Search results for ""SPCK Publishing""
SPCK Publishing Was the Tomb Empty?: A lawyer weighs the evidence for the resurrection
A highly qualified British judge examines the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Assessing secular evidence, historical sources, and the testimony of those involved Graeme Smith carefully and critically analyses the various resurrection accounts, their inconsistences and their value as evidence. This succinct but powerful document places less weight on the Gospel accounts and considers other evidence first; sources from outside the gospels, such as Josephus, Tacitus and Pliny; logical alternatives to the resurrection; and the opinions of experts in the fields of history, literary history, palaeography and law. Could this most improbable story be true? If so, what are the implications?
SPCK Publishing Welcome to the Lord's Prayer
"Teach us to pray," Jesus‘ disciples asked him. Discover through this beautiful explanation the wonder of the powerful words that Jesus taught. A prayer that cherishes a close relationship with God as the very best Father, who guides us to live in the very best way with one another. This clear and lyrical explanation by storyteller Bob Hartman have been accompanied by the bright and appealing illustrations by Rafaella Ligi, making this a book that will be treasured and reread. Perfect for sharing and reflecting with children aged 5+ years, and an ideal gift for baptism and first communion.
SPCK Publishing Surviving and Thriving on the Single-Parent Journey: A Step-by-Step Approach
This is a book that comes alongside the reader as a travel guide and walks through the journey via a step-by-step approach. Walking the Single Parent Journey offers the reader a chance for self-discovery, of coming to terms with the pains and effects of the past in order to boldly face the challenges that lie ahead. The book discusses the everyday struggles and issues that single parents face, whilst offering advice and tips on managing and dealing with them successfully. The author encourages the reader to create systems and put strategies in place to help make life easier, drawing on her own experiences.
SPCK Publishing Jesus: The Unauthorized Biography
Who was Jesus Christ, and how did he make such an astonishing impact that still resonates today? Exploring evidence from the New Testament gospels, early church writings, the apocryphal gospels, Roman literature, and archaeology, readers are given a vivid portrait of Jesus’ first-century Jewish cultural context. Examining the accounts of his birth, his radical message and lifestyle, the dramatic events around his death, and the revolutionary claims made regarding his resurrection, this book offers a compelling biography of a man that his followers called the Messiah. If you have ever wondered about the impact of Jesus’ social class on his ministry; why he was at odds with religious authorities; the influence of Roman occupation; the interactions with contemporary resistance movements; or the prominent role of women in his disciple community, then allow this book to challenge and deepen your understanding of the Jesus found in the Bible.
SPCK Publishing More #Niteblessings: Further Meditations for the End of the Day
This follow-up to Reverend Malcolm Duncan's hugely popular #Niteblessings invites you to encounter God at the end of the day. Each blessing draws you closer into His presence, releasing you from the pressures of the day into engagement with the Holy Spirit. Simple yet profound, moving and insightful, each of the Reverend Duncan's blessings will renew and encourage you on your walk with God.
SPCK Publishing Daughters of Eve: Women of the Bible
Women play an immensely important role in the Bible: from Eve to the Virgin Mary, Sarah to Mary Magdalene, Naomi to the anonymous woman suffering severe menstrual bleeding who was healed by Jesus. They are a sisterhood of faith. As such, they challenge many of our assumptions about the role of women in the development of the biblical story; about the impact of faith on lives lived in the 'heat and dust' of the real world. Here we will meet the prostitute who ended up in the genealogy of Jesus, a national resistance fighter, a determined victim of male sexual behaviour who challenged patriarchal power, a far from meek and mild mother of Jesus, a woman whose life has been so misrepresented that she is now the subject of the most bizarre conspiracy theories, and more. Renowned historians and Biblical scholars, Martyn and Esther Whittock, take the reader on a fascinating journey, one unafraid to ask difficult questions, such as, 'Was Eve set up to fall?'
SPCK Publishing You, Me and Coffee: Our lives, your journal... and so much to talk about
Enter the warmth of Dianne's front room to chat over coffee. She shares stories, thoughts, favourite quotes and memories as a child, wife, mother, and grandmother, and from thirty years working with the national charity, Care for the Family. The journal pages encourages you to share your stories, thoughts and even your dreams in response. Find encouragement, open and honest sharing of everyday ups and downs, friendship, inspiration, and understanding. So come on in, put your feet up, the fire's lit, and the coffee is brewing...
SPCK Publishing God's Spies: The Stasi's Cold War espionage campaign inside the Church
When the Berlin Wall came down, the files of the East German secret police, the much-dreaded Stasi, were opened and read. And among the shocking stories revealed was that of the Stasi's infiltration of the Church. Almost 10% of the Lutheran Church's workforce were, it appears, busy involved in spying on each other, and on the Church's congregations. The Lutheran Church was the only semi-free space in East Germany, where those who rebelled against the regime could find a way of living at least a little out of the government's iron grip. Even the organisations that smuggled Bibles were infiltrated.
