Search results for ""World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd""
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To The Quantum World Of Atoms And Molecules
This invaluable book provides a balanced and integrated introduction to the quantum world of atoms and molecules. The underlying basis of quantum mechanics is carefully developed, with respect for the historical tradition and from a molecular angle. The fundamental concepts in the theory of atomic and molecular structure are thoroughly discussed, as are the central techniques needed in quantum-chemical applications. Special attention is paid to exposing and clarifying the common ground of Hartree-Fock theory and density-functional theory. Throughout the text, the discussion is pedagogically obliging and aims at simplicity and mathematical clarity, while avoiding the use of advanced mathematics. End-of-chapter problems supplement the main text.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Strings 2000, Proceedings Of The 2000 International Superstrings Conference
Superstring theory and its successor, M-theory, hold promises of a deeper understanding of the Standard Model of particle physics, the unification of the four fundamental forces, the quantum theory of gravity, the mysteries of quantum black holes, Big Bang cosmology and, ultimately, their complete synthesis in a final theory of physics.This volume records the proceedings of the major annual international conference on the subject, “Strings 2000”, which involved 42 talks by the world's leading experts on string theory and M-theory. It will be of interest not only to researchers in the field but also to all those who wish to keep abreast of the latest developments and breakthroughs in this exciting area of theoretical physics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Current State Of The Chinese Communist Party In The Countryside, The
This volume discusses the changing role of the village level Chinese Communist Party secretaries in the countryside. Rural reforms since 1978, especially the dismantling of the rural commune in the early 1980s, have reshaped the social, economic and political landscapes of rural China. Economic reforms have led to gradual erosion of the power of the party secretaries, reduced their income advantages, and at the same time increased the complexity and difficulty of their tasks. The issue of incentive has emerged for talented people to remain party secretaries. The political implications, according to the author, are a gradual transformation of the nature of the CCP and its turning from a “vanguard party” to a “rearguard party” that manages things from the sidelines and in an ad hoc fashion.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Boundary Value Problems
This book has been designed for a one-year graduate course on boundary value problems for students of mathematics, engineering, and the physical sciences. It deals mainly with the three fundamental equations of mathematical physics, namely the heat equation, the wave equation, and Laplace's equation.The goal of the book is to obtain a formal solution to a given problem either by the method of separation of variables or by the method of general solutions and to verify that the formal solution possesses all the required properties. To provide the mathematical justification for this approach, the theory of Sturm-Liouville problems, the Fourier series, and the Fourier transform are fully developed. The book assumes a knowledge of advanced calculus and elementary differential equations.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Statistics: Problems And Solution
Originally published in 1986, this book consists of 100 problems in probability and statistics, together with solutions and, most importantly, extensive notes on the solutions. The level of sophistication of the problems is similar to that encountered in many introductory courses in probability and statistics. At this level, straightforward solutions to the problems are of limited value unless they contain informed discussion of the choice of technique used, and possible alternatives. The solutions in the book are therefore elaborated with extensive notes which add value to the solutions themselves. The notes enable the reader to discover relationships between various statistical techniques, and provide the confidence needed to tackle new problems.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Gauge Integrals
This book presents the Henstock/Kurzweil integral and the McShane integral. These two integrals are obtained by changing slightly the definition of the Riemann integral. These variations lead to integrals which are much more powerful than the Riemann integral. The Henstock/Kurzweil integral is an unconditional integral for which the fundamental theorem of calculus holds in full generality, while the McShane integral is equivalent to the Lebesgue integral in Euclidean spaces.A basic knowledge of introductory real analysis is required of the reader, who should be familiar with the fundamental properties of the real numbers, convergence, series, differentiation, continuity, etc.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advances In Semiconductor Lasers And Applications To Optoelectronics (Ijhses Vol. 9 No. 4)
Foreword by Charles H TownesThis volume includes highlights of the theories underlying the essential phenomena occurring in novel semiconductor lasers as well as the principles of operation of selected heterostructure lasers. To understand scattering processes in heterostructure lasers and related optoelectronic devices, it is essential to consider the role of dimensional confinement of charge carriers as well as acoustical and optical phonons in quantum structures. Indeed, it is important to consider the confinement of both phonons and carriers in the design and modeling of novel semiconductor lasers such as the tunnel injection laser, quantum well intersubband lasers, and quantum dot lasers. The full exploitation of dimensional confinement leads to the exciting new capability of scattering time engineering in novel semiconductor lasers.As a result of continuing advances in techniques for growing quantum heterostructures, recent developments are likely to be followed in coming years by many more advances in semiconductor lasers and optoelectronics. As our understanding of these devices and the ability to fabricate them grow, so does our need for more sophisticated theories and simulation methods bridging the gap between quantum and classical transport.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Emotions, Qualia, And Consciousness
The experience of emotion is a ubiquitous component of the stream of consciousness; emotional qualia interact with other contents and processes of consciousness in complex ways. Recent research has supported the hypothesis that important functional aspects of emotion can operate outside the conscious awareness. Primary types of emotions are found in animals, while secondary, more complex types are involved in interpersonal relationships. Emotions both influence genetic repair mechanisms of individuals and are responsible for group behavior. Many scholars and scientists believe that no scientific or philosophic account of consciousness can be complete without an understanding of the role of emotion.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Trade Liberalisation And The Environment: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
