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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research Methods in Migration
Covering both qualitative and quantitative topics, the expert contributors in this Handbook explore fundamental issues of scientific logic, methodology and methods, through to practical applications of different techniques and approaches in migration research. The chapters of this interdisciplinary Handbook maintain an introductory level of discussion on migration research methods, while providing readers with references necessary for those wishing to go deeper into the topic. Using a combination of concepts and techniques with research experiences from the field, this Handbook will prove to be an invaluable guide. Master-level students and academics in migration-related programs will find this compendium a useful and stimulating resource. It also discusses issues relating to the collection of data on migrants, including topics such as survey designs, interviewing techniques and ethical issues that policy makers and government employees will find informative. Advisory Board:Professor Stephen CastlesProfessor Robin CohenProfessor Josh DeWindProfessor Raúl Delgado WiseContributors: C. Amuedo-Dorantes, B. Anderson, R. Banerjee, D. Bartram, V. Bilger, I. Bloemraad, P. Boccagni, P.S. Bose, M. Caesar, C. Carletto, J. Carling, S. Castles, A. Chikanda, M.M. Chin, J. Crush, A. de Brauw, R. Delgado Wise, C. Eberhardt, E. Funkhouser, A. Gamlen, A. Hill, D. Hoerder, T. Iosifides, A.O. Law, F.A. Lozano, H. Marquez Covarrubias, D. McKenzie, C. Oxford, J. Parker Talwar, W. Pendleton, S. Pozo, B. Rogaly, M. Ruhs, L. Sanchez-Ayala, J. Shih, M. Siegel, R. Skeldon, M.D. Steinberger, I. van Liempt, C. Vargas-Silva, K. Warner, D. Yang
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Trade and Development
This innovative volume, with contributions from well-established and newer authors in the field, offers important contemporary insights on various issues in trade and development. It comprises both updated reviews on classic issues in the field; important contributions on newer areas including informal cross border trade, agglomeration and trade facilitation; and insights from firm studies. One important theme explored here is the greater difficulty Sub-Saharan Africa has had in benefiting from trade compared to East Asia and Latin America.'- Andy McKay, University of Sussex, UKThis timely Handbook comprehensively explores the complex relationships between trade and economic performance in developing countries, illustrating that it is not trade per se that is important but the context, at the firm, country and regional level, in which trade occurs.The Handbook on Trade and Development provides a review of the current understanding of major trade issues facing developing countries through considering specific region or country case studies. Broad topics are covered including trade costs and facilitation; trade preferences; trade and firm performance; and child labor. Chapters on sub-Saharan Africa cover primary commodities, informal cross-border trade, agglomeration and regional integration. Chapters on Latin America include the role of imported technology; exchange rates; export diversification; FDI; and firm exporting. Chapters on East Asia cover the increasing importance of China in world trade and links between trade and environment, labor markets and FDI.This discerning work will be an indispensable reference point for academics, researchers and students of development economics. The broad range of topics covered will provide a useful insight for practitioners and policy makers into the nuances of the complex relationship between trade and the economy in developing regions.Contributors include: C. Ackah, M.R. Agosin, P-.C. Athukorala, L.D.C. Chancí Arango, X. Cirera, E. Cooke, A.M. Fernandes, E. Ferro, R. Garcia, S. Golub, G. Herath, I.T. Kandilov, A. Leblebicio lu, G. Leeves, V. Leyaro, R.A. López, P. McConaghy, J. Menon, A. Mold, O. Morrissey, M. Persson, A. Prizzon, K. Sharma, E. Siba, M. Söderbom, T.T.H. Tambunan, F.E. Turkson, A. Voy, A. Waldkirch, W. Wei, J.S. Wilson, J. Zhang, X. Zhang
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Law and Freshwater: The Multiple Challenges
This excellent book covers the important legal and political perspectives on the world's freshwater resources. The chapters, written by distinguished experts from academia and practice, systematically address issues of economics, environment, sovereignty over resources, energy, conflict resolution, and in addition offer some in depth case studies. A wonderful book and compulsory reading for who needs to have the full picture of the complex international dynamics of freshwater in our time.'- Catherine Brölmann, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands'In sum, the volume is a must for all those who know and practice international and domestic water law, who influence the international water governance debate at the global, regional, and sub-regional scales, and who, in general, interact with water resources in the transboundary but also in the domestic setting of their respective countries.'- Stefano Burchi, Chairman of the International Association for Water Law - AIDA'International Law and Freshwater is an outstanding piece of legal and policy scholarship that poignantly, thoughtfully and effectively addresses the who, what, where, when and how of international waters governance and international law.'- Richard Kyle Paisley, University of British Columbia, CanadaThe issues surrounding water embody some of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. The editors of this timely book have brought together the leading authors in the field to explore the key questions involving international law and water governance.International Law and Freshwater connects recent legal developments through the breadth and synergies of a multidisciplinary analysis. It addresses such critical issues as water security, the right to water, international cooperation and dispute resolution, State succession to transboundary watercourse treaties, and facets of international economic law, including trade in 'virtual water' and the impacts of 'land grabs'.Containing detailed analysis and thought-provoking solutions, this book will appeal to researchers and academics working in the legal field, as well as international relations and natural sciences. Water practitioners, public officials, diplomats and students will also find much to interest them in this insightful study.Contributors: A.S. Al-Khasawneh, U. Alam, L. Boisson de Chazournes, L. Caflisch, M. Claassen, C. de Albuquerque, G. de los Cobos, L. del Castillo-Laborde, D. Garrick, J. Granit, D. Grey, E. Hey, V. Hughes, M. Kohen, C. Leb, G. Marceau, M.M. Mbengue, S.C. McCaffrey, O. McIntyre, S.M.A. Salman, D. Shelton, A. Tanzi, M. Tignino, B.A. Yimer
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Digital Creative Economy
Digital technologies have transformed the way many creative works are generated, disseminated and used. They have made cultural products more accessible, challenged established business models and the copyright system, and blurred the boundary between producers and consumers. This unique resource presents an up-to-date overview of academic research on the impact of digitization in the creative sector of the economy.In 37 chapters, this coherent volume brings together contributions by experts on many aspects of digitization in the creative industries. With its interdisciplinary approach and detailed studies of digitization in the arts, media and cultural industries, the Handbook provides accessible material for a range of courses. It will be thought-provoking reading for academics, researchers, students and policy-makers interested in progress in the creative economy.Contributors include: P. Arora, K. Atladottír, P. Bakker, J. Banks, W.J. Baumol, C. Bekar, A. Bruns, S. Cunningham, P. Di Cola, G. Doyle, K. van Eijck, J. Farchy, M. Favale, T. Flew, M. Gansemer, P. Goodridge, C. Handke, E. Haswell, A. Henten, R.M. Hilty, F. Homberg, R. Inglehart, A. Johansson, A. Katz, H. van Kranenburg, M. Kretschmer, M. Latzer, S.J. Liebowitz, M. Majorana, D. Mendis, F. Müller-Langer, T. Navarrete, S. Nérisson, P. Norris, J. Petrou, J. Poort, J. Potts, A. Pratt, M. Scheufen, N. Searle, D. Secchi, P. Stepan, A. Swift, R. Tadayoni, R. Towse, P. Tschmuck, F. Vermeylen, P. Waelbroek, R. Watt, G. White, P. Wikstrom, G. Withers, R. van der Wurff, G.W. Ziggers
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Corporate Governance, Enforcement and Financial Development: The Chinese Experience
Ding Chen's detailed institutional analysis of the development of the Chinese stock market brings the question of enforcement to centre stage. In doing so, she not only introduces readers to the particularities of the Chinese system; she also sheds new light on conventional debates about the law and economics of corporate governance.'- Andrew Johnston, University of Sheffield, UK'In this book Dr Ding Chen has made an important theoretical contribution to our understanding of corporate governance in transitional economies and of corporate governance in China especially. Drawing upon the insights of New Institutional Economics theory she examines the interplay between formal and informal enforcement mechanisms relating to corporate governance in China. To support this argument the book breaks new ground by providing a comprehensive examination of enforcement actions in China's stock market; her findings are at variance from conclusions found in other research, such as in the law and finance literature. Rather than simply imitating the dominant Anglo-American model of corporate governance, she argues that local conditions will greatly affect the choice of the most appropriate governance models. This has been especially so in China.'- Roman Tomasic, University of South Australia and Durham Law School, UKThis important new book attempts to establish a fresh conceptual framework for the study of corporate governance by employing the new institutional economics of contract enforcement. This framework helps to clarify two critical issues including the role of law in financial development and whether there is an optimal corporate governance model that should be followed by countries attempting to develop their own stock markets.Applying this novel framework, the author conducts a comprehensive study on Chinese corporate governance and discovers that the Chinese stock market has rapidly expanded even in the absence of any effective institutions. She provides a credible explanation to this 'China puzzle' by arguing that the growth of the stock market is mainly driven by state guarantees, institutional rent seeking by state-owned companies, financial repression and investors' speculation. Indeed, there is probably nowhere better to look than China's stock market to assess the limits of the gradualist approach to financial development. As the book explains, the potential efficiency gains that could be created by a healthy, well-functioning stock market have been completely outweighed by the consideration of maintaining the existing political system.This book will appeal to scholars and students of economics and law with an interest in corporate governance, Chinese economic development and new institutional economics.Contents: Introduction 1. Theoretical Framework 2. Historical Background and Characteristics of the Chinese Stock Market 3. Enforcement in China s Capital Market 4. Developing a Capital Market Under Weak Enforcement 5. Conclusion References Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The LSE Companion to Health Policy
