Search results for ""author erik"
Thorndike Press The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Pentatonic Improvisation Modern Pentatonic Ideas for Guitarists of All Styles Book CD Modern Pentatonic Ideas for Guitarists of All Styles Book Online Audio
Random House USA Inc The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America
Diversified Publishing The Splendid and the Vile: A Saga of Churchill, Family, and Defiance During the Blitz
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Mental Floss History of the World: An Irreverent Romp Through Civili
Merve Verlag GmbH Psychoproustduche
Bombini Verlags GmbH FPGA für alle
Saphir im Stahl Dietrich von Bern Mrchen Sagen und Legenden
Husum Druck Kleines PotsdamABC
Polyglott Verlag Tausche Alltag gegen Alpaka
Wagenbach Klaus GmbH Automobil und Architektur
MITP Verlags GmbH Arduino für Kids
Picus Verlag GmbH Lesereise England Von Kste zu Kste
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH À plus Nouvelle édition Bayern Band 4
Springer International Publishing AG Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems, DDDAS 2022, which took place in Cambridge, MA, USA, during October 610, 2022. The 31 regular papers in the main track and 5 regular papers from the Wildfires panel, as well as one workshop paper, were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. They were organized in following topical sections:DDAS2022 Main-Track Plenary Presentations; Keynotes;DDDAS2022 Main-Track: Wildfires Panel;Workshop on Climate, Life, Earth, Planets.
Simon & Schuster The World Behind the World
From a Forbes 30 Under 30 scientist comes a fascinating exploration into how the brain creates our conscious experiences—potentially revolutionizing neuroscience and the future of technology—transforming the very fabric of our society.Throughout history, two perspectives on the world have dueled in our minds: the extrinsic—that of mechanism and physics—and the intrinsic—that of feelings, thoughts, and ideas. The intrinsic perspective allows us to tell stories about our lives, to chart our anger and our lust, to understand our psychologies. The extrinsic allows us to chart the physical world, to build upon it, and to travel across it. These perspectives have never been reconciled; they almost seem to exist on different planes of thought. Only recently, due to the pioneering work of DNA-discoverer Francis Crick, have these two perspectives been conjoined. This attempt to reconcile these perspectives is the science of consciousne
O'Reilly Media eXist
Get a head start with eXist, the open source NoSQL database and application development platform built entirely around XML technologies. With this hands-on guide, you'll learn eXist from the ground up, from using this feature-rich database to work with millions of documents to building complex web applications that take advantage of eXist's many extensions. If you're familiar with XML - as a student, professor, publisher, or developer - you'll find that eXist is ideal for all kinds of documents. This book shows you how to store, query, and search documents with XQuery and other XML technologies, and how to construct applications on top of the database with tools such as eXide and eXist's built-in development environment. Manage both data-oriented and text-oriented markup documents securely Build a sample application that analyzes and searches Shakespeare's plays Go inside the architecture and learn how eXist processes documents Learn how to work with eXist's internal development environment Choose among various indexes, including a full-text index based on Apache Lucene Dive into eXist's APIs for integrating or interacting with the database Extend eXist by building your own Triggers, Scheduled Tasks, and XQuery extension modules
SPCK - Monarch Restored Lives Course Workbook Recovery form Divorce and Separation Recovery from divorce and separation
Phaidon Press Ltd ¡Que Desastre!: Cómo Convertir Errores Épicos En Éxitos Creativos (Failed It!) (Spanish Edition)
Dover Publications Inc. Sugar Skull Tattoos Coloring Book
Random House USA Inc In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin
Image Comics Savage Dragon: Into the Hornet's Nest
Paul Dragon joins forces with Malcolm Dragon to take down the Vicious Circle once and for all! Featuring Canada’s premiere super-team: North Force! The terror of Torment! The menace of Mako! And the story of Paul! This one has it all! It’s comics’ wildest ride! Comes with our highest possible recommendation. Collects SAVAGE DRAGON #259-264
Falcon Guides Best Easy Day Hiking Guide and Trail Map Bundle
ATF Press Dominican Engagement with the World
bluechrome Publishing Doctor Mooze
The New Press Rap On Trial
Slanted Publishers UG American Bauhaus
Gambit Publications Ltd Chess Logic in Practice
Thames & Hudson Ltd The Magic of M.C.Escher
As beautiful and rigorous as an Escher work itself, this book is the classic study of a great maverick who so memorably linked the world of imagemaking with geometry and paradox. Escher’s works, from the great master prints to numerous drawings, are brilliantly arranged to form a cinematic journey of discovery that reveals the magical world of the artist’s mind, an uncharted realm lush with exotic conceptions and inventions.
Image Comics Savage Dragon: A New Beginning!
A NEW BEGINNING! It's the ultimate jumping on point for new readers and a bold, new beginning as Malcolm Dragon takes over the title role from his famous father, fighting the forces of evil in the Windy City! New dangers! New adventures! New villains! Tantrum! Torment! Red Rage! Samurai! Dart! Assassin! Brawn! Insect! Rogue Warrior! Roughneck! Victorious! War-Cry! The Demonoids! The Ant Menaces! Trolls! Demons! Malcolm's tragic transformation! It's all here and more! A whole new Savage Dragon! Collects Savage Dragon #193-198.
Thames and Hudson Ltd The Tapestry
LUP - University of Michigan Press Normalizing Corruption Failures of Accountability in Ukraine
Advances the idea that reliable tools to hold officials accountable are essential for democratic governance and that one of the key threats to accountability comes from corrupt practices, especially when they are integrated – or normalized – in the day-to-day activities of institutions.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Gesellschaft Und Wirtschaft Im Archaischen Suditalien: Ein Modell Zu Identitat Und Hexis, Ausgehend Von Ripacandida Und Weiteren Binnenlandischen Gemeinschaften
AMRA Verlag Unsichtbare Einflüsse
Coppenrath F Meja Meergrün Leseanfänger Band 2
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Past Crimes: A Van Shaw Novel: An Edgar Award Winner
Amsterdam University Press Documentary Industrial Novels and the Sociology of Work in the Twentieth Century: The United States, the Soviet Union and Western Europe
In several European countries, the United States, and the Soviet Union, remarkable industrial novels based on empirical observations were written between 1900 and 1970. With two successive world wars and the rise of communism and fascism, this was an exceptionally turbulent time in the history of industrial capitalism as Taylorism and Fordism sought to increase production and consumption. This social landscape shaped modernist industrial novels. Key themes in these novels were class conflict, bad working conditions, worker alienation, changing workmen and employee cultures, urbanization, and worker migration. The primary goal was to document and publicize the real developments of working conditions in factories and offices, often aiming to influence both company welfare work and state social policies. This book focuses on the modernist industrial novel as written in five large industrial nations: the United States before WWII, the Stalinist Soviet Union, Weimar Germany, post-WWII Italy, and France.
Ahriman- Verlag GmbH Ketzer Hexen Inquisitoren
Goldmann TB Waldgrab
Haupt Verlag AG Mit Hammer und Nagel
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalization, Economic Development and Inequality: An Alternative Perspective
Evolutionary economics gained acceptance for the study of industrialized countries during the 1990s but has, as yet, contributed little to the study of world income inequality. The expert contributors gathered here approach underdevelopment and inequality from different evolutionary perspectives. It is argued that the Schumpeterian processes of 'creative destruction' may take the form of wealth creation in one part of the globe and wealth destruction in another. Case studies explore and analyse the successful 19th century policies that allowed Germany and the United States to catch up with the UK and these are contrasted with two other case studies exploring the deindustrialization and falling real wages in Peru and Mongolia during the 1990s. The case studies and thematic papers together explore, identify and explain the mechanisms which cause economic inequality. Some papers point to why the present form of globalization increases poverty in many Third World nations. Members of the anti-globalization movement will find the explanations given in this book insightful, as will employees of international organizations due to the important policy messages. The theoretical interest within the book will appeal to development economists and evolutionary economists, and policymakers and politicians will find the explanations of the present failure of many small nations in the periphery invaluable.
Penguin Random House Group Carl Webers Kingpins Queens 2 The Kingdom