This book assesses the magnitude of the effects of trade liberalisation on welfare and the environment in the context of a small open economy, and the degree to which these effects are influenced by environmental policy. It is expected that the results of this study will provide some direction for trade and environmental policies, and will help to fill part of the empirical vacuum in this field. These results will be widely applicable to open-market-based economies and to countries embarking on major liberalisation programs.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Vlsi Physical Design Automation: Theory And Practice
VLSI is an important area of electronic and computer engineering. However, there are few textbooks available for undergraduate/postgraduate study of VLSI design automation and chip layout. VLSI Physical Design Automation: Theory and Practice fills the void and is an essential introduction for senior undergraduates, postgraduates and anyone starting work in the field of CAD for VLSI. It covers all aspects of physical design, together with such related areas as automatic cell generation, silicon compilation, layout editors and compaction. A problem-solving approach is adopted and each solution is illustrated with examples. Each topic is treated in a standard format: Problem Definition, Cost Functions and Constraints, Possible Approaches and Latest Developments.Special features: The book deals with all aspects of VLSI physical design, from partitioning and floorplanning to layout generation and silicon compilation; provides a comprehensive treatment of most of the popular algorithms; covers the latest developments and gives a bibliography for further research; offers numerous fully described examples, problems and programming exercises.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd International Political Economy And Globalization
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to international political economy and to the different trade and financial issues in the contemporary international system. The modern international political economy is characterized by globalization of production and finance. This book explains the growth and consequences of globalization from a historical and evolutionary perspective. It explores not only the long-standing issues of trade protectionism and financial stability, but also the newer issues of international labor standards, liberalization of investment regulations, and environmental protection. One of the greatest challenges of financial globalization is the potential for destabilizing national economies through a rapid outflow of capital, as seen recently in East Asia. In this book, the East Asian currency and debt crises are examined in relation to earlier crises in Latin America in the early 1980s and in Mexico in the mid-1990s. It will help readers to understand how politics and economics interact to produce the rules and structures of international political economy, and also to better appreciate the contemporary issues, crises, and challenges in international political economy.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Quantum Computers
Quantum computing promises to solve problems which are intractable on digital computers. Highly parallel quantum algorithms can decrease the computational time for some problems by many orders of magnitude. This important book explains how quantum computers can do these amazing things. Several algorithms are illustrated: the discrete Fourier transform, Shor's algorithm for prime factorization; algorithms for quantum logic gates; physical implementations of quantum logic gates in ion traps and in spin chains; the simplest schemes for quantum error correction; correction of errors caused by imperfect resonant pulses; correction of errors caused by the nonresonant actions of a pulse; and numerical simulations of dynamical behavior of the quantum Control-Not gate. An overview of some basic elements of computer science is presented, including the Turing machine, Boolean algebra, and logic gates. The required quantum ideas are explained.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Physiology Or Medicine 1901-1921
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Group Theory: An Intuitive Approach
A thorough introduction to group theory, this (highly problem-oriented) book goes deeply into the subject to provide a fuller understanding than available anywhere else. The book aims at, not only teaching the material, but also helping to develop the skills needed by a researcher and teacher, possession of which will be highly advantageous in these very competitive times, particularly for those at the early, insecure, stages of their careers. And it is organized and written to serve as a reference to provide a quick introduction giving the essence and vocabulary useful for those who need only some slight knowledge, those just learning, as well as researchers, and especially for the latter it provides a grasp, and often material and perspective, not otherwise available.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Physics, Vol 4 (1963-1970)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Selected Scientific Papers Of Sir Rudolf Peierls, With Commentary By The Author
This book is a collection of the major scientific papers of Sir Rudolf Peierls (1907-95), including the Peierls-Frisch Memoranda of 1940 on the feasibility, and the predicted human effects, of an atomic bomb made of uranium-235. His papers range widely in topic. They include much on the fundamentals of solid state physics, the thermal and electric conductivity of materials as a function of temperature T (especially T→0), the interpretation of the de Haas-van Alphen effect observed for a metal in a magnetic field, and the basics of transport theory. Many are on problems in statistical mechanics, including his constructive paper demonstrating the existence of a phase transition for Ising's model for a two-dimensional ferromagnet. In nuclear physics, they include the first calculations (with Bethe) on the photo-disintegration of the deuteron (made in response to a challenge by Chadwick), the Kapur-Peierls theory of resonance phenomena in nuclear reactions, the Bohr-Peierls-Placzek continuum model for complex nuclei (which first explained the narrow resonances observed for low energy neutrons incident on very heavy nuclei), and the Peierls-Thouless variational approach to collective phenomena in nuclei. Several of Peierls's wartime papers, now declassified, are here published for the first time.Brief commentaries on most of the papers in this book were added by Peierls, to indicate subsequent developments and their relationship with other work, or to correct errors found later on. A complete bibliography of his writings is given as an appendix.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Dimension Estimation And Models
