Search results for ""nova""
Dr. Cantz'sche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Robbie Cornelissen - Terra Nova
Little, Brown & Company Nova and Quinton: No Regrets
Penguin Books Ltd Nova Express: The Restored Text
The most ferociously political and prophetic book of the Cut-Up Trilogy, Nova Express fires the reader into a textual outer space to show us our burning planet and to reveal the operations of the Nova Mob in all their ugliness. As with The Soft Machine and The Ticket That Exploded, William Burroughs deploys his cut-up methods to make a visionary demand that we take back the world that has been stolen from us. Edited and introduced by renowned Burroughs scholar Oliver Harris, this new edition reveals how Nova Express was cut from an extraordinary wealth of typescripts to create startling new forms of poetic possibility.The third book of Burroughs' linguistically prophetic 'cut-up' trilogy - following The Soft Machine and The Ticket That Exploded - Nova Express is a hilarious and Swiftian parody of bureaucracy and the frailty of the human animal.
Ara Llibres El naixement duna nova consciència
Teniu a les mans el nou llibre de l'investigador del nostre país amb més prestigi mundial, Eudald carbonell. A EL NEIXEMENT D'UNA NOVA CONSCIÈNCIA ens explica una visió revolucionària sobre la condició humana en la qual la selecció tècnica s'ha anat imposant com a mecanisme d'evolució del comportament humà. Però és necessari un pensament social crític que ens conduirà cap a una espècie més humana: De la nova espècie el més important serà la socialització del coneixement que farà possible una vida millor per a tothom; en segon lloc, la solidaritat, com a valor amb vista a aconseguir una forta consciència crítica d'espècie. Benvingut a l'inici del tercer millenni, planeta Terra.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Nova Scotia: A Pocket History
Providing a concise chronicle of its various cultures, this handy reference recounts the broad and complex history of Nova Scotia, Canada. Beginning with an exploration of its indigenous people, the Mi'Kmaq, this overview delves into the stories of the first European settlers before reviewing the dominant English colonists and how they shaped the province. Documenting the different challenges each group faced, this reconstruction illustrates the Mi'Kmaq's battle for survival, the conquering of the Acadiens, and the toil of the working people who came to Nova Scotia in search of a better life. Ranging from its earliest days to the beginning of the 21st century, this illuminating examination paints a clearer picture of the most populous province in Atlantic Canada.
Green Lion Press Selections from Kepler's Astronomia Nova
Johannes Kepler wrote "Astronomia Nova" (1609) in a single minded drive to sweep away the ancient and medieval clutter of spheres and orbs and to establish a new truth in astronomy, based on physical causality. This title includes Kepler's introduction as well as a selection of chapters that develop the physics of planetary motion.
Little, Brown Book Group Nova and Quinton: No Regrets
THE NUMBER ONE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHORToday is the first day of Quinton Carter's new life. The toxic guilt of his past left him in pieces, but one girl unexpectedly put him back together. Thanks to Nova Reed, Quinton can finally see the world with clear eyes. She's the reason his heart is still kicking behind the jagged scar on his chest. And he would love to have her in his arms every minute of the day . . . but he's not ready yet.Playing drums in a band and living with her best friends are just some of the highlights of Nova's life. But the best new development? Talking to Quinton on the phone each night. She wishes she could touch him, kiss him, though she knows he needs time to heal. Yet shocking news is on the way -- a reminder of life's dark side -- and Nova will need Quinton like he once needed her. Is he strong enough to take the final leap out of his broken past . . . and into Nova's heart?Discover the latest intense, passionate and page-turning novel from number one New York Times bestselling sensation Jessica Sorensen.
Sourcebooks, Inc The Spooky Express Nova Scotia
Bradt Travel Guides Nova Scotia Bradt Guide
This new, thoroughly updated edition of Bradt's Nova Scotia remains the most comprehensive guide available to this increasingly popular region of eastern Canada. New direct flights from the UK make visiting easier than ever before, helping to fuel the growth of tourist numbers to the many new distilleries and wineries, all of which are covered in this new edition. Virtually surrounded by the sea, the region boasts 4,600 miles of coastline, superb seafood, a rich folklore, quiet roads and a wealth of outdoor pursuits. Travelling here feels like going back to a time when life's pleasures were simpler: shopping at a Farmers' Market or a roadside fruit stall, buying lobster fresh off the boat at the wharf, or photographing the lighthouse by the old fishing village. What's more, it's not hard to get off the beaten track here.
Hal Leonard Corporation John Pizzarelli Bossa Nova
Caboodle Books Limited The Curious Case of Karl Nova
Karl's second anthology is a collection of very personal poetry and is based on his own unique story. From the UK to Nigeria, and back again, Karl seeks to share his life journey, and explain how it has shaped who he has become today.
