Search results for ""Emerald Publishing Limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Relational Practices, Participative Organizing
This book focuses on the concept and role of relational practices as a way to understand and study processes of organizing. Relational practices are conceived as an ongoing, everyday process resulting in more participative ways of organizing. Participative organizing works from and with the multiplicity of interactions inherent in processes of becoming; it reflects upon and experiments with how the diversity of participants and interactions can provide the potential for defining and redefining organizational realities. A" Through reflective essays and empirical research examples, this book illustrates that relational practices of everyday organizational life are strongly entangled with emotional, embodied, and aesthetic processes. The combination of these corollaries of participative organizing -- as an everyday, complex accomplishment, poised between intervention and invention, and between an affective and aesthetic ecology of belonging and becoming -- provides a new perspective on how the practice of organizing and the organizing of practice can be accomplished and managed in the years to come.
Emerald Publishing Limited Constitutional Politics in a Conservative Era: Special Issue
This volume of "Studies in Law, Politics, and Society" presents a unique special issue "Constitutional Politics in a Conservative Era". This issue brings together the work of leading scholars of Constitutionalism, Constitutional law, and politics in the United States to take stock of the field to chart its progress, and point the way for its future development. Much of the way Americans have thought about Constitutional law has, until recently, been dominated by models developed during the Warren Court Era. Today, however, scholars seek new approaches, approaches that do not take for granted liberal hegemony in the courts. Among these, theories of popular constitutionalism and judicial minimalism appear to be increasingly popular. How should Scholars think about American courts in an era of conservative domination of the judiciary? What should/will constitutional politics in the United States look like over the next decade?
Emerald Publishing Limited Dimensions of Ritual Economy
Increasingly, economists have acknowledged that a major limitation to economic theory has been its failure to incorporate human values and beliefs as motivational factors. Conversely, the economic underpinnings of ritual practice are under-theorized and therefore not accessible to economists working on synthetic theories of human choice. This book addresses the problem by bringing together anthropologists with diverse backgrounds in the study of religion and economy to forge an analytical vocabulary that constitutes the building blocks of a theory of ritual economythe process of provisioning and consuming that materializes and substantiates worldview for managing meanings and shaping interpretations. The chapters in Part I explore how values and beliefs structure the dual processes of provisioning and consuming. Contributions to Part II consider how ritual and economic processes interlink to materialize and substantiate worldview. Chapters in Part III examine how people and institutions craft and assert worldview through ritual and economic action to manage meaning and shape interpretation. In Part IV, Jeremy Sabloff outlines the road ahead for developing the theory of ritual economy. By focusing on the intersection of cosmology and material transfers, the contributors push economic theory towards a more socially informed perspective.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
"Advances in Accounting Education" is a refereed, academic research annual whose purpose is to help meet the needs of faculty members interested in ways to improve their classroom instruction. We publish thoughtful, well-developed articles that are readable, relevant and reliable. Articles may be either empirical or non-empirical. They emphasize pedagogy, i.e., explaining how faculty members can improve their teaching methods or how accounting units can improve their curricula/programs.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Sociology of Entrepreneurship
This volume takes stock of entrepreneurship research within organizational sociology, critically examining the theoretical presuppositions of the field and situating extant research within the sociological canon. The contributors to this volume exemplify how the disciplinary lens of sociology provides a systematic foundation to understand the context, process, and effects of entrepreneurial activity. Topics explored include entry into entrepreneurship, immigrant entrepreneurship and enclaves, academic entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurialism related to new organizational forms. The breadth and depth of the research offered by the esteemed scholars that have contributed to this volume highlight the progressive nature of sociological research on entrepreneurship. Taken as a whole, the volume points the way towards a more comprehensive framework for the development of the sociology of entrepreneurship. "Research in the Sociology of Organizations" is an international series. It is especially concerned with specifying the unique contributions of sociological theories and research techniques to the analysis of organizations. Each volume aims to foster debate and dialogue about the value of new theories and research to the field of organizational sociology as well as the growing international community of organizational scholars.
