Search results for ""Birkhäuser""
Birkhauser Verlag AG Geometry, Structure and Randomness in Combinatorics
This book collects some surveys on current trends in discrete mathematics and discrete geometry. The areas covered include: graph representations, structural graphs theory, extremal graph theory, Ramsey theory and constrained satisfaction problems.
Birkhauser Verlag AG The Seventh European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications: EuroComb 2013
In the tradition of EuroComb'01 (Barcelona), Eurocomb'03 (Prague), EuroComb'05 (Berlin), Eurocomb'07 (Seville), Eurocomb'09 (Bordeaux), and Eurocomb'11 (Budapest), this volume covers recent advances in combinatorics and graph theory including applications in other areas of mathematics, computer science and engineering. Topics include, but are not limited to: Algebraic combinatorics, combinatorial geometry, combinatorial number theory, combinatorial optimization, designs and configurations, enumerative combinatorics, extremal combinatorics, ordered sets, random methods, topological combinatorics.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Optimal Transportation, Geometry and Functional Inequalities
In 2008, a school on the theory of optimal transportation and its applications took place in Pisa, with lectures by F. Barthe, W. Gangbo, F. Maggi and R. McCann. In this book, the notes of the first three lecturers are collected. They provide a deep insight on concentration inequalities, evolution PDEs of Hamiltonian type, geometric and functional inequalities.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Implicit preconditioned numerical schemes for the simulation of three-dimensional barotropic flows
Starting from a specific industrial problem related to the propellant flow within a liquid propellant rocket engine, this book develops a numerical method for simulating three-dimensional, generic barotropic flows in rotating frames. It proposes a novel finite volume compressible approach for unstructured grids, suitably preconditioned for accurately dealing with nearly-incompressible flows.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Quantum cohomology at the Mittag-Leffler Institute
These are transcripts of notes taken at (some of) the lectures given at the Mittag-Leffler Institute during the first semester of the year 1996/97 on Enumerative geometry and its interaction with theoretical physics. The first part of this collection consists of notes from talks on the basics of quantum cohomology; the second part treats more advanced topics in quantum cohomology; the third part consists of background material and related topics; an appendix gives a description of Kresch's C-program Farsta for quantum cohomology computations. These notes are meant as a series of snapshots of quantum cohomology as seen by the speakers at the time of their lectures. The reader should bear in mind that quantum cohomology is a growing and rapidly changing field. Many of the writeups have been left in the form of the original talks, which were usually more concerned with giving motivations and a point of view, rather than conveying detailed proofs or attempting to survey the considerably extensive literature on the subject.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Introduction to continuous semigroups
In the academic year 1994/95 I lectured on semigroups in the Scuola Normale Superiore and in the Politecnico di Torino. The purpose of the lectures was to present to an audience of graduate students a self-contained introduction to the theory of strongly continuous semigroups of linear operators acting on a Banach space. The main trust was concentrated on laying down the basic geometrical aspects of the theory as a background for applications to concrete problems in the analysis of differential operators.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Spectral properties of Schroedinger operators and scattering theory
These are the written notes of Fermi's Lectures supported by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and given at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa during March-April 1973. We propose to discuss here certain spectral properties of Schrödinger operators H=-D+V(x) (D the Laplacian and V a potential) which have application to scattering theory. We consider an operator H with potential V of class SR. We show that the positive point spectrum of H is a discrete set in R+. Eigenfunctions which correspond to positive eigenvalues are shown to decay rapidly. This property is shown to hold also for generalized eigenfunctions. We then establish the limiting absorbing principle, which is a basic tool in our study.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Analytic convexity and the principle of Phragmen-Lindeloff
We consider in Rn a differential operator P(D), P a polynomial, with constant coefficients. Let U be an open set in Rn and A(U) be the space of real analytic functions on U. We consider the equation P(D)u=f, for f in A(U) and look for a solution in A(U). Hormander proved a necessary and sufficient condition for the solution to exist in the case U is convex. From this theorem one derives the fact that if a cone W admits a Phragmen-Lindeloff principle then at each of its non-zero real points the real part of W is pure dimensional of dimension n-1. The Phragmen-Lindeloff principle is reduced to the classical one in C. In this paper we consider a general Hilbert complex of differential operators with constant coefficients in Rn and we give, for U convex, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the vanishing of the H1 groups in terms of the generalization of Phragmen-Lindeloff principle.
