Search results for ""Author . Rainer""
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Ladina Gaudenz: La face cachée de l’instant
From the outset of her career, Swiss artist Ladina Gaudenz, born in 1962, has been dealing with the close yet fragile relationships between mankind and nature, the environment, and technology. She explores facets and states of these relationships via convincing creative means, resulting in sensual, densely atmospheric paintings, while the boundaries between individual memory, references to tradition, and social commitment remain fluid. This bilingual French–German book is the first comprehensive survey of Ladina Gaudenz’s work of more than three decades. While painting is at its core, she has also created drawings, murals, and installations. Five essays by Françoise Jaunin, writer and art critic, Rainer Michael Mason, scholar of art history, Seraina Peer, art historian and researcher, Karine Tissot, art historian and educator, and the book’s editor Beat Stutzer discuss the evolution of Gaudenz’s artistic themes, the techniques she employs, her public displays, and the reception of her oeuvre as a whole, placing it in the context of contemporary Swiss art. Text in French and German.
Birkhauser Roof Construction Manual: Pitched Roofs
the Roof Construction Manual is a comprehensive reference work on the construction of pitched roofs, containing over 1800 plans and 220 photographs. Thirteen fundamental roof types and the relevant materials including thatch, wood, slate, tile, concrete, fibrous cement, bitumen, glass, metal, membranes, and synthetic materials are documented in detail. Essential topics such as ventilation, vapour and wind seals, insulation and drainage, renovation and energy conservation are examined. As with all the Construction Manuals, some 38 built examples illustrate the theoretical details, paying particular attention to important features such as the ridge, hip, eaves, roof valley, verge, and penetration. A compact presentation of the load-bearing physics and structures as well as current norms and standards make this volume an indispensable standard work for all architects and engineers.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Didaktische Konstruktion des Kindes in Schweizer Kinderbibeln: Zürich, Bern, Luzern (18001850)
V&R unipress GmbH Arbeiten zur Religionspädagogik (ARP).: Der Heilige Geist im Religionsunterricht der Grundschule und der Sekundarstufe 1
V&R unipress GmbH Arbeiten zur Religionspädagogik (ARP).: Unter Bezugnahme auf die Analytische Psychologie nach C.G. Jung
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft ((( ABA ))) Audio Branding Academy Yearbook 2012/2013
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kirchengeschichtliche Grundthemen: Historisch - Systematisch - Didaktisch. Unter Mitarbeit Von Thomas Breuer, Heidrun Dierk, Manfred L. Pirner Und Godehard Ruppert
Verlag Herder Wirtschaftliches Handeln in Christlicher Verantwortung
Harrassowitz Musik Im Umbruch: Studien Zu Michael Praetorius
Duncker & Humblot Kategoriendeduktion in Der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie
JRP Ringier Hannes Schmid: Real Stories
V&R unipress GmbH Arbeiten zur Religionspädagogik (ARP).: Theoretische und empirische Elemente einer alttestamentlichen Bibeldidaktik fÃ"r die Primarstufe
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Pflegewissen Stroke Unit: Für die Fortbildung und die Praxis
Stroke Unit: Dreh- und Angelpunkt ist die Pflege Dieses Buch bietet Pflegenden von Schlaganfallpatienten spezielles Fachwissen für die kompetente und umfassende Versorgung auf der Stroke Unit. Von der Erstversorgung bis zur Entlassung - hier finden Sie alle wichtigen Informationen, um kompetent und vorausschauend zu handeln. Das interdisziplinäre Autorenteam geht dabei auf alle wesentlichen Inhalte des Curriculums der Fortbildung der Deutschen Schlaganfall-Gesellschaft (DSG) ein.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden BWL für Ingenieurstudium und -praxis
Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt anschaulich durch viele Beispiele Studierenden und in der Praxis tätigen Ingenieuren die betriebswirtschaftliche Kompetenz und fokussiert auf globale Produktion und Beschaffung, technischer Vertrieb sowie Qualitäts- und Umweltmanagement. In der aktuellen Auflage wurden Abschnitte zu Industrie 4.0, digitaler Fabrik sowie Organisationskultur ergänzt.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Evaluation von Programmen und Projekten für eine demokratische Kultur
Eine attraktive demokratische Kultur ist keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Vielmehr müssen die Bedeutung und die Qualität demokratischer Werte und Normen immer wieder begreiflich und erlebbar gemacht werden. Aber welche Maßnahmen sind hierfür geeignet und welche nicht? Wie kann die Wirksamkeit von Programmen und Projekten optimiert werden? Wie kann sichergestellt werden, dass vorhandenes Wissen bei der Konzeption von Programmen und Projekten genutzt wird? Die BeitragsautorInnen geben Antworten auf diese Fragen. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf methodischen und praktischen Aspekten der Evaluation. Daneben wird aber auch den bisher kaum diskutierten grundsätzlichen Folgen von Evaluationsaktivitäten für die demokratische Kultur und die moderne Gesellschaft nachgegangen.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Religionspadagogisches Kompendium
This volume is a traditional portrait of the basics of religious education and provides as well an overview of the present state of the art of pedagogical and didactic theories in the teaching of religion.In its now 7th and completely revised edition this compendium also offers the theoretical and structural background for many practical suggestions for transferring this knowledge in the classroom. It provides information on the central themes surrounding the Bible, church history, theology, dogmatics, ethics and ecumenical matters.
