Search results for ""author richard""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Encounters with Melanie Klein: Selected Papers of Elizabeth Spillius
In Encounters with Melanie Klein: Selected Papers of Elizabeth Spillius the author argues that her two professions, anthropology and psychoanalysis, have much in common, and explains how her background in anthropology led her on to a profound involvement in psychoanalysis and her establishment as a leading figure amongst Kleinian analysts.Spillius describes what she regards as the important features of Kleinian thought and discusses the research she has carried out in Melanie Klein's unpublished archive, including Klein's views on projective identification.Spillius's own clinical ideas make up the last part of the book with papers on envy, phantasy, technique, the negative therapeutic reaction and otherness. Her writing has a clarity which is very particular to her; she conveys complicated ideas in a most straightforward manner, well illustrated with pertinent clinical material.This book represents fifty years of the developing thought and scholarship of a talented and dedicated psychoanalyst.
WW Norton & Co Biting the Hand that Starves You: Inspiring Resistance to Anorexia/Bulimia
The authors' decade-and-a-half collaboration with 'insiders' has yielded fresh answers to these life and death questions: How does a/b seduce and terrorize girls and women? Why is a/b successful in encouraging girls and women to unwittingly embrace their would-be murderer? How can such a murderer be exposed and thwarted? This book details a unique way of thinking and speaking about anorexia/bulimia. By having conversations with insiders in which the problem is viewed as an external influence rather than a part of the person, these therapists show how to bring the tactics of a/b into the open, expose its deceptions, break its spell, and encourage defiance of its tyrannical rule. These innovations enable insiders, professionals, and loved ones to unite against anorexia/bulimia rather than allowing a/b to pit a professional or loved one against an insider, and the insider against herself. Coercion is sidestepped in favor of practices that are collaborative, accountable and spirit-nurturing. The groundbreaking discoveries outlined in this book will provide new options, inspiration and hope, not only for those who suffer at anorexia's hands, but also for their loved ones and healthcare professionals.
Random House USA Inc A General Theory of Love
Taylor & Francis Ltd Shaping Neighbourhoods: For Local Health and Global Sustainability
Shaping Neighbourhoods is unique in combining all aspects of the spatial planning of neighbourhoods and towns whilst emphasising positive outcomes for people’s health and global sustainability. This new edition retains the combination of radicalism, evidence-based advice and pragmatism that made earlier editions so popular. This updated edition strengthens guidance in relation to climate change and biodiversity, tackling crises of population health that are pushing up health-care budgets, but have elements of their origins in poor place spatial planning – such as isolation, lack of everyday physical activity, and respiratory problems. It is underpinned by new research into how people use their localities, and the best way to achieve inclusive, healthy, low-carbon settlements. The guide can assist with:• Understanding the principles for planning healthy and sustainable neighbourhoods and towns• Planning collaborative and inclusive processes for multi-sectoral working• Developing know-how and skills in matching local need with urban form• Discovering new ways to integrate development with natural systems • Designing places with character and recognising good urban formWhether you are a student faced with a local planning project; a public health professional, planner, urban designer or developer involved in new development or regeneration; a council concerned with promoting healthy and sustainable environments; or a community group wanting to improve your neighbourhood – you will find help here.
Little, Brown & Company I Am a Rainbow!
Mark loves putting on shows, dressing up, and dancing! But what makes him happy at home gets him teased at school. To remind Mark that his unique light makes the world a brighter place, his parents surprise him with a beautiful, flowing cape. Wearing it, he feels invincible and free to shine all over Honolulu! It even gives him the courage to befriend some kids who are just as colourful as he is. When the cape goes missing, Mark loses his new confidence. How will he ever shine again?Mark's relatable, real-life inspired story paired with Richard Merritt's bright and energetic illustrations is a celebration of self-acceptance.
Zondervan Bryson the Brave Bison: Finding the Courage to Face the Storm
In this world of challenges, we all need a hero … and here comes Bryson the Brave Bison! In the face of a big storm, Bryson shows his crew and the entire herd, that you can get through anything with a little bravery and self-confidence.Follow one brave bison as he leads his herd to face a challenge and overcome it in this original rhyming story. Combined with dynamic artwork from New York Times bestselling artist Richard Cowdrey, this legend comes alive!Bryson the Brave Bison: is written in lyrical rhyme perfect for read-alouds features unique vintage style artwork from NYT bestselling artist Richard Cowdrey highlights positive character traits such as bravery, courage, and trust is an ideal gift for any time of year From debut authors Nate Davenport and Luke Freshwater, Bryson the Brave Bison teaches children positive character traits such as bravery, honesty, and perseverance and shows them that with courage they can face the storms in life. Nate and Luke are good friends, intentional fathers, and business leaders who frequently speak about bravery and courage with their children and in business. Bryson the Brave Bison was inspired by Luke’s service as a firefighter in Idaho and as an Army bomb squad leader in the war in Afghanistan.
