Search results for ""Author THOMAS""
Rowman & Littlefield The American Vice Presidency: From the Shadow to the Spotlight
It is quite possible that no elected office has been more historically maligned than the vice presidency of the United States. From the beginning of American politics the office has been the object of ridicule by scholars, pundits, humorists, citizens, and even vice presidents themselves. The perception among many is that institution and its occupants are at best irrelevant. Recent history would suggest otherwise, but as it stands no book exists that takes a detailed look at the new, impactful vice presidency that’s been forged since Clinton/Gore took office. The American Vice Presidency fills an important hole in the literature available to those interested in the modern vice presidency. Concise yet comprehensive, this book is the fullest and most accurate examination of the office to date, covering the origins and constitutional roots of the institution, its history, and the slow transformation of the office starting in the mid-twentieth century. Jody C Baumgartner and Thomas F. Crumblin highlight major changes in vice presidential selection as well as the new and various roles that vice presidents are being asked to play in their administrations. The book emphasizes the increasingly substantive Vice Presidencies of Gore, Cheney, and Biden and both informs and spurs the debate surrounding what form and role the Vice Presidency will take on moving forward.
Medieval Institute Publications Religion, Culture, and Society in the Early Middle Ages: Studies in Honor of Richard E. Sullivan
Essays in this volume explore wide-ranging topics: Constantinople, Cloistered Women, Popes and Holy Images, Kingship, Pastoral Care, and Pilgrimages to the works or lives of Sidonius Apollinaris, Gregory of Tours, John Damascene, and Anselm of Havelberg. Like the scholarship of the man who inspired the essays (Richard Sullivan) the essays are broad and incisive.
Facet Publishing Metaliteracy in Practice
Metaliteracy in Practice will provide inspiration for librarians and educators in need of up-to-date and thought-provoking information literacy curricula and instructional approaches. Editors Trudi E. Jacobson and Thomas P. Mackey, respected leaders in distance education and library instruction, reframed information literacy in their acclaimed previous book, Metaliteracy: Reinventing information literacy to empower learners, which provided an inclusive framework that encompasses all the newer literacies such as digital, visual, cyber and media literacy. Metaliteracy in Practice follows on from this book, placing its concepts firmly in real-world practice and delivering a compilation of innovative and practical teaching ideas from some of the leading thinkers in library and information literacy instruction today. Each chapter takes readers through the process of using the metaliteracy framework in new and exciting ways that easily transfer to the classroom and to work with students. These ideas are grounded in teaching traditional information literacy competencies but brought up-to-date with the addition of methods for teaching and learning about metacognition, information creation and participation in learning communities. The case studies contained in this collection detail the hows and whys of curricular design for metaliteracy, suitable for both beginners and seasoned professionals. Readers will also benefit from the book’s practical ideas for: teaching students about the importance of format choice assessing user feedback creating information as teachers evaluating dynamic content critically and effectively sharing information in collaborative environments. The collection has some of the most innovative teaching ideas for inspiring librarians and educators to revise lessons on critical thinking and information literacy, so that their students will graduate with the ability to formulate and ask their own questions.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Obesity Treatment
The leading clinical reference work in the field--now significantly revised with 85% new material--this handbook gives practitioners and students a comprehensive understanding of the causes, consequences, and management of adult and childhood obesity. In concise, extensively referenced chapters from preeminent authorities, the Handbook presents foundational knowledge and reviews evidence-based psychosocial and lifestyle interventions as well as pharmacological and surgical treatments. It provides guidelines for conducting psychosocial and medical assessments and for developing individualized treatment plans. The effects of obesity--and of weight loss--on physical and psychological well-being are reviewed, as are strategies for helping patients maintain their weight loss. New to This Edition *Many new authors and topics; extensively revised and expanded with over 15 years of research and clinical advances, including breakthroughs in understanding the biological regulation of appetite and body weight. *Section on contributors to obesity, with new chapters on food choices, physical activity, sleep, and psychosocial and environmental factors. *Chapters on novel treatments for adults--acceptance and commitment therapy, motivational interviewing, digitally based interventions, behavioral economics, community-based programs, and nonsurgical devices. *Chapters on novel treatments for children and adolescents--school-based preventive interventions, family-based behavioral weight loss treatment, and bariatric surgery. *Chapters on the gut microbiome, the emerging field of obesity medicine, reimbursement for weight loss therapies, and managing co-occurring eating disorders and obesity.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Le Morte Darthur: The Seventh and Eighth Tales: The Seventh and Eighth Tales
