Search results for ""Emerald Publishing Limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited International Business Scholarship: AIB Fellows on the First 50 Years and Beyond
The AIB Fellows Group includes top researchers, educators, and administrators in the IB field. Most of its 60 members have contributed to this edited volume as authors, co-authors and reviewers, including such noteworthy scholars as John Dunning, Alan Rugman and Yair Aharoni, among many others.Its chapters examine aspects of the growth of the field, evaluate our present state of knowledge and outline future lines of research. They cover the growth of several functional areas (marketing, advertising, finance, etc.), review problems of methodological rigor in IB research, trace the history and evolution of IB studies and their likely future trajectories, raise ethical and moral issues about IB practices and evaluate the impact of major theories on IB studies. A couple of chapters cover the history of international business and of the AIB Fellows Group. Altogether, this book provides a benchmark of where IB knowledge stands today and will grow in coming years.
Emerald Publishing Limited Competence Perspectives on Learning and Dynamic Capabilities
This volume of papers develops the competence perspective on learning and dynamic capabilities development. The first two papers explore how organizational competence and dynamic capabilities can support the competitive position of a firm. The next two papers are devoted to strategic, organizational, and behavioral perspectives on processes of competence development. The final four papers explore the intellectual challenges that managers face in striking a strategic balance between processes of competence building and competence leveraging. Taken together, the papers in this volume provide a bridge between many traditional management concepts, frameworks, and theoretical perspectives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Modelling Our Future: Population Ageing, Social Security and Taxation
The issues associated with population ageing are already assuming prominence in most OECD countries. Many governments are extremely concerned about the likely impact of population ageing upon future government outlays and economic growth. In Australia, for example, there have already been two major government reports that have attempted to quantify the likely implications for government spending of population ageing. These reports have concluded that there will either have to be cuts in current government programs, increases in taxes or some combination of these. The ageing population will also require more health human resources (doctors, nurses, pharmacists etc.), in an environment where the existing workforce itself is ageing. Economic growth is forecast to slow significantly in future decades due to population ageing, reducing governments ability to rely on a rapidly growing taxpaying labour force to finance the expected shortfalls. Against this backdrop, volumes 15 and 16 of the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics Series provide very timely and relevant research for policy makers and researchers across the world. The modelling approaches and research described in the volumes are at the international leading edge, providing insights into how different countries are facing the challenges associated with population ageing. Many countries have developed microsimulation and other models to help them evaluate the impacts of population ageing and of public policy change. Volume 15 concentrates upon the impacts of population ageing upon social security and taxation. For example, the chapters examine likely future pension outlays under current and possible alternative schemes; estimate the likely wealth of future retirees; forecast tax revenues out to 2026 and look at the impact of population ageing upon housing prices and tourism. This volume contains invaluable information that aims to help shape the current and future public policy debates in this area. The authors are established leaders in the field. It includes international in Scope.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
This series publishes monograph length conceptual papers designed to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management. Volume 25 of "Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management" (RPHRM) contains eight papers on critical issues in the field of human resources management, thus continuing the tradition of the series to develop a more informed understanding of the field. This work offers an international representation and cutting edge papers that help to define the field of HRM.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing Multinational Teams: Global Perspectives
Two recent developments from globalization have fundamentally altered the nature of work organizations: the workforce has become increasingly diverse in national and cultural origins, and work assignments are increasingly performed by teams consisting of members located in different countries. Together, these changes have resulted in employees increasingly finding themselves working in culturally diverse, geographical dispersed, multinational teams. Yet, relatively little scholarship has been done to study the dynamics of such teams and how they can be better managed. The current volume presents cutting-edge theorizing and research from a multidisciplinary (e.g., psychology-, communications/technology-, organizational behavior-, and strategy-oriented) group of scholars who have been active in studying multinational teams in a global context. This book is divided into three parts. The first includes four chapters focusing on culture and other intra-group factors that affect the effective functioning of multinational teams. The second includes five chapters that examine the effect of technology and other external influences on team processes and outcomes. The third part includes four chapters dealing with leadership and management issues. The two final chapters were written by authors who have been actively involved as organizers of multi-country academic research teams whose life spans many years and continues today. Cumulatively, this book's chapters provide management scholars a diversity of theoretical and methodological perspectives, at many levels of analysis, and include insights borne from the authors observation-based and/or living-based experience with the culturally-challenging issues they discuss. Additionally, these chapters also provide practicing managers useful ideas on both intra- and external-group dynamics that help increase their understanding about the effective functioning of multinational teams. As a result, this book offers both breadth and depth on the topic of managing multinational teams in a global context that promise to make its contents of interest to many audiences.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology Volume 23 3 Volume Set v 23 Research in the History of Economic Thought of Economic Thought and Methodology 23
A combination of volume 23A, B and C of Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodolgy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Neoliberalism in Crisis, Accumulation, and Rosa Luxemburg's Legacy
This volume of Research in Political Economy sets out to explore three key themes pertinent to the critique of political economy: (1) the disciplinary role of capital under neoliberalism, (2) accumulation and finance, and (3) the life and theories of Rosa Luxemburg. While the sections focus on different aspects of political economy, taken as a whole, they complement each other in striking a balance between concrete and abstract Marxist analyses. The essays in the first section critically examines the more concrete aspects of political economy, such as the changing role of the World Bank vis-a-vis the Third World, the Millennium Challenge Account - a newly forged 'official development compact' put forward by the Bush II administration, the disciplinary strategies tied to labour restructuring in Argentina, the political economy of financial fragility on a global scale, and a cultural critique of the Documenta11. The essays in the second section explore analytically dimensions of Marx's theory of the monetary circuit, Rudolf Hilferding's banking theory, Henryk Grossman's Law of Accumulation, and the evidence surrounding supposed value-price correlations. The articles in the third section of the volume are devoted to the person and theoretical contribution of Rosa Luxemburg, the famous Polish-German theoretician and revolutionary leader.