Emerald Publishing Limited Biculturalism, Self Indentity and Societal Development
When a society or nation contains many cultures, large or small, with differing institutional and organizations networks, individuals and groups must, in order to successfully navigate their passages within and between cultures, learn to act and react to primary and secondary cultural orientations, which might be labeled dominant and super-ordinate or non-dominant and sub-ordinate. Under such a scenario, biculturalism exists. The essays in this volume offer fresh theoretical and methodological insights into biculturalism as an existing reality in many socieities. The authors present a variety of methodological strategies and techniques case studies, autoethnography, content analysis, participant observation, the national survey, and structured and unstructured interviews. Whereas some essays provide a brief history as a point of reference to aid the reader in understanding how and why biculturalism began and persists the beginning of biculturalism, others do not.All essays, whether written from social science or humanity perspectives, give the readers a glimpse into the bicultural world of a particular people or group. Hence, biculturalism is presented as it illustrates the world of the following: a female African American intellectual; German, Koreans, and Japanese immigrants, Koreans; South Asians; two autoethnographic bicultural case studies; issues of identity and biculturalism among Asians, Native Americans, whites, and African Americans in the U.S.; and, a content analysis of Spanish language programs for children, and essays analyzing biculturalism among Jewish Americans and African Americans, and a critique of Ralph Ellison's bicultural imperatives.Many of the essays will analyze class, ethnic, and gender issues as they relate to the idea of biculturality. The essays in this volume relate the bicultural experience and remind the reader that this bicultural experience may connect to ideas of acculturation, assimilation, marginality, identity, ambivalence, super-ordinate, sub-ordination, and issues related to insiders and outsiders, but a crucial theme in biculturalism is the existence of two cultural streams and the fact that individuals and groups may, over time, operate in both streams, and deftly move within and between each, as opportunities present themselves.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Global Mindset
In his best selling book "The World is Flat", Friedman (2005) argues that many more countries and companies now compete in global markets than ever before. The effects of globalization are pervasive and are leading to the emergence of new social, political and business models. This flattening of the world represents a fundamental change and requires that managers of organizations throughout the world develop and use a global mindset. A global mindset is 'a set of individual attributes that enable an individual to influence individuals, groups, and organizations from diverse socio/cultural/institutional systems'. The importance of this global mindset suggests that we need to better understand both its theoretical base and its practical relevance. The purpose of this book is to explore the content of a global mindset, how it is developed, when and how it should be applied, and what its consequences are. Therefore, a new source of competitive advantage is emerging: the ability to integrate players from many parts of the world faster and more effectively than others. The challenge to global corporations is increasingly to create seamless globally integrated systems to satisfy diverse customer needs in diverse global markets. Corporations ability to create globally integrated systems depends to a large extent on their success in getting their employees, managers, and executives to understand and adapt to a flat world. Thus, the new competitive advantage of global corporations lies in their ability to shape the minds and actions of their employees to ensure successful performance. The contributions in this volume suggest that the concept of global mindset represents an important competitive tool for today's managers. Corporate leaders are advised to develop, exhibit and act with a global mindset in order for their firms to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage in international markets. Without such a mindset, such firms are likely to encounter better prepared and more knowledgeable global competitors, thereby threatening their very survival. This work gives a detailed account of the global mindset as an important competitive tool. It is international in scope and is edited by field leaders. This book series is available electronically at website.
Emerald Publishing Limited Individual and Organizational Perspectives on Emotion Management and Display
Affect and emotion have been recognized as important factors in understanding behavior in organizations, as evidenced by the increasing frequency of special journal issues, themed conferences, and books and articles devoted to the topic. The articles in this volume represent a selection of the best papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life (which was held in London, England, in June, 2004), together with invited papers by some of leading scholars in the field. The theme of this volume, "Individual and Organizational Perspectives on Emotion Management and Display", concerns the management by organizations of the emotions of employees and the effects on individuals. It begins by looking at the effective self-management of emotion and how leaders can use emotions, intelligently and sometimes paradoxically, to foster effective personal and team outcomes, and goes on to examine the nature of emotionally charged incidents between employees and supervisors. The effective management of emotion is particularly relevant to organizational outcomes in service organizations. Specific chapters look at emotion work performed by employees in hospitality and healthcare organizations, and others consider the role that culture plays in the perceptions of service workers regarding emotion work. Others examine the critical interplay between characteristics of employees, organizational practices, and the emotions that customers experience when service encounters go awry. Finally the volume comes full circle in an examination of how the thinking strategies individuals use can foster 'adaptive emotions' and more emotionally intelligent, constructive responses to workplace stressors. This book features a selection of the best papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life (London, UK, June, 2004). It represents a cross-section of cutting-edge research in the field and includes contributions from established leading scholars as well as the 'rising stars' in the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Impact of Comparative Education Research on Institutional Theory
This volume of "International Perspectives on Education and Society" explores how educational research from a comparative perspective has been instrumental in broadening and testing hypotheses from institutional theory. Institutional theory has also played an increasingly influential role in developing an understanding of education in society. This symbiotic relationship has proven intellectually productive. In light of the impact that comparative education research has had on institutional theory, the chapters in this volume ask where the comparative and international study of education as an institution is heading in the 21st century. Chapters range from theoretical discussions of the impact that comparative research has had on institutional theory to highly empirical comparative scholarship that tests basic institutional assumptions and trends. Two pioneers in the field, John W. Meyer and Francisco O. Ramirez, contribute the Forward and the concluding chapter. In addition to the editors, other contributors to this volume include M. Fernanda Astiz, Janice Aurini, Jason Beech, Edward F. Bodine, Karen Bradley, Claudia Buchmann, Scott Davies, Gili S. Drori, David H. Kamens, Jong-Seon Kim, Hyeyoung Moon, Hyunjoon Park, Emilio A. Parrado, Lauren Rauscher, John G. Richardson, David F. Suarez, and Regina E. Werum.