Birkhauser Verlag AG NMR and NIR-CD studies on lanthanide complexes in solution
In the present thesis we develop new strategies concerning the use of lanthanide cations as spectroscopic probes for the study of molecular structures in solution. A widespread interest for lanthanides is mainly centered in two large fields: organic synthesis and clinical practice. Systems containing lanthanides enjoy a very favorable situation, since these ions feature high coordination numbers, which assure rich binding chemistry, and at the same time they possess the right spectroscopic properties to monitor it. The present thesis develops the potentialities of electronic spectroscopy of lanthanide systems in solution. We point out and overcome the drawbacks which have mainly hampered this kind of study so far, namely: a sensivity problem, an instrumental problem and a calibration problem.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Numerische Mathematik: Eine Einführung anhand von Differentialgleichungsproblemen; Band 1: Stationäre Probleme
"Numerik", in zwei Bänden, ist eine Einführung in die Numerische Mathematik anhand von Differenzialgleichungsproblemen. Gegliedert nach elliptischen, parabolischen und hyperbolischen Differenzialgleichungen, erläutert sie zunächst jeweils die Diskretisierung solcher Probleme. Als Diskretisierungstechniken stehen Finite-Elemente-Methoden im Raum und (partitionierte) Runge-Kutta-Methoden in der Zeit im Vordergrund. Die diskretisierten Gleichungen motivieren die Diskussion von Methoden für endlichdimensionale (nicht)lineare Gleichungen, die anschließend als eigenständige Themen behandelt werden. Ein in sich geschlossenes Bild.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Die Werke von Johann I und Nicolaus II Bernoulli: Band 6: Mechanik I
This volume on mechanics of rigid and elastic bodies contains early papers of Bernoulli concerning geometric statics, accompanied by works dealing with the motion of compound pendula and the deformation of beams.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Theoria motuum lunae nova methodo pertractata
Birkhauser Verlag AG Methodus inveniendi lineas curvas maximi minimive proprietate gaudentes sive solutio problematis isoperimetrici latissimo sensu accepti
Birkhauser Verlag AG Institutiones calculi differentialis
Birkhauser Verlag AG Introductio in analysin infinitorum 2nd part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes algebraicae ad theoriam aequationum pertinentes
Birkhauser Verlag AG Correspondance de Leonhard Euler avec P.-L. M. de Maupertuis et Frederic II
Birkhauser Verlag AG Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide
This book is a comprehensive guide to our current understanding of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), its disease pathogenesis, genetic underpinnings, diagnosis, and management. Since the first edition, many new developments have occurred in the understanding and management of this serious disease, revising our understanding of how it presents, manifests, and reacts to certain treatments. This second edition is fully updated with six new chapters by our team of international, expert authors. New topics include: classification of interstitial lung disease, pulmonary function tests in IPF, biomarkers, clinical phenotypes, mimics, and a discussion of clinical trials. Each chapter additionally includes a brief summary of ongoing research and potential future directions. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide, Second Edition is an invaluable resource for clinicians who desire a deeper understanding of IPF in order to better help their patients.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Why Prove it Again?: Alternative Proofs in Mathematical Practice
This monograph considers several well-known mathematical theorems and asks the question, “Why prove it again?” while examining alternative proofs. It explores the different rationales mathematicians may have for pursuing and presenting new proofs of previously established results, as well as how they judge whether two proofs of a given result are different. While a number of books have examined alternative proofs of individual theorems, this is the first that presents comparative case studies of other methods for a variety of different theorems.The author begins by laying out the criteria for distinguishing among proofs and enumerates reasons why new proofs have, for so long, played a prominent role in mathematical practice. He then outlines various purposes that alternative proofs may serve. Each chapter that follows provides a detailed case study of alternative proofs for particular theorems, including the Pythagorean Theorem, the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, Desargues’ Theorem, the Prime Number Theorem, and the proof of the irreducibility of cyclotomic polynomials.Why Prove It Again? will appeal to a broad range of readers, including historians and philosophers of mathematics, students, and practicing mathematicians. Additionally, teachers will find it to be a useful source of alternative methods of presenting material to their students.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Transforming Landscapes: Michel Desvigne Paysagiste
Michel Desvigne is the most renowned French landscape architect in the world. Based in Paris, he has held guest professorships at such distinguished institutions as the Architectural Association in London and Harvard University. Desvigne’s projects have a strong strategic and conceptual component. Urban infrastructure projects play a major role, and emphasize the urban planning and design expertise evident in his landscape architecture. The book documents ten of Devigne’s major projects from France, the US, Spain and Qatar, in which he is responsible not only for the landscape architecture, but for coordination of the entire project. How can such highly complex projects be realized? What does the intellectual thought process look like? What specific problems arise in their realization?
