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DK English for Everyone: Nivel 3: Intermedio, Libro de Ejercicios: Curso completo de autoaprendizaje
¿Estás estudiando inglés como segunda lengua?Todo lo que necesitas para aprender inglés está incluido en English for Everyone: gramática inglesa, vocabulario y ejercicios. En el Libro de ejercicios del Nivel 3 Intermedio encontrarás más de 700 ejercicios que te ayudarán a desarrollar tu nivel de inglés en todas las áreas: oral, escrito, vocabulario, gramática y comprensión lingüística.Los ejercicios incluyen fórmulas para encontrar errores, responder a preguntas para determinar la comprensión de un texto, completar los huecos, actividades para ordenar palabras y ejercicios de audio.Ideal para todas aquellas personas que quieren aprender el inglés por su cuenta, así como para estudiantes que preparan los exámenes oficiales TOEFL, MECR, IELTS y TOEIC.Este libro de ejercicios para aprender inglés es el complemento ideal para poner en práctica lo aprendido con el Libro de estudio Nivel 3 intermedio. Descripción general del cursoDK presenta English for Everyone, un innovador curso de autoestudio de lengua inglesa desarrollado por los mejores profesionales de enseñanza del inglés para dar respuesta a la demanda del mercado con un sistema visual, sencillo y fácil de utilizar. El curso de inglés cuenta con cuatro niveles divididos en cuatro libros de estudio con sus correspondientes libros de ejercicios que se complementan, además, con un amplio abanico de audios gratuitos.El curso English for Everyone cuenta con audios gratuitos que, además, puedes encontrar en y en la app gratuita para smartphones disponible para Android e iOS.English descriptionAre you learning English as a second language?With more than 700 exercises that use graphics and visuals to develop English skills in speaking and pronunciation, reading, writing, vocabulary, and grammar, English for Everyone: Level 3: Intermediate, Practice Book makes learning English easier.Exercises may include finding the errors in sample text messages, reading comprehension questions, fill-in-the-blanks, word order games, and listening questions.English for Everyone: Level 3: Intermediate, Practice Book covers the skills and topics needed for the major global English-language exams, including TOEFL, and uses the same testing methods so you can practice your skills and measure your success.Use this practice book with English for Everyone: Level 3: Intermediate, Course Book so you can work with the books together.English for Everyone series teaches all levels of English, from beginner to advanced, to speakers of English as a second language. Innovative visual learning methods introduce key language skills, grammar, and vocabulary, which are reinforced with a variety of speaking, reading, and writing exercises to make the English language easier to understand and learn.
DK English for Everyone: Nivel 2: Inicial, Libro de Estudio: Curso completo de autoaprendizaje
¿Estás empezando a estudiar inglés como segunda lengua?Todo lo que necesitas para aprender inglés está incluido en English for Everyone: gramática inglesa, vocabulario y ejercicios. En el Libro de estudio del Nivel inicial 2 adquirirás el inglés necesario para que puedas comunicarte y comprender situaciones que ocurren en el presente, el pasado o el futuro, hacer comparaciones y dar sugerencias.En el Libro de estudio del Nivel Inicial 2 encontrarás vocabulario y expresiones de temas comunes como el tiempo libre, la moda, el tiempo atmosférico, y mucho más. También aprenderás a hablar sobre rutinas de la vida cotidiana, contar una historia en inglés, así como a hablar sobre acontecimientos de tu vida. Este libro, además recoge el uso del presente, el pasado y el uso del futuro. Todo ello con el apoyo de gráficos e imágenes, que facilitan el aprendizaje y la retención de los conceptos fundamentales. Es la opción perfecta para quien ya tiene un conocimiento del inglés básico y quiere afianzar y ampliar el uso de la lengua con palabras y situaciones comunes, así como para estudiantes de todos los niveles que preparan los exámenes oficiales TOEFL, MECR, IELTS y TOEIC.English for Everyone es un curso completo de autoaprendizaje que utiliza un innovador método visual para que aprendas inglés de manera intuitiva:- Cada unidad se divide en módulos independientes para que puedas estudiar en el tiempo que tengas disponible.- Cada unidad utiliza vocabulario nuevo que se continúa utilizando a lo largo del curso de manera sistemática para ayudarte a recordarlo.- Más de 30 horas de audio gratuito están integrados en cada unidad para que escuches inglés hablado desde el principio.Descripción general del cursoDK presenta English for Everyone, un innovador curso de autoestudio de lengua inglesa desarrollado por los mejores profesionales de enseñanza del inglés para dar respuesta a la demanda del mercado con un sistema visual, sencillo y fácil de utilizar. El curso de inglés cuenta con cuatro niveles divididos en cuatro libros de estudio con sus correspondientes libros de ejercicios que se complementan, además, con un amplio abanico de audios gratuitos.El curso completo, que ayuda en la preparación de los exámenes oficiales TOEFL, MECR, IELTS y TOEIC, está diseñado para cubrir todas las necesidades de aprendizaje gracias a contenidos muy estructurados y atractivos con gráficos e ilustraciones que facilitarán la comprensión de las unidades didácticas.El curso English for Everyone cuenta con audios gratuitos que, además, puedes encontrar en y en la app gratuita para smartphones disponible para Android e iOS.English descriptionAre you a beginner learning English as a second language?Everything you need is included in this all-in-one grammar book, vocabulary builder, and exercise course. Learn how to engage in everyday topics such as clothing, the weather, making plans, and more. English for Everyone: Level 2: Beginner, Course Book also covers how to talk about the past, present, and future and is the perfect choice for people with some basic knowledge of English to expand their skills over a wider range of everyday words and situations.English for Everyone: Level 2: Beginner, Course Book covers the language skills, vocabulary, and grammar needed for the major global English-language exams, including TOEFL. All learning is practiced across speaking, listening, reading, and writing exercises, offering rounded preparation for work, travel, study, and exams. Download the free app and practice online with free listening exercises at for Everyone series teaches all levels of English, from beginner to advanced, to speakers of English as a second language. Innovative visual learning methods introduce key language skills, grammar, and vocabulary, which are reinforced with a variety of speaking, reading, and writing exercises to make the English language easier to understand and learn. Visit to find out more.
DK Really Feely Trucks
Explore kids' favorite vehicles with this adorable new book that has lots to touch and simple text on every page that make reading time even more fun.In Really Feely Trucks, every spread contains tactile elements—from the sticky mud on the loader to the bumpy tires on the monster truck, to the rough grill on the concrete mixer. The front cover even contains textured elements to kick off the fun sensory experience from the start, and the small, sturdy format is perfect for little hands to hold, encouraging motor skills and early book skills.Series Overview: Really Feely books are perfect for babies and toddlers, ages 0–2. These little books, created for small hands to hold, are filled with bold real-world photography covered in embossed textures, fluffy patches, bumpy patterns, and tactile glitter. The Really Feely series encourages sensory development, language skills, and early reading skills, while also teaching favorite preschool subjects.