Emerald Publishing Limited Crime and Human Rights
Over the past decades, human rights have gained an increasing significance in law, politics and society, at the national and the international level. According to the American scholar Louis Henkin, human rights have become the paradigm of our time, thereby displacing previous paradigms such as religion and socialism. The criminal justice system has not been immune to this rapid rise of human rights. In the past two decades, considerable attention has been paid to the rules of due process for suspects and offenders, during criminal proceedings and in situations of detention.In recent years, the rights of victims have gained more weight in the criminal justice system, also in international tribunals and courts. Moreover, the principles and norms of human rights have received wide attention in conceptualizing crime and delinquency. Some crimes, e.g. trafficking in human beings or violence against women and children, are now defined in terms of human rights violations. The same is true with gross and systematic human rights violations, such as genocide and crimes against humanity.This volume wishes to address these major developments in a systematic way, from the perspective of criminology and sociology, by way of original contributions. In the first part, we look at several types of crimes, old and new, from the angle of human rights and human rights violations, while the second part sketches the influence of the human rights paradigm on some parts of the justice system in North America, Europe and elsewhere. This volume is addressed to students and researchers in criminology and criminal justice studies, and to professionals and policy-makers in the criminal justice system, primarily but not exclusively in North America and Europe.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Effect of Affect in Organizational Settings
The study of emotion and affect on organizational settings has been steadily gaining momentum for much of the last decade. Important catalysts in this process have been the Emonet e-mail discussion group and the biannual International Conferences on Emotions and Organizational Life. The articles in this volume represent a selection of the best papers presented at the fourth Conference (which was conducted in London, England, in June, 2004), together with invited papers by some of the leading scholars in the field. The theme of the book, "the effect of affect in organizations," was chosen to capture the centrality of emotion and affect in everyday organizational life.The opening chapter, co-authored by Howard Weiss, one of the inventors of "Affective Events Theory" (AET), sets the scene. At the heart of AET is the idea that organizational members experience daily hassles and uplifts that are reflected in their attitudes and behaviours. Following chapters flesh out the way that AET can be applied, covering a variety of constructs that relate to organizational life, including emotional intelligence, motivation, employee monitoring of web access, and emotional regulation. Other chapters deal with other aspects of emotion in organizations, such as loneliness, leader-member relationships in teams, organizational justice, negative behaviour, creativity, and organizational reactions to crisis situations. In the final chapter, Rob Briner and his colleagues round out the theme in a critical account of emotion in organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Taking Life and Death Seriously: Bioethics from Japan
Full-scale Bioethics research began in America around 1970, a decade later America introduced it into Japan. More recently Japanese researchers have realised the growing necessity to evaluate Bioethics more objectively. The principles and policies concerning Bioethics differ between countries. In particular, considerable discrepancies have been occurring between Japanese medical practices and the principles of Bioethics originally imported from America. This has lead to the need for a close investigation into the Japanese approach to Bioethics. Despite this however, there are currently only a few researchers studying the Japanese approach to Bioethics. This interdisciplinary anthology uniquely provides a significant examination of the Bioethics from Japan by considering Japanese views from various aspects, such as life and death, dignity, family and care. The authors of this volume believe that in establishing their own approach to Bioethics each country will increase the practicality of this discipline and, by doing so, will aid the search for the universal elements in Bioethics. The members of the Kumamoto University Bioethics Research Group have published a number of books on Bioethics in Japan over the past decade and in doing so have been preparing for the production of this anthology. The contributors of this volume are both current and former faculty members at Kumamoto University; a well-known institute for Minamata Disease and the volume contains essays written specifically in relation to this area of research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Finance
A total of eleven papers in this volume represent recent research on important topics in finance. The contributions include analyses of issues relating to asset prices, the behaviour of stock returns, and capital-raising activities. Hodges, et al employ stochastic dominance arguments to show that the efficiency of time diversification depends on the degree of autocorrelation in security returns. In their study of the announcement effects of ninety-three minority equity investments, Chan, et. al find a neutral stock price response on average for acquiring firms but a significantly positive response for selling firms. Nguyen, et al provide evidence on the returns structure of U.S. information technology stocks surrounding the bursting of the internet bubble in early 2000. In a study of the informational effects of auditor reputation, Godby and Mahar, Jr. find that implied volatilities for firms audited by Andersen have increased relative to those for firms audited by other Big Five firms. Charaput and Chang find that the usage of installment receipts enhances liquidity in Canadian secondary equity offerings. The contributions to this volume also examine important issues in international finance and financial institutions. Brailsford, et al use a VECM technique to examine Purchasing Power Parity and causality between the yen and the dollar. Sarmas studies the impact of Hong Kong's fixed exchange rate system and Singapore's floating exchange rate system on the correlation between the US and the two respective countries' stock markets. Povel develops a theoretical model to explain multiple banking as a commitment device. Baer, et al develop a model and empirically examine how the creation of a futures clearinghouse can reduce the need for margin in bilateral and multilateral settings. Roberts and Siddiqi provide an empirical analysis of the link between collateralization and the number of lenders in private debt contracts. Finally, Tripp et al empirically examine the relative efficiency of single versus multiple common bond credit unions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
"Advances in Hospitality and Leisure", a new peer-review serial, delivers refreshing insights from a host of scientific studies in the domains of hospitality, leisure, and tourism. It provides a platform to galvanize thoughts on contemporary issues and emerging trends essential to theory advancement as well as professional practices from a global perspective. The main focus of this series is to transcend the innovative methods of inquiry so as to inspire new research topics that are vital and have been in large neglected. The series is keen to address the needs of the populace having interests in disseminating ideas, concepts and theories derived from scholarly investigations. Potential readers may retrieve useful texts to outline new research agendas, suggest viable topics for a dissertation work, and augment the knowledge of the subjects of interest.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multi-level Issues in Organizational Behavior and Processes
"Multi-Level Issues in Organizational Behavior and Processes" is Volume 3 of "Research in Multi-Level Issues", an annual series that provides an outlet for the discussion of multi-level problems and solutions across a variety of fields of study. Using a scientific debate format of a key scholarly essay followed by two commentaries and a rebuttal, we present, in this series, theoretical work, significant empirical studies, methodological developments, analytical techniques, and philosophical treatments to advance the field of multi-level studies, regardless of disciplinary perspective. Similar to Volumes 1 and 2, this volume, Volume 3, contains five major essays with commentaries and rebuttals that cover a range of topics, but in the realms of organizational behavior and processes. In particular, the five critical essays offer extensive literature reviews, new model developments, methodological advancements, and some empirical data for the study of part-time work, trust, diversity, construct validation, and organizational processes. While each of the major essays, and associated commentaries and rebuttals, is unique in orientation, they show a common bond in raising and addressing multi-level issues or discussing problems and solutions that involve multiple levels of analysis.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cultural Ergonomics
In work environments world-wide, whether simple or complex, the ways in which people think, do their jobs, and interface with other human beings grow out of their experiences in the groups of which they are or have been a part. How these influences affect their performance and human interfacing in work environments throughout the world is the subject of cultural ergonomics. In this volume, distinguished scientists explore these cultural influences in relation to significant current concerns of ergonomics and human factors. These include scientific-philosophical considerations, aircraft safety, maritime safety, cross-national training, effective use of the world-wide web, multinational decision making, third-world industrial development, implementation of technology transfer, and the functioning of multicultural teams.
