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Peeters Publishers Hartslag Van De Kerk: De Parochie Vanuit Kerkrechtelijk Standpunt. Deel II
De parochie is voor katholieken de meest nabije en herkenbare plek waar hun gelovige overtuiging gestalte krijgt. De vitaliteit van parochies weerspiegelt in zekere zin de vitaliteit van de Rooms-katholieke Kerk. In deze parochies wordt momenteel hard gewerkt aan een schaalaanpassing die alle parochiele werkvelden raakt. Het canoniek recht, zowel in het pauselijk wetboek van 1983 als in de bisschoppelijke regelingen ter plaatse, biedt een instrument om de ontwikkeling van het parochiele leven richting te geven. In "Hartslag van de Kerk" wordt het canonieke recht ten aanzien van de parochie becommentarieerd. Dit tweede deel - het eerste dat geschreven is door A.H. Eijsink, werd gepubliceerd in 1995 - behandelt onderwerpen die nog niet in deel I aan bod gekomen zijn. Bovendien wordt hier nog sterker ingegaan op de Nederlandse situatie. Juist ten aanzien van het parochiele bestuur, de arbeidsrechtelijke relatie van de parochie met haar medewerk(st)ers - pastores en anderen - en de samenwerking van parochies zijn in de Nederlandse bisdommen heel eigen oplossingen ontwikkeld die een duidelijke stempel drukken op het dagelijkse parochiele leven. Het boek opent met twee algemene hoofdstukken die de juridische basis van de parochie en de parochianen verhelderen. Op deze wijze is een boek tot stand gekomen dat, samen met deel I, een geheel vormt dat niet alleen aan betrokken vrijwilligers en pastores veel informatie biedt, maar ook aan anderen die meer inzicht willen krijgen in de institutionele ontwikkeling van katholieke parochies.
Peeters Publishers Les Voies Processionnelles De Thebes
La vocation initiale de la voie processionnelle est de materialiser le cheminement et les pauses de la barque du dieu lors de certaines liturgies; ainsi prolongation du domaine divin, elle peut etre constituee d'une serie d'elements specifiques relatifs au parcours de la divinite (revetement du sol, statuaire - sphinx -, vegetation, murs de cloture) ou a ses etapes (amenagements ponctuels au sol, tribunes, etc.). Les specificites du calendrier ferial des divinites thebaines, dont, principalement, celui d'Amon de Karnak, font des voies processionnelles de Thebes un champ d'etudes d'une richesse sans precedent, et ce du Moyen Empire a l'epoque greco-romaine incluse. Ces voies, englobant le parvis du temple, ne sont pas strictement cantonnees a leur role liturgique; d'autres activites s'y deroulent qui entrainent des amenagements complementaires, concernant soit la vie culturelle quotidienne du temple (cultes populaires, activites oraculaires, magie, "petits metiers", etc.) , soit les expressions du pouvoir politique, de l'autorite de l'Etat et d'une certaine realite economique et sociale (affichage de decrets, nomination de membres du clerge, activites judiciaires et application des peines - telles les executions capitales - etalonnage et taxes des marches, asyle, banquets de confreries, lieu de serments, etc.). La documentation rassemblee abordant ces multiples aspects fonctionnels des voies processionnelles thebaines est presentee suivant une approche specifiquement archeologique, etayee par les sources iconographiques et textuelles.
Peeters Publishers Dictionnaire De Logopedie. Le Developpement Du Langage Ecrit Et Sa Pathologie
Ce troisieme volet du "dictionnaire de logopedie" s'inscrit comme une suite logique des deux ouvrages qui l'ont precede. Apres avoir envisage le langage oral, son evolution normale et les troubles qui peuvent entraver son developpement, les auteurs se devaient de prolonger leur reflexion en se penchant sur le langage ecrit dont le point d'ancrage s'appuie sur un ensemble de bases linguistiques, prealablement integrees. Construit dans la perspective reflexive de la terminologie, ce fascicule tente d'eclairer les concepts de lecture et d'ecriture ainsi que les methodes d'apprentissage grace auxquelles ils occupent le devant de la scene scolaire; les perturbations, enfin, dans cet apprentissage qui peuvent, a court, moyen ou long terme, creer un handicap social severe. La recherche dans ce domaine a progresse de maniere sensible au cours des dernieres decennies. Sans avoir la pretention de repondre a toutes les questions encore en suspens, cet ouvrage se veut une tentative de synthese des nouvelles perspectives decrites par les chercheurs et les praticiens.
Peeters Publishers The Foundation and Application of Moral Philosophy: Ricoeur's Ethical Order
Paul Ricoeur (1913), prominent French philosopher, is one of the most versatile thinkers of our time. Moreover, he is known to be an extremely gifted lecturer, who is able to set forth ethical issues very lucidly. His erudition and profundity are also evident in the two texts that are central to this book, i.e. 'The Problem of the Foundation of Moral Philosophy' and 'Can Forgiveness Heal?' These lectures constitute a remarkable effort on the part of Ricoeur to find an original and more radical foundation of ethics than can be expressed in any law. He demonstrates quite convincingly why the law is not the primary category of ethics. He further deals with the question of what might be the evangelical orientation of ethics. Finally, he sheds light on the specific role of forgiveness. The two lectures by Ricoeur, which have been translated here from French into English, and to which an introduction and three multi-disciplinary commentaries have been added, not only elucidate a fundamental question in the field of ethics, but, in a more general sense, they are also fine examples of philosophical reasoning.