ITMB Publishing Halifax Nova Scotia incl. Dartmouth
Babar. Totes les històries. Nova edició
Nova edició, de luxe i en gran format, d'un clàssic imprescindible per a totes les edats: Babar. Totes les històries és un meravellós recopilatori que aplega en un sol volum totes les aventures de Babar, un dels personatges més populars i estimats enter els petits (i els grans) lectors que continua captivant a les noves generacions. Babar. Totes les històries inclou els sis llibres de Babar escrits i illustrats per Jean de Brunhoff: Història de Babar, el petit elefant, El viatge de Babar, El rei Babar, Les vacances de Zèfir, Babar en família i Babar i el Pare Noel. Una acuradíssima edició a tot color, amb un pròleg inèdit de Maurice Sendak i textos que mai no s'havien traduït fins ara recuperats de les edicions originals, d'un dels personatges més històrics de la literatura infantil i juvenil universal. Babar és més que un àlbum illustrat, és una obra d'art. Maurice Sendak
Baen Books Terra Nova: The Wars of Liberation
"Send us your tired, your poor," says the inscription at the base of the great statue, "your huddled masses yearning to be free." But the future of the colony planet, Terra Nova, and its relations with Old Earth is far more a case of "boot out your tired, your poor, your dissidents and troublemakers. Use us for a dumping ground for all your problems. Go ahead and abandon these here." This may have been fine, too, but for the UN and its corrupt bureaucracy insisting on maintaining control and milking the new world and its settlers, willing and unwilling both, bone dry. Contained herein are tales of the history of Mankind's future first colony, from the first failed attempt at colonization, to the rise in crime, to the rise in terrorism, to its descent into widespread civil war and rebellion...and ultimately liberation. As with most of human history, this history is messy, with good men and women turning bad, bad men and women inadvertently doing good, and blood flowing in the streets. Stories set in Tom Kratman’s Carrera series by Kasey Ezell Mike Massa Rob Hampson Chris Smith Peter Grant Chris Nutall Justin Watson Monalisa Foster Alex Macris Lawrence Railey and Tom Kratman About Tom Kratman’s Carrera series: “[I]nterplanetary warfare with. . .[a] visceral story of bravery and sacrifice . . . fans of the military SF of John Ringo and David Weber should enjoy this SF action adventure.”–Library Journal “Kratman's dystopia is a brisk page turner full of startling twists … [Kratman is] a professional military man … up to speed on military and geopolitical conceits.” –Best-selling author of America Alone Mark Steyn on Tom Kratman’s uncompromising military SF thriller, Caliphate “Kratman raises disquieting questions on what it might take to win the war on terror…realistic action sequences, strong characterizations and thoughts on the philosophy of war.” – Publishers Weekly Carerra Series: A Desert Called Peace Carnifex The Lotus Eaters The Amazon Legion Come and Take Them The Rods and the Axe A Pillar of Fire by Night
Antologia de poesia catalana Nova tria
Aquesta edició pretén plantejar al lector les característiques del gènere i les estratègies de lectura que permetin treure?n el màxim rendiment possible. Els poemes sempre hi són considerats com a textos vius que interpellen el lector, encara que ho facin des d?un passat remot o des d?unes circumstàncies aparentment molt allunyades. Sempre representen una sorpresa, un desafiament intellectual o moral. No es limiten mai a ser expansions sentimentals o, encara menys, simples objectes d?estudi.
Boulder Books Treasury of Nova Scotia Heirloom Dishes
University of Toronto Press Nova Scotia: A Health System Profile
Despite notable variation in health care policy from province to province, most scholarship published on the health care system in Canada uses a broad national perspective. Focusing on the health care systems of individual Canadian provinces and territories, our new series, Health System Profiles, examines the social, political, economic, and epidemiological context of health care policy in each Canadian province. Turning a critical eye to the health care system in Nova Scotia, author Katherine Fierlbeck outlines the organizational and regulatory frameworks structuring provincial health care, while providing a detailed assessment of Nova Scotia’s health financing, physical infrastructure, service provision, and the efficacy of technological resources used in data tracking and health quality assessments. Structured for ease of comparison, Nova Scotia: A Health System Profile will, along with other volumes in the series, help scholars draw analytic evidence-based policy conclusions about the health system of Nova Scotia and other Canadian provinces and territories.
