Search results for ""author suma"
The Lilliput Press Ltd This Tumult
The Tottenham family is falling apart. There is no money to maintain the crumbling house and farm in County Westmeath, so decisions have to be made. Brothers Nick and Tony, with no prospect of a future in rural Ireland, make the long journey to their uncle’s ranch in Australia. As World War Two looms, the entire family signs up to fight: mathematician mother Eleanor calculates flight paths; sister Rose repairs radar masts in Lincolnshire; Nick and Tony, like thousands of others, enlist in Australia; even their ageing father Gerald signs up for duty in the Far East. Little does each foresee what terror, starvation and heartache lay ahead, and what it would take to survive. In a gripping narrative that spans four generations and encompasses the battlefields of Syria and Egypt, the Australian outback, night sorties over Germany, English airfields and the horrors of a Sumatran prison camp, this is a harrowing story of hardship and heroism, based on an Irish family’s experience.
Periplus Editions (Hong Kong) Ltd The Food of Israel: Authentic Recipes from the Land of Milk and Honey
Nowhere is the Israeli passion for life more pronounced than around their food tables at home and in their restaurantsThe storied land of Israel is best known as the cradle of three great world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Since ancient times, the rich interplay of cultures in this region has fostered one of the world's most diverse and fascinating cuisines. Now you can take part in enjoying diverse and delicious Israeli food in the comfort of your own home. This Israeli cookbook blends the flavors of middle eastern food with those of traditional kosher cuisine. The result is a medley of tantalizing flavors and colors. This Israeli cooking book features 75 recipes of some of the tastiest offerings that the region has to offer.Arab and Bedouin tribesmen, orthodox Christian groups and Jewish settlers from all corners of the globe have thrived here on an agricultural bounty of grains, fish, meats, citrus, milk and cheese, olives, figs, dates, grapes and pomegranates. Each group has contributed flavors and delicacies to the creation of present-day Israeli cuisine. From the Yemenite Jews come aromatic breads and spicy Zhoug sauces; from the Arabs, freshly ground Hummus and pomegranate salads. Gefilte Fish is a favorite of Ashkenazi Jews while Sephardic Jews savor the garlicky, peppery Hraymi fish. Enjoy the tantalizing flavors of Israel from such classics as Falafel in piping hot Pita, Chicken Soup with Matzo Dumplings, succulent Kebabs and hearty Jerusalem Chamin.As well as presenting a wide range of recipes, The Food of Israel introduces the reader to the fascinating culinary traditions of the land. Striking color photography and detailed information on cooking techniques make this book the ideal culinary guide to the land of milk and honey.Recipes include: Babbaghanouj Jerusalem Kugel Stuffed Vine Leaves Roast Chicken with Onions and Sumach on Pita Bread Goose Liver Confit Lamb Kebabs Mutabek (Sweet Sheep Cheese Pastry)
Page Street Publishing Co. Mediterranea: A Vibrant Culinary Journey Through Southern Europe, North Africa, and the Eastern Mediterranean
Whether they are new to Mediterranean flavors, have developed a love for this easy-yet-delicious cuisine or are looking to incorporate fresh ingredients and healthy fats into their diets, readers are sure to fall in love with Hanady Nabut's simple but exquisite recipes, inspired by her Palestinian/Spanish background, her profound knowledge of the region's food and culture and her travels in the Mediterranean. From enticing breakfasts, colorful antipasti and mezzo platters to zesty, appetizing seafood, meats and poultry, readers of all skill levels will have well-rounded options for accessible, eye-catching meals that will astound their families and friends. Each recipe contains a guide on spices and flavor profiles, taking readers on a taste journey through the Levantine, North African and European regions of the Mediterranean. What is more, Hanady includes an index of basic fridge and pantry staples such as oils, fresh vegetables and grains, so readers always have fundamental ingredients on hand to create meals that look impressive, but take no time or effort at all. Readers can try their hands at splendid options like: - Sesame Encrusted Halloumi with Honey Sauce - Roast Chicken with Pomegranate Glaze and Sumac - Sweet and Sticky Tamarind Shrimp - Saffron Churros with Floral Syrup or Honey - Sticky Date and Walnut Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting The bright and appetizing recipes in Mediterranea promise nourishing, vibrant eating-and many a crowd-pleasing gathering for readers and loved ones. This book contains 60 recipes and 60 photos.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Boat Cookbook: Real Food for Hungry Sailors
For anyone with a tiny galley kitchen and an appetite for fresh, gorgeous food, there’s good news: it’s all here! These fabulous and easy recipes, all made with minimum fuss and maximum flavour, will allow you to spoil yourself in harbour, keep things simple at sea, and make delicious meals and snacks in advance – not to mention rustle up a mean rum punch. Taking no longer than 20–30 minutes and using a maximum of two pans, you’ll find yourself cooking up a storm, with your hungry crew tucking into crab macaroni cheese, lamb with sumac and butter bean mash, cherry clafoutis, and chocolate fruitcake. With its handy ideas on setting up the galley, tips on hosting the perfect beach barbecue and fascinating nautical trivia scattered about, this is the must-have guide for sailors and seaside-lovers alike. In this brand new edition, Fiona Sims shares her own tried-and-tested onboard classics, along with recipe contributions from top chefs (Chris Galvin, Angela Hartnett, Kevin Mangeolles, Ed Wilson and Judy Joo) and sailing legends (Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Mike Golding, Brian Thompson, Shirley Robertson and Dee Caffari). With a foreword by Chris Galvin, and accompanied by wonderful photography and beautiful hand-drawn illustrations, this continues to be an invaluable addition to the food lover's kitchen or galley. Inspired by the sea and happy times on the water, The Boat Cookbook promises fresh, mouthwatering galley grub that can be prepared almost as quickly as it will be devoured by your eager crew.
Tuttle Publishing An Edible Mosaic: Middle Eastern Fare with Extraordinary Flair [Middle Eastern Cookbook, 80 Recipes]
Create a culinary mosaic with this Middle Eastern cookbook!When Faith Gorsky married her Syrian husband, she was introduced to a cultural and culinary world that would forever change how she experienced food and cooking. Gorsky's mother-in-law took her under her wing, and in 6 months gave her a thorough course in Middle Eastern cooking that became the basis for her popular website, An Edible Mosaic—and now this book. The growth and success of her website and her growing interest in dishes from the Middle East led to even more trips to the area, where she deepened her knowledge of the food and acquired more recipes to cook and share with her husband and the online community. In this Syrian cookbook, Gorsky shares her favorite recipes from throughout the region: Lamb or Beef Kebab, Several Ways (Mashawi) Creamy Chickpea and Yogurt Casserole (Fetteh) Parsley Salad with Bulgur Wheat (Tabbouleh) Sumac-Spiced Chicken (Musakhan) Pan Seared White Cheese And 75 more, paired with 175 color photographs Her love for the cuisine of her husband's homeland comes across in her enthusiasm for putting together these Syrian recipes, and in the awareness that Middle Eastern cooking is more than just a means of sustenance—it lies at the epicenter of gatherings with family and friends.