P. J. C. Field, the world's preeminent Malory specialist, has wisely chosen to offer here Malory's seventh and eighth tales, recounting the decline and end of Camelot. The authoritative text is accompanied by indispensable notes and preceded by a remarkably thorough and learned--but never obscure--Introduction sufficient to prepare students and other readers to profit fully from the texts. This book is ideal for those coming to Malory for the first time and a distinct pleasure for those who already know him well. --Norris J. Lacy, E. E. Sparks Professor of French and Medieval Studies, Penn State University
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Art Deco Limoges: Camille Tharaud and Other Ceramists
Art Deco style, with its modern forms, rich colors, and brilliant glazes, appeared on the scene by 1910, exploded into great heights of popularity by 1925, and remained popular throughout the 1930s. In 475 brilliant color images worthy of the movement, the Art Deco decorated porcelains from Limoges, France, are displayed. While centering on the work of the talented artist Camille Tharaud, examples from Robj, Edouard Marcel Sandoz, Suzanne Lalique, and Royal Limoges are also included. Among the wares presented are over 500 delicate vases, tea sets, figurines, covered boxes and bowls, plates, and night lights. Additionally, Art Deco patterns and company names, direct from the pattern books of Gerard, Dufraisseix, Abbot, are on display. The detailed text provides an indepth look at Camille Tharaud and his work, with an extensive bibliography, and index. Value ranges for the wares displayed are found in the captions.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Laboratory Manual for Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians
Learn to apply your A&P learning in the lab setting with the Laboratory Manual for Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians, 4th Edition. This practical laboratory resource features a variety of activities, such as terminology exercises, illustration identification and labelling, case presentations, and more to help reinforce your understanding of veterinary anatomy and physiology. The laboratory manual also features vivid illustrations, lists of terms and structures to be identified, and step-by-step dissection guides to walk you through the dissection process. Clinically oriented learning exercises introduce you to the language of anatomy and physiology as you identify structures and learn concepts. Clear, step-by-step dissection instructions for complex organs such as the heart familiarize you with the dissection process in a very visual, easy-to-understand format. Learning objectives, the clinical significance of the content, and lists of terms and structures to be identified appear at the beginning of each chapter. Review activities and study exercises are included in every chapter to reinforce important information. High-quality, full-color illustrations provide a solid understanding of the details of anatomic structure.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians
Start your veterinary technician education off on the right foot with Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians, 4th Edition. Combining expert clinical coverage with engaging writing and vivid illustrations, this popular text is the key to understanding the anatomic and physiologic principles that will carry you throughout your career. In addition to its comprehensive coverage of the diverse ways in which animal bodies function at both the systemic and cellular levels, this textbook features a variety of helpful application boxes, vocabulary lists, and Test Yourself questions in every chapter to ensure you have a firm grasp of anatomic structure and its relevance to clinical practice. Clinical Application boxes throughout the text demonstrate the clinical relevance of anatomic and physiologic principles. Chapter outlines summarize the contents of each chapter at the major concept level. Test Yourself questions recap important information that appeared in the preceding section. Comprehensive glossary at the end of the text provides concise definitions and phonetic pronunciations of terms. NEW and UPDATED! Hundreds of high-quality, full color illustrations detail anatomic structures to enhance your understanding of their functions. NEW! Student chapter review questions on the Evolve companion website help reinforce key topics in each chapter.
SAGE Publications Inc An Applied Guide to Research Designs: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods
The Second Edition of An Applied Guide to Research Designs offers researchers in the social and behavioral sciences guidance for selecting the most appropriate research design to apply in their study. Using consistent terminology, the authors visually present a range of research designs used in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods to help readers conceptualize, construct, test, and problem solve in their investigation. The Second Edition features revamped and expanded coverage of research designs, new real-world examples and references, a new chapter on action research, and updated ancillaries.