Kohlhammer Inklusion Im Forderschwerpunkt Lernen
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) EMRK/GG: Konkordanzkommentar zum europäischen und deutschen Grundrechtsschutz
Die dritte Auflage des Konkordanzkommentars EMRK/GG erörtert in bewährter Form die Wechselwirkungen zwischen deutschem und europäischem Grundrechtsschutz. Auf der Grundlage der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte und des Bundesverfassungsgerichts werden die dogmatischen Grundfragen, die Einzelgewährleistungen und die Durchsetzungsmechanismen des europäischen und deutschen Grundrechtsschutzes einer vergleichenden Analyse unterzogen. Die seit der Vorauflage ergangene Rechtsprechung ist umfassend in die Darstellung eingearbeitet. Dabei werden auch aktuelle Entwicklungen wie die praktischen Auswirkungen der neu entfachten Debatte über das Subsidiaritätsprinzip und den mitgliedstaatlichen Beurteilungsspielraum bei der Bewertung von Grundrechtseingriffen gebührend berücksichtigt.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 5G for the Connected World
Comprehensive Handbook Demystifies 5G for Technical and Business Professionals in Mobile Telecommunication Fields Much is being said regarding the possibilities and capabilities of the emerging 5G technology, as the evolution towards 5G promises to transform entire industries and many aspects of our society. 5G for the Connected World offers a comprehensive technical overview that telecommunication professionals need to understand and take advantage of these developments. The book offers a wide-ranging coverage of the technical aspects of 5G (with special consideration of the 3GPP Release 15 content), how it enables new services and how it differs from LTE. This includes information on potential use cases, aspects of radio and core networks, spectrum considerations and the services primarily driving 5G development and deployment. The text also looks at 5G in relation to the Internet of Things, machine to machine communication and technical enablers such as LTE-M, NB-IoT and EC-GSM. Additional chapters discuss new business models for telecommunication service providers and vertical industries as a result of introducing 5G and strategies for staying ahead of the curve. Other topics include: Key features of the new 5G radio such as descriptions of new waveforms, massive MIMO and beamforming technologies as well as spectrum considerations for 5G radio regarding all possible bands Drivers, motivations and overview of the new 5G system – especially RAN architecture and technology enablers (e.g. service-based architecture, compute-storage split and network exposure) for native cloud deployments Mobile edge computing, Non-3GPP access, Fixed-Mobile Convergence Detailed overview of mobility management, session management and Quality of Service frameworks 5G security vision and architecture Ultra-low latency and high reliability use cases and enablers, challenges and requirements (e.g. remote control, industrial automation, public safety and V2X communication) An outline of the requirements and challenges imposed by massive numbers of devices connected to cellular networks While some familiarity with the basics of 3GPP networks is helpful, 5G for the Connected World is intended for a variety of readers. It will prove a useful guide for telecommunication professionals, standardization experts, network operators, application developers and business analysts (or students working in these fields) as well as infrastructure and device vendors looking to develop and integrate 5G into their products, and to deploy 5G radio and core networks.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bio- and Multifunctional Polymer Architectures: Preparation, Analytical Methods, and Applications
This reference/text addresses concepts and synthetic techniques for the preparation of polymers for state-of-the-art use in biomedicine, synthetic biology, and bionanotechnology.