The LSE Companion to Health Policy covers a wide range of conceptual and practical issues from a number of different perspectives introducing the reader to, and summarising, the vast literature that analyzes the complexities of health policy. The Companion also assesses the current state of the art. Health policy is a wide-ranging subject covering many academic disciplines, but what most studies in health policy have in common is an interest in applying theory to improve practice. This Companion brings academic rigor to bear evidence on a range of central areas within health policy. It covers key issues on the quality, access and inequalities in health and health care; supply and health markets; insurance and expenditures; pharmaceuticals and new technologies; ageing and long-term care; and behavior and health production. This unique Companion on health policy contains the most important features for health system reform at a time of funding constraints and will therefore hold great appeal for policy analysts and makers, students, academics and management professionals. Contributors: S. Allin, R.G. Bevan, R. Butterfield, C. Campbell, A. Comas-Herrera, Z. Cooper, J. Costa-Font, M. Di Cesare, H.A. Elgazzar, J.-L. Fernandez, A. Gibbs, C. Henderson, C. Hernandez-Quevedo, L. Kossarova, C. Masseria, A. McGuire, P. Mladovsky, A. Morton, M. Murphy, I. Papanicolas, M. Raikou, C. Rudisill, V. Serra-Sastre, C. Stavropoulou, N. Varol, J.M. Wiener, R. Wittenberg, V. Zigante
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Sustainable Urban Water Environment: Climate, Pollution and Adaptation
This multi-disciplinary book provides practical solutions for safeguarding the sustainability of the urban water environment.Firstly, the importance of the urban water environment is highlighted and the major problems urban water bodies face and strategies to safeguard the water environment are explored. Secondly, the diversity of pollutants entering the water environment through stormwater runoff are discussed and modeling approaches for factoring in climate change and future urban and transport scenarios are proposed. Thirdly, by linking the concepts of sustainable urban ecosystems and sustainable urban and transport development, capabilities of two urban sustainability assessment models are demonstrated. To achieve sustainability of the urban water environment and future viability of treatment strategies, a framework that supports their adaptation to future challenges is required. A conceptual framework which involves a decision making cycle integrating best management practices and best planning practices that can be adopted to ensure future adaptation is also presented.Taking a holistic approach and with practical applications for modeling and predictions, Sustainable Urban Water Environment will strongly appeal to postgraduate students, practitioners and researchers in environmental science, environmental policy and urban transport planning.Contents: Preface Foreword Part I: Risks and Challenges 1. Spreading Urbanisation and the Water Environment 2. Changing Climate and the Water Environment 3. Sustaining Urban Water Environments Part II: Impacts and Predictions 4. Measuring Urban Water Pollutants 5. Source Contribution of Pollutants 6. Modelling Water Pollutant Processes Part III: Opportunities and Directions 7. Determining Urban Sustainability Performance 8. Assessing Sustainability of Urban Ecosystems 9. Achieving Urban Sustainability and Implications for the Urban Water Environment 10. Conclusion: Moving Towards Sustainable Water Futures References Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Legal Framework for Emerging Business Models: Dynamic Networks as Collaborative Contracts
The last two decades have witnessed the growth of new forms of entrepreneurial cooperation such as dynamic networks like virtual enterprises and enterprise pools. These business forms are often hybrid, having elements of both contract-based organizations and corporate forms, in particular partnership. This book examines the relative utility of contract and partnership law in fostering and maintaining these emerging business models, focusing on dynamic networks. The book analyzes how dynamic networks are organized and set up through, very often, collaborative contracts and how the behavior of their member firms is regulated. Good faith and fair dealing as a behavioral criterion in contractual and partnership relations, is an important theme of this work. The background and preconditions for the emergence and growth of such business forms is also investigated. The book contains case studies of such networks from different countries in particular Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England and Norway. It examines relevant legal rules in a number of jurisdictions such as England, Norway, Germany, Italy, France and the US. This detailed book will appeal to postgraduate students and academics in the fields of contract law, comparative law, partnership law and business/commercial law. Academics in other disciplines such as economics, sociology and business management will also find much to interest them in this study.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Organizations: A Companion
Impressive in coverage, comprehensive in scope, there are few texts that offer as compelling an introduction to the complex world of international organisation as this. Readers are treated to a rich, historically grounded, investigation of myriad international organisations, and invited to consider international organisation as a complete phenomenon rather than one that is subdivided into segments that, when explored in isolation, tell us little about the onward march of international institutionalisation. There is little doubt this book is a major contribution to the field and a must read for all interested in international organisation and global governance.'- Rorden Wilkinson, University of Manchester, UK'This is by far the most comprehensive one-volume compendium yet published on international organizations, far more useful and interesting than any simple directory. Clear overviews are provided of all the main organizations, including many less well-known and usually ignored, interspersed with boxes of key individual and milestone events. Professionals, international businessmen, even diplomats, will find this a mine of relevant information, endlessly useful, especially for the mature comments of well-informed insiders. Students wanting an introduction to the UN, the development banks or the Bretton Woods Institutions or writing theses on international organizations will find it a wonderful introduction to a complex and ever more important world.'- Sir Richard Jolly, Co-author of UN Ideas That Changed the WorldThis text provides a pioneering and comprehensive analysis of over one hundred international organizations. After introducing the broad historical and contextual settings, the book covers the full range of international organizations including those that are often overlooked or get minimal inclusion elsewhere. Each organization is analyzed in a stand-alone section that considers its origins, basic mandates and evolution, the governance structure and the associated key players, current activities and future challenges. The descriptions also reflect each organization s broader relationships with other international bodies.Some of the organizations covered include:- The United Nations plus its system of semi-autonomous and Specialized Agencies- The European Union and other regional organizations- The development banks, international financial institutions and other international economic organizations- The international scientific, transport, communications and agricultural organizations.This detailed textbook will serve as an essential companion volume supplementing core texts on undergraduate modules where international organizations have a prominent role.Contents: 1. An Introduction to International Organizations in Theory and Practice 2. International Organizations an Early History 3. The Modern Historical Context 4. The Character and Environment of International Organizations 5. The United Nations 6. The United Nations Semi-autonomous Agencies 7. The United Nations Specialized Agencies 8. The Development Banks 9. The Money Managers 10. Economics, Trade and Commerce 11. The European Union 12. The European Union's Semi-autonomous Agencies 13. Political Alliances and Security 14. The Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research 15. Intergovernmental Scientific Organizations 16. Transport and Communications 17. International Organizations: An Ever-expanding Universe? Bibliography Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Handbook of Economic Anthropology, Second Edition
The first edition of this unique Handbook was praised for its substantial and invaluable summary discussions of work by anthropologists on economic processes and issues, on the relationship between economic and non-economic areas of life and on the conceptual orientations that are important among economic anthropologists. This thoroughly revised edition brings those discussions up to date, and includes an important new section exploring ways that leading anthropologists have approached the current economic crisis. Its scope and accessibility make it useful both to those who are interested in a particular topic and to those who want to see the breadth and fruitfulness of an anthropological study of economy.This comprehensive Handbook will strongly appeal to undergraduate and post-graduate students in anthropology, economists interested in social and cultural dimensions of economic life, and alternative approaches to economic life, political economists, political scientists and historians.Contributors: C. Alexander, K. Applbaum, M. Blim, M. Busse, J.G. Carrier, M.A. Chen, S. Coleman, R. Colloredo-Mansfeld, E.P. Durrenberger, J.S. Eades, T.H. Eriksen, S. Gudeman, J.I. Guyer, M. Harris, J. Harriss, K. Hart, E. Hirsch, R.C. Hunt, B.L. Isaac, D. Kalb, D. Lewis, P. Luetchford, B. Maurer, E. Mayer, S. Narotzky, H. Ortiz, S. Ortiz, J. Parry, T.C. Patterson, D. Robotham, T. Roopnaraine, M. aul, V. Siniscalchi, P.J. Stewart, M. Stivens, A. Strathern, O. Visser, Y. Yan
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Directors’ Duties
The 2008 financial crisis brought increased scrutiny to the ways in which the directors of the world's major financial institutions handle their duties and how they impact investors, shareholders and consumers. In this comprehensive Handbook, leading scholars from around the world explore the nature of the relationship between a company and its directors, assessing issues such as how duties are discharged, what liabilities may arise and whose interests directors should consider before embarking on commercial ventures.The Handbook begins with chapters that explore the range of company law developments in several common law countries, with further chapters examining the law in several civil law jurisdictions. The Handbook then looks beyond company law to issues such as the role of directors in fostering corporate social responsibility and directors' duties to consumers. The final chapters consider directors' duties in times of financial turmoil.A comprehensive and ground-breaking book of original scholarly research, the Handbook will be a valuable contribution to the libraries of company law scholars and students, as well as to business people with a professional interest in the topic.Contributors: C. Amatucci, A. Anand, V. Brand, T.A. Gabaldon, M.M. Harner, J.G. Hill, S.H. Goo, M. Jaramillo, D. Klingler, A. Lista, J. MacIntosh, A. Paolini, P. Pais de Vanconcelos, S. Watson
