Socrates, Luther and Ibsen. Finally, the significance of the experience of laughter in view of the present is discussed.
Peeters Publishers Studying War-No More?: From Just War to Just Peace
Peeters Publishers Profanations
Peeters Publishers Sources and Resources of Feminist Theologies - Quellen Feministischer Theologien - Sources et Resources des Theologies Feministes
Peeters Publishers Sage Und Schreibe Inszenierungen Religioser Lesekultur 2 Innen Und Aussen
Peeters Publishers Exclusivity and Variety: Perspectives on Multidimensional Exegesis
The present state of the exegetical discipline is characterized in this book by the exploration of the concepts exclusivity and variety. There is variety not only in the numerous methods and approaches, but also in variants in methodological application, hermeneutical presuppositions, confessional and dogmatic specialization areas and the increasingly volume of scholarly literature. To escape the abyss of variety, exegetes often resort to exclusivistic claims, sometimes deliberately. The main interest of this book is methodological, with the implication that the discussion is limited to the variety of exegetical methodologies. The working hypothesis is that a multidimensional and/or integrational aproach to exegesis can evade the dangers of exclusivity and variety. Various theoretical guidelines, which should be taken into consideration in this discussion, are filtered out from previous attempsts in this regard. Two methodologies, namely a historical-critical one and a narrative one, are used as examples in this investigation. In order to investigate the practical implementation of these methodologies, the Samson Cycle (Judges 13-16) is analyzed. Subsequently, both methodologies are evaluated to the theoretical guidelines formulated earlier. The multidimensional and/or integrational possibilities of these methodologies are then scrutinized. The investigation leads to the formulation of three models which may serve as guidelines for further discussion on this topic. Preference is given to an adapted communication model which serves as a hermeneutical 'map' on which exegetical methodologies can be 'plotted'. It is proposed that the operative factor of such a communication model is a reading strategy which consists of two components,namely (I) a specialized component and (II) a competence component.
Peeters Publishers New Testament Textual Criticism, Exegesis and Church History: A Discussion of Methods
Peeters Publishers God, Possibility and Corporeality
Peeters Publishers Sacred History and Sacred Texts in Early Judaism: a Symposium in Honour of A. S. Van Der Woude
Peeters Publishers Encyclopédie des Pygmées Aka II. Dictionnaire ethnographique Aka-Français. Fasc. 3, MB-M-V
Peeters Publishers Pygmees D'Afrique Centrale
Peeters Publishers Dictionnaire Birman-Francais. Fasc. 15