Emerald Publishing Limited Murphy-Kirk-Beresford Correspondence, 1982-1996: Commentary on the Development of Financial Accounting Standards
This volume faithfully reproduces the public correspondence between Mr. Thomas A. Murphy, former Board Chairman of General Motors Corporation, and two accounting leaders, during the latter two's term of service as Chair of the Financial Accounting Standards Board [FASB]. The volume provides evidence of Murphy's importance as a thoughtful and influential accounting theorist, whose ideas are shared in the context of the open standard setting process adopted by the FASB. The chronological sequence of these letters provides the reader with a sense of momentum around a variety of important technical topics from consolidations through stock compensation. It also addresses a variety of other matters such as the importance of the Board's role as an independent standard setting agency. Also included are references to materials supplied in support of the correspondence and speech materials which relate to points of discussion in the correspondence. This volume represents a unique contribution to the literature of accounting thought for classroom and related use by scholars, practitioners and standard setters.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leadership: The Multiple-Level Approaches - Classical and New Wave
Part A includes the 'classical' and the 'new wave' approaches to leadership. The classical approaches should be instantly recognizable by any student of leadership because of their resilience and longevity during the last 35 years. The new wave approaches offer more recent and different perspectives on aspects of leadership that can be analyzed from a multiple-levels perspective.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Group Processes
This volume offers a diverse array of chapters. Areas covered consist of an extension and clarification of theoretical research on social networks; the emergence of trust and cooperative norms under conditions of uncertainty; social identity processes; and the emergent processes in discussion groups and teams.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
This annual volume includes papers on: Edwin Cannan, economic theory and the history of economic thought; Gardiner C. Means, the relation of his administered price hypothesis to neoclassical price theory; Alfred Marshall's approach to economics differed from later neoclassical economics; and notes taken by Victor E. Smith from lectures by William Jaffe on Alfred Marshall. Review essays on a variety of topics is included: the quantity theory of money; the Ricardian epistemological tradition; the history of corporate finance; economics and anthropology; Joseph A. Schumpter; economic dynamics; economics and ethics; the history of time series analysis in economics; and Alfred Marshall's correspondence.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Marketing and Purchasing: From Marketing-mix to Relationships and Networks
The collection of papers presented in this volume are the results of research undertaken by a group of scholars examining the field of international marketing and purchasing (IMP). This group of researchers has been conducting IMP studies over the past two decades in a multi-country setting. This book is a good overview of marketing as a discipline and provides insightful writing on the latest developments. The book can be used as supplementary text in courses as Business-to-Business Marketing, International Marketing and Marketing theory.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contributions to the U.S., European and Japanese History of Economic Thought
This supplement is part of a series which offers contemporary work and research in the areas of methodology and the history of economic thought.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in International Comparative Management
This volume introduces the AICM Distinguished Scholar Award and Research Forum which recognizes individuals who have made outstanding scholarly contributions to the cross-national or cross-cultural study of organizations and management. This volume offers an important article by Professor Harry C. Triandis of the University of Illinois who was the recipient of the 1998 AICM Distinguished Scholar Award, with commentaries by leading researchers in the areas of international organizational behavior and human resource management. Additional articles cover a wide range of management topics with an international focus, including: organizational risk taking, corporate governance, performance appraisal, distributive justice values, strategic human resource management, and expatriate performance. These articles, along with the Research Forum papers, present a rich diversity of theoretical and methodological approaches and represent some of the best thinking in the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Temporary Works: Civil Engineering Special Issue
The diverse range of papers in this issue gives a global perspective of the often extraordinary challenges that temporary works can and do involve.