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Food: Demand, Supply, Sustainability and Security
This volume is a welcome and timely contribution to a topic of enduring importance. The global consequences of recent food price crises underscore the need to examine food security issues from diverse perspectives. This volume meets that need, featuring accessible yet cutting-edge analyses of food security by leading experts in fields as diverse as trade, nutrition, public health, production, political economy, and behavioral economics. It will be of interest to a wide range of scholars and practitioners.'- Steven Block, Tufts University, US'This excellent volume offers a compact but wide-ranging survey of recent research on important changes in global food markets. Its 20 chapters accurately capture important areas of scholarly agreement as well as on-going debates among economists studying agriculture and nutrition, with several provocative original contributions from other fields. The book draws particularly on the authors' long experience in Asia, offering widely-applicable insights for scholars and policy analysts seeking to understand the past, present and future of food around the world.'- William A. Masters, Tufts University, USThe global population is forecasted to reach 9.4 billion by 2050, with much of this increase concentrated in developing regions and cities. Ensuring adequate food and nourishment to this large population is a pressing economic, moral and even security challenge and requires research (and action) from a multi-disciplinary perspective.This book provides the first such integrated approach to tackling this problem by addressing the multiplicity of challenges posed by rising global population, diet diversification and urbanization in developing countries and climate change.It examines key topics such as:- the impact of prosperity on food demand- the role of international trade in addressing food insecurity- the challenge posed by greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and land degradation- the implication on labor markets of severe under-nutrition- viability of small scale farms- strategies to augment food availability.The Handbook on Food would be a welcome supplementary text for courses on development economics, particularly those concentrating on agricultural development, climate change and food availability, as well as nutrition.Contributors include: Anshuman Adheleya, Alok Adheleya, M. Das, D. Dawe, O. Ecker, C.L. Gilbert, D. Goswami, J.E. Gready, D. Headey, K.S. Imai, S. Jha, N. Kaicker, S. Kaur, V.S. Kulkarni, A. Mahal, K. Mathur, K. Otsuka, S. Pfuderer, A. Sarris, C. Sathyamala, J. Schmidhuber, P.V. Srinivasan, L. Sutton, G. Thapa, P. Timmer, J.-F. Trinh Tan, F.N. Tubiello, P. Warr, J. You
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The LSE Companion to Health Policy
The LSE Companion to Health Policy covers a wide range of conceptual and practical issues from a number of different perspectives introducing the reader to, and summarising, the vast literature that analyzes the complexities of health policy. The Companion also assesses the current state of the art. Health policy is a wide-ranging subject covering many academic disciplines, but what most studies in health policy have in common is an interest in applying theory to improve practice. This Companion brings academic rigor to bear evidence on a range of central areas within health policy. It covers key issues on the quality, access and inequalities in health and health care; supply and health markets; insurance and expenditures; pharmaceuticals and new technologies; ageing and long-term care; and behavior and health production. This unique Companion on health policy contains the most important features for health system reform at a time of funding constraints and will therefore hold great appeal for policy analysts and makers, students, academics and management professionals. Contributors: S. Allin, R.G. Bevan, R. Butterfield, C. Campbell, A. Comas-Herrera, Z. Cooper, J. Costa-Font, M. Di Cesare, H.A. Elgazzar, J.-L. Fernandez, A. Gibbs, C. Henderson, C. Hernandez-Quevedo, L. Kossarova, C. Masseria, A. McGuire, P. Mladovsky, A. Morton, M. Murphy, I. Papanicolas, M. Raikou, C. Rudisill, V. Serra-Sastre, C. Stavropoulou, N. Varol, J.M. Wiener, R. Wittenberg, V. Zigante
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Experience Economy
This illuminating Handbook presents the state of the art in the scientific field of experience economy studies. It offers a rich and varied collection of contributions that discuss different issues of crucial importance for our understanding of the experience economy. Each chapter reflects diverse scientific viewpoints from disciplines including management, mainstream economics and sociology to provide a comprehensive overview.The Handbook is divided into three subsections to explore progression in the scientific field of experience economy studies. The first section focuses on fundamental debates surrounding the nature and importance of the experience economy. The second section presents more specific topics including innovation, networks and the design of experiences. Finally, the last section explores issues such as cultural events, cuisine, theatre and video games. Moreover, the Handbook gives an insight into how receivers react to experiential elements of experience economy studies.An innovative presentation of experience economics, this is a remarkable collection of new theory and analyses. This book will prove an invaluable resource to researchers and students in management, marketing, psychology and economics.Contributors: Å.E. Andersson, D.E. Andersson, J.O. Bærenholdt, A. Boswijk, L. Chalip, P. Cooke, B.E. Dale, M. Dixon, D. Eide, L. Fuglsang, J.H. Gilmore, B.C. Green, S. Gudiksen, M. Haldrup, G.W. Hallberg, A.H. Hansen, O. Harsløf, F. Holt, J.K. Jacobsen, C. Jantzen, J.F. Jensen, F. Lapenta, J. Larsen, Y.-C. Lin, A. Lorentzen, L. Mossberg, B.T. Nilsen, B.J. Pine II, G. Schulze, A. Snel, F. Sørensen, D. Sundbo, J. Sundbo, C. Svabo, T. Tschang, J. Vang
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Governing Social Risks in Post-Crisis Europe
In Governing Social Risks in Post-Crisis Europe, Colin Crouch mounts an impressive comparative analysis to uncover the contrasting ways in which different countries have sought to address the exacerbated social risks, both 'new' and 'old', unleashed by the financial and economic crisis. It demonstrates that growing recourse to market forms of governance in social and labour market policy is inversely related to the strength and influence of organised labour across countries and, in turn, to the degree of security provided for workers and their dependents. The three main patterns identified for governing social risks in the current era - neo-liberal, social democratic and traditional - are shown to exhibit a clear lineage reaching back to the early 20th century.'- Paul Marginson, University of Warwick, UK'Crouch's new book offers an empirically based up-to-date theory relating governance, egalitarianism, and labor market security in contemporary post-industrial societies. It provides a highly sophisticated, original assessment of modes of governance in Europe in terms of their social and economic performance, drawing on extensive comparison of European countries including the new Eastern democracies. Contrasting in particular neoliberalism and social democracy, Crouch shows that the social-democratic model of state and associational intervention in markets performs much better than its neoliberal opponent, raising the question why it is the latter rather than the former that has become the leading model for the post-crisis capitalist political economy.'- Wolfgang Streeck, Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies, GermanyHow can a capitalist system reconcile its need to combine workers on uncertain incomes and conditions with consumers confident that they can spend? The approaches of different national economies to this conundrum have had varying degrees of success, as well as diverse implications for social inequality. Through the study of European societies, and comparisons with experience from the rest of the world, Colin Crouch scrutinizes this diversity, and looks at how the 2008 global financial crisis has impacted it.Crouch identifies three broad approaches that countries adopt in response to this central dilemma of a capitalist economy, and examines these across three different contexts: time, place, and the role of inclusion and exclusion. This primarily statistical study embraces all except the smallest European countries, with comparative material on Japan, Russia and the United States. Countries are grouped according to differences found in them in the roles of governance by market, state, and community.This important book will appeal to academics, policy makers and others interested in comparative employment relations, European political economy and social policy. Undergraduate and postgraduate students alike will also find this a compelling, jargon-free insight into social policy and the 2008 global financial crisis in Europe.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Monetary Economies of Production: Banking and Financial Circuits and the Role of the State
The central focus of this book is the relationship between money, the sphere of production, and the State.It explores how best to adapt the fundamental ideas of the circulationist perspective to achieve a better understanding of the financialisation of the production processes within contemporary capitalist economies. Importantly, the expert contributors illustrate that the true challenge ahead is to address how these new emerging forms can be eventually tamed, a challenge that the recent financial crisis has forcefully proven essential.This book will prove an illuminating read for scholars and researchers in the heterodox economics domain.Contributors: R. Bellofiore, H. Bougrine, V. Chick, M. Cingolani, E. Correa, S. Dow, T. Ferguson, M. Forstater, A. Girón, C. Gnos, R. Johnson, M. Lavoie, W.C. Marshall, E. Nell, L.-P. Rochon, M. Seccareccia, J. Smithin, B. Vallageas, G. Vidal, L.R. Wray
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility
The strategic importance of Corporate Social Responsibility for both large and small businesses only continues to grow. This Handbook explores the complex relationship between marketing and social responsibility, with a focus on marketing as a driver for CSR initiatives.Written by many of the leading scholars in the field, this is the first collection to examine CSR from a variety of marketing dimensions and a diverse set of cross-cultural perspectives, including consumer behavior, strategy, and public policy. The authors examine whether CSR holds equal value for both businesses and nonprofit organizations, and explore what happens when businesses fail to meet their larger social responsibilities. They also investigate potential consequences and the possibility that firms might do both good and harm while pursuing CSR initiatives.The conceptual and empirical insights found in this Handbook make it a useful resource for practitioners and an invaluable supplement to marketing curricula.Contributors: L. M. Aksoy, K. L. Becker-Olsen, E. Bigne, C.L. Bowen, D. L. Cassill, C. Corus, R. Curras-Perez, M. e. Drumright, A. Ekpo, L. Ferrell, O.C. Ferrell, F. Guzman, G. R. Henderson, R.P. Hill, Y. A. Komarova, G. R. Laczniak, R. Langan, D.R. Lehmann, S. Lopez, D. M. Martin, K. D. Martin, J. G. Mikeska, P. E. Murphy, J. L. Ozanne, M. Pirson, F.F. Quinn, J. M. Rapp, H. Ryu, J. Sawayda. J. Schouten, N. C. Smith, C. R. Taylor, D.M. Thorne, H. Weijo, Z. Yvaire