Birkhauser Boston Inc Linear Integral Equations: Theory & Technique
Many physical problems that are usually solved by differential equation methods can be solved more effectively by integral equation methods. Such problems abound in applied mathematics, theoretical mechanics, and mathematical physics. This uncorrected soft cover reprint of the second edition places the emphasis on applications and presents a variety of techniques with extensive examples.Originally published in 1971, Linear Integral Equations is ideal as a text for a beginning graduate level course. Its treatment of boundary value problems also makes the book useful to researchers in many applied fields.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Advanced Techniques with Block Matrices of Operators
This book introduces several powerful techniques and fundamental ideas involving block matrices of operators, as well as matrices with elements in a C*-algebra.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Industrial Statistics
This innovative textbook presents material for a course on industrial statistics that incorporates Python as a pedagogical and practical resource.
Birkhauser Verlag AG A Way of Life: Notes on Ballenberg
Birkhauser Verlag AG Basic Needs, Wellbeing and Morality: Fulfilling Human Potential
Basic needs fulfilment is fundamental to becoming human and reaching one’s potential. Extending the BUCET list proposed by Susan Fiske - which includes belonging, understanding, control/competence, autonomy, self-enhancement, trust, purpose and life satisfaction - this book demonstrates that the fulfilment of basic needs predicts adult physical and mental health, as well as sociality and morality. The authors suggest that meeting basic needs in childhood vitally shapes one’s trajectory for self-actualization, and that initiatives aimed at human wellbeing should include a greater emphasis on early childhood experience. Through contemporaneous and retrospective research in childhood, the authors argue that basic need-fulfilment is key to the development of the self and the possibility of reaching one’s full potential. This book will be of interest to scholars of human wellbeing and societal flourishing, as well as to health workers and educators.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Questioning the Assessment of Research Impact: Illusions, Myths and Marginal Sectors
This book provides the first comprehensive assessment of non-academic research impact in relation to a marginal field of study, namely tourism studies. Informed by interviews with key informants, ethnographic reflections on the author’s extensive work with trade and professional associations, and various secondary data, it paints a picture of inevitable research policy failure. This conclusion is justified by reference to ill-founded official conceptualisations of practitioner and organisational behaviour, and the orientation and quality of tourism research. The author calls for a more serious consideration of research-informed teaching as a means of creating knowledge flows from universities. Research with greater social and economic impact might then be achievable. This radical assessment will be of interest and value to policy makers, university research managers and tourism scholars.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Climate Change and Writing the Canadian Arctic
Climate Change and Writing the Canadian Arctic explores the impact of climate change on Canadian literary culture. Analysis of the changing rhetoric surrounding the discovery of the lost ships of the Franklin expedition serves to highlight the political and economic interests that have historically motivated Canada’s approach to the Arctic and shaped literary representations. A recent shift in Canadian writing away from national sovereignty to circumpolar stewardship is revealed in detailed close readings of Kathleen Winter’s Boundless and Sheila Watt-Cloutier’s The Right to Be Cold.