SPCK Publishing Greek Adventure: Who were the first scientists?
Join Harriet, Darwin's pet tortoise, and Milton, Schrodinger's indecisive cat on a time-travelling quest of discovery, unravelling scientific exploration and religious beliefs and how they fit together. Throughout the centuries humans have been looking for answers to BIG questions - how did the universe start? Is there a God behind it? Has science explained away the need for a God, or can faith enhance scientific discovery? On this adventure Harriet and Milton are investigating who the first scientists were. Step into Harriet and Milton's time machine, bring some snacks, and enjoy this curious quest of discovery - become a Mesopotamian stargazer, cast your vote in 'Greece has Scientific Talent', and meet Pythagoras! Written by Julia Golding, winner of the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2006, and the Nestle Smarties Book Prize 2006.
SPCK Publishing The Very Worried Sparrow
This is the story of a sparrow who worries about everything - whether there will be enough to eat, where he will build his new nest, how he will find a mate, whether his family will be eaten by a bird of prey. Then he hears about the Great Father who made and cares for all his creation - even the tiniest sparrow. This delightful story has helped, reassured and entertained many thousands of children since it was first published in 1978.
SPCK Publishing Gemma Hunt's See! Let's Be A Good Friend
"Where is my best-loved cuddly gone?" "Why do I have to share?" Explore with young children what makes a good friend: to love, to share, to be kind and helpful, and to put others first. See! These fun and lively stories show this in action through Bible stories retold in a modern everyday context and real-life good examples from adults. Let’s be… Just like the young children in the stories, they’ll want to give it a go themselves. Written by TV presenter and children’s entertainer, Gemma Hunt, and one of the hosts of Alpha and Songs of Praise. The charming illustrations by Charlie Cooke will delight young children. Gemma Hunt’s See! Let’s Be series encourages young children to understand how to act and behave in everyday situations through observing good examples by adults and inspired by Jesus’ parables and teachings. Perfect for end-of-the-day reading time with children, providing support, encouragement, and reassuring words. Based on the following Bible stories: Parables of the lost sheep and the Good Samaritan, The Feeding of the 5,000, Jesus meets Zacchaeus and Jesus washes his disciple’s feet.
SPCK Publishing Christmas Story Sticker Book: Pack of 5
This is the Christmas story picture book with a difference! Your children get to make the pictures and tell the story for themselves by adding colourful self-sticking, reusable stickers to complete the Christmas Nativity scene. Alex Ayliffe's bright, colourful characters feature as stickers in this story and activity book. The book contains a retelling of the nativity story, with spaces left for children to fill with the appropriate sticker to complete the story. Accompanying the retelling are extra activities about what can be found on the page - counting, naming, identifying - for which extra stickers are supplied. The stickers come on a double page spread in the centre of the book, and are grouped and numbered according to activity to make it easy to select the right sticker to complete the task.
SPCK Publishing Prayers for Wild Animals: Their habitats and the environment
A prayer book full of blessings for children to read and say to celebrate the lives of wild animals and God’s love for them. Endearing illustrations bring life to a selection of heart-warming prayers that express the joy children find in animals, as well as their hopes and dreams for all the animals of the world. From butterflies to bears, Africa to Australia and forests to oceans, the collection includes prayers for the conservation of the animals’ habitats and the care and protection for the environment. Charming illustrations from Tina Macnaughton make this an extra-appealing book of prayers.
SPCK Publishing My Very Own Christmas
A new edition of the wonderful story of Jesus’ birth from Luke and Matthew’s gospels retold faithfully for children aged 5-7 to enjoy. Throughout Advent to Epiphany share the stories of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the magi along with fascinating seasonal information about Christmas celebrations and traditions, and Advent and Christmas prayers. Carolyn Cox’s lively and vibrant illustrations received widespread acclaim when they first appeared in The Lion Children’s Bible and My Own Book of Bible Stories. These have been refreshed for a new generation of young readers, appearing warm and brighter than ever. Perfect to use for sharing with children or at bedtime throughout the Advent to Epiphany season.
SPCK Publishing Bedtime Prayers
A charming bedtime prayer book for young children full of simple, easy to learn prayers to say before going to sleep. The collection includes prayers of praise and thanks for the day and the things they have, prayers about family and friends, for those who are ill and animals and pets, and blessings for those they love, for a safe night and a new day ahead. Delightful illustrations by Antonia Woodward make this prayer book perfect for a treasured moment to share with young children at the end of each day as part of a bedtime routine.