Emerald Publishing Limited Investigating Educational Policy Through Ethnography
Within the United Kingdom questions about the relevance of educational research and its relationship to policy have recently been the centre of a prolonged, public and sometimes acrimonious debate. The chapters in this book illustrate the ability of ethnographic work to assist in understanding the effects of educational policies to gradually influence the policy discourse. The book includes studies of policy initiatives at the local level that show the extent to which an intended change actually occurred in practice, others where actual change occurred, but there were unintended consequences as well as those planned by the policy, and others that illuminate the contradictions within the original policy itself. Chapters focus on a diversity of topics such as the ideology of educational 'success', politics and school mathematics, ITC teaching, sports coaching, basic skills provision for offenders, second language learning, ESOL teaching, primary teachers work, and the teaching of reading and spelling.
Emerald Publishing Limited Documents on Modern History of Economic Thought
This work contains seven documents from the history of economics: Four sets of lecture notes taken by Victor E. Smith, two from courses given by William Jaffe at Northwestern University, on general equilibrium theory and on Keynes, from 1938-39, and one from lectures given at the University of Cambridge during 1954-55. It includes two documents from the history of Institutional Economics, one the 1974 Editor's Report on the "Journal of Economic Issues" - on the conflicts then rampant - and the other, an exposition of the past and future of Institutional Economics, both by Warren J. Samuels. It also includes a set of autobiographical notes by the Wisconsin institutionalist, Martin G. Glaeser, and a bibliography of the writings of F.Y. Edgeworth by Alberto Baccini.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Economic History
In the tradition of the new economic history, this collection includes seven carefully researched papers blending systematic empirical research with consideration of broader theoretical and analytical issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited Implementing Competence-Based Strategies
This is the sixth volume in a series presenting the latest research in the field of applied business strategy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Applications of Fuzzy Sets and the Theory of Evidence to Accounting: Part 2
An analysis of fuzzy sets and the theory of evidence to accounting. It is divided into parts, covering: methodology; inference; prediction; and neural networks.
Emerald Publishing Limited Throughput Modeling: Financial Information Used by Decision Makers
This book seeks to offer a fresh perspective on viewing decision making in a modelling form. This modelling perspective is designated a throughput model since it examines an intermediary stage as well as captures parallel processing (as opposed to serial processing). The throughput model depicts the four most important highly significant concepts that portray individuals' decision making processes. Namely, information and the cognitive processes of perception, judgement and decision choice. The philosophical influences such as Kant's, Descartes' and Locke's are discussed in that they help to motivate the understanding of the throughput model. Further, the model not only offers philosophical, psychological and economic foundations, but also forms the basis for accounting and financial information processing. This book is geared to students of accounting, finance, organizational behavior and psychology. Also, certain sections of this text are directed to business people which can assist them in structuring their decision making process.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emissions Permit Experiments
This special volume is devoted to a single topic. In the past several years, many governments, including the United States and Canada, launched a major shift to what are sometimes called "incentive based" pollution control procedures. Because these proposed systems inherently required institutional design, they constituted a natural domain for laboratory experimental economics research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Services Marketing and Management
Part of a series which offers an interdisciplinary approach to the latest research and practice in services, this volume discusses a variety of topics in the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Current Perspectives in Social Theory
This is the 16th volume in the series discussing a variety of topics in the field of current perspectives in social theory.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Strategic Management and Information Technology
This second volume in the series, "Strategic Management and Information Technology" presents a coherent set of papers that deal with the challenges of leveraging information technology for designing inter-organizational relationships. Instead of assembling a set of papers that are loosely connected to the broad theme of strategy and information technology, this volume presents a well-knit compendium of papers on a coherent topic.
Emerald Publishing Limited Revised bundle - ICE Professional Development 3 book set
This ICE Professional Development set is comprised of three titles essential to the ICE’s Professional Review process and preparing for a fulfilling career as a civil engineer. From understanding the professional reviews process to mentoring graduate engineers to hone their skills, the books offer a full and thorough overview of the processes and the civil engineering industry more widely. Initial Professional Development for Civil Engineers, Second edition provides a core foundation of information on skills, knowledge and understanding, on which the development of every professional civil engineer, and their preparation for professional reviews, is based. The fifth edition of Successful Professional Reviews for Civil Engineers offers a comprehensive guide to the constituent parts of the ICE Professional Review process, ideal for those engineers nearing the completion of their initial professional development. Finally, Mentoring for Civil Engineers is a guide to planning and implementing the training of professional civil engineers that ensures that engineers have the necessary skills, ability and commitment to the profession. This selection of books is essential reading for engineers either undertaking the professional review process or assisting a graduate through it. The books reveal the full spectrum of the process and provide hints, tips and techniques to understanding the world of civil engineering.
