Search results for ""Author Manny"
Springer International Publishing AG Nationalismus, Militarismus und Männlichkeit im Nachkriegs-Zypern
In diesem Buch wird anhand empirischer Untersuchungen die Beziehung zwischen Nationalismus, Militarismus und Männlichkeit dargestellt. Die Ko-Konstitution zwischen diesen drei Faktoren ist anfällig für Veränderungen und behindert die Versöhnung, so der Autor. Am Beispiel von Zypern, einem Land im Konflikt mit der Türkei, zeigt Efthymiou, wie Nationalismus, Militarismus und Männlichkeit nach dem Krieg konstruiert und nach der Öffnung der Binnengrenzen und dem Beitritt zur Europäischen Union neu angepasst wurden. Nationalism, Militarism and Masculinity in Post-Conflict Cyprus (Nationalismus, Militarismus und Männlichkeit in Zypern nach dem Konflikt) stützt sich auf eine umfangreiche Feldforschung mit Soldaten und Offizieren in Kasernen, Politikern wie dem ehemaligen Präsidenten der Republik Zypern, Glafkos Clerides, Führern radikaler rechtsextremer Bewegungen und der griechisch-zyprischen Öffentlichkeit. Das Buch bietet unschätzbare Einblicke in die Anwendung von Nationalismus, Militarismus und Männlichkeit in der Regierungspolitik, einschließlich des zypriotischen Verteidigungsministeriums, und wird für Studierende und Wissenschaftler in den Bereichen Soziologie, Gender Studies, Friedensforschung, Sicherheitsstudien, Politik und internationale Beziehungen sowie für Regierungen und NRO von Interesse sein..
Treasure Bay We Both Read-The Well-Mannered Monster (Pb)
Random House Disney Everyday Lessons #4: Manners Matter, Stitch! (Disney Stitch)
Simon & Schuster Please Pass the Manners!: Mealtime Tips for Everyone
WW Norton & Co Miss Manners' Guide to a Surprisingly Dignified Wedding
Today’s brides are bombarded with wedding advice that promises perfection but urges achieving it through selfishness (“It’s your wedding, and you can do whatever you like”), greed (choosing the presents that guests are directed to buy), and showing off (“This is your chance to show everyone what you’re about”). Couples wishing to resist such pressure see elopement or a slapdash wedding as the only alternatives to a gaudy blowout. But none of these choices appealed to a bride who happened to have been brought up by Miss Manners. Judith Martin and her newlywed daughter, Jacobina, explain how to have a dignified ceremony and delightful celebration without succumbing to the now-prevalent pattern of the vulgar, money-draining wedding that exhausts families and exploits friends.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Mannose-Binding Lectin in the Innate Immune System
Artbooks The big book of good manners: 2020
The most popular children's book on etiquette, and a cool poster with 10 rules of table manners as a gift! What does it mean to answer politely? Why wait at the table until everyone has finished eating? Isn't it easier to hold the fork with the right hand and the knife with the left hand? And why should you give up your seat to an old lady?
Sandstein Verlag Gewalt Und Geschlecht: Mannlicher Krieg - Weiblicher Frieden? Essays
Wartberg Verlag Aufgewachsen in Mannheim in den 50er 60er Jahren
Dalkey Archive Press Scenes from the Enlightenment – A Novel of Manners
Scenes from the Enlightenment: A Novel of Manners was published in 1939, toward the end of the Japanese colonial period in Korea, and depicts seemingly trivial events in the lives of the residents of a small town northeast of Pyongyang: a wedding between two local families, the arrival of box upon box of fascinating new Western products at the Japanese-run general store, a long-awaited athletics meet held at the local school. But in these events, and in the changing familial and social relationships that underpin them, we see a picture of a changing Korea on the cusp of modernity. When two boys decide to cut their hair in the Western fashion, the reader sees the conflict between tradition and modernity presented not in abstract terms, but in one of the myriad ways it affected the lives of those who lived through this time of change.
G. Schirmer, Inc. John Corigliano The Mannheim Rocket Orchestra Full Score
Quirk Books How to Behave: A Guide to Modern Manners
Is there any polite way to shush a chatty person at the movies? Should roller bladers be passed on the left side or the right side? When is it unacceptable to answer your cell phone? And why doesn't anyone in your grocery store seem to understand the basic rules of shopping cart navigation and right-of-way? If you've ever pondered these kinds of questions, "How to Behave" is the book you've been waiting for: a hip, irreverent, but entirely practical guide to proper behavior in the twenty-first century. Here are dozens of fascinating skills that Emily Post wouldn't even think to mention like the best ways to: Share elbow space on an airplane armrest. Contend with road rage. Position yourself when boarding a crowded elevator. Observe basic e-mail etiquette. Speak on a cell phone without enraging dozens of other essential survival techniques. Much more than a simple etiquette book, "How to Behave" is a real-life guide to living in the real world.
