Search results for ""author erik"
The Armchair Traveller at the Bookhaus A Portrait of the Gulf Stream
The long term future of the Gulf Stream is now under threat; the Arctic ice is melting and the fear among oceanographers is that the cold water will not sink in the Norwegian Sea, thus switching off this transatlantic heat conveyer. Northern Europe would then freeze, and this apparent paradox - that global warming could bring about a new european ice age - seems to have caught the popular imagination. Orsenna explores the Gulf Stream, its past and its future, both in celebration and in lament of its possible demise.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Ecology in Holistic Leadership: A Guide for Collaborative Organizational Development and Transformation
Many managers and consultants have academic backgrounds in business administration and are trained in contemporary management methods that focus on decision making and economic efficiency. The question is: Are these academic methods the best to further the development of society as well as organizations? Contemporary managers are looking for alternatives to traditional decision management tools, methods based on dialog which involve employees in the development process, methods which are more creative in their approach to decision making, methods which are more co-creative and collaborative, which in addition provide practical and holistic methods which can even be spiritually based. It is in this context that Social Ecology - the roots of which go back to the mid 1950's, developing further over the next 60 years - can be applied to leadership studies and their application. Social Ecology can be described as a holistic way of working which strives to create balance in organizations and human beings. The basic intent of social ecological thinking is to develop individuals who take free initiative in securing sustainable/healthy development in their communities, based on socially responsible actions within the inner life of organizations and within their local communities. This practical guide, with its sample exercises and seminars based on an understanding of social ecology, is a must for business students, managers and consultants.
Crown Publishing Group (NY) Thunderstruck
Test Centre Microaggressions
Getty Trust Publications Faces of Power and Piety
'Faces of Power and Piety' is the second in the Medieval Imagination series of small, affordable books that draw on manuscript illuminations in the collections of the J. Paul Getty Museum and the British Library. Each volume focuses on a particular theme to provide an accessible and delightful introduction to the imagination of the medieval world. The vivid and charming faces featured in this volume include portraits of both illustrious historical figures and celebrated contemporaries. They reveal that medieval artists often disregarded physical appearance in favour of emphasising qualities such as power and piety, capturing how their subjects wished to be remembered for the ages. 'Faces of Power and Piety' also looks at the development of portraiture in the modern sense during the Renaissance, when likeness became an important component of portrait painting.
Industrial Press Machinerys Handbook Toolbox
Oxford University Press Inc Elements of Deterrence
Global politics in the twenty-first century is complicated by dense economic interdependence, rapid technological innovation, and fierce security competition. How should governments formulate grand strategy in this complex environment? Many strategists look to deterrence as the answer, but how much can we expect of deterrence? Classical deterrence theory developed in response to the nuclear threats of the Cold War, but strategists since have applied it to a variety of threats in the land, sea, air, space, and cyber domains. If war is the continuation of politics by other means, then the diversity of technologies in modern war suggests a diversity of political effects. Some military forces or postures are most useful for winning various kinds of wars. Others are effective for warning adversaries of consequences or demonstrating resolve. Still others may accomplish these goals at lower political cost, or with greater strategic stability. Deterrence is not a simple strategy, therefore, bu
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Literature Review on the Benefits of Propolis
Manohar Publishers and Distributors The Company Fortress: Military Engineering and the Dutch East India Company in South Asia, 1638-1795
Mittler (E.S.) & Sohn,Germany Flight Across The Sea: From Troy To Lampedusa
bluechrome Publishing Doggone
bluechrome Publishing God's Game
Emerald Publishing Social Ecology in Holistic Leadership A Guide for Collaborative Organizational Development and Transformation
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Greco-Persian Wars: A Short History with Documents
Hackett's Passages: Key Moments in History series titles include original-source documents in accessible editions, intended for the student-user or general audience. This edition, The Greco-Persian Wars, taps our knowledge of the Persian Empire and its interactions with the Greek world. The sources examined were created in different times and places, for different purposes, and with different intended audiences. Using these sources effectively requires recognizing their distinct characteristics. A general introduction about the Greco-Persian wars is included to provide historical background and an overview of the information contained in the original-source documents. Also included are a glossary of terms, a chronology, insightful headnotes to each document, and an index.