DK Filosofía para mentes inquietas (Heads Up Philosophy)
Los asuntos y teorías que más han intrigado e interesado a las curiosas mentes de los jóvenes en un solo libro: el sentido de la vida, el bien y el mal, la naturaleza de la realidad o la procedencia del conocimiento. Este libro, diseñado especialmente para ellos, repasa y explica las principales teorías filosóficas y los autores más importantes a través de atractivos gráficos e infografías.¿Podemos saber realmente lo que está pensando otra persona? ¿Por qué está mal mentir o robar? La filosofía está llena de grandes cuestiones que afectan a todas las facetas de nuestra vida, desde las amistades que hacemos al modo en que hablamos. Filosofía para mentes inquietas presenta a los pensadores más notables y expone las fascinantes ideas que han moldeado la filosofía a lo largo de la historia. Si alguna vez te has parado a pensar en los grandes misterios de la vida, este libro es para ti.A perfect introduction for teens to life's big questions that combines clear text with cool graphic illustrations to explain big philosophical ideas and how they relate to everyday life in an understandable way.The second installment in DK's new Heads Up series, Heads Up Philosophy addresses the issues and theories that are most intriguing and relevant to the curious minds of teens. Questions such as "What is knowledge?," "What is reality?," "What is the mind?," and "What's right and wrong?" are all addressed. For further understanding, great philosophers such as Socrates, Aristotle, and Thomas Aquinas are profiled, and major theories such as epistemology and metaphysics are explained.With its visual approach, Heads Up Philosophy is designed to provoke, entertain, and stimulate young minds. If you've ever wondered about the big philosophical questions, this is the book for you.
DK How to Play Chess
Learn chess the fun way and add firepower to your chess strategies with this beginner’s guide to the world's most popular game of skill. From the opening move to checkmate, How to Play Chess is an easy-to-follow guide to achieve grandmaster greatness. Perfect for children aged 8–13, this companion explains chess tactics and strategies in simple language supported by amazing 3-D images. Starting with basic terms and techniques, this book will make you a chess champion and teach you master tips to impress your opponents. The book begins with a short history of chess and also explains the basic rules and objectives of the game. It contains descriptions of popular moves and the reference section illustrates the moves of one of the most famous chess games – the Opera Game played by the Duke of Brunswick in 1858. Grab a copy of How to Play Chess and learn to solve the toughest of chess challenges.
DK 100 Women Who Made History: Remarkable Women Who Shaped Our World
If you thought that it was a man's world, think again! 100 Women Who Made History is the exciting story of the women who changed the world.Get ready to meet some of history’s wonder women. From super scientists like Marie Curie and Rosalind Franklin to clued-up creatives like Emily Dickinson and J.K Rowling. Celebrate centuries of brave and brilliant women with this visual educational book. Meet the most talented and famous women in history. Figures who changed politics, science, business, and the arts, to those who were exciting entrepreneurs and clever creatives.Discover the landmark moments in the lives of amazing historical women. Learn about leading ladies like Joan of Arc and Eleanor Roosevelt, and modern game-changers such as Maya Angelou, Angela Merkel, Serena Williams, and Malala Yousafzai.A rich history book for kids that explores the lives of each woman in detail with beautiful photography and quirky “bobblehead” illustrations that present history on an engaging and fun way.Meet The Wonder Women Who Helped Shape The WorldTake a tour of the past and uncover the stories of the women and girls who have shaped the modern world. Find out what made Catherine so Great, why millions have read Anne Frank’s diary, and how Harriet Tubman led hundreds to freedom.Kids can easily put each woman’s story into context with "what came before…" and "what came after…" panels showing the things that influenced and were influenced by each woman. Special features highlight contemporaneous women and women in similar fields to paint a more complete picture for young readers.100 Women Who Made History is a wonderfully inspirational history book for girls and boys ages 9 and up. This history book is a great learning tool for all children that broaches themes like human rights and gender equality from an age-appropriate angle.Learn about the different remarkable women in the past:- Clued-up creatives- Super scientists- Learning ladies- Intrepid entrepreneurs- Amazing achievers100 Women Who Made History is part of the 100 Who Made History book series. Explore the most important people in history and how they contributed to significant attributes of the past that have helped to shape the past into our present.
DK Baby Touch and Feel: Kittens
An interactive touch and feel book for babies full of delightful, adorable, baby kittens. Tactile elements and delightful imagery will encourage the development of motor skills and early learning.Baby Touch and Feel: Kittens is an interactive and fun way to help your child learn not only words but shapes and textures too. Bold, bright pictures and colorful illustrations will be more than enough to keep your baby’s attention. This adorable picture book is a perfect first book for preschoolers and makes for an ideal baby gift.Not too big and not too small, this sturdy, padded sensory book is just the right size for little hands to hold. No need for Mom and Dad to turn the pages! Babies and toddlers can turn the tough board book pages themselves, which helps to develop their fine motor skills while building an early language foundation.This charming board book for babies includes: • An amazing range of different textures to explore • Clearly labeled pictures and a simple, easy to follow design • Easy to read text to encourage early vocabulary building • A texture or eye-catching area on every page • Rounded edges and chunky pages, protecting babies and their growing teeth Learning to read should always be this fun. Kids will get hours of play from this sturdy board book for babies and toddlers, from making the noises and reading the names to feeling the different textures. Packed full of shiny objects and some bumps and grooves, this educational book will engage small children and stimulate early childhood development in different ways. This touchy feely book, with its strong, baby-safe jacket, makes for an ideal baby gift.Complete the SeriesThis delightful book is part of the Baby Touch and Feel range of board books for babies and toddlers from DK Books and includes titles like Baby Touch and Feel Animals, Baby Touch and Feel Bedtime, Baby Touch and Feel Colors and Shapes, and more for your little one to enjoy!
DK Follow the Trail: Trucks
Tiny readers can trace bumpy, shiny, glittery trails in this board book perfect for little hands with its activities that teach them about shapes, matching, and sorting, and help develop hand-eye coordination and pre-writing motor skills.As they follow the trails, whether straight, wavy, or loopy, toddlers can trace the path of an unloading dump truck or help firefighters rescue a kitten from a tree. Peepholes on each spread show which truck will show up next, and a mix-and-match game at the end of the book with four glittery trails puts all the learned skills together, prompting toddlers to match each truck to its correct destination.Follow the Trail: Trucks is perfect for hands-on learning and sensory play, and teaches preschoolers fine motor skills as they chug along and explore the exciting world of trucks.Series Overview: Preschoolers will love using their fingers to follow the bumpy, glittery, shiny trails in DK's Follow the Trail series. With six double-page spreads full of exciting photographs, each board book in the series is perfect for sensory play and building fine motor skills.