This volume is the first in the new series Nonlinear Time Series and Chaos. The general aim of the series is to provide a bridge between the two communities by inviting prominent researchers in their respective fields to give a systematic account of their chosen topics, starting at the beginning and ending with the latest state. It is hoped that researchers in both communities will find the topics relevant and thought provoking. In this volume, the first chapter, written by Professor Colleen Cutler, is a comprehensive account of the theory and estimation of fractal dimension, a topic of central importance in dynamical systems, which has recently attracted the attention of the statisticians. As it is natural to study a stochastic dynamical system within the framework of Markov chains, it is therefore relevant to study their limiting behaviour. The second chapter, written by Professor Kung-Sik Chan, reviews some limit theorems of Markov chains and illustrates their relevance to chaos. The next three chapters are concerned with specific models. Briefly, Chapter Three by Professor Peter Lewis and Dr Bonnie Ray and Chapter Four by Professor Peter Brockwell generalise the class of self-exciting threshold autoregressive models in different directions. In Chapter Three, the new and powerful methodology of multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) is adapted to time series data. Its versatility is illustrated by reference to the very interesting and complex sea surface temperature data. Chapter Four exploits the greater tractability of continuous-time Markov approach to discrete-time data. The approach is particularly relevant to irregularly sampled data. The concluding chapter, by Professor Pham Dinh Tuan, is likely to be the most definitive account of bilinear models in discrete time to date.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nonsymmetric Fields Theory And Its Applications
The book is devoted to a unification of two major principles of invariance in physics (local gauge and local coordinate invariance) and reducing both principles to the second one in a more than 4-dimensional world. The additional dimensions cannot be directly observed. Thus it is akin to a Kaluza-Klein or Jordan-Thiry point of view. The author develops these ideas using nonriemannian geometry from Einstein's Unified Field Theory. The theory uses nonsymmetric right-invariant metric defined on a principal fibre bundle (a gauge bundle). The book proceeds in three stages:“Interference effects” between gravity (described by NGT) and gauge field (including electromagnetic field) which appeared due to nonriemannian geometry in the theory and its physical consequences were discovered. Some applications have been pointed out.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Yang-baxter Equation In Integrable Systems
This volume will be the first reference book devoted specially to the Yang-Baxter equation. The subject relates to broad areas including solvable models in statistical mechanics, factorized S matrices, quantum inverse scattering method, quantum groups, knot theory and conformal field theory. The articles assembled here cover major works from the pioneering papers to classical Yang-Baxter equation, its quantization, variety of solutions, constructions and recent generalizations to higher genus solutions.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Array Grammars, Patterns And Recognizers
The research and development of multi-dimensional pattern recognition, scene analysis, computer vision and image processing have progressed very rapidly in recent years. Among various models employed for pattern representation and analysis, the array grammar has attracted more and more attention because it has several advantages over others.This special volume, perhaps the first time ever in the literature, is a collection of 14 papers by prominent professionals and experts, aimed at promoting array grammars, patterns and recognizers. They are grouped in the following categories: (1) Array grammars and pattern generation, (2) Array pattern recognizers, (3) Coordinate grammars and L-systems, and (4) Hexagonal grids, tilings and encryption.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Clean Energy: Hydrogen/fuel Cells Laboratory Manual (With Dvd-rom)
This manual is designed for the use of hydrogen as a fuel in the fuel cells. The turn of the century has seen a realization of moving towards clean energy due to a variety of considerations ranging from global warming, anxiety to living in a healthy atmosphere, depletion of fossil fuels, oil slick in Gulf of Mexico resulting in disasters and so forth. Innumerable debates in the literature has led to the identification of hydrogen as the safest and efficient fuel over the other available fuels. This fuel can be used in two ways: a) direct combustion like gasoline and b) fuel cells. The use of it by the first method requires pure oxygen to be used for combustion; it is an expensive method involving oxygen storage and transportation. If oxygen is substituted by air in the combustion, it produces nitrogen oxides that are defying the definition of clean energy. The other method is to use it as a fuel cell for easy emission free transportation. Here chemical energy is converted to electrical energy directly in a fuel cell. To illustrate principles of related fuel cells, methanol and borohydride fuel cells are included in this manual. The nine experiments described here are designed for illustrating the concepts for the beginners and those motivated to go for clean energy.DVD displays the actual experimental set up and measurement procedures for Hydrogen safety; Fuel value measurement; Gaseous properties of hydrogen; Proton exchange membrane fuel cell assembly and Dissolved methanol fuel cell.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Goodnight Crescent Moon: A Singapore Bedtime Book For Children
Let's tuck the little otter in bed and say goodnight!Inspired by Margaret Wise Brown's classic children's bedtime book, Goodnight Moon, this story infuses the genre with a Singaporean flavour.For early readers and their parents, caregivers or anyone reading to young children, here is a bedtime book that celebrates Singapore icons and nostalgia. Written by Burton Ong, this ode to Singaporean childhood features illustrations by his daughter Philippa.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd How To Cheat With Statistics - And Get Away With It: From Data Snooping Over Kitchen Sink Regression To "Creative Reporting"
The book explains how to identify and catch statistical cheaters. The author came across many weaknesses and flaws in statistics through 30 years of teaching. These weaknesses allow a malevolent researcher to manipulate the inputs, the calculations, and the reporting of results to derive a desired outcome.This book should be valuable to everyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the weaknesses in statistics and learn how to evaluate statistical research to catch a statistical cheater!The math is explained in simple terms and should be easy to follow. In addition, the book comes with 18 Excel spreadsheets and 7 Python codes. There are also questions and problems at the end of each chapter, which should facilitate the usage in a classroom. Answers to the questions and problems are available to instructors upon request.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Journey To The West: Perils On Earth
Join Tripitaka, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and many other friends on a great adventure! Sun Wukong might be mischievous, but he's fun to be with! Watch as Tripitaka faces a lot of problems and overcomes them, one step at a time. Be inspired by Zhu Bajie, who has many weaknesses and tries very hard to cope with them. So, are you in?