SPCK Publishing The Lion Day-by-Day Bible
This highly successful children's Bible provides a story for each day of the year for 7 to 11 year olds. The artwork is truly attractive and of the very highest quality, warm and bright, giving fresh perspectives on the classic stories. Each story has approximately 250 words is complemented by a matching prayer. The Bible features full Bible references on each page as well as a 'story finder' to help the reader choose a story to suit the occasion, making this a complete resource and enable further exploration of the Bible as the child grows up.
SPCK Publishing God Made Space
God has given us lots of clues about how He made space. This is how we think He did it. Discover how the wonders of the universe were made, beginning with a huge explosion. Follow the process of how stars, asteroids, comets, moons and planets were formed. The 'God made' series encourages young children to explore and discover the world around them and tells them about the loving God who made it all. Scientific ideas about how and why everything was created are simply explained through the lively narrative and wonderful illustrations, leaving children marvelling at God's creativity, love and power. With additional information by the Faraday Institute about Science and the Bible for parents to open up discussion and some simple science experiments to engage budding young scientists.
SPCK Publishing Christ: The First Two Thousand Years: From holy man to global brand: how our view of Christ has changed across
How has Christ been seen for the last two millennia? From the Christ of the Gospels to the Isa of Islam, this book explores the way Jesus Christ has been viewed, described, promoted, opposed and written about. What did the word 'Christ' mean in the first century, and how did it resonate with the politics and religion of the time? And beyond that, how was Jesus seen in the New Testament, and then onto the time of the Desert Fathers? What of the heretical Christs - and who decided, and why? And from the 2nd century onwards, people started to draw and to paint images of Christ - how did this change and develop? The book then traces the history of Christ through the militant leader of the Crusaders, via the multi-faceted Christ of the Middle Ages, and the opposing views of Him thrown up by the Reformation and the wars that followed. Finally, the authors consider the Christ of the technological age and the age of total war, before looking also at the Christ of Liberation Theology, Marxism, the Developing world, the Dalits, other faiths, and the Post-modern Christ of the 21st century.
SPCK Publishing Beyond the Setting Sun: A story to help children understand feelings of grief
A picture story book about bereavement to support young children, specifically those who have lost a parent. The waterholes of the African Savannah have dried up and there has not been enough to drink for some of the animals. Ekundayo, a young elephant, struggles to understand the loss of his mother, but the support of his family help and guide him through. Carefully researched about the stages of grief for young children, Sarah J Dodd sensitively portrays this in the response and actions of Ekundayo to help children express and share how they are feeling with those around them. Ekundayo’s aunt and father provide words of understanding, reassurance and comfort, and the message that the love of Ekundayo’s mother shines on, telling of a greater Love that may not see but never goes away and is everywhere. At the end, Debbie Duncan also provides helpful advice for parents and carers as consider how to talk about death and dying with young children.
SPCK Publishing The Lion Storyteller Family Bible
A practical, engaging devotional Bible for families to share, explore, and respond to the stories together. Based on the successful and cherished stories from The Lion Storyteller Bible by Bob Hartman, interactive elements work alongside the original stories to encourage children to think, engage, and make connections with their lives. Writing elements and questions relevant to school and family life encourage a shared reading and discussion experience for the whole family. Explore the setting, characters, and situation in Bible stories, seeing God working through them, and thinking about how you would react in the same situation, and what God wants them to do. Spark discussion about faith and trusting God as problems arise and solutions are found, looking for God in every day, and involving God in family decision-making. With Bible references to encourage the next step to reading an actual Bible and prayer prompts and making time to listen to God. An ideal resource to support parents and carers to share their faith with children.
SPCK Publishing Jenny, the Shy Angel: A Christmas Story
"You know I love you, God," she prays. "I want to praise you too, but when there's lots of noise about I don't know what to do." Jenny is a shy angel who doesn't like lots of noise and rushing about. When the other angels ask her to go with them to see the newborn baby king, she decides to stay behind. In the quiet night she learns about love and nature, and that being shy doesn't matter because silent moments are special too.
SPCK Publishing Jail Bird: The inside story of the Glam Vicar
Written with passion and understanding, Jail Bird explores how it is possible to reach out to those vilified in the press and by society at large, and to work for the good of all, recognising the humanity in those who commit crimes. Sharon Grenham-Thompson is an Anglican minister and former prison chaplain at Bedford Jail in the UK, where she was responsible for running a large multi-faith team. Jailbird explores her motivation to help those who are the least in society. "Totally gripping and extremely personal, this fluid biography comes gushing down the mountain like a raging floodwater. I literally couldn't put it down. In fact I read the whole thing in one session." Chris Evans - BBC Radio 2 Presenter
SPCK Publishing Albert and the Picnic: The Story of the Feeding of the 5000
An action-packed Bible story about Ben, who will never forget the day when his simple packed lunch became a picnic for thousands of people. He joins the crowds listening to Jesus telling lovely stories and offers his lunch of five loaves and two fish to him. Then the miracle happened! A series of picture books of stories from the Old and New Testament by Richard Littledale, inspired by his retellings to groups of young children. Meet Albert, an elderly mouse, who retells well known Bible stories to eager young mice, perfect for story times with young listeners aged 3-5 years. Stunning bright and appealing illustrations bring to life the excitement and drama of the storytelling for young children to enjoy looking through time and time again. They will love seeking the mice in each picture!