DK English for Everyone: Level 4: Advanced, Course Book: A Complete Self-Study Program
Our Course Book (Level 4) is a great reference guide to introduce English at an advanced stage including key language skills, grammar, and vocabulary. Build your confidence and fluency of conversational English.Ideal for English test preparations or ESL lesson plans, the Course Book uses visual teaching methods to introduce the English language, reinforced through a variety of exercises and examples when used alongside our Practice Book (Level 4). Challenge your English experience in Level 4 with topical content covering family life, careers and business, news and media, and even laws, rules, and regulations. Improve your vocabulary and understanding of grammar rules, to an advanced level in this comprehensive guide to learning English. Whether you are looking for ESL teaching materials, or a structured program for adults to learn English as a second language, the English for Everyone Course Books provide: - Sample language examples: New language topics are introduced in context using clear, illustrated, and color-coded explanations - Supporting audio: Extensive English-speaking audio materials integrated into every unit, giving vital oral and listening practice. (All supplementary audio is available on the DK English for Everyone website and IOS/Android App).- Sentence formation guides: Visual break downs of English grammar, showing learners how to recreate even complex English sentences- Visual English vocabulary cues: Lists of useful English words and common phrases with visual aids are available throughout the book- Personalized learning: Write-on lines encourage ESL learners to write their own prompts and translations where needed to help customize English language learning The English for Everyone Level 4 resources cover the advanced skills and topics required for all major global English-language exams and reference frameworks including: - CEFR: upper B2 – C1- TOEFL (test paper): 520-580 - TOEFL (computer-based test): 200-240- TOEFL (online test): 70-95- IELTS: 5.5-7 - TOEIC: 850-900English for Everyone is a series of guides and practice books that supports English learning for adults from a beginner level, to intermediate, and advanced practical English. Offering an easy-to-follow format that offers guidance for both teaching English as a second or foreign language, and a self-study approach with resources available to improve English speaking, reading, and writing.
DK Ultimate Sticker Collection: American Girl
Featuring fascinating facts and more than 1,000 full-color stickers, this sticker book offers young fans of the beloved American Girl® toy line a new way to enjoy their favorite characters.Ultimate Sticker Collection: American Girl lets fans learn all about the timeless BeForever™ characters and their incredible lives, from Kaya, a daring Nez Perce Indian girl living in the Northwest in 1764, to Julie, a free-spirited girl living in San Francisco in the mid-1970s. Find out all about the special Girls of the Year and their fun friends, cool accessories, and adorable animals. Explore American Girl's Truly Me™ collection, where you can express yourself by choosing a combination of features to create the perfect doll for you.Jump right into the world of American Girl and enjoy hours of sticker fun!DK's Ultimate Sticker Collection: American Girl lets readers relive the excitement of American Girl. They can learn new facts about their favorite dolls while placing the themed stickers on colorful backgrounds. To add to the fun, kids can use the extra stickers on lockers, binders, or just about anywhere!© 2016 American Girl. All rights reserved. American Girl and associated trademarks are owned by and used under license from American Girl.
DK Tabbed Board Books: My First Zoo: Let's Meet the Animals!
Meet all the exciting zoo animals in Tabbed Board Books: My First Zoo. Filled with stunning photographs and clear labels, Tabbed Board Books: My First Zoo helps children develop first language skills by introducing them to zoo animals. This book features 13 picture tabs that lead to 26 pages of zoo images with clear labels, and the design works perfectly with children's stage of educational development. Using word games and picture tabs, Tabbed Board Books: My First Zoo helps children learn new words and discover the world around them.
DK English for Everyone: Level 3: Intermediate, Practice Book: A Complete Self-Study Program
Our Practice Book (Level 3) offers great exercises and examples to introduce English at an intermediate stage including key language skills, grammar, and vocabulary. English for Everyone uses visual teaching methods to introduce practical English usage, reinforced through a variety of exercises and examples in our Practice Book (Level 3). The Level 3 Practice Book helps you to expand your English conversational topics by increasing the detail around your interests, life stories, and achievements, as well as being able to give instructions, advice, or solutions to problems. Improve your vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation to an intermediate level with comprehensive guidance. When used alongside our Course Book (Level 3), this workbook is ideal for English test preparations or ESL lesson plans. Whether you are looking for ESL teaching resources, or a structured program for adults to learn English as a second language, the English for Everyone Practice Books provide practice questions and exercises focusing on: - Grammar: Applying new language rules into different contexts with visual breakdowns of English grammar in use - Vocabulary: Cement understanding of key English vocabulary with visual cues to help understand the exercises- Reading: Examine target language topics in real-life English examples to support effective English language learning- Writing: Improve core understanding of English by producing written passages of English text- Listening: Test understanding of spoken English with extensive English-speaking audio materials integrated into every unit (All supplementary audio is available on the DK English for Everyone website and IOS/Android App).- Speaking: ESL learners can practice and compare spoken English with our free online audio resources The English for Everyone Level 3 resources cover the skills and topics required for all major global English-language exams and reference frameworks including: - CEFR: B1 – lower B2- TOEFL (test paper): 340-520 - TOEFL (computer-based test): 60-200- TOEFL (online test): 20-70- IELTS: 3.5-5.5 - TOEIC: 500-850English for Everyone is a series of guides and practice books that supports English learning for adults from a beginner level, to intermediate, and advanced practical English. Offering an easy-to-follow format that offers guidance for both teaching English as a second or foreign language, and a self-study approach with resources available to improve English speaking, reading, and writing.
DK English for Everyone: Level 3: Intermediate, Course Book: A Complete Self-Study Program
Our Course Book (Level 3) is a great reference guide to introduce English at an intermediate stage including key language skills, grammar, and vocabulary. Ideal for English test preparations or ESL lesson plans, the Course Book uses visual teaching methods to introduce the English language, reinforced through a variety of exercises and examples when used alongside our Practice Book (Level 3). Expand your conversational English in Level 3 by increasing the detail around your interests, life stories, and achievements, as well as being able to give instructions, advice, or solutions to problems. Improve your vocabulary and understanding of grammar rules, to an intermediate level in this comprehensive guide to learning English. Whether you are looking for ESL teaching materials, or a structured program for adults to learn English as a second language, the English for Everyone Course Books provide: - Sample language examples: New language topics are introduced in context using clear, illustrated, and color-coded explanations - Supporting audio: Extensive English-speaking audio materials integrated into every unit, giving vital oral and listening practice. (All supplementary audio is available on the DK English for Everyone website and IOS/Android App).- Sentence formation guides: Visual break downs of English grammar, showing learners how to recreate even complex English sentences- Visual English vocabulary cues: Lists of useful English words and common phrases with visual aids are available throughout the book- Personalized learning: Write-on lines encourage ESL learners to write their own prompts and translations where needed to help customize English language learning The English for Everyone Level 3 resources cover the skills and topics required for all major global English-language exams and reference frameworks including: - CEFR: B1 – lower B2- TOEFL (test paper): 340-520 - TOEFL (computer-based test): 60-200- TOEFL (online test): 20-70- IELTS: 3.5-5.5 - TOEIC: 500-850English for Everyone is a series of guides and practice books that supports English learning for adults from a beginner level, to intermediate, and advanced practical English. Offering an easy-to-follow format that offers guidance for both teaching English as a second or foreign language, and a self-study approach with resources available to improve English speaking, reading, and writing.
DK My First ABC
Teach your preschool child the ABC's and encourage learning while reading and having fun together with this book that uses pictures of objects and clear word labels to illustrate each letter of the alphabet from to A-Z.My First: ABC is a board book designed to withstand wear and tear from your toddler and it is specially designed to captivate young readers. With bright, bold, and colorful photographs on white backgrounds, this book creates a foundation for learning.With its simple point-and-say layout, My First: ABC builds confidence through repetition and encourages preschool vocabulary and language skills.About the series: DK's most successful board book series includes fresh photography, contemporary design, and an insightful approach to engaging preschoolers. With charming, bold design, clear labels, and a wide variety of topics, these first learning books encourage children to build the vocabulary and language skills that form the foundation of early education.