La Esfera de los Libros, S.L. Historia de un matrimonio Iaki y Cristina secretos y mentiras
Amor verdadero? Intereses? Pactos secretos?Mucho se ha especulado acerca del matrimonio entre Cristina de Borbón e Iñaki Urdangarin, una relación que, ya desde el flechazo inicial en 1996, no hizo más que sumar mentiras y convertir lo que parecía un sueño en una auténtica pesadilla.La periodista Silvia Taulés ha indagado en la peculiar historia de esta pareja, en los aspectos más desconocidos, desde esos días en los que ?según confesión de un íntimo amigo de la misma? llevábamos a la infanta tumbada en la parte de atrás del coche para que nadie la pudiera seguir, ni sus escoltas", a la soledad ante el juez por el proceso del Caso Nóos. El encuentro de Iñaki y Cristina no fue una apuesta, como se dijo, ni una casualidad. Las vidas de ambos se habían cruzado varias veces antes de que ella decidiera dar el primer paso: Quién es ese rubio?. Y pidió su teléfono.En estas páginas colmadas de revelaciones y confidencias, la autora pasa revista a las alianzas necesarias, las traicione
Desclée De Brouwer El enigma de la belleza ensayos estéticos
Desde antiguo, el acontecimiento enigmático de la belleza estuvo aparejado gloriosamente con el arte más excelso. En los últimos tiempos, no pocos artistas parecen alejarse de la belleza. Y lo hacen sin nostalgia, como quien camina por una senda segura, sin preguntarse a dónde les conduce. Conceden la primacía al mero hacer, hacer obras, como si todo cuanto produce una persona dedicada al arte tuviera calidad artística.En cambio, en el campo filosófico y teológico se están abriendo hoy día a la belleza horizontes sumamente prometedores. A pesar de todas sus sombras, el momento actual se nos presenta como un tiempo oportuno -un verdadero kayrós- para descubrir el papel que está llamada a jugar la belleza en el mundo de la alta cultura. No es solo una delicia para los sentidos, un don de los dioses -como suele decirse-, una invitación constante a la alegría; es una vía privilegiada para hacernos pasar del nivel 3 al nivel 4, es decir, del plano donde resplandecen los valores al plano en
The University of Chicago Press Locations of Buddhism: Colonialism and Modernity in Sri Lanka
Modernizing and colonizing forces brought nineteenth-century Sri Lankan Buddhists both challenges and opportunities. How did Buddhists deal with social and economic change; new forms of political, religious, and educational discourse; and, Christianity? And how did Sri Lankan Buddhists, collaborating with other Asian Buddhists, respond to colonial rule? To answer these questions, Anne M. Blackburn focuses on the life of leading monk and educator Hikkaduve Sumangala (1827-1911) to examine more broadly Buddhist life under foreign rule. In "Locations of Buddhism", Blackburn reveals that during Sri Lanka's crucial decades of deepening colonial control and modernization, there was a surprising stability in the central religious activities of Hikkaduve and the Buddhists among whom he worked. At the same time, they developed new institutions and forms of association, drawing on precolonial intellectual heritage as well as colonial-period technologies and discourse. Advocating a new way of studying the impact of colonialism on colonized societies, Blackburn is particularly attuned here to human experience, paying attention to the habits of thought and modes of affiliation that characterized individuals and smaller-scale groups. "Locations of Buddhism" is a wholly original contribution to the study of Sri Lanka and the history of Buddhism more generally.
Edicions Bellaterra Políticas de la negación Israel y los refugiados palestinos
La guerra árabe israelí de 1948 ?la nakba, la catástrofe por antonomasia para el pueblo palestino? abrió entre otros un problema que se arrastra hasta la actualidad, sólo que aumentado hasta la exasperación: el de los refugiados, que desde aquella fecha, junto con sus descendientes, malviven a costa de la ayuda internacional en los territorios ocupados y en los países limítrofes. A ellos hay que sumar los desplazados tras la guerra de 1967 y los menos conocidos, los palestinos que residen en el interior del Estado sionista.Si bien la resolución 194 (III)/1948 de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas instaba al Estado de Israel a admitir de nuevo a los expulsados (transferencia de población, en la jerga israelí) o compensarlos, Israel se ha negado sistemáticamente a ello.La cuestión de los refugiados es una de las que el autor llama políticas de la negación por parte de Israel, quizá la más grave y el origen de todas las demás. Esta obra estudia las distintas etapas de la p
Canelo Hurricane: The Plane That Saved Britain
The riveting exploits of a fighter aircraft – and an underrated aerial hero of the Second World WarThe Hawker Hurricane was flying on the outbreak of war in 1939. Six years later, having saved Britain, it was still playing a major part in the war effort.Widely remembered in its fighter role and unjustly left in the shade of the Spitfire, the Hurricane’s role was varied and pivotal: as a fighter, fighter-bomber, anti-tank aircraft and used at sea. Nor was its theatre of operations any less wide: it saw action in France from the beginning of the Phoney War to the outbreak of the Blitzkrieg, in the Battle of Britain, and then as far afield as Russia, Sumatra and Madagascar.In this intensely readable, spirited and classic account, Adrian Stewart describes all the Hurricane’s roles, adventures and achievements. He recounts the exploits of the aircraft’s outstanding pilots who contributed so much towards mastery of the skies and eventual victory.Perfect for readers of John Nichol’s Spitfire and Lancaster.
Tuttle Publishing Edible Mosaic, An: Middle Eastern Fare with Extraordinary Flair
When Faith Gorsky married her Syrian husband, she was introduced to a cultural and culinary world that would forever change how she experienced food and cooking. Gorsky's mother-in-law took her under her wing, and in 6 months gave her a thorough course in Middle Eastern cooking that became the basis for her popular website, An Edible Mosaic and now this book. The growth and success of her website and her own growing interest in dishes from the Middle East led to even more trips to the area, where she deepened her knowledge of the food, and acquired more recipes to cook and share with her husband and the online community. In this Syrian cookbook, Gorsky shares her favourite recipes from throughout the region: Lamb or beef kebab several ways (Mashawi), creamy chickpea and yogurt casserole (Fetteh), parsley salad with bulgur wheat (Tabbouleh), and sumac-spiced chicken (Musakhan), pan-seared white cheese, and 75 more, paired with 175 colour photographs. Her love for the cuisine of her husband's homeland comes across in her enthusiasm for putting together these Syrian recipes, and in the awareness that Middle Eastern cooking is more than just a means of sustenance, it lies at the epicenter of gatherings with family and friends.
NEWTYPE Publishing Interpretando a Dios: Escuchando a Dios Para Ti Mismo & Para el Mundo Que Te Rodea
Las Palabras de conocimiento instauran los pensamientos de Dios en nuestra cultura. Estos validan el amor de Dios a personas impensables, que en otras ocasiones no hubiesen sido vistos desde esa perspectiva. Interpretando a Dios sirve como un libro-guÍa inspiracional que pone al gran amor de Dios nuevamente como la meta principal en el ministerio profÉtico; lleno de historias reales que articulan la cultura de amor detrÁs del corazÓn de Dios para lo profÉtico. Gran parte del ministerio profÉtico se ha vuelto esotÉrico y una puerta abierta para todos donde las personas hablan en nombre de Dios sobre cualquier cosa que ellos “sienten”, sin embargo este libro trae un balance sin restar el deseo de ver una demostraciÓn poderosa de la naturaleza de Dios. A mas de esto, esta basado en la Biblia y sustentado por escrituras a lo largo de cada historia, ejemplificando el mensaje del libro de activar la habilidad de escuchar la voz de Dios para cada lector. Por medio de una filosofÍa provocadora del ministerio profÉtico sumado al glorioso Éxito de Shawn asÍ como a los muchos intentos fallidos, usted serÁ inspirado y equipado para: Aprender como escuchar a Dios por ti mismo y para los demÁs. Crecer por medio de pasos simples. Tomar grandes riesgos. Permanecer rindiendo cuentas. Amar bien a las personas. Crecer en intimidad con el SeÑor Como una conocida voz profÉtica internacional que ha ministrado a miles de personas, -desde lideres polÍticos hasta personas de la calle- Shawn comparte todo lo que ha aprendido sobre lo profÉtico de una forma que es completamente Única y refrescante. Shawn apunta a la meta mas alta de amar a las personas de una manera relacional, no solo procurando el don o la informaciÓn, y te activa a hacer lo mismo. Empieza hoy a moldear el mundo a tu alrededor con el amor de Dios.
Octopus Publishing Group The Whole Picture: The colonial story of the art in our museums & why we need to talk about it
"Probing, jargon-free and written with the pace of a detective story... [Procter] dissects western museum culture with such forensic fury that it might be difficult for the reader ever to view those institutions in the same way again. " Financial Times 'A smart, accessible and brilliantly structured work that encourages readers to go beyond the grand architecture of cultural institutions and see the problematic colonial histories behind them.' - Sumaya KassimShould museums be made to give back their marbles? Is it even possible to 'decolonize' our galleries? Must Rhodes fall?How to deal with the colonial history of art in museums and monuments in the public realm is a thorny issue that we are only just beginning to address. Alice Procter, creator of the Uncomfortable Art Tours, provides a manual for deconstructing everything you thought you knew about art history and tells the stories that have been left out of the canon.The book is divided into four chronological sections, named after four different kinds of art space: The Palace, The Classroom, The Memorial and The Playground. Each section tackles the fascinating, enlightening and often shocking stories of a selection of art pieces, including the propaganda painting the East India Company used to justify its rule in India; the tattooed Maori skulls collected as 'art objects' by Europeans; and works by contemporary artists who are taking on colonial history in their work and activism today.The Whole Picture is a much-needed provocation to look more critically at the accepted narratives about art, and rethink and disrupt the way we interact with the museums and galleries that display it.
