Search results for ""Author Schott"
Edinburgh University Press Hieroglyphic Modernisms Writing and New Media in the Twentieth Century Edinburgh Critical Studies in Modernist Culture
Hieroglyphic Modernisms explores this conjunction of hieroglyphs and modernist fiction and film, revealing how the challenge of new media spurred a fertile interplay among practitioners of old and new media forms.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Maritime Governance And South Asia: Trade, Security And Sustainable Development In The Indian Ocean
'The editor has grouped the 15 substantive chapters into one of four themes: order, leadership, institutions, and prospects and perspectives. She succinctly expresses the unifying challenge within the region as one of managing rapid growth but also confronting its vulnerability. There is much of value in this volume …'Journal of the Indian Ocean RegionFive out of the eight South Asian countries have direct access to the Indian ocean, yet research tends to focus instead on the region's landmass. Much less attention is paid to the extensive maritime space that links South Asian countries, provides their populations with vital access to resources, connects their economies to global trade networks and perhaps most importantly, contributes to law and order at sea.At a time when the Indian Ocean has gained great interest and relevance for many global actors, the role and location of South Asia will have critical implications for strategic calculation and alignment. Furthermore, if trade imbalances are to be tackled and economic globalization to regain steam, enhancing South Asia's ability to export and import through the oceans is essential. Finally, climate change is projected to impact South Asia massively. Coping with humanitarian crises and natural disasters will need critical investments in maritime capacities and cooperation.This edited volume brings together multiple perspectives on contemporary maritime governance in South Asia, from practitioners, policy-makers and academics around the world. They examine India's role as South Asia's leading naval and economic power and the capacity of key actors to shape maritime order in the Indian Ocean.
Marshall Cavendish Passover Magic
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Geheimsache Siel oder kann Wasser bergauf fließen?: Entwässerung im Norddeutschen Tiefland
Thema des vorliegenden Buches ist der Umgang mit dem Wasser an der niedersächsischen Küste (hier: die Entwässerung der niedrig liegenden Landschaft), eine fundamentale Angelegenheit für die Menschen, die hier leben und arbeiten. Für ein junges Zielpublikum wird unterhaltsam erläutert, wohin das Wasser fließt und welche Anstrengungen unsere Vorfahren unternommen hatten, damit wir in dieser Landschaft (über)leben können. Darüber hinaus werden Veränderungen, die z. B. über den Klimawandel auf diese Landschaft einwirken, in die Entdeckungsreise der vier Protagonisten eingebunden.
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Ernst Junger-Joseph Wulf: Der Briefwechsel 1962-1974
Random House USA Inc The Boy Who Loved Words
Kohlhammer Der Anfang Des Neuen Testaments: Matthaus 1-4 Neu Entdeckt. Ein Kommentar Mit Beitragen Zum Gesprach
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Global English Stage 2 Cambridge Elevate Digital Classroom Access Card (1 Year): for Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language
Cambridge Global English (1-6) is a six-level Primary course following the Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language Curriculum Framework developed by Cambridge English Language Assessment. This card gives you access to your Digital Classroom resource on the Cambridge Elevate platform. The perfect accompaniment to the course, share projectable versions of the coursebook and workbook with your whole class and get your learners talking about topics from measurements to mini-beasts with videos, animations and images. Support learners' use of English with short activities including drag and drop, multiple choice questions and spelling and grammar practice. Quickly and easily display answers to the activities on screen in a pop up window. Our glossary feature helps learners develop essential vocabulary. Available as a 12-month single user licence.
Little, Brown & Company Hanukkah!
