Search results for ""tempo""
Este livro começou a ser escrito em 23 de outubro de 2019 e, nem de propósito, em 17 de novembro de 2019, surge o primeiro caso de covid-19 (coronavírus), em Hubei, uma província chinesa, que iria converter o ano de 2020 como mais um annus horribilis ?para toda a humanidade?.Pandemia essa que obrigou ao confinamento legal e outras regras de segurança que iriam concederme tempo e ambiente para escrever ?O Homem Que Não Sabia Mentir? em tempo qual se relata o annus horribilis de um personagem fictício, e as consequências futuras deste ano nefasto.
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music The AB Guide to Music Theory, Part I
Provides an introduction to the basic elements in harmony and musical structure. Covers the basics of rhythm and tempo, an introduction to pitch, intervals and transposition, articulation, ornaments, and reiterations.
Entre alguma ficção e uma quase total realidade, os Contos do Ser e Não Ser reúnem histórias do passado do autor como médico em Portugal e em tempos de Guerra Colonial da Guiné, tempos em que um denso nevoeiro lhe cobriu a alma como sangue que corre das feridas do tempo, do tempo e do medo, do medo da guerra, da dor de uma mãe e do choro convulso de um pai, e da saudade arrancada à vida e à liberdade; relatos extremamente bem-humorados do dia a dia no Porto com um olhar atento às mudanças físicas, de humor e de perspetiva, devido ao passar do tempo, das terceira e quarta idades, a sua profunda poesia e a dramática coreografia da antecâmara da morte; contos de vida de uma época em que não era proibido sonhar, pelo contrário, era obrigatório sonhar; e reflexões acerca do ser único e absoluto, criador do Universo.Quando vi que eras tu, o menino que estava no curto caminho da morte pela mão de um pai que não dominava a fome e não tinha dinheiro para te comprar uma bola, um pai que não
Scarecrow Press A Plain & Easy Introduction to the Harpsichord
Provides basic information on the harpsichord, best-known instrument of baroque music, including physical properties, kinds of harpsichords available, instruction on tuning and common maintenance problems, explanations of technique and fingering, tempo, registration, ensemble playing, and special notational problems.
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music The 35 Piano Sonatas, Volume 1: up to Op. 14
A critical edition of the 35 Piano Sonatas by Professor Barry Cooper, renowned Beethoven specialist. Includes a general Introduction covering performance practice, including tempo, articulation, pedalling and dynamics and commentary to each sonata, including history, full assessment of the sources and detailed notes on interpretation. Introductory audio included.
Martin E. Segal Theatre Center roMANIA After 2000: Five New Romanian Plays
The first anthology of new Romanian Drama published in the United States, roMANIA after 2000 introduces American readers to compelling playwrights and plays that address resonant issues of a post-totalitarian society on its way toward democracy and a new European identity. Includes Stop the Tempo, Romania. Kiss Me, Vitamins, Romania 21, and Waxing West.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. O canastro sen tornarratos resistencia popular na era do capitalismo sen democracia unha ollada galega
Este libro pescuda nas orixes políticas, económicas e filosóficas do cada vez maior afastamento dos centros de decisión a respecto da xente e da súa vida cotiá. Afonda na reflexión sobre a elitización dun capitalismo que retoma a súa faciana máis incompatible coa democracia. En O canastro sen tornarratos abórdase a dificultade para articular resistencias e hexemonías alternativas nun tempo en que a ideoloxía dominante conta cunha capacidade inédita de penetración en calquera recanto xeográfico, cultural e mesmo psicolóxico; ademais de na propia teoría e praxe do movemento emancipador.O tornarratos ?a pedra horizontal que impedía ás alimañas accederen ao gran almacenado no canastro? proponse como metáfora dun tempo sen devasas políticas e culturais que mitiguen o espolio do mundo do traballo e da natureza. Neste ensaio, David Rodríguez, lonxe de pensar o ser humano desde o cosmopolitismo abstracto, opta por unha ollada ampla e global, pero ben afincada nun lugar xeográfico e cultura
Faber Music Ltd More! What Else Can I Play? Piano Grade 1
More! What Else Can I Play? Piano Grade 1 present a further collection of pieces providing an entertaining alternative to exam pieces, in styles ranging from classical and jazz through to showtunes and popular songs, carefully arranged for the grade 1 pianist. Each piece offers suggested fingering, dynamics and tempo together with technical tips and performance notes.