Emerald Publishing Limited High Speed Two (HS2): Infrastructure Design and Construction - 2 volume book set (V1&2)
The main construction of HS2, Britain's high-speed rail network, began in September 2020. Phase One will see London to Birmingham linked by trains that can reach 225mph and Phase Two joins Birmingham with Manchester and Leeds. With Phase One consisting of 140 miles of track, 32 miles of tunnels and 10 miles of viaducts, HS2 is the UK's largest ever railway infrastructure building project. These two volumes contain a collection of papers submitted to HS2's Technical Papers Competition, detailing the key infrastructure and design aspects considered for the HS2 Project. Contributions have come from consultants, contractors, suppliers and third-party stakeholders from some of the largest engineering firms. The papers showcase the skills of the personnel involved and the successful delivery of each phase of works. This two volume set examine the challenges of this unprecedented project and learning in planning, design, construction and management for major railway infrastructure projects. It will interest any engineer or professional desiring critical information on the design and build of HS2.
Emerald Publishing Limited Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction - 6 volume set
The construction of the Crossrail project began at North Dock in Canary Wharf in May 2009. With the railway due to open in 2018, it is one of the largest single infrastructure investments undertaken in the UK to date. It consists of 21 kilometres of new twin-bore tunnels and 10 new world-class stations across one of the largest cities in the world. Across 6 volumes, Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction contains a collection of papers submitted to Crossrail’s Technical Papers Competition. Contributions have come from consultants, contractors, suppliers and third-party stakeholders all of whom have been involved in the Crossrail project. The papers cover a variety of disciplines including health and safety, insulation materials, material corrosion, ground engineering and many more. As part of the legacy of the Crossrail project, it is important for the organisation to share its experiences and best practices with the rest of the industry and to showcase the skills of the personnel involved and the successful delivery of each phase of works. Brought together, these 6 volumes provide a valuable source of reference for current practices in design and construction of large-scale underground projects. The complete set contains: Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction – Volume 1 Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction – Volume 2 Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction – Volume 3 Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction – Volume 4 Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction – Volume 5 Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction – Volume 6
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Twins for Smart Cities: Conceptualisation, challenges and practices
Digital twin technology has made great strides in the engineering and manufacturing sector over the past decade, however, there remains confusion around what a digital twin is and how they can be utilised successfully at a city scale. Digital Twins for Smart Cities provides conceptual clarity and practical guidance for supporting city-scale digital twin (CDT) development, outlining challenges, showcasing real-life CDT practices globally, and offering socio-technical frameworks to compare CDT projects. Providing theoretical and practical guidance on digital twin development, this book covers the purpose, trust and function of CDTs case studies on city, district and subterranean assets of cities comparisons of CDT cases recommendations for putting CDTs into practice. Digital Twins for Smart Cities is a much-needed reference for urban designers and planners, built environment professionals, and digital-twin-related technology providers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Piling 2020
Piling 2020 contains the proceedings of the Piling 2020 conference, organised by the British Geotechnical Association (BGA) and supported by the Federation of Piling Specialists (FPS). It brings together the knowledge and experience of industry and academia through detailed research and case histories that provide a definitive and up to date perspective on geotechnical aspects of offshore and onshore piling projects. The papers reflect the themes of the conference which include: design of piles and embedded retaining walls research on piling and piled systems materials temporary works case histories methods of construction instrumentation and monitoring sustainability digital issues This fascinating collection of papers is of interest to all who work within the broad field of geotechnical engineering, including geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists and piling professionals, as well as those in academia.
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Handbook of Geosynthetic Engineering: Geosynthetics and their applications: 2021
Now fully updated in this third edition, ICE Handbook of Geosynthetic Engineering offers a comprehensive overview of geosynthetics and their various applications. Global challenges, including climate change, are impacting how researchers and engineers provide sustainable solutions to field problems using geosynthetics, geometrical and material variations. Geosynthetic manufacturers are trying to meet the requirements of the specific field problems by regularly introducing new materials. Understanding this wealth of information and knowing what methods to adopt or disregard have made the field of geosynthetics a difficult one to keep up with. However, this book collates this complex information into one easy-to-read and clear volume.
Emerald Publishing Limited Smart Concrete
Smart Concrete (ICE Themes) brings together fascinating insights into this new and evolving field of concrete. In defining smart concrete as concrete that is capable of responding automatically to the actions imposed upon it, research has sought to develop concrete that is stronger, more sustainable and resilient. This assists the construction industry with improved whole life performance of concrete structures. With ICE Publishing material collated from key subject matter experts working in the field of concrete, Smart Concrete (ICE Themes) reveals how the field has evolved and shows how smart concrete may be used in the future. It offers readers with a view of the key developments that have impacted the evolution of smart concrete such as self-curing concrete self-healing concrete cementitious materials sensor monitoring. This book, which has been compiled by two leading experts in the field, will make an ideal addition to any library as a resource for researchers and students seeking an overview of the latest research on this topic.