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Political and Economic Dictionary of South Asia
Thanks to its emerging markets, nuclearization and the internet revolution, South Asia is increasingly at the forefront of current affairs. This invaluable reference source seeks to make the region accessible to business travellers as well as to the general reader. The range of subjects to be covered includes major political processes and events of South Asia (elections and electoral politics, political slang, political parties, diplomacy and territorial divisions), domestic and foreign policy, key personalities, political and economic institutions, sub-national groupings and units (regions, cities, provinces and rural entities), ethnicity and identity, and legal systems (laws and court cases).Key features:* Terms, which are frequently misunderstood in the political and economic processes of South Asia, are explained clearly and succinctly* More than 1,000 entries, covering the key debates, issues, concepts and institutions.Entries include:Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Caste System, Corruption, dalits, Electoral System, Federalism, Hindu-Muslim relation, India-US Relation, Kashmir, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Nuclearization, Privatization, Reserve Bank of India, Sikh, Untouchability, Urbanization, Atal Behari Vajpayee.Countries covered in this volume include: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Universitatsverlag Winter The Library of the Other Antiquity / Reading Late Antiquity
Brill China and the Silk Roads (ca. 100 BCE to 1800 CE): Role and Content of Its Historical Access to the Outside World
The book investigates China’s relations to the outside world between ca. 100 BCE and 1800 CE. In contrast to most histories of the Silk Roads, the focus of this book clearly lies on the maritime Silk Road and on the period between Tang and high Qing, selecting aspects that have so far been neglected in research on the history of China’s relations with the outside world.
Wartberg Verlag Aufgewachsen in Hamburg in den 40er und 50er Jahren
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Arendt und Benjamin Texte Briefe Dokumente
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Global English Workbook 3 with Digital Access 1 Year
Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks. With varied activities including crosswords and matching these workbooks help your learners practise and consolidate what they have learnt. The activities also support the reading, writing and Use of English strands of the Cambridge English as a Second Language Primary curriculum framework. This new edition provides more grammar practice with a short grammar presentation, followed by activities differentiated into three tiers: Focus, Practice and Challenge. Ideal for use in the classroom or for homework.
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Early Years Lets Explore Learners Book 2C
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Early Years Lets Explore Learners Book 3A
It is time for an adventure! From 'Understanding the world', to physical, personal, social and emotional development, children learn through activities such as matching, drawing, stickers and more in the Cambridge Early Years Let's Explore Learner's Book 3A. Learner's will discuss what music they like, learn about plants, and design their own T-shirt. This book is most effective when used alongside our Cambridge Early Years Teaching Resources and the curriculum framework.
Oxford University Press Atlas of Human Brain Connections
One of the major challenges of modern neuroscience is to define the complex pattern of neural connections that underlie cognition and behaviour. Brain connections have been investigated extensively in many animal species, including monkeys. Until recently, however, we have been unable to verify their existence in humans or identify possible tracts that are unique to the human brain. The Atlas of Human Brain Connections capitalises on novel diffusion MRI tractography methods to provide a comprehensive overview of connections derived from virtual in vivo tractography dissections of the human brain. The book introduces the reader to the fundaments of human brain organization as derived from the study of the surface, sectional and connectional anatomy. It starts with an historical overview of the giant steps taken in neuroanatomy, from its birth more than 2000 years ago, to contemporary neuroimaging insights. Next, detailed descriptions of the major white matter connections, their function, and associated clinical syndromes are dealt with in detail. The composite maps of the Atlas are an excellent anatomical resource for teaching, clinical, and research purposes. By reviewing the basic principles of neuroanatomy, its historical roots, and its modern achievements in the field of DTI tractography, the book fills the gap between the detailed connectional anatomy of the monkey brain and the 19th century descriptions of white matter tracts from post-mortem human dissections. Covering a wide range of topics in the field of clinical neuroanatomy, this book constitutes both an excellent introduction to the brain, and a valuable reference work for experienced clinicians and researchers working in the field of neurology, psychiatry, neurosurgery, and neuroradiology.