Yale University Press Drawing Is Everything: Founding Gifts of the Menil Drawing Institute
A celebration of the stunning collection of artworks donated in honor of the creation of The Menil Drawing Institute Featuring outstanding 20th-century drawings promised or bequeathed to the Menil Collection for the opening of the Menil Drawing Institute, this elegant volume is a testament to the growing significance of drawings as stand-alone artworks over the past century. The drawings come from the private collections of well-known connoisseurs Janie C. Lee, Louisa Stude Sarofim, and David Whitney, and include works by artists such as Bruce Nauman, Willem de Kooning, Jasper Johns, Eva Hesse, Georgia O’Keeffe, and Jackson Pollock. Its chief curator Edouard Kopp profiles the Drawing Institute’s nature and scope, and noted scholars John Elderfield and Richard Shiff discuss historical aspects of drawing, while Terry Winters muses from an artist’s viewpoint.Distributed for the Menil Collection
Yale University Press After 9/11: Photographs by Nathan Lyons
In response to the tragic events of September 11, photographer Nathan Lyons—known for his honest and often questioning depictions of American culture—has created a poignant portfolio of images. Photographing in small towns and large cities, Lyons has captured the extreme and often confusing variety of responses—from deep reverence to blatant commercialization—manifested by ordinary Americans. One will marvel, for instance, at the myriad uses of the American flag. This provocative sequence of images with multiple messages is powerfully coherent and strangely disturbing. In the tradition of Robert Frank’s The Americans, these photographs will engage audiences to question the responses to this horrific event in the context of our complicated society, along with memorializing the tragic loss of so many innocent lives. Distributed for the Yale University Art Gallery
Yale University Press Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting
From Neolithic painted petroglyphs, early paintings on silk, and landscapes by twelfth-century literati to the traditional handscrolls being produced today, Chinese painting has always had the power to enthrall. This magnificent book, written by a team of eminent international scholars, is the first to recount the history of Chinese painting over a span of some three thousand years. Drawing on museum collections, archives, and archaeological sites in China—including many resources never before available to Western scholars—as well as on collections in other countries, the authors present and analyze the very best examples of Chinese painting: more than 300 of them are reproduced here in color. Both accessible to the general reader and revelatory for the scholar, the book provides the most up-to-date and detailed history of China’s pictorial art available today. In this book the authors rewrite the history of Chinese art wherever it is found—in caves, temples, or museum collections. They begin by grounding the Western reader in Chinese traditions and practices, showing in essence how to look at a Chinese painting. They then shed light on such topics as the development of classical and narrative painting, the origins of the literati tradition, the flowering of landscape painting, and the ways the traditions of Chinese painting have been carried into the present day. The book, which concludes with a glossary of techniques and terms and a list of artists by dynasty, is an essential resource for all lovers of, or newcomers to, Chinese painting.Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting is the inaugural volume in a new series, The Culture & Civilization of China, a joint publishing venture of Yale University Press and the American Council of Learned Societies with the China International Publishing Group in Beijing. The undertaking will ultimately result in the publication of more than seventy-five volumes on the visual arts, classical literature, language, and philosophy, as well as several comprehensive reference volumes.Published in association with Foreign Languages Press, Beijing
University of Washington Press Three Early Mahāyāna Treatises from Gandhāra: Bajaur Kharoṣṭhī Fragments 4, 6, and 11
The Gandhāran birch-bark scrolls preserve the earliest remains of Buddhist literature known today and provide unprecedented insights into the history of Buddhism. This volume presents three manuscripts from the Bajaur Collection (BC), a group of nineteen scrolls discovered at the end of the twentieth century and named after their findspot in northwestern Pakistan. The manuscripts, written in the Gāndhārī language and Kharoṣṭhī script, date to the second century CE. The three scrolls—BC 4, BC 6, and BC 11—contain treatises that focus on the Buddhist concept of non-attachment. This volume is the first in the Gandhāran Buddhist Texts series that is devoted to texts belonging to the Mahāyāna tradition. There are no known versions of these texts in other Buddhist traditions, and it is assumed that they are autographs. Andrea Schlosser provides an overview of the contents of the manuscripts and discusses their context, genre, possible authorship, physical layout, paleography, orthography, phonology, and morphology. Transliteration and translation of the texts are accompanied by notes on difficult terminology, photographs of the reconstructed scrolls, an index of Gāndhārī words with Sanskrit and Pali equivalents, and a preliminary transliteration of the scroll BC 19. The ebook edition of Three Early Mahāyāna Treatises of Gandhāra is openly available at DOI 10.6069/9780295750750.
Columbia University Press What's the Use of Truth?