WW Norton & Co Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties: Translations and Considerations
Here is a mini-anthology of poetry and prose for both aficionados and those readers discovering Rainer Maria Rilke for the first time. John J. L. Mood has assembled a collection of Rilke's strongest work, presenting commentary along with the selections. Mood links into an essay passages from letters that show Rilke's profound understanding of men and women and his ardent spirituality, rooted in the senses. Combining passion and sensitivity, the poems on love presented here are often not only sensual but sexual as well. Others pursue perennial themes in his work—death and life, growth and transformation. The book concludes with Rilke's reflections on wisdom and openness to experience, on grasping what is most difficult and turning what is most alien into that which we can most trust.
Springer International Publishing AG Transplantation of the Pancreas
Now in its fully revised and expanded second edition, this textbook remains the definitive resource on pancreas transplantation. Enlarged, updated and improved, it consists of 93 chapters over 11 sections, with chapter authors who are recognized international leaders in their fields and represent institutions from five continents.Since the publication of the original edition in 2004, substantial progress has been made in the field of pancreas transplantation, specifically in regard to standardization of operative techniques and immunosuppression; significant improvements in patient and graft survival rates; and improved diagnosis and therapy of graft rejection and recurrence of disease. Pancreas transplants are no longer primarily performed in the USA and Europe for Type 1 diabetes mellitus; over the past 15 years, they have been performed with increasing frequency worldwide and also for Type 2 diabetes mellitus.The new edition of this textbook covers all aspects of pancreas transplantation: indications, recipient categories, surgical donor and recipient techniques, living donor transplantation, postoperative management and follow-up, post-transplant complications and malignancies, immunosuppression, treatment and diagnosis of rejection, impact on endocrine function and secondary complications of diabetes, recurrence of disease, quality of life, economic issues and overall outcome results. In addition, state-of-the art chapters focus on the classification, epidemiology and pathogenesis of Type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus as well as on other beta-cell replacement therapies including islet auto- and allo-transplantation.This textbook is the primary reference on pancreas transplantation for transplant surgeons (established and in-training), pancreas and HPB surgeons, diabetologists, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, pancreatologists and other health professionals with a focus on transplantation and diabetes (cardiologists, neurologists, urologists, ophthalmologists).
De Gruyter Soziologie - Sociology in the German-Speaking World: Special Issue Soziologische Revue 2020
This book provides the first systematic overview of German sociology today. Thirty-four chapters review current trends, relate them to international discussions and discuss perspectives for future research. The contributions span the whole range of sociological research topics, from social inequality to the sociology of body and space, addressing pressing questions in sociological theory and innovative research methods. TOC: Introduction Culture / Uta Karstein and Monika Wohlrab-Sahr Demography and Aging / François Höpflinger Economic Sociology / Andrea Maurer Education and Socialization / Matthias Grundmann Environment / Anita Engels Europe / Monika Eigmüller Family and Intimate Relationships / Dirk Konietzka, Michael Feldhaus, Michaela Kreyenfeld, and Heike Trappe (Felt) Body. Sports, Medicine, and Media / Robert Gugutzer and Claudia Peter Gender / Paula-Irene Villa and Sabine Hark Globalization and Transnationalization / Anja Weiß Global South / Eva Gerharz and Gilberto Rescher History of Sociology / Stephan Moebius Life Course / Johannes Huinink and Betina Hollstein Media and Communication / Andreas Hepp Microsociology / Rainer Schützeichel Migration / Ludger Pries Mixed-Methods and Multimethod Research / Felix Knappertsbusch, Bettina Langfeldt, and Udo Kelle Organization / Raimund Hasse Political Sociology / Jörn Lamla Qualitative Methods / Betina Hollstein and Nils C. Kumkar Quantitative Methods / Alice Barth and Jörg Blasius Religion / Matthias Koenig Science and Higher Education / Anna Kosmützky and Georg Krücken Social Inequalities―Empirical Focus / Gunnar Otte, Mara Boehle, and Katharina Kunißen Social Inequalities―Theoretical Focus / Thomas Schwinn Social Movements / Thomas Kern Social Networks / Roger Häußling Social Policy / Birgit Pfau-Effinger and Christopher Grages Social Problems / Günter Albrecht Social Theory / Wolfgang Ludwig Schneider Society / Uwe Schimank Space. Urban, Rural, Territorial / Martina Löw Technology and Innovation / Werner Rammert Work and Labor / Brigitte Aulenbacher and Johanna Grubner List of Contributors Index