DK DK Workbooks: Geography, Second Grade: Learn and Explore
Ideal for ages 7 to 8, this workbook is packed with simple, fun exercises that build a second grader’s confidence in their growing understanding of geography.Your child will discover and understand new topics and curriculum-aligned exercises with every page. Objectives include familiarity with the compass rose and map grids.This second-grade workbook further unpacks geography concepts through fun activities and exercises. Your child will grow their confidence in topics like physical and political maps, and the concept of hemispheres. With the help of leading educational experts, the DK Workbooks: Geography series is the perfect addition to schoolwork. Level-by-level, these homeschooling books offer parents at-home practice work that your kids will enjoy! They even come with gold stars for completed activities and a certificate of accomplishment as a reward for finishing the workbook. There is also a parents' section that contains answers, tips and guidance to provide support.It’s packed with learning materials and activities that explain geography for kids in an easy-to-follow format. Through fact boxes, exercises, puzzles and mazes, your child will build knowledge, develop cognitive thinking, and get ahead of the curve. Our curriculum meets Common Core standards, so your child can build some extra confidence for school.Learn And ExploreWritten for second graders, this workbook includes: • Easy-to-understand explanations of key concepts • Illustrations to support understanding • Exercises and activities that make learning easy and fun Explore our other DK Workbook rangesOnce your child has worked through DK Workbooks: Geography Second Grade, we have Third Grade workbooks ready for them to continue studying. For other subjects they enjoy, look at our DK Workbooks range, which includes DK Workbooks: Science, DK Workbooks: Math and DK Workbooks: Language Arts.
DK DK Workbooks: Science, Kindergarten: Learn and Explore
Help 5- to 6-year-olds get ahead of understanding the science around them with this simple and enjoyable workbook. It’s an excellent aid for homeschooling, or as a guide to teach some extra concepts. Introduce young ones to the intriguing world of science. Your child will discover the facts about hot and cold, our senses of touch and smell, and how to make a shadow puppet! This kindergarten workbook helps ignite children’s science skills. It unpacks basic concepts through fun activities and exercises. Explore exciting topics like motion and light, and the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Discover different types of plants and animals, for a rounded view of all kinds of sciences. With the help of leading educational experts, the DK Workbooks: Science series is the perfect addition to schoolwork. Level by level, these educational books offer parents at-home practice work that your kids will enjoy! They come with gold stars for completed activities, and a certificate of accomplishment as a reward for finishing the workbook. It’s packed with learning materials and activities that explain different types of science in an easy-to-follow format. Through fact boxes, exercises, puzzles and mazes, your child will build knowledge, develop cognitive thinking and get ahead of the curve. Our curriculum meets Common Core standards, so your child can build some extra confidence for school. Learn and Explore Written for kindergarten, this workbook includes: • Easy-to-understand explanations of key concepts • Illustrations to support understanding • Exercises and activities that make learning easy and fun Once your little scientist has worked through the DK Workbooks: Science, we have First Grade and Second Grade workbooks ready for them to continue studying. For other subjects they enjoy look at our DK Workbooks range, which includes DK Workbooks: Spelling, DK Workbooks: Geography and DK Workbooks: Language Arts.
DK ACEP First Aid Manual 5th Edition: The Step-by-Step Guide for Everyone
A possible life-saving reference to keep around the house or in the car, DK's First Aid Manual looks at more than 100 different conditions, from splinters and sprained ankles to strokes and unconsciousness, and shows exactly what to do with step-by-step photographic sequences. Every condition is clearly explained, outlining causes, symptoms, and signs, and action plans. The updated design makes the instructions easier to follow, whether you need information on emergency first aid, first aid for babies and children, or tips on resuscitation. This ACEP First Aid Manual is an invaluable resource to keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy.
DK Baby Touch and Feel: Happy Birthday
An interactive touch and feel book for babies that celebrates their most special day of the year. Tactile elements and delightful imagery will encourage the development of motor skills and early learning.Baby Touch and Feel: First Words is an interactive and fun way to help your child learn not only words but shapes and textures too. Bold, bright pictures and colorful illustrations will be more than enough to keep your baby’s attention. This adorable picture book is a perfect first book for preschoolers and makes for an ideal baby gift.Not too big and not too small, this sturdy, padded sensory book is just the right size for little hands to hold. No need for Mom and Dad to turn the pages! Babies and toddlers can turn the tough board book pages themselves, which helps to develop their fine motor skills while building an early language foundation.This charming board book for babies includes: • An amazing range of different textures to explore • Clearly labeled pictures and a simple, easy to follow design • Easy to read text to encourage early vocabulary building • A texture or eye-catching area on every page • Rounded edges and chunky pages, protecting babies and their growing teeth Learning to read should always be this fun. Kids will get hours of play from this sturdy board book for babies and toddlers, from making the noises and reading the names to feeling the different textures. Packed full of shiny objects and some bumps and grooves, this educational book will engage small children and stimulate early childhood development in different ways. This touchy feely book, with its strong, baby-safe jacket, makes for an ideal baby gift.Complete the SeriesThis delightful book is part of the Baby Touch and Feel range of board books for babies and toddlers from DK Books and includes titles like Baby Touch and Feel Animals, Baby Touch and Feel Bedtime, Baby Touch and Feel Colors and Shapes, and more for your little one to enjoy!
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Ultimate Sticker Activity Collection: Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Life: More Than 1,000 Stickers and Tons of Great Activities
Created in conjunction with the Smithsonian Institution, Ultimate Sticker Activity Collection: Dinosaurs introduces children six and up to the prehistoric world. With thirty-two pages of reusable dinosaur stickers as well as a full range of related exercises — mazes, jigsaws, mix-and-match, spotters, and fill-the-scene — Ultimate Sticker Activity Collection: Dinosaurs will keep children coming back time and again.
DK Big Dump Truck
This cleverly shaped board book featuring 3-D revolving wheels is guaranteed to appeal to little tots with an enthusiasm for transport and moving objects.Big Dump Truck shows you how the trucks are filled up, how they empty their loads, and what they are used to carry. Did you know that some dump trucks can carry a load as heavy as 15 elephants? And don't forget the fun you can have by rolling the book on its wheels! • Includes basic words and information on vehicles • Real action photos • Suitable for children aged 0-5, or for adults who are crazy about cars! Whether your little road-runners love school buses or sporty cars, hogs or 18-wheelers, there's a Wheelie book to take them speeding out of the store! Vroom, vroom, vroooooooooom!Toy SafetyWARNING! Not suitable for children under the age of 36 months due to small parts. Choking hazard.
DK Fire Truck
This fun book in the shape of a fire truck has four wheels so little drivers can race them anywhere. The big, tough wheels actually grip, and the beautiful, full color photographs inside are captioned with vehicle names to make learning fun. Whether your little road-runners love school buses or sporty cars, hogs or 18-wheelers, there's a Wheelie book to take them speeding out of the store! Vroom, vroom, vroooooooooom!
DK Motorcycle
This fun book in the shape of a motorcycle has wheels so little drivers can race them anywhere. The big, tough wheels actually grip, and the beautiful, full color photographs inside are captioned with names to make learning fun. Whether your little road-runners love school buses or sporty cars, hogs or 18-wheelers, there's a Wheelie book to take them speeding out of the store! Vroom, vroom, vroooooooooom!