Emerald Publishing Limited Energy and Mobility in Smart Cities
Energy and Mobility in Smart Cities brings together a collection of expert perspectives focusing on key themes underlying successful smart city developments. With a particular emphasis on developments relating to energy and mobility, the book provides a far-reaching analysis of key drivers of innovation. It explores potential opportunities and challenges associated with the rise of digital infrastructure and smart cities technology. The book is divided into four parts. Part 1 covers the changing nature of communities in the digital age, while Part 2 looks at mobility in smart cities, including the development of autonomous smart vehicles, and key innovations in logistics and transport. Part 3 focuses on energy and covers electricity markets in transition economies as well as the role of renewable energy in future smart energy systems. Part 4, on governance, examines political issues shaping the smart future, and principles of sustainable development, inclusivity and transparency in smart city development. Together, the chapters emphasise the importance of engineers working across disciplinary boundaries and recommend adopting an integrated approach for successful smart city development. Energy and Mobility in Smart Cities will be essential reading for researchers and postgraduate students. Also it will be a useful tool for consultants, senior-level engineers, city planners, government officials and policy makers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Flood Resilience
The ICE Themes series showcases cutting edge research and practical guidance in all branches of civil engineering. Each title focuses on a key issue or challenge in civil engineering, and includes research from the industry’s finest thinkers and influencers published through the ICE Publishing programme. Themes in the series include climate change resilience, advances in construction management, developments in renewable energy, and innovations in construction materials plus many more. Flood Resilience (ICE Themes) provides an overview of research and latest developments in the field of flood management. The book collates innovative ideas, methodologies and practical approaches which address engineering challenges during various stages of flooding, from assessment of vulnerability, implementation of protective measures, through to management of extreme events in order to promote faster recovery after a flood. It also seeks to highlight the benefit of working collaboratively with a variety of partners, and engagement with the public. This book has been created from recent research published by ICE Publishing and aims to provide readers with an overall view of the areas where flood resilience approaches are relevant, as well as a snapshot of the advances in research and practice. Flood Resilience (ICE Themes) includes chapters on: making urban flood resilience more operational enhancing urban flood resilience at planning and practical levels methods of assessing flood resilience of critical buildings and sustainable drainage systems. This book is a useful resource for engineers and academics seeking the latest research in the field of flood resilience.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reservoir Management
Reservoir Management is the indispensable guide to managing all aspects of small to large reservoirs and dams. Reservoir managers now require a wealth of technical, environmental and legal knowledge alongside a background to key aspects of design, as well as safety know-how, in order to successfully manage their assets. There is also a need for reservoir managers to understand not just the technical fundamentals of reservoirs but to understand the impact they can have on the local environment. In this book, Andrew Pepper, with contributions from reservoir experts, covers all of the essential expertise and technical knowledge in one easy-to-read volume written with the practitioner in mind. The book includes coverage of: the various functions which reservoirs perform roles and responsibilities of all involved in reservoir management hydrological and water quality aspects of reservoirs physical components and features of dams and reservoirs maintaining mechanical and electrical equipment ecology, amenity and recreation purposes of reservoirs reservoir safety incidents and emergencies sediment troubleshooting reservoir decommissioning. This book will be an essential purchase for any reservoir manager, as well as for developers and designers looking to exercise good practice for the future management of new reservoirs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Pedestrian Facilities: Geometric design for safety and mobility
Pedestrian Facilities provides detailed guidance on the design of pedestrian facilities to ensure the safety, comfort and convenience of pedestrians and other road users. The emphasis throughout is on numerical, functional aspects of designing footways, crossings along roads and junctions, roundabouts, and other spaces where pedestrian and vehicular traffic interact. Drawing together a broad range of topics presented across numerous reports and documents, the book also presents design principles which can foster improvements to this guidance and will also provide assistance where unique design solutions are needed. Coverage in this fully updated second edition includes: updated governmental guidance on pedestrian facilities design evolution of design for shared space and ‘sojourning’ developments in simulation and multi-modal level-of-service quantification joint pedestrian and bicycle traffic implications of the Equality Act Pedestrian Facilities is intended for use by practitioners and students engaged in civil engineering design for highways and public spaces. It brings together guidance that will also assist urban planners, architects and the broad range of people involved with pedestrian facilities within the public realm.
Emerald Publishing Limited Refurbishment Projects: Health and safety management
Refurbishment Projects by David Oloke is a qualitative reference tool for exploring health and safety management and risk management of alteration, renovation and refurbishment projects. As the need to make old stock more energy efficient increases in line with the requirements of sustainable development, the number of extensions, loft conversions, basement constructions and other retrofit projects, has increased. Refurbishment Projects explores the planning of alteration and refurbishment construction projects, involving complex activities such as collecting and analysing various sources of information related to the existing structure, end-of-lifecycle operations and the safety risks of potentially unknown conditions. Refurbishment Projects provides a better understanding of alteration, refurbishment and renovation of projects and their uniqueness in terms of health and safety management outlines key health and safety considerations that must be explored to successfully manage and deliver a refurbishment project assists practitioners involved with refurbishment projects to undertake their health and safety responsibilities effectively facilitates the education and training of students, graduate Engineers and other construction professionals in the matters of health and safety management in alteration and refurbishment projects. Refurbishment Projects is essential reading for practicing engineers with varied duty roles under the CDM Regulations. Students, graduates, architects, builders, surveyors, building designers, contractors and others engaged in the construction industry will gain an understanding of planning, decision making and implementation of alteration, refurbishment and renovation projects.