Oxford University Press Broken Hierarchies: Poems 1952-2012
Broken Hierarchies collects twenty books of poems by Geoffrey Hill, written over sixty years, and presents them in their definitive form. Four of these books (Ludo, Expostulations on the Volcano, Liber Illustrium Virorum, and Al Tempo de' Tremuoti) have never before appeared in print, and three of them (Hymns to Our Lady of Chartres, Pindarics, and Clavics) have been greatly revised and expanded.
Oxford University Press Inc Shostakovichs Symphony No. 5
The book is devoted to Shostakovich''s most controversial symphony, composed at the height of Stalin''s Purges. It rescued Shostakovich from official disfavour and deeply moved audiences. The critics recognized it as a masterpiece, but they were perplexed by its ambiguities, especially at the end of the Symphony: some imagined it as the joyful final victory of socialism, while others heard the triumph instead of a sinister and oppressive force. The second interpretation was pushed into the background, but the controversy persisted, with the further complication of two very different tempo markings for the closing section, both of which seemed to be approved by the composer. The authors give an authoritative account of the tempo controversy and the effect of the different tempos on the reception of the work in the West. Shostakovich''s Symphony No. 5 delves into the history of the work''s composition, the pressures Shostakovich experienced at the time, and the cultural environment from
Faber Music Ltd What Else Can I Play? Jazz & Blues Piano Grades 1-3
What Else Can I Play? Jazz & Blues Piano Grades 1-3 is a collection of great repertoire that will bring fun and enthusiasm to learning the piano and provide an alternative for those pupils who are working towards, or have recently completed a Grade 1, 2 or 3 piano exam. Each piece offers suggested fingering, dynamics and tempo together with technical tips and performance notes.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. 22 segundos
O que non se di é coma se non existise, afirmara o avó un día, e xa ía sendo hora de existir. Ata ese momento só vivira de portas para dentro. Agora xa non había marcha atrás. A cámara pedíalle que falase." Son Álex, un mozo transexual. Abro este vlog para compartir con vós a miña vida. Quen me coñeza e estea a ver este vídeo entenderá moitas cousas, ou mesmo non comprenderá ?ou non quererá comprender? nada. O distinto asusta, dá vertixe porque obriga a cuestionarse tantas cousas... E por iso fago este vídeo, porque non quero ter máis medo, nin vergoña de ser quen son. "Antes de que lle dese tempo a pensar, conectou a cámara co ordenador. Vinte e dous segundos. Ese foi o tempo que tardou o arquivo en subir á rede." 22 segundos " relata, en primeira persoa, anacos da infancia e adolescencia dun mozo transexual que, desde os primeiros anos sabe ?sen poñerlle etiquetas? que a súa identidade de xénero non coincide co sexo que lle asignaron ao nacer. Unha obra que busca visibiliza
48 horas
Ninguén imaxinaba que a gravación dun documental para a materia de Historia remataría de forma tráxica coa enigmática desaparición de Lois Figueirido. Familia, amizades e veciñanza mobilizaranse e achegarán todos os seus esforzos para dar con el. Mais, para avanzar na investigación, deberán someterse a unha introspección, botar man da historia local e axudarse das redes sociais.A súa busca ten tempo límite: 48 horas. Entre todos serán quen de atopalo?
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Stimme und Sprechen in der Psychotherapie: Ein Leitfaden zur Selbsterfahrung und Supervision
Whether tone, rhythm, tempo, timbre or volume: no voice is the same as the other and language is a fascinating instrument, especially when it comes to the design of therapeutic and consultancing processes. Lothar Schattenburg gathers basic knowledge on voice and speech and its role in psychotherapy and shows in the practical part how mindful vocal use in therapy looks and how it can be practiced. The focus is on self-experience and supervision.