Cleared Hot Media Front Row Center 2: Inside the World's Greatest Air Shows
Leiden University Press Vernacular Manuscript Culture 1000-1500
The Good Book Company Is hell for real?: And other questions about judgment, eternity and the God of love
Austin Macauley Publishers Anyway... I Forgot to Tell You!
Oxford University Press Inc Documentary: A History of the Non-Fiction Film
This is the second major revision of a book universally acclaimed as the definitive history of the documentary film. The final section has been completely rewritten and expanded to take into account the major films and trends of the past nine years. Particular attention has been paid to the growth of documentary film-making in the Soviet Union since Glasnost and the corresponding expansion in the United States, including Ken Burns's The Civil War, which broke all audience records for Public Television in 1990.
AARHUS UNIVERSITETSFORLAG Theatrical and Narrative Space Studies in Ibsen Strindberg and JPJacobsen
This study examines how Henrik Ibsen, August Stringberg and J.P. Jacobsen struggled with the classical themes of myth and religion, and the modern concepts of Freud and Darwin. The reconciliation of these counterpoints in their work forms the focus of this analysis.
Wagenbach Klaus GmbH Das Kolosseum Bewundert bewohnt ramponiert
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Du Bist Der Mann: Zum Charakter Biblischer Texte
Simon & Schuster How to Host a Game Night What to Serve Who to Invite How to PlayStrategies for the Perfect Game Night
Uncivilized Books Tsu and the Outliers
Tsu and the Outliers is a graphic novel about a non- verbal boy whose rural existence appears unbearable until rumors of a monstrous giant upend his mundane life. Tsu finds himself at the center of the mystery, as his strange metaphysical connection with the creature is revealed. As the dragnet closes in, Tsu is forced to choose between a dangerous path leading beyond the periphery of human perception or a life without his only friend.
American Medical Publishers Aortic Diseases: An Issue of Cardiology Clinics
Image Comics Savage Dragon Archives Volume 5
SAVAGE DRAGON #101-125 collected for the very first time! Savage Dragon has been reunited with Jennifer Murphy but there's no happily ever after to this tale as their lives get turned completely upside-down. Collects SAVAGE DRAGON #101-125.
Image Comics Savage Dragon: Changes
Malcolm Dragon's girlfriend moves in with him and things get pretty wild. Collects Savage Dragon #199-204.
Image Comics Savage Dragon: The End
Convicted of crimes he committed when he reverted to his Emperor Kurr persona, Dragon is locked up with the deadly villains he himself brought to justice. What follows isn't pretty.
Image Comics Savage Dragon on Trial
Savage Dragon is on trial for crimes he committed when he had reverted to his Emperor Kurr persona. Now the world is witness to the shocking verdict.
Alfred Music Three Gymnopedies Eighth Note Publications
Image Comics Savage Dragon: A City Under Siege
The deadly Demonoids resurface in Toronto and Malcolm Dragon recruits Freak Force, the Dynamic Daredevil and Battle Girl to face off against their hideous hordes! Mighty Man! SuperPatriot! Dart! Barbaric! Lightning Girl! And more Demons than you can imagine! Plus the introduction of Buffalo Stu and the Scourge, and the first battle of the Savage Little Dragons! Comes with our highest possible recommendation! Collects SAVAGE DRAGON #235-240
Hal Leonard Corporation Chicken Pickin'
Random House USA Inc In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin
Forlaget Sarsav Loven vest for Knudstrup: Spændingsroman
Bombini Verlags GmbH Discover Modular Synthesizers with VCVRack 2
Palisander Verlag Die Geschichte des Sitting Bull
Schoeffling + Co. Union der festen Hand
dgvt-Verlag Sexualitt und Beziehung bei Menschen mit einer geistigen Behinderung Ein Hand und Arbeitsbuch
Travel House Media GmbH Der Esel steht Durch Sdfrankreich mit einem charmanten Langohr
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Fast Pefrekt Die Kunst hemmungslos zu scheitern Wie aus Fehlern Ideen entstehen
Panini Verlags GmbH Marvel Action SpiderMan Bd 2 Spinnenjagd
Picus Verlag GmbH Lesereise Laos Vom Schwinden der Silberfden
Buchner, C.C. Verlag Politik Co SchleswigHolstein neu WirtschaftPolitik fr die Sekundarstufe I