InterVarsity Press Luke
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Rebhun's Diseases of Dairy Cattle
Diagnose and treat bovine diseases in cattle with Rebhun's Diseases of Dairy Cattle, 3rd Edition - your all-in-one guide to bovine disease management. Organized by body system for quick, convenient reference, this complete resource equips practitioners and students with the knowledge needed to confidently diagnose, treat, and prevent bovine disease. All chapters are updated from the previous edition to reflect the most up-to-date diagnostics and therapeutics, including revised drug usage considerations. An entirely new chapter for this third edition provides easy-to-read, but detailed information on diagnostic laboratory sample submission so that you will know what tests are available and the proper samples to submit. Another entirely new chapter focuses on diseases of the bull. More color photographs and illustrations are provided so that clinical signs and pathology of the diseases and diagnostic procedures commonly used in practice can be visualized. With expanded coverage of herd diseases, this new edition meets the growing need for management of both diseases of individual cows and medical problems affecting whole herds. Practical overviews for procedures such as blood transfusion, abdominal paracentesis, and ECG give you reliable support for some of the most common procedures in bovine care. A logical and user-friendly body systems organization makes diagnosis easier and more effective by isolating system-specific diseases and conditions. Additional public health/safety considerations identify diseases that pose a substantial public threat and detail special measures for related care of dairy cattle. Addresses the latest treatment innovations, including: antibiotic residue testing, care of individual metabolic disease, troubleshooting, and much more. Expanded, up-to-date coverage of public health/food safety considerations for practitioners helps to prevent dangerous and costly errors. Current legal and practical considerations for extra label medications are outlined, and all recommendations for drug usage have been revised according to federal guideline changes, to help ensure that you are familiar with the latest evidence-based guidelines. NEW! All-new chapter covering diseases specific to or common in the dairy bull offers valuable new content that makes this the most comprehensive resource for veterinary students and practitioners. NEW! A companion website, hosted by Cornell University with more than 60 neurologic, ultrasound, and endoscopic case study videos, illustrates key concepts discussed throughout the book and brings to life a variety of techniques that are more easily visualized than described in print. UPDATED! Expanded coverage of herd health features diseases of individual cows, as well as problems affecting entire herds, that challenge today's large animal veterinarians. NEW! Emphasis on herd health addresses the dairy industry's increased concern over population medicine. UPDATED! Revised drug usage recommendations and legal considerations present the most current information in these critical areas to help you prevent dangerous or costly errors.
Schnell & Steiner Christoph Hehl (1847-1911): Ein Kirchenbaumeister Zwischen Dogmatismus Und Emanzipation
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Handbuch Industrie 4.0: Band 3: Logistik
Mit der Neuauflage des erfolgreichen Werkes wird die Geschichte der vierten industriellen Revolution fortgeschrieben und der Dynamik Rechnung getragen, mit der die Vision in den vergangenen zwei bis drei Jahren weiterentwickelt und verwirklicht wurde.Experten aus Wissenschaft und Technik beleuchten verschiedene Facetten der Industrie 4.0 und schaffen gleichermaßen einen Überblick über den Stand der Technik und die Vision selbst. Dies gelingt nicht zuletzt Dank einer ausgewogenen Mischung aus wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen, Praxisbeispielen und Übersichtsbeiträgen. Die Themen der Beiträge reichen von Basistechnologien über Integrations- und Migrationsansätze bis hin zu Geschäftsmodellen und Dienstleistungen für die Industrie 4.0. Zudem werden die Datensicherheit und auch rechtliche Aspekte mit Datenanalyse und maschinellem Lernen behandelt. In der dritten Auflage werden die Themenfelder um Künstliche Intelligenz, aktuelle Mobilfunkstandards und den daraus resultierenden Potentialen für eine zukünftige Plattformökonomie erweitert.Die dritte überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage erscheint wiederum in 3 Bänden. Der vorliegende dritte Band umfasst neue und bearbeitete Beiträge zur Logistik. Online ist dieses Nachschlagewerk auch über Springer Reference verfügbar.
Les Belles Lettres Heliodore, Les Ethiopiques. Theagene Et Chariclee: Tome II: Livres IV-VII
White Pine Press Dreaming of Falling Blossoms: Tune Poems of Su Dong-po
Su Dong-po is recognized as one of the main Chinese poets of the Sung Dynasty and this bilingual collection contains work never previously translated.