ACC Art Books Ferrari: From Inside and Outside
"The book provides a fresh take on the difference between the lived experience inside Ferrari and the perception from outside, combining intense scrutiny and global fan adulation." — “The photographs in the book, reproduced with startling clarity while still maintaining a period-correct palette, are a joy to study, demonstrating with profound evidence the progression of the drivers, cars, and competition—as well as the photographers' techniques—through the decades” - Car and Driver "The book’s rich visual history and detailed descriptions make it a must-have for any Ferrari enthusiast... ." — Global Village Space "Beautiful photography is a great way to focus on Ferrari racing, from early Grand Prix to present-day Formula 1." — Car and Driver "A must-have book for the Ferrari fan." — Antique & Collectors Trader "...simply oozes the Ferrari mystique from every page. Even though I've loved Ferrari for decades, reading this book was like falling in love with Ferrari all over again for the very first time. Yes, no question, it's a must-have Ferrari book." — Prancing Horse Magazine Ferrari is the beating heart of the global sporting phenomenon that is Formula 1. Its founder, Enzo Ferrari, was born on the racetrack as a competition driver before he became a creator of mythical road cars. No other team can inspire the passion or match the stories of triumph and tragedy. Rainer Schlegelmilch and Ercole Colombo are two of Formula 1’s most legendary photographers. They covered the sport from the 1960s onwards, with amazing access inside the Scuderia. Here, for the first time, they come together to pay tribute to Formula 1’s most iconic team. Ferrari: From Inside and Outside features contributions from iconic figures including Piero Ferrari, Luca di Montezemolo, Stefano Domenicali, Jean Todt and legendary designer Mauro Forghieri. The book is edited by internationally celebrated Formula 1 commentator and Michael Schumacher’s biographer, James Allen.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Change Management
Penguin Putnam Inc Letters to a Young Poet
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Smart Regulation: Vertrag, Unternehmung und Markt
Smart Regulation steht für innovative Regulierungsansätze und -formen. Die interdisziplinäre Erforschung von Smart Regulation nimmt sich der Herausforderungen und Chancen der Digitalisierung an, berücksichtigt neue Erkenntnisse zu menschlichem Verhalten und erschließt zukunftsweisende Regulierungstechniken. Der vorliegende Band führt die Beiträge zum gleichnamigen Symposium an der Universität Graz vom 2. Oktober 2020 zusammen. Behandelt werden vier Themenblöcke: Digitalisierung als Herausforderung für den Verbraucherschutz, Publizität zur Steuerung sozialen Unternehmertums, automatisiertes Entscheiden zwischen Markt und Regulierung sowie Standardbildung und -durchsetzung im Unternehmensbereich. Die hierzu eingebrachten Perspektiven aus Rechtswissenschaft, Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Psychologie, Philosophie und Theologie schaffen eine inhaltliche und methodische Grundlage für die weitere Diskussion von Smart Regulation.
Birkhauser Neue Holzbautechnologien: Materialien, Konstruktionen, Bautechnik, Projekte
The “old” material of wood has been used to construct dwellings of different types since the dawn of mankind. And not without reason. Its low density combined with high rigidity, good processability, and its resistance makes it an excellent building material. There is currently a pioneering renaissance of the timber construction, for two distinct reasons: first, wood is increasingly being rediscovered as one of the most important renewable raw materials for sustainable construction. Moreover, a revolution in the construction of timber structures began several years ago with the ever-progressive use of three-dimensional CAD models for digitally controlled robot manufacturing. The book documents these developments, in particular the engineering bonding techniques, the introduction of digital production techniques, and the innovative material developments of this material. The chapter on composite structures and experimental structures specifically address trends toward the future-oriented dimensions of timber construction. In the final section, outstanding designs are documented in detail, such as the Club House of Haesley Nine Bridges Golf Course designed by Shigeru Ban in Yeoju, South Korea, and the double gymnasium in Borex-Crassier, Switzerland, by Graeme Mann and Patricia Capua Mann .