What is truth? What value should we see in or attribute to it? The war over the meaning and utility of truth is at the center of contemporary philosophical debate, and its arguments have rocked the foundations of philosophical practice. In this book, the American pragmatist Richard Rorty and the French analytic philosopher Pascal Engel present their radically different perspectives on truth and its correspondence to reality. Rorty doubts that the notion of truth can be of any practical use and points to the preconceptions that lie behind truth in both the intellectual and social spheres. Engel prefers a realist conception, defending the relevance and value of truth as a norm of belief and inquiry in both science and the public domain. Rorty finds more danger in using the notion of truth than in getting rid of it. Engel thinks it is important to hold on to the idea that truth is an accurate representation of reality. In Rorty's view, epistemology is an artificial construct meant to restore a function to philosophy usurped by the success of empirical science. Epistemology and ontology are false problems, and with their demise goes the Cartesian dualism of subject and object and the ancient problematic of appearance and reality. Conventional "philosophical problems," Rorty asserts, are just symptoms of the professionalism that has disfigured the discipline since the time of Kant. Engel, however, is by no means as complacent as Rorty in heralding the "end of truth," and he wages a fierce campaign against the "veriphobes" who deny its value. What's the Use of Truth? is a rare opportunity to experience each side of this impassioned debate clearly and concisely. It is a subject that has profound implications not only for philosophical inquiry but also for the future study of all aspects of our culture.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Name of the Rose
Pearson Education (US) Machine Tool Practices
For courses in machine shop, machine tool technology, machining processes/manufacturing processes technology, industrial technology, industrial mechanics, and industrial engineering at the undergraduate level. The all-in-one solution for teaching machining, BPR, GD&T, and CNC courses Machine Tool Practices provides clear, practical, and richly illustrated treatment of machine tool technology and prepares students for NIMS certification. Vast in breadth and depth, this is the definitive text for training computer numerical controllers, conventional machine operators, general machinists, and tool and tie makers. The 11th edition includes dramatically expanded content and supplements on blueprint reading, GD&T, and CNC, giving it the potential to be the sole source of material for courses on these topics, while saving students the expense of two extra texts.
Pearson Education (US) Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers, Media Update
For courses in Mathematics for Teachers or Mathematics for Future Elementary Teachers. Fosters reasoning skills, deep conceptual understanding, and a positive attitude to aspiring elementary or middle school teachers Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers presents the mathematical content needed for teaching within the context of the elementary classroom. The authors endeavor to answer the frequently asked question “Why are we learning this?” by going beyond skill explanations to show how these concepts are implemented in the future classroom, and what types of questions children may ask. The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics are included. This Media Update for the 7th Edition features: Education Insights video program adapted from teacher education videos, produced with assessment questions, worksheets, and an implementation guide Common Core in Action videos with assessment questions Common Core Assessment Analysis questions GeoGebra animations with assessment questions Assessment questions for lecture videos MindSet material. Personalize learning with MyLab Math By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab Math personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Math does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Math, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Math, search for: 0135167469 / 97801351674 Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers Plus MyLab Math Media Update - Access Card Package, 7/e Package consists of: 013475882X / 9780134758824 Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers - Media Update 013476675X / 9780134766751 MyLab Math with Pearson eText - Access Card - for Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers - Media Update
Pearson Education (US) Criminal Courts: Structure, Process, and Issues
A comprehensive examination of the criminal court system and the processing of defendants From the actors in the system, including judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys, through the sentencing and appeals process, Criminal Courts provides comprehensive coverage of the United States Criminal Court systems in a succinct, readable approach. It examines issues confronting the system from historical, philosophical, sociological, and psychological perspectives, and throughout there are comparisons of court ideals with what actually happens in the courts. Comprehensive coverage of the processing of offenders from when they are arrested and charged with crimes, to when they are convicted and sentenced is presented, and throughout the text, practical, real-life applications of the topics and issues give the material meaning. Included to enhance learning are: evidence-based chapter openings that provide context to the chapter’s material, boxes that discuss relevant case law, chapter summaries to reiterate the chapter learning objectives, and policy-oriented critical thinking exercises based on current issues facing the system.
Comma Press The BBC National Short Story Award 2021
A group of teenage boys take turns assessing each other’s changing bodies before a Friday night disco… A grieving woman strikes up an unlikely friendship with a fellow traveller on a night train to Kiev… An unusually well-informed naturalist is eyed with suspicion by his comrades on a forest exhibition with a higher purpose… The stories shortlisted for the 2021 BBC National Short Story Award with Cambridge University take place in liminal spaces – their characters find themselves in transit, travelling along flight paths, train lines and roads, or in moments where new opportunities or directions suddenly seem possible. From the reflections of a new mother flying home after a funeral, to an ailing son’s reluctance to return to the village of his childhood, these stories celebrate small kindnesses in times of turbulence, and demonstrate a connection between one another that we might sometimes take for granted. The BBC NSSA is one of the most prestigious prizes for a single short story, with the winning author receiving £15,000, and four further shortlisted authors £600 each. James Runcie is joined on the judging panel by a group of acclaimed writers and critics including: Booker Prize shortlisted novelist Fiona Mozley; award winning writer, poet and winner of the Desmond Elliott Prize, Derek Owusu; multi-award winning Irish novelist and short story writer, Donal Ryan; and returning judge, Di Speirs, Books Editor at BBC Radio.