Monacelli Press New York 1960
Easton Studio Press May Day at Yale,1970: Recollections: The Trial of Bobby Seale and the Black Panthers
This book comes from first hand experiences, both in word and in pictures. It offers a partial record of a community and an institution coming together to accommodate an event while deflecting its potential violence. The history of the New Haven Green bridges over four centuries. It has served as a place for worship, for grazing cattle, staging revolutions, witness to hangings, and various campaigns. On the day before and on May Day of 1970, Yale University and New Haven prepared to host an agitated congregation of young civil rights activists with a diverse list of causes, but focused mainly on freeing Bobby Seale, the Black Panther leader. This book gives a glimpse of that diversity; diverse in cause, attitude, and dress. Marked changes in mood evolved over the approximate 32 hours. Yale and New Haven could be proud of avoiding real violence and blood shed. Like an archeological record, it exhibits not only the New Haven Green on that one day, but marks a broader shift in direction for a county at large. For those who were there, it seems painfully near. For later generations, it is likely a remote abstraction.
Sagamore Publishing Financing the Sport Enterprise
Broadview Press Ltd The Ring and the Book
In June, 1860, Browning purchased an “old yellow book” from a bookstall in Florence. The book contained legal briefs, pamphlets, and letters relating to a case that had been tried in 1698 involving a child bride, a disguised priest, a triple murder, four hangings and the beheading of a nobleman. Browning resolved to use it as the source for a poem. The result, The Ring and the Book, is certainly one of the most important long poems of the Victorian era and is arguably Browning’s greatest work.Basing their edition on the 1888–89 version of the poem, Altick and Collins include the last corrections Browning intended before his death. In addition to a substantial introduction, this Broadview Literary Texts edition also includes selections from Browning’s correspondence, and contemporary reviews and reactions to the work.
Hendrickson Academic Paul's Letter to the Romans: Theological Essays
Capstone Press Crush It!
Crossway Books Understanding Scripture: An Overview of the Bible's Origin, Reliability, and Meaning
Originally published within the ESV Study Bible, these articles feature first-rate contributors delivering concise studies on topics such as the origin and meaning of Scripture, apologetics, and world religions.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Papers of Thomas A. Edison: Losses and Loyalties, April 1883–December 1884
Seeking to replicate the success of his New York electric central station throughout the United States and in Europe and Latin America, Thomas A. Edison vowed to become a "business man for a year." This bold decision began a remarkable transition period for America's greatest inventive thinker. The seventh volume of Edison's papers chronicles the profound changes in his professional and personal life, including the unexpected death of his wife. It concludes with Edison returning to the laboratory to develop new communications technology.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Cultures of Caregiving: Conflict and Common Ground among Families, Health Professionals, and Policy Makers
As the population ages and the health care system focuses on cost-containment, family caregivers have become the frontline providers of most long-term and chronic care. Patient care at home falls mainly on untrained and unprepared family members, who struggle to adjust to the new roles, responsibilities, and expenses. Because the culture of family caregivers-their values, priorities, and relationships to the patient-often differs markedly from that of professionals, the result can be conflict and misunderstanding. In The Cultures of Caregiving, Carol Levine and Thomas Murray bring together accomplished physicians, nurses, social workers, and policy experts to examine the differences and conflicts (and sometimes common ground) between family caregivers and health care professionals-and to suggest ways to improve the situation. Topics addressed include family caregivers and the health care system; cultural diversity and family caregiving; the changing relationship between nurses, home care aides, and families; long-term health care policy; images of family caregivers in film; and the ethical dimensions of professional and family responsibilities. The Cultures of Caregiving provides needed answers in the contemporary crisis of family caregiving for a readership of professionals and students in medical ethics, health policy, and such fields as primary care, geriatrics, oncology, nursing, and social work. Contributors: Donna Jean Appell, R.N., Project DOCC: Delivery of Chronic Care; Jeffrey Blustein, Ph.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Barnard College; Judith Feder, Ph.D., Georgetown University; Gladys Gonzalaz-Ramos, M.S.W., Ph.D., New York University School of Social Work and NYU Medical School; David A. Gould, Ph.D., United Hospital Fund in New York City; Eileen Hanley, R.N., M.B.A., St. Vincent's Hospital Manhattan / Saint Vincent Catholic Medical Centers, New York City; Maggie Hoffman, Project DOCC: Delivery of Chronic Care; Alexis Kuerbis, C.S.W., Mount Sinai Medical Center; Carol Levine, M.A., United Hospital Fund, in New York City; Jerome K. Lowenstein, M.D., New York University Medical Center; Mathy Mezey, R.N., Ed.D., New York University; Thomas H. Murray, Ph.D., The Hastings Center, Garrison, New York; Judah L. Ronch, Ph.D., LifeSpan DevelopMental Systems; Sheila M. Rothman, Ph.D., Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health; Rick Surpin, Independence Care System.