Wartberg Verlag Aufgewachsen in Mannheim in den 70er 80er Jahren
Manesse Verlag Das Tagebuch eines Mannes von fnfzig Jahren Erzhlungen
Ali Gator Sharing What You Love: Good Manners and Character
Sharing What You Love introduces to children the importance of sharing what you have with others. Ali doesn't want to share his new bike, but soon realizes it's more fun for everybody when you share what you love. It is essential for children to develop good character, morals and values from a young age. Reading good books, with good messages and good role models is part of this character development. Colourful, funny and educational, the perfect combination for young readers.
Gefen Publishing House Middos, Manners & Morals with a Twist of Humor
Caitlin Press A Well-Mannered Storm: The Glenn Gould Poems
Boydell & Brewer Ltd History, Myth, and Music: Thomas Mann's Timely Fiction
Discussion of Thomas Mann's fiction (particularly Doctor Faustus), his preoccupation with redemption, and the connection in his work between myth and music. Thomas Mann's response to the crisis of modernity and the catastrophe of fascism is defined by the thematic matrix of history, myth and music: this book is the first to explore the interrelations of the three - and the first studyto approach the music in Mann's fiction through narrative theory. Discussion centers on Mann's preoccupation with redemption, which begins with his Nietzschean critique of Wagner's redemption motifs, and culminates in his radicalquestioning of the Christian myth in Doctor Faustus. The argument is developed through reference to four seminal figures, Nietzsche, Wagner, Weber and Tillich; while the centrality of Nietzsche and Wagner to Mann is well known,
Sonicbond Publishing Manfred Mann's Earth Band in the 1970s: Decades
Having moved from jazz, Blues and R'n'B to out-and-out pop in his various 1960s bands, keyboard player Manfred Mann went back to the drawing board in 1971 with a new quartet, Manfred Mann's Earth Band, and the intention of focusing on progressive rock. With a repertoire that leant partly on radical rearrangements of songs by Bob Dylan and then Bruce Springsteen, largely instrumental epics that borrowed from Gustav Holst's The Planets suite, and improvisations based around the interplay between Manfred's newly-acquired moog synthesiser and the lead guitar of Mick Rogers, who left in 1975 but later returned, they soon built up a formidable live reputation throughout much of Europe (particularly in Germany) and America. Apart from the Holst-inspired 'Joybringer', a top ten hit in 1973, British success was slow in coming, until a cover version of Springsteen's 'Blinded by the Light' and its parent album The Roaring Silence three years later took their status to a new level on both sides of the Atlantic. This book examines the nine albums, fluctuating fortunes and various line-up changes from what was to be their best and most prolific decade.
De Gruyter Under Construction: Kunst, Männlichkeiten und Queerness seit 1970
This publication is dedicated to the changes in masculinity/ies that visual artists have been addressing since the 1970s and are currently working on more than ever. Contributions from art and other cultural studies illuminate the diverse artistic processes by which the idea of masculinity as a seemingly universal, irrefutable constant is being successively replaced by the assumption of a plurality of masculinities. The volume comprises four sections: Postphallic Masculinity, Queering Masculinities, Optimised Masculinity/ies and Vulnerability. Based on the premise that male bodies do not have an intrinsic essence but are socially constructed and thus transformable, visions of future masculinity(ies) are discussed and concretised.
Free Spirit Publishing Inc.,U.S. Manners Time / Los Buenos Modales (Toddler Tools)
Teaching manners to toddlers is easier than you may think. Manners start with a smile-then you add the words. There are polite words to use when you greet someone, ask for something, or (oops!) make a mistake. There's even a nice way to say no. This bilingual board book gives toddlers a head start on manners, setting the stage for so
Ali Gator Caring for Orphans: Good Manners and Character
Caring for Orphans introduces to children the importance of caring for those less fortunate than themselves. When Saaliha and her younger brother Ali go and visit the orphans, they are so happy to meet such nice children. Now Saaliha and Ali now have new friends. It is essential for children to develop good character, morals and values from a young age. Reading good books, with good messages and good role models is part of this character development. Colourful, funny and educational, the perfect combination for young readers.