Vintage Publishing Raised from the Ground
This deeply personal work, follows the changing fortunes of the Mau-Tempo family – poor, landless peasants not unlike the author’s own grandparents. Saramago charts the lives of the family in Alentjo, southern Portugal, as national and international events rumble on in the background – the coming of the republic in Portugal, the First and Second World Wars, and an attempt on the dictator Salazar's life. Yet, nothing seriously impinges on the farm labourers' lives until the first stirrings of communism.
Basic Books The Art of Biblical Narrative
Since it was first published nearly three decades ago, The Art of Biblical Narrative has radically expanded the horizons of biblical scholarship by recasting the Bible as a work of literary art deserving studied criticism. Renowned critic and translator Robert Alter presents the Hebrew Bible as a cohesive literary work, one whose many authors used innovative devices such as parallelism, contrastive dialogue, and narrative tempo to tell one of the most revolutionary stories of human history: the revelation of a single god.
Taylor & Francis Inc Music Data Analysis: Foundations and Applications
This book provides a comprehensive overview of music data analysis, from introductory material to advanced concepts. It covers various applications including transcription and segmentation as well as chord and harmony, instrument and tempo recognition. It also discusses the implementation aspects of music data analysis such as architecture, user interface and hardware. It is ideal for use in university classes with an interest in music data analysis. It also could be used in computer science and statistics as well as musicology.
Publishing Print Matters Origins - song of Nooitgedacht a remote valley in the Karoo
From her first visit to the valley in 2002, Jennifer Gough-Cooper, a British photographer, was captivated by this tranquil landscape with its majestic mountains, great vistas, its transparent streams, turbulent flood waters as well as the exquisite detail of its rock and flora. The photographs in this volume are presented in the spirit of a song - a melodic line - evoking these natural treasures in tempo with the slow cycles of infinite time at Nooitgedacht: a place truly beyond imagination.
Faber Music Ltd What Else Can I Play? Piano Grade 4
What Else Can I Play? Piano Grade 4 presents 18 carefully graded repertoire piecs for the grade 4 level pianist. With a variety of musical styles ranging from classical and jazz through to showtunes and popular songs, this collection will bring enthusiasm to learning the piano and provide an entertaining alternative for those pupils who are working towards, or have recently completed their grade exams. Each piece offers suggested fingering, dynamics and tempo together with technical tips and performance notes.
HarperCollins Publishers (Australia) Pty Ltd On the Technique of Acting
The most authoritive, authentic text of a classic guide to acting In the four decades since its first publication, Michael Chekhov's To the Actor has become a standard text for students of the theater. But To the Actor is a shortened, heavily modified version of the great director/actor/teacher's original manuscript, and On the Technique of Acting is the first and only book ever to incorporate the complete text of that brilliant manuscript. Scholars and teachers of Chekhov's technique have hailed On the Technique of Acting as the clearest, most accurate presentation of the principles he taught Yul Brynner, Gregory Peck, Marilyn Monroe, Anthony Quinn, Beatrice Straight, and Mala Powers, among others. This new, definitive edition of Chekhov's masterful work clarifies the principles outlined in To the Actor concerning the pivotal role of the imagination in actors' understanding of themselves and the roles they play. On the Technique of Acting also expands on Chekhov's previously published work with many unique features, including: * Thirty additional exercises* A chapter devoted to screen acting* More thorough explanations of the Psychological Gesture, inner tempo vs. outer tempo, and other key concepts of Chekhov's approach For actors, directors, and anyone interested in the theater, On teh Technique of Acting is an essential handbook.