University Press of America With Mind and Heart Renewed. . .: Essays in Honor of Rev. John F. Harvey, O.S.F.S.
With Mind and Heart Renewed. . . begins with a collection of articles that provide a commentary on the theological context within which moral theology is done. The second half focuses on a variety of topics in moral and pastoral theology that touch upon the life's work of Fr. John F. Harvey.
AltaMira Press,U.S. Thinking about Oral History: Theories and Applications
A companion to History of Oral History, Thinking about Oral History presents parts III and IV of Handbook of Oral History, an essential resource for scholars and students. Guided by Charlton, Myers, and Sharpless, the prominent authors capture the current state-of-the-art in oral history and predict key directions for future growth in theory and application.
Rowman & Littlefield Health Care Policy: A Reader
Over a decade ago the field of bioethics was established in response to the increased control over the design of living organisms afforded by both medical genetics and biotechnology. Since its introduction, bioethics has become established as an academic discipline with journals and professional societies, is covered regularly in the media, and affects people everyday around the globe. In response to the increasing need for information about medical genetics and biotechnology as well as the ethical issues these fields raise, Sheed & Ward proudly presents the Readings in Bioethics Series. Edited by Thomas A. Shannon, the series provides anthologies of critical essays and reflections by leading ethicists in four pivotal areas: reproductive technologies, genetic technologies, death and dying, and health care policy. The goal of this series is twofold: first, to provide a set of readers on thematic topics for introductory or survey courses in bioethics or for courses with a particular theme or time limitation. Second, each of the readers in this series is designed to help students focus more thoroughly and effectively on specific topics that flesh out the ethical issues at the core of bioethics. The series is also highly accessible to general readers interested in bioethics. This volume collects critical essays by leading scholars on issues of justice and unequal access to quality health care, the impact of race and ethnicity in biomedical research and clinical practice, the unethical conduct of underpowered clinical trials, the effects of mandatory parental notification in teenage sexual healthcare, stem cell research on 'spare' embryos, and other crucial areas where moral and ethical dilemmas emerge from new and existing policy and legislation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Integrated Geospatial Technologies: A Guide to GPS, GIS, and Data Logging
Discusses the underlying theory of GPS and GIS without becoming overly technical. * Includes case studies presenting international experience and real-world applications. * Provides discussions of instrumentation and guidelines for selecting the right device for the job.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Europaische Betriebsrate-Gesetz: Arbeitnehmermitbestimmung in Europa
Hirmer Verlag Bauhaus Dessau Architecture
“Art and technology: a new unity” – It was with this slogan that the Bauhaus moved to Dessau in 1925. The seven years in Dessau were most productive for the designers and architects at the Bauhaus. This illustrated volume presents the Bauhaus buildings in Dessau in words and pictures and offers new perspectives on these icons of modern architecture. Walter Gropius, Hannes Meyer, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Richard Paulick, Georg Muche, Carl Fieger and Karl Friedrich Engemann: the architects at the Bauhaus in Dessau realized their designs in the industrial city between the Elbe and the Mulde rivers during the years between 1925 and 1932 ̶ and thereby created a unique ensemble of modern architecture which attracts visitors from all over the world to Dessau to this day. Since 1996 some of the Bauhaus buildings in Dessau have been regarded as key works of European Modernism and are included in the list of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites. They express the revolutionary aim of the historical Bauhaus to bring about fundamental change in society through design and architecture.