SPCK Publishing Physicians, Plagues and Progress: The History of Western medicine from Antiquity to Antibiotics
Since the dawn of time, man has sought to improve his health and that of his neighbour. The human race, around the world, has been on a long and complex journey, seeking to find out how our bodies work, and what heals them. Embarking on a four-thousand-year odyssey, science historian Allan Chapman brings to life the origin and development of medicine and surgery. Writing with pace and rigorous accuracy, he investigates how we have battled against injury and disease, and provides a gripping and highly readable account of the various victories and discoveries along the way. Drawing on sources from across Europe and beyond, Chapman discusses the huge contributions to medicine made by the Greeks, the Romans, the early medieval Arabs, and above all by Western Christendom, looking at how experiment, discovery, and improving technology impact upon one another to produce progress. This is a fascinating, insightful read, enlivened with many colourful characters and memorable stories of inspired experimenters, theatrical surgeons, student pranks, body-snatchers, 'mad-doctors', quacks, and charitable benefactors.
SPCK Publishing The Lion Book of Christmas Poems
This poetry anthology includes both jolly and thought-provoking poems old and new to take the reader on a journey through the Christmas season, from the advent of winter to the dawn of the new year. Poems cover much-loved themes including the Nativity and the love and peace of God at Christmas time; the busyness and joy of family life and Christmas preparations; and hope for the new year. Poems are from names including Charles Causley, Steve Turner, Clare Bevan, Edward Lear, Emily Dickinson and many more modern and traditional poets. The anthology is enlivened with pictures and photographs to showcase a whole range of jolly Christmas styles. The giftable hardback format makes this a special book to share at home, whilst the wide scope of the poems makes this equally valuable for teachers looking for assembly and classroom resources .
SPCK Publishing All the Tales from the Ark
All three books of Avril Rowlands' popular stories about Noah: Tales from the Ark, More Tales from the Ark and The Rainbow's End. Avril takes a fresh and humorous look at the familiar Bible story, considering many of the dilemmas Noah might have faced while managing a menagerie of animals on a boat! One complete story per chapter. Praise for Tales from the Ark: 'A splendid collection of stories.' - Children's Books of the Year
SPCK Publishing Brother Egbert's Christmas
Brother Egbert is a monk at Willingford Abbey. He spends most of his time copying out pages from the Bible in beautiful handwriting, but on Sunday afternoons he invites the children of Willingford to come and read the Bible stories he has written especially for them. This is how Jake, the woodcarver's son, learns the story of Jesus' birth, the story that inspires Jake and his father as they make a new carving for the abbey church... and that carving inspires Brother Egbert to write this story. Presented in the style of an illuminated manuscript with calligraphy and highly colourful pictures interacting with the lettering, the book captures the spirit of one of Brother Egbert's own manuscripts. Included in the back are instructions on how to make your very own illuminated manuscript! The beautiful hardback with gold foiling and linen quarter binding make this a stunning and unique Christmas gift.
SPCK Publishing On That Christmas Night
Alison Jay has illustrated many books for children, and her beautiful paintings are instantly recognisable. In On That Christmas Night, see the story of the birth of Jesus interpreted in her own unique style, using vignettes, borders and full page art to accompany a sincere retelling of the Nativity. There are many intriguing people, animals and landscapes to look at along the way, bursting with new details to find with a young child, as you share the story of that special night.
SPCK Publishing A Gift for Baby's Christening
A book of simple prayers and reflections that a grown up can say with a baby and know they are beginning to enact the promises they made at the infant's christening to help raise them in the Christian faith. The prayers have been chosen and presented to be age-appropriate and appealing to young children and adults alike. his book includes some of the favourite childhood prayers that older generations will remember as favourites to know by heart. The cover is padded, gloss white with illustration and foil titling.
SPCK Publishing Sometimes
Toby loves his big sister Clemmie. She always looks after him and he looks after her - even when her disability means she has to go to hospital again. But they still find ways to have fun together - and their story will help encourage children facing a similar situation. Toby and Clemmie first appeared in Just Because, in which Toby paints us a picture of his super big sister and all the things they do together - just because.