Rapunzel con piollos
Rapunzel pasa o tempo na súa torre protexida de calquera perigo: bruxas malvadas, ogros, lobos... O que non espera é ser atacada polas criaturas máis silandeiras: os piollos! Estes bichiños multiplícanse rapidamente na súa longa melena, e non hai remedio contra eles. Nin a limpeza de Brancaneves e os seus ananos, nin o raio conxelador da Raíña das Neves, tampouco o enxeño de Garavanciño. Os piollos construíron unha cidade no seu cabelo e non pensan marchar. Como ha facer para liberarse deles?
A urna das cartas
Fran regresa de adulto á vila de onde o desterraron de cativo. Vén a se desfacer da casa patrucial,chea de tristes recordos. Decorado de cartón pedra, reserva do eco, a vila semella estar sumidanun letargo perenne.Don Tino ?un carteiro e mestre represaliado polo franquismo? fixera feliz por un tempo aquel neno,mais xa todo fica no pretérito. Todo?O pasado non pasa nunca e o presente continuo é unha colaxe de reencontros, de cartas e de amor.
Indiana University Press Readings in the International Relations of Africa
These readings in international relations in Africa grapple with the continent's changing place in the world. The essays confront issues such as the increasing tempo of armed conflict, the tendency of Western states and agencies to intervene in African settings, the presence of China, and the health of African states and their ability to participate in the global economy. Questions regarding sovereignty, leading regional actors, conflict and resolution, and the neoliberal African renaissance add to the broad thematic coverage presented in this timely volume.
Indiana University Press Readings in the International Relations of Africa
These readings in international relations in Africa grapple with the continent's changing place in the world. The essays confront issues such as the increasing tempo of armed conflict, the tendency of Western states and agencies to intervene in African settings, the presence of China, and the health of African states and their ability to participate in the global economy. Questions regarding sovereignty, leading regional actors, conflict and resolution, and the neoliberal African renaissance add to the broad thematic coverage presented in this timely volume.
Faber Music Ltd What Else Can I Play? Clarinet Grade 4
What Else Can I Play? Clarinet Grade 4 makes learning more fun with carefully selected and arranged supplementary repertoire for today's young player. Each piece offers suggestions and guidelines to breathing, dynamics and tempo together with technical tips, performance notes and a simple piano accompaniment. Each book in the What Else Can I Play? series presents carefully graded pieces with a variety of musical styles ranging from classical and jazz through to showtunes and popular songs. This series will bring enthusiasm to learning your instrument and provide an entertaining alternative for those pupils who are working towards, or have recently completed exams.
New In Chess Liquidation on the Chess Board New and Expanded Edition: Mastering the Transition into the Pawn Ending
Pawn endings do not arise out of nowhere. Before emerging as endgames with just kings and pawns, they 'pre-existed' in positions that still contained any number of pieces. Liquidation is the purposeful transition into a pawn ending. It is a vital technique that is seldom taught. Strange, because knowing when and how to liquidate can help you win games or save draws. In this book, former US Chess Champion Joel Benjamin teaches everything about successfully liquidating into pawn endgames. Enter a fascinating world of tempo play (triangulation, zugzwang and opposition), breakthroughs, king activity, passed pawn dynamics, sacrifices and counter-sacrifices.
Faber Music Ltd What Else Can I Play? Flute Grade 4
What Else Can I Play? Flute Grade 4 makes learning more fun with carefully selected and arranged supplementary repertoire for today's young player. Each piece offers suggestions and guidelines to breathing, dynamics and tempo together with technical tips, performance notes and a simple piano accompaniment. Each book in the What Else Can I Play? series presents carefully graded pieces with a variety of musical styles ranging from classical and jazz through to showtunes and popular songs. This series will bring enthusiasm to learning your instrument and provide an entertaining alternative for those pupils who are working towards, or have recently completed exams.
Collective Ink Life Before the Internet - What we can learn from the good old days
There was life before Google and smartphones, but few would recognize it today. We had more free time, as we didn't spend hours on social media. Our children roamed free and learned to fend for themselves. We enjoyed the freedom and space that came from being unreachable, and we couldn't take work home. We didn't need to invent slow living; it was part of the deal! See how the last unconnected generation used to live. Catch the tempo of everyday life, from home and school to work and leisure - and perhaps reflect on what we might learn.