Kagero Oficyna Wydawnicza Vought F4u Corsair
In February 1938, the United States Navy opened a competition for a new fighter. Its maximum speed and operational ceiling were to exceed all the machines that the American aviation had at the time. Among others, the Chance Vought company entered the competition. The Corsair was designed by a team of engineers led by Rex Beisel, the company's chief constructor. The prototype XF4U-1 was flown on May 29, 1940. The Corsair was powered by an eighteen-cylinder Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp, the largest and the most powerful radial engine ever installed in a single-seat front fighter.
Anness Publishing Planting for Visual Impact and Scent in Borders and Containers: A Complete Guide to Choosing and Using Annuals, Perennials, Shrubs, Bulbs and Decorative Foliage, with Practical Step-by-Step Sequences and 580 Fabulous Photographs
This book features over 570 colour photographs, including stunning plant directories, inspirational plantings, and practical step-by-step techniques. Providing all the essential gardening know-how, it shows how to create a fabulous garden with lasting impact, year-round colour and delicious scent. It teaches how to use scented bulbs, annuals, shrubs and trees to create a welcoming and relaxing outdoor environment. Here, is the ultimate inspirational guide to planning, creating and maintaining bountiful borders of beautiful blooms all year round. This is a book for the enthusiastic and practical as well as the aspirational gardener. It shows how to make best use of a plant's features to create a particular style of garden, and how to keep your garden looking good all year round. Packed with essential information, hints and professional tips, this is the perfect planting guide and practical handbook.
Cambridge University Press An Introduction to International Relations
An Introduction to International Relations is a comprehensive introduction to the history, theories, developments and debates that shape the dynamic discipline of international relations and contemporary world politics. Bringing together an expert author team comprising leading academics from Australia and around the world, it allows readers to explore the discipline from both Australian and global perspectives. Known for its clear, easy-to-read style and relevant, real-world examples, the text has been fully updated and revised to reflect current research and the changing global political climate. This edition features extensive new material on: international history from World War I to World War II; international law; the globalisation of international society; and terrorism. A companion website for instructors offers additional case studies, critical thinking questions and links to relevant video and web materials that bring international relations theory to life.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Selected Scientific Papers Of Sir Rudolf Peierls, With Commentary By The Author
This book is a collection of the major scientific papers of Sir Rudolf Peierls (1907-95), including the Peierls-Frisch Memoranda of 1940 on the feasibility, and the predicted human effects, of an atomic bomb made of uranium-235. His papers range widely in topic. They include much on the fundamentals of solid state physics, the thermal and electric conductivity of materials as a function of temperature T (especially T→0), the interpretation of the de Haas-van Alphen effect observed for a metal in a magnetic field, and the basics of transport theory. Many are on problems in statistical mechanics, including his constructive paper demonstrating the existence of a phase transition for Ising's model for a two-dimensional ferromagnet. In nuclear physics, they include the first calculations (with Bethe) on the photo-disintegration of the deuteron (made in response to a challenge by Chadwick), the Kapur-Peierls theory of resonance phenomena in nuclear reactions, the Bohr-Peierls-Placzek continuum model for complex nuclei (which first explained the narrow resonances observed for low energy neutrons incident on very heavy nuclei), and the Peierls-Thouless variational approach to collective phenomena in nuclei. Several of Peierls's wartime papers, now declassified, are here published for the first time.Brief commentaries on most of the papers in this book were added by Peierls, to indicate subsequent developments and their relationship with other work, or to correct errors found later on. A complete bibliography of his writings is given as an appendix.
Fiscal Publications Taxation: Incorporating the 2009 Finance Act: 2009/10
This comprehensive and popular annual textbook provides students of UK taxation with a thorough knowledge of: Income tax, Corporation tax, Capital gains tax, Inheritance tax and Value added tax. The book provides numerous illustrative examples of the practical operation of statute and case law and provides a wide variety of end-of-chapter questions for self learning. The book is aimed at students studying for both University degree programmes incorporating courses in UK taxation and also students studying tax courses for professional qualifications in accounting, banking, management and taxation. Past exam questions, with solutions, are provided in the text from the ACCA, CIMA and CIOT examinations. In this new edition - This edition has been updated for all those provisions of the 2009 Finance Act that relate to the tax year 2009/10. In particular, it incorporates all the new personal tax rates, allowances and reliefs, together with changes for self employed businesses, employment tax rule changes, new flat rate of CGT and VAT changes.