Cornell University Press The Open Door: Early Modern Wajorese Statecraft and Diaspora
The Wajorese people were one of many groups that spread across Indonesian during the early modern era. In the wake of the Makassar War (1666–1669), the Dutch took control of Makassar on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi and used it to consolidate their power in the region. Because the Wajorese had sided with the war's losers, they were treated very harshly and many opted to emigrate. They scattered far and wide across the Southeast Asian archipelago, settling in eastern Kalimantan, western Sumatra, the Straits of Malacca, and the Sulawesian port city of Makassar. Wellen reconstructs the fascinating and little-told story of the Wajorese diaspora. Wajorese migrants exhibited remarkable versatility in adapting to local conditions in the areas where they settled. They perpetuated their own culture overseas while simultaneously using various assimilation strategies such as intermarriage to thrive in their adopted homelands. Relations between Wajorese migrants and their homeland intensified in the early 18th century when successive rulers in Wajoq deliberately sought to harness the growing military and commercial potential of the migrant communities. This effort culminated in the 1730s when the exiled La Maddukelleng, an Indonesian national hero, returned to Makassar from neighboring eastern Kalimantan and attempted to expel the Dutch from South Sulawesi. His campaign exemplifies the manner in which overseas Wajorese remained an essential part of Wajoq long after they left home. The Open Door's strong thematic organization allows readers with specific interests such as commercial law, family networks, diaspora, and comparative politics to quickly find fascinating and relevant information about this lesser-known Southeast Asian society.
Page Street Publishing Co. Dine in Palestine: An Authentic Taste of Palestine in 60 Recipes from My Family to Your Table
Bring the bold flavours of Palestine into your own kitchen with this comprehensive collection of Middle Eastern recipes by Heifa Odeh. From familiar favourites like moussaka and tobouleh, to more complex meals like Musakhan, Palestine’s national dish, this book includes everything you need to know to cook the full range of Palestinian dishes. With streamlined techniques honed through her online cooking course, Heifa makes it easier than ever to enjoy Arab cooking. From bold flavoured breakfasts like Tomato and Lemon Flatbread and satisfying mains like Harissa Pomegrante Molasses Salmon to sweet treats like Fig and Honey Pistachio Cake and beyond — each dish is also halal to make meal times more inclusive for Muslim holidays and gatherings. With dishes featuring the best Middle Eastern ingredients like figs, pomegranate, sumac and za’atar, every dish offers a taste of Palestine. Whether you have been making Arab cuisine for ages or if you are looking to expand your repertoire, this cookbook has something for everyone. This book includes 60 recipes and 60 photos.
John Murray Press Don't Tell Mum I Work on the Rigs: (She Thinks I'm a Piano Player in a Whorehouse)
A take-no-prisoners approach to life has seen Paul Carter heading to some of the world's most remote, wild and dangerous places as a contractor in the oil business. Amazingly, he's survived (so far) to tell these stories from the edge of civilization. He has been shot at, hijacked and held hostage; almost died of dysentery in Asia and toothache in Russia; watched a Texan lose his mind in the jungles of Asia; lost a lot of money backing a scorpion against a mouse in a fight to the death, and been served cocktails by an orangutan on an ocean freighter. And that's just his day job. Taking postings in some of the world's wildest and most remote regions, not to mention some of the roughest rigs on the planet, Paul has worked, got into trouble, and been given serious talkings to, in locations as far-flung as the North Sea, Middle East, Borneo and Tunisia, as exotic as Sumatra, Vietnam and Thailand, and as flat-out dangerous as Columbia, Nigeria and Russia, with some of the maddest, baddest and strangest people you could ever hope not to meet.
Periplus Editions (Hong Kong) Ltd Everyday Malay Phrase Book and Dictionary: Your Guide to Speaking Malay Quickly and Effortlessly in a Few Hours
This is a travel size, easy-to-use Malay phrasebook, dictionary, and beginning Malay language bookBahasa Malaysia (literally "the Malaysian language") is based on Malay which is the mother tongue of the Malays of the Peninsula and the people of central eastern Sumatra. Malay is closely related to languages throughout Indonesia, the Philippines and the Pacific Islands, and it has been for centuries the lingua franca of Southeast Asia. The lessons in this book are prioritized, with more important words and phrases being give first, so that you may profit no matter how deeply into the book you go. By studying the first section only, you acquire a basic "survival" Bahasa Malaysia, and by mastering the first three sections you should be able to get around quite well on your own. In order to present each lesson clearly as a unit and reinforce learning, Malay vocabulary is often repeated. Colloquial Malay, which is the most commonly spoken and the most readily understood form of the language, is used here rather than "formal" Bahasa Malaysia. Care has been taken to include only vocabulary that has immediate practical application for visitors. By repetition and memorization of the materials, you will quickly gain a grasp of the language's basic elements. Rather than include long and tedious lists of words and phrases in the lessons themselves, we have appended at the back of the book a miniature bilingual dictionary that should be adequate for the needs of most tourists. At the end of the book you will also find additional information on the use of verb and noun affixes, and further suggestions to learn Malay. Everyday Malay includes: Over 2,000 of the most commonly used Malaysian words and phrases. A useful and concise Malay dictionary. Extensive notes on grammar and the Malay language. Cultural do's and dont's that will make your visit go smoothly. Knowing a few simple phrases of Malay opens up an entirely new and more fulfilling travel experience. Malaysians love it if you can communicate in their language, and in only a few short hours this book allows you to do just that!
Editorial Sal Terrae El don de los aos saber envejecer
Joan Chittister, una de las más célebres escritoras en el área de la espiritualidad, nos invita a aceptar la vejez como una parte natural de la vida, como una etapa que es, a la vez, activa y contemplativa, productiva y propicia a la reflexión, amén de sumamente gratificante. La ancianidad nos confiere sabiduría, libertad y una clase distinta de prosperidad. Nos ilumina no sólo a nosotros, sino también a quienes nos rodean. Para vivir bien estos años necesitamos contemplar cada uno de ellos con atención y vitalidad. Tras examinar las múltiples dimensiones del envejecimiento, abordar la conciencia de rechazo que deriva de sentirse de algún modo al margen de la vida, reflexionar sobre la tentación de aislarse de los cambios que están aconteciendo y sobre la necesidad de permanecer involucrados, etc., describe lo que ocurre cuando las antiguas relaciones terminan y nuevas gentes y retos ocupan su lugar. Habla sobre el miedo al mañana y el misterio de la eternidad y sobre cómo arreglársela
The Experiment LLC Chickpea Flour Does it All
In Chickpea Flour Does It All, food writer and photographer Lindsay S. Love shows how chickpea flour can shine in sweet and savoury dishes alike - especially alongside fresh, seasonal ingredients! Sauteed Pear and Sage Pancakes with Almonds, Chickpea Noodles with Misc-Kale Pesto. Kofta Wraps with Sumac Tahini, Blackberry-Lime Cobbler Love's recipes are vegetarian and gluten free, and she includes a gorgeous photo of every one. (It's no surprise she has over 40,000 Instagram followers!) Meet the New Must Have It Pantry Staple: Chickpea Flour Why make chickpea flour your new go-to? Because everyone gluten free or not - will find a reason to love it. This versatile alternative to wheat flour shines in savoury and sweet dishes alike. It's been used for centuries around the world, and is famous in Nice, France, where the flatbread socca is enjoyed with a chilled glass of rose. In this gorgeously photographed cookbook, Lindsey S. Love takes inspiration from her favourite seasonal ingredients, global flavours, and much loved family recipes to create vibrant gluten free, dairy free, and vegetarian dishes where chickpea flour is the star. Gluten free diners especially will be amazed by the variety - nothing's off the table anymore, and taste is never sacrificed. Plus, many recipes are vegan - taking advantage of chickpea flour as a base for vegan sauces and a soy free alternative to tofu. Lindsey's inventive recipes meld sophisticated and subtle flavours and beg to be shared with friends and family at any time of the year!