Faber Music Ltd What Else Can I Play? Clarinet Grade 1
What Else Can I Play? Clarinet Grade 1 makes learning more fun with carefully selected and arranged supplementary repertoire for today's young player. Each piece offers suggestions and guidelines to breathing, dynamics and tempo together with technical tips, performance notes and a simple piano accompaniment. Each book in the What Else Can I Play? Series presents carefully graded pieces with a variety of musical styles ranging from classical and jazz through to showtunes and popular songs. This series will bring enthusiasm to learning your instrument and provide an entertaining alternative for those pupils who are working toward or have recently completed exams.
Faber Music Ltd What Else Can I Play? Piano Grade 2
What Else Can I Play? Piano Grade 2 presents 25 pieces of carefully graded repertoire for the grade 2 level pianist, with each piece offering suggested fingering, dynamics and tempo together with technical tips and performance notes. What Else Can I Play? offers a variety of musical styles ranging from classical and jazz through to showtunes and popular songs, and will bring enthusiasm to learning and an entertaining alternative for those pupils who are working towards, or have recently completed, Grade 2. **Trinity College London selected piece (Keyboard 2011-2012): Do-Re-Mi (Rodgers arr. Williamson)
WW Norton & Co Byron in Love: A Short Daring Life
Acclaimed biographer of James Joyce, Edna O’Brien has written a “jaunty” (The New Yorker) biography that suits her fiery and charismatic subject. She follows Byron from the dissipations of Regency London to the wilds of Albania and the Socratic pleasures of Greece and Turkey, culminating in his meteoric rise to fame at the age of twenty-four. With “a novelist’s understanding of tempo and characterization” (Miami Herald), O’Brien captures the spirit of the man and creates an indelible portrait that explodes the Romantic myth. Byron, as brilliantly rendered by O’Brien, is the poet as rebel, imaginative and lawless, and defiantly immortal.
Indiana University Press A Performer's Guide to Seventeenth-Century Music, Second Edition
Revised and expanded, A Performer's Guide to Seventeenth Century Music is a comprehensive reference guide for students and professional musicians. The book contains useful material on vocal and choral music and style; instrumentation; performance practice; ornamentation, tuning, temperament; meter and tempo; basso continuo; dance; theatrical production; and much more. The volume includes new chapters on the violin, the violoncello and violone, and the trombone—as well as updated and expanded reference materials, internet resources, and other newly available material. This highly accessible handbook will prove a welcome reference for any musician or singer interested in historically informed performance.
Faber Music Ltd What Else Can I Play? Clarinet Grade 3
What Else Can I Play? Clarinet Grade 3 makes learning more fun with carefully selected and arranged supplementary repertoire for today's young player. Each piece offers suggestions and guidelines to breathing, dynamics and tempo together with technical tips, performance notes and a simple piano accompaniment. Each book in the What Else Can I Play? Series presents carefully graded pieces with a variety of musical styles ranging from classical and jazz through to showtunes and popular songs. This series will bring enthusiasm to learning your instrument and provide an entertaining alternative for those pupils who are working towards, or have recently completed exams.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Program Specialization
This book presents the principles and techniques of program specialization — a general method to make programs faster (and possibly smaller) when some inputs can be known in advance. As an illustration, it describes the architecture of Tempo, an offline program specializer for C that can also specialize code at runtime, and provides figures for concrete applications in various domains. Technical details address issues related to program analysis precision, value reification, incomplete program specialization, strategies to exploit specialized program, incremental specialization, and data specialization. The book, that targets both researchers and software engineers, also opens scientific and industrial perspectives.