Troubador Publishing Mannership: Seeking a Source of Self-destruction
Mark has an unusual history. After losing his hearing as an eighteen-month-old infant, the next six years were silent as he honed his way of watching. Wandering Africa and Asia as a teenager and being adopted by nomadic tribes opened his eyes to the cultural nuances of different lands and peoples. Mannership is an enquiry into origins of self-destruction which is uniquely human, focusing on 3 questions: How does an individual mind become ‘poisoned’ by a self-destructive tendency? How is the poison hidden, and harboured, in a part of the mind which is ‘out of reach’ so we cannot simply ‘deal’ with it? How did our environment or culture develop in such a way that this ‘poison’ became thrust so deep into our children’s minds? From the teachings of indigenous Shamans to the lessons taught by animals, Mark connects observations from his journeys to read like magical adventures while seeking an elusive source of self-destruction.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Manned and Unmanned Flights to the Moon
This book is about how the dreams of exploring other worlds became a reality with the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs. The problems encountered in the development of the spacecraft, including the disastrous fire aboard Apollo 1 which resulted in the deaths of the three American astronauts, Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chafee are covered. When Neil Armstrong stepped out onto the surface of the Moon on 20 July 1969, many people thought that this was the first time man had visited its nearest neighbour. Although this was the first manned landing, there had been forty-one missions prior to this by both the Americans and the Russians. This book is about all those missions and the sixty-five missions that followed. Also included, although in much lesser detail, is the part the Russians played in the formative years of the space race' and the problems they encountered, culminating in the successful Apollo/Soyuz program which proved that the two super-powers could work together. The l
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Jungenforschung empirisch: Zwischen Schule, männlichem Habitus und Peerkultur
Über Jungen in der Schule wird aktuell viel geredet, eine umfassende wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung steht jedoch bislang noch aus. Der Stand der Jungenforschung erweist sich als empirisch und theoretisch wenig fundiert, ein systematischer Bezug auf die Schule als Institution fehlt weitestgehend. Dieses Buch zeigt aktuelle Perspektiven im Anschluss an das Habituskonzept auf und stellt Bezüge zwischen Schule, Jungen und Peerkultur aus nationaler und internationaler Sicht her. Die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zeigen, dass Jungen eine höchst heterogene Gruppe sind und dass das vereinfachte Bild der Jungen als Bildungsverlierer nicht haltbar ist.
Manning Publications Flex 4 in Action
HIGHLIGHT The expert authors of Flex 4 in Action have one goal—to help readers get down to business with Flex 4. Fast. Updated with the latest features added in Flex 4. DESCRIPTION Flex 4 in Action is an easy-to-follow, hands-on Flex 4 tutorial. Revised and updated from the previous edition on Flex 3, this book is chock-full of examples, goes beyond feature coverage, and helps readers put Flex to work in real day-to-day tasks. This book helps Flex developers make their Flex applications stand out from the crowd. How comprehensive is Flex 4 in Action? • Interesting themes, styles, and skins? It’s in there. • Working with databases? You got it. • Interactive forms and validation? You bet. • Charting techniques to help you visualize data? Bam! Many Flex books are overwhelming to new users—focusing on the complexities of the language and super-specialized subjects in the Flex ecosystem. Flex 4 in Action filters out the noise and dives into the core topics users need every day. Using numerous easy-to-understand examples, Flex 4 in Action provides a strong foundation that readers can build on as the complexity of their projects increases. KEY POINTS • Expert authors have been working with Flex since the first version • Comprehensive yet easy to follow • Numerous do-this-every-day examples • Gets users ramped up and productive very quickly! • Makes the entry into using Flex fun, easy, and less scary This book is written for the millions of day-to-day web designers and developers who need to learn Flex to stay current.
Henry Holt & Company Do Unto Otters: A Book about Manners
Rowohlt Berlin Als Männer noch nicht in Betten starben
Insel Verlag GmbH Lehrjahre des Gefhls Geschichte eines jungen Mannes
Sweet Cherry Publishing A Case of Good Manners OLD Edition
12 mini board books in a glossy carry case with handle. Perfect for young readers and parents - teaching good manners in a fun way! Includes: Excuse Me, Helping, Please, Sharing, Honesty, Confidence, Thank You, Listening, Keep Trying, Sorry, Taking Turns, Kindness.