Birkhauser Verlag AG A Primer for Undergraduate Research: From Groups and Tiles to Frames and Vaccines
This highly readable book aims to ease the many challenges of starting undergraduate research. It accomplishes this by presenting a diverse series of self-contained, accessible articles which include specific open problems and prepare the reader to tackle them with ample background material and references. Each article also contains a carefully selected bibliography for further reading.The content spans the breadth of mathematics, including many topics that are not normally addressed by the undergraduate curriculum (such as matroid theory, mathematical biology, and operations research), yet have few enough prerequisites that the interested student can start exploring them under the guidance of a faculty member. Whether trying to start an undergraduate thesis, embarking on a summer REU, or preparing for graduate school, this book is appropriate for a variety of students and the faculty who guide them.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Number Theory: An Introduction via the Density of Primes
Now in its second edition, this textbook provides an introduction and overview of number theory based on the density and properties of the prime numbers. This unique approach offers both a firm background in the standard material of number theory, as well as an overview of the entire discipline. All of the essential topics are covered, such as the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, theory of congruences, quadratic reciprocity, arithmetic functions, and the distribution of primes. New in this edition are coverage of p-adic numbers, Hensel's lemma, multiple zeta-values, and elliptic curve methods in primality testing.Key topics and features include: A solid introduction to analytic number theory, including full proofs of Dirichlet's Theorem and the Prime Number Theorem Concise treatment of algebraic number theory, including a complete presentation of primes, prime factorizations in algebraic number fields, and unique factorization of ideals Discussion of the AKS algorithm, which shows that primality testing is one of polynomial time, a topic not usually included in such texts Many interesting ancillary topics, such as primality testing and cryptography, Fermat and Mersenne numbers, and Carmichael numbers The user-friendly style, historical context, and wide range of exercises that range from simple to quite difficult (with solutions and hints provided for select exercises) make Number Theory: An Introduction via the Density of Primes ideal for both self-study and classroom use. Intended for upper level undergraduates and beginning graduates, the only prerequisites are a basic knowledge of calculus, multivariable calculus, and some linear algebra. All necessary concepts from abstract algebra and complex analysis are introduced where needed.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Bauhaus Journal 1926-1931
Birkhauser Verlag AG Basics Schallschutz
Bereits in der Entwurfsphase eines Bauvorhabens kann der Schallschutz eine bedeutende Rolle für die Gebäudeausrichtung sowie die Grundrissgestaltung spielen. Zu berücksichtigen sind hierbei der Lärm, der von außen auf ein Gebäude einwirkt, sowie der Lärm, der durch den Menschen und technische Anlagen innerhalb des Gebäudes verursacht wird. Basics Schallschutz vermittelt dem Leser ein grundlegendes Verständnis der schalltechnischen Anforderungen für das Planen und Konstruieren. Zunächst werden die Grundlagen der Akustik erläutert, wobei auf die physikalischen Grundbegriffe, die Schallentstehung und -ausbreitung sowie die Schallempfindung eingegangen wird. Dann wird erklärt, wie Schallimmissionen beurteilt und welche lärmmindernden und gestalterischen Möglichkeiten für die Planung werden können.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Management of Temporomandibular Joint Degenerative Diseases: Biologic Basis and Treatment Outcome
It is fashionable in professional circles to deplore the difficulty of intellectual discourse between "academicians" - men of letters, researchers, rationalist- and "practitioners" - surgeons, radiologists, physical therapists. How benefi cial it would be if educated non-academicians could speak intelligently about t-tests and chi-square tests and men of academia could appreciate the travail, spirit, and needs of a busy office and practice! Even this suspected gap between "two cultures" came very near together in the wonderful town of Groningen (The Netherlands) as wise men from both practice and scholarship gathered to talk about the unfathomables of the temporomandibular joint. There were keen discussions about the intense bio logical changes which occur about the complex temporomandibular joint after excessive use or injury. These papers were followed by talks outlining the experiences of those involved in the imaging and non-surgical and surgical management of patients who were enduring such changes. The pitch and interchange of opinions and evidence as to why a disc or its position could effect little or profound disturbance of the temporomandibular apparatus were en lightening to each who listened - and thought. And even more sobering was to hear the report of a well-documented, multiple decades long study of a large number of patients with osteoarthrosis and internal derangement which defined a natural course and eventual end of the disease. With this understanding, one is now faced with the obvious question of how much treatment patients with osteoarthrosis really require.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Dark and Bright Mathematics: Hidden Harmony in Art, History and Culture
Was it necessary for a 17th century painter to know principles of optics to hide a skull in one of his masterpieces? Is it possible the violent deaths of Roman emperors obey a statistical law? Are there connections between market trends and geometry? How did Islamic artists draw almost perfectly regular nine-sided polygons, when these cannot be traced with the use of compasses? Dirk Huylebrouk asks these and other exciting questions in this collection of essays, originally written for the science magazine EOS, a Dutch equivalent of Scientific American, distributed in Belgium and in The Netherlands. Every chapter can be read independently, as some subjects are repeated, and not strictly interconnected. Such is the case for instance of the golden section, an often-recurring topic in general mathematics. The reader will appreciate the original point of view expressed through each chapter, which makes this book stand out against the general information one can find by browsing the general media. The subtly provocative character of some parts is meant to stimulate the reader for further exploration. The book's title itself may already generate surprise. Sure, to many, mathematics seems to come from hell, but the darkness in the title in fact refers to the lugubrious stories about math and skulls, murders or World War II. There is also a more down-to-earth part about math and maps, money, Facebook, folding paper, shapes in ice and the most earthly yet unsolved math problems. ‘Bright mathematics’ alludes to Vedic, Islam, New Age, a meta-divine section, and is concluded by an interview with a top mathematician who also wrote about the existence of God.