El maestro del corazón
La humanidad se encuentra en los albores de una gran revolución de la inteligencia y del conocimiento. Este libro forma parte de ella. Apoyándose al mismo tempo en los últimos descubrimientos de física cuántica y de neurología, en las enseñanzas de la antigua sabiduría y en los conocimientos de vanguardia de la psicología moderna presenta una descripción clara, concreta y fascinante del proceso de cambio de conciencia que está en el origen de dicha revolución. Es ésta una obra de síntesis que no sólo presenta claros medios de comprensión, sino también herramientas concretas para integrar en lo cotidiano la revolución de la conciencia, eminentemente beneficiosa.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Künstliche Intelligenz und juristische Herausforderungen
Digitalisierung sowie Big-Data- und IT-Technologien durchdringen in rasantem Tempo und immer tiefer alle Bereiche der Gesellschaft. Sie haben zugleich der Erforschung und Anwendung von Systemen Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) einen massiven Schub verliehen. Mit disruptiver Kraft formen sie die "Digitalgesellschaft" und schaffen damit neue normative Problemlagen. Die Beiträge dieses Tagungsbandes untersuchen, ob und wie das geltende Recht diese Herausforderungen bewältigen kann. Die dabei auftretenden Rechtsfragen führen vielfach über das positive Recht hinaus in die historischen, philosophischen und theoretischen Grundlagen des Rechts. Die Autoren diskutieren aktuelle Problemstellungen auf den Gebieten des Bürgerlichen Rechts, namentlich des Vertrags- und Deliktsrechts, des Arbeitsrechts und des Urheberrechts sowie des Strafprozessrechts und des Völkerrechts.
Tu lado del sofá
Después del éxito de Primero de poeta, Patricia Benito vuelve con su segundo poemario. Un canto a la magia de lo cotidiano, al pequeño lugar que ocupamos en el mundo. Tu lado del sofá es una despedida. Son los pedazos que no me atreví a rescatar del naufragio. Es un duelo a vida contra el espejo. Un sentirme nosotras.Es ser casa, canción de domingo y paz. Es un cuarto creciente a medio tempo. Es aprender a echar de menos sin que duela. Son todas esas veces que dejé de hacer por miedo a perder.Tu lado del sofá es recuperar -por fin- el metro sesenta desde el que partí.
Faber Music Ltd Ukulele Quest
Ukulele Quest is an ideal first ukulele book that teaches many musical styles, including rock, reggae and the blues. This colourful tutor provides a great introduction to chord charts, how to read music and musical concepts such as dynamics, pitch and tempo. Accompanying audio at every stage brings the music to life. Come on a quest into the world of music and learn how to play the ukulele! Travel through time, meet dragons, pirates and robots, and make new friends along the way. “This book is beautifully put together and extremely well researched… It’s the ukulele book all children deserve.” Phil Castang, Head of Bristol Plays Music
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. Volvers golfio
A familia de Iris vese obrigada a mudarse á casa do avó na Costa da Morte. Alí as longas tardes do verán énchense coas visitas da nena ao desacougante areal de Trece e coa luz do faro de Cabo Vilán, que advirte de invisíbeis perigos. Algo escuro se agocha no baúl que Iris descubre no faiado e que inexplicabelmente leva escrito o seu nome. Algo que ten que ver co mar e coa negrura que algunhas veces o cobre; con lendas afundidas polo tempo e polas augas; cos segredos dunha costa que é de morte pero tamén de vida onde, en ocasións, nadan os golfiños.
Indiana University Press Shostakovich's Music for Piano Solo: Interpretation and Performance
The piano works of Dmitri Shostakovich (1906–1975) are among the most treasured musical compositions of the 20th century. In this volume, pianist and Russian music scholar Sofia Moshevich provides detailed interpretive analyses of the ten major piano solo works by Shostakovich, carefully noting important stylistic details and specific ways to overcome the numerous musical and technical challenges presented by the music. Each piece is introduced with a brief historic and structural description, followed by an examination of such interpretive aspects as tempo, phrasing, dynamics, voice balance, pedaling, and fingering. This book will be an invaluable resource for students, pedagogues, and performers of Shostakovich's piano solos.
Simon & Schuster Tickle Time!