Fiscal Publications Taxation: Incorporating the 2008 Finance Act: 2008/09
This comprehensive and popular annual textbook, now in its 27th edition, provides students of UK taxation with a thorough knowledge of: income tax; corporation tax; capital gains tax; inheritance tax; and value added tax. The book provides numerous illustrative examples of the practical operation of statute and case law and provides a wide variety of end-of-chapter questions for self learning. The book is aimed at students studying for both University degree programmes incorporating courses in UK taxation and also students studying tax courses for professional qualifications in accounting, banking, management and taxation. Past exam questions, with solutions, are provided in the text from the ACCA, CIMA and CIOT examinations. It is also suitable for others needing to learn more of the detail of the UK tax system. This edition has been updated for all those provisions of the Finance Act 2008 that relate to the tax year 2008/09. In particular, it incorporates all the changes to the personal tax rates, allowances and reliefs, together with changes for capital gains tax and entrepreneurial relief, capital allowances, 10% starting rate tax band removal, employment tax rule changes, and VAT changes.
University College Dublin Press Dissecting Irish Politics: Essays in Honour of Brian Farrell
Essays by leading academic, political and media figures in honour of Brian Farrell, the well-known political interviewer and former member of the Department of Politics, in celebration of his 75th birthday in 2004. The essays cover aspects of history of Irish democracy, the role of government institutions and their relations with Europe, government finance, the party system, political campaigning for elections and referendums, the lobby system and government relations with the media.
Everyman Chess Anti-Sicilians: Dazzle Your Opponents!
Prominent opening specialists take a revolutionary look at a popular group of openings - the Anti-Sicilians - and select a wealth of 'dangerous' options for both Black and White.
Everyman Chess Flank Openings: Dazzle Your Opponents!
Three well-known opening experts get together to take a revolutionary look at Flank Openings. They concentrate on fresh or little-explored variations, selecting a wealth of 'dangerous' options for both colours.
Channel View Publications Ltd Language Planning and Policy in Africa, Vol. 2: Algeria, Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria and Tunisia
This volume covers the language situation in Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria and Tunisia, explaining the linguistic diversity, the historical and political contexts and the current language situation, including language-in-education planning, the role of the media, the role of religion, and the roles of non-indigenous languages. The authors are indigenous and/or have been participants in the language planning context. Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire and Tunisia are not well represented in the international language policy/planning literature, while the section on Nigeria draws together the published literature in this area. The purpose of the volumes in this series is to present up-to-date information on polities that are not well-known to researchers in the field. A longer range purpose is to collect comparable information on as many polities as possible in order to facilitate the development of a richer theory to guide language policy and planning in other polities that undertake the development of a national policy on languages. This volume is part of an areal series which is committed to providing descriptions of language planning and policy in countries around the world.
The Last Tuesday Society The Infected Museum: Viktor Wynd at The National Maritime Museum, Cornwall
Fully illustrated hardback catalogue to the exhibition Viktor Wynd’s UnNatural History Museum within The National Maritime Museum, Cornwall running until December 2022 Introduced by The Museum’s Director Richard Doughty With Essays by art historian Adrain Dannatt, artist Mark Dion, Historian of Museums Arthur MacGregor & Richard Pell – Director of The Center for Postnatural History Viktor Wynd’s UnNatural History Museum Myth, Magick, Legends, Love & Freaks, Welcome to the inside of artist Viktor Wynd’s mind, a place peopled by Unicorns, Fairies, Giants, Mermaids, myths, legends and dreams. A voyage to the monsters that live in the depths of his subconscious, from a two headed kitten and a two headed teddy bear to a selkie’s foot, a babie’s caul and a magical jar of moles. Viktor Wynd is a ‘pataphysical artist who uses museum objects in the way that other artists use tubes of paint, a writer who presents his novel on hand written museum labels. Founder and proprietor, since 2009, of London’s infamous & eponymous Museum of Curiosities, Fine Art & UnNatural History he invites you to come in. enjoy and exit through The Egress
Pajama Press I Love My City
The Big Book of Civil Engineering for Curious Kids 56 pages packed with information about How cities developed around the world The people who make cities their home Architecture and culture How urban planners organize a city and its services The role of City Hall Systems for water, waste, and energy And innovations for an eco-friendly urban future In the spirit of David Macaulay’s The Way Things Work, I Love My City is a treasure trove of information for middle-grade readers who want to know the how and why of cities. Why did cities start appearing in the first place, or become what we know today? How do urban planners know where to place fire stations, schools, and parks? What’s a water tower, and how does it fill the pipes of thousands of people? How about roads and highways, communications and energy, water treatment and waste? The answers to these questions and more can be found in this richly illustrated, global guide to everything urban. Today, 55% of the global population is urban, and that number is only growing. In I Love My City, readers explore the history, geography, demography, technology, infrastructure, and government of cities, with fascinating facts about specific urban centres around the world. A particular focus on ecology, green energy, and environmental planning moves readers forward to consider what sustainable development might look like in the future as well. This nonfiction STEM title, ideal for civics and social studies units, includes a table of contents, a glossary, and a list of resources for further research. Written by children’s author France Desmarais and municipal administrator Richard Adam, with lively full-color illustrations from Yves Dumont, I Love My City is a captivating resource for the library, classroom, or home.