Harrassowitz Taiwan - A Bridge Between the East and South China Seas: A Bridge Between the East and South China Seas
Amalthea Signum Verlag sterreich fr Entdecker
Dorling Kindersley Verlag PapaChecklisten
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Was Ist Gewalt?: Philosophische Untersuchungen Zu Einem Umstrittenen Begriff
Kohlhammer Erste Brief an Die Gemeinde in Korinth
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Early Years Lets Explore Learners Book 3C
Humboldt Verlag Der praktische PapaRatgeber Liebevoll begleiten entspannt erziehen Die besten Tipps fr die Jahre 16 Vom Grnder von papade
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Global English Learners Book 3 with Digital Access 1 Year
Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks. With international cross-curricular topics, from inventions and robots to dinosaurs and fossils, the series helps your class develop the skills to study across the curriculum in English. Packed with literature and games, the course helps your learners become confident communicators. Step-by-step writing activities with models support them to develop their writing, while tip boxes help with language and skills. Each unit ends with a ''Project Challenge'' where learners work together on cross-curricular projects like a scrapbook or questionnaire, developing collaboration and critical thinking skills.
Harrassowitz The East Asian 'Mediterranean': Maritime Crossroads of Culture, Commerce and Human Migration
Two Lions Purim Play
Amalthea Signum Verlag Von Menschen Mrchen Moguln Unterwegs in Indien
Schwager und Steinlein Wo ist bloß der Frosch
GRIN Verlag Die Bergpredigt ein rhetorisches Konstrukt Eine rhetorische Analyse der Bergpredigt nach Matthus 57
Hanser Fachbuchverlag PLM in der Smart Factory
Edinburgh University Press Hieroglyphic Modernisms: Writing and New Media in the Twentieth Century
Hieroglyphic Modernisms' explores this conjunction of hieroglyphs and modernist fiction and film, revealing how the challenge of new media spurred a fertile interplay among practitioners of old and new media forms.
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Early Years Lets Explore Learners Book 2a
Springer Internal Branding im Krankenhaus: Die notwendige Suche nach dem organisationalen und professionellen Identitätskern
Die Autorin präsentiert einen umfassend sozial- und pflegewissenschaftlich fundierten Managementansatz für den Krankenhausbereich und zeigt die Notwendigkeit zur Markenentwicklung im Gesundheitswesen auf. Die professionelle Pflege hat in diesem Zusammenhang einen großen Einfluss auf den Unternehmenserfolg und somit auch auf die qualitativen und ökonomischen Ziele im Krankenhaus. Eine besondere Bedeutung kommt deshalb den Mitarbeitern zu, die sich mit ihrem Unternehmen identifizieren, um als Markenbotschafter zu fungieren. Die Autorin stellt die organisationstheoretische Perspektive eines Krankenhauses und die des professionellen Expertentums in den Fokus. Sie entwickelt ein Modell als Grundlage für eine identitätsorientierte und identifikationsfördernde Organisationsentwicklung und somit als Fundament für die identitätsorientierte Markenentwicklung.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Infrared Detectors and Systems
This text covers the range of subjects necessary for theunderstanding of modern infrared-imaging systems at a levelappropriate for seniors or first-year graduate students in physicsor electrical engineering. The first six chapters focus onfundamental background issues of radiation detection, beginningwith the basics of geometrical optics and finishing with adiscussion of the figures of merit used for describing thesignal-to-noise performance of a detector system. Other topicsinclude radiometry and flux-transfer issues, basicradiation-detector mechanisms, and random-processmathematics. The presentation then moves on to specific detector technologiesand the fundamental mechanisms of detection, paying specialattention to responsivity and noise performance. Devices discussedinclude photovoltaic detectors, photoconductive detectors, thermaldetectors, Schottky-barrier diodes, and bandgap-engineeredphotodetectors via multiple quantum wells and superlattices. The book concludes with a close look at infrared detection systemsand related issues. In the discussion of infrared search systems,the range equation is developed in terms of the optical anddetector parameters of the system. A separate chapter is devoted tomodulation transfer function, a spatial-frequency-domaindescription of image quality. The final chapter describes thedesign equations for thermal-imager systems in terms ofnoise-equivalent temperature difference and minimum resolvabletemperature. Supported and clarified by 470 illustrations and accompanied by anextensive glossary of the nomenclature, this is an excellent textfor graduate and senior level courses in radiometry and infrareddetectors. It is also a valuable reference for practicing engineersinvolved in the use, design, analysis, and testing of infrareddetector-based systems. Infrared Detectors and Systems is a complete, accessible, andtimely exposition of a technology whose applications areincreasingly important and widespread. Based on courses presentedby two of the field's leading figures, this book provides extensivecoverage of the background and fundamentals of radiation detectionand goes on to examine specific technologies and systems in depthand, in some cases, for the first time in print. Technologies discussed include * Photovoltaic detectors * Photoconductive detectors * Thermal detectors * Schottky-barrier diodes * Bandgap-engineered photodetectors via multiple quantum wells andsuperlattices Supplemented with 470 illustrations and a complete glossary of thenomenclature, this is the ideal text for senior- and graduate-levelcourses in radiometry and optical detection.