Emerald Publishing Limited Operational Safety of Dams and Reservoirs: Understanding the reliability of flow-control systems
Operational Safety of Dams and Reservoirs brings together a broad range of knowledge from key areas in dam and reservoir safety, spillways and flow control to provide new analytical tools to better understand operating risk in hydropower and dam safety. This book is an essential reference for all professionals and practitioners who specialise in dams, major reservoir owners, inspecting and supervising engineers, and suppliers of plant and equipment. Operational Safety of Dams and Reservoirs: includes international real-life case studies such as the Elko Dam incident, Canada, Taum Sauk Dam failure, USA, Tous Dam failure, Spain, and the impact of the Three Gorges Dam, China outlines a new approach to assessing spillway systems reliability based on stochastic simulation of operations examines spillways, SCADA and control, outflow conveyance and energy dissipation establishes a new approach for analysing and assessing the properties of dam systems in a more holistic way based on understanding of operational factors With contributions from across the industry and a wide range of case studies, Operational Safety of Dams and Reservoirs outlines a solution for next-generation risk analysis, addresses the inputs and constraints to reservoir operations, and considers hydrologic inflows, downstream outflow requirements and external disturbances that may affect operations. Coupled with up-to-date information in managing the safe discharge of inflows and the control of water retention for productive uses, this book establishes a new approach for analysing and assessing the properties of dam systems in a more holistic way.
Emerald Publishing Limited Coastal Management: Changing coast, changing climate, changing minds
The Institution of Civil Engineers’ Coastal Management conference series is the leading forum for the presentation of the latest developments in coastal engineering. The 8th conference took place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from 8-9 September 2015 and attracted delegates from over 30 countries. The proceedings of this conference, Coastal Management: Changing coast, changing climate, changing minds, comprise more than 70 peer-reviewed papers that present current issues, international research and practical applications. The conference covered a full range of topics, including: innovative coastal planning, design and management social, environmental and climatic change, including coastal erosion, flooding and tsunamis coastal defence including dikes, dams and floodgates shoreline management coastal policy funding and accountability. Coastal Management: Changing coast, changing climate, changing minds is an essential resource for coastal engineers, coastal and environmental scientists, local and central government authorities and coastal stakeholders, all of whom must understand and adapt to the conflicting pressures of modern coastal management.
Emerald Publishing Limited London 2012 Legacy: Civil Engineering Special Issue
This third and final special issue of Civil Engineering on the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games covers the infrastructure legacy of the games, the delivery of which was fundamental to the success of the UK bid. These eight papers illustrate that the infrastructure legacy goes well beyond the immediate confines of the vast new Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in east London - the largest green space to be created in London for over a century. It includes long-term transport benefits, new communities, flood alleviation and effective re-use of temporary facilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Geotechnical Finite Element Analysis: A practical guide
Geotechnical Finite Element Analysis provides the latest practical guidance and comprehensive explanations of applying finite element analysis (FEA) in geotechnical design – from planning an analysis, determining how the FEA relates to the design process and explaining the decisions that need to be made at each stage through to validation of results and reporting. This highly illustrated guide expands on the practical benefits of FEA, such as the analysis of complex problems, overall increased productivity and revenue, and explains the complex theory behind the decisions that need to be made at each stage of a project. Geotechnical Finite Element Analysis: features as the first practical and internationally applicable guidebook in this subject area includes detailed guidance on using FEA together with international design codes clarifies the factors to consider when selecting from the various constitutive models attests as a training aid, facilitated by complete worked examples covers 160 competence statements from the COGAN Competency Tracker maintained by NAFEMS Geotechnical Finite Element Analysis aims to combine essential learning material in one place. As a practical guide, textbook, reference and training tool, it is aimed at practising civil, structural and geotechnical engineers, and those undergoing training in geotechnical FEA and performing geotechnical FEA in design.
Emerald Publishing Limited Railway Bridge Maintenance
Railway Bridge Maintenance, Second edition provides a thorough overview to assist those involved in the maintenance and management of existing railway bridges, dating from the early nineteenth century to the present, that are essential in supporting railway operations. The second edition has been updated to reflect the current challenges bridge engineers face in assessing conditions and making informed decisions on cost-effective maintenance, repairs, upgrades and replacements. It also provides support to infrastructure engineers and planners who analyse, interpret and make decisions on large populations of bridge structures as part of the long-term planning and preparation of maintenance budgets. Railway Bridge Maintenance, Second edition: • is fully updated to reflect the modern methods of asset management, remote condition monitoring and the use of new materials • contains over 80 illustration to provide guidance for common defects • offers a range of case studies where defects and component failures have occurred highlighting causes, repair and future prevention measures. This book aims to help readers to quickly target the relevant and necessary information to safely deal with the issues encountered in operating a growing railway on an ageing asset stock. Railway Bridge Maintenance, Second edition is essential to engineers, designers and planners involved in any aspect of the design, construction, repair, maintenance and refurbishment of railway bridges.