Hatje Cantz András Szánto:The Future of the Museum: 28 Dialogues
As museums worldwide shuttered in 2020 because of the novel coronavirus, New York-based cultural strategist András Szántó conducted a series of interviews with an international group of museum leaders. In a moment when economic, political, and cultural shifts are signaling the start of a new era, the directors speak candidly about the historical limitations and untapped potential of art museums. Each of the twenty-eight dialogues in this book explores a particular topic of relevance to art institutions today, and tomorrow. What emerges from the series of in-depth conversations is a composite portrait of a generation of museum leaders working to make institutions more open, democratic, inclusive, experimental and experiential, technologically savvy, culturally polyphonic, attuned to the needs of their visitors and communities, and concerned with addressing the defining issues of the societies around them. The dialogues offer glimpses of how museums around the globe are undergoing an accelerated phase of reappraisal and reinvention. CONVERSATION PARTNERS: Marion Ackermann, Cecilia Alemani, Anton Belov, Meriem Berrada, Daniel Birnbaium, Tom Campbell, Tania Cohen, Rhana Devenport, Maria Mercedes Gonzales, Max Hollein, Sandra Jackson-Dumont, Mami Kataoka, Brian Kennedy, Koyo Kouoh, Sonia Lawson, Adam Levine, Victoria Noorthoorn, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Anne Pasternak, Adriano Pedrosa, Suhanya Raffel, Axel Ruger, Katrina Sedwick, Franklin Sirmans, Eugene Tan, Phil Tinari, Marc-Olivier Wahler, Marie-Cécile Zinsou
De Gruyter Reframing Friedrich Nerly: Landschaftsmaler, Reisender, Verkaufstalent
This anthology outlines a research project at the Angermuseum in Erfurt and forms the start of a new assessment of the landscape painter Friedrich Nerly (1807–1878) from Erfurt, who spent the main years of his career in Italy, particularly in Venice. If one wants to do justice to the phenomenon of Nerly, it is necessary to take a look at the changes in artistic, economic, and social contexts. Nerly’s oeuvre should be connected with the innovative painting practices and finding of motifs of the early plein-air painters as well as with sales strategies that reacted to the globalization of the art market and tourism. In line with research on cultural transfer, questions, for instance, regarding the achievements that Nerly brought to Italy or inspirations that he found in his home country emerge cross-nationally. Look inside
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Broadly Engaged Team Science in Clinical and Translational Research
Despite the large U.S. investment in health science, and the vast and growing body of peer-reviewed research findings it has produced, a compelling body of evidence suggests that research too often has been slow, inefficient, and fallen short of desired impacts on health. A key question is how research might be changed to be more innovative, less wasteful, and more responsive to unmet health needs. One emerging response within clinical and translational science is to advance an approach that attempts to close the gap between research scientists and key stakeholders; the individuals and groups responsible for or affected by health-related decisions. Broadly engaged team science promises to support this aim by transforming the gold standard, multi-disciplinary team science, to include key stakeholders in activities across the research spectrum. These new roles and responsibilities range from generating research questions to implementing research projects, to aiding in the translation of discoveries from the laboratory to the community. A transition to broadly engaged team science reflects the idea that inclusivity and a diversity of perspectives are necessary to achieving progress in addressing complex health issues while representing a new benchmark for ethical research practice. This is one of the first collections of papers describing how clinical and translational science researchers are defining and implementing new research practices, and the successes and challenges involved. This book represents a first and critical step towards organizing knowledge of broadly engaged team science and advancing the development of evidence-based practices. Written in an accessible style, this book is intended to highlight the breadth of broadly engaged team science within one community, motivate researchers and stakeholders to build inclusive teams, bring rigor to often informal stakeholder engagement research practices and encourage people to think more broadly about the development of scientific knowledge. It includes examples of multi-disciplinary, broadly engaged team science projects, the perspectives of academic leaders about the changes needed to encourage scientists to conduct broadly engaged team science, and a resource directory.
Scribe Publications Life As Told by a Sapiens to a Neanderthal
A New Scientist Book of the Year Prehistory is all around us. We just need to know where to look. Juan José Millás has always felt like he doesn’t quite fit into human society. Sometimes he wonders if he is even a Homo sapiens at all. Perhaps he is a Neanderthal who somehow survived? So he turns to Juan Luis Arsuaga, one of the world’s leading palaeontologists and a super-smart sapiens, to explain why we are the way we are and where we come from. Over the course of many months the two visit different places, many of them common scenes of our daily lives, and others unique archaeological sites. Arsuaga tries to teach the Neanderthal how to think like a sapiens and, above all, that prehistory is not a thing of the past: that traces of humanity through the millennia can be found anywhere, from a cave or a landscape to a children’s playground or a toy shop. Millás and Arsuaga invite you on a journey of wonder that unites scientific discovery with the greatest human invention of all: the art of storytelling.