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Enforcement of Transnational Regulation: Ensuring Compliance in a Global World
'As business spreads across the world, but jurisdictions remain essentially national, means must be found whereby business may effectively regulate itself and be regulated for public benefit. This important book addresses these issues, at theoretical and practical levels, explaining important sectoral examples and with deeper analysis. It is both timely and important, and provokes ideas for actions that should be taken at both transnational and national levels. The range of issues covered is rich and impressive.'- Christopher Hodges, Oxford University, UK and Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 'Globalization pushes the boundaries of markets. Alongside the greater ''goods'' of transnational economic activity come the ''bads'' of unregulated conduct. This important book looks to the new frontiers of legal intervention to make sure that global markets do not run riot over important public values. The signal contribution is not the search for ever higher levels of transnational authority - the superstates of a brave new world - but empowering numerous private actors to enforce legal norms in our fast-changing economic environment.'- Samuel Issacharoff, New York University, School of Law, US This book addresses the different mechanisms of enforcement deployed in transnational private regimes vis-a-vis those in the field of public transnational law. Enforcement represents a key dimension in measuring the effectiveness and legitimacy of transnational private regulation. This detailed book shifts the focus from rule-making to enforcement and compliance, and moves from a vertical analysis to a comparative sectoral analysis. Both public and private transnational regulation fall under the scrutiny of the authors, and the book considers the effectiveness of judicial models of enforcement - under international law and through national courts - and of non-judicial means. Comparisons are drawn across sectors including international commercial law, labor law, finance, Internet regulation and advertising. Enforcement of Transnational Regulation will appeal to scholars of both private and public law, regulation and comparative law. It will also prove a stimulating and challenging read for policy makers and law makers. Contributors: E. Benvenisti, F. Cafaggi, F. Casarosa, S. Cassese, E. D'Alterio, K.E. Davis, M. De Bellis, G.W. Downs, C. Estlund, F. Francioni, G.P. Miller, E.-U. Petersmann, C. Scott, R. Stewart, P. Verbruggen
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Networks, Space and Competitiveness: Evolving Challenges for Sustainable Growth
In a period of increasing globalization and rapid growth in emerging countries, recognizing sources of regional competitiveness is of paramount importance. This timely and informative book identifies and analyzes changes in the origins of regional advantage. The expert contributors illustrate that sources of regional competitiveness are strongly linked with spatially observable yet increasingly flexible realities, and include building advanced and efficient transport, communications and energy networks, changing urban and rural landscapes, and creating strategic and forward-looking competitiveness policies. They investigate long-term interactions between regional competitiveness and urban mobility, as well as the connections that link global sustainability with local technological and institutional innovations, and the intrinsic diversity of spatially rooted innovation processes. A prospective analysis on networks and innovation infrastructure is presented, global environmental issues such as climate change and energy are explored, and new policy perspectives - relevant world-wide - are prescribed. Networks, Space and Competitiveness will prove an invaluable resource for academics, students and researchers across a range of fields including international and regional economics, regional science, economic geography and international business. Contributors: C.R. Azzoni, R.N. Baleiras, A. Bhattacharjee, R. Capello, J.I. Carruthers, E.A. Castro, T.P. Dentinho, P.C. Ferrao, A.M. Fuertes Eugenio, M. Grillitsch, E.A. Haddad, C. Hoglinger, J.L. Marques, C.S. Silva, K. Spiekermann, F. Todtling, J.M. Viegas, M. Wegener
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Regenerative Sustainable Development of Universities and Cities: The Role of Living Laboratories
Now that the Earth has reached the limits of its biophysical carrying capacity, we have to change technologies, social practices and social norms relating to material production and consumption to ensure that we do not further jeopardize the functioning of our planet's life support systems. Through research, education and civic engagement, universities have a pivotal role to play in this transition. This timely book explores how universities are establishing living laboratories for sustainable development, and examines the communication networks and knowledge infrastructures that underpin impact both on and beyond the campus.The expert contributors present case studies of living laboratories being built in leading universities across four continents. Their aim is to cultivate the transition to sustainable development by actively fostering social and technological change to improve use of natural resources and reduce pollution. They are designed to link research, education and practice and to integrate knowledge across disciplines to develop more socially robust approaches to improving sustainability. Directing attention to what enables and constrains learning in communities of multiple and very diverse stakeholders in such laboratories can contribute to a better general understanding of factors influencing the chance of success (or failure), and the institutional arrangements, norms and values that accompany it.Focussing on social learning processes to drive societal change for sustainable development, this fascinating book will prove an invaluable read for academics, researchers, students and policy makers in the fields of higher education, regional and urban studies, public policy and the environment, and development studies.Contributors: B. Baleti , T. Becker, T. Berkhout, A. Campbell, A. Cayuela, S. Chen, M. Dalbro, J. Evans, M. Hesse, J. Holmberg, M. Holme Samsøe, Y. Hua, J.-H. Kain, A. Kildahl, H. Komatsu, A. König, N. Kurata, S. Liao, U. Lundgren, B. Meehan, E. Omrcen, T. Ozasa, M. Polk, C. Powell, J. Robinson, H. Tan, T. Ueno
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Migration and Economic Growth
The main focus of the papers appearing in the first part of the book is on inequality and its effects on growth, labour market integration and government policies. The book continues by dealing with migration, its determinants and its possible effect on the host country's output, employment and standard of living. Finally, the authors discuss economic growth and its relationship with trade, capital accumulation and internal and external debts.Economists and researchers studying development economics and migration studies will find this original book, with its innovative state-of-the-art studies, of great interest.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Humanitarian Law
This research review discusses traditional and contemporary works by leading scholars in international humanitarian law. It investigates the major themes of the field including the development of international humanitarian law, human rights law, international criminal law, gender-related violence in armed conflict, the changing nature of occupation and cyber war.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Productivity Growth: Industries, Spillovers and Economic Performance
This timely book explores the relationships between technological change, efficiency, productivity growth and performance. Focusing on the interplay among industries in modern economies, the essays in this volume combine pure theory and empirical applications to provide an input-output analysis of productivity growth that is both broad and in-depth. Thijs ten Raa and Edward N. Wolff lay out a conceptual framework for interrelating alternative productivity and performance measures, unifying input-output and productivity analyses and applying them to scenarios at both the national economy and industry levels. Topics discussed include growth accounting, international trade, outsourcing and productivity spillovers, labor and capital, and efficiency analysis. This fascinating volume offers some of the best work from two of the brightest and best-known minds in the field. Students, professors and researchers working in economic theory, international economics, labor economics and financial and monetary policy will find much of interest in this thoughtful and comprehensive book.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Ethics and Marketing
From its inception and professional organization in the late 1970s, the macromarketing field has maintained a strong interest in ethics and distributive justice and an article on the topic was published in the very first issue of the Journal of Macromarketing in March 1981. The Handbook on Ethics and Marketing features chapters by leading macromarketing scholars that explore how ethics relate to marketing systems as well as to other macromarketing interests including environmental sustainability, human and economic development, and global supply chains. Thus, the Handbook should become an excellent resource for new macromarketing scholarship.'- Terrence H. Witkowski, Editor, Journal of MacromarketingExploring both the theoretical and the applied aspects of the role ethics plays in marketing, this Handbook analyzes key issues in order to advance our understanding and provide an overview of the state of the art in this vital field.Nationally and internationally recognized contributors cover the most important, timely developments in marketing ethics as well as trends and ideas for a future research agenda. Topics such as consumer ethics, morality in marketing and corporate social responsibility are covered with breadth and depth to paint a current and comprehensive picture of the field today.This innovative book will be a valuable resource for both students and academics wishing to keep abreast of crucial developments in the field of business ethics. New, comprehensive insight from the world's experts in the field will also provide guidance for company executives and policy decision makers.Contributors: R.J. Aalberts, R. Benton, T. Beschorner, C.B. Bhattacharya, L. Ferrell, O.C. Ferrell, J.F. Gaski, D.U. Gilbert, M. Haase, T. Hajduk, P. Harrison, S.D. Hunt, M. Jackson, J.L. Johnson, T.A. Klein, G.R. Laczniak, K.D. Martin, P.E. Murphy, A. Nill, C. Nishihara, G. Palazzo, A. Rasche, T. Rittenburg, J. Sawayda, C. Schank, J. Schibrowsky, B.B. Schlegelmilch, C.J. Shultz, A. Singhapakdi, N.C. Smith, J.R. Sparks, B. Swinburn, I. Szocs, S.J. Vitell
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Korean Business Law