A giggle in board book form: a little Tickle Time! can take a child from grumpy, frustrated, or looking for a little extra attention to bright and sunny and giggling again!Based on the wildly popular song from Boynton’s wildly popular Rhinoceros Tap book and CD set, Tickle Time! is pure irrepressible Boynton: lively in tempo, nimble in rhyme, and filled with irresistible fuzzy cats that cavort from page to page. Plus a few birds, who aren’t the cavorting type. Here’s a book guaranteed to elicit giggles. GOTTA GITCHY-GITCHY GOO! If you’re feeling blue and you don’t know what to do, there is nothing like a TICKLE TIME to make you feel like new.
Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd Table Tennis Tactics: Be a Successful Player
The book contains an age-appropriate collection of all aspects of table tennis tactics for young players. It helps you to read your opponents game better and to decide how to play against forehand- or backhanddominant players. There are also valuable tips on how playing tempo can be used as a tactical element, how to produce and read ball spin and how to influence it with a suitable racket surface, and how the service game is used to take tactical control of the game. With numerous photos and illustrations, a self-test questionnaire, portraits of the best table tennis players, the official rules and tactical know-how, this book will soon become your table tennis bible.
Indiana University Press Performance Practices in Classic Piano Music: Their Principles and Applications
Performance today on either the pianoforte or the fortepiano can be at once joyful, musicianly, expressive, and historically informed. From this point of view, Sandra P. Rosenblum examines the principles of performing the music of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and their contemporaries as revealed in a variety of historical sources: their autographs and letters, early editions of their music, original instruments, and contemporary tutors and journals. She applies these findings to such elements of performance as dynamics, accentuation, pedaling, articulation and touch, technique and fingering, ornaments and embellishments, choice of tempo, and tempo flexibility.Familiarity with the Classic conventions provides a framework for interpretation and an understanding of the choices available within the style, the amount of freedom a performer has, and which areas are ambiguous. Rosenblum's detailed study, copiously illustrated with musical examples, is invaluable for professional and amateur performers, serious piano students and their teachers and students of performance practices by Scarlatti and Clementi. " . . . is and will remain unsurpassed as the study dealing with performance practice as it pertains to keyboard music of the Classical period." —American Music Teacher"Rosenblum's monumental achievement is thorough, objective, balanced, and imaginative, a compelling blend of love and respect for the solo, chamber, and concerto literature she addresses." —Journal of Musicological Research"The extent and quality of her research, the depth of her perception, and her musicianship together break new ground in the study of historic performance practice." —Early Keyboard Journal"Her attention to details is absolutely scrupulous; no stone unturned, no argument unquestioned or unstated." —The Musical Times"Its importance to thoughtful musicians cannot be overstated." —Choice" . . . thoroughly musicological." —Performance Practice Review" . . . indispensable . . . " —New York Times
Sterling Juvenile Music Theory and History SparkCharts
SparkCharts™:The information you need-concisely, conveniently, and accurately. Created by Harvard students for students everywhere, these study companions and reference tools cover a wide range of college and graduate school subjects, from Business and Computer Programming to Medicine, Law, and Languages. They'll give you what it takes to find success in school and beyond. Outlines and summaries cover key points, while diagrams and tables make difficult concepts easier to grasp.This six-page chart covers: Music theory and notation (the staff, clefs, rhythm, meter, pitch, scales, keys, intervals, chords) Tempo, dynamics, expressions, and articulations Instruments and ensembles The orchestra Musical forms and genres Eras and movements in Western music Notable composers in Western music
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Geschichte der musikalischen Interpretation im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Band 3: Aspekte - Parameter
Nachdem Band 1 Ästhetik und Ideengeschichte, Band 2 Institutionen und Medien der Interpretation thematisiert haben, befasst sich Band 3 mit der klingenden Interpretation selbst. Behandelt werden all jene Kategorien, die für Interpretation und ihre Wahrnehmung grundlegend sind: · Tempo und Tempomodifikationen, Dynamik, Phrasierung und Artikulation, Portamento und Vibrato, Textaussprache, Stimmung und Intonation.· die verwendeten Instrumente mit ihren spieltechnischen Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einschließlich der menschlichen Stimme· „Medien“ der Interpretation: Körper, Raum sowie die technischen Medien der Speicherung und Reproduktion, die Tonträger. Von fundamentaler Bedeutung ist ferner die Frage, in welchem Umfang man dem Notentext einer Komposition folgt bzw. von ihm abweicht („Willkürliche Veränderungen“, „Retuschen“, Ensemblekoordination), und welche Rolle regionale Differenzen bei der Interpretation spielen.