Emerald Publishing Limited Successful Professional Reviews for Civil Engineers
Successful Professional Reviews for Civil Engineers, Fifth edition is the comprehensive guide to the constituent parts of the ICE Professional Review process, ideal for those engineers nearing the completion of their Initial Professional Development. Working logically through the review process, the chapters ensure that the review candidate is provided with an in-depth understanding of the criteria by which they will be assessed and how to demonstrate these in the final professional review. The fifth edition details how any candidate, from any background, might consider demonstrating the attributes which the reviewers are seeking. It offers many suggestions, examples and anecdotes to assist and guide each individual as they set about achieving success and is fully up to date with the ICE’s latest procedures and pathways to qualification. Successful Professional Reviews for Civil Engineers provides a complete understanding of the methodology involved for a successful professional review defines the basic knowledge of the breadth of understanding required for the review includes numerous examples and anecdotes to assist the candidate offers invaluable guidance and advice on further individual research for the reader’s own professional development contains guidance on key topics to focus the candidate on how to approach the review. Successful Professional Reviews for Civil Engineers is invaluable reading for graduates and technicians preparing for professional review, students of civil engineering, supervising civil engineers, and training managers.
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Companion to Engineering Management
ICE Companion to Engineering Management is a concise reference on core areas of engineering management for civil engineers working towards Professional Review. The book provides a guide to the further learning required by the ICE for the Chartered level Professional Review, and introduces the reader to the management, contractual, commercial, health and safety, sustainability and ethical issues relevant to the role of the Chartered Civil Engineer. The chapters in this book follow the syllabus for the ICE Exam which aligns with the required attributes to be a Chartered Engineer, and Masters-level UKSPEC learning outcome. All chapters have been reviewed by the ICE Further Learning Examination Panel. ICE Companion to Engineering Management is an essential handbook for professionals working towards professional review, civil engineers seeking to develop their career in management roles more generally, and also students embarking on graduate-level courses in engineering management.
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Pocket Guide to Steels in the Built Environment: 2021
ICE Pocket Guide to Steels in the Built Environment is the quick reference guide to using steels in construction projects and structural design. Over 150 steels and subgrades are listed, with each entry containing its naming convention, steel number and a description of its properties, combined with infographics describing the format in which each steel is available. By neatly and definitively bringing key steel information into the one place, while avoiding manufacturer bias, this guide offers users the opportunity to investigate and specify the right steel for each project, based on the properties required.
Emerald Publishing Limited Offsite and Smart Construction: Civil Engineering Special Issue
This November 2019 special issue of Civil Engineering covers offsite and smart construction. Smart construction - characterised by increased activity offsite, digital design and greater standardisation and automation - is helping to address the challenges of poor productivity, delays and shortages of skilled labour in the construction industry. This special issue focuses on methodologies, technologies and projects that showcase offsite and smart construction around the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Geothermal Energy, Heat Exchange Systems and Energy Piles
Geothermal Energy, Heat Exchange Systems and Energy Piles focuses on topics from high temperature geothermal energy extraction, to lower temperature situations at ground surface and shallow depths. Providing broad international coverage, the chapters encompass field observations on sites in several countries as well as computational and laboratory studies. Ground conditions vary from hard rock to chalk, loess to London Clay. Key features of this book include (1) international case histories on geothermal energy extraction; (2) coverage of geothermal resource exploration, characterisation and evaluation; and (3) design and assessment of energy piles. This book, which has been edited by two leading experts in the field, is an ideal resource for engineers and researchers seeking an overview of the latest research in this exciting area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Prediction and Mitigation of Ground Vibrations from High-Speed Railways
Ground Vibrations from High-Speed Railways brings together leading international research on the prediction and remediation of railway-induced ground vibration. A unique general reference, the book will help the reader to study the problem from different points of view, and provides answers to numerous theoretical and practical questions. Focusing specifically on the significant amplification of ground vibrations that can occur above critical speeds, the book is a detailed guide to recent and ongoing developments in this area. Coverage includes: fundamental problems of dynamics of track-ground systems under the impact of high-speed trains effects of vehicle-track interaction and associated stability problems railway-generated ground vibrations, including their impact on nearby buildings, effects of tunnels and layered soils modelling approaches – including 2.5D approaches, analytical and semi-analytical approaches –, numerical approaches, hybrid models, and scoping assessment mitigation strategies, including soil replacement strategies, pile-supported embankments, and use of stochastically rough surfaces Ground Vibrations from High-Speed Railways provides in one volume the views of leading international experts on the problem of railway-induced vibration from high-speed trains and ways of reducing its environmental impact. It will be essential reading for all scientists and engineers working on prediction and remediation of railway vibration, including consultants specialising in the environmental impact of railways, and designers of new railway lines.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tunnelling in the Urban Environment
With urban tunnel construction growing worldwide, the ability to accurately predict the ground and structural response to tunnelling and the associated risks is now more important than ever before. Engineers are expected to consider all aspects of tunnel engineering in order to safeguard existing infrastructure, by employing field monitoring, physical modelling and numerical analysis in developing a detailed knowledge of multiple soil-structure interactions. The Géotechnique Symposium in Print took place at the Institution of Civil Engineers on 14th September 2017 to discuss the wider aspects of tunnelling in urban locales. The papers included here bring together important international research presented at the symposium and featured in Géotechnique. Topics of discussion, amongst others, included: case studies from Crossrail, CTRL and Barcelona metro projects open-face tunnelling effects on non-displacement piles in clay influence of building characteristics on tunnelling-induced ground movements impact of new tunnel construction on structural performance of existing tunnels. Tunnelling in the Urban Environment offers practitioners and researchers alike with important coverage of the increasingly complex and varied challenges engineers have to face when constructing tunnels in urban centres.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Railway Metropolis: How planners, politicians and developers shaped modern London
The Railway Metropolis describes the fascinating story of how planners, politicians and developers have shaped London’s railways. Focusing on the new lines that have been added since 1980, the author considers the reasons why they were built, whether they have proved worthwhile and what lessons can be learned. Based upon extensive research, the book explains the planning, technology choice, design and funding decisions that have shaped London’s rail network, and the changing operating practices, fares and management that have been equally critical to the modernisation of London’s transport system. The book covers the period from the election of a Conservative government in 1979 through to the present day and six lines that transformed London: Docklands Light Railway, Jubilee Line Extension, High Speed One, Overground, Thameslink and Crossrail. The author has drawn upon extensive industry experience as well as public and private documents, archives, recollections and interviews with more than 50 people who influenced the rebirth of London’s railways to arrive at an authoritative analysis. The Railway Metropolis is an essential read for all those involved in the industry, including engineers, architects, city planners, railway operators and politicians, and it will also appeal to those with a general interest in the history and development of London’s rail network. Written in an accessible and engaging style, and fully illustrated throughout, the book presents a valuable perspective on why things were done the way they were, the results and whether we can learn how to do them better.