Ali Gator Fulfilling Your Trust: Good Manners and Character
The latest title in the Akhlaaq Building Series. Teaching children all about carrying out any Amanah given to them. When Saaliha's friend Nora asks her to deliver something, Saaliha knows the importance of fulfilling her trust.
Scribner Book Company Letitia Baldriges New Complete Guide to Executive Manners
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Calvin Hobbes 05 Die Rache des kleinen Mannes
Aschendorff Verlag Der MannZeichenTest In der detailstatistischen Auswertung nach Ziler
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Mannerheim, Marshal of Finland: A Life in Geopolitics
Field marshal and statesman Gustaf Mannerheim (1867-1951) was the most acclaimed and the most hated Finn of the twentieth century. After three decades of loyal and distinguished service in the Russian Tsarist army, he returned to his homeland in 1917 to defend its new independence. This iconic figure led the Finnish forces as Commander-in-Chief during both World Wars, then ended his career as President of Finland. This new critical biography sets Mannerheim's entire life's work, and his often nerve-wracking decisions as a Finnish leader on the world stage, against the backdrop of his elite upbringing and lifestyle, his adventurous imperial career, his outspoken anti-communism, and his keen instincts for great power politics. Painful details emerge about Mannerheim's private life, and myths and rumours are scrutinised, as Henrik Meinander charts the complex legacy of this nationalist cosmopolitan who found himself fighting on the same side as Hitler. Meinander paints his portrait with strong contrasts and bright colours. This is the story of a multicultural Russian empire, a newborn nation-state treading warily between Europe's military titans, a front of the Second World War not easily reduced to moral binaries--and, above all, a shrewd political operator playing many a dangerous game.
Ebury Publishing Perfect Manners: Mutual Respect for Horses and Humans
Kelly Marks, who gets spectacular results in her exhibitions with the most fiery and recalcitrant of horses, says the secret is to talk to horses in their own language, establishing a relationship of trust and respect, using considerate and consistent techniques. You will find it helpful to formulate your own 'code of conduct' for your horse and while you're at it, for yourself as well, making consideration a way of life. Perfect Manners starts with the philosophy and concepts behind Kelly Marks' techniques and moves on to foundation exercises and groundwork training. There are also sections on Join Up and Body Language, Training Halters, Biting, Spooking and Shying and the 'Lovely Head Rub'. A must-read for horse owners everywhere.
Universitatsverlag Winter Zwischen Ehre Und Schande: Praktiken Und Narrative Vormoderner Mannlichkeiten
Skyhorse Publishing Modern American Manners: Dining Etiquette for Hosts and Guests
This practical and humorous guide helps readers learn appropriate manners so they can enjoy the pleasures of good food, good drink, and good company without worrying about what behavior is proper. Chapters cover how to be a good host, how to be a good guest, and how to behave at business events, cocktail parties, formal dinners, and restaurants. There is also a unique chapter discussing pet peeves and how to handle them with grace, civility, and appropriate manners.What’s the proper way to hold a wine glass? What’s an appropriate gift to bring a hostand what shouldn’t you bring? How should you correctly introduce guests to each other? If you’re the host, how do you determine who should sit next to whom? What should you do if you don’t want to drink alcohol at a cocktail party? What is appropriate cell phone usage at a business dinner? Here are easy-to-implement answers to these and many other important etiquette questions.Lavishly illustrated with memorable full-color photographs that highlight both good and bad table manners, Modern American Manners is full of friendly advice for business professionals, college students entering the workplace, and anyone needing a refresher course or an introduction to proper behavior.
University of California Press Manners and Mischief: Gender, Power, and Etiquette in Japan
Offering a concise, entertaining snapshot of Japanese society, "Manners and Mischief" examines etiquette guides, advice literature, and other such instruction for behavior from the early modern period to the present day and discovers how manners do in fact make the nation. Eleven accessibly written essays consider a spectrum of cases, from the geisha party to gay bar cool, executive grooming, and good manners for subway travel. Together, they show that etiquette is much more than fussy rules for behavior. In fact the idiom of manners, packaged in conduct literature, reveals much about gender and class difference, notions of national identity, the dynamics of subversion and conformity, and more. This richly detailed work reveals how manners give meaning to everyday life and extraordinary occasions, and how they can illuminate larger social and cultural transformations.
Candlewick Press,U.S. Wiggens Learns His Manners at the Four Seasons Restaurant
Duncker & Humblot Erwerbsverlaufe Von Frauen Und Mannern Mit Niedrigen Versichertenrenten