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development
The Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development explores the theories and approaches which, over a prolonged period of time, have existed as viable alternatives to today?s mainstream and neo-classical tenets. With a total of 40 specially commissioned chapters, written by the foremost authorities in their respective fields, this volume represents a landmark in the field of economic development. It elucidates the richness of the alternative and sometimes misunderstood ideas which, in different historical contexts, have proved to be vital to the improvement of the human condition. The subject matter is approached from several complementary perspectives. From a historical angle, the Handbook charts the mercantilist and cameralist theories that emerged from the Renaissance and developed further during the Enlightenment. From a geographical angle, it includes chapters on African, Chinese, Indian, and Muslim approaches to economic development. Different schools are also explored and discussed including nineteenth century US development theory, Marxist, Schumpeterian, Latin American structuralism, regulation theory and world systems theories of development. In addition, the Handbook has chapters on important events and institutions including The League of Nations, The Havana Charter, and UNCTAD, as well as on particularly influential development economists. Contemporary topics such as the role of finance, feminism, the agrarian issue, and ecology and the environment are also covered in depth. This comprehensive Handbook offers an unrivalled review and analysis of alternative and heterodox theories of economic development. It should be read by all serious scholars, teachers and students of development studies, and indeed anyone interested in alternatives to development orthodoxy.Contributors: M. Alacevich, R. Arocena, J.G. Backhaus, E.B. Barbier, R. Bielschowsky, C.N. Biltoft, R. Boyer, L. Burlamaqui, C.P. Chandrasekhar, M. Cimoli, A.M. Daastøl, G. Derluguian, W. Drechsler, S. Endresen, M.S. Erkek, M.S. Floro, J. Ghosh, J.-C. Graz, J.P. Hochard, I. Ianos, P. Jha, A. Kadri, R. Kattel, J.A. Kregel, B.-Å. Lundvall, A.C. Macedo e Silva, J.A. Mathews, L. Mjøset, S. Moyo, R.R. Nelson, G. Omkarnath, E. Özveren, J.G. Palma, P. Patnaik, G. Porcile, E.S. Reinert, S.A. Reinert, P.R. Rössner, A. Saltelli, M. Shafaeddin, A. Singh, I.G. Shivji, J. Sutz, Y. Tandon, E. Thurbon, F. Tregenna, H.S. Ünal, L. Weiss, T. Xu, P. Yeros, X. Zhao
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Duino Elegies
Rilke's great cycle of ten elegies, perhaps his most profound poetic achievement, had its inception on the morning of January 21, 1912, but was interrupted by the First World War and not completed until a decade later. The Duino Elegies are not only the result of an extraordinary kind of contact with the unseen world; they are an attempt to understand that world in its holistic relationship to the visible, tangible world. This powerful rendering ofthe cycle is a product of the collaboration between a poet, Norris, and a Germanist, Keele.
V&R unipress GmbH Arbeiten zur Religionspädagogik (ARP).: Eine Analyse zu Kinderbibeln in der Aufklärungszeit
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Sophisten in Hellenismus und Kaiserzeit: Orte, Methoden und Personen der Bildungsvermittlung
Der Forschung geläufig ist die Rede von einer ersten (5./4. Jh. v. Chr.) und der sog. Zweiten Sophistik (2. Jh. n. Chr). Aber auch die Literatur des Hellenismus und der frühen Kaiserzeit kennt zahlreiche Sophisten. Der Sophist, verstanden als (schlechter) Lehrer und Redner, Gegenspieler des Philosophen oder Vertreter der griechischen Bildung, bildet deshalb den Dreh-und Angelpunkt der Beiträge, die Schlaglichter auf Orte, Methoden und Personen der Bildungsvermittlung werfen. Sophisten wirken im Gymnasion, im Museion in Alexandreia, in Tempeln in Rom oder privaten Schulen in Ägypten und Judäa. Der vorliegende Band diskutiert neben diesen Orten die Methoden der Bildungsvermittlung und die soziale Herkunft der Lehrer. Weitere wichtige Aspekte sind die Konkurrenz als strukturierendes Element des Lebens eines Sophisten und das Bankett als Ort der Bildungsvermittlung. Die Beiträge zeigen, wie pagane und jüdische Denker, Platoniker und Stoiker Bildung als Weg zum richtigen Welt- und Gottesverständnis verstehen.
Pushkin Press Duino Elegies
In 1931, Virginia and Leonard Woolf's Hogarth Press published a small run of a beautiful edition of Rainer Maria Rilke's Duino Elegies, in English translation by the writers Vita and Edward Sackville-West. This marked the English debut of Rilke's masterpiece, which would eventually be rendered in English over 20 times, influencing countless poets, musicians and artists across the English-speaking world. Published for the first time in 90 years, the Sackville-Wests' translation is both a fascinating historical document and a magnificent blank-verse rendering of Rilke's poetry cycle. Featuring a new introduction from critic Lesley Chamberlain, this reissue casts one of European literature's great masterpieces in fresh light.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Investment Law and General International Law: Radiating Effects?