Emerald Publishing Limited Keating Construction Dispute Resolution Handbook
Keating Construction Dispute Resolution Handbook provides straightforward and pragmatic advice on dealing with construction disputes, at all stages, using principles that are applicable internationally. It covers the complete spectrum of dispute resolution expertise required by construction professionals. Written by a team of dual-qualified barristers and professional engineers, the book clearly explains all seven forms of construction dispute resolution: arbitration, adjudication, litigation, mediation, dispute boards, expert determination and early neutral evaluation. It also describes additional hybrid processes for international disputes, compares the different types of procedure, and offers a range of practical help and guidance on selecting the right methods and best strategy for the satisfactory resolution of disputes, thus minimising time and costs. This handbook: includes practical advice on how to avoid potential disputes gives practical step-by-step assistance for coping with a wide range of construction disputes describes how to make effective use of the whole range of procedures available covers recent legal cases and decisions from the Supreme Court contains checklists, model notices, mediation papers, pleadings and other useful documents Keating Construction Dispute Resolution Handbook is a concise, practical guide to dealing with construction disputes. Written in an easy-to-read style with practical examples, it is an essential and informative read for students and professionals working across a range of sectors, including construction and engineering, energy and natural resources, and infrastructure and utilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Dams - Benefits and Disbenefits; Assets or Liabilities?
This book contains the proceedings of the 19th Biennial Conference of the British Dam Society, Dams – Benefits or Disbenefits; Assets or Liabilities? Work to reservoirs and dams today covers far more than engineering, and the papers in this book show how engineers integrate their work with other disciplines to minimise the adverse impacts of schemes that are essential to ensure the safety of the public, while maximising other potential benefits to society. Anyone with a professional interest in dams and reservoirs, such as dam owners, designers, or constructors, will find papers of direct relevance to them. In addition to papers on dam construction and modifications, there are papers on the discontinuance of existing reservoirs, with the many engineering and environmental factors that have to be taken into account. The need to provide and exercise drawdown capability, while mitigating any adverse environmental impacts, is another area of increasing interest that is covered by several papers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Initial Professional Development for Civil Engineers
Initial Professional Development for Civil Engineers provides a core foundation of information on skills, knowledge and understanding, on which the development of every professional civil engineer, and their preparation for professional reviews, is based. The chapters provide guidance for any candidate and their mentors to make sense of the IPD process, providing a valuable insight into how to review their experience and the learning that they must take from it. This second edition has been fully updated to reflect changes that have come into effect since the first edition, both in the ICE’s procedures as well as in the profession generally, and - offers a core understanding of what it means to become a professional engineer - defines the breadth of knowledge and understanding required - focuses on the difficult transition from an academic education to the more complex learning-through-experience of the workplace - offers invaluable guidance and advice on further individual research for the reader’s own professional development - advises on key topics for the mentor, as well as the candidate. This book will be invaluable reading for graduates starting out on their initial professional development, and continuing towards the professional reviews. The book also provides essential reference to the mentors charged with assisting and encouraging graduates to become qualified professional engineers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction Volume 1
The construction of the Crossrail project began at North Dock in Canary Wharf in May 2009. Five years on, it is the biggest railway construction project in Europe and is one of the largest single infrastructure investments undertaken in the UK. It consists of 21 km of new twin-bore tunnels under central London and 10 new world-class stations constructed under the largest city in the European Union. Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction (Volume 1) contains a collection of 36 papers submitted to Crossrail’s Technical Papers Competition between 2012 and 2013. Contributions have come from consultants, contractors, suppliers and third-party stakeholders involved in design and construction across the Crossrail project. The papers cover a multitude of disciplines including Ground Engineering, Sprayed Concrete Lining, Tunnel Boring Machine Tunnelling, Engineering Geology, Geotechnical Monitoring and Mitigation, Architectural Design, Operations and Logistics. As part of Crossrail’s legacy, it is incumbent upon the organisation to share its experiences and best practices with the rest of the industry and to showcase the skills of the personnel involved and the successful delivery of each phase of works. This first volume is the culmination of that experience. Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction provides a valuable source of reference for current practices in design and construction of large-scale underground projects.
Emerald Publishing Limited Maintaining the Safety of our Dams and Reservoirs
Maintaining the Safety of our Dams and Reservoirs covers a wide range of topics which are of direct relevance to all who work with dams and reservoirs, whether in the UK or abroad, be they owners, maintainers, designers or constructors. The changes to the UK's legislative frameworks for dam safety are covered, as are examples of the many environmental factors to be taken into account, not just for the construction of new dams but also for alterations and repairs. This book contains the proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the British Dam Society, Maintaining the Safety of our Dams and Reservoirs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Floods and Reservoir Safety
This fourth edition of Floods and Reservoir Safety provides authoritative guidance on flood protection standards, flood magnitude and freeboard -guidance which is essential for engineers who are responsible for the design and inspection of reservoirs. In the period since publication of the previous edition, there have been changes to extreme flood estimation in the form of rainfall depth–duration–frequency and rainfall–runoff models, reservoir safety legislation, and adoption of a risk-based approach to that legislation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Steel-concrete Composite Bridges: Designing with Eurocodes
Steel-concrete Composite Bridges is an essential guide to the latest methods in the design and construction of steel-concrete composite bridges. Containing precise data, in-depth examples and numerous illustrations, the second edition offers guidance from the first step in bridge design through to the construction process. From their historic roots in post-Industrial Revolution Britain through to their modern-day use in the fast-moving and technologically changing Asian landscape, David Collings uses numerous examples from his own experience to examine how bridges can be designed and constructed to Eurocode standards using basic concepts. Steel-concrete Composite Bridges also covers simple beam bridges, integral bridges, continuous bridges, viaducts, haunches and double composite action, box girders, trusses, arches, cable-stayed bridges, prestressed steel-concrete composite bridges and life cycle considerations, as well as a new section on environmental issues. The second edition includes: in-depth coverage of Eurocodes, their implementation and effect on new bridge-design techniques and a comparison with other international codes examples of ways in which theory can be combined with the practical implications of bridge construction, enabling the reader to put design concepts into practice comparisons of composite bridges with other types of bridges, particularly concrete structures an evaluation of environmental issues surrounding steel-concrete composite bridges and ways in which their carbon footprint can be lowered at the design stage. Steel-concrete Composite Bridges is a valuable tool for readers with an interest in the building as well as the design of bridges, providing a deeper understanding of the methods used and how they are verified against design codes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Movable Bridge Design
Movable Bridge Design provides a fascinating and comprehensive guide of both past and current approaches to the design of a wide range of movable bridges. Against the background of worldwide development, the author provides the necessary information on the mechanical systems that drive movable bridges. A wide range of structures are explored in an accessible format to be used at a practical level. Key topics of focus are: Design specifications and standards Machinery required to operate and stabilise movable spans Traditional and non-traditional superstructure forms Materials of construction Material strength and failure Examples of hydraulic, electrical and mechanical systems Movable Bridge Design considers both city and rural movable bridges by providing worldwide examples, as well as discussing the various forms of motive power. This is an essential purchase to inform and guide engineers, engineering consultants, and administrators of governmental agencies, as well as students from these disciplines.
Emerald Publishing Limited Polymer Support Fluids in Civil Engineering
Polymer Support Fluids in Civil Engineering provides a detailed study of the use of polymer support fluids in civil engineering, covering all major aspects including fundamental material properties, laboratory and site testing, as well as case histories and specifications. This book includes all the information necessary to optimise the use of polymer support fluids and the performance of the resulting foundation elements. The opening chapters describe the development of polymer fluid technology, including the various types of commercial polymer system currently available and the constraints on the use of bentonite support fluids. They are followed by chapters on site equipment and procedures, and laboratory and site techniques for assessing the physical and chemical properties of polymer fluids. Two chapters are then dedicated to detailed reviews of published case histories from around the world with analysis of successes, and importantly, possible reasons for failures that have occurred. The book concludes with a critical review of the specifications for the use of polymer fluids and a discussion of the rationale for the selection of the control parameters. Written by two experts in this area, Polymer Support Fluids in Civil Engineering is the first book on the use of polymer support fluids in the construction industry. It will be an invaluable and authoritative reference for practitioners, researchers and advanced students working in geotechnical engineering.
Emerald Publishing Limited Prescribed Form of Record for a Large Raised Reservoir
This second edition of the vital Prescribed Form of Record for a High-Risk Reservoir is fully updated to incorporate the latest amends to the Reservoirs Act 1975. The Prescribed Form of Record brings together key information about the operation of the reservoir that will be valuable in the event of any problem that may affect reservoir safety. It also acts as a diary of the life of the reservoir in recording behaviour, maintenance, problems and steps taken to resolve those problems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Designers' Guide to Eurocode 9: Design of Aluminium Structures: EN 1999-1-1 and -1-4
Designer's Guide to Eurocode 9 covers the design of building and civil engineering works made from wrought and cast aluminium alloys. While aluminium is a lesser-used material, Eurocode 9 is a complicated document and there is currently very little guidance to its use. The latest addition to the bestselling Designers’ Guide series addresses the considerable demand for Eurocode guidance covering aluminium. Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 9 is written by 3 authorities on the subject, who were instrumental in drafting the original code and contains worked examples throughout. This guide is essential reading for civil and structural engineers code-drafting committees clients structural-design students public authorities
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering Volume II: Geotechnical Engineering Principles, Problematic Soils and Site Investigation
Written and edited by a wide selection of leading specialists, ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering is an authoritative and comprehensive reference resouce, providing the core geotechnical engineering principles, practical techniques, and the major questions engineers should keep in mind when dealing with real-world engineering challenges – all within a consistently coherent framework. Many civil engineers leave university with some knowledge of applied mechanics, geology and some soil and rock mechanics but often a limited grounding in geotechnical engineering. A good geotechnical engineer needs to appreciate the balance between theoretical principles, practical experience and the uncertainties present when dealing with the ground in its natural state. This volume looks at how to apply geotechnical knowledge in the construction process, tackling onsite and practical situations, including design.