SPCK Publishing Less is More: Spirituality for Busy Lives
Brian Draper was tired of feeling tired; "life in its fullness" felt like a life crammed full of stuff, and no more. "I don't want to be the kind of father who turns up late and exhausted for his children's school concert and sits at the back fiddling with a Blackberry, distracted, vacant. I want to be THERE, in the front row, fully present." Drawing on the guidance of Christian wisdom, he began to notice opportunities, day to day, to reduce the quantity, and increase the quality of life - to make room for his soul. LESS IS MORE distils a wonderful spiritual principle which is especially significant at this point in history, when time is limited and money is in short supply. Chapters include: Clearing the loft - literally and spiritually; Using your senses to savour what is free; Finding rhythm; Giving freely; Expressing yourself.
SPCK Publishing Dorothy L Sayers: A Biography: Death, Dante and Lord Peter Wimsey
Dorothy L. Sayers was a woman of contrasts. A strong Christian, she had a baby - out of wedlock - by a man she did not love. Possessing a fierce intellect, she translated Dante, and also created one of the most popular fictional detectives ever in Lord Peter Wimsey. Drawing on material often difficult to access, particularly her collected letters, Colin Duriez reassesses Sayers’ life, her writings, her studies, and her faith to present a rich and captivating portrait of this formidable character.
SPCK Publishing C S Lewis: A biography of friendship
An Oxford student of C.S. Lewis's said he found his new tutor interesting, and was told by J.R.R. Tolkien, 'Interesting? Yes, he's certainly that. You'll never get to the bottom of him.' You can learn a great deal about people by their friends and nowhere is this more true than in the case of C.S. Lewis, the remarkable academic, author, populariser of faith - and creator of Narnia. He lost his mother early in life, and became estranged from his father, much to his regret. Throughout his life, key relationships mattered deeply to him, from his early days in the north of Ireland and his schooldays in England, as still a teenager in the trenches of World War One, and then later in Oxford. The friendships he cultivated throughout his life proved to be vital, influencing his thoughts, his beliefs and his writings. What did Arthur Greeves, a life-long friend from his adolescence, bring to him? How did J.R.R. Tolkien, and the other members of the now famous Inklings, shape him? Why, in his early twenties, did he move in with a single mother twice his age, Janie Moore, and live with her for so many years until her death? And why did he choose to marry so late? What of the relationship with his alcoholic and gifted brother, who eventually joined his unusual household? In this sparkling new biography, which draws on material not previously published, Colin Duriez brings C.S. Lewis and his friendships to life.
SPCK Publishing My very First Bible and Prayers
This boxed-set contains mini-sized versions of two of Lion's most popular children's books - My Very First Bible and My Very First Prayers. Designed from the start as a matching pair, they feature the delightful and utterly child-friendly paper cut illustrations of Alex Ayliffe combined with the beautifully simple prose and verse of Lois Rock. My Very First Bible contains 20 Bible stories - from the Old and New Testaments - and My Very First Prayers contains 120 prayers relating to the world of childhood; presented together these make a thoughtful gift for a much-loved child.
SPCK Publishing Brighter Days: 12 steps to strengthening your wellbeing
You probably don't need to be told that the demands of modern living are taking their toll on our wellbeing. You likely feel it. And yet, some of us feel as though we’re the only ones who are weary, overwhelmed or anxious so we don’t talk about it and try and pretend that it’s not happening. The truth is that we’re far from alone; we all have days where life feels too much, and we’ve all had times when we’re desperate to know that brighter days are ahead. Packed-full of practical tips alongside stories of struggle and strength, Brighter Days is for all of us who want tools to invest in our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health so we can look forward to a healthier and more hopeful future.
SPCK Publishing Restore, Renew, Rebuild: The life of Nehemiah and the mission of Jesus
The Church is entering a season of change. Together, we need to restore, renew and rebuild to create a more hopeful, faith-filled future – and the book of Nehemiah shows us how. With contributions from Debra Green and Paul Weston, Cris Rogers explores how we can learn from Nehemiah’s story and restore our hearts, our focus and our world so that the Church can thrive as we join in with God’s heart for restoring all things. An inspiring call to action, this book will challenge and equip you to join God’s mission and the full ministry of Jesus.
SPCK Publishing What's the Point of Theology?: Wisdom, Wellbeing and Wonder
We may be aware that theology is the study of the nature of God and of religious belief. But why should that matter to us? What’s the point of theology? In this wonderfully accessible book, renowned Christian theologian Alister McGrath explores just why theology is so important and what it can bring to our lives. Drawing on insights from his own experience of coming to Christianity from atheism, this exhilarating and enlightening volume reveals how theology offers a gateway to discovery: it helps us grow in wisdom; it contributes to our wellbeing; it sparks our innate sense of wonder. Above all, theology help us to grow in faith and love as we draw ever closer to the divine. What’s the Point of Theology? is ideal for new and seasoned Christians who want to engage more deeply with their faith but are unsure if theology can help them. It also has much to offer those who are interested in spiritual matters and curious to find out more. Stimulating and encouraging, What’s the Point of Theology? will open your eyes to all that theology can teach us and has to offer – a wiser understanding of what really matters, a richer vision of the good life, a deeper appreciation of the beauty of nature – as well strengthening your faith and relationship with God.