Peeters Publishers Eugnoste. Lettre Sur Le Dieu Transcendant (NH III, 3 Et V, 1). Edition
"Eugnoste" subsiste en deux versions coptes: c'est le troisieme traite du codex III et le premier du codex V de Nag Hammadi. Ce premier des deux volumes qui lui sont consacres contient le texte copte des deux versions, accompagne d'une traduction et d'index. Une introduction fait le point sur la composition de l'ecrit et son genre litteraire. De facture rigoureuse, Eugnoste est divise en quatre parties, suivant un plan inspire de la rhetorique classique. C'est un expose philosophique sous forme de louange, portant sur les deux Principes de l'univers: le premier est appele Pro-pere et Preexistant inengendre, ce qui le designe comme Pre-principe, le second est autogene et englobe toute la multitude du monde spirituel, c'est-a-dire l'Eglise. Bien qu'il se presente exterieurement comme une lettre, le texte s'inscrit dans la tradition litteraire du discours philosophique sacre, dont on retrouve la trace chez les platoniciens des second et troisieme siecles, en integrant toutefois d'autres formes issues du judaisme. Le second volume contiendra principalement un expose d'ensemble de la doctrine suivi d'une comparaison entre les deux versions.
Peeters Publishers PostTheism Reframing the JudeoChristian Tradition
Peeters Publishers An English-French Dictionary of Clipped Words
This dictionary deals with the little words which everyone uses every day without even noticing them and which are so liable to escape the grasp of a speaker of another language - clipped words, obtained by back-clipping or apocope (the dropping of one or more final syllables), by front-clipping or aphesis (the dropping of one or more final syllables), by the combination of these two processes and sometimes further transformed, especially in slang, by the addition of a new ending. The aim is not of course merely to list all these words and say from which longer words they were obtained; an attempt is made here to retrace the history of each of them, its stylistic, semantic and often morphological evolution, to illustrate this with authentic and often pungent or humorous quotations and also to show how each can be translated into the other language. Indeed this is an English-French bilingual dictionary, whose aim is to translate clipped words according to priciples of historical and register fidelity which bilingual dictionaries do not ordinarily set for this type of headword. Thus, clipped words will be shown to have meaning precisely because they are clipped; consequently, this meaning must be preserved and conveyed in translation. This dictionary thus aims at being different from traditional bilingual dictionaries, dictionaries of slang and colloquialisms included, in the structure and content of its articles, in which much space is devoted to the lexicological data, which inform the strictly lexicographical information. Special attention and care have been devoted to the system of cross-references, the recording and presentation of derived forms, variants and compounds and to the presentation of slang or colloquial synonyms of the headwords. The body of the dictionary is preceded by a preface in which the editing principles and methods are outlined and an attempt is made at analyzing the corpus : its historical, sociological and morphological aspects are reviewed, together with the motivations of those that coin or use clippings. These motivations appear essential to the proper appraisal of this body of slang and colloquial words; this dictionary's intention is to pay homage to all the unknown paople who have made the lexicon richer by playing with and on words, with joyful humour, zest and gusto. It is hoped that all lovers of words will have the same pleasure exploring this dictionary as its author had writing it. Professor Fabrice Antoine teaches English at the Universite Charles-de-Gaulle Lille III (France). His research fields are bilingual lexicography, lexicology and translation; he has been a consulting editor for a dozen bilingual dictionaries, general as well as slang ones. He is especially interested in French and English slang and colloquialisms and co-hairs ELEXTRA (Etudes sur le Lexique et la Traduction), a research centre at the University of Lille.
Peeters Publishers Inedits Et Introuvables
Serge Karcevski fut le premier linguiste du courant saussurien a tenter une description systematique d'une langue aussi typiquement 'grammaticale' que le russe; les premiers travaux de cette ecole etaient en effet orientes sur les langues occidentales, plus 'lexicales'. Cela exigeait la recherche de nouveaux outils d'analyse et de description, et la linguistique moderne doit a Karcevski plus d'une trouvaille eclairante. Sa decomposition graduelle du discours russe, depuis ses constituants les plus vastes jusqu'aux plus tenus, lui permit de mettre en lumiere plusieurs processus fondamentaux et de discerner leurs valeurs semantiques. Sa maniere d'apprehender l'intonation dans sa relation avec la structure syntaxique et avec les differents roles de sa realisation au sein du dialogue, depasse les limites de la philologie russe et a influence la theorie et l'etude concrete de l'intonation dans la science internationale. La linguistique repondra a son appel a poursuivre l'investigation cruciale de la structure du dialogue comme forme premiere du discours. (...) La theorie des oppositions linguistiques etait issue de la doctrine de Saussure; la pensee de Karcevski, cependant, revele un important changement d'accent.
Peeters Publishers The Apocryphal Acts of Andrew
The Apocryphal Acts of Andrew' is the first modern collection of studies on the most important aspects of the Acts of Andrew, an early Christian kind of novel, which has only partially been preserved in Greek, Latin and Coptic. In addition to a thorough discussion of its date and place of origin, the collection of essays discusses many aspects of the Acts of Andrew, such as its interest in magic, martyrdom and the place of the devil, its preoccupation with scatology, and its interest in eroticism. It looks at its relationship with Poimandres, with the pagan novels and with other Christian writings, in particular the Acts of John and the Acts of Andrew and Mathias. Much attention is paid to spiritual climate of the Acts of Andrew and its connections with Platonism and gnosticism. Finally, it analyses the Armenian translation, which is shown to be an important witness to the original text.
Peeters Publishers Onderaards Rome: Een Speurtocht Naar De Wortels Van Het Christendom in De Catacomben Van De Eeuwige Stad
Al eeuwen lang oefenen de catacomben van Rome een onweerstaanbare aantrekkingskracht uit op bezoekers van de Eeuwige Stad. In het jaar 2000 zal die aantrekkingskracht sterker zijn dan ooit. In de duistere krochten en schier eindeloze gangen van de catacomben zijn immers de indrukwekkende materiele resten bewaard gebleven van een van de oudste en belangrijkste vroegchriste- lijke gemeenschappen uit de antieke wereld. Temidden van de vele tienduizen- den graven treft men hier spectaculaire wandschilderingen en sculptuurresten aan. In de catacomben van Rome wordt de bezoeker op onnavolgbaar indringende wijze geconfronteerd met de idealen van een tijd waarin het Christendom voor het eerst daadwerkelijk zijn beslag in het maatschappelijk bestel van Europa begon te krijgen. Dit boek is geschreven voor al diegenen die in kort bestek inzicht willen verwerven in de huidige stand van zaken met betrekking tot het wetenschap- pelijk onderzoek naar de catacomben van Rome. Het voert de lezer mee van de graven van de eerste christenen naar de rijk gedecoreerde grafkamers van pausen en martelaren. Ook maakt de lezer kennis met de onalledaagse belevenissen van de onderzoekers van het eerste uur. Daarnaast bevat het boek een praktische gids die bedoeld is voor diegenen die zelf als toerist of pelgrim een bezoek aan deze fascinerende onderaardse begraafplaatsen willen brengen.
Peeters Publishers The Judge and the Spectator
Since early texts as "Thinking and Politics", Arendt had highlighted the contrast between philosophical and political thinking and compelled herself to find a satisfactory answer to the question: "how do philosophy and politics relate?". In her last work "Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy" (1982), Arendt analyses the "political" dimensions of Kant's critical thinking. To think critically implies taking the viewpoints of others into account: one has to "enlarge" one's own mind by comparing our judgement with the possible judgements of others. While thinking remains a solitary activity, it does not cut itself off from all others. The essays in this book address the philosophical and moral questions raised by Arendt's attempt to draw out the political implications of "critical thinking" in Kant's sense. In one way or another, they all address the place of judgment in Arendt's thought. Arendt's turn to Kant and The Critique of Judgment was motivated by her desire to find a form of philosophizing that was not hostile to politics and the public realm. But did she really think that Kant's characterization of the judging spectator pointed the way out of the opposition between the universal and the particular, between looking at things sub specie aeternitatis and looking at things from a political point of view? To what extent did she think that Kant was successful in revealing a mode of thought oriented towards public persuasion, yet one which retained its critical independence? Each of the essays wrestles with the complexities of a complex thinker. They remind us that critical thinking or Selbstdenken is among the most difficult and rare arts, even though it is an art potentially accessible to everyone. They also remind us that Hannah Arendt was a virtuoso of this art, and of how her example points the way toward a renewal of judgment as the political faculty par excellence.
Peeters Publishers Josephus' Story of the Later Monarchy (AJ 9,1-10,185)
Josephus recounts events of the period extending from the later reign of Jehoshaphat of Judah through the immediate sequels to the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians in Antiquitates Judaicae (AJ) 9,1-10,185. Begg's monograph - a followup to his earlier work, Josephus Account of the Early Divided Monarchy (AJ 8,212-420) (BETL 108, 1993) - provides a detailed investigation of this portion of AJ. In particular, it seeks to address a range of overaching questions: which sources - both biblical and extra-biblical - did Josephus draw on in constructing his account of the later monarchy? Which text-form(s) of the Biblical sources were used by him? What sort of rewriting techniques has he applied to the data of his sources and what is distinctive about the Josephan version of events which results from their application? Finally, what messages may Josephus' account be intended to convey to his two intended audiences, i.e. cultivated Gentiles and fellow Jews? This study is envisaged as a contribution to a fuller appreciation of Josephus' work as an interpreter of the Bible.
Peeters Publishers Bits, Bytes, and Binyanim: A Quantitative Study of Verbal Lexeme Formations in the Hebrew Bible
This study offers a new approach to one of the central elements of Hebrew and Semitic grammar, viz. the binyanim or conjugations. Using various quantitative methods, the book analyzes the complete verbal vocabulary of the Hebrew Bible as contained in the machine-readable text developed at the Werkgroep Informatica (Department of Biblical Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam) focusing on morphological characteristics as well as on some basic semantic and syntactic features. It is argued, i.a., that the Qal should be regarded as the default binyan of the Hebrew Bible, and that the Pi' 'el acts to some extent as a rival to the Qal. Among the features discussed, it is transitivity which emerges as the most important one. The author (1959) reads theology at the University of Amsterdam, specializing in Old Testament studies and Biblical Hebrew. After his 1990 Leiden PhD on a linguistic comparison of the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, he joined the Werkgroep Informatica in 1992.
Peeters Publishers East and West in the Crusader States. Context - Contacts - Confrontations: Acta of the Congress Held at Hernen Castle in May 1997: v. 2
The meeting of East and West in the Crusader States was the theme of a symposium held at Hernen Castle in 1997. It was the continuation of a similar symposium which has been published in the Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 75. Various communities (Arabs, Armenians, Ethiopians, Greeks, Syrians and Latins) and various religions (the Church of Rome, the Orthodox Church of Constantinople, the Jacobites, the Muslims and others) play their part in the various Crusader States, sometimes in the effort to ecumenism, sometimes in the form of confrontations. Coins and seals in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem betray Eastern and Western influences. Daily life is reflected in historical texts, and in exempla and miracula. The fall of Edessa is described in the Lament of Edessa by Nerses Snorhali, which is here for the first time translated into English. Even icon-painting in Egypt reflects crusader influence.
Peeters Publishers *Sue- en Grec Ancien: La Famille du Theme de Pronom Reflechi: Linguistique Grecque et Comparaison Indo-Europeenne
Dans la plupart des langues indo-europeennes, la notion de reflexivite est exprimee a traves de differentes formes pronominales qui paraissent pouvoir toutes proceder d'un theme "sue-. L'ouvrage etudie les representants de ce theme en grec ancien, notamment le pronom reflechi du grec archaique, dont Homere fournit un paradigme complet. Ces formes du pronom reflechi se trouvent placees en grec au centre d'une contradiction: d'un point de vue morphologique, elles peuvent apparaitre proches des pronoms personnels, tandis que, par la nature de leur reference, elles leur sont etrangeres et se rapprochent plus des anaphoriques et des demonstratifs. Le present travail s'est efforce de resoudre cette contradiction en etudiant de maniere systematique les convergences et les divergences entre reflechi et pronoms personnels, non seulement en grec archaique, mais aussi de maniere plus generale dans les langues indo-europeennes. Differents criteres sont envisages: accent, structure du theme, formation des adjectifs possessifs, expression du nombre et de la personne. L'ouvrage etudie successivement les donnees de la philologie grecque et celles de la grammaire comparee. Il s'attache a rendre compte des structures etymologiques dans lesquelles apparait le pronom reflechi de l'indo-europeen, mais aussi de la diversite typologique de ses representants dans les langues historiques.
Peeters Publishers The Mystical Space of Carmel: A Commentary on the Carmelite Rule
Mount Carmel, viewed as a holy place by Jews, Christians and Muslims, is where the prophet Elijah is venerated. For many centuries hermits have followed his example and monks regard him as their Father. During the crusades, around 1200 A.D., a small group of hermits settled around the spring of Elijah to lead a contemplative life there in silence and solitude. To the first Carmelites this geographic location was a mystical space in which to live in the presence of God alone. Albert, patriarch of Jerusalem, gave them a life rule (1206-1214) which, at the time of their expulsion by the Saracens in 1247, was adapted to new circumstances by pope Innocent IV. In consequence, the mystical space of Carmel with its contemplative life is experienced wherever they are given a place and God calls them. The commentary presents the Carmel as a spiritual model which is ideally suited as accompaniment on the spiritual journey of all who know themselves called to a life in God's presence in the desert of their life.
Peeters Publishers Religie En Metafoor: Over Het Relativisme Van Het Figuurlijke
Indien metaforen vensters zijn die ons uitzicht bieden op de werkelijkheid, dan schijnen zij ons tegelijk te confronteren met hun eigen beperktheid. In het verkregen uitzicht vermoedt men immers meteen ook andere mogelijke perspectieven op diezelfde werkelijkheid. Uit deze stand van zaken trekt men hedentendage soms maar al te graag relativistische besluiten. Alle metaforen verschijnen dan als gelijkwaardig en inwisselbaar. Wanneer dit relativisme van de metafoor ook doorwerking vindt op het religieuze vlak, dan laten de gevolgen zich raden: ieder zijn eigen 'beeldje' van God. In deze studie poogt de auteur aan dit relativisme te weerstaan door de metafoor terug te koppelen naar de praktijk van het (religieuze) leven. Sommige metaforen reguleren het leven en worden door dat leven geabsorbeerd. Dit is slechts mogelijk omdat metaforen een soort praktische, stilzwijgende kennis herbergen en overdragen. Walter Van Herck (1962) is doctor in de wijsbegeerte. Hij is als onderzoeksmedewerker verbonden aan de Vakgroep Filosofie van de Universiteit Antwerpen (UFSIA) en als deeltijdse lector aan de Karel de Grote-Hogeschool (Departement Sociaal-agogisch werk) te Antwerpen.
Peeters Publishers L'aspect Melodique De La Musique De Syamisen
L'aspect melodique de la musique de syamisen est la premiere etude ethnomusicologique detaillee de la musique de 'syamisen' ('shamisen'). Instrument a cordes pincees tres populaire, largement repandu au Japon, le syamisen est utilise dans divers contextes socio-musicaux. Apres un apercu historique et une description des differents varietes de syamisen, l'auteur examine les aspects melodiques des genres representatifs de cette musique. S'appuyant sur sa propre analyse des pratiques contemporaines, il propose une nouvelle theorie du systeme tonal de la musique de syamisen et apporte un nouvel eclairage sur la fonction des citations musicales dans ce repertoire. Ne en 1936 a Tokyo, Yosihiko Tokumaru est professeur de musicologie a l'Universite Ochanomizu a Tokyo. Il a etudie la musicologie et l'esthetique a l'Universite de Tokyo tout en se consacrant a la pratique musicale. Alors qu'il etait professeur invite a l'Universite de Montreal, il a obtenu un Ph.D 'in musica' de l'Universite de Laval a Quebec. Parallelement a l'etude de syamisen, il a poursuivi des recherches theoriques qui ont debouche sur la publication, en japonais, de 'Ethnomusicologie' (Tokyo 1991). Il a entrepris de mettre en place des reseaux de communication entre musiciens et musicologues de differents pays d'Asie dont les heritages musicaux rendent possible une comprehension mutuelle. Recemment, il a cree a l'Universite d'Etat a Hue, au Vietnam, un enseignement de la musique de cour vietnamienne, Deux de ses ouvrages, en anglais, 'The Oral and the Literature in Music (Tokyo 1986) et 'Tradition and its Future in Music (Tokyo/Osaka, 1991), ont ete largement diffuses.
Peeters Publishers Thinking English Grammar: To Honour Xavier Dekeyser, Professor Emeritus
Thinking English Grammar. To Honour Xavier Dekeyser, Professor Emeritus contains papers by 34 colleagues of professor Dekeyser on subjects that have interested him throughout his career. His research has mainly been devoted to the history of English, and it is only natural that the first and longest section should consist of 11 papers on variation in English, both diachronic and synchronic. The second, barely shorter with its 9 papers, is devoted to the description of various aspects of modern English; some of these papers shade off into theoretical linguistics. Professor Dekeyser having obtained his Ph.D. on grammaticography, there is a third section on "Grammar from the Past", with 5 papers. The final section, 9 papers on "Language Teaching and Contrast", honours the eminent teacher of literally thousands of budding anglicists.
Peeters Publishers Ioannis Buridani Expositio et Quaestiones in Aristotelis Physicam ad Albertum de Saxonia Attributae. Tome I: Introduction
Peeters Publishers Zephaniah
This is a new volume of The Historical Commentary on the Old Testament, an international series of commentaries which devotes explicit attention to the history of interpretation of biblical tradition in all its stages, both within and without the Hebrew Canon. As the term 'Old Testament' indicates, the commentary stands in the Christian exegetical tradition. The team of those who commited themselves to contribute comprises scholars from all over the world and from many different churches and denominations. The commentary is intended not only for Old Testament scholars, but also for ministers and other interested parties. The treatment of every pericope is preceded by a new translation and a section called 'Essentials and Perspectives' in which the author summarizes the results of the exegesis in non-technical language. The primate here is assigned to the final stage of the text. The summary should incite the user to consult the main body of the exegesis which is that of modern critical scholarship.
Peeters Publishers Treasures of Wisdom: Studies in Ben Sira and the Book of Wisdom. Festschrift M. Gilbert
The Wisdom of Ben Sira and the Wisdom of Solomon are included in the Septuagint, but not in the Hebrew Bible. For a long time, these books were little read and studied. Today, however, there is a growing interest in them, stimulated not only by the discovery of Hebrew manuscripts of Ben Sira but also by the awareness that both books provide a privileged witness to the judaism in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Both books invite the reader to recognise that authentic wisdom consists in fear of the Lord and in loyality to the Torah. In addition to this common feature, both express different points of view in the debate in which the Jewish communities of Jerusalem (Wisdom of Ben Sira) and Alexandria (Wisdom of Solomon) were engaged in the face of the rise of Hellenistic culture. These books contain an essential key to the understanding of Judaism at the time and the beginning of Christianity. Professor Maurice Gilbert s.j. has devoted most of his scientific work, first, on the study of the Wisdom of Solomon and, later, on the Wisdom of Ben Sira. The present volume is dedicated to his honour on the occasion of his 65th birthday. It includes thirty-two studies by some of today's authorities on wisdom literature, and may be considered as a major contribution to the understanding of two important books of the Greek Bible.
Peeters Publishers Lectures Et Relectures De La Bible: Festschrift P.-M. Bogaert
L'activite scientifique du Professeur P.-M. Bogaert (Louvain-la-Neuve) couvre un vaste domaine qui va de l'etude de l'Ancien Testament hebreu a la reception du texte biblique durant l'ere chretienne (ecrits intertestamentaires, bible latine, bibles en francais) en passant par l'etude de la Septante et de ses versions latines. C'est a cette oeuvre d'envergure que ce volume de melanges entend donner un echo, tout en rendant honneur a P.-M. Bogaert. Faisant suite a la bibliographie commentee du jubilaire (J.-M. Auwers et J. Ponthot), une bonne vingtaine de collegues lui rendent hommage en traversant tour a tour les prophetes de l'A.T. (M. Vervenne, F. Goncalves, J. Vermeylen, B. Renaud, J. Lust), la Septante et la Vetus Latina (A. Schenker, J.W. Wevers, R. Hanart, J.-Cl. Haelewyck, M. Gilbert, M. Harl, A. Wenin), les ecrits inter- et neo-testamentaires (E. Tov, J.-M. van Cangh, C. Focant, J.-M. Sevrin) et la reception posterieure des ecrits bibliques (S. Brock, G. Dorival, F. Dolbeau, J.-P. Delville, A. Kabasele Mukenge).
Peeters Publishers Le Romantisme Francais: Esthetique Platonicienne Et Modernite Litteraire
Paul Valery pretendait qu'il fallait avoir perdu la raison pour essayer de definir le romantisme. Un tel constat ne releve pas de la seule ironie. A l'examen, toutes les etudes portant sur le romantisme francais ont ete confrontees a un probleme qui revient comme un leitmotiv, celui de la definition de l'objet meme de la recherche: le mot "romantisme" est un vocable aux definitions fluctuantes, lie a une periode historique aux limites tout aussi imprecises. Quant aux declarations des interesses eux-memes -- lesdits ecrivains "romantiques" --, elles ne s'accordent guere et apparaissent parfois tout a fait contradictoires.Peut-on toutefois degager d'eventuelles lignes de force, une structure latente voire un air de famille dans le chaos apparent de la production litteraire de l'epoque? Le present ouvrage en fait le pari. Le debut du XIXe siecle se caracterise, en France, par la convergence d'une remise a l'honneur de Platon et d'un mode de pensee "platonicien", qui se rencontre a des degres divers chez tous les ecrivains. Le romantisme peut se laisser apprehender comme un dialogue critique, souvent polemique, etabli entre la litterature et l'inspiration platonicienne, acceptee completement ou avec des nuances par certains, fermement rejetee par d'autres. Ainsi, a partir des critiques adressees aux doctrines derivees des ecrits du philosophe grec, va s'elaborer une variante moderne, laicisee, du platonisme. De cette modernite litteraire, les oeuvres de Chateaubriand, de Stendahl, de Balzac marqueront l'avenement; Nerval, Baudelaire et Flaubert en porteront un temps le flambeau; et elle traversera tout le XIXe siecle pour venir se fondre dans l'oeuvre de Proust et trouver, au coeur de la Recherche du temps perdu, son expression definitive.
Peeters Publishers Universale Vernunft und Partikularer Glaube: Eine Theologische Auswertung des Werkes von Jurgen Habermas
Welche Bedeutung kommt dem Komplex Religion/Theologie/Kirche in dem sozialpolitischen Werk von Jurgen Habermas zu? Die umfassende Untersuchung von Hermann Duringer kommt zu dem Schluss, dass Habermas in seiner Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns und in seiner Reflexion uber Nachmetaphysisches Denken den Gehalten der judischen und christlichen Tradition eng verbunden bleibt. Besonders eng gerade dort, wo er sich 'methodisch atheistisch' dem philosophischen Diskurs der Moderne verpflichtet fuhlt und sich dem theologischen Diskurs entzieht. Diese Haltung kann als Analogie zu dem Umschlag von Mystik in Aufklarung gesehen werden, auf den Habermas sich bezieht. Der Untertitel nennt sich 'theologische Auswertung'. Er mochte eine religionsphilosophisch-kritische Wertschatzung des Werkes von Jurgen Habermas zum Ausdruck bringen und einen Beitrag leisten, das Habermassche Werk fur den theologischen, insbesonder kirchentheoretischen Diskurs auszuwerten. Wen der Titel 'Universale Vernunft und partikularer Glaube' zu einer Gegenthese provoziert, liegt richtig. Das Buch versteht sich als ein Kapitel dialektischer Theologie.
Peeters Publishers Languages and Cultures in Contact: At the Crossroads of Civilizations in the Syro-Mesopotamian Realm
This volume contains 33 papers presented at the 42th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale held at the University of Leuven in July 1995. The main purpose of the conference on Languages and Cultures in Contact was to focus on contacts and exchanges between the various cultures in the Syro-Mesopotamian realm by re-evaluating the geographical limits of 'Mesopotamian' civilization to include the Upper- and Middle-Euphrates regions of Syria. These proceedings cover areas of research in the fields of philology, archaeology and history alike. They bring together essays on a great number of topics, including comparative linguistics, the spread of literacy and administrative practices, cultural exchanges, diffusion and acculturation. Finally the book contains reports on current excavations and surveys in the Ancient Near East.
Peeters Publishers Moussyllanea: Melanges De Linguistique Et De Litterature Anciennes
Ce livre de Melanges rassemble 44 contributions de savants europeens (Francais, Belges, Luxembourgeois, Espagnols, Italiens) et portant sur l'ensemble de la latinite. Differentes sections composent le volume, par themes: etudes d'etymologie, de morphologie, de syntaxe, de semantique, d'onomastique, de pragmatique, de litterature. L'ensemble, ecrit par ses collegues et amis et coordonne par deux de ses eleves, temoigne de la richesse et de la curiosite de Claude Moussy, a qui le livre est dedie. Contributions de Mmes et MM. Andre, Bader, Bratin, Biville, Bodelot, Boels, Bonnet, Brachet, Briquel, Bureau, Calboli, Capdeville, Chollet, Colombat, Colot, Conso, Croisille, Dangel, Desbordes, Dobias-Lalou, Ducos, Duret, Flobert, Fruyt, Gaide, Garcia-Hernandez, E. Gavoille, L. Gavoille, Grandazzi, Hellegouarc'h, Joffre, Kircher, Lavency, Liou, Nadjo, Nicolas, Orlandini, Pinault, Serbat, Skoda, Thomas, Touratier, Wolff et Zehnacker.
Peeters Publishers A Philosophy of European Union Law
Is the European Union a new Walden? Although a contrast in form and format, the Union is surprisingly close to the latter's underlying philosophy. One can read this proximity in the Treaties or the many facets of the European idea which mirrors in the Union's emerging legal system. Today there is no longer a Union of a limited number of Nation States desiring to end divisions among themselves, to acquire mutual respect and prosperity or a higher standard of living and working conditions for its members. European citizenship shows a global orientation and is in continuous competition with the discourse of a globalizing economy and its Internet democracy. Analyses of concepts such as political geography, global, (supra)national and regional citizenship, democracy, learning society, native tongue and market lead to the insight that the Union's legal system wishes to ensure its citizens a legally engendered, formatted and protected global position for action. Walden's philosophy has a new face. Jan M. Broekman is Professor Emeritus Contemporary Philosophy and Philosophy of Law, KU Leuven, Philosophy of Medicine and Medical Ethics, Free University Amsterdam, and Honorary Professor Universidad Nacional de Argentina in Mar del Plata. He is visiting Professor of Law at the University of Illinois College of Law, Champaign/Urbana, USA.
Peeters Publishers Ethics and the Life of Faith: A Christian Moral Perspective
How can someone, committed to a Christian view of life, reason concerning ethical issues ? That is the main question of this book, which seeks to contribute to an understanding of morality as a human phenomenon. A central question in this respect is how it is possible to understand human beings as persons having free will and moral responsibility. It emerges from the analysis that Christian faith contributes to ethics in three different ways: first, it provides a perspective on human life and its setting, second, it offers an understanding of human beings as personal subjects, while, third, the Christian tradition supplies us with edifying narratives containing patterns of good human life. In the final chapter, one particular case of applied ethics is analysed: How should the acceptable level of accidental death within a given context be established ?
Peeters Publishers La Morale Heroique Dans Les Epopees Latines D'Epoque Flavienne: Tradition Et Innovation
La Thebaide et l'Achilleide de Stace, les Argonautiques de Valerius Flaccus et les Punica de Silius Italicus sont l'objet de cette etude, qui s'attache a definir la conception de l'heroisme dans la litterature epique de l'ere flavienne, en mettant en lumiere les points de convergence entre ces trois auteurs tout en reconnaissant leurs specificites. Il s'agit de degager une evolution de l'ethique heroique de ces epopees au regard de la tradition epique anterieure et en liaison avec le contexte moral et intellectuel de leur temps. Les epopees flaviennes sont ainsi examinees dans leurs rapports avec leurs principaux modeles epiques (essentiellement Virgile et Lucain), mais aussi avec la tradition philosophique (dominee par l'influence stoicienne) ainsi qu'avec l'ideologie imperiale. Cette etude met en relief une humanisation et une moralisation et croissantes de l'heroisme epique qui annoncent l'epanouissement de la notion ethique d'humanitas au debut du second siecle.
Peeters Publishers Lamentations
The Historical Commentary on the Old Testament is an international series of commentaries which devotes explicit attention to the history of interpretation of biblical tradition in all its stages, both within and without the Hebrew canon. The commentary stands in the Christian exegetical tradition. In Lamentations the treatment of every pericope is preceded by a new translation and a section called "Essentials and Perspectives" in which the author summarizes the results of the exegesis in non-technical language. The present commentary on Lamentations distinguishes itself by the fact that it is clearly and explicitly based on the songs understood as an interactive unity, one in which it would appear that the songs provide comment and explanation on one another. The result is a commentary full of exegetical surprises which frequently departs from the traditional.
Peeters Publishers Poetry of Hadewijch
The Stanzaic Poems, written by Hadewijch of Antwerp in the 13th century, are a body of 45 lyrical poems in stanzas. They are daring God-talk in the guise of courtly love songs. Hadewijch uses the linguistic style of chivalry but her poems are by no means courtly poetry. She shifts the current meaning of chivalry by transferring its context to a field of meaning focused on God. Because of the view of Minne (=love) that is embodied in them, the Stanzaic Poems are an exponent of the age old tradition of women's songs - of which the Song of Songs is the best known example - and as such they are an expression of a particular manner of keeping company with God: they celebrate a relationship of mutuality between partners equivalent in love. An introductory essay highlights some of the striking points of lovers: the raging desire of 'orewoet': the gentility of humankind's origin. This essay is followed by a rendering of the Stanzaic Poems from Middle-Dutch into Modern English prose. With an introduction by Edward Schillebeeckx.
Peeters Publishers The Hidden Heritage of Diaspora Judaism: Essays on Jewish Cultural Identity in the Roman World
In recent scholarly debates concerning the history of the Jews in Roman times, the study of the Diaspora has begun to play an increasingly important part. New archaeological and inscriptional discoveries have provided scholars with much evidence to demonstrate that, in later Roman times, the majority of Jews lived outside the Land of Israel, in communities that could be found in virtually every corner of the Roman world. An investigation of how all these Jewish communities related to the Greco-Roman world surrounding them has become a central theme in the study of ancient Jewish history. In the present collection of essays, Dr. L.V. Rutgers, author of the award-winning The Jews in Late Ancient Rome (1995), investigates how Diaspora Jews defined their identity while interacting with temporary non-Jewish society. Bringing to bear on this issue archaeological, epigraphical, and historical evidence, the author investigates Jewish and non-Jewish evidence side-by-side in an attempt to shed new light on the question of how physical remains can help us to revise current perceptions of Jewish life in the Diaspora. In an introductory chapter Dr. Rutgers uses the evidence collected elsewhere in this book to argue that the Jews of antiquity must have had a very clearly defined sense of identity. Discussing some of the methodological problems that face scholars working in this particular field of study, Dr. Rutgers also questions the idea that variety is characteristic of Diaspora Judaism.
Peeters Publishers The Gospel of Luke A Cumulative Bibliography 19731988 Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium
Peeters Publishers Releve Apocalyptique du Messianisme Royal. III. Le Fils de l'Homme Neotestamentaire
Peeters Publishers Western Esotericism and the Science of Religion
This volume is based upon papers read during the innovative section "Western Esotericism and the Science of Religion" organized at the 17th International Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) in Mexico City, August 5-12, 1995. The section was created in order to fill a long-standing hiatus in the academic study of religions: whereas phenomena such as gnosticism and hermetism in antiquity, and even the occult sciences of that period, have long been recognized as subjects worthy of serious investigation, the history of similar and related phenomena in more recent periods has hardly received the same measure of scholarly attention and recognition. The present volume is devoted to the academic emancipation of these areas as constituting a legitimate domain of research, which may be referred to by the generic label "western esotericism". Preceded by an introductory essay on the birth of this new discipline in the study of religion, the volume provides a sample of current research in the field and devotes special attention to some central methodological questions.
Peeters Publishers La Sagesse De L'Ancien Testament: (Nouvelle Edition Mise a Jour)
Peeters Publishers L'Evangile Selon Marc: Tradition et Redaction
Peeters Publishers Gregory Barhebraeus Ethicon (Memra I): V.
Peeters Publishers Die Katholischen Briefe in der Koptischen (Sahidischen) Version: V.
Peeters Publishers The Epistle of Humanity of Emperor Zar'A Ya Eqob: T.
Peeters Publishers Jean Maron. Expose De La Foi Et Autres Opuscules: T.
Peeters Publishers La Christianisation De L'Empire Iranien, Des Origines Aux Grandes Persecutions Du IVe Siecle
Peeters Publishers Gannat Bussame, I. Die Adventssonntage: T.
Peeters Publishers Studies in the History of the Gospel Text in Syriac
Peeters Publishers Le Commentaire Sur Genese-Exode 9, 32 Du Manuscrit (olim) Diyarbakir 22: V.
Peeters Publishers Das Annalenwerk Des Eutychios Von Alexandrien. Ausgewahlte Geschichten Und Legenden Kompiliert Von Sa'id Ibn Batriq Um 935 A.D.: T.