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Romance Of The Three Kingdoms: The Brave Brothers
Liu Bei thinks he is all alone in saving people from troublemakers. Luckily, he meets two good guys who are brave and heroic. Together, they start an army. The three men get along so well that they decide they won't just be friends. They'll be brothers! Join Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei as they fight against bullies and protect China!
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Standing Tall: The Goh Chok Tong Years, Volume 2
Some did not expect him to last long as Prime Minister. Few predicted he would succeed in the footsteps of Lee Kuan Yew. When Goh Chok Tong took over as the second Prime Minister of Singapore in 1990, many - from within and without the country - wondered aloud if the young country would survive Lee Kuan Yew.But Goh would confound the naysayers, leading Singapore for 14 years through recessions, terrorist attacks, electoral setbacks and even a mysterious virus. Standing Tall captures the transformation of a political leader, evolving from a Prime Minister with a touch of naivety to a hard-nosed strategist. He would introduce some of the country's most controversial policies, including the foreign talent scheme and formula for ministerial salaries, while advancing a kinder and gentler Singapore with the likes of MediFund and Edusave.The unchartered post-Cold War world which Goh stepped into posed challenges to the new leader, yet he not only cemented but also expanded Singapore's global space and stature. Along the way, he overcame hurdles from Bill Clinton's administration, exchanged quips with Nelson Mandela, and even saved Li Peng from a possibly severe heart attack.This sequel is written by author and journalist Peh Shing Huei, who also penned . Through interviews and access to People's Action Party documents and Goh's notes, this authorised biography uncovers rare insights into Singapore politics. Standing Tall tells the untold story of the Goh Chok Tong years, as he continues with Singapore's transformation into a global city.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nonlinear Periodic Waves And Their Modulations: An Introductory Course
Although the mathematical theory of nonlinear waves and solitons has made great progress, its applications to concrete physical problems are rather poor, especially when compared with the classical theory of linear dispersive waves and nonlinear fluid motion. The Whitham method, which describes the combining action of the dispersive and nonlinear effects as modulations of periodic waves, is not widely used by applied mathematicians and physicists, though it provides a direct and natural way to treat various problems in nonlinear wave theory. Therefore it is topical to describe recent developments of the Whitham theory in a clear and simple form suitable for applications in various branches of physics.This book develops the techniques of the theory of nonlinear periodic waves at elementary level and in great pedagogical detail. It provides an introduction to a Whitham's theory of modulation in a form suitable for applications. The exposition is based on a thorough analysis of representative examples taken from fluid mechanics, nonlinear optics and plasma physics rather than on the formulation and study of a mathematical theory. Much attention is paid to physical motivations of the mathematical methods developed in the book. The main applications considered include the theory of collisionless shock waves in dispersive systems and the nonlinear theory of soliton formation in modulationally unstable systems. Exercises are provided to amplify the discussion of important topics such as singular perturbation theory, Riemann invariants, the finite gap integration method, and Whitham equations and their solutions.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Investment Analytics In The Dawn Of Artificial Intelligence
A class of highly mathematical algorithms works with three-dimensional (3D) data known as graphs. Our research challenge focuses on applying these algorithms to solve more complex problems with financial data, which tend to be in higher dimensions (easily over 100), based on probability distributions, with time subscripts and jumps. The 3D research analogy is to train a navigation algorithm when the way-finding coordinates and obstacles such as buildings change dynamically and are expressed in higher dimensions with jumps.Our short title 'ia≠ai' symbolizes how investment analytics is not a simplistic reapplication of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques proven in engineering. This book presents best-of-class sophisticated techniques available today to solve high dimensional problems with properties that go deeper than what is required to solve customary problems in engineering today.Dr Bernard Lee is the Founder and CEO of HedgeSPA, which stands for Sophisticated Predictive Analytics for Hedge Funds and Institutions. Previously, he was a managing director in the Portfolio Management Group of BlackRock in New York City as well as a finance professor who has taught and guest-lectured at a number of top universities globally.Related Link(s)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Top The Ielts: Opening The Gates To Top Qs-ranked Universities
Top the IELTS is an IELTS book like no other. It recognizes an essential key to the problem: students who struggle with the IELTS have problems mastering English. Hence, while other IELTS books teach strategies with long wordy explanations that hardly make sense to the average student, Top the IELTS focuses on teaching students in the most intuitive way possible: examples.Each unit is systematically broken down to make it simple for any student to Top the IELTS. First, 'Simple Steps' are condensed at the outset for easy reference. Next begins 'Elaboration with Examples' — a section where the 'Simple Steps' are put into practice. As an added bonus, actual student work is included in the elaboration section to reveal the common mistakes made by IELTS-takers. The unit concludes with the 'IELTS Trainer' which allows students a chance to directly put the strategies to practice rather than just throwing students into the deep end by providing a full set of IELTS practice tests.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Methods And Techniques For Proving Inequalities: In Mathematical Olympiad And Competitions