This book is a detailed overview of the corporate and financial laws of Korea and analyzes current issues within those fields from both academic and practical perspectives, providing a unique tool for understanding Korean law in a business and financial context. The approach of the book is two-fold. On the one hand the book offers valuable insight into the fundamental principles of Korean business law, and landmark cases in the field. On the other hand there is extensive analysis of more recent developments and of current issues raised by recent court cases. The book combines coverage of Korean corporate law and Korean financial law and includes detailed examination of corporate law issues such as director liability, minority shareholder protection, and the dynamic practice area of mergers and acquisitions, and of financial law topics, including private equity, structured finance and foreign financial institutions. A rich and extensive resource with insight from leading scholars and practitioners, Korean Business Law will be of great benefit both to lawyers who have clients with business interests in Korea, and to scholars of international corporate law and governance. Contributors: B.S. Black, B.R. Cheffins, A.Z. Chen, J. Cho, H.J. Kang, T.D. Kang, H.-J. Kim, H. Kim, S.G. Kim, M. Klausner, K.H. Moon, H. Oh, S.-J. Park, A.C. Pritchard, H.-J. Rho, E.Y. Shin
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalization Trends and Regional Development: Dynamics of FDI and Human Capital Flows
This timely book investigates the challenges that emerge for local economies when faced with the new globalization trends that characterize today's world economy. In this instance, globalization is interpreted as a process of internationalization of production and markets which can take various forms - such as increasing international trade or increasing foreign direct investments - all of which give rise to the growing integration and interdependency of European economies with regard to the other main world economies. The expert contributors use a fresh perspective in their analysis of globalization trends, emphasizing recent changes and providing an up-to-date picture of current developments in both foreign investments and the consequent migration of human capital. Qualitative rather than quantitative trends in human capital and financial capital flows are taken into account, with a particular focus on their impacts on regional growth perspectives. Highlighting the European economy's strengths and weaknesses in facing the challenges of the new globalization trends, this book will provide a stimulating read for a wide-ranging audience encompassing scholars of regional science, regional economics, economic and regional geography, international economics and international business. Contributors: T. Baycan, C. Behrens, R. Camagni, R. Capello, F. Carballo-Cruz, L. Casi, J.C. das Neves, T.P. Dentinho, K.P. Donaghy, N.O. Martins, A. Mendes, B. Neuts, P. Nijkamp, J.P. Pontes, L. Resmini, M. Sahin, J.R. Silva, A. Todiras
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Regional Development and Proximity Relations
The notion of proximity is increasing in popularity in economic and geographic literature, and is now commonly used by scholars in regional science and spatial economics. Few academic works, however, have explored the link between regional development and proximity relations. This comprehensive book redresses the balance with its assessment of the role of, and obstacles caused by, proximity relations in regional development processes.The expert contributors illustrate that the value of integrating proximity into the regional development analysis framework is due its plasticity and ability to draw connections between spatial, economic and social dimensions. Possible changes for regional and territorial policies are also an outcome of this integration. These areas are addressed via four main paradigms: Proximity and regional development Spatial innovation processes Networks and proximity relations Place-based strategies and proximity relations. Students, academics, researchers and regional development practitioners with an interest in regional proximity will find this highly original book to be an illuminating read.Contributors: A. Bailly, P.A. Balland, H. Bathelt, R. Boschma, O. Bouba-Olga, R. Camagni, R. Capello, P. Cooke, T. Dogaru, M. Ferru, R.D. Fitjar, R. Gibson, M. Grossetti, P. Nijkamp, F. van Oort, A. Rodriguez-Pose, R.J. Stimson, M. Thissen, E. Tranos, A. Torre, F. Wallet, M. de Vaan
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Entrepreneurship, Social Capital and Governance: Directions for the Sustainable Development and Competitiveness of Regions
This book highlights the role of entrepreneurship, social capital and governance for regional economic development. In recent decades, many researchers have claimed that entrepreneurship is the most critical factor in sustaining regional economic growth. However, most entrepreneurship research is undertaken without considering the fundamental importance of the regional context. Other research has emphasized the role of social capital but there are substantial problems in empirically relating measures of social capital to regional economic development.The expert contributors to this work highlight the role of governance in regional growth, an area that has so far been relatively under-researched, underpinning their findings with new theoretical and empirical evidence. They conclude that the relationship between entrepreneurship, social capital and governance in factors affecting regional economic development are complex and interdependent, and that to influence these factors and the relationship between them, policymakers must have a long-term perspective and be both patient and persistent in their efforts.This enlightening book will be of great interest to academics, students and researchers across a range of fields including regional science, regional economics, economic geography, regional planning, public policy, entrepreneurship, political science and economic sociology. Policymakers involved in regional policymaking from national down to regional and local levels will also find the book to be an illuminating read.Contributors include: T. Arvemo, P. Assmo, I. Bernhard, N. Carbonara, M. Cesário, G.A.S. Cook, J.L. Crespo-Espert, L.P. Dana, M.T. de Noronha, S. Doh, A. Garcia-Tabuenca, U. Gråsjö, K.E. Haynes, D.G. Ierapetirits, C. Karlsson, D. Lagos, H. Lawton Smith, M. Morehart, K. Nyström, F.- Pablo-Marti, H. Qian, J.Å. Riseth, S. Romeo, P. Stenberg, S.C. Turner, H. Westlund, E. Wihlborg, E.J. Zolnik
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Principles of International Humanitarian Law
This book provides a clear and concise explanation of the central principles of international humanitarian law (or the law of armed conflict) while situating them in a broader philosophical, ethical and legal context.The authors consider a range of wider issues relevant to international humanitarian law, including its ethical foundations, relationship to other bodies of international law and contemporary modes of enforcement. This helps to develop a richer context for understanding the law of war and a sound basis for examining the changing nature of contemporary armed conflict. The book also discusses important recent decisions by international courts and tribunals, tracks the historical development of humanitarian principles in warfare and considers the legal position of states, individuals and non-state groups.Principles of International Humanitarian Law is an important resource for students of international humanitarian law and International law academics, as well as international humanitarian law practitioners.Contents: Preface 1. The Concept of Armed Conflict 2. Sources of International Humanitarian Law 3. Means and Methods of Warfare 4. Protection of Civilians 5. Protection of Combatants Hors de Combat 6. Humanitarianism and Human Rights 7. Liability of States and Non-State Groups 8. Liability of Individuals Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Islamic Finance in Europe: Towards a Plural Financial System
A thought provoking and scholarly compendium of essays on various important aspects of Islamic finance. The book is wider ranging than its title suggests; the key chapters do focus on the EU, but there are broader and particularly interesting topics including women and Islam and financial stability and development in the context of Islam. Overall a solid assessment of the progress Islamic finance has made in Europe.'- John Presley, Loughborough University, UKHighlighting the impact of current globalization on financial markets, this topical book challenges the universality of Western property rights and interprets Islamic finance in Europe as part of a plural financial system, where different conceptions of economic justice(s) co-exist and influence each other.The contributing authors analyse key economic development and social integration issues from an Islamic perspective and outline the European approach to accommodating Islamic finance, with particular regard to the peculiarities of individual nation-states. Set in this context, the book presents financial pluralism as a device to enhance a level playing field in the global marketplace, as well as to foster a plural open society.Providing a comprehensive and methodological guide to Islamic finance in Europe, this book will prove an illuminating and informative read for academics, students and policymakers with an interest in the impact on financial regulation of an increasingly globalized world.Contributors: S.S. Ali, M. Asutay, V. Cattelan, I.-Z. Cekici, E. de Rosmorduc, J. Ercanbrack, A. Farhoush, G. Gimigliano, M. Mahlknecht, W. Menski, E.M. Napolitano, C. Porzio, D. Scolart, F. Stainier, M.G. Starita, L.M. Visconti, L. Weill
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Costs of Children: Parenting and Democracy in Contemporary Europe
Finally, here is a book that provides a long-overdue holistic analysis of childcare. Written in a clear style, The Costs of Children breaks new ground in demonstrating how political choices about childcare have different impacts on equality of opportunity in Europe. After reading this book, one never again will view childcare as a private concern. It is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand the realities of European integration, democratic policy-making and the gendered consequences of bearing and rearing children.'- Yvonne Galligan, Queen s University Belfast, UKThis informative book explores the fair allocation of the costs of childcare in European countries and suggests that better choice is required to reduce the current tendency to discriminate against mothers.The expert contributors provide an assessment of how countries can handle the fair allocation of the costs of childcare. They look at the experience within Europe in recent years and show in particular how these interrelate with the objectives of improving income, employment and social inclusion. The study's conclusion reveals that choice is the key ingredient as families have different views and different degrees of support available from their relatives. Income and social inclusion can provide choice but ironically employment does not always. An employment-based model can sometimes narrow people's choices, particularly for people on low wages. The major concern is that most existing systems effectively discriminate against mothers.This is the first book to consider the democratic implications of social welfare systems. It provides an up-to-date assessment of the pressures on parents in deciding how to raise their children under restricted incomes. For many families, practical decisions about childcare are found at a local level. These will depend on the immediate factors that affect them, such as the availability of local nurseries or a family's ability to draw on voluntary networks of support. What is clear, however, is that many of these arrangements discriminate against women. Researchers and practitioners in the field of social policy and childcare in particular will find this book insightful. Graduate students of social policy will also find some practical examples to make their courses more relevant.Contributors include: I. Casier, M. De Metsenaere, R. Dennison, A.L. Ellingsæter, S. Kanji, A. Leira, K. Majamaa, D.G. Mayes, M. McHugh, J. Plantenga, K. Scheiwe, N. Smith, M. Thomson, R. Vajda, E. Van den Brandt, A. Woodward