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Discourse on Method
Centre for Strategic & International Studies,U.S. U.S. Development Policy in an Aging World: New Challenges and New Priorities for a New Demographic Era
The demographic transformation sweeping the emerging world has profound implications for U.S. development policy. The challenge is no longer helping countries overcome the obstacles to development posed by high birthrates and rapid population growth, but leveraging the opportunities created by falling birthrates and slowing population growth. This report discusses how developing countries can best leverage their “demographic dividends” in order to boost income and wealth while they are still young and growing, as well as how they can prepare for the inevitable aging of their populations that looms just over the horizon. It also explores what the emerging new demographic realities imply for the optimal shape of U.S. development policy in decades to come.
Harvard Business Review Press The Power of Positive Deviance: How Unlikely Innovators Solve the World's Toughest Problems
Think of the toughest problems in your organization or community. What if they'd already been solved and you didn't even know it? In The Power of Positive Deviance, the authors present a counterintuitive new approach to problem-solving. Their advice? Leverage positive deviants--the few individuals in a group who find unique ways to look at, and overcome, seemingly insoluble difficulties. By seeing solutions where others don't, positive deviants spread and sustain needed change. With vivid, firsthand stories of how positive deviance has alleviated some of the world's toughest problems (malnutrition in Vietnam, staph infections in hospitals), the authors illuminate its core practices, including: * Mobilizing communities to discover "invisible" solutions in their midst * Using innovative designs to "act" your way into a new way of thinking instead of thinking your way into a new way of acting * Confounding the organizational "immune response" seeking to sustain the status quo Inspiring and insightful, The Power of Positive Deviance unveils a potent new way to tackle the thorniest challenges in your own company and community.
Cengage Learning, Inc The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History
Featuring a beautiful new design, THE EARTH AND ITS PEOPLES, 7th Edition, presents world history in a balanced, global framework, shifting the focus away from political centers of power and toward the living conditions and activities of ordinary people. This truly global world history book employs a fundamental theme -- the interaction of human beings and the environment -- to compare different times, places, and societies. Special emphasis is given to technology (in its broadest sense) and how technological development underlies all human activity.
Cengage Learning, Inc Communication Between Cultures
Emphasizing the roles that family, religion, and history play in intercultural communication, COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CULTURES, 9E helps you increase your understanding and appreciation of different cultures while developing practical skills for improving your communication with people from other cultures. Bringing chapter concepts to life, the text is packed with the latest research and compelling examples that help you take a look at your own assumptions, perceptions, and cultural biases so you can see the subtle and profound ways culture affects communication. The ninth edition also includes insightful discussions of the impact of globalization, a new chapter on intercultural communication competence, and extensive coverage of new technology.
McGraw-Hill Education Greenberger's CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Endoscopy, Fourth Edition
From a Harvard Medical School dream team—the most important insights on managing digestive and hepatic diseases in the palm of your handPresented in a streamlined, templated style that makes learning and retaining key information effortless, CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Endoscopy, Fourth Edition offers authoritative insights for accurately diagnosing and effectively treating digestive tract and liver disorders.This peerless guide delivers authoritative coverage of the entire spectrum of gastroenterology and hepatology conditions, from stomach and esophageal to pancreatic and liver disorders, with very chapter outlining the essentials of diagnosis for each condition. Logically organized, the book begins with a section on general concerns, such as acute abdominal pain, and progresses to specific disease categories. High-yield overview of an effective treatment approach for chronic hepatitis C provides key perspectives on improving patient outcomes.Features 90+ full-color endoscopic and radiographic images enhance clinical decision-making and clarify imaging techniques Essentials of Diagnosis provide at-a-glance review of both common and rare digestive disorder Updated references to recently-published clinically relevant articles Includes continued coverage of the revised national guidelines
McGraw-Hill Education Macroeconomics
A Complete View of MacroeconomicsDornbusch, Fischer, and Startz’s Macroeconomics relies on straightforward explanations by emphasizing concepts over technique, and fitting difficult material into a larger framework so students can see its relevance in the world. The authors explore state-of-the art research, while allowing for flexibility in how much to emphasize these topics. A balanced approach explains both the potential and limitations of economic policy. Hallmark features and key changes in the 13th edition include:• Background and analysis on The Great Recession of 2007-2009 and its aftermath.• Updates on unemployment and the Federal Reserve, including more detailed dives into each topic with current data, definitions, and context.• History Speaks and What More Do We Know? boxes callout relevant data and information that further enhance the concepts covered within each chapter.• Macroeconomics employs a model-based approach to macroeconomic analysis and demonstrates how various models relate to the goal of giving students the capacity to analyze current economic issues in the context of an economic frame of reference.• A focus on international perspectives helps students understand the important links connecting foreign economies to their own.