SPCK Publishing Flying, Falling, Catching: An Unlikely Story of Finding Freedom
'I am very grateful for Carolyn Whitney-Brown's accurate account of my brother Henri's inner feelings, hopes, wishes and despair. You brought Henri very close to me again.’ LAURENT NOUWEN, FOUNDER OF THE HENRI NOUWEN FOUNDATION 'Anyone who knew Henri, either through his writing or in person, will immediately recognise how beautifully he’s been brought to life in this book.’ GARY DONOHOE, PROFESSOR & CHAIR OF PSYCHOLOGY, NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND ‘A beacon of hope.’ MARINA NEMAT, AUTHOR OF INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER PRISONER OF TEHRAN During the last five years of his life, spiritual leader and teacher Henri Nouwen became close to a travelling circus trapeze troupe, The Flying Rodleighs. The lessons he discovered through his relationship with the troupe stimulated Nouwen to write in a genre new to him, creative non-fiction, and these writings are presented for the first time in Flying, Falling, Catching. With care and insight, Nouwen’s colleague and friend Carolyn Whitney-Brown weaves Henri’s material into a dramatic narrative that imagines his life flashing before him during his first heart attack. We learn how Nouwen saw his own experiences reflected in the artistry, exhilarating successes, crushing failures and continual forgiveness that were integral to the act of The Flying Rodleighs. A fascinating blend of autobiography and spiritual writing, Flying, Falling Catching offers an extraordinary new angle on a man who has inspired thousands. Through his own writings and Whitney-Brown’s narrative, we see him as a spiritual adventurer, someone who was transformed by diversity as he learned to view the world through many perspectives. Nouwen’s story – including his participation in the Civil Rights movement, the friendships he made during the 1990s AIDS pandemic, and many other unexpected encounters – encourages us to embrace our vulnerabilities, and vividly reminds us that one of the greatest challenges we face is to avoid despair by reflecting on the meaning and significance of the lives we have lived, and are living. Part inspirational Christian autobiography, part thought-provoking narrative, Flying, Falling Catching will surprise and delight long-term fans of Nouwen’s ministry and new readers keen to learn more about him. In offering a deeper understanding of an extraordinary yet very human spirit, it provides us with the motivation to search out our own spiritual adventure; like Nouwen, we too can learn to let go and fly – and not be afraid to fall.
SPCK Publishing The Story of You: An Enneagram journey to becoming your true self
In The Story of You the author of the bestselling The Road Back to You reveals how to use the power of the Enneagram—the ancient personality typing system—to overwrite the negative stories we tell ourselves, so that we can ultimately become our true selves. In this powerful, transformative guide, Ian Morgan Cron demonstrates the life-changing power of the Enneagram. The Story of You challenges us to rethink what we believe about who we are and offers lessons in using the Enneagram to help you change your story. Drawing on his extensive counselling and personal experience, Cron examines each of the nine personality types. Step by step, he explains how each can find happiness by understanding their origin story, harnessing their type’s strengths, acknowledging weaknesses, and creating space for an incredible—and more positive—new reality. The Story of You is a book for anyone looking for practical advice and guidance on how to use the Enneagram as a Christian, and to make it part of their spiritual formation. As you shed the false ideas you have about yourself and master your Enneagram profile, you will unlock your own inner power for spiritual growth—and, ultimately, for becoming the true self God meant for you to be.
SPCK Publishing From Wild Man to Wise Man: Reflections on Male Spirituality
What does healthy male spirituality look like? In From Wild Man to Wise Man, Father Richard Rohr explores masculinity and what it means to be a Christian man, offering a reflective and helpful guide to lead men to understand their wilderness as path to God’s wisdom. Drawing on the four archetypes of masculinity, as well as Biblical examples, he explores what men need in order to develop a healthy, balanced male spirituality throughout their faith journey. He covers topics such as unresolved grief, expression of emotion and the stage of a man’s life, offering an honest and compassionate structure to help men grow in their spirituality. From Wild Man to Wise Man is a book for any man wanting to explore the masculine side of his spirituality in a balanced way. It will be helpful for older men wanting to engage more deeply or in a new way with their spirituality, and for younger men just starting out on their journey of faith. It also includes an appendix with a structure for the book to be used by small groups. For anyone questioning what it means to be a man in our society today, From Wild Man to Wise Man will leave you with a nuanced, thoughtful understanding of male spirituality and a fresh perspective on modern masculinity and identity.
SPCK Publishing Sleepers Wake: Getting Serious About Climate Change: The Archbishop of York's Advent Book 2022
'Shot through with hope.' STEPHEN COTTRELL, ARCHBISHOP OF YORK ‘Like Bach’s great Wachet auf! chorale, this walk through the weeks of Advent is both a carefully constructed meditation, and an unsettling call to action.’ NEIL MacGREGOR, BROADCASTER AND FORMER MUSEUM DIRECTOR Climate change is the most important, urgent issue of our day – but while there are technical and political issues, the fundamental problem with the fight against climate change is spiritual. In Sleepers Wake, the Archbishop of York’s Advent Book for 2022, Nicholas Holtam explores how we can combat the obstacles to tackling the reality of climate change. With exhilaration and passion, he draws on his experience as former Church of England lead Bishop for the environment to urge us to transform ourselves, spiritually and culturally, so we can all do our part to preserve our world for future generations. Split into four sections for the four weeks of Advent, these practical suggestions and reflective meditations about climate change and the environment are set alongside beautiful fine art paintings relevant to the season. The Archbishop of York’s Advent Book for 2022 can be used as a study for both individuals and small groups, to help you get the most out of the season. With inspiring and motivating prompts for both prayer and action, Sleepers Wake encourages Christians to see Advent as an opportunity to wake up to the reality of climate change and hear God’s call to renew the earth. Radical change is difficult, but as Nicholas Holtam unforgettably reminds us in Sleepers Wake, it is something we all need to be a part of for the sake of our children and for the future God’s world.
SPCK Publishing The Wisdom Pattern: Order - Disorder - Reorder
A universal pattern can be found in all societies and in fact in all of creation. We see it in the seasons of the year, the stories of Scripture, and even in our own lives. In The Wisdom Pattern, Father Richard Rohr illuminates the way understanding and embracing this pattern can give us hope in difficult times and the courage to push through messiness – and even great chaos – to find a new way of being in the world. A new version of his earlier book Hope Against Darkness, Father Rohr offers reflections in The Wisdom Pattern that bring together a deep spirituality with Jungian psychology. They have been thoroughly updated for today’s world, and reveal a vision of Christianity that speaks to the heart of twenty-first century society. The Wisdom Pattern is a book for anyone looking to understand better the patterns in the world around us, and seeking hope for a divided and turbulent world. It will leave you with a vision for moving forward with faith and courage, as well as renewed empathy and compassion for those around you.
SPCK Publishing Embracing Justice: The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 2022
'In a world where justice is too often about power, Isabelle Hamley shows that God's justice brings transformation, healing and hope for all.' JUSTIN WELBY What is justice? It's a question we encounter everywhere in life and that over the last years has increasingly demanded an answer. In Embracing Justice, Isabelle Hamley invites us on an exhilarating journey through Scripture to discover how we, as churches, communities and individual Christians, can seek and practice justice even when enmeshed in such a fractured world. Full of practical encouragement, the Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book for 2022 brilliantly weaves together biblical texts, diverse voices, contemporary stories, and personal and group meditations to reveal liberating and imaginative ways in which me may grow in discipleship - and more fully reflect the justice, mercy and compassion of Christ in our lives. With six chapters to take you from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, this Lent devotional for 2022 is essential reading for anyone interested in the issues of justice - from climate and economic justice to gender and racial equality - that are increasingly at the forefront of global consciousness, and the role that Christians and the Church must play in them. Suitable for use both as a single study for individuals and for small groups to prepare for Easter, Embracing Justice will encourage, inform and motivate anyone looking for Christian books about justice. It will help you understand justice from a biblical perspective, and inspire you to seek it in every aspect of your life. Although the world is broken, unequal and violent, the call to reflect God's own justice and mercy continues to sound like a steady drumbeat, impossible to ignore. Company with Isabelle Hamley this Lent, and discover that we can all join God’s mission of transformation and embrace his justice.
SPCK Publishing Rage and Hope: 75 prayers for a better world
Commemorating 75 years of Christian Aid, this is a prayer book like no other. Full of defiance and determination, it is an invitation to join Christian Aid and followers of Jesus around the world in a united chorus of Rage and Hope. Bringing together voices from different contexts and cultures around the world, this is a collection of prayers of lament for the injustices of the world, and prayers of hope for the world we want to see. Featuring contributions from Rowan Williams, Amanda Khozi Mukwashi, Rhidian Brook, Robert Beckford, John Bell, Rachel Treweek, Walter Brueggemann and many more, Rage and Hope offers defiant, inspiring Christian prayers for a better world. The world is broken, full of injustice and inequality, but despite everything, we hope. Rage and Hope is a prayer book to enable us as the people of God cry out in lament. With prayers for the poor, the sick, broken and the oppressed, you will find words for raging at the darkness and struggles in the world. And with prayers for healing and renewal, you will find words to kindle hope as we look towards a kingdom in which all things will be made new.