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Handbook on Mega-Projects
This is an invaluable volume for all those engaged in megaproject work. It is presented by two leading academics in the field of transport infrastructure who have managed to pull together a very interesting set of contributions prepared by numerous highly qualified academics from across the globe specializing in the planning, appraisal and evaluation of megaprojects. The art and science of decision-making and assessing the impacts of such projects are thoroughly discussed with a view to offering future decision-makers a better steer on the development of such projects. Likely to be of immense importance to practicing professionals, bureaucrats and academics alike concerned with megaproject development, this book examines with great skill and clarity key issues associated with strategic decision-making, public-private partnership arrangements and the application of cost benefit analysis to megaprojects. Spurred-on by globalization and increasing in their number, size and complexity, the challenges that megaprojects pose are likely to grow paradoxically both in times of economic growth and austerity. Given these circumstances, the publication of this book is very timely, much needed and highly recommended.'- Harry T. Dimitriou, University College London, UKThis comprehensive and accessible Handbook presents state-of-the-art research on the decision-making processes in the deliverance of mega-projects - large infrastructure projects for the transportation of people and/or goods.The expert contributors explore how decisions are made at different stages in mega-projects and the multi-actor relationships between public and private partners. They evaluate the perspectives and pitfalls in determining the costs and benefits of a mega-project ex ante, and examine the wider impacts of mega-projects, including issues such as regional growth, energy transition and climate change. Although the focus is on the advanced economies of North America, Europe, and Australia, much of the material is useful for other parts of the world where large transport infrastructure projects are currently underway or will be developed in the coming years.Providing crucial background information for those who want to understand decision-making processes on large transport infrastructure projects, this fascinating Handbook will prove an important source of information for academics, researchers and students in the fields of transport, infrastructure, project management, management science, economic analysis (cost benefit analysis), public policy, environmental policy and ethics. Practitioners, politicians and policymakers involved in large transport infrastructure projects will also find this book to be an invaluable reference tool.Contributors: J.A. Annema, M. Bosch-Rekveldt, C.C. Cantarelli, K. Dwarka, E. Feitelson, B. Flyvbjerg, M. Giezen, R. Gilbert, C. Greve, G. Hodge, R. Konings, C. Koopmans, M. Leijten, D.R. Lessard, C. Macharis, R. Miller, P. Nijkamp, H. Priemus, P. Rietveld, K. Samset, M. Siemiatycki, L. Tavasszy, E. ten Heuvelhof, A. van Binsbergen, R. van Duin, B. van Wee, R. Vickerman
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Politics of Intellectual Property: Contestation Over the Ownership, Use, and Control of Knowledge and Information
This book offers empirical analyses of conflicts over the ownership, control, and use of knowledge and information in developed and developing countries.Sebastian Haunss and Kenneth C. Shadlen, along with a collection of eminent contributors, focus on how business organizations, farmers, social movements, legal communities, state officials, transnational enterprises, and international organizations shape IP policies in areas such as health, information-communication technologies, indigenous knowledge, genetic resources, and many others. The innovative and original chapters examine conflicts over the rules governing various dimensions of IP, including patents, copyrights, traditional knowledge, and biosafety regulations.Written from a political perspective, this book is a must-read for political scientists, sociologists and anthropologists who study IP and conflicts over property. It is also an essential read for stakeholders in institutions, NGOs and industry interested in knowledge governance and IP politics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Conservation, Biodiversity and International Law
'Humanity has been gambling for generations with the extent to which it can degrade nature and continue to prosper. Now the environmental debt is being called in and the ability of international diplomacy and law, government policy and political will to deal with the issues is being tested. Conservation, Biodiversity and International Law is a must read for any practitioner in the high-stakes business of restoring our ability to live in harmony with the natural world that sustains us.' - Alastair Morrison, Department of Conservation, New Zealand 'Biodiversity is the cornerstone of life - our plants, animals, and ecosystems are essential for livelihoods and have shaped our culture and traditions around the world. However our precious biodiversity is at risk as never before. Global targets to reduce biodiversity loss have not been met and we continue to lose biodiversity at an unprecedented rate. In fact we are currently in the middle of an extinction crisis and scientists have advised that one species from our planet is being lost every 38 minutes! The nature of this crisis and the actions taken to address it are clearly and articulately put forward in this landmark book by Professor Al Gillespie. This book is particularly useful in documenting the many policy and legal actions that have been taken to address these issues, and how the application of these instruments can be improved. Although focused on the law, the book covers a range of disciplines including science, philosophy and policy which lay the foundation for international law. This book makes a major and highly valued contribution to the disciple of environmental law and policy and is an invaluable reference for policy makers, practitioners and academic audiences.' - David Sheppard, CEO of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)This important and timely book provides a rigorous overview of the defining issues presently facing conservation at international level. The author provides detailed coverage of topics ranging from the classification of species right through to access and benefit sharing, drawing on his personal experience at intergovernmental level. Each question is examined through the prism of dozens of treaties and hundreds of decisions and resolutions of the key multilateral regimes, and the law in each area is supplemented by the necessary considerations of science politics and philosophy - providing much-needed context for the reader. Combining expert scholarship and first-hand insight, Conservation, Biodiversity and International Law will be an invaluable resource for researchers and practitioners in international environmental law, as well as providing an accessible guide for students.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Handbook on Teaching and Learning Economics
The International Handbook on Teaching and Learning Economics provides a comprehensive resource for instructors and researchers in economics, both new and experienced. This wide-ranging collection is designed to enhance student learning by helping economic educators learn more about course content, pedagogic techniques, and the scholarship of the teaching enterprise. The internationally renowned contributors present an exhaustive compilation of accessible insights into major research in economic education across a wide range of topic areas including: Pedagogic practice - teaching techniques, technology use, assessment, contextual techniques, and K-12 practices. Research findings - principles courses, measurement, factors influencing student performance, evaluation, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Institutional/administrative issues - faculty development, the undergraduate and graduate student, and international perspectives. Teaching enhancement initiatives - foundations, organizations, and workshops. Grounded in research, and covering past and present knowledge as well as future challenges, this detailed compendium of economics education will prove an invaluable reference tool for all involved in the teaching of economics: graduate students, new teachers, lecturers, faculty, researchers, chairs, deans and directors.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd China’s Urbanization and the World Economy
This book provides a fascinating perspective on why China will very likely continue to play a major role in world export at a time when it is losing its comparative advantage in labor-intensive manufacturing products as a result of rapidly rising labor cost and appreciation of its currency-the secret lies in the fact that China (as the most populous nation) can benefit from increasing returns to scale. However, the author also clearly outlines the enormous challenges ahead of China: to urbanize and integrate most of its rural population as a precondition for China to explore its potential advantage in scale economy through agglomeration effects.'- Guanzhong James Wen, Trinity College, US and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China'This is an original reading by a Chinese economist on the grand topic of China's urbanization. Through gathering a vast amount of raw materials available in Chinese, the book deliberately maintains its indigenous flavour and introduces rich and timely information to the outside world, on topical issues such as household registration (Hukou) reform, fairness of land acquisition, housing price control, forced demolition, urban poverty, traffic congestion and many other topics. The attempt to consider the implications for the world economy, especially on issues such as energy and material consumption, is extremely valuable and much needed.'- Fulong Wu, University College London, UKThis innovative book places China's urbanization within a broader global context, including a detailed estimate of China's total domestic market and its impact on the world economy.Urbanization has become a new driving force in China's development. Through China's urbanization process, China's role in the world economy will change from the world's major workshop to one of the world s central markets. The increase in demand triggered by urbanization has created a tremendous impact in the international market, changing China's international trade patterns, foreign investment and exchange rate. The success of China's urbanization depends on a group of intertwined economic and political reforms, the vision and determinedness of the leadership, cooperation and opposition of the local government, and the attitude of society. This book focuses on the logic and contradictions of China's urbanization and its future, its impact on the world economy, and the policy tradeoffs the Chinese leadership face.Economists, policymakers, academics and students interested in urban policy, international studies, Asian studies and the impact of China's urbanization on the world economy will all have much to learn in this groundbreaking book.Contents: Preface Prologue Part I: China s Urbanization 1. China's Urbanization: History and Facts 2. The Road Map and Logic of China's Urbanization 3. Industrialization and Urban Development 4. Labor Migration 5. Land and Local Government Finance 6. Infrastructure and Housing Construction 7. Social Aspects of Urbanization 8. Other Problems with Urbanization 9. The System of the Cities Part II: China's Impacts on the World Market 10. Overall Estimates and Assumptions 11. Raw Materials and Capital Goods 12. Consumer Market 13. Relocation of Factors: Labor and Capital 14. Macroeconomic Impacts Part III: Choices of China and the World 15. China's Choices 16. The Choices of the Rest of the World Conclusions Reference Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Patenting Medical and Genetic Diagnostic Methods
On the heels of his earlier work Medical Patent Law - The Challenges of Medical Treatment, Ventose makes another significant contribution to the literature. In his earlier work, he devoted a chapter to medical patents under US law. In Patenting Medical and Genetic Diagnostic Methods he expands that chapter into an entire text. No easy feat, to be sure. Nonetheless, his 'treatment' of the jurisprudential terrain is sophisticated and rigorous. Scholars, practitioners and students seriously interested in the evolution of medical patents under US law will find Ventose's latest work to be invaluable.'- Emir Crowne, University of Windsor, Canada, Law Society of Upper Canada and Harold G. Fox Intellectual Property Moot'This work provides a timely exploration of patent battles over biotechnology, medicine, diagnostic testing, and pharmacogenomics. Such conflicts are critically important at the dawn of a new era of personalised medicine.'- Matthew Rimmer, The Australian National University College of Law and ACIPA, Australia'The debate on the patent eligibility of diagnostic and medical methods has raged recently in the United States and there seemed to be far less certainty about the outcome than in Europe. Gene patents for diagnostic methods clearly stirred the debate, but this is not a new debate. It goes back a century. This book gets to the bottom of the debate and provides an in depth insight, both of the history and of the recent developments. A fascinating tale.'- Paul Torremans, University of Nottingham, UKThis well-researched book explores in detail the issue of patenting medical and genetic diagnostic methods in the United States.It examines decisions of the Patent Office Boards of Appeal and the early courts on the question of whether medical treatments were eligible for patent protection under section 101 of the Patents Act. It then traces the legislative history of the Medical Procedures and Affordability Act that provided immunity for physicians from patent infringement suits. After considering the Supreme Court's jurisprudence on patent eligibility, the book then comprehensively sets out how the Federal Circuit and the Supreme Court have dealt with the issue, paying close attention to the Supreme Court's recent decision in Bilski and Prometheus.Being the first book to comprehensively cover patenting medical methods, it will appeal to patent agents, patent attorneys, solicitors and barristers working in patent and medical law worldwide, medical practitioners and healthcare professionals, in-house legal and regulatory departments of pharmaceutical companies. Researchers and managers in the chemical, medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, as well as academics specializing in medical law or patent law, will also find much to interest them in this book.Contents: Preface 1. Introduction 2. Initial Determination 3. Legislative Intervention 4. Patent-Eligibility 5. Consideration by the Federal Circuit 6. Consideration by the Supreme Court 7. Conclusions Bibliography Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Globalization of Higher Education
This comprehensive book provides a collection of the critical papers that have been published in the fast-growing field of the globalization of higher education. They include work by a variety of noted scholars, such as Altbach, Clark and Marginson, which cover key areas of theoretical and substantive interest. This volume, along with an original introduction, will be of relevance to academics, researchers and students undertaking higher education research, as well as to the wider social science and public policy communities.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Biotechnology and Innovation Systems: The Role of Public Policy
This book explores how policies targeting public research institutions, such as universities, contribute to the appropriation of biotechnology through national innovation systems. Around the world, biotechnology has become a driving force for dramatic change in systems and policies intended to spur innovation. The leading contributors expertly construct a detailed picture of policy approaches that support biotechnology and how such approaches work under different economic and social conditions. They also provide an insight into the role of universities in this process. Researchers, academics, students, policy advisors, decision makers and other professionals involved in the fields of biotechnology, innovation systems, higher education and development will find this book an invaluable resource.Contributors: A. Adamsone-Fiskovica, S.G. Antunes de Souza, I. Bortagaray, T.N. Ca, J.E. Cassiolato, L.V. Chuong, A.M. da Graça Mondjana, B.D. Diyamett, B. Göransson, B. Gregersen, J. Kristapsons, R. Lindner, A. Lulle, P. Macucule, N.P. Mai, E. Mneney, L.F. Montalvo Arriete, B.L.M. Mwamila, L. Neves, J. Núñez Jover, C.M. Palsson, I. Pérez Ones, T.T. Phuong, M.S. Rapini, T. Reiss, C.M. Ribeiro, G. Sagieva, U. Schmoch, J. Sutz, E. Tjunina, L. Van Chuong, H. Wang, Z. Yuan, G.F. Zucoloto
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Financial Crisis and White Collar Crime: The Perfect Storm?
Scholarly analysis of the principal causes of the global economic crash of 2008 has largely ignored any investigation of a part played by white-collar crime in precipitating the collapse. Ryder is one of the few who is not content to let the blame lie with sub-prime mortgages and the inherent risks of the markets. He enquires into the relationship between the latter-day economic chaos and crime, particularly mortgage fraud and the examination he offers is compelling. Through a distillation of massive amounts of materials drawn from two critical global financial centers, the United States and the United Kingdom, Ryder concludes, reliant on tangible empirical examples, that the prevalence of white-collar fraud was an important constituent contributor to the financial crisis.'- Michelle Gallant Ph.D, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba'In this well-researched and thoughtful new book, Nic Ryder makes a strong case for thinking more about the role of white collar crime in causing the financial crisis, and why prosecution has not been a bigger part (particularly in the UK) of the authorities' responses to it.'- Peter Cartwright, School of Law, University of NottinghamConcentrating on the relationship between the 2007 financial crisis and white-collar crime in both the United States of America and the United Kingdom this unique book asserts that such activity was an important variable that contributed towards the crisis. It also reveals a number of similarities and differences in the approach towards white-collar crime emanating from the financial crisis.Offering an important analysis of the factors which contributed to the global financial crisis and the role played by economic crime, the author provides an insightful critique of the legislative, regulatory and enforcement responses on both sides of the Atlantic. Specific examples include mortgage fraud, predatory lending, Ponzi fraud schemes, market misconduct and the manipulation of LIBOR. Nicholas Ryder's conclusions are powerful, and those responsible for policing the financial markets should take careful note of the recommendations he puts forward.This timely book will be of great use to both teachers and students of financial crime relevant modules. It will also appeal to policy-makers in government departments, law enforcement agencies and financial regulatory agencies, as well as professionals within the financial services sector, law and accountancy.Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Financial Crisis an Alternative Interpretation - Part I 3. The Financial Crisis an Alternative Interpretation Part II 4. United States of America Policy, Legislative, Regulatory and Enforcement Responses 5. United Kingdom - Policy, Legislative, Regulatory and Enforcement Responses 6. Conclusions and Recommendations Bibliography Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Civil Religion, Human Rights and International Relations: Connecting People Across Cultures and Traditions
This ground breaking book discusses whether human rights can be forged into a common set of transcendent principles against which actions of every nation can be judged and whether such a common understanding, or civil religion, could one day become a vehicle for global peace. Eminent international scholars from political science, international relations, human rights and civil religion argue both sides of this debate. In the first section the theoretical issues relating to why human rights have come about and whether they should be fought for are discussed. Part two focuses on the reality of actions brought about by human rights ideas with illuminating case studies showing that human rights ideas and practice are generated from both the bottom up and top down by individual actors and institutions. The unique book will be of great interest to scholars in the field of history, human rights, international relations and political science in general.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook of Comparative Employment Relations
The Research Handbook of Comparative Employment Relations is an essential resource for those seeking to understand contemporary developments in the world of work, and the way in which employment relations systems are evolving around the world. Special consideration is given to the impact of globalization and the role of multinational corporations, including their consequences for the fate of workers' rights under existing national systems of employment relations (ER) regulation. This Handbook is unique in taking an explicitly comparative approach by discussing ER developments through a series of paired country comparisons. These chapters include a wide selection of countries from all regions, looking beyond those that are frequently discussed. The expert contributors also examine comparative issues from a range of perspectives, including industrial and employment relations, political economy, comparative politics, and cross-cultural studies. These impressive features make this important reference tool the most comprehensive of its kind. Academics and students in final-year undergraduate and postgraduate courses interested in employment relations will find this compendium enriching and insightful.Contributors include: M. Atzeni, L. Baccarro, M. Barry, D. Collings, F.L. Cooke, S. Cooney, T. Dundon, F. Duran, I. Forstenlechner, P. Gahan, P. Gunnigle, T. Jackson, E.H. Jung, B. Kaufman, J. Kelly, J. Lavelle, K. Mellahi, R. Mitchell, P. Pochet, T. Royle, A. Verma, N. Wailes, A. Wilkinson, G. Wood, S. Zalgermeyer
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Entrepreneurship: An Evidence-based Guide
An ideal text for undergraduate and MBA entrepreneurship courses in business, engineering and the social sciences.'Deftly written, superbly presented, and highly recommended for community and academic library business studies collections, Entrepreneurship is ideal for use as a classroom textbook or as a primer for non-specialist general readers with an interest in entrepreneurship.'- The Midwest Book ReviewThe early years of the 21st Century could well be called the 'decade(s) of the entrepreneur'. Entrepreneurship is an often-featured topic in magazine and newspaper articles, popular television shows and major films. Universities have added courses, departments, and even schools of entrepreneurship to their catalogs, and governments at all levels are competing to develop programs to encourage entrepreneurship. A key reason behind this growing interest is the widely held belief - supported by economic data - that entrepreneurship is a powerful engine of economic growth. By presenting accurate knowledge about entrepreneurship itself, this book serves to convert the rising tide of interest in entrepreneurship into advice and guidance that can actually assist entrepreneurs in achieving their goals. In order to do so, this book presents evidence-based information concerning the factors that encourage entrepreneurship's emergence, including the conditions that shape its outcomes and how it unfolds as a process. This text draws on two key sources of knowledge - input from entrepreneurs and the findings of systematic empirical research. As the subtitle suggests, however, emphasis is placed on the latter whenever possible because the information individual entrepreneurs possess cannot readily serve as the basis for general principles or guidelines since it is unique to each entrepreneur. By combining evidence-based knowledge with the hard-earned wisdom of experienced entrepreneurs, this volume offers a balanced and inclusive guide useful to both current and aspiring entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is indeed a driving force of economic growth. But beyond that, it is also a key mechanism through which human creativity, ingenuity, skill, and energy are converted into tangible outcomes that can, and often do, change the world in ways that enhance and enrich human welfare. This volume will be of particular interest to students of entrepreneurship in a broad array of fields ranging from business and management to engineering and governance. Suitable for undergraduate courses and graduate programs alike, this book is frontier blazing in its own right and will help those who read it be so as well.Awarded Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2012
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Industrial Policy in Developing Countries: Failing Markets, Weak States
Countries that need industrial policy the most typically have the worst governance. This terrific book explicitly recognizes this difficulty, and provides a rich discussion of how it can be overcome. It presents a valuable series of country studies that focus on both successes (such as Ethiopian cut flowers) and failures (such as Namibia's export processing zones). The authors show that weak capacity is not necessarily a hindrance to effective industrial policy, just as strong capacity does not guarantee it.'- Dani Rodrik, Princeton University, US'This is the book our students have been waiting for.'- Hubert Schmitz, Institute of Development Studies and Founder of Sussex MA course Competing in the Global Economy'A green transformation holds the potential to sustain a healthy planet where ecosystems are well-managed and human well-being is secured for future generations. This book makes a compelling case for the design of industrial policies that support a green economy. Being at the crossroads of their development pathways, developing countries have the unique opportunity to define their industrial policies in a resource-efficient, low-carbon and socially inclusive manner in the context of the Post-2015 Development Agenda.'- Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)Industrial Policy in Developing Countries offers an in-depth assessment of both the potentials and perils of designing and implementing policy in countries at early stages of economic development. The range of insightful case studies illustrates the key dilemma: directing economic and social development through what are often incipient and weak institutions. This realistic, evidence-based assessment will appeal to both development researchers and industrial policy practitioners, particularly those working in developing countries.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Neighbourhood Governance in Urban China
As the economy and society of China has become more diversified, so have its urban neighborhoods. The last decade has witnessed a surge in collective action by homeowners in China against the infringement of their rights. Research on neighborhood governance is sparse and limited, so this book fills a vital gap in the literature and understanding.The authors reveal how the Chinese authorities have themselves become increasingly sensitive to the potential risk of collective actions becoming destabilizing forces in urban arenas. This thought-provoking book looks at both the theoretical and empirical underpinning of the self-governance of homeowners and their collective action, as well as control mechanisms in neighborhood governance. The book offers a window through which contending issues, such as changing state-society relations, rights-based social movements and the emergence of civil society, can be further explored.Neighborhood governance is a multifaceted concept that cuts across academic disciplines and intersects an array of policy areas. Therefore this book will find a wide audience amongst public and social policy academics, particularly those with an interest in urban studies, governance and Asian cities, as well as politics.Contributors: W. Breitung, H. Chai, J. Chen, L. Chen, Y. Chen, Y. Gui, S. Guo, R. Huang, Y. Jiang, W. Ma, B.L. Read, X. Sun, J. Tang, J. Wang, Y.Wu, N.-M. Yip
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Corporate Finance for Lawyers: Understanding the Power Balance Between Shareholders, Secured Lenders and Unsecured Creditors
Corporate Finance for Lawyers explores the intricate relationship between law and corporate finance. Utilising the ‘Financial Mindmap’ throughout, chapters depict financial concepts by using colours and visualisations in a clear and intuitive manner.The book provides an introduction into the basic building blocks of corporate finance including, Enterprise Value, Equity Value and Net Debt, and the dominant company valuation methods of EBITDA-multiples and Discounted Cash Flow. The book further explains finance patterns from both a finance and a legal perspective, most notably the use of non-interest bearing, secured credit, shareholder loans and guarantees, ending with reorganisation procedures. By providing a uniquely integrated analysis of law and corporate finance, this practical book will be a beneficial resource for lawyers, including judges, from all over the world involved in financial transactions and corporate litigation. Students of law and finance will find the book an excellent learning experience, since it discusses the foundational principles of law and finance and how they relate to real-world practices. Finance professionals will also benefit greatly from the depiction of finance in action rather than as assumed under perfect markets.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Urban Social Policies: International Perspectives on Multilevel Governance and Local Welfare
The importance of subnational welfare measures, and their complex embeddedness in wider multilevel governance systems, has often been underplayed in both urban studies and social policy analysis.This Handbook gives readers the analytical tools to understand urban social policies in context and bridges the gap in research. It provides a novel perspective of social policy analysis, answering the common debates such as: what is the role of local institutions in welfare provisions? Do they exert an influence beyond their jurisdiction? What difference can we trace among different types of locales (e.g. urban vs. rural)? How does the role of cities change in different national regulatory systems? Chapters disentangle the interplay between jurisdictions, politics, policy instruments and contexts in the spatial construction of social policies. Thanks to the impressive selection of contributors, the volume discusses urban social policies with broad geographical coverage including cases from Europe, North America, South America and Asia, and provides cursory references to the COVID-19 pandemic in different policy fields. This book will be of interest to a broad range of students in different fields from welfare to urban studies, as well as those interested in multilevel governance and policy analysis. Scholars interested in comparative social policy, but also in social innovation, public administration and political science, will also find this book a good companion.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Modern Guide to Post-Keynesian Institutional Economics
This book advances Post-Keynesian Institutional economics, an integrative tradition - inspired by keen economic observers such as John Kenneth Galbraith, Joan Robinson, and Hyman Minsky - that bridges Institutional and Post Keynesian economics. The tradition proved its worth by addressing the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, as well as by analyzing long-term trends accompanying the evolution of investor-driven (“money manager”) capitalism, including financialization, spreading worker insecurity, and rising inequality. This Modern Guide begins with the history and contours of Post-Keynesian Institutionalism, and then breaks new ground, extending recent analyses of contemporary economic problems, sharpening concepts and methods, sketching new theories, and synthesizing ideas across research traditions. Written by leading scholars, this authoritative collection identifies policy-relevant frontiers—on matters ranging from social capital and economic democracy to feminism and environmental sustainability—thereby setting an ambitious agenda for further Post-Keynesian Institutionalist research.In addition to being useful as a statement of current Post-Keynesian Institutionalist issues and research, the book serves as both a valuable reference volume and a source of material appropriate for course adoption for undergraduate and graduate students. Policymakers and policy analysts dissatisfied with the status quo should also find the book of interest. It will likely be especially relevant to those concerned with financial instability, worker insecurity, and inequality, problems that in recent years have had considerable economic and political consequences.