Emerald Publishing Limited FIDIC Quick Reference Guide: Pink Book
The FIDIC Handbook Series will form a series of low cost guides to all FIDIC Contract administrators. They will ensure that appropriate timely actions are taken during the course of a construction contract in order to improve communication, stimulate better administration and highlight accountability at an early stage, thereby improving the working relationships between the parties and reducing the potential for disputes. The guidelines suggest actions for each party to take, stipulate the time to take such action, provide relevant comments and includes model letters where appropriate for each Sub-Clause within the Contract. This book, FIDIC Handbook - Pink, provides commentary on the Pink Book: The MDB Harmonised Edition of the Red Book for use with contracts which have been financed by one of the participating multilateral development banks.
Emerald Publishing Limited Shell Structures in Civil and Mechanical Engineering: Theory and analysis
Shell Structures in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, joint winner of the University of Cape Town Book Award for 2019, comprehensively covers the theories governing the membrane and bending behaviour of thin elastic shells. It applies these theories to obtain practical solutions for a wide variety of shell structures encountered in the civil and mechanical engineering disciplines. Through a detailed examination of the mathematical solutions, the treatment reveals important insights on the mechanics of the shell, allowing the designer to make more informed choices. Shell Structures in Civil and Mechanical Engineering: presents a thorough discussion of the applicability and limitations of the membrane hypothesis in the context of the more general bending theory of shells develops the membrane and bending theories of shells, and presents a wealth of closed-form mathematical results for a wide range of shell structures, including junction problems includes design considerations and parametric findings for domes, shell roofs, cooling towers, pressure vessels, tanks, new shell forms for liquid containment and novel multi-shell assemblies presents the fundamentals of shell buckling and of finite element modelling of shells. This new edition is intended for civil and structural engineers involved with the design of domes, architectural shell roofs, industrial barrel roofs, cooling towers, silos, elevated water reservoirs, liquid-containment structures at water treatment works, egg-shaped sludge digesters, oil-storage tanks, chemical storage vessels, and pipelines for water, oil and gas. It will also be of interest to mechanical and industrial engineers involved with the design of pressure vessels, boilers, nuclear containment vessels and associated piping. The rigorous derivation of theory and inclusion of new findings will appeal to researchers and postgraduate students in these fields.
Emerald Publishing Limited Programme Management in Construction
Programme Management in Construction provides a comprehensive introduction to the application of programme management in the construction industry, demonstrating detailed coverage of programme management techniques through best practice guidance and case study examples. Encompassing project, design and construction management, this book explains how programme management methodology can enable a seamless flow of information between the major stakeholders to allow simultaneous management of the full scope of work and the full range of activities necessary to deliver complex multidisciplinary projects on time, on budget and to the required quality specifications. Programme Management in Construction: • discusses design team formation and work stages, charter agreements, Building Information Management/Modelling and analyses current case studies such as financial and programme pre-planning illustrations • presents the decision-making tools available to navigate potential pitfalls and effectively plan and co-ordinate large construction programmes • provides an example of a programme, carried through the whole book, considering the successes and failures of the management of the programme • examines the contractual and legal implications of challenges and opportunities faced by programme managers. Programme Management in Construction shares the visionary insights and practical experiences of four industry experts who present the multi-faceted nature of programme management for construction professionals. Setting out broad definitions, sound philosophy and theory, and specific practical implications of the applications of programme management, this book is essential reading for the client, stakeholders, contractors and other practitioners dealing with large projects and programmes in the construction industry worldwide.
Emerald Publishing Limited Structural Engineering of Transmission Lines
Structural Engineering of Transmission Lines provides practising engineers with a comprehensive guide to the structural behaviour of transmission lines and the successful management of transmission line projects. The authors bring together technical knowledge and industry advice to offer extensive practical guidance on the design, construction and management of transmission lines. Taking an international approach, the book details the considerations, methods and outcomes of projects in different parts of the world where the constraints and opportunities of resources, climate and culture are unique. An invaluable resource Structural Engineering of Transmission Lines: provides observations, calculations and technical solutions to problems facing structural engineers discusses variables in terrain and weather conditions when approaching each project considers the balance of components in each structure to ensure the longevity of the line outlines issues such as restricted access, jurisdictional constraints and natural hazards which may hinder a project and advises for cost-effective solutions Structural Engineering of Transmission Lines combines technical details and practical examples into one essential resource to help structural engineers, contractors, consultants, facility owners, operators and managers understand, navigate and build upon the current methods in the transmission line industry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Shell Bitumen Handbook
Shell has been at the forefront of bitumen technology for over 90 years, and continues to play a leading role in global bitumen research and development. The Shell Bitumen Handbook is an authoritative source of information on bitumen use in road pavements around the world. The Shell Bitumen Handbook explores the very latest technical trends within the industry. Compiled by an international team of Shell experts from Europe, Asia and the Americas, the 6th edition contains global examples of regulations, specifications and practice, highlighting similarities and differences between the regions and reflecting the fact that growth economies are adapting and developing new practices, specifications and driving research in this area. An established, renowned and vital source, The Shell Bitumen Handbook covers the manufacturing, handling and main engineering properties and specifications of both bitumen and asphalt technology, examining how they are designed, manufactured, tested and used. The book also covers the analytical design of flexible pavements – a field in which Shell is particularly well established – as well as surface treatments and certification. The Shell Bitumen Handbook includes reference to new and revised European harmonised specifications as well as new guidance on recycling, warm asphalt mixtures, foam mixtures, bitumen additives and certification schemes for bitumen and asphalt. There are also expanded chapters on the constitution and structure of bitumen, bitumen rheology, polymer modified bitumens, bitumen health, bitumen adhesion and testing of asphalts and surface treatments. The Shell Bitumen Handbook provides new and experienced engineers with accessible and practical technical content such as: Global examples of bitumen regulation, specification and practice written by Shell experts across the world Coverage of the properties, testing methodology and performance related issues of different types of asphalt Information on the new standardised test methods to assess product performance State-of-the-art methods for building longer lasting road pavements Extensive referencing, enabling readers to discover more about subject areas and research topics New and updated appendices to support the reference value of the book. The Shell Bitumen Handbook is an essential, comprehensive reference tool intended to be of daily use to civil engineers, laboratory and site technicians and operation managers, as well as students and researchers in pavement construction and maintenance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Car Park Designers' Handbook
Featuring more than 75 3D scale drawings and explaining their individual strengths and weaknesses, this book is the only comprehensive reference for car park layout design. The book also covers the practical design of parking elements including ramps, stalls, and traffic aisles, and provides guidance on key issues including security, fire escape requirements, drainage, signage and barrier control. The new edition includes: - Issues surrounding provision for charging hybrid and electrically powered vehicles - a topic as yet poorly addressed in the literature. - Optimum entry and exit locations that affect layout. - 50% more drawings - including scale drawings that can be used as templates in the layout design process.
Emerald Publishing Limited Bridge Construction Equipment
Bridge Construction Equipment provides exhaustive coverage of new and emerging bridge construction technology and modern construction methods for all bridge professionals looking to save time, labour and costs, reduce risk, and increase the value and quality of projects through mechanized bridge construction. Bridge construction equipment is becoming increasingly more complex and sophisticated. With extensive illustrations, the book explores industry trends for every family of machines and their configurations for operations, loading, kinematics, launch and lock systems, performance, productivity and structure-equipment interaction. Each chapter also includes extensive coverage of deck fabrication. Through numerous case studies, the book examines design and operational flaws, as identified by the author throughout his 31 years in the industry, describes the design and procurement of specialist equipment, and provides an outline of technical specifications for easy adaptation to specific cases. Addressing the needs of bridge owners, architects and forensic, resident and construction engineers, as well as contractors, designers, manufacturers, inspectors, safety planners and bridge academics, Bridge Construction Equipment delivers guidance for the use of specialist mechanized equipment during each stage of the bridge construction process.
Emerald Publishing Limited Partial Saturation in Compacted Soils
Compacted soils are relevant to many geotechnical applications, from earth dams to infrastructure embankments, nuclear waste disposal and rammed-earth buildings. Every geotechnical structure made of compacted soils will include sections that remain partly saturated at least for a period of its service life. Improved understanding of this fast growing area can contribute to the improved design of earth structures/fills by maximizing the use of locally sourced soils, with consequent gains in safety, cost and sustainability of future building practice. The sixteenth Géotechnique Symposium in Print focused on the study of compacted unsaturated soils, which are at the core of geotechnics and have been at the forefront of research for many years, providing a unique scientific forum for the exchange of the latest knowledge and best practice between academia and industry. This book brings together all the Symposium papers from leading international researchers, published in Geotechnique, the keynote speeches presented at the Symposium, at the Institution of Civil Engineers on 20 June 2011, and a selection of questions posed by delegates during the Symposium, together with answers from presenters. Partial Saturation in Compacted Soils provides a comprehensive overview of recent advances in unsaturated soil mechanics, ranging from material testing to modelling and analysis of engineering boundary value problems, providing further insight into the rapidly developing topic of unsaturated soil mechanics and its application to compacted fills and serving as an invaluable reference for engineers and researchers for years to come.