Emerald Publishing Limited Designers' Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures: EN 1994-1-1
This series of Designers’ Guides to the Eurocodes provides comprehensive guidance in the form of design aids, indications for the most convenient design procedures and worked examples. The books also include background information to aid the designer in understanding the reasoning behind and the objectives of the codes. All of the individual guides work in conjunction with the Designers’ Guide to EN 1990: Basis of Structural Design. EN 1994, or Eurocode 4, describes the principles and requirements for safety, serviceability and durability of composite steel and concrete structures. This guide provides the user with guidance on the interpretation and use of Part 1.1. of EN 1994, General rules and rules for buildings, with flow charts and worked examples designed to show how to deal with problems that can arise in applying the code. The relationships with other Eurocode parts are explained and the provision of background information and references enables users of Eurocode 4 to understand the origin and objectives of its provision. This new edition has been fully revised for changes in materials and products, problems that have arisen with interpretation, and response to questions from industry on unfamiliar methods. The chapters covering joints and composite slabs have been significantly updated in line with new developments and design approaches in these areas. This guide is essential reading for civil and structural engineers code-drafting committees clients structural-design students public authorities
Emerald Publishing Limited Structural Analysis with Finite Elements
Structural Analysis with Finite Elements reveals the theory behind the finite element (FE) method as it relates to structural engineering and explains how to overcome commonly encountered problems and errors found in everyday structural modelling with finite element software. Drawing on nearly 20 years of experience as a structural engineer and FE software developer, Paolo Rugarli gives readers clear guidance on the fundamental principles of the FE method, demonstrating through practical examples how these principles apply to the kind of FE modelling that goes on every day in structural design departments. Explaining computational methods from the software users' point of view, Structural Analysis with Finite Elements also points out the risks involved in using FE software packages, analysing typical errors and problems, with extensive reference to real world examples. Key features of the book: Focuses on the practical structural engineering applications of FEM Goes back to first principles Gives readable, accessible and concise explanations Identifies common pitfalls that analysts encounter when devising structural models Applicable to all FEM software Containing the theory and practice of finite element analysis, this book will prove a valuable guide for structural engineers and students worldwide.
Emerald Publishing Limited Portland Cement
The third edition provides a concise overview of the properties and manufacturing processes of Portland Cement, which students of material sciences and graduates looking to enter the cement or concrete industries will find invaluable. While Portland Cement is one of the most traditional of construction materials, rising costs of the energy required for its manufacture and an increased awareness of the cement industry’s environmental impact have continued to sustain interest in understanding its behaviour and properties. With the increasing use of admixtures and mineral additives in the production of high quality concretes, this fundamental understanding continues to be of utmost importance in the design of concrete structures. Updated to reflect the latest BSI standards, Portland Cement, Third Edition gives an account of cement composition, manufacture, quality assessment, hydration and the resulting microstructure-physical property relationships, and some mechanisms of the chemical degradation of hardened cement paste. This edition concludes with a new chapter that looks at the environmental impact of cement manufacture. Key features include: a solid understanding of the production and properties of Portland Cement written and edited by leading experts in industry and academia the latest BSI codes and cement production techniques an introduction to the environmental impact of the cement industry Primarily intended for students of materials sciences and graduates in pure science or engineering entering the cement or concrete industries, Portland Cement, Third Edition will also provide the perfect introduction to engineers involved in the design of concrete structures requiring clear, concise information on the material and its production.
Emerald Publishing Limited Pressure Transients in Water Engineering: A guide to analysis and interpretation of behaviour
This book starts with an explanation of the phenomenon of pressure transients and how they may arise. It then gives an analysis of the constraints on the magnitude of transient pressures and the need for surge alleviation measures. Equations describing transient motion in pipelines are shown in a straight-forward manner and these are used to introduce the reader to some practical methods of computer analysis in use today. Case studies and assessments of systems and equipment. The author examines a range of case studies involving different types of systems and the types of surge suppression equipment which may be suited to each. Chapters are devoted to various aspects of pipelines which can have a bearing upon pressure transient behaviour. These include flexible pipeline systems and more complicated networks that involve branching and looped pipelines. The presence of air or gas within a system is also dealt with along with considerations for the development of persistent oscillations. Practical, descriptive and enlightening. This practical book provides an indepth analysis of actual systems, with emphasis on the type of hydraulic transient behaviour to be expected in each kind of configuration. Mathematical treatment is covered in a straightforward manner without the need to rely on advanced mathematical skills. Thus, the descriptive nature of this book allows the reader to understand behaviour without constant reference to equations. Due to his extensive experience and insight, the author highlights various pitfalls and provides ideas on when the physical extent of a study can be truncated. Where possible simplified equations are presented to enable rapid assessment of surge equipment capacities – such as those used for pressure vessels, feeder tanks and buffer tanks.