Kahn & Averill Memoirs of an Accompanist
During a career spanning more than 50 years, pianist Helmut Deutsch has accompanied over 100 singers, including Ian Bostridge, Grace Bumbry, Diana Damrau, Brigitte Fassbaender, Jonas Kaufmann, Angelika Kirchschlager, Camilla Nylund, Christoph Pregardien, Mauro Peter, Hermann Prey, Thomas Quasthoff, Yumiko Samejima, Peter Schreier, Irmgard Seefried and Anne Sofie von Otter. Translated from the German by Richard Stokes, professor of lieder at the Royal Academy of Music, this memoir describes, with humour, honesty and intelligence, Helmut Deutsch's journey from unknown repetiteur to one of the most refined and sought-after accompanists of the modern era, respected by the leading singers of our time, who make music with him and revere him as a great artist and strong musical partner. In this engaging and entertaining account, Deutsch offers fascinating insights into pianistic technique, repertoire, performance, interpersonal relationships, and the special qualities required for his profession: empathy, flexibility, sensitivity, patience and the ability to stand back in the service of others. Deutsch is a captivating narrator, frank and entertaining. From out of tune pianos to jealous singers, his memoir teems with anecdotes and reflections on his multi-faceted life as a musician, offering readers a glimpse of unforgettable moments on and off stage without a trace of vanity.
Fiscal Publications Taxation: Incorporating the 2006 Finance Act
This book is aimed at students studying for both University degree programmes incorporating courses in UK taxation and also students studying tax courses for professional qualifications in accounting, banking, management and taxation. Past exam questions, with solutions, are provided in the text from the ACCA, CIMA and CIOT examinations. This edition has been updated for all those provisions of the 2006 Finance Act that relate to the tax year 2006/07. In particular, it incorporates all the personal tax rates, allowances and reliefs, together with changes for self employed businesses, employment tax rule changes, new pension scheme arrangements and VAT changes. It also includes the impacts of the removal of the corporation tax starting rate.
Tangent Books Let's Have Coffee: The Tao of Ian Holloway
McGill-Queen's University Press The Tower under Siege: Technology, Power, and Education
In The Tower under Siege Brian Lewis, Christine Massey, and Richard Smith explore these important themes and issues from the varying perspectives of students, teachers, policy makers, and administrators. They describe the opportunities, changes, and policies developing in Canadian universities and governments in response to the education revolution. While most studies of the education revolution tend to be highly polemical, The Tower under Siege occupies a middle space, identifying issues and policy processes used to manage change and create more opportunities for education. The Tower under Siege will be of great interest to anyone concerned with, excited about, or worried by the expanding role of technology in higher education: teachers, researchers, students, parents, policy makers, and administrators.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd From Thread and Wire: 60 Jewelry Projects Using Knitting and Crocheting
Every one of these 60 astoundingly beautiful jewelry projects, ranging from bracelets to necklaces, uses a surprising technique: crocheting or knitting! The projects include small gifts which can be made in no time, as well as delicate "webs" which require more patience and time. Using varied materials, including stone, pearls, wood, sheet silver, plastic, and more, these step-by-step instructions showcase the variety that's possible in your jewelry making. First the tools, materials, and techniques are introduced, including the basic crocheting and knitting stitches. Next are step-by-step instructions for projects made from thread and other non-metallic strands. Then, move on to creating pieces from pure lacquered copper wire. For those who prefer more expensive jewelry, projects made from solid silver wire wrap up the book. Whether made of thread or silver, these projects require only a limited amount of equipment, all very affordable. Each project is coded as to difficulty level.
Basic Books Exercises for the Feynman Lectures on Physics
Combined into one volume for the first time, the updated and clarified Exercises for the Feynman Lectures on Physics provides comprehensive, hands-on practice in all the most important areas of physics,from Newtonian mechanics through the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.A perfect complement to The Feynman Lectures on Physics , these exercises have all been assigned in Caltech's mandatory two-year introductory physics course, either when Richard Feynman was teaching it, or during the nearly two decades that followed when The Feynman Lectures on Physics was used as the textbook. With this modern, easy-to-use volume, students of physics will have a chance to apply what they have learned in the Lectures and to enhance and reinforce the concepts taught by the inimitable Richard Feynman.