Emerald Publishing Limited Environmental Geotechnics
Environmental Geotechnics is a forward-thinking guide to aid engineers in applying geotechnical principles, processes and techniques in a way that will not only reduce their environmental impact but should benefit the environment. The major construction-environment interface is geotechnical in nature. For engineers to be able to foresee environmental problems and modify construction projects, or derive novel approaches, to prevent negative impacts from their works, they need a thorough knowledge of their subject and a constant awareness of the ‘pollution-output’ of any construction operation. Environmental Geotechnics draws on the author’s extensive personal experience to provide a thorough coverage of the key components of environmental geotechnics, enabling engineers to identify and convert complex environmental problems into situations which can be accurately analysed. Revisions in this second edition include a new chapter on foundations and the key elements of design using Eurocode 7, and revised coverage of radioactive waste management and the requirements for safe disposal; construction waste management, including the use of waste as a construction material; geosynthetics and geomembranes. With illustrative examples on a variety of geotechnical topics, investigation methods and common problems, Environmental Geotechnics demonstrates the applications of geotechnical principles to practical construction, uniquely coupling comprehensive coverage of all aspects of geotechnical engineering with in-depth explanation of ground engineering situations which involve major interaction with the environment. Environmental Geotechnics is an essential guide for construction professionals wishing to understand the latest concerns and developments on the construction-environmental interface as well as a textbook for all those involved in the study of civil engineering, engineering geology and environmental geotechnics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Designers' Guide to Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Buildings: EN 1993-1-1, -1-3 and -1-8
This series of Designers’ Guides to the Eurocodes provides comprehensive guidance in the form of design aids, indications for the most convenient design procedures and worked examples. The books also include background information to aid the designer in understanding the reasoning behind and the objectives of the codes. All of the individual guides work in conjunction with the Designers’ Guide to EN1990: Basis of Structural Design. Eurocode 3 covers many forms of steel construction and provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date set of design guidance currently available. Throughout, this book concentrates on the most commonly encountered aspects of structural steel design, with an emphasis on the situation in buildings. Much of its content is therefore devoted to the provisions of Part 1.1 General rules and rules for buildings of EN 1993: Design of steel structures, however, this is supplemented by material on joints (Part 1.8), cold-formed design (Part 1.3), and loading (EN 1990 and EN 1991). For each of the principal aspects covered, the book provides background to the structural behaviour, explanation of the codified treatment including departure from existing practice (BS 5950) and numerous worked examples. The second edition of this popular guide has been fully updated for revisions to the code and the UK National Annex for EN 1993-1-1 (UK NA to BS EN 1993-1-1); this guide should serve as the primary point of reference for designing steel structures to Eurocode 3. This guide is essential reading for civil and structural engineers code-drafting committees clients structural-design students public authorities
Emerald Publishing Limited Flood Risk: Planning, design and management of flood defence infrastructure
This uniquely comprehensive guide for engineers and scientists demonstrates the feasibility of an integrated approach that combines resilient infrastructure with adaptive flood risk management. The book offers practical guidance on managing existing flood defences and designing and planning new ones. Key legislation is discussed together with insights into emerging flood risk management concepts and future developments in policy and practice. The authors address the core concepts of flood risk management and equip readers with the tools and techniques needed to better assess the reliability and adaptability of defences and – ultimately – make robust risk-based decisions. Flood Risk is: single resource covering fluvial, coastal and urban issues globally applicable, highlighting the flood risk management lessons learned from international case studies authored by an expert group of practising engineers and academic specialists extensively referenced with sources of further information on all topics Placing flood defence infrastructure within the context of a broader flood risk management approach, this key text is essential reading for engineers, scientists, and government and local authority stakeholders who must meet the increasingly complex challenges of flood risk, both now and in the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tall Buildings: Civil Engineering Special Issue
Despite the recent global construction downturn, tall buildings are still erected in city centres because they provide economical, prestigious, comfortable, safe and sustainable solutions to urbanisation and urban regeneration. Increasingly clients' demands for taller buildings with enhanced performance requirements can only be met by engineering innovations in materials, design, construction and operation. It is not surprising therefore that the subject of tall buildings attracts the interest of civil and structural engineers, both in academia and industry. Tall buildings are defined by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) as buildings that exhibit some element of ‘tallness’ in one or more of three categories, namely height relative to context, proportion and tall buildings technologies. For example, in terms of context, a building of 14 storeys or 50 m height would not be considered a tall building in Hong Kong but would be in Paris. The papers in this special issue have been selected to cover a wide range of topics, with the first four papers being generally applicable to all tall buildings and the following four being case studies of tall buildings around the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Planning Major Projects
Planning Major Projects is a new, practical guide to developing resilient infrastructure and offers insight and guidance for planners seeking to deliver major projects on time, within budget and in line with operational goals. Planning Major Projects advocates a new approach for planning based on the author’s international experience of working on urban transport systems. It offers practical advice on how the role and practice of planning can be changed to provide optimal continuity and predictability over the course of a project. Planning Major Projects: outlines the project development process defines the planner’s role as the project develops evaluates current approaches to project planning suggests practical changes for improved operational success examines key activities , including strategising and managing risk, developing credible forecasts and countering optimism bias offers guidance on future-proofing infrastructure Planning Major Projects is a practical guide for planning practitioners and a valuable and informative reference for major project stakeholders, sponsors and policy-makers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Waterborne Transport: Civil Engineering Special Issue
Waterborne transport remains fundamental to the global economy. While the proportion of freight carried by inland waterways is relatively modest – with 6% in Europe, 9% in the USA and 11% in China – the unrivalled efficiency of sea transport means that 90% of all world trade is moved on water. In Britain, 20% of domestic freight and 95% of international freight is carried by ship. Furthermore, waterborne transport has a lower environmental impact per freight tonne than any other existing transport mode. It thus offers the most sustainable option for meeting the world's ever increasing demand for transport capacity. Extensive new port and channel infrastructure – including terminals, berths, ramps, cranes, breakwaters, buoys, lights and locks – are being planned and built by civil engineers throughout the world. Until relatively recently, overland travel in most parts of the world was dangerous, difficult and slow. Ships of many kinds have been transporting goods and cultures across the oceans of the world and along the rivers and canals of the continents for centuries. It is no coincidence that most major cities are next to navigable water. Although other forms of transport have emerged over the past 200 years, sometimes eclipsing the pre-eminence of water, anyone standing close to a modern container ship, tanker or bulk carrier cannot fail to be aware that waterborne transport is still the engine of international trade.