A ladroa da biblioteca de Meirás
O prohibido era excitante e aterrador ao tempo. O perigo de ser vista, o medo de que desen con ela, formaba parte dun xogo ao que Mariña estaba prendida. Coábase na mellor biblioteca do mundo, co universo enteiro para ela arrombado nos andeis. Ata que non puidese saír da aldea, ese era, sen dúbida, o único paraíso posible. Ás veces a felicidade era tal que esquecía onde estaba e o perigo que corría. Facía mal en coller prestados os libros? Á familia roubáranlle a casa para facer a residencia de verán do Xeneralísimo, así que estaba no seu dereito. E ese verán pasarían tantas cousas que todo cambiaría de vez na vida de Mariña, no Pazo de Meirás e, talvez, no país enteiro...
teNeues Publishing UK Ltd La lunga strada di sabbia: Paolo Di Paolo - Pier Paolo Pasolini
The extraordinary picture story by Paolo Di Paolo, which documents and narrates Italians on vacation during Summer 1959, from the Tyrrhenian to the Adriatic Sea; from Ventimiglia to Trieste (from the western to the eastern border). In 1959 Paolo Di Paolo is a 34-year-old photographer collaborating with the cultural weekly magazine Il Mondo directed by Mario Pannunzio, and the widely distributed magazine Tempo. Pier Paolo Pasolini is a promising 37-year-old writer who had published The Best of Youth, The Street Kids and A Violent Life. He is not yet a film director. In Italy, the “economic miracle” has just begun. The newspapers tend to offer to Italian families a microcosm of mythical characters as a diversion to the dullness and fear of war, emigration, and poverty. Arturo Tofanelli, editor in chief of the monthly Successo and the weekly Tempo, entrusts the two young men, Di Paolo and Pasolini, who did not know each other, to do a report on the Italian Summer Holidays that will be published by Successo magazine in three issues (July, August and September 1959). The writer and the photographer set off from Ventimiglia together, with the plan of travelling through the coasts of Italy to the south and climbing up to Trieste. But they have different visions. “Pasolini was looking for a lost world of literary ghosts, an Italy that no longer existed,” recalls Di Paolo. “I was looking for an Italy that was looking to the future. I conceived the title The Long Road of Sand meaning the strenuous road traveled by Italians to reach well-being and holidays after the War.” A complex, delicate partnership is born between Pasolini and Di Paolo, they will travel together only the first stage of this journey, but this experience would later be consolidated in mutual respect and trust. Text in English, German and Italian.
Alianza Editorial Las Sonatas Para Piano De BeethovenThe Piano Sonatas of Beethoven Alianza Musica Am
Las sonatas para piano de Beethoven constituyen una de las colecciones de obras más importantes de la historia de la música. Compuestas a lo largo de varias décadas de la vida del artista, no tardaron en ser consideradas el primer corpus de música importante para piano adecuada para ser interpretada en grandes salas de conciertos. En esta guía práctica tanto para el intérprete como para el oyente, Rosen comienza situando las sonatas en su contexto y explica los principios formales de su interpretación, incluidos aspectos como la forma sonata, el fraseo y el tempo, el uso del pedal y los trinos, para, a continuación, analizar las sonatas individualmente. El CD que acompaña al libro, con interpretaciones del propio Rosen, va ejemplificando lo expuesto en el libro.