Gregory R Miller & Company Frank Stella's Stars: A Survey
Stars as minimalist and maximalist motif in the art of Frank Stella, from his earliest paintings to his most recent sculptures As a painter, sculptor and printmaker, Frank Stella (born 1936) has always paid great attention to geometric lines and patterns in his work, creating pieces that are arrestingly kaleidoscopic in both their form and content with bold lines and shaped canvases. This catalog, published for his 2020 exhibition at the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Ridgefield, Connecticut, focuses in particular on the enduring use of star shapes in Stella’s oeuvre. Stella’s depictions of stars range from the minimalism of his early career, with lithograph prints of brightly colored polygonal patterns, to the maximalism of his more recent work seen in his towering angular sculptures made from stainless steel. Although he is well aware that his last name is the Latin word for star, Stella maintains that his fixation on the shape is inspired by its form and the endless possibilities that accompany the star, rather than its etymology. Both instantly recognizable and infinitely abstract, stars seem like an obvious choice for an artist who has dedicated his life to experimenting with form. In addition to a plates section of the 60 pieces included in the Aldrich show, this book presents installation shots throughout the museum’s interiors and outdoor gardens, and photographs of the artist’s studio. The curators of the exhibition, Richard Klein and Amy Smith-Stewart, worked closely with Stella on the exhibition installation and contribute major essays that add new dimensions to our understanding of a widely celebrated and influential artist.
Everyman Chess The Pirc and Modern: Dazzle Your Opponents!
Prominent opening specialists take a revolutionary look at the Pirc and Modern Defences and select a wealth of 'dangerous' options for both White and Black.
Everyman Oblomov
Goncharov's gentle satire on the failings of 19th-century Russian gentry and bureaucracy turns into something deeper and richer than satire, as he probes the character of a protagonist whose constitutional lethargy becomes a symbol for the malaise of the human spirit in an alienating world.
Orion Publishing Co The Art of Drinking Sober: 50 Decadently Dry Cocktails For All Occasions
Discover your new favourite tipple with this beautifully illustrated collection of 50 no-alcohol cocktails. Easy to make and delicious to drink, these cocktails are perfect for anyone looking to cut back on alcohol not enjoyment. From sweet and fruity flavours to spiced and smokey, bitter and aromatic to perfectly sour, there's something for everyone. Experience the excitement of no-alcohol drinks with recipes including: · CITRUS COSMO· NEW NEW YORK SOUR· DARK & STORMY SODA· SHERBET MARGARITA· ESPRESSO FAUX-TINIWhether you're a no-drinker, Dry January dabbler, mum-to-be or simply curious; this book will revolutionise the way you drink.
Flame Tree Publishing George Orwell Visions of Dystopia
Orwell is most well-known for his two famous novels Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm, but their dystopian vision was informed by observations of poverty in England (Down and Out in Paris' and London and Road to Wigan Pier), and disillusion with political and national events of the 1930s and 1940s. Homage to Catalonia chronicled his experience of the Spanish Civil War and formulated his revulsion against totalitarianism, highlighted in his subsequent novels. This new collection (edited and with a new introduction by Professor Richard Bradford, and a foreword by Whitbread Prize winner D.J. Taylor) brings together Orwell's two celebrated novels and some of his seminal nonfiction (extensive extracts from Down and Out in Paris and London and The Road to Wigan Pier, and the whole of Homage to Catalonia), along with some brief extracts of pertinent work by Jack London, who also explored totalitarianism in The Iron Heel (fiction), and the Russian dissident Yevgeny Zamyatin whose own work We (1921) offers a strong warning about a dystopian police state. A new addition to the Flame Tree deluxe Gothic Fantasy series on classic and modern writers, exploring origins and cultural themes in myth, fable and speculative fiction. The Flame Tree Gothic Fantasy, Classic Stories and Epic Tales collections bring together the entire range of myth, folklore and modern short fiction. Highlighting the roots of suspense, supernatural, science fiction and mystery stories, the books in Flame Tree Collections series are beautifully presented, perfect as a gift and offer a lifetime of reading pleasure.
Cicerone Press The South Downs Way: Winchester to Eastbourne, described in both directions
A guidebook to walking the 158km (100 mile) South Downs Way National Trail. The route crosses the South Downs National Park to link Eastbourne with Winchester and is an ideal option for those new to long-distance walking; it is also suitable for riders.The route is described in both directions – east to west and west to east – in 12 stages of between 6 and 19km (4–12 miles), with both footpath and bridleway options for the most easterly stage. Contains step-by-step description of the route alongside 1:50,000 OS maps Includes a separate map booklet containing OS 1:25,000 mapping with the route line Handy trek planner, route summary table and selected accommodation listings help you plan your itinerary Refreshment and accommodation information given for each route stage GPX files available to download