In China, lots of excellent maths students take an active interest in various maths contests and the best six senior high school students will be selected to form the IMO National Team to compete in the International Mathematical Olympiad. In the past ten years China's IMO Team has achieved outstanding results — they won the first place almost every year.The authors are coaches of China's IMO National Team, whose students have won many gold medals many times in IMO.This book is part of the Mathematical Olympiad Series which discusses several aspects related to maths contests, such as algebra, number theory, combinatorics, graph theory and geometry. The book explains many basic techniques for proving inequalities such as direct comparison, method of magnifying and reducing, substitution method, construction method, and so on.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advanced Signal Processing On Brain Event-related Potentials: Filtering Erps In Time, Frequency And Space Domains Sequentially And Simultaneously
This book is devoted to the application of advanced signal processing on event-related potentials (ERPs) in the context of electroencephalography (EEG) for the cognitive neuroscience. ERPs are usually produced through averaging single-trials of preprocessed EEG, and then, the interpretation of underlying brain activities is based on the ordinarily averaged EEG. We find that randomly fluctuating activities and artifacts can still present in the averaged EEG data, and that constant brain activities over single trials can overlap with each other in time, frequency and spatial domains. Therefore, before interpretation, it will be beneficial to further separate the averaged EEG into individual brain activities. The book proposes systematic approaches pre-process wavelet transform (WT), independent component analysis (ICA), and nonnegative tensor factorization (NTF) to filter averaged EEG in time, frequency and space domains to sequentially and simultaneously obtain the pure ERP of interest. Software of the proposed approaches will be open-accessed.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd How To Read And Critique A Scientific Research Article: Notes To Guide Students Reading Primary Literature (With Teaching Tips For Faculty Members)
Given the explosion of information and knowledge in the field of Life Sciences, adapting primary literature as materials in course work as part of active learning seems to be more effective in improving scientific literacy among science undergraduates than the pure transmission of content knowledge using traditional textbooks. In addition, students also read research articles as part of undertaking laboratory research projects useful for preparing them for graduate school. As such, a good grasp of reading and analytical skills is needed for students to understand how their research project contributes to the field that they are working in. Such skills are being taught at UK and USA universities. In Asia, this approach in teaching has not yet been as widespread, although similar ideas are beginning to be used in education. Written as a quick guide for undergraduate students and faculty members dealing with scientific research articles as part of a module or research project, this book will be useful, especially in Asia, for students and faculty members as the universities look to incorporating the use of scientific research articles in their undergraduate teaching.For Life Science students, the first time they encounter a primary literature can be rather daunting, though with proper guidance, they can overcome the initial difficulties and become confident in dealing with scientific articles.This guidebook provides a structured approach to reading a research article, guiding the reader step-by-step through each section, with tips on how to look out for key points and how to evaluate each section.Overall, by helping undergraduate students to overcome their anxieties in reading scientific literature, the book will enable the students to appreciate better the process of scientific investigations and how knowledge is derived in science.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advanced Calculus (Revised Edition)
An authorised reissue of the long out of print classic textbook, Advanced Calculus by the late Dr Lynn Loomis and Dr Shlomo Sternberg both of Harvard University has been a revered but hard to find textbook for the advanced calculus course for decades.This book is based on an honors course in advanced calculus that the authors gave in the 1960's. The foundational material, presented in the unstarred sections of Chapters 1 through 11, was normally covered, but different applications of this basic material were stressed from year to year, and the book therefore contains more material than was covered in any one year. It can accordingly be used (with omissions) as a text for a year's course in advanced calculus, or as a text for a three-semester introduction to analysis.The prerequisites are a good grounding in the calculus of one variable from a mathematically rigorous point of view, together with some acquaintance with linear algebra. The reader should be familiar with limit and continuity type arguments and have a certain amount of mathematical sophistication. As possible introductory texts, we mention Differential and Integral Calculus by R Courant, Calculus by T Apostol, Calculus by M Spivak, and Pure Mathematics by G Hardy. The reader should also have some experience with partial derivatives.In overall plan the book divides roughly into a first half which develops the calculus (principally the differential calculus) in the setting of normed vector spaces, and a second half which deals with the calculus of differentiable manifolds.