Prestel Textiles of Indonesia
Gathered over the course of four decades, the Thomas Murray collection of Indonesian textiles is one of the most important in the world. The objects comprise ritual clothing and ceremonial cloths that tell us much about the traditions of pre-Islamic Indonesian cultures, as well as the influences of regional trade with China, India, the Arab world, and Europe. As with the earlier volume, Textiles of Japan (Prestel, 2018), the book focuses on some of the finest cloths to come out of the archipelago, presenting each object with impeccable photographs. Geographically arranged, this volume pays particular attention to textiles from the Batak and the Lampung region of Sumatra, the Dayak of Borneo, and the Toraja of Sulawesi, as well as rare textiles from Sumba, Timor and other islands. Readers will learn about the intricate traditions of dyeing, weaving, and beading techniques that have been practiced for centuries. Original texts by international experts offer historical context, unspool the mysteries behind ancient iconography, and provide new insights into dating and provenance. At once opulent and scholarly, this book arrives at a moment of growing interest in Southeast Asian culture and carries the imprimatur of one of the art world's leading collectors. Contributors: Lorraine Aragon, Joanna Barrkman, Chris Buckley, Kristal Hale, Valerie Hector, Janet Alison Hoskins, Itie van Hout, Eric Kjellgren, Fiona Kerlogue, Brigitte Khan Majlis, Robyn Maxwell, Thomas Murray, and Sandra Sardjono.
DK LEGO Jurassic World Construye tu propia aventura (Build Your Own Adventure)
Libro con minifigura y modelo exclusivo.Más de 50 ideas que te servirán de inspiración para montar tus modelos LEGO® Jurassic World.LEGO® Jurassic World™: Construye tu propia aventura combina historia trepidante y repleta de acción inspirada en las películas Jurassic World y el universo de LEGO® Jurassic World™.Con un montón de consejos e ideas para que saques el máximo partido a tu colección de ladrillos LEGO®. ¡Súmate a las aventuras de Owen Grady y su equipo y resuelve el último misterio del parque Jurassic World!Incluye una minifigura y un paquete de ladrillos LEGO® para montar un modelo exclusivo: el fantástico helicóptero de reconocimiento de Owen.©2023 The LEGO Group. ©2023 Universal Studios.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Build yourself an exciting dinosaur adventure with more than 50 ideas to inspire your own LEGO® Jurassic World™ models.LEGO® Jurassic World™: Construye tu propia aventura combines an action-packed, thrilling story inspired by the Jurassic World movies and LEGO® Jurassic World™ animations, with more than 50 fun ideas for building. Once you have built new creations, play out exciting adventures of your own using your personal LEGO® collection. This book comes with a minifigure and the bricks to build an awesome exclusive vehicle that features in the story.©2023 The LEGO Group. ©2023 Universal Studios.
La Biblioteca del Laberinto, S.L. Historias de ciencia ficcin
Aunque conocido sobre todo por su novela Madrid, de corte a checa, Agustín de Foxá (1903-1959) fue un escritor polifacético que tuvo una presencia notable en el panorama de la cultura española del siglo XX como poeta y autor de teatro, además de haber sido uno de los periodistas más apreciados de su tiempo. Dentro de su amplia producción, destacan por su importancia sus obras especulativas o de ciencia ficción, que constituyen una de sus aportaciones más originales. En una época en que no abundaban los escritores españoles de prestigio interesados en imaginar el futuro, Foxá dedicó numerosos artículos a especular sobre lo que depararía el porvenir, con una penetración y acierto notables, como demostrará la antología de crónicas especulativas que aquí presentamos. Además, fue uno de los pocos dramaturgos que se atrevieron a llevar el futuro a la escena comercial con su comedia distópica y futurista Otoño del 3006. A ello hay que sumar un par de relatos que se cuentan entre los mejores d
Little, Brown Book Group Alone: Lost Overboard in the Indian Ocean
'That's what happened, I think, struggling to stay afloat as the ocean pummels me from all sides. I must have blacked out -- exhausted, dehydrated, even a little delirious -- and hit the water.And no one saw it happen.''When I heard Brett had fallen overboard, after twelve hours I said, "There's no way anyone can survive longer than that in the ocean - I certainly couldn't do it." This is an incredible, incredible story.'Oscar Chalupsky, Twelve times Molokai Paddleboard World ChampionIn April 2013, fifty-year-old Brett Archibald was on board a surf-charter boat, making a night-time crossing of the Mentawai Strait off Sumatra, Indonesia. In the middle of a storm, ill with severe food poisoning, Brett was being sick overboard when, for a moment, he blacked out. When he came to, he found himself alone in the raging sea, being spun as if in a washing machine. Sixty miles from shore, Brett saw the lights of his boat disappearing into the darkness. It was very quickly clear that no one had seen him fall, and that no one would hear his shouts for help. He was alone in the ocean. It would be eight hours before his friends realised he was missing. At that point a frantic search began, for a single man hopefully still alive somewhere in thousands of square miles of heaving waves. The Mentawai Strait is remote and the rough weather meant that no planes or helicopters could assist in the search.This is the remarkable story of Brett's ordeal, and his miraculous rescue after twenty-eight hours alone in the ocean; also of his family and friends back home and around the world and the Australian skipper whose sheer doggedness and instinct played such a key role in saving Brett.
Acre Books You Shall See the Beautiful Things – A Novel & A Nocturne
Envisioned as a “nocturne,” Steve Amick’s playful, multilayered novel expansively retells Eugene Field’s famed verse “Wynken, Blynken, and Nod.” In the fishing village of Scheveningen in 1889, three men build and secretly launch an unorthodox fishing vessel, departing from the long tradition of netting herring using massive boats and large crews. Collaborating in this venture are Wyn van Winkel, a cavalier joker and opium addict currently AWOL from the Aceh War in Sumatra; Ned Nodder, a seasoned fisherman trying to support his family while plagued by narcolepsy and prophetic dreams; and Luuk Blenkin, a scattered young troubadour failing at love and searching for his place in the world. As formally innovative as the “picarooner” this mismatched trio construct, the narrative lifts off into the fantastical, flitting between reality and irreality. Sparked by lines of the “Dutch lullaby,” the inexplicable adventure unfolds—and along the way, we learn of Wyn’s romantic recklessness, his broken relationship with his father, and the tragedies of war that scarred and changed him. We witness Ned’s unconventional path toward matrimony, as well as the painful loss that made his marriage a true union. We follow Luuk’s fumblings for purpose and fulfillment beyond the disgrace that befell his family and marred both his outlook and his prospects. In the spirit of a nocturne, Steve Amick envelops his characters in the world of night and dreams. Lyrical, historical, surprising, magical, heartwarming, and heartbreaking, You Shall See the Beautiful Things will make readers look at the stars—and herring—in a new light.