Peeters Publishers Dansmelodieen uit de Vlaamse Volksmuziektraditie
Hubert Boone ontsluit met zijn nieuw publicatie Dansmelodieen uit de Vlaamse volksmuziektraditie een belangrijk - en grotendeels onbekend - repertoire uit ons muzikaal erfgoed. Achtereenvolgens worden de Mazurka, de Redowa, de Varsovienne, de Polka-mazurka, de Polka, de Wals en de Schottisch behandeld. Een apart hoofdstuk wijdt hij aan kleine dansen, verenigingsdansen, speldansen, rituele nummers en figuurrijke kadrils. Het grootste aantal bladzijden gaat echter naar de muzieknotatie van de verschillende melodieen.
De Gruyter Eduardo Paolozzi: Lots of Pictures – Lots of Fun
Der schottische Bildhauer und Graphiker Eduardo Paolozzi (1924–2005) war Mitbegründer der britischen Pop-Art. Bereits in den 1950er Jahren sorgte er mit innovativen Collagen, in die er Bildmotive aus Populärkultur und Werbung integrierte, für Aufsehen – und schrieb fortan Kunstgeschichte. Seine international erfolgreichen, irritierenden Werke bewegen sich häufig an der Schnittstelle zwischen Mensch und Maschine und bezeugen sein Interesse an Wissenschaft und Technik. Mit ausgefallenen künstlerischen Verfahren wie Siebdruck oder Sampling forderte er nicht nur die ästhetischen Konventionen seiner Zeit heraus. Die Graphiken und Skulpturen zeigen auch seine intensive Suche nach einer Ikonographie der Konsum- und Industriegesellschaft. Ausstellung und Katalog schließen unmittelbar an die vielgerühmte Paolozzi-Schau in der Londoner Whitechapel Gallery an. Im Fokus dieses Bandes stehen Paolozzis experimentelle Werkphasen der fünfziger bis siebziger Jahre sowie sein produktiver Aufenthalt in West-Berlin von 1974/75.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design
This revised and expanded edition emphasizes the basic concepts underlying the analysis and design of all discrete and integrated circuits. Contains an extensive treatment of semiconductor fundamentals; new material on power supplies and Schottky barrier diodes including useful models for diodes in avalanche breakdown and cutoff; a more accurate linear model for the biopolar transistor; the concept of the Early voltage; and an improved account of frequency response. Features two new chapters devoted to the operational amplifier and its specifications and the use of the op-amp, with a number of its important applications such as voltage references, comparators, differentiators and intergrators. Many of the examples and all of the problems are new.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd China, the European Union and the Developing World: A Triangular Relationship
China, the European Union and the Developing World provides a comparative analysis of Chinese and EU influence across five different regions of the developing world: Asia-Pacific; South and Central Asia; the Middle East and North Africa; Sub-Saharan Africa; and Latin America.While there is broad acknowledgement that the importance of China is rising across the developing world, this book offers a comprehensive and comparative account of the relative increase of the Chinese presence in the various different regions. It highlights its impact on the relationship between the EU and the developing world regions and shows how the rise of China affects the relations between these regions and Europe.This comprehensive study will appeal to researchers and scholars interested in global governance, European foreign policy, Chinese foreign policy, EU-China relations, as well as trade compared with developing countries around the world. Students of European studies and Chinese studies, as well as policymakers in the areas of external relations and EU-China relations, will also find this book a useful guide.Contributors: C. Alden, E. Atanassova-Cornelis, L. Barber, B. Barton, U.S. Bava, F. Bossuyt, M. Burnay, D. Camroux, A. de Bellefroid, J.-C. Defraigne, K. Fachqoul, B. Kabamba, T. Pairault, C. Portella, J. Schottli, R.B. St. John, G. Verhulst, W. Wang, K. Weber, S. Wintgens, J. Wouters