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Navigating Aseannovation: The Reservoir Principle And Other Essays On Startups And Innovation In Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia has been an emerging frontier for internet technology startups, with talent and capital flooding into the region's technology markets in recent years. Navigating ASEANnovation: The Reservoir Principle and other essays on startups and innovation in Southeast Asia is a collection of essays and interviews with founders and investors on what it takes to thrive and win in the region as a tech startup. From topics such as bringing together a founding team to exiting a company, the collection covers various aspects of startup growth, digging deep into the critical strategies tech founders and business leaders of different countries and industries can adopt, while embracing the diversity critical to understanding the region.Navigating ASEANnovation serves as go-to compendium providing practical advice and mental frameworks for anyone interested in Southeast Asia and tech startups, highlighting the unique aspects of operating in the region that the world can learn from as well.The collection was curated with commentary from Yinglan Tan, Founding Managing Partner of Insignia Ventures Partners, an early stage technology venture fund in Southeast Asia, and Paulo Joquiño, Editor of Insignia Business Review, the official publication of Insignia Ventures Partners.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd More And Different: Notes From A Thoughtful Curmudgeon
Named a Top Five Book of 2012 by Physics Today, USA.“Anderson has put together an entertaining and instructive collection of highly readable reviews, columns, talks, and unpublished essays on science and the scientists he has known. He is rarely inappropriately provocative, and he is a pleasure to read.”Physics TodayPhilip Anderson was educated at University High School in Urbana, Illinois, at Harvard (BS 1943, PhD 1949), and further educated at Bell Laboratories, where his career (1949-1984) coincided with the greatest period of that remarkable institution. Starting in 1967, he shared his time with Cambridge University (until 1975) and then with Princeton, where he continued full time as Joseph Henry Professor until 1997. As an emeritus he remains active in research, and at press time he was involved in several scientific controversies about high profile subjects, in which his point of view, though unpopular at the moment, is likely to prevail eventually. His colleagues have made him one of the two physicists most often cited in the scientific literature, for several decades.His work is characterized by mathematical simplicity combined with conceptual depth, and by profound respect for experimental findings. He has explored areas outside his main discipline, the quantum theory of condensed matter (for which he won the 1977 Nobel Prize), on several occasions: his paper on what is now called the “Anderson-Higgs mechanism” was a main source for Peter Higgs' elucidation of the boson; a crucial insight led to work on the dynamics of neutron stars (pulsars); and his concept of the spin glass led far afield, to developments in practical computer algorithms and neural nets, and eventually to his involvement in the early years of the Santa Fe Institute and his co-leadership with Kenneth Arrow of two influential workshops on economics at that institution. His writing career started with a much-quoted article in Science titled “More is Different” in 1971; he was an occasional columnist for Physics Today in the 1980s and 1990s. He was more recently a reviewer of science and science-related books for the Times (London) Higher Education Supplement as well as an occasional contributor to Science, Nature, and other journals.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction
The book provides a single compact source for undergraduate and graduate students and professional physicists who want to understand the essentials of supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSYQM). The text contains a large selection of examples, problems, and solutions that illustrate the fundamentals of SUSYQM and its applications. It is richly illustrated with figures and contains an attractive and relevant list of topics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Principles And Techniques In Combinatorics - Solutions Manual
The solutions to each problem are written from a first principles approach, which would further augment the understanding of the important and recurring concepts in each chapter. Moreover, the solutions are written in a relatively self-contained manner, with very little knowledge of undergraduate mathematics assumed. In that regard, the solutions manual appeals to a wide range of readers, from secondary school and junior college students, undergraduates, to teachers and professors.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Tangram Puzzle Book, The: A New Approach To The Classic Pieces
THE TANGRAM is one of the oldest types of dissection puzzles in the world that originated from China. It traditionally requires the participant to arrange seven pieces (or 'tans') into a shape just by looking at the given silhouette.LEARN WHILE PLAYING The puzzles in this unique book are fresh, innovative and compelling. The puzzle pieces are building units for puzzles that boost mental dexterity with a variety of challenges from various fields of recreational mathematics. Come on and play with symmetry puzzles, cover-up puzzles and self-similarity puzzles to increase your skill and mental acuity!NEW PUZZLE DESIGNS To add variety and challenge, some of the puzzles may not use all seven pieces of the Tangram set, while others may use pieces from two or more sets.The authors utilize a creative twist in this collection that is different from classic Tangram puzzles: Most of the puzzles do not allow connections between the pieces unless they share a common edge. With this slight change to the rules, an entirely new universe of Tangram puzzles and challenges is unleashed to delight the puzzle solver!PROVIDES HOURS OF FUN The majority of the puzzles in this book are new and original. They range in difficulty to suit various levels of puzzle enthusiasts. Some selections are based upon famous classic puzzles while others are modified to stimulate and captivate the puzzlist as they have done for more than a thousand years!