DK Amazing Giant Dinosaurs
Featuring new colorful artwork and special gatefold pages to show dinosaurs at their biggest and best, Amazing Giant Dinosaurs will delight budding archeologists of all ages. From the tallest plant-eater Brachiosaurus to the sea monster Elasmosaurus and its air-bound flying friend Quetzalcoatlus, this dinosaur book has the largest animals of the Triassic through the Cretaceous periods covered. It also includes remarkable dinosaur records and a comprehensive glossary.
DK Touch and Feel: Puppy
DK's beloved bestselling series gets a fresh new look! With a sparkling new look, these bestselling DK classics are sure to become classics for a whole new generation of young readers. Babies and toddlers will be drawn to the captivating, tactile pages, and will want to touch, feel, and explore every one.
DK Nature Guide: Stars and Planets
Thank your lucky stars for this completely comprehensive guide to our Universe.From asteroids and constellations to galaxies and planets, this star-studded look at space is the perfect package for space cadets and amateur astronomers. Part of DK’s best-selling Nature Guide series, Stars and Planets takes you out of this world to experience the beautiful sights and intricate details of our incredible Solar System. Packed with stunning images and expert information, you’ll enjoy the whole world at your fingertips. You’ll visit each and every planet and fly past the Kuiper Belt on this intrepid, intergalactic adventure.Come back down to Earth to discover all the tools and techniques you need to observe the spectacular night skies. You’ll see all 88 constellations in their sparkling splendour and read the stories behind their amazing shapes and patterns. The monthly sky guide will keep your eyes on the skies all year round. Grab this guide and get started!
DK Baby Touch and Feel: Cuddly Animals
An interactive touch and feel animal book for babies that inspires hands-on learning. Tactile elements and delightful imagery will encourage the development of motor skills and early learning.Baby Touch and Feel: Cuddly Animals is an interactive and fun way to help your child learn not only words but shapes and textures too. Bold, bright pictures and colorful illustrations will be more than enough to keep your baby’s attention. This adorable picture book is a perfect first book for preschoolers and makes for an ideal baby gift.Not too big and not too small, this sturdy, padded sensory book is just the right size for little hands to hold. No need for Mom and Dad to turn the pages! Babies and toddlers can turn the tough board book pages themselves, which helps to develop their fine motor skills while building an early language foundation.This charming board book for babies includes: • An amazing range of different textures to explore • Clearly labeled pictures and a simple, easy to follow design • Easy to read text to encourage early vocabulary building • A texture or eye-catching area on every page • Rounded edges and chunky pages, protecting babies and their growing teeth Learning to read should always be this fun. Kids will get hours of play from this sturdy board book for babies and toddlers, from making the noises and reading the names to feeling the different textures. Packed full of shiny objects and some bumps and grooves, this educational book will engage small children and stimulate early childhood development in different ways. This touchy feely book, with its strong, baby-safe jacket, makes for an ideal baby gift.Complete the SeriesThis delightful book is part of the Baby Touch and Feel range of board books for babies and toddlers from DK Books and includes titles like Baby Touch and Feel Animals, Baby Touch and Feel Bedtime, Baby Touch and Feel Colors and Shapes, and more for your little one to enjoy!
DK Everything You Need to Know About Frogs and Other Slippery Creatures
Discover the amazing world of our cold-blooded friends in this book all about frogs and amphibians for kids.Embark on a fun, fact-filled dive into the world of frogs and amphibians with Everything You Need to Know About Frogs. Children will love to learn all the basics of reptile and amphibian anatomy in this beautiful and informative book on frogs.Packed with vibrant pictures and lots of fascinating facts, kids can enjoy learning all about a frog’s habitat and behavior. Discover how these amphibians survive in lakes and rivers, forests and deserts, and how these clever creatures have adapted to live in seemingly inhospitable habitats. Alongside, in between, and on top of all that, this riveting frog book also provides ideas for things to make, games to play, quizzes, and amazing facts to share with friends!Inside the pages of this frog book for children, you’ll find: A whole host of amphibians and reptiles including toads, snakes, lizards, salamanders, turtles, newts, tortoises and crocodiles. Close-ups, quizzes, and games with an exciting take on the amazing world of our cold-blooded friends. A look at these creatures from all angles – information on habitat and breeding habits, as well as oddities such as how to survive a crocodile’s attack, how a frog’s legs influenced Frankenstein, or how to play snakes and ladders. Children aged 7+ can learn all about frogs and amphibians from the very first page of this book, which combines little-known information with engaging text and an exciting design. Each page contains everything kids need to know, and everything they WANT to find out about frogs!. Complete the seriesThis delightful frog book is part of the Everything You Need to Know series of educational books for children and also includes Everything You Need to Know About Snakes and Everything You Need to Know About Dinosaurs!
DK Audubon Pocket Backyard Birdwatch, 2nd Edition
Revised and updated, the Audubon Pocket Backyard Birdwatch is a portable, visually rich guide for beginning birdwatchers to use at home or in the field and includes a foldout chart that illustrates over 30 common garden birds. Produced in conjunction with the experts at Audubon, the book is packed with practical and achievable advice, from how to provide water, food, and nesting sites to creating a bird-friendly environment in your yard.
DK Baby Touch and Feel: Bedtime
An interactive touch and feel book for babies with a cosy bedtime theme and read-aloud text! Tactile elements and delightful imagery will encourage the development of motor skills and early learning. Baby Touch and Feel: Bedtime is an interactive and fun way to help your child learn not only words but shapes and textures too. Bold, bright pictures and colorful bedtime-inspired illustrations will be more than enough to keep your baby’s attention. This adorable picture book is a perfect first book for toddlers and makes for an ideal baby gift.It's time to put on our fluffy PJs, brush our teeth with the bumpy toothbrush and wrap ourselves in a cosy, cushioned duvet. Why? Because it's bedtime! Read all about an exciting selection of bedtime themes, from fluffy bedtime toys to shiny stars! Not too big and not too small, this sturdy, padded sensory book is just the right size for little hands to hold. No need for Mom and Dad to turn the pages! Babies and toddlers can turn the tough board book pages themselves, which helps to develop their fine motor skills while building an early language foundation. This charming board book for babies includes: - An amazing range of different textures to explore.- Cleary labeled pictures and a simple, easy to follow design.- Easy to read text to encourage early vocabulary building.- A texture or eye-catching area on every page.- Rounded edges and chunky pages, protecting babies and their growing teeth.Learning to read should always be this fun. Kids will get hours of play from this sturdy board book for babies and toddlers, from making the noises and reading the names to feeling the different textures, like cotton pyjamas, fluffy blankets and fuzzy slippers. This touchy-feely book, with its strong, baby-safe cover, makes for an ideal baby gift. Packed full of shiny objects and some bumps and grooves, this educational book will engage small children and stimulate early childhood development in different ways. Complete the SeriesThis delightful book is part of the Baby Touch and Feel range of board books for babies and toddlers from DK Books and includes titles like Baby Touch and Feel Things That Go, Baby Touch and Feel Trucks, Baby Touch and Feel Wild Animals, and more for your little one to enjoy!