Peter Lang AG Weisheit und Schoepfung: Festschrift fuer James Alfred Loader zum 65. Geburtstag
Diese Festschrift ehrt den Alttestamentler James Alfred Loader, der, von der Universität von Pretoria und der UNISA herkommend, seit 1997 an der Universität Wien lehrt. Weisheit und Schöpfung markieren zwei wichtige Kristallisationspunkte seiner Forschungen und der Alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft insgesamt. Der internationale Sammelband enthält sechs deutsche und acht englische Beiträge von alttestamentlichen Forscherinnen und Forschern aus Europa (Deutschland, England, Finnland, Niederlande, Österreich, Schottland, Schweiz), den USA und Südafrika. Sie untersuchen das Spannungsfeld von Weisheit und Schöpfung anhand ausgewählter Textbeispiele aus Genesis 1, einzelnen Psalmen, Hiob, Kohelet, Proverbien und Sapientia Salomonis. Sie gehen Fragen der Metaphorik und der Rezeption von Weisheit und Schöpfung nach, sei es in der Umwelt Israels, im Neuen Testament oder in der späteren jüdischen und christlichen Auslegungsgeschichte, und thematisieren Bezüge zu Anthropologie und Ökologie.
De Gruyter Carl Haag: Viktorianischer Hofmaler und reisender Abenteurer zwischen Orient und Okzident
Berühmt wurde der Maler Carl Haag (1820–1915) durch farbkräftige Orientszenen und lebensnahe Porträts, in denen nubische Sklaven, arabische Kameltreiber oder ägyptische Schlangenbeschwörer die Bildwelten beleben. Nach dem Besuch der Nürnberger Kunstschule avancierte der Sohn eines Bäckers zunächst in München zum gefragten Porträtisten und verfeinerte seine Kunst der Aquarellmalerei in Brüssel und London. Als Hofmaler des Herzogs von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha war er für die britische Queen Victoria tätig. Seine Aquarelle vom Leben der königlichen Familie im schottischen Hochland sind Teil der Royal Collection. Stetig auf der Suche nach neuen Motiven Unternahm Haag ausgedehnte Reisen durch Europa. 1859 brach er in den Orient auf und besuchte Kairo, Jerusalem, Damaskus, Palmyra und Baalbek. In dieser ersten Biographie des Malers vermittelt Walter Karbach einen lebendigen Eindruck von der Gesellschaft im viktorianischen Zeitalter, erfasst Haags künstlerische Einflüsse und persönliche Vorlieben ebenso wie die befreundeten Maler und Auftraggeber. Zugleich entfacht er Begeisterung für seine Landschaftsskizzen, Porträts und Ruinenzeichnungen, die zwischen dokumentarischer Darstellung und romantisch-idealisierender Ansicht changieren.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Sister Reformations III - Schwesterreformationen III: From Reformation Movements to Reformation Churches in the Holy Roman Empire and on the British Isles - Von der reformatorischen Bewegung zur Kirche im Heiligen Römischen Reich und auf de
Gegenstand des zweisprachigen Bandes sind die Prozesse, in denen in Deutschland und auf den britischen Inseln aus der reformatorischen Bewegung Institutionen, von der Reformation geprägte Kirchen wurden, sowie die dabei wirksamen Faktoren. Nach einem Überblick über die englische und die schottische Reformationsgeschichte werden die Entwicklung der Predigt, des Singens, der Liturgie und ihres Raumes, der Familie, der Geschlechterrollen und des Rechts, die Herausbildung eines neuen Pfarrer- und Gemeindetyps sowie der Umgang mit religiösen Abweichlern behandelt, und dies in einem vergleichenden, die Vorgänge auf beiden Seiten des Kanals zueinander in Beziehung setzenden Zugriff. Abschließend kommen die theologischen und religiösen Deutungen in den Blick, die die an der Reformation Beteiligten selbst diesem Einschnitt in der Kirchengeschichte gaben. Mit Beiträgen von:Albrecht Beutel, Amy Burnett, Euan Cameron, Geoffrey Dipple, Susan Karant-Nunn, Thomas Kaufmann, Konrad Klek, John McCallum, Ashley Null, Martin Ohst, Wolf-Dietrich Schäufele, Andrew Spicer, Andreas Stegmann, Christopher Voigt-Goy, Alex Walsham, Kristen Walton, Dorothea Wendebourg