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Walk Through Combinatorics, A: An Introduction To Enumeration And Graph Theory (Fourth Edition)
This is a textbook for an introductory combinatorics course lasting one or two semesters. An extensive list of problems, ranging from routine exercises to research questions, is included. In each section, there are also exercises that contain material not explicitly discussed in the preceding text, so as to provide instructors with extra choices if they want to shift the emphasis of their course.Just as with the first three editions, the new edition walks the reader through the classic parts of combinatorial enumeration and graph theory, while also discussing some recent progress in the area: on the one hand, providing material that will help students learn the basic techniques, and on the other hand, showing that some questions at the forefront of research are comprehensible and accessible to the talented and hardworking undergraduate. The basic topics discussed are: the twelvefold way, cycles in permutations, the formula of inclusion and exclusion, the notion of graphs and trees, matchings, Eulerian and Hamiltonian cycles, and planar graphs.New to this edition are the Quick Check exercises at the end of each section. In all, the new edition contains about 240 new exercises. Extra examples were added to some sections where readers asked for them.The selected advanced topics are: Ramsey theory, pattern avoidance, the probabilistic method, partially ordered sets, the theory of designs, enumeration under group action, generating functions of labeled and unlabeled structures and algorithms and complexity.The book encourages students to learn more combinatorics, provides them with a not only useful but also enjoyable and engaging reading.The Solution Manual is available upon request for all instructors who adopt this book as a course text. Please send your request to previous edition of this textbook has been adopted at various schools including UCLA, MIT, University of Michigan, and Swarthmore College. It was also translated into Korean.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd New Era For Cp Asymmetries: Axions And Rare Decays Of Hadrons And Leptons
This book is dedicated to Lev Okun, who passed away in November 2015. He was a true pioneer in probing fundamental dynamics.The book has two objectives. First is to showcase Okun's impact for decades since 1963, when he published his remarkable book Weak Interaction of Elementary Particles. Second is to present the current progress of our scientific community in the studies of our Universe. New directions and possible future developments are discussed, often using the past as a guide. The authors mostly focus on CP asymmetries in the transitions of hadrons and leptons, but they also discuss their rare decays, and talk about axions and supersymmetry, and possible connections with dark matter, extra dimensions, baryogenesis and multiverse.This book is suitable for readers who know quantum mechanics and quantum field theories in general.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introductory Quantum Physics And Relativity
'The authors have done an exceptional job. It’s probably more accurate to describe this text as an introduction to both non-relativistic and relativistic quantum mechanics … This book was a lot of fun to read and digest. I definitely recommend it for instructors, but also for students who have already been exposed to quantum mechanics.'Contemporary PhysicsThis book is a revised and updated version of Introductory Quantum Physics and Relativity. Based on lectures given as part of the undergraduate degree programme at the University of Leeds, it has been extended in line with recent developments in the field. The book contains all the material required for quantum physics and relativity in the first three years of a traditional physics degree, in addition to more interesting and up-to-date extensions and applications which include quantum field theory, entanglement, and quantum information science.The second edition is unique as an undergraduate textbook as it combines quantum physics and relativity at an introductory level. It expounds the foundations of these two subjects in detail, but also illustrates how they can be combined. It discusses recent applications, but also exposes undergraduates to cutting-edge research topics, such as laser cooling, Bose-Einstein condensation, tunneling microscopes, lasers, nonlocality, and quantum teleportation.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Pull Of History, The: Human Understanding Of Magnetism And Gravity Through The Ages
This book seeks to understand what bring to pass the birth of modern physics by focusing upon the formation of the concept of force. This would be the first book to note the important role magnetism has played in this process. Indeed, the force between celestial bodies, before the introduction of the Isaac Newtonian gravitational force, is first introduced by Johannes Kepler by analogy with the magnetic force. Moreover, this book, by concentrating our attention on the magnetism, fully describes the developments and the recognition of the force concept during the Middle Ages. The detailed description of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance is a strong point of this book. By discussing and emphasizing on the role accomplished by the magnetic force, this book makes clear the connection between the natural magic and the modern experimental physics. This book will open up a new aspect of the birth of modern physics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lessons From Nanoelectronics: A New Perspective On Transport - Part B: Quantum Transport
'The author has made this book accessible to many readers interested in learning about the fascinating world of nanotechnology by limiting the necessary background for understanding the book … The book takes a very complex subject and makes very clear explanations, with many illustrations, that will give the reader an opportunity to understand these, oftentimes, counterintuitive concepts. Understanding these concepts allows one to more fully appreciate the sophistication of many of today’s electronic devices.'IEEE Electrical Insulation MagazineEveryone is familiar with the amazing performance of a modern smartphone, powered by a billion-plus nanotransistors, each having an active region that is barely a few hundred atoms long. The same amazing technology has also led to a deeper understanding of the nature of current flow and heat dissipation on an atomic scale which is of broad relevance to the general problems of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics that pervade many different fields.This book is based on a set of two online courses originally offered in 2012 on nanoHUB-U and more recently in 2015 on edX. In preparing the second edition the author decided to split it into parts A and B titled Basic Concepts and Quantum Transport respectively, along the lines of the two courses. A list of available video lectures corresponding to different sections of this volume is provided upfront.To make these lectures accessible to anyone in any branch of science or engineering, the author assume very little background beyond linear algebra and differential equations. However, the author will be discussing advanced concepts that should be of interest even to specialists, who are encouraged to look at his earlier books for additional technical details.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Art Of Modern Oriental Management: Applying The Chinese, Japanese And Korean Management Styles At Work