Birkhauser Boston Inc Numerical Analysis
Revised and updated, this second edition of Walter Gautschi's successful Numerical Analysis explores computational methods for problems arising in the areas of classical analysis, approximation theory, and ordinary differential equations, among others. Topics included in the book are presented with a view toward stressing basic principles and maintaining simplicity and teachability as far as possible, while subjects requiring a higher level of technicality are referenced in detailed bibliographic notes at the end of each chapter. Readers are thus given the guidance and opportunity to pursue advanced modern topics in more depth. Along with updated references, new biographical notes, and enhanced notational clarity, this second edition includes the expansion of an already large collection of exercises and assignments, both the kind that deal with theoretical and practical aspects of the subject and those requiring machine computation and the use of mathematical software. Perhaps most notably, the edition also comes with a complete solutions manual, carefully developed and polished by the author, which will serve as an exceptionally valuable resource for instructors.
Birkhauser Boston Inc A New Approach to Differential Geometry using Clifford's Geometric Algebra
Differential geometry is the study of the curvature and calculus of curves and surfaces. A New Approach to Differential Geometry using Clifford's Geometric Algebra simplifies the discussion to an accessible level of differential geometry by introducing Clifford algebra. This presentation is relevant because Clifford algebra is an effective tool for dealing with the rotations intrinsic to the study of curved space. Complete with chapter-by-chapter exercises, an overview of general relativity, and brief biographies of historical figures, this comprehensive textbook presents a valuable introduction to differential geometry. It will serve as a useful resource for upper-level undergraduates, beginning-level graduate students, and researchers in the algebra and physics communities.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Lecture Notes on Wavelet Transforms
This book provides a systematic exposition of the basic ideas and results of wavelet analysis suitable for mathematicians, scientists, and engineers alike. The primary goal of this text is to show how different types of wavelets can be constructed, illustrate why they are such powerful tools in mathematical analysis, and demonstrate their use in applications. It also develops the required analytical knowledge and skills on the part of the reader, rather than focus on the importance of more abstract formulation with full mathematical rigor. These notes differs from many textbooks with similar titles in that a major emphasis is placed on the thorough development of the underlying theory before introducing applications and modern topics such as fractional Fourier transforms, windowed canonical transforms, fractional wavelet transforms, fast wavelet transforms, spline wavelets, Daubechies wavelets, harmonic wavelets and non-uniform wavelets. The selection, arrangement, and presentation of the material in these lecture notes have carefully been made based on the authors’ teaching, research and professional experience. Drafts of these lecture notes have been used successfully by the authors in their own courses on wavelet transforms and their applications at the University of Texas Pan-American and the University of Kashmir in India.
Birkhauser Verlag AG No-nonsense Physicist: An Overview of Gabriele Giuliani's Work and Life
This book presents a compact personal biography and a collection of works by Gabriele F. Giuliani - a distinguished condensed matter theorist who made important contributions to our understanding of collective effects in electronic materials. In 2012 he passed away after a long battle with cancer. In addition, the book features scientific contributions from some of Prof. Giuliani's former students and collaborators and a number of personal recollections by friends and colleagues which shed light on the complex, multifaceted personality of a physicist who was also a passionate soccer player and formula Ford pilot.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Colloquium De Giorgi 2010-2012
Since 2001 the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa has organized the "Colloquio De Giorgi", a series of colloquium talks named after Ennio De Giorgi. The Colloquio is addressed to a general mathematical audience, and especially meant to attract graduate students and advanced undergraduate students. The lectures are intended to be not too technical, in fields of wide interest. They must provide an overview of the general topic, possibly in a historical perspective, together with a description of more recent progress. The idea of collecting the materials from these lectures and publishing them in annual volumes came out recently, as a recognition of their intrinsic mathematical interest, and also with the aim of preserving memory of these events.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Structured Matrix Based Methods for Approximate Polynomial GCD
Defining and computing a greatest common divisor of two polynomials with inexact coefficients is a classical problem in symbolic-numeric computation. The first part of this book reviews the main results that have been proposed so far in the literature. As usual with polynomial computations, the polynomial GCD problem can be expressed in matrix form: the second part of the book focuses on this point of view and analyses the structure of the relevant matrices, such as Toeplitz, Toepliz-block and displacement structures. New algorithms for the computation of approximate polynomial GCD are presented, along with extensive numerical tests. The use of matrix structure allows, in particular, to lower the asymptotic computational cost from cubic to quadratic order with respect to polynomial degree.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Probability, Uncertainty and Rationality