Brandeis University Press Resplendent Synagogue – Architecture and Worship in an Eighteenth–Century Polish Community
This unique exploration of a lost religious and cultural artifact breathes new life into a forgotten but fascinating aspect of eighteenth-century Polish Jewry. Thomas C. Hubka, an architectural historian, immersed himself in medieval and early modern Jewish history, religion, and culture to prepare for this remarkable study of the eighteenth-century Polish synagogue in the town of Gwozdziec, now in present-day Ukraine. Because the Gwozdziec Synagogue, like so many others, was destroyed by the Nazis, this book revives a spiritual community lost to history. Hubka selected the Gwozdziec Synagogue because of the completeness of its photographic and historical records. Graced with nearly two hundred historical photographs, architectural drawings, maps, diagrams, and color illustrations, Resplendent Synagogue vividly recreates the spiritual heart of a once-vibrant Jewish population. Hubka demonstrates that while the architectural exterior of the synagogue was largely the product of non-Jewish, regional influences, the interior design and elaborate wall-paintings signified a distinctly Jewish art form. The collaboration of Jewish and Gentile builders, craftsmen, and artists in the creation of this magnificent wooden structure attests to an eighteenth-century period of relative prosperity and communal well-being for the Jews of Gwozdziec. Part of a tradition that was later abandoned by Eastern European Jewish communities in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, this truly resplendent synagogue exemplified a high point in Jewish architectural art and religious painting.
Museum of Modern Art Just Above Midtown: 1974 to the Present
Teton NewMedia Feline Anatomy: A Coloring Atlas
Cat breeders, cat show judges as well as student of veterinary medicine, zoology and wildlife biology will greatly benefit from this feline anatomy coloring atlas. Essential anatomic and physiologic concepts are explained and some diseases common to the region being studied are discussed. Active learning is involved as you color anatomical structures and their names on the drawing or underline their names in the texts and color the parts indicated by a corresponding number. The format replicates Dog Anatomy - A Coloring Atlas by Kainer and McCracken. The format is designed for the cat owner who desires to gain a basic knowledge of feline anatomy with functional correlations and brief descriptions of some the diseases being studied. This do it yourself form maximizes comprehension and retention.
Baker Publishing Group Exodus
Exodus recounts the origins of ancient Israel, but it is also a book of religious symbols. How should it be interpreted, especially in light of modern historical-critical study? In this addition to an acclaimed series, a respected scholar offers a theological reading of Exodus that highlights Aquinas's interpretations of the text. As with other volumes in the series, this commentary is ideal for those called to ministry, serving as a rich resource for preachers, teachers, students, and study groups.
Centre for the Study of Language & Information Syntactic Theory: A Formal Introduction, 2nd Edition
This second edition of "Syntactic Theory: A Formal Introduction" expands and improves upon a truly unique introductory syntax textbook. Like the first edition its focus is on the development of precisely formulated grammars whose empirical predictions can be directly tested. There is also considerable emphasis on the prediction and evaluation of grammatical hypotheses, as well as on integrating syntactic hypotheses with matters of semantic analysis. The book covers the core areas of English syntax from the last quarter century, including complementation, control, "raising constructions", passives, the auxiliary system, and the analysis of long distance dependency constructions. "Syntactic Theory's" step-by-step introduction to a consistent grammar in these core areas is complemented by extensive problem sets drawing from a variety of languages. The book's theoretical perspective is presented in the context of current models of language processing, and the practical value of the constraint-based, lexicalist grammatical architecture proposed has already been demonstrated in computer language processing applications. This thoroughly reworked second edition includes revised and extended problems sets, updated analyses, additional examples and more detailed exposition throughout.
New York University Press Women in Early America
Tells the fascinating stories of the myriad women who shaped the early modern North American world from the colonial era through the first years of the Republic Women in Early America, edited by Thomas A. Foster, goes beyond the familiar stories of Pocahontas or Abigail Adams, recovering the lives and experiences of lesser-known women—both ordinary and elite, enslaved and free, Indigenous and immigrant—who lived and worked in not only British mainland America, but also New Spain, New France, New Netherlands, and the West Indies. In these essays we learn about the conditions that women faced during the Salem witchcraft panic and the Spanish Inquisition in New Mexico; as indentured servants in early Virginia and Maryland; caught up between warring British and Native Americans; as traders in New Netherlands and Detroit; as slave owners in Jamaica; as Loyalist women during the American Revolution; enslaved in the President’s house; and as students and educators inspired by the air of equality in the young nation. Foster showcases the latest research of junior and senior historians, drawing from recent scholarship informed by women’s and gender history—feminist theory, gender theory, new cultural history, social history, and literary criticism. Collectively, these essays address the need for scholarship on women’s lives and experiences. Women in Early America heeds the call of feminist scholars to not merely reproduce male-centered narratives, “add women, and stir,” but to rethink master narratives themselves so that we may better understand how women and men created and developed our historical past.