This book aims to present an overview of Chinese, Japanese and Korean modern management styles. The cultures of China, Japan and Korea are influenced by Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism. As such, there are some basic similarities in their management styles. As business operations become more internationalised, the management styles among Chinese, Japanese and Korean companies have blurred the lines of distinction between Western and Eastern cultures. The need for Western managers to adapt to Asian way of doing business, and likewise for Asian companies to understand Western business practices, means that managers have to bridge the gaps and adopt the best management practices containing both Western and Eastern elements.Unlike the traditional approach of setting clear differentiation between Western and Eastern cultures, this book looks at Oriental management from a modern perspective, that is, the fusion of Western and Eastern management styles. By using a multifaceted approach to understanding modern Oriental management, the author stresses the complexities of the business environment in China, Japan and Korea. He suggests that Western theories of management are applicable to Eastern cultural context with some adaptations to the local environment. The author also offers valuable insights into the management styles of Oriental managers by providing a critical perspective of their thought processes in simple yet highly relevant illustrations of models and frameworks. This book is recommended for those who are interested in attaining a deeper knowledge of Oriental management practices.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Employee Stock Options: Exercise Timing, Hedging, And Valuation
Employee stock options (ESOs) are an integral component of compensation in the US. In fact, almost all S&P 500 companies grant options to their top executives, and the total value accounts for almost half of the total pay for their CEOs. In view of the extensive use and significant cost of ESOs to firms, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has mandated expensing ESOs since 2004. This gives rise to the need to create a reasonable valuation method for these options for most firms that grant ESOs to their employees. The valuation of ESOs involves a number of challenging issues, and is thus an important active research area in Accounting, Corporate Finance, and Financial Mathematics.In this exciting book, the author discusses the practical and challenging problems surrounding ESOs from a financial mathematician's perspective. This book provides a systematic overview of the contractual features of ESOs and thoughtful discussions of different valuation approaches, with emphasis on three major aspects: (i) hedging strategies; (ii) exercise timing; and (iii) valuation methodologies. In addition to addressing each of these categories, this book also highlights their connections and combined effects of the cost of ESOs to firms, as well as examines the implications to modeling and valuation approaches. The book features a unique approach that combines stochastic modeling and control techniques with option pricing theory, and provides formulas and numerical schemes for fast implementation and clear illustration.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Prizes And Notable Discoveries
This is the third book in a series presenting Nobel Prizes in the life sciences using the remarkably rich archives of nominations and reviews which are kept secret for 50 years after the awards have been made. The two previous books are The present book discusses the prizes in physiology or medicine 1963-65. The 1963 prize recognized milestone discoveries in the field of neurosciences, the way electrical impulses are generated and spread in nerves. The impressive developments of insights into tantalizing brain functions, like consciousness and memory, is discussed in the perspective of prizes both before and after the 1963 prize. The prize in 1964 marked the advanced biochemical venture that led to a full understanding of the synthesis of cholesterol, a central molecule for providing flexibility of the membranes of the trillions of cell in our body. The importance of this molecule for the appearance of cardiovascular diseases and the possibilities to prevent them is presented in the light of other prizes earlier and later in this field. The 1965 prize recognized three impressive French intellectuals, Lwoff, Monod and Jacob. Their contributions allowed the full maturation of the initial phase of the emerging field of molecular biology. The comprehension of the information flow from DNA via RNA to proteins was the source of a revolution of life sciences and of medicine.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Commemorations And Memorials: Exploring The Human Face Of Anatomy
A major component of many modern human anatomy programs is commemorating people who have donated their body for education and research. In addition, some institutions have also organized memorial places to honor the body donors. This book is an edited volume which explores the phenomena of commemorations and memorials in anatomy. It includes both descriptive papers focusing on the content of the ceremonies and theoretical papers contextualizing and examining these within the broader ethical, scientific, medical and educational frameworks. Building up on the idea of a community of practice, the main objective of the volume is to enhance the exchange of ideas and sharing of experiences. The concepts of 'commemoration' and 'memorial' in anatomy programs are presented as emerging. They are seen as phenomena that will continue to evolve and ramify within different cultural and educational contexts, and this volume is expected to facilitate these processes. Indeed, meager literature on the topic indicates potentially enormous practical value in sharing and combining practices from different cultural and teaching/research traditions.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Gallium Nitride And Silicon Carbide Power Devices
During the last 30 years, significant progress has been made to improve our understanding of gallium nitride and silicon carbide device structures, resulting in experimental demonstration of their enhanced performances for power electronic systems. Gallium nitride power devices made by the growth of the material on silicon substrates have gained a lot of interest. Power device products made from these materials have become available during the last five years from many companies.This comprehensive book discusses the physics of operation and design of gallium nitride and silicon carbide power devices. It can be used as a reference by practicing engineers in the power electronics industry and as a textbook for a power device or power electronics course in universities.