HarperCollins Publishers (New Zealand) Good Vibes: Eat well with feel-good flavours
Good Vibes is a celebration of food that makes you feel good. With veg-forward ingredients and knockout flavours, these are recipes to take your cooking to the next level. From nourishing breakfasts to impressive sharing plates, punchy weeknight meals, soul-warming slow-cooks, and delectable sweet treats, Alby Hailes shares his on-repeat recipes to Energise, Connect, Excite, Comfort and Delight. By one of the most exciting young home cooks in New Zealand, and including vegetarian and vegan options for any eaters, this book is packed with modern, fun and delicious feel-good food to reignite the senses and bring a splash of joy to your kitchen. Including recipes such as: Herb ricotta pancakes with grilled greens and chilli-lime syrup Grilled nectarine and sweetcorn salad with miso dressing Ultra Brussel sprouts with feijoa, apple, hazelnuts and lime Spiced lamb flatbreads with triple-black hummus and sumac feta whip Sweet and sour tofu with creamy coconut polenta Beetroot blush lasagne Harissa roast lamb with minted pomegranate gravy Ultimate vegan burgers Black sesame, rose and cardamom cake with honey mascarpone icing Peanut masala caramel slice Tahini, white chocolate and boysenberry brownie
Stanford University Press Wild Life: The Institution of Nature
Wild Life documents a nuanced understanding of the wild versus captive divide in species conservation. It also documents the emerging understanding that all forms of wild nature—both in situ (on-site) and ex situ (in captivity)—may need to be managed in perpetuity. Providing a unique window into the high-stakes world of nature conservation, Irus Braverman describes the heroic efforts by conservationists to save wild life. Yet in the shadows of such dedication and persistence in saving the life of species, Wild Life also finds sacrifice and death. Such life and death stories outline the modern struggle to define what conservation should look like at a time when the long-established definitions of nature have collapsed.Wild Life begins with the plight of a tiny endangered snail, and ends with the rehabilitation of an entire island. Interwoven between its pages are stories about golden lion tamarins in Brazil, black-footed ferrets in the American Plains, Sumatran rhinos in Indonesia, Tasmanian devils in Australia, and many more creatures both human and nonhuman. Braverman draws on interviews with more than one hundred and twenty conservation biologists, zoologists, zoo professionals, government officials, and wildlife managers to explore the various perspectives on in situ and ex situ conservation and the blurring of the lines between them.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
________________ WINNER OF THE 2015 PULITZER PRIZE FOR GENERAL NON-FICTION ________________ 'An invaluable contribution to our understanding of present circumstances, just as the paradigm shift she calls for is sorely needed' - Al Gore, New York Times 'Compelling ... It is a disquieting tale, related with rigour and restraint by Kolbert' - Observer 'Passionate ... This is the big story of our age' - Sunday Times ________________ A major book about the future of the world, blending natural history, field reporting and the history of ideas and into a powerful account of the mass extinction happening today Over the last half a billion years, there have been five mass extinctions of life on earth. Scientists around the world are currently monitoring the sixth, predicted to be the most devastating extinction event since the asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs. Elizabeth Kolbert combines brilliant field reporting, the history of ideas and the work of geologists, botanists and marine biologists to tell the gripping stories of a dozen species – including the Panamanian golden frog and the Sumatran rhino – some already gone, others at the point of vanishing. The sixth extinction is likely to be mankind’s most lasting legacy and Elizabeth Kolbert’s book urgently compels us to rethink the fundamental question of what it means to be human.
Stanford University Press The Social Roots of Risk: Producing Disasters, Promoting Resilience
The first decade of the 21st century saw a remarkable number of large-scale disasters. Earthquakes in Haiti and Sumatra underscored the serious economic consequences that catastrophic events can have on developing countries, while 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina showed that first world nations remain vulnerable. The Social Roots of Risk argues against the widespread notion that cataclysmic occurrences are singular events, driven by forces beyond our control. Instead, Kathleen Tierney contends that disasters of all types—be they natural, technological, or economic—are rooted in common social and institutional sources. Put another way, risks and disasters are produced by the social order itself—by governing bodies, organizations, and groups that push for economic growth, oppose risk-reducing regulation, and escape responsibility for tremendous losses when they occur. Considering a wide range of historical and looming events—from a potential mega-earthquake in Tokyo that would cause devastation far greater than what we saw in 2011, to BP's accident history prior to the 2010 blowout—Tierney illustrates trends in our behavior, connecting what seem like one-off events to illuminate historical patterns. Like risk, human resilience also emerges from the social order, and this book makes a powerful case that we already have a significant capacity to reduce the losses that disasters produce. A provocative rethinking of the way that we approach and remedy disasters, The Social Roots of Risk leaves readers with a better understanding of how our own actions make us vulnerable to the next big crisis—and what we can do to prevent it.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Must Love Trees: An Unconventional Guide
Tobin Mitnick, JewsLoveTrees creator and shameless tree lover, leads you, the tree-curious, through the wonderful world of North American trees with fact, opinion, and humor. In Must Love Trees, Mitnick invites you to share his deeply personal connection to our forest companions in ways that expand the storied genre of nature writing. From an imagined dialogue with the world’s oldest bristlecone pine, to the minutiae of tree huggability, to the emotional toll of taking up the practice of bonsai, this fresh take into the world of trees is divided into three equally humorous and insightful sections. The first section discusses Mitnick’s personal opinions and relationship with trees while the second section describes the science behind trees (from tree botany to tree biology to tree ecology). In the final section, Mitnick answers the question: Who would these trees be if they all attended high school together? Tobin’s detailed description of a tree in action and his thorough run-down of our most-treasured North American trees (all 100 of whom happen to be classmates at “Tree High North America”), makes this compilation an original and occasionally outlandish guide for both the budding and seasoned tree-lover.Must Love Trees features beautiful drawings of a vast selection of North American trees, including: Renowned icons like the Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) Beloved favorites like the Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) Historical tragedies like the American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) Menacing creepers like Poison Sumac (Toxicodendron vernix) Unsung wonders like the Common Paw-Paw (Asimina triloba) Part textbook, part memoir, and part comedy, Must Love Trees is the most complete—and most unconventional—story of our forest pals ever told.
Diamond Publishing Group Ltd Viz Annual 2020: The Trumpeter's Lips: A Rousing Blast from the pages of Issues 262~271
1979 was a year of momentous events. In Britain, it began with the so-called Winter of Discontent, as rubbish piled high in the streets and the dead went unburied. Later, guerillas stormed the US Embassy in Tehran, Margaret Thatcher entered Downing Street, and Sid Vicious died of a heroin overdose while on trial for stabbing his girlfriend to death. Elsewhere, murderous dictator Saddam Hussein rose to power in Iraq, America’s Three Mile Island nuclear plant went into meltdown, and there was an anthrax epidemic in Russia following an accident at a biological weapons plant. But it’s all swings and roundabouts, because 1979 also saw the first issue of Viz Comic going on sale. And now, with a rousing brass fanfare to celebrate its 40th year as the country’s most flatulent magazine, Viz is puffing out its cheeks to release its latest annual - The Trumpeter’s Lips. Within the 226 pages of this lavishly produced hardback you will find the very best bits from issues 262-271, including * Cartoons: The Fat Slags, Sid the Sexist, Mrs Brady Old Lady, Roger Mellie, Eight Ace, Buster Gonad, Big Vern and many, many more * Informative features: Let’s Go Dogging!, Secrets of the White House Shite House, How Did Henry VIII Mow His Lawn?, Who’s Who at a Car Boot Sale, and A Day in the Life of a Model Railway Enthusiast * Edge-of-your-seat adventures: In Search of the Giant Squid of Sumatra, The Crown Jewels Mystery, Wally Walton’s Emergency Scorpion Squad and Wall to Wall Carpet Warehouse, Ballet Nurse on a Pony, Pip of the Peloton, and Bad Bob the Randy Wonder Dog * More articles, spoof ads, Readers’ Letters and Top Tips than you could shake a really big stick at Just like our rubbish and dead were piled up in the streets four decades ago, Viz - The Trumpeter’s Lips will be piled up in shops and internet retailers this Christmas, guaranteeing a “Winter of This Content” (as specified above) for everyone.
DK Cómo funciona una empresa (How Business Works): Guía gráfica para el éxito empresarial
Un auténtico máster empresarial en una práctica guía ilustrada.¿Por qué el flujo de efectivo es tan importante? ¿En qué consiste la producción ágil? ¿Cómo funciona el marketing digital? ¿Quién forma parte del consejo ejecutivo?Cómo funciona una empresa explica los conceptos clave de la empresa mediante atractivos gráficos y un lenguaje sencillo y alejado de tecnicismos. Cómo funciona una empresa, constituye una excelente introducción para estudiantes de estudios empresariales, maestros del área de negocios y emprendimiento, cualquier persona que desee conocer las bases de los negocios sin hacer un MBA y empresarios que deseen tener éxito en el mercado global del siglo XXI. Los pasos para crear tu empresa: de la idea al éxito empresarialConoce los tipos de empresa que existen, desde multinacionales hasta startups, así como sus procesos de aceleración e incubación. Aprende el vocabulario para saber comprar o vender una empresa, crear procesos de producción, dirigir una reunión de recursos humanos, y gestionar la información digital en este magnífico libro para emprendedores.Estudia los detalles sobre la publicidad para negocios, súmamente importante para tener presencia en el mundo digital. Además, encontrarás un apartado de gestión de datos que explica qué es la inteligencia empresarial, el almacenaje de datos, y la gestión de relaciones con los clientes (CRM).Cómo funciona una empresa, es uno de los libros de negocios en español que querrás tener en tu biblioteca. Ideal para aprender cómo hacer un plan de negocios, saber cuáles son los modelos de negocios que existen y mucho más, resumido en los siguientes capítulos: • Cómo funciona una empresa • Cómo funcionan las finanzas • Cómo funciona el marketing y las ventas • Cómo funcionan las operaciones y la producción Cómo funciona una empresa, pertenece a la colección How Things Work de la editorial DK, un rincón de nuestro catálogo reservado para el público tanto joven como adulto interesado en ampliar sus conocimientos en disciplinas como los negocios, la economía, la filosofía y psicología, entre otros. Los títulos incluidos en esta colección responden a infinidad de preguntas con un lenguaje sencillo y cercano y se apoyan en formidables ilustraciones y esquemas para ayudar a entender complejos asuntos.
Chronicle Books Flavors of the Sun: The Sahadi’s Guide to Understanding, Buying, and Using Middle Eastern Ingredients
IACP AWARD WINNER: The IACP Julia Child First Book Award, Presented By The Julia Child Foundation for Gastronomy and the Culinary Arts A comprehensive guide to vibrant Middle Eastern ingredients, with more than 120 recipes that let them shine, from James Beard award winning Sahadi's market in Brooklyn, New York. Sumac. Urfa pepper. Halvah. Pomegranate molasses. Preserved lemons. The seasonings, staples, and spice blends used throughout the Middle East offer deliciously simple ways to transform food—once you know how to use them. In FLAVORS OF THE SUN, the people behind the iconic Brooklyn market Sahadi's showcase the versatility of these ingredients in over 120 everyday dishes, including starters, salads, soups, family-friendly meals, and desserts. With sections devoted to recipes boasting Bright, Savory, Spiced, Nutty, and Sweet accents, it offers inspiration, techniques, and intensely flavorful ways to use everything from Aleppo pepper to za'atar with confidence. Throughout, "no-recipe recipes" help build up your flavor intuition so you can effortlessly incorporate any of the featured spices, condiments, and preserves into your daily repertoire. 120 RECIPES WITH A PUNCH: From an updated take on nachos and mac and cheese to a spectacular pistachio cheesecake and tahini-enriched brownies, FLAVORS OF THE SUN features dozens of the store's most-requested dishes as well as Sahadi family favorites. Simple yet loaded with flavor, these recipes will inspire you to make these distinctive Middle Eastern ingredients essential components of your pantry. OPTIMUM VERSATILITY: Each section addresses a specific flavor profile and offers a set of essential ingredients for achieving it along with helpful tips on how to use them separately or in combination. Look-and-cook mini recipes provide even more ideas for using distinctive ingredients like tahini, Aleppo pepper, and preserved lemons to give a fresh new spin to everything from salad dressings to cocktails. EXPERT KNOWLEDGE: Family owned, Sahadi's has been a beloved resource since its founding by Abrahim Sahadi, an immigrant from Lebanon, more than 100 years ago. Now welcoming a fifth generation into the business, the Sahadi family's authentic imported goods and exhaustive knowledge continue to inspire local chefs and adventurous home cooks to taste and explore the diverse world of Middle Eastern spices and sundries. FOR FANS OF PLENTY: Much like PLENTY, this cookbook dives deep into core ingredients and provides intimate insights into flavorful spice blends like dukkah, berbere, ras el hanout, shawarma spices, and more. Each ingredient profile includes an informative buying guide so you can build your pantry like a pro. Perfect for: home cooks to seasoned chefs; fans of PLENTY; JERUSALEM; SHUK, and ZAHAV; Sahadi's loyal customers; those interested learning about spices and new ways to use them in everyday dishes
Stanford University Press The Social Roots of Risk: Producing Disasters, Promoting Resilience
The first decade of the 21st century saw a remarkable number of large-scale disasters. Earthquakes in Haiti and Sumatra underscored the serious economic consequences that catastrophic events can have on developing countries, while 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina showed that first world nations remain vulnerable. The Social Roots of Risk argues against the widespread notion that cataclysmic occurrences are singular events, driven by forces beyond our control. Instead, Kathleen Tierney contends that disasters of all types—be they natural, technological, or economic—are rooted in common social and institutional sources. Put another way, risks and disasters are produced by the social order itself—by governing bodies, organizations, and groups that push for economic growth, oppose risk-reducing regulation, and escape responsibility for tremendous losses when they occur. Considering a wide range of historical and looming events—from a potential mega-earthquake in Tokyo that would cause devastation far greater than what we saw in 2011, to BP's accident history prior to the 2010 blowout—Tierney illustrates trends in our behavior, connecting what seem like one-off events to illuminate historical patterns. Like risk, human resilience also emerges from the social order, and this book makes a powerful case that we already have a significant capacity to reduce the losses that disasters produce. A provocative rethinking of the way that we approach and remedy disasters, The Social Roots of Risk leaves readers with a better understanding of how our own actions make us vulnerable to the next big crisis—and what we can do to prevent it.
Columbia University Press Modern Girls, Shining Stars, the Skies of Tokyo: Five Japanese Women
The stunning biographical portraits in Modern Girls, Shining Stars, the Skies of Tokyo, some adapted from essays that first appeared in The New Yorker, explore the lives of five women who did their best to stand up and cause more trouble than was considered proper in Japanese society. Their lives stretch across a century and a half of explosive cultural and political transformations in Japan. These five artists-two actresses, two writers, and a painter-were noted for their talents, their beauty, and their love affairs rather than for any association with politics. But through the fearlessness of their art and their private lives, they influenced the attitudes of their times and challenged the status quo. Phyllis Birnbaum presents her subjects from various perspectives, allowing them to shine forth in all of their contradictory brilliance: generous and petulant, daring and timid, prudent and foolish. There is Matsui Sumako, the actress who introduced Ibsen's Nora and Wilde's Salome to Japanese audiences but is best remembered for her ambition, obstreperous temperament and turbulent love life. We also meet Takamura Chieko, a promising but ultimately disappointed modernist painter whose descent into mental illness was immortalized in poetry by a husband who may well have been the source of her troubles. In a startling act of rebellion, the sensitive, aristocratic poet Yanagiwara Byakuren left her crude and powerful husband, eloped with her revolutionary lover, and published her request for a divorce in the newspapers. Uno Chiyo was a popular novelist who preferred to be remembered for the romantic wars she fought. Willful, shrewd, and ambitious, Uno struggled for sexual liberation and literary merit. Birnbaum concludes by exploring the life and career of Takamine Hideko, a Japanese film star who portrayed wholesome working-class heroines in hundreds of films, working with such directors as Naruse, Kinoshita, Ozu, and Kurosawa. Angry about a childhood spent working to provide for greedy relatives, Takamine nevertheless made peace with her troubled past and was rewarded for years of hard work with a brilliant career. Drawing on fictional accounts, interviews, memoirs, newspaper reports, and the creative works of her subjects, Birnbaum has created vivid, seamless narrative portraits of these five remarkable women.
Johns Hopkins University Press True Yankees: The South Seas and the Discovery of American Identity
With American independence came the freedom to sail anywhere in the world under a new flag. During the years between the Treaty of Paris and the Treaty of Wangxi, Americans first voyaged past the Cape of Good Hope, reaching the ports of Algiers and the bazaars of Arabia, the markets of India and the beaches of Sumatra, the villages of Cochin, China, and the factories of Canton. Their South Seas voyages of commerce and discovery introduced the infant nation to the world and the world to what the Chinese, Turks, and others dubbed the "new people." Drawing on private journals, letters, ships' logs, memoirs, and newspaper accounts, Dane A. Morrison's True Yankees traces America's earliest encounters on a global stage through the exhilarating experiences of five Yankee seafarers. Merchant Samuel Shaw spent a decade scouring the marts of China and India for goods that would captivate the imaginations of his countrymen. Mariner Amasa Delano toured much of the Pacific hunting seals. Explorer Edmund Fanning circumnavigated the globe, touching at various Pacific and Indian Ocean ports of call. In 1829, twenty-year-old Harriett Low reluctantly accompanied her merchant uncle and ailing aunt to Macao, where she recorded trenchant observations of expatriate life. And sea captain Robert Bennet Forbes's last sojourn in Canton coincided with the eruption of the First Opium War. How did these bold voyagers approach and do business with the people in the region, whose physical appearance, practices, and culture seemed so strange? And how did native men and women-not to mention the European traders who were in direct competition with the Americans-regard these upstarts who had fought off British rule? The accounts of these adventurous travelers reveal how they and hundreds of other mariners and expatriates influenced the ways in which Americans defined themselves, thereby creating a genuinely brash national character-the "true Yankee." Readers who love history and stories of exploration on the high seas will devour this gripping tale.
Columbia University Press East Asia at the Center: Four Thousand Years of Engagement with the World
A common misconception holds that Marco Polo "opened up" a closed and recalcitrant "Orient" to the West. However, this sweeping history covering 4,000 years of international relations from the perspective of China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia shows that the region's extensive involvement in world affairs began thousands of years ago. In a time when the writing of history is increasingly specialized, Warren I. Cohen has made a bold move against the grain. In broad but revealing brushstrokes, he paints a huge canvas of East Asia's place in world affairs throughout four millennia. Just as Cohen thinks broadly across time, so too, he defines the boundaries of East Asia liberally, looking beyond China, Japan, and Korea to include Southeast Asia. In addition, Cohen stretches the scope of international relations beyond its usual limitations to consider the vital role of cultural and economic exchanges. Within this vast framework, Cohen explores the system of Chinese domination in the ancient world, the exchanges between East Asia and the Islamic world from the thirteenth to the seventeenth centuries, and the emergence of a European-defined international system in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The book covers the new imperialism of the 1890s, the Manchurian crisis of the early 1930s, the ascendancy of Japan, the trials of World War II, the drama of the Cold War, and the fleeting "Asian Century" from the mid-1970s to the mid-1990s. East Asia at the Center is replete with often-overlooked or little-known facts, such as: * A record of persistent Chinese imperialism in the region * Tibet's status as a major power from the 7th to the 9th centuries C.E., when it frequently invaded China and decimated Chinese armies * Japan's profound dependence on Korea for its early cultural development * The enormous influence of Indian cuisine on that of China * Egyptian and Ottoman military aid to their Muslim brethren in India and Sumatra against European powers * Extensive Chinese sea voyages to Arabia and East Africa-long before such famous Westerners as Vasco da Gama and Christopher Columbus took to the seas East Asia at the Center's expansive historical view puts the trials and advances of the past four millennia into perspective, showing that East Asia has often been preeminent on the world stage-and conjecturing that it might be so again in the not-so-distant future.
Columbia University Press Modern Girls, Shining Stars, the Skies of Tokyo: Five Japanese Women
The stunning biographical portraits in Modern Girls, Shining Stars, the Skies of Tokyo, some adapted from essays that first appeared in The New Yorker, explore the lives of five women who did their best to stand up and cause more trouble than was considered proper in Japanese society. Their lives stretch across a century and a half of explosive cultural and political transformations in Japan. These five artists-two actresses, two writers, and a painter-were noted for their talents, their beauty, and their love affairs rather than for any association with politics. But through the fearlessness of their art and their private lives, they influenced the attitudes of their times and challenged the status quo. Phyllis Birnbaum presents her subjects from various perspectives, allowing them to shine forth in all of their contradictory brilliance: generous and petulant, daring and timid, prudent and foolish. There is Matsui Sumako, the actress who introduced Ibsen's Nora and Wilde's Salome to Japanese audiences but is best remembered for her ambition, obstreperous temperament and turbulent love life. We also meet Takamura Chieko, a promising but ultimately disappointed modernist painter whose descent into mental illness was immortalized in poetry by a husband who may well have been the source of her troubles. In a startling act of rebellion, the sensitive, aristocratic poet Yanagiwara Byakuren left her crude and powerful husband, eloped with her revolutionary lover, and published her request for a divorce in the newspapers. Uno Chiyo was a popular novelist who preferred to be remembered for the romantic wars she fought. Willful, shrewd, and ambitious, Uno struggled for sexual liberation and literary merit. Birnbaum concludes by exploring the life and career of Takamine Hideko, a Japanese film star who portrayed wholesome working-class heroines in hundreds of films, working with such directors as Naruse, Kinoshita, Ozu, and Kurosawa. Angry about a childhood spent working to provide for greedy relatives, Takamine nevertheless made peace with her troubled past and was rewarded for years of hard work with a brilliant career. Drawing on fictional accounts, interviews, memoirs, newspaper reports, and the creative works of her subjects, Birnbaum has created vivid, seamless narrative portraits of these five remarkable women.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Science of Ocean Waves: Ripples, Tsunamis, and Stormy Seas
"Powerful ocean waves fascinate the public, and they have made a lot of news lately." With that indisputable observation, scientist J. B. Zirker takes off on a whirlwind tour of the world of waves - from the "ordinary" waves that constantly churn the sea to the rogues or freaks that can rise up seemingly from nowhere to heights of 20 meters or more ...and everything in between. Addressing questions most ocean visitors have had and offering new ones for our consideration, The Science of Ocean Waves explains in accessible language how waves are formed, how they move, how they become huge and destructive, and how they're being studied now for clues that will help us plan for the future. Devoting chapters to wind, tides, currents, breakers, tsunamis, forecasting, renewable energy, and El Nino - as well as discussing the gentler properties of ocean waves which inspire us and offer opportunities for relaxation and recreation - Zirker explores the physical factors that create waves. Drawing on some of the recent storms that have devastated entire regions - such as Hurricane Katrina, the tsunami launched by the 2004 Sumatran earthquake, and the great tsunami that crushed the shore of Japan in 2011 - Zirker explains the forces that cause these monster waves and reveals the toll they take on human lives. Enhanced by dozens of illustrations and a comprehensive glossary, The Science of Ocean Waves will fascinate anyone curious about the science behind the headlines. Praise for J. B. Zirker: "Scientists know their stuff but are rarely good storytellers, whereas good storytellers rarely possess the necessary sweeping command of a scientific discipline. Zirker is that rare animal who can both communicate the most demanding technical detail and make it accessible." (New Scientist).
Murdoch Books Sundays: A cookbook
Sundays: A cookbook is full of laidback food that's absolutely packed with flavour.Sundays are special. Yes, sometimes we might feel like we're slowly dying because of the night before, yet even then, there's joy to be had in the ravenous hunger, copious carbs, and the legitimacy of binge-watching a TV show, especially if the weather is dreary. Other times, Sunday is about sharing, feasting with friends, BBQing, leisurely long lunches or brunches because it's the one day of the week when mealtimes are flexible. Or perhaps it's a Sunday reset, the self-love of a bath, book, and a big plate of greens. 'Nduja parmigiana for a crowd or miso brown butter scrambled eggs for 2; roasted garlic veggie Caesar salad and Key lime meringue pie... every recipe is designed to be irresistibly tasty and easy to make, with step-by-step tips on how to get several dishes out at the same time plus batch-cooking amazing toppings that can pep up lots of other meals. Whichever way you Sunday, it's the perfect day for cooking and eating and feeling present - whatever mood you're in.Recipes include:Breakfast Tacos (Sunday Brunchin')Harissa Fennel Rigatoni (Sunday after a Big Saturday)Sicilian-Vibes Fish Stew (Sunday Slow...)Pea, Feta & Hazelnut Risotto (Sunday Reset)Chilli Roast Chicken with Cumin & Sumac New Potato Salad & Asparagus (Sunday Feasts)Peach, Honey & Yogurt Pavlova (Sunday Sweets)"Bold, beautiful and inventive recipes to make you fall in love with Sundays again."Ixta Belfrage "Sophie's debut cookbook is full of fun, flavour-packed recipes that'll make you want to lick each page, and her bright, breezy vibe and catering clout fill you with the confidence to cook like her." Rosie Birkett "Sophie's recipes are fun, warm and interesting. She is a seasoned food writer who focuses on flavour first, and this is a book that I can't wait to see on my shelf." Ravneet Gill
Columbia University Press East Asia at the Center: Four Thousand Years of Engagement with the World
A common misconception holds that Marco Polo "opened up" a closed and recalcitrant "Orient" to the West. However, this sweeping history covering 4,000 years of international relations from the perspective of China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia shows that the region's extensive involvement in world affairs began thousands of years ago. In a time when the writing of history is increasingly specialized, Warren I. Cohen has made a bold move against the grain. In broad but revealing brushstrokes, he paints a huge canvas of East Asia's place in world affairs throughout four millennia. Just as Cohen thinks broadly across time, so too, he defines the boundaries of East Asia liberally, looking beyond China, Japan, and Korea to include Southeast Asia. In addition, Cohen stretches the scope of international relations beyond its usual limitations to consider the vital role of cultural and economic exchanges. Within this vast framework, Cohen explores the system of Chinese domination in the ancient world, the exchanges between East Asia and the Islamic world from the thirteenth to the seventeenth centuries, and the emergence of a European-defined international system in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The book covers the new imperialism of the 1890s, the Manchurian crisis of the early 1930s, the ascendancy of Japan, the trials of World War II, the drama of the Cold War, and the fleeting "Asian Century" from the mid-1970s to the mid-1990s. East Asia at the Center is replete with often-overlooked or little-known facts, such as: * A record of persistent Chinese imperialism in the region * Tibet's status as a major power from the 7th to the 9th centuries C.E., when it frequently invaded China and decimated Chinese armies * Japan's profound dependence on Korea for its early cultural development * The enormous influence of Indian cuisine on that of China * Egyptian and Ottoman military aid to their Muslim brethren in India and Sumatra against European powers * Extensive Chinese sea voyages to Arabia and East Africa-long before such famous Westerners as Vasco da Gama and Christopher Columbus took to the seas East Asia at the Center's expansive historical view puts the trials and advances of the past four millennia into perspective, showing that East Asia has often been preeminent on the world stage-and conjecturing that it might be so again in the not-so-distant future.
Johns Hopkins University Press True Yankees: The South Seas and the Discovery of American Identity
With American independence came the freedom to sail anywhere in the world under a new flag. During the years between the Treaty of Paris and the Treaty of Wangxi, Americans first voyaged past the Cape of Good Hope, reaching the ports of Algiers and the bazaars of Arabia, the markets of India and the beaches of Sumatra, the villages of Cochin, China, and the factories of Canton. Their South Seas voyages of commerce and discovery introduced the infant nation to the world and the world to what the Chinese, Turks, and others dubbed the "new people." Drawing on private journals, letters, ships' logs, memoirs, and newspaper accounts, Dane A. Morrison's True Yankees traces America's earliest encounters on a global stage through the exhilarating experiences of five Yankee seafarers. Merchant Samuel Shaw spent a decade scouring the marts of China and India for goods that would captivate the imaginations of his countrymen. Mariner Amasa Delano toured much of the Pacific hunting seals. Explorer Edmund Fanning circumnavigated the globe, touching at various Pacific and Indian Ocean ports of call. In 1829, twenty-year-old Harriett Low reluctantly accompanied her merchant uncle and ailing aunt to Macao, where she recorded trenchant observations of expatriate life. And sea captain Robert Bennet Forbes's last sojourn in Canton coincided with the eruption of the First Opium War. How did these bold voyagers approach and do business with the people in the region, whose physical appearance, practices, and culture seemed so strange? And how did native men and women-not to mention the European traders who were in direct competition with the Americans-regard these upstarts who had fought off British rule? The accounts of these adventurous travelers reveal how they and hundreds of other mariners and expatriates influenced the ways in which Americans defined themselves, thereby creating a genuinely brash national character-the "true Yankee." Readers who love history and stories of exploration on the high seas will devour this gripping tale.
Archaeopress De la provincia Celtiberia a la qūrā de Santabariyya: Arqueología de la Antigüedad tardía en la provincia de Cuenca (siglos V-VIII d.C.)
The central position of the province of Cuenca, Spain, was a decisive factor in its relationship with Toledo, the capital of the Visigothic kingdom. Also, its location meant that, from the middle of the 6th Century, it was directly affected by some of the most relevant historical episodes of those times: the foundation of the royal city of Reccopoli, the establishment of the Servitanus monastery, the transformation of Toledo as the metropolitan seat of the Carthaginian province and the military campaigns against the imperial forces. Parallel to this, archaeological excavations document a process of disrupting the old urban centres in favour of small populations within their municipal territory. This process was resolved with a shift of power centres towards other cities supported by the political power of Toledo: Toledo itself in the case of Segobriga, Reccopoli in the Arcavica’s case and Illunum to the detriment of Valeria. In this way, the ancient Roman cities were reduced to serve as a symbolic reference of the small villages that developed in the shadow of the old urban centres. This volume presents a historical and archaeological study of the province of Cuenca in Late Antiquity. The study concludes with an examination of the archaeological collection from the province, which has been divided into three large groups: monumental sculpture and epigraphic items, ceramic productions and metalwork arts. The first group is mainly constituted by the findings made in the excavations of Cabeza de Griego (Segobriga). Most of the pottery productions correspond to vessels placed as funerary deposits. Due to the absence of excavations, the ceramics for kitchen and storage use are hardly represented, whereas there is an overrepresentation of types destined for use as libations or offerings. Finally, most of the elements of industrial arts correspond to elements of the Latin-Mediterranean fashion or Byzantine style of the 7th Century. The almost total absence of materials corresponding to the Pontic-Danubian fashion also should be noted. | La posición central de la provincia de Cuenca ha sido el factor determinante en su relación con Toledo, la capital del reino visigodo. Esta situación fue la causa también de que, desde mediados del siglo VI, se viera directamente afectada por algunos de los episodios históricos más relevantes del momento: la fundación de la ciudad regia de Recópolis, el establecimiento del monasterio Servitano, la transformación de Toledo en sede metropolitana de la provincia cartaginesa y las campañas militares contra los ejércitos imperiales. De forma paralela, las excavaciones arqueológicas documentan un proceso de desestructuración de los antiguos centros urbanos a favor de pequeñas poblaciones de su territorio. Este proceso se resolvió con un cambio de centros de poder hacia otras ciudades apoyadas por el poder político de Toledo: Toledo mismo en el caso de Segóbriga, Recópolis en el caso de Arcávica e Illunum en detrimento de Valeria. De este modo, las ciudades romanas quedaron reducidas servir como referentes simbólicos de las pequeñas poblaciones que se desarrollaron a la sombra de los antiguos centros urbanos. El presente trabajo se completa con el estudio de la colección arqueológica procedente de la provincia, que se ha dividido en tres grandes grupos: escultura monumental y epigrafía, producciones cerámicas y artes industriales. El primer grupo está constituido principalmente por los hallazgos realizados en las excavaciones de Cabeza de Griego (Segóbriga). Por otro lado, la mayoría de las producciones de cerámica corresponden a vasijas colocadas como depósitos funerarios. Debido a la ausencia de excavaciones, la cerámica de cocina y de almacenamiento apenas aparece representada, mientras que hay una sobrerrepresentación de tipos destinados a libaciones u ofrendas. Finalmente, la mayoría de los materiales de las artes industriales corresponden a elementos de la moda latino-mediterránea o del estilo bizantino del siglo VII. La ausencia casi total de materiales correspondientes a la moda póntico-danubiana es sumamente significativa.