This volume explores, from a mathematical and a philosophical perspective, the virtuous circle connecting logic and rationality. While logic lends its methods, techniques and ideas to the investigation of rationality, the practical problems which arise in modelling rational behaviour, especially in the social sciences, motivate logicians to develop more refined logical formalisms. This is why non classical logics - a unifying theme of this volume - play a fundamental role in the construction of formal models of rationality.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Imperfections de marchés et méthodes d'evaluation et couverture d'options
This book is taken from the lectures given at the ENSAE in March 1998 and at the Scuola Normale Superiore in May 1998. At the beginning of the 70's, the set of mathematical methods of finance were reduced to actuarial calculus. The modern approach uses the stochastic calculus theory and evidences the duality between problems of arbitrage and valorisation and a set of martingale probabilities.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Search for neutrino oscillations in a long baseline experiment at the CHOOZ nuclear reactors
Since neutrinos interact so weakly with matter, most of their basic properties are still largely unknown. One of the most important issues to be settled concerns their rest mass. We have no idea why neutrinos are so much lighter than their charged lepton partners; no fundamental symmetry in nature requires massless neutrinos. Massive neutrinos are demanded to explain the anomalous counting rate of experiments measuring the solar and the atmospheric neutrino fluxes. The discrepancy between experimental data and theoretical predictions can be accounted for in terms of neutrino oscillations, which would take place only in the case of massive neutrinos. The subject of this thesis is the search for neutrino oscillations in CHOOZ, the first long baseline experiment to explore a neutrino mass region where hints at neutrino oscillations came from the atmospheric neutrino anomaly.
Birkhauser Verlag AG A study on nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor expression in the rat visual cortex: possible sites and mechanisms of NGF action in cortical plasticity
Neuronal plasticity is the term generally used to describe a great variety of changes in neuronal structure and functions, in particular activity-dependent, prolonged functional changes, accompanied by corresponding biochemical and possibly morphological alterations. The first insights about neuronal plasticity have been obtained on simple forms of life. Today, many areas in the mammalian central nervous system are under investigation, in particular the cortex and the hippocampus. In these areas, neuronal plasticity is considered to be at the basis of learning and memory. The study of brain plasticity in sensory systems has been particularly fruitful, because these systems can be experimentally manipulated in a very precise manner by changes in the sensory imput.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Andreotti-Grauert theory on real hypersurfaces
This volume collects two articles by Christine Laurent-Thiébaut and Jürgen Leiterer which were submitted to, and accepted by the Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore, Classe di Scienze: The q-convex case; the q-concave case. Owing to the character of the systematic exposition of the new scientific results achieved and to the size of the work, the authors agreed to have the two papers published in a separate volume.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Symmetry in physics
These notes contain lectures on the theory of group representations and its applications to the physics of atoms, molecules and crystals, given at Purdue University, Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy) and Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria (Valparaiso, Chile) on and off over a period of over 25 years. The topics selected reflect my special interests and their scope is limited by the time available to the students. The style is somewhat concise and will require careful attention on the part of the reader.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Highlights in the quantum theory of condensed matter: A symposium to honour Mario Tosi on his 72nd birthday
The birth of condensed matter physics in Italy is linked to a small number of very distinguished scientists. Mario Tosi, Professor of Physics of Matter at the Scuola Normale Superiore, is unquestionably among the leading figures, a true founder of the theoretical activity in the country and a true catalyst of novel research directions internationally. This volume collects the proceedings of a symposium held at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, designed to show Mario Tosi's broad, deep influence in very diverse areas of the quantum theory of condensed matter. The topics covered in the volume represent the breadth of his interests and the highlights in the quantum theory of condensed matter: liquids, electronic states in complex structures, quantum degenerate gases, many-body physics.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Codierungstheorie und Kryptographie
Im heutigen Informationszeitalter werden ständig riesige Mengen digitaler Daten über verschiedene Kanäle übertragen. Codierungstheorie und Kryptographie sind Instrumente, um zentrale Probleme der Datenübertragung wie Übertragungsfehler und Datensicherheit zu lösen. Das Buch führt in die aktuellen Methoden der Codierungstheorie und Kryptographie ein und vermittelt notwendige Grundlagen der Algebra und der Algorithmen. Dabei werden LDPC-Codes und der AKS-Algorithmus ausführlich dargestellt. Der Anhang bietet zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben.