Search results for ""terrain""
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Détection des impacts toxiques dans l'environnement: Du terrain à la règlementation
Stone Bridge Press Discovering Yamaguchi Sake: A Taster’s Guide to Breweries, Culture, and Terrain
This book is the first of its kind, a deep-dive into a single sake-producing region to highlight its delicious brews as well as the people, land, and culture behind them. Brewing in Yamaguchi — in southern Honshu, Japan — reflects the whole history of sake in Japan, from boom to bust to resurgence, and many of its brands, including the fabled Dassai, are now at izakaya and fine restaurants around the world. Expert Jim Rion takes us on a tour of all 23 Yamaguchi breweries to introduce the character of each and its brewmasters’ best picks. Along the way he provides background on such topics as rice farmers, drinkware, brewing methods, and the controversy over sake “terroir” (does it exist?). An added bonus for travelers is a mini sightseeing guide to the region and its many delights. Illustrated with photographs and quick-reference sake labels.
University of California Press Carceral Con: The Deceptive Terrain of Criminal Justice Reform
A critical examination of how contemporary criminal justice reforms expand rather than shrink structurally violent systems of policing, surveillance, and carceral control in the United States. Public opposition to the structural racist, gendered, and economic violence that fuels the criminal legal system is reaching a critical mass. Ignited by popular uprisings, protests, and campaigns against state violence, demands for transformational change have escalated. In response, a now deeply entrenched so-called bipartisan industry has staked its claim to the reform terrain. Representing itself as a sensible bridge across bitterly polarized political divides and party lines, the bipartisan reform industry has sought to control the nature and scope of local, state, and federal reforms. Along the way, it creates an expanding web of neoliberal public-private partnerships, with the promotion and implementation of efforts managed by billionaires, public officials, policy factories, foundations, universities, and mega nonprofit organizations. Yet many bipartisan reforms constitute deceptive sleights of hand that not only fail to produce justice but actively reproduce structural racial and economic inequality. Carceral Con pulls the veil away from the reform public relations machine, providing a riveting overview of the repressive US carceral state and a critical examination of the reform terrain, quagmires, and choices that face us. This book vividly illustrates how contemporary bipartisan reform agendas leave the structural apparatus of mass incarceration intact while widening the net of carceral control and surveillance. Readers are also provided with information and insights useful for examining the likely impacts of reforms today and in the future. What can we learn from reforms of the past? What strategies hold most promise for dismantling structural inequalities, corporate control, and state violence? What approaches will reduce reliance on carceral control and also bring about community safety? Utilizing an abolitionist lens, Carceral Con makes the compelling case for liberatory approaches to envisioning and creating a just society.
MP-KAN Uni Press of Kansas Hopi Runners Crossing the Terrain between Indian and American
Long before Hopis won trophy cups or received acclaim in American newspapers, Hopi clan runners competed against each other on and below their mesas–and when they won footraces, they received rain. Hopi Runners provides a window into this venerable tradition at a time of great consequence for Hopi culture.
Peeters Publishers Cartographier l'Asie Mineure: L'orientalisme allemand à l'épreuve du terrain (1835-1895)
Edward Said voyait dans l'orientalisme allemand un seul fantasme de cabinet: à rebours de cette conception, cet ouvrage montre qu'il se nourrit aussi d'expériences de terrain. Comment? Il redessine la toile des producteurs - concepteurs, réalisateurs, traducteurs, commanditaires - des cartes de l'Asie mineure publiées à Berlin au XIXe siècle. Apparaît alors une géographie savante transnationale: de Péra à la Wilhelmstrasse, de Trébizonde à Leipzig, de Smyrne à Paris, Londres, Saint-Pétersbourg ou Vienne. Les producteurs autochtones et étrangers d'un savoir sur l'Empire ottoman circulent, se rencontrent et correspondent. La cartographie est au centre de l'attention des orientalistes savants, des hommes d'affaires et des militaires. C'est un sésame pour la philologie, l'archéologie, l'art de la guerre et le commerce. Entre 1835 et 1895, période que jalonnent les deux principales missions militaires envoyées par Berlin dans l'Empire ottoman, les intérêts stratégiques et académiques s'imbriquent et évoluent conjointement avec les projets militaires et civils ottomans. Rouage d'une histoire transimpériale, la cartographie de l'Asie mineure ne fut pas un simple vecteur d'un impérialisme allemand mais bien un outil au service de deux empires.
Classiques Garnier Ethique, Politique, Religions: Le Terrain En Philosophie, Quelles Methodes Pour Quelle Ethique ?
Red Sea Press,U.S. Contested Terrain: Essays on Oromo Studies, Ethiopianist Discourse and Politically Engaged Scholarship
Green Writers Press Whole Terrain: "About Time": A Journal of Reflective Environmental Practice
Whole Terrain, Issue 24: "About Time"—Meditate with us on the urgency and the beauty of time through this volume's visual, poetic, fictional, and practical explorations. Essays: Kathleen Dean Moore - The Tadpole Madrigal, John Hanson Mitchell - Legends of the Common Stream, Leath Tonino - A Little Boy’s Whale, Samantha Harvey - Reflections on Houston in a Time of Contradiction, John Bates - What Hath God Rot, Amy E. Boyd - Missed Rendezvous, Randall Amster - Remembering the Terrapods, Rebecca L. Vidra - Cultivating Patience, Jeremy Elliott - Artifacts, David Solomon - One Generation’s Treasure, Kimberly Langmaid - Crossing Thresholds in Yellowstone. Poems: Sean Prentiss - Entropy, Liz N. Clift - 13 Letters to Crater Lake, Heidi Watts - Winter Weeds. Visual Essays: Davis Te Selle, Xander Griffith, Sheri Vandermolen, Johanna Spaeder.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Social Science Goes to War: The Human Terrain System in Iraq and Afghanistan
The Human Terrain System (HTS) was catapulted into existence in 2006 by the US military's urgent need for knowledge of the human dimension of the battlespace in Iraq and Afghanistan. Its centrepiece was embedded groups of mixed military and civilian personnel, known as Human Terrain Teams (HTTs), whose mission was to conduct social science research and analysis and to advise military commanders about the local population. Bringing social science - and actual social scientists - to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was bold and challenging. Despite the controversy over HTS among scholars, there is little good, reliable source material written by those with experience of HTS or about the actual work carried out by teams in theatre. This volume goes beyond the anecdotes, snippets and blogs to provide a comprehensive, objective and detailed view of HTS. The contributors put the program in historical context, discuss the obstacles it faced, analyse its successes, and detail the work of the teams downrange. Most importantly, they capture some of the diverse lived experience of HTS scholars and practitioners drawn from an eclectic array of the social sciences.
John Wiley & Sons Inc SketchUp for Site Design: A Guide to Modeling Site Plans, Terrain, and Architecture
The site designer's guide to SketchUp's powerful modeling capabilities SketchUp for Site Design is the definitive guide to SketchUp for landscape architects and other site design professionals. Step-by-step tutorials walk you through basic to advanced processes, with expert guidance toward best practices, customization, organization, and presentation. This new second edition has been revised to align with the latest software updates, with detailed instruction on using the newest terrain modeling tools and the newly available extensions and plug-ins. All graphics have been updated to reflect the current SketchUp interface and menus, and the third part of the book includes all-new content featuring the use of new grade and terrain extensions. Developed around the needs of intermediate professional users and their workflows, this book provides practical all-around coaching on using SketchUp specifically for modeling site plans. SketchUp was designed for usability, with the needs of the architect, industrial designer, and engineers at center stage. This book shows you how the software's powerful terrain and grade functions make it an ideal tool for site designers, and how to seamlessly integrate it into your workflow for more efficient design and comprehensive planning. Master the SketchUp basics, navigation, components, and scripts Turn 2D sketches into 3D models with volume, color, and material Create detailed site plans, custom furnishings, gradings, and architecture Learn sandbox tools, organization strategies, and model presentation tips SketchUp has undergone major changes since the publication of this guide's first edition, with its sale to Trimble Navigation bringing about a number of revisions and the availability of more immediately useful features. SketchUp for Site Design shows you how to harness the power of this newly expanded feature set to smooth and optimize the site design workflow.
Oxford University Press Inc From Terrain to Brain: Forays into the Many Sciences of Wine
An exploration of how the many sciences of wine can enhance our appreciation and enjoyment of wine. In From Terrain to Brain, Professor Erika Szymanski makes wine science accessible to non-experts. Rather than approach wine science as body of facts about wine, Szymanski explores how wine science can open up multiple ways of seeing, understanding, and appreciating wine. Too often, wine science is presented as a comprehensive body of knowledge that enthusiasts aiming to become experts should memorize. This book instead uses scientific research to explore wine as an endlessly rich cultural phenomenon. By foregrounding recent research and developments in wine science, From Terrain to Brain presents wine science as a work-in-progress rather than a codified body of knowledge. Each chapter takes readers on a journey or "foray" through a topic in wine science, such as minerality, climate, microbiome, and yeast. Chapters are organized from "terrain" (geography, terroir, soil) and cell "membrane" (microbiology) through "brain" (the experience of tasting) and "drain" (sustainability). Throughout, From Terrain to Brain emphasizes that wine science, wine culture, and tradition are interconnected and places scientific research in social and historical context.
Johns Hopkins University Press Battling the Elements: Weather and Terrain in the Conduct of War
Throughout history, from Kublai Khan's attempted invasions of Japan to Rommel's desert warfare, military operations have succeeded or failed on the ability of commanders to incorporate environmental conditions into their tactics. In Battling the Elements, geographer Harold A. Winters and former U.S. Army officers Gerald E. Galloway Jr., William J. Reynolds, and David W. Rhyne, examine the connections between major battles in world history and their geographic components, revealing what role factors such as weather, climate, terrain, soil, and vegetation have played in combat. Each chapter offers a detailed and engaging explanation of a specific environmental factor and then looks at several battles that highlight its effects on military operations. As this cogent analysis of geography and war makes clear, those who know more about the shape, nature, and variability of battleground conditions will always have a better understanding of the nature of combat and at least one significant advantage over a less knowledgeable enemy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Diversity and Triumphs of Navigating the Terrain of Academe: International Perspectives
Many challenges are faced by under-represented groups in academia. Difficulties during the tenure process, prejudice stemming from affirmative action and higher levels of scrutiny than their colleagues are just a few tribulations experienced by faculty members from minority groups that have gone unnoticed and often ignored.The contributors of Diversity and Triumphs of Navigating the Terrain of Academe share these narratives and tell of how faculty navigate through situations such as microaggressions, racism and sexism. By taking an anecdotal approach, this volume captures the experiences of those who teach at institutions dominated by white males in the United States and abroad. This book is written as a treatise to dismantle the powers of discriminatory incubuses that have haunted institutions of higher learning, one narrative at a time. Some of these institutions are still making history in hiring its first person of color within its departments. Collectively, the contributors' experiences serve as instrumentalities that work together to initiate dialogue among current and future members of the professoriate, making this title an invaluable text for researchers and higher education administrators alike.
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd La co-conception en Living Lab santé et autonomie 2: Témoignages de terrain
Haynes Publishing Group Honda Kawasaki Polaris Suzuki Yamaha All-Terrain Vehicle Volume 2 Service Repair Manual
Peeters Publishers Du Terrain Au Cognitif. Linguistique, Ethnolinguistique, Ethnosciences. A Jacqueline M.C. Thomas
Jacqueline M.C. Thomas, ethnolinguiste, fondateur du LACITO (Laboratoire de "Langues et Civilisations a Tradition Orale), a inlassablement oeuvre pour faire reconnaitre la "non-separabilite" de la langue et de la societe qui la parle, l'interet de l'apport fourni aux etudes linguistiques par des enquetes poussees dans des domaines connexes et, partant, la necessite d'entreprendre des etudes pluri- ou interdisciplinaires.A travers des exemples recueillis dans des langues et societes du monde entier, les textes reunis dans ce livre d'hommage, non seulement temoignent des multiples facons d'aborder la complexite de la langue et du langage, mais aussi montrent comment, entre terrain et analyse, il est possible de briser l'isolement des disciplines (linguistique, ethnologie, musicologie, sciences de la vie et de la terre, medecine, etc.) afin d'interroger les langues, d'explorer les societes et leur culture.Les articles, a caractere dscriptif de synthese ou a portee theorique, sont regroupes autour de cinq grands axes ("Linguistique generale", "Linguistique descriptive et comparative", "Ethnologie et linguistique", "Ethnoscience(s), "Litterature orale"). Ces articles nous convient a une reflexion sur des themes aussi divers que les methodes et exigences des enquetes de terrain et des analyses des donnees, la nature du savoir, les fondements de la langue et du langage ou encore leur dimension historique, les capacites de l'etre humain a dire/organiser le monde qui l'entoure..., mais aussi la complexification des disciplines en champs polycompetents.Le cederom joint a l'ouvrage presente les possibilites offertes aux linguistes de terrain par les nouvelles technologies de l'information: enregistrements sonores, transcriptions, textes, documents photographiques, films...peuvent maintenant etre stockes, traites, diffuses, sur un support unique.
Peeters Publishers Un berbérisant de terrain: Arsène Roux (1893-1971): Écrits et inédits
Le fonds d’archives berbères inédites `Arsène Roux’ déposé à la Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme (MMSH, Médiathèque) à Aix-en-Provence (France) est d’une richesse exceptionnelle. S’il a attiré plusieurs berbérisants s'intéressant à la langue, à la littérature et aux manuscrits, et si quelques publications ont déjà été réalisées, seule une très faible partie de ce fonds a été exploitée jusqu’ici. Une collaboration régulière a été mise en place depuis plusieurs années entre l’IREMAM d’Aix et l’IRCAM de Rabat en vue de l’exploitation et de la valorisation de ce fonds – elle est bien sûr largement ouverte à tous les chercheurs. La qualité et la pertinence des écrits d'Arsène Roux, disséminés dans des revues aujourd'hui difficilement accessibles, et l'originalité des matériaux linguistiques recueillis et exploités, ont amené les éditeurs à regrouper tous ses articles, communications et comptes-rendus dans le présent ouvrage intitulé Un berbérisant de terrain: Arsène Roux (1893-1971). Écrits et inédits. On y a également intégré un certain nombre de rapports et notes internes relatifs à l’enseignement du berbère pendant la période du Protectorat, ainsi que le fac-similé de quelques travaux d’élèves, tous particulièrement éclairants sur l’activité pédagogique d’A. Roux. Car la carrière d'Arsène Roux a été marquée par un domaine de prédilection : celui de l'enseignement, aussi bien du berbère que de l'arabe. Sa bibliothèque foisonne de documents relatifs à ce champ d'intérêt, fondés le plus souvent sur des corpus authentiques collectés auprès de ses informateurs, essentiellement Si Brahim Akenku et ses élèves du Collège berbère d’Azrou. Le fonds documentaire Roux renferme également de précieux manuscrits en tachelhit en caractères arabes, désormais numérisés. Roux avait plus d'une corde à son arc. Son intérêt pour la langue berbère et pour son enseignement l'a amené à projeter d'élaborer des ouvrages de référence, en l'occurrence un dictionnaire et une grammaire pour le tachelhit et le tamazight. Les fichiers lexicographiques, les matériaux lexicaux ainsi que les diverses notes de linguistique sont les éléments d'un grand projet que Roux n'a pas eu le temps d'achever, pourtant tous les ingrédients étaient réunis pour sa réalisation. On espère que la publication de cet hommage posthume suscitera des vocations parmi les jeunes générations de berbérisants qui trouveront dans ce fonds des matériaux linguistiques, littéraires et ethnographiques considérables, divers et fiables.
Kittiwake Press All-Ability Trails in Snowdonia - Suitable for Manual Pushchairs, Scooters and All-Terrain Wheelchairs
Duke University Press Our Veterans: Winners, Losers, Friends, and Enemies on the New Terrain of Veterans Affairs
In Our Veterans, Suzanne Gordon, Steve Early, and Jasper Craven explore the physical, emotional, social, economic, and psychological impact of military service and the problems that veterans face when they return to civilian life. The authors critically examine the role of advocacy organizations, philanthropies, corporations, and politicians who purport to be “pro-veteran.” They describe the ongoing debate about the cost, quality, and effectiveness of healthcare provided or outsourced by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). They also examine generational divisions and political tensions among veterans, as revealed in the tumultuous events of 2020, from Black Lives Matter protests to the Trump-Biden presidential contest. Frank and revealing, Our Veterans proposes a new agenda for veterans affairs linking service provision to veterans to the quest for broader social programs benefiting all Americans.
State University of New York Press Speaking the Unpleasant: The Politics of (non)Engagement in the Multicultural Education Terrain
Workman Publishing Terrain: The Houseplant Book: An Insider’s Guide to Cultivating and Collecting the Most Sought-After Specimens
“An informative and inspiring guide to collecting and growing plants at home.”—Gardenista “This book is a must-have!”—Hilton Carter, author of Wild at Home, Wild Interiors, and Wild CreationsSecrets of the Houseplant Hunters Terrain’s plant experts travel the world in search of the most unusual and interesting houseplants. In this inspiring and practical guide, they share their favorite specimens: exotic and eclectic ferns, like the skeleton fork, a primitive (and unfussy) predecessor to the family; new aroids to feed that monstera obsession; and adventurous trailing plants like dischidia, which is found cascading from tree branches in its native Thailand; plus succulents and cacti, indoor trees, the best low-care plants, and “rule breakers” like bamboo muhly grass that can make an unexpected move indoors. Along the way, Terrain introduces their favorite independent growers—passionate plant lovers who are creating new hybrids and bringing back old-school specimens to the market. And readers learn ?Terrain’s way of styling and overarching philosophy on care: the most important thing we can give our plants is our presence.
Helion & Company From Tobruk to Tunis: The Impact of Terrain on British Operations and Doctrine in North Africa 1940-1943
Helion & Company From Tobruk to Tunis: The Impact of Terrain on British Operations and Doctrine in North Africa, 1940-1943
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Discovering Planet Earth: A guide to the world's terrain and the forces that made it
University of Nebraska Press Making a Modern U.S. West: The Contested Terrain of a Region and Its Borders, 1898-1940
To many Americans in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the West was simultaneously the greatest symbol of American opportunity, the greatest story of its history, and the imagined blank slate on which the country’s future would be written. From the Spanish-American War in 1898 to the Great Depression’s end, from the Mississippi to the Pacific, policymakers at various levels and large-scale corporate investors, along with those living in the West and its borderlands, struggled over who would define modernity, who would participate in the modern American West, and who would be excluded. In Making a Modern U.S. West Sarah Deutsch surveys the history of the U.S. West from 1898 to 1940. Centering what is often relegated to the margins in histories of the region—the flows of people, capital, and ideas across borders—Deutsch attends to the region’s role in constructing U.S. racial formations and argues that the West as a region was as important as the South in constructing the United States as a “white man’s country.” While this racial formation was linked to claims of modernity and progress by powerful players, Deutsch shows that visions of what constituted modernity were deeply contested by others. This expansive volume presents the most thorough examination to date of the American West from the late 1890s to the eve of World War II.
The Pool of London Press The Jungle Survival Pocket Manual 1939–1945: Instructions on Warfare, Terrain, Endurance and the Dangers of the Tropics
Societe d'Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France (SELAF) Enquete Et Description Des Langues a Tradition Orale. Tome I: L'enquete De Terrain Et L'analyse Grammaticale. Tome II: Approche Linguistique (questionnaires Grammaticaux Et Phrases). Tome III: Approche Thematique (questionnaire Technique Et
Tome I: contributions de L. Bouquiaux & J.M.C. Thomas, S. Arom, G. Guarisma et J.C. Rivierre. Tome II: contributions de D. Barreteau, L. Bouquiaux, R. Boyd, J.-P. Caprile, F. Cloarec-Heiss, G. Guarisma, C. Hagege, F. Leduc, P. Renaud, P. Roulon, M. Sachnine, N. Tersis et J.M.C. Thomas. Tome III: contributions de S. Arom, D. Barreteau, P. Boiteau, R. Boyd, R.N.H. Bulmer, G. Calame-Griaule, J.-P. Caprile, M. Dieu, G. Dournon-Taurelle, C. Friedberg-Berthe, P.F. Lacroix, Y. Monino, A. Monod, S. Platiel, J.C. Rivierre, J.M.C. Thomas et C. Venot.
Terrain Sikinos: 2010
Terrain Lefkada
Terrain Crete Central: 2018
Terrain Sifnos: 2018
Terrain Tzia: 2018
Terrain Hydra: 2022
Terrain Santorini: 2018
Terrain Naxos: 2022
Terrain Hios: 2016
Terrain Kalymnos: 2019
Terrain Crete Western: 2018
Terrain Skiathos: 2022
Terrain Syros
Terrain Amorgos: 2022
Terrain Paros / Antiparos: 2018
CSIRO Publishing Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook
The Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook specifies methods and terminology for soil and land surveys. It has been widely used throughout Australia, providing one reference set of definitions for the characterisation of landform, vegetation, land surface, soil and substrate. The book advocates that a comprehensive suite of land and soil attributes be recorded in a uniform manner. This approach is more useful than the allocation of land or soil to preconceived types or classes. The third edition includes revised chapters on location and vegetation as well as some new landform elements. These updates have been guided by the National Committee on Soil and Terrain, a steering committee comprising representatives from key federal, state and territory land resource assessment agencies. Essential reading for all professionals involved in land resource surveys, this book will also be of value to students and educators in soil science, geography, ecology, agriculture, forestry, resource management, planning, landscape architecture and engineering.
CSIRO Publishing The Australian Soil Classification
The Australian Soil Classification provides a framework for organising knowledge about Australian soils by allocating soils to classes via a key. Since its publication in 1996, this book has been widely adopted and formally endorsed as the official national system. It has provided a means of communication among scientists and land managers and has proven to be of particular value in land resource survey and research programs, environmental studies and education. Classification is a basic requirement of all science and needs to be periodically revised as knowledge increases. This third edition of The Australian Soil Classification includes updates from a working group of the National Committee on Soil and Terrain (NCST). The main change in this edition accommodates new knowledge and understanding of the significance, nature, distribution and refined testing for soils comprising deep sands, leading to the inclusion of a new Order, the Arenosols. The introduction of the Arenosols Order led to a review and changes to Calcarosols, Tenosols and Rudosols.The Australian Soil Classification is Volume 4 in the Australian Soil and Land Survey Handbook Series.
Capstone Global Library Ltd ATVs
A mud track in the woods is covered with thick mud and big bumps. What vehicle can get through? An All-Terrain Vehicle or ATV! All-terrain vehicles have wide, bumpy tyres that provide good grip on all types of land. Young readers will find out about the types of ATVs, their main parts and how these versatile vehicles can be used for work and fun.
National Geographic Books National Geographic Field Guide to Birds: Colorado
colourado is a unique birding spot, with mountain terrain and flatlands, each with its own characteristic mix of birds.