DK Baby Touch and Feel: Baby Animals
An interactive touch and feel book for babies with cute baby animals and read-aloud text! Tactile elements and delightful imagery will encourage the development of motor skills and early learning. Baby Touch and Feel: Baby Animals is an interactive and fun way to help your child learn not only words but shapes and textures too. Bold, bright pictures and colorful animal-inspired illustrations will be more than enough to keep your baby’s attention. This adorable picture book is a perfect first book for toddlers and makes for an ideal baby gift.Read all about cute and cuddly baby animals, including adorable puppies, furry seals, and small chicks! Not too big and not too small, this sturdy, padded sensory book is just the right size for little hands to hold. No need for Mom and Dad to turn the pages! Babies and toddlers can turn the tough board book pages themselves, which helps to develop their fine motor skills while building an early language foundation. This charming board book for babies includes: - An amazing range of different textures to explore.- Cleary labeled pictures and a simple, easy to follow design.- Easy to read text to encourage early vocabulary building.- A texture or eye-catching area on every page.- Rounded edges and chunky pages, protecting babies and their growing teeth.Learning to read should always be this fun. Kids will get hours of play from this sturdy board book for babies and toddlers, from making the noises and reading the names to feeling the different textures, like the fluffy tummy of the baby fox. This touchy-feely book, with its strong, baby-safe jacket, makes for an ideal baby gift. Packed full of shiny objects and some bumps and grooves, this educational book will engage small children and stimulate early childhood development in different ways. Complete the SeriesThis delightful book is part of the Baby Touch and Feel range of board books for babies and toddlers from DK Books and includes titles like Baby Touch and Feel I Love You, Baby Touch and Feel Bedtime, Baby Touch and Feel Colors and Shapes, and more for your little one to enjoy!
DK Mi Primer Libro del Cuerpo/My First Body Board Book
A first word-and-picture board book that helps children develop essential vocabulary in two languages—English and SpanishYour child will learn all about the body and the things it can do - from eating breakfast to running and dancing - and willenjoy poring over familiar objects laid out on a simple white background.Ideal to introduce children to their first Spanish words both at home and at school. My First Board Books feature a simple point-and-say layout that builds confidence in children through repeatability and encourages preschool vocabulary and language skills. The board book format is durable and easy for young children to hold and carry on their own, and they're designed to hold up to the rough handling that comes with being a toddler's favorite book to "read" alone or with a parent.
DK Ultimate Sticker Book: Train: More Than 60 Reusable Full-Color Stickers
With this dazzling sticker book, kids will discover a fun and hands-on way to learn about trains. Discover powerful steam engines, underground railways, and super-fast bullet trains! Each Ultimate Sticker Book presents an array of colorful, photographic stickers of baby animals or dinosaurs, the US Presidents or the night sky–there's something for everyone. Young children will love working with these durable, reusable stickers, and they can have fun using the stickers to make picture books and projects on their own. These entertaining books provide a hands-on way to explore new subjects. (And some of the stickers even glow in the dark!) Includes over 60 full-color, self-adhesive stickers.
DK Ultimate Sticker Book: Puppy: More Than 60 Reusable Full-Color Stickers
With this adorable sticker book, kids will discover a fun and hands-on way to learn about dogs and puppies. Meet silky spaniels, lively Great Danes, playful terriers, and more! See them play, snuggle, and cuddle. Each Ultimate Sticker Book presents an array of colorful, photographic stickers of baby animals or dinosaurs, the US Presidents or the night sky–there's something for everyone. Young children will love working with these durable, reusable stickers, and they can have fun using the stickers to make picture books and projects on their own. These entertaining books provide a hands-on way to explore new subjects. (And some of the stickers even glow in the dark!) Includes over 60 full-color, self-adhesive stickers.
DK Buenos Dias, Bebe! / Good Morning, Baby!
A bilingual, English-Spanish board book for babiesThis delightful little book explores the everyday world of babies waking up, drinking juice, eating fruit, taking a bath, and getting dressed.With bilingual text throughout, the simple words and pictures are fun for babies and parents to read together over and over.Your baby will enjoy the simple design with brightly colored images and the baby photos.
DK Pokémon Festive Calendar
Count down to the festive season with this collection of 24 mini books, activities, and crafts!Packed with Pokémon story books, Alola-themed guides, fun puzzles, activities, riddles, and crafts, this is the perfect gift for fans of all ages. Create 3D Poké Balls, make your own decorations, and learn how to draw some of your favorite Pokémon.With 24 awesome surprises inside, there's something for each December day leading up to the festive season, making this the perfect calendar treat for all Pokémon Masters in training!
DK The Complete Instant Pot Cookbook: Innovative Recipes to Slow Cook, Bake, Air Fry and Pressure Cook
More than 60 new recipes for this do-it-all multicooker, each accompanied by a beautiful photo.Multicooker appliances can sauté, slow cook, pressure cook, steam, roast, bake, air fry, dehydrate and cook rice. They streamline the process for a variety of cooking functions, with the reward of less hands-on cooking and less to clean up. All this time saved means you’ll get delicious meals on the table a lot more quickly. The Instant Pot multicooker has taken kitchens by storm with its time-saving, money-saving, and cost-efficient benefits. With more than 60 easy recipes designed to use all the functions of your multicooker, you’ll be preparing delicious, healthy, homemade meals every night with just the press of a button.The variety of recipes includes meaty, vegetarian, and gluten-free dishes, covering a variety of instant-cooker methods.
DK El libro de los dinosaurios (The Dinosaur Book)
- Más de 1,000 imágenes a todo color en impresionantes galerías.- Incluye todas las formas de vida prehistórica, desde los primeros invertebrados primitivos hasta los primeros mamíferos.- Proporciona información esencial sobre los períodos geológicos, la evolución y la extinción y todos los aspectos de la ciencia de los dinosaurios.- Texto e imágenes completamente actualizados en línea con el consenso de la paleontología actual.Con más de 1,000 imágenes y datos interesantes, 'El libro de los dinosaurios' cubre absolutamente todas las formas de vida prehistórica. Los niños aprenderán sobre los descubrimientos científicos más recientes, que han cambiado la forma en que vemos a estas fascinantes criaturas prehistóricas: desde nuevos dinosaurios emplumados hasta cómo y dónde vivían.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More than 1,000 fantastic full-color images in stunning galleries.- Covers all forms of prehistoric life, from the first primitive invertebrates to the earliest mammals.- Provides essential background information about the geological periods, evolution and extinction, and every aspect of dinosaur science.- Text and images will be fully updated in line with the latest thinking in the world of dinosaurs.With more than 1,000 images and interesting facts, all forms of prehistoric life are covered. Young readers can find out about the latest scientific discoveries that have changed the way we see these fascinating prehistoric animals—from new feathered dinosaurs to how and where they lived.
DK Tierra (The Science of the Earth): Los secretos de nuestro planeta
- Diseño elegante y contemporáneo.- Ilustraciones simples y claras, especialmente creadas para este libro, que permiten una presentación con mucho detalle de las maravillas del planeta.- Título de referencia preciso y fiable, con un contenido totalmente verificado por expertos en la materia.Esta es una introducción informativa y visualmente cautivadora a nuestro planeta, repleta de fotografías impresionantes y detalladas. 'Tierra' propone un viaje imaginario que te lleva desde el centro hasta la superficie de la tierra explorando reinos vivos e inanimados. Las páginas dobles se enfocan en lugares icónicos, como la selva amazónica o el Mar Muerto, o en procesos ecológicos concretos, como la erosión glacial, verás muy de cerca los lugares más fascinantes e inaccesibles del mundo natural.—--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elegant, contemporary design.- Simple, clear illustrations, all of them new for this book add greater depth to the coverage.- Fully authenticated content makes for an accurate, reliable reference. This is an informative, visually arresting introduction to planet Earth. The core of the book features large, detailed photographs. It takes the reader from the inner core to Earth’s surface, both living and inanimate realms. This beautiful, informative book brings parts of the natural world beyond reach, up close and within our grasp.
DK Queen Elizabeth II and her Family: The Incredible Life of the Princess Who Became a Beloved Queen
Celebrate Queen Elizabeth II and her family in this inspiring tribute to the historic life and reign of Britain’s longest-serving monarch.For 70 years, Queen Elizabeth II showed an unwavering commitment to her country, and she will be remembered as not only Britain’s most beloved and longest-reigning monarch, but as a symbol of pride and inspiration everywhere. This book reflects on Elizabeth’s remarkable story, and looks at her years as princess, her war-time service, her Coronation, and her role as Queen both at home and across the world.Each page of this charming book will introduce young readers to something new and exciting about the Queen, from her love of horses to the palaces and castles she lived in. It will tell them about her relatives - the princes, princesses, dukes and duchesses that make up her family, making this a wonderful celebration of modern British history.Queen Elizabeth II and her Family has been revised to include 12 new pages that capture recent key events like the birth of Prince Louis, the Platinum Jubilee in 2022, and the Queen’s State funeral. With full-color photographs to complement the simple, age-appropriate text, this is simply the perfect gift to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II.
DK The Lonely Otter: A Heart-warming Story About Love and Friendship
An adorable introduction to friendship for pre-readers, this picture book follows the journey of an otter teaching little ones about courage and the true meaning of love.Nobody knows what it means to be alone more than Otto, the lonely otter. Otto is very shy, so some things are just harder for him to do… like making friends. When Otto spots another otter, all on her own, he thinks he’s finally found someone just like him. But can he pluck up the courage to swim across and meet her?This lovely, heartwarming book about being brave and daring to step out of the shadows reminds little ones that being alone doesn’t always mean you are lonely. This Valentine’s-inspired book for children aged 0-5 is from the bestselling series that includes The Happy Pumpkin, The Grumpy Reindeer and The Sleepy Bunny and shows children the magic of friendship.This children’s book on friendship offers:- A sweet story for the love-liest time of the year, about a shy otter who finds joy in being alone, while also finding the courage to step out of his comfort zone and make room for others. - A gentle introduction to discussing emotions, boosting self-esteem, overcoming worries and building positive relationships.- Beautifully illustrated pages that accompany the charming narrative text.- A small format with sturdy pages that is suitable for small hands to hold.Dive into the sea and meet a lonely otter, who learns a lesson in love: loving himself and finding his place with others. Featuring whimsical illustrations and an exciting shiny cover, this book is sure to make its way into the hearts of adults and children alike, as they follow along to see if this lonely otter ever finds his perfect match!More in the SeriesAt DK, we believe in the power of discovery.So why stop there? If you like The Lonely Otter, then why not try other titles in this bestselling board book series? Go on a Halloween adventure with The Happy Pumpkin, or get ready for the festive season with The Grumpy Reindeer!
DK The Islam Book
This comprehensive, accessible, and authenticated guide to Islam is essential to understanding the world’s fastest-growing religion. This essential guide to Islam covers every aspect of the Muslim faith and its history – from the life of the Prophet Muhammad and the teachings of the Koran to Islam in the 21st century. Celebrating the scientific, literary, and artistic achievements of the Islamic Golden Age and the ideas of philosophers and theologians across the centuries, it opens a window on the Islamic world.Clear factual writing offers insight into terms like Sharia law, the Caliphate, and jihad; Sunni and Shia divisions; and Sufi poetry and music. Images of Islamic art, architecture, calligraphy, and historical artifacts illustrate the articles while the Big Ideas’ trademark diagrams and flowcharts explore and explain the central tenets of Islam, such as prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of religion, with:- A complete chapter to The Koran and its unchanging message.- Celebrates the scientific and literary achievements of the Islamic Golden Age.- Features a directory of eminent Islamic thinkers, writers, scientists, and clerics, and a glossary of key religious terms.Your Religion Questions, Simply Explained.Modern issues such as fundamentalism are discussed in context alongside the work of peaceful traditionalists, modernizers, and women's rights campaigners, among others. Packed with inspiring quotations and bold illustrations, The Islam Book is an invaluable source of information both for members of one of the world’s major religions and readers looking for a clear unbiased guide to the meaning of this faith. The Big Ideas SeriesThe Islam Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand.
DK 15-Minute Japanese: Learn in Just 12 Weeks
Teach yourself Japanese in just 12 weeks with this fun-filled language course. DK’s 15 Minute Language is the perfect course for busy people who want to learn Japanese fast. The 12 themed chapters are broken down into easy-to-follow 15-minute daily lessons spanning a range of practical themes, including leisure, business, food and drink, travel, and shopping. Each lesson combines vocabulary and grammar essentials with attractive full-color images, making it quick, easy, and fun to learn new Japanese vocabulary. There is no writing or homework – you simply use the cover flaps to hide the answers to exercises and test yourself as you learn. Each chapter ends with a review module, so you can track your progress and identify areas where you need further practice.Fancy becoming a pro at the language? Then get stuck in to discover: -Annotated photographic scenes and word lists make it easy to learn and remember new vocabulary.12 fun chapters, each designed to take a week to master, providing an easy-to-follow structure for new learners.-Easy-to-use pronunciation guide for every word, plus a dictionary and menu guide at the back of the book.-Regular review modules to help you track progress and assess how well you have learned the vocabulary in each chapterThe course includes a free audio app that lets you hear Japanese words and phrases spoken by native speakers. Use the app alongside the book’s easy-to-use pronunciation guides to perfect your pronunciation and practice Japanese conversation in real-life situations. Whether you’re a complete beginner or just need a refresher course, there’s no easier way to learn Japanese than with 15 Minute X Japanese.At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why stop there? Learn more languages with DK’s 15 minute guides to French, Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic, and more!
DK Eyewitness World War I
Packed with striking photography, Eyewitness World War I explores one of the most brutal conflicts of the 20th century.Become an eyewitness to the first conflict fought on a global scale in this picture-led reference guide that will take you on a visual tour of World War One. Made in collaboration with The Imperial War Museum, children will be mesmerized by learning about the world-changing events that led to the start of the conflict.This beautifully illustrated guide for kids aged 9+ gives an insight into life in the muddy trenches and what it was like to be a soldier, along with a broader picture of the events that took place causing the war to start. Using striking full-color photographs and illustrations of warfare, weaponry, vehicles, maps, and secret documents, this is an eyewitness view of the conflict dubbed the “the war to end all wars”.Throughout the pages of this newly-revised book on the First World War, you can expect to find: - A fresh new look; new photographs, updated information, and a new “eyewitness” feature.- Amazing facts, updated diagrams, statistics, and timelines.- Brand new eyewitness accounts from experts in the field.Eyewitness World War I introduces the ultimate guide to the first global conflict, with more than 250 photographs illustrating the people, places and stories of the war. Children can learn all about military vehicles and tank warfare, the first ever gas attacks used during a war and Armistice and peace after four years of fighting. This all-encompassing guide to World War One is a must-have for curious children aged 9+ with a thirst for learning, as well as teachers, parents and librarians.So, what’s new? Part of DK’s best-selling Eyewitness series, this popular title has been reinvigorated for the next generation of information-seekers and stay-at-home explorers, with a fresh new look, up to 20 percent new images, including photography and updated diagrams, updated information, and a new “eyewitness” feature with fascinating first-hand accounts from experts in the field.Explore the series!Globally, the Eyewitness series has sold more than 50 million copies over 30 years. Travel through the solar system with Eyewitness Space, learn the incredible systems that keep your body functioning with Eyewitness Human Body, or take a trip aboard the most famous ship in history with Eyewitness Titanic.
DK Knowledge Encyclopedia Plants and Fungi
Explore the wonderful world of plants and fungi, with everything from cacti and carnivorous plants to trees, flowers, and mushrooms.Why are flowers colorful and fruits sweet? How does a carnivorous plant kill its prey? Why do stinging nettles sting? How do trees turn light into food? This ultimate nature book for children will fascinate young readers with its microscopic detail and amazing facts on the plant world. Children aged 9+ will find themselves totally absorbed in the complexities nature, made clear through engaging explanations, intricate illustrations, vivid photographs, and striking 3D images. Knowledge Encyclopedia: Plants and Fungi! teaches kids all about plants and fungi by showing how they work with beautiful illustrations. Peer inside a leaf, watch a seed sprout, follow a root underground, and see how a flower becomes a fruit.This all-encompassing nature encyclopedia for kids offers: A whole collection of facts, charts, timelines, and illustrations that cover a vast range of topics. Plants and fungi from around the world shown using amazingly detailed CGIs that entice young readers to dive in and explore. Important STEM topics covered in life sciences curricula. A visual approach using illustrations, photographs and extremely detailed 3D CGI images. Knowledge Encyclopedia: Plants and Fungi! shows how plants and fungi form the foundations of every ecosystem, making our planet habitable. Life on Earth couldn’t exist without plants and fungi. Plants create the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe. They regulate the climate, provide habitats for animals, and produce sustainable resources that we can use to make books, clothes, furniture and houses. Fungi are just as important.Every page is packed with incredible facts and statistics. Did you know that the seeds of the Australian snottygobble plant don’t grow until they’ve been pooed out by emus? Or that the world’s oldest tree began growing before the pyramids were built?More in the SeriesKnowledge Encyclopedia Plants and Fungi! is part of DK’s visual and informative Knowledge Encyclopedia series. Complete the collection and dive into the deep with Knowledge Encyclopedia Ocean!, take a trip to the solar system with Knowledge Encyclopedia Space! and travel back to prehistoric times with Knowledge Encyclopedia Dinosaur!
DK LEGO Star Wars Galaxy Mission (Library Edition): Without Minifigures and Accessories
This edition does not include a minifigure nor accessories.Help a Rebel Trooper build her way back to the planet Hoth in this LEGO Star Wars adventure! Make a hoverboard to zip through the asteroid field. Escape the jaws of a sarlacc with a treat dispenser. Build a mech suit to make it through the bogs of Dagobah and much more as you help stranded Rebel Trooper Kori Zaran build her way back to the safety of the Rebel base on Hoth.It will take some quick thinking and creative LEGO building skills to get Zaran through space and across the different planets in the Star Wars galaxy. Get ready to grab your LEGO collection and build your way through this adventure. Including plenty of building tips and inspirational photos, build yourself an adventure as you save the day.©2023 The LEGO Group
DK My Very Important Lift-the-Flap Book: Vehicles and Things That Go: With More Than 80 Flaps to Lift
This lift-the-flap book encourages interactivity and introduces children to incredible facts about a variety of subjects.Little learners can discover fun facts and information about their favorite subject on every page with this interactive lift-the-flap book series. Simple, age-appropriate questions are accompanied by lift-the-flaps which reveal the answer.My Very Important Lift the Flap Book: Vehicles and Things That Go will transport children aged 3-5 to all sorts of wonderful locations, including cities, a park, a harbor, a construction site, and more. As they explore and lift the flaps on each page, little ones can reveal fun facts about cars, trucks, bikes, boats, trains, and much more!This exciting lift-the-flap book for kids offers:- Fun facts and information about different types of vehicles for children aged 3-5.- Visually exciting pages with fun, colorful illustrations and photographs that are appealing and age-appropriate for kids.- An interactive learning experience through lifting the flaps and revealing information and images.- Large and sturdy flaps which are safe for little hands to grab and lift.Children will love to lift and learn, developing their fine motor skills through tactile elements on every page whilst learning new facts about their favorite things. More than 75 flaps reveal the answers to facts that children can have fun guessing, or they can learn by lifting and revealing.
DK Children's Book of Art
Go on an artistic journey around the world in this children’s introduction.Discover the power of art and be inspired by cultures from all over the world with this extensive children’s guide. This book is the perfect introduction for young readers to the world of art and celebrates different styles from every continent!Children aged 9+ can enjoy reading about early art right through to present day, and learn about the fascinating lives and achievements of great artists and sculptors, from Leonardo da Vinci to Tracey Emin and Henry Moore. All the essential information about art is covered, including the major movements, artists from around the world and techniques.This art book for children offers: - Chapters which cover a huge range of artistic styles, from the very first cave paintings to contemporary art installations.- Profiles of influential artists from Katsushika Hokusai to Jackson Pollock.- A focus on key techniques and the famous artists who used them.Fun activities to create frescoes and sculptures for yourself. Children’s Book of Art is full of facts and photos highlighting artistic styles from across the globe, from the very earliest cave paintings through to Renaissance art and surrealism, via China’s terracotta army and African sculptors. Plus, there are fun activities and projects so children can create their own works of art – making it the perfect gift for budding painters and sculptors.More in the seriesThe Children’s Book of series inspires young learners to dive into their favorite topic and immerse themselves in the ins and outs, from fun facts to experts in the field. If you liked Children’s Book of Art, then why not try the guide for budding musicians, Children’s Book of Music?
DK Crear leyes (Making the Rules): ¿Qué hace nuestro gobierno?
Inspira jóvenes curiosos a explorar el impacto del gobierno a lo largo de la historia de la nación y cómo es la vida en EE. UU. hoy en día: Parte de una serie inspirante que apoya el aprendizaje acerca del gobierno y el civismo en un EE. UU. contemporáneo a través de eventos históricos y las personas que formaron los mismos. Crear leyes interconecta contexto,personalidades y eventos históricos y las experiencias de estadounidenses modernos. Ayudará los estudiantes a entender temas claves de estudios sociales, como los orígenes de instituciones y valores de EE. UU. y la relevancia que tienen a las vidas de jóvenes hoy. El libro explora el impacto del gobierno en la vida diaria, incluyendo cobrar impuestos, seguridad, proteger los derechos de ciudadanos, organizar y proveer servicios. La autora explica la función de otras entidades, como el gobierno estatal. Temas y eventos históricos incluyen ejemplos de varias funciones del gobierno: seguridad en tiempos de guerra, prestación de servicios y ayudando a los más necesitados.