SPCK Publishing Every Thing is Sacred: 40 Practices and Reflections on The Universal Christ
‘Rohr and Boland prove to be compassionate, encouraging mentors . . . Christians looking to deepen their spiritual practice will find rich material and wise guidance here.’ PUBLISHERS WEEKLY In his landmark book, The Universal Christ, Richard Rohr articulated a transformative view of what it means to recognize Jesus as 'Christ' – as a portrait of God's constant, unfolding work in the world, and in us. Now, in partnership with Patrick Boland, a psychotherapist and member of the Center for Action and Contemplation community, Rohr invites us to experience God’s work in practice through a series of 40 reflections. Each reflection in Every Thing Is Sacred draws on a key passage of The Universal Christ, pairing this with prayers, journal prompts and contemplative exercises to help us encounter the truth that the presence and compassion of God are all around us. A wonderfully encouraging read, filled with Richard Rohr’s characteristic wisdom, this devotional book is perfect for anyone who wants to make the liberating message of The Universal Christ part of their everyday lives. It is also suitable for newcomers to Rohr and those looking for reflections and meditations that will increase their awareness of God in the world and in us. Whether read daily for Lent 2021 or explored over the course of a year, Every Thing Is Sacred is a hope-filled journey into the love at the heart of all things.
SPCK Publishing Leadership 101: Your Go-to Guide for Leading Youth and Children’s Ministries into a Brighter Future
'Tim Alford has learnt these lessons not in the classroom but in the hurly-burly, heart breaking, inspiring world of Christian leadership. It’s required reading for every leader who wants to leave a legacy of fired up leaders who totally follow Jesus. Is there really anything more important than that?' Andy Hawthorne OBE, Director of The Message Trust Youth and childrens' ministry is impacted by many things – from training and resources to demographic. But ultimately it is leadership skills that determine how fruitful our ministries can be. Leadership 101 is a manual designed to equip youth and kids workers with the tools they need not just to lead, but to lead well. Taking a holistic look at leadership, Tim Alford, national director of Limitless, explores the principles of self-leadership, culture and team building, vision and strategy and offers practical, experienced advice how to implement those principles in our Christian leadership. Thoroughly readable and entirely applicable, Leadership 101 is the perfect leadership book for childrens' and youth workers to refer to again and again as you lead your ministry into a brighter, more fruitful, future.
SPCK Publishing Twenty Questions Jesus Asked: And How They Speak To Us Today
‘In this wonderful book, John Pritchard draws you into twenty of Jesus’ most important questions, which ring as true today as ever they did. I loved it.’ PAULA GOODER, CHANCELLOR OF ST PAUL’S CATHEDRAL, LONDON We usually think of Jesus as preaching and teaching, but throughout the gospels he is often asking questions – searching enquiries, that disarm the hearers into responding unreservedly and provide some of the most profound lessons in the New Testament. But what were the questions that Jesus asked? And how can we learn from them today? Twenty Questions Jesus Asked explores just that. Over four distinct sections, John Pritchard explores twenty of Jesus’ conversations by imagining the experience of those being questioned and reflecting on their significance for us as modern Christians. With contemporary stories, questions for reflection and prayer exercises, Twenty Questions Jesus Asked is a brilliant book for both individual and small group use. With his characteristic grounded thoughtfulness, John Pritchard guides us through Jesus’ questions and helps us better understand the lessons he was trying to impart, so that we can grow as disciples and apply Jesus’ wisdom to every day life.
SPCK Publishing Dusk Night Dawn: On Revival and Courage
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR How do we get through dark times when we feel like giving in to fear and despair, and when existential dread has convinced us of our smallness? In this real, resonant book, Anne Lamott uses her own recent marriage as a framework to explore how our lives can be enlarged through renewed commitment to ourselves and those around us. With warmth and wit, she looks at what it means to care for the soul when struggling with fear and dread and to emerge with exuberance, purpose and possibility, with new love for and joy in those around us. Our lives shouldn’t be about what gets us ahead in the game or the demands other make on us. Wise, compassionate and spiritually uplifting, Dusk, Night, Dawn is for anyone looking for Christian hope and encouragement in times of fear and dread. It will leave you restored, and show you how you can care for your soul and live peacefully and exuberantly going forward. 'Chock-full of her trademark wit . . . this is [Lamott's] first book since getting married, so those honest insights about choosing love amid anxiety are sure to shine even brighter.' Bookpage ‘By turns wise, funny, tragic, mystical, visionary, and imaginative . . . Readers new to Lamott are opening themselves to a real treat, as her abilities as a storyteller are in full form.’ Library Journal