Guilford Publications Assessment Literacy: An Educator's Guide to Understanding Assessment, K-12
This clear, no-nonsense book guides current and future teachers through the concepts, tools, methods, and goals of classroom literacy assessment. The expert authors examine the roles of formative, summative, and benchmark assessments; demystify state and national tests and standards; and show how assessment can seamlessly inform instruction. Strategies for evaluating, choosing, and interpreting assessments are discussed, as are ways to communicate data to parents and administrators. User-friendly resources include boxed vignettes from teachers and researchers, practical assessment tips (and traps to avoid), and 12 reproducible planning forms and handouts. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Crossway Books Hidden with Christ in God: A Theology of Colossians and Philemon
In Hidden with Christ in God, author Kevin W. McFadden examines the theology and themes of Colossians and Philemon to teach believers the hidden hope of Christ and what it means to live a Christ-centered life.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Papers of Thomas A. Edison: New Beginnings, January 1885–December 1887
Two decades after the American Civil War, no name was more closely associated with the nation's inventive and entrepreneurial spirit than that of Thomas Edison. The restless changes of those years were reflected in the life of America's foremost inventor. Having cemented his reputation with his electric lighting system, Edison had decided to withdraw partially from that field. At the start of 1885, newly widowed at mid-life with three young children, he launched into a series of personal and professional migrations, setting in motion chains of events that would influence his work and fundamentally reshape his life. Edison's inventive activities took off in new directions, flowing between practical projects (such as wireless and high-capacity telegraph systems) and futuristic ones (exploring forms of electromagnetic energy and the convertibility of one to another). Inside of two years, he would travel widely, marry the daughter of a prominent industrialist and religious educator, leave New York City for a grand home in a sylvan suburb, and construct a winter laboratory and second home in Florida. Edison's family and interior life are remarkably visible at this moment; his papers include the only known diary in which he recorded personal thoughts and events. By 1887, the familiar rhythms of his life began to reassert themselves in his new settings; the family faded from view as he planned, built, and occupied a New Jersey laboratory complex befitting his status. The eighth volume of the series, New Beginnings includes 358 documents (chosen from among thousands) that are the most revealing and representative of Edison's work, life, and place in American culture in these years. Illustrated with hundreds of Edison's drawings, these documents are further illuminated by meticulous research on a wide range of sources, including the most recently digitized newspapers and journals of the day.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Animal Manure Recycling: Treatment and Management
A rapidly changing and expanding livestock and poultry production sector is causing a range of environmental problems on local, regional and global scales. Animal Manure Recycling: Treatment and Management presents an accessible overview of environmentally friendly technologies for managing animal manure more efficiently and in a sustainable manner. The book describes the physical and chemical characteristics of animal manure and microbial processes, featuring detailed examples and case studies showing how this knowledge can be used in practice. Readers are introduced to the sustainable use of animal manure for crop fertilisation and soil amelioration. Environmentally friendly technologies for reducing emissions of ammonia, odour and the greenhouse gases nitrous oxide and methane are presented, and reduction of plant nutrient losses using separation technologies is introduced. Finally and most importantly, the book describes methods to commercialise and transfer knowledge about innovations to end-users. Topics covered include: Regulation of animal manure management Manure organic matter: characteristics and microbial transformations Greenhouse gas emissions from animal manures and technologies for their reduction Technologies and logistics for handling, transport and distribution of animal manures Bioenergy production Animal manure residue upgrading and nutrient recovery in bio-fertilisers Life cycle assessment of manure management systems Innovation in animal manure management and recycling Animal Manure Recycling: Treatment and Management presents state-of-the-art coverage of the entire animal manure chain, providing practical information for engineers, environmental consultants, academics and advanced students involved in scientific, technical and regulatory issues related to animal manure management.
Taylor & Francis Inc Bone Tissue Engineering
Focusing on bone biology, Bone Tissue Engineering integrates basic sciences with tissue engineering. It includes contributions from world-renowned researchers and clinicians who discuss key topics such as different models and approaches to bone tissue engineering, as well as exciting clinical applications for patients. Divided into four sections, the book covers basic bone biology and tissue engineering, scaffold designs for tissue engineering, applied principles of bone tissue engineering, and clinical opportunities. The comprehensive nature of this book, including extensive bibliographies, will make it an invaluable resource for biomedical engineers, tissue engineers, dental and bone-related medical researchers, and craniofacial biologists.