This book questions whether investment law influences the wider field of general international law, and more specifically, whether approaches adopted by tribunals in investment arbitrations have radiated, or should radiate, into other fields of international law.To answer this question, the book engages in a detailed analysis of pronouncements by investment tribunals on state responsibility, the law of treaties, and general principles of dispute resolution, and evaluates their impact beyond the narrow field of investment law. The perspectives provided in the book highlight how rules of general international law are concretised, specified, and at times moulded in investment arbitration practice. By doing so, the book enhances our understanding of the relationship between general international law and one its most dynamic sub-disciplines.Combining conceptual and practical perspectives, and offering a detailed analysis of the pertinent case law, the book is a plea for a fuller engagement directed at both general international lawyers and international investment lawyers. It will help investment lawyers better understand the role of general international law in their field of practice. General international lawyers will benefit from paying close attention to how investment lawyers apply and interpret rules of general international law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Investment Law and the Global Financial Architecture
The global crises of the early 21st century have tested the international financial architecture. In seeking to ensure stability, governments have regulated financial and capital markets. This in turn has implicated international investment law, which investors have invoked as a shield against debt restructuring, bail-ins or bail-outs. This book explores whether investment law should protect against such regulatory measures, including where these have the support of multilateral institutions. It considers where the line should be drawn between legitimate regulation and undue interference with investor rights and, equally importantly, who draws it. Across the diverse chapters herein, expert international scholars assess the key challenges facing decision makers, analyze arbitral and treaty practice and evaluate ways towards a balanced system of investment protection in the financial sector. In doing so, they offer a detailed analysis of the interaction between investment protection and financial regulation in fields such as sovereign debt restructuring and bank rescue measures. Combining high-level analysis with a detailed assessment of controversial legal issues, this book will provide guidance for both academics and legal practitioners working in international economic law, international arbitration, investment law, international banking and financial law.Contributors include: A. Asteriti, P. Athanassiou, C.N. Brower, A. De Luca, A. Goetz-Charlier, A. Gourgourinis, R. Hofmann, H. Kupelyants, Y. Li, M. Mendelson, M.W. Müller, M
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Investment Law and Development: Bridging the Gap
International investment law has often been seen as an obstacle to sustainable development. While the connections between investment and development are plain, for a long time there has been relatively little scholarship exploring them. Combining critical reflection and detailed analysis, this book addresses the relationship between contemporary investment law and development.The book is organized around two competing visions of investment and development - as working either harmoniously or in conflict with one another. The expert contributors reflect on both of these views and analyse the social dimensions of development and its impact on investment law. Coverage includes in-depth discussion on such issues as human rights, poverty reduction, labor standards, and indigenous peoples.Students and scholars of international investment law will benefit from the informed analysis of the links between investment and development. This book will also be of use to practitioners and experts of development law who are looking for an up-to-date perspective of the field.Contributors: W. Ben Hamida, C. Binder, J. Bonnitcha, M.-C. Cordonier Segger, D.A. Desierto, M.G. Desta, I. Feichtner, M.W. Gehring, A.R. Hippolyte, R. Hofmann, K. Magraw, K.Nadakavukaren Schefer, V. Prislan, Y. Radi, A. Saldarriaga, S.W. Schill, M. Sornarajah, C.J. Tams, C. Tan, R. Zandvliet
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH R für Dummies
Wollen Sie auch die umfangreichen Möglichkeiten von R nutzen, um Ihre Daten zu analysieren, sind sich aber nicht sicher, ob Sie mit der Programmiersprache wirklich zurechtkommen? Keine Sorge - dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, wie es geht - selbst wenn Sie keine Vorkenntnisse in der Programmierung oder Statistik haben. Andrie de Vries und Joris Meys zeigen Ihnen Schritt für Schritt und anhand zahlreicher Beispiele, was Sie alles mit R machen können und vor allem wie Sie es machen können. Von den Grundlagen und den ersten Skripten bis hin zu komplexen statistischen Analysen und der Erstellung aussagekräftiger Grafiken. Auch fortgeschrittenere Nutzer finden in diesem Buch viele Tipps und Tricks, die Ihnen die Datenauswertung erleichtern.
V&R unipress GmbH Arbeiten zur Religionspädagogik (ARP).: Kulturwissenschaftliche und religionspädagogische Perspektiven
Verlag fur Moderne Kunst Rainer Ganahl: I Wanna Be Alfred Jarry
V&R unipress GmbH Bildung noch immer ein wertvoller Begriff?!
Logos Verlag Berlin Rezepte Schreiben Ist Leicht, Aber ... -- Psychosomatisches Kranksein. Ein Anderes Lesebuch Fur Den Hausarzt