Princeton University Press The History of Everyday Life: Reconstructing Historical Experiences and Ways of Life
Alltagsgeschichte, or the history of everyday life, emerged during the 1980s as the most interesting new field among West German historians and, more recently, their East German colleagues. Partly in reaction to the modernization theory pervading West German social history in the 1970s, practitioners of alltagsgeschichte stressed the complexities of popular experience, paying particular attention, for instance, to the relationship of the German working class to Nazism. Now the first English translation of a key volume of essays (Alltagsgeschichte: Zur Rekonstruktion historischer Erfahrungen und Lebensweisen) presents this approach and shows how it cuts across the boundaries of established disciplines. The result is a work of great methodological, theoretical, and historiographical significance as well as a substantive contribution to German studies. Introduced by Alf Ludtke, the volume includes two empirical essays, one by Lutz Niethammer on life courses of East Germans after 1945 and one by Ludtke on modes of accepting fascism among German workers. The remaining five essays are theoretical: Hans Medick writes on ethnological ways of knowledge as a challenge to social history; Peter Schottler, on mentalities, ideologies, and discourses and alltagsgeschichte; Dorothee Wierling, on gender relations and alltagsgeschichte; Wolfgang Kaschuba, on popular culture and workers' culture as symbolic orders; and Harald Dehne on the challenge alltagsgeschichte posed for Marxist-Leninist historiography in East Germany.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place: Book I: The Mysterious Howling
The first book in the Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place—the acclaimed and hilarious Victorian mystery series by Maryrose Wood, perfect for fans of Lemony Snicket and Trenton Lee Stewart—has a brand-new look.Discovered in the forest of Ashton Place, the Incorrigibles are no ordinary children. Luckily, Miss Penelope Lumley is no ordinary governess. A recent graduate of the Swanburne Academy for Poor Bright Females, Penelope embraces the challenge of her new position. Though she is eager to instruct the children in Latin verbs and the proper use of globes, first she must eliminate their canine tendencies.But mysteries abound at Ashton Place: Who are these three wild creatures Why does Old Timothy, the coachman, lurk around every corner Will Penelope be able to civilize the Incorrigibles in time for Lady Constance's holiday ball And what on earth is a schottische
Waldorf Early Childhood Association North America Waldorf Early Childhood Education: An Introductory Reader
This comprehensive collection of essays addresses all the key aspects of Waldorf early years education: its history, the developing child, the rhythm of the day, activities, language, storytelling and puppetry and the young child and the spiritual world.There are contributions from many experienced educators, including: Susan Howard, Joan Almon, Helmut von Kügelgen, Freya Jaffke, Ingeborg Schöttner, Kimberly Lewis, Stephan Spitalny, Nancy Foster, Susan Weber, Daniel Udo de Haes and Bronja Zahlingen.This is a revised, newly edited edition of two previously available publications, 'An Overview of the Waldorf Kindergarten', and 'A Deeper Understanding of the Waldorf Kindergarten', with the addition of other relevant contributions.