Goose Lane Editions Waterfalls of Nova Scotia: A Guide
An Atlantic BestsellerNova Scotia is blessed with numerous must-see waterfalls, and this volume from self-described “waterfall addict” Benoit Lalonde brings together 100 of the province’s best.Conveniently categorized by the government of Nova Scotia scenic route system, this rich compendium includes famous waterfalls such as Garden of Eden Fall, Wentworth Falls, Cuties Hollow, Annandale Falls and Butcher Hill Falls, as well as lesser-known but easy to locate gems. In addition to providing useful information on the height, type, and hiking distance of each waterfall, their degree of difficulty to reach is also assessed for the convenience of both novice and advanced hikers alike.Featuring gorgeous colour photographs and individual maps of each location, Waterfalls of Nova Scotia offers an invaluable reference as well as a tribute to the beauty of the falls and the natural splendour waiting to be discovered.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Lumina nova â Texte und Ãbungen
Lumina nova ist ein Unterrichtswerk fÃ"r Latein 3, das in Klasse 8 (oder sogar schon 7) beginnt. Es berÃ"cksichtigt von Anfang an die neuen kompetenzorientierten Curricula sowie die veränderte Lernumgebung im G8. Der Zeitknappheit wird ebenso offensiv begegnet wie der zu fordernden Orientierung an heutigen SchÃ"lerbedÃ"rfnissen.Alle 28 Lektionen von Lumina nova folgen auf je sechs Seiten demselben Prinzip: Lebensweltbezug und Realieninformationen bilden den motivierenden Einstieg. Das HerzstÃ"ck ist der lateinische Text, der zusammen mit texterschließenden Aufgaben auf einer Doppelseite dargeboten wird. Viele methodisch abwechslungsreiche und binnendifferenzierende Ãbungen schließen sich auf einer weiteren Doppelseite an. Ein transparenter Lernprozess ist garantiert durch die zusammenfassende Abschlussseite, Lernmethoden, EselsbrÃ"cken, Wiederholungstabellen etc. enthält.Lumina nova bietet auf weniger als 200 Seiten viel UnterstÃ"tzung, Entlastung und Informationen fÃ"r SchÃ"ler und Lehrer.Eine durchdachte und unverbrauchte Bebilderung, Sentenzen, Zitate und Tabellen runden den Band ab.Lumina nova ist auch digital auf scook verfÃ"gbar.
University of Notre Dame Press Dante's "Vita Nova": A Collaborative Reading
This original volume proposes a novel way of reading Dante’s Vita nova, exemplified in a rich diversity of scholarly approaches to the text. This groundbreaking volume represents the fruit of a two-year-long series of international seminars aimed at developing a fresh way of reading Dante’s Vita nova. By analyzing each of its forty-two chapters individually, focus is concentrated on the Vita nova in its textual and historical context rather than on its relationship to the Divine Comedy. This decoupling has freed the contributors to draw attention to various important literary features of the text, including its rich and complex polysemy, as well as its structural fluidity. The volume likewise offers insights into Dante’s social environment, his relationships with other poets, and Dante’s evolving vision of his poetry’s scope. Using a variety of critical methodologies and hermeneutical approaches, this volume offers scholars an opportunity to reread the Vita nova in a renewed context and from a diversity of literary, cultural, and ideological perspectives. Contributors: Zygmunt G. Barański, Heather Webb, Claire E. Honess, Brian F. Richardson, Ruth Chester, Federica Pich, Matthew Treherne, Catherine Keen, Jennifer Rushworth, Daragh O’Connell, Sophie V. Fuller, Giulia Gaimari, Emily Kate Price, Manuele Gragnolati, Elena Lombardi, Francesca Southerden, Rebecca Bowen, Nicolò Crisafi, Lachlan Hughes, Franco Costantini, David Bowe, Tristan Kay, Filippo Gianferrari, Simon Gilson, Rebekah Locke, Luca Lombardo, Peter Dent, George Ferzoco, Paola Nasti, Marco Grimaldi, David G. Lummus, Helena Phillips-Robins, Aistė Kiltinavičiūtė, Alessia Carrai, Ryan Pepin, Valentina Mele, Katherine Powlesland, Federica Coluzzi, K. P. Clarke, Nicolò Maldina, Theodore J. Cachey Jr., Chiara Sbordoni, Lorenzo Dell’Oso, and Anne C. Leone.
Hal Leonard MGB Nova Bossa 12 New Bossa Novas
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Cartagena: Colonia Urbs Julia Nova Carthago
Sourcebooks Santa Is Coming to Nova Scotia
Hal Leonard Corporation Authentic Brazilian Bossa Nova Guitar Arrangements
AMEET Verlag LEGO Friends Eine Sternschnuppe für Nova
Austin Macauley Publishers The Pleasure Cats of Nova Playa
Hal Leonard Corporation Brazilian Piano - Choro, Samba, and Bossa Nova: Choro, Samba, and Bossa Nova
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press Nova Express: The Restored Text
Karibu Nova Aufbruch in die Wildnis
Oertel Und Spoerer GmbH Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
V&R unipress GmbH Nova Mediaevalia.: Politische Theorie und politisches Handeln
Metropolitan Museum of Art New York Egyptian Studies III Vol. 3: Varia Nova
University of Toronto Press Nova Scotia: A Health System Profile
Despite notable variation in health care policy from province to province, most scholarship published on the health care system in Canada uses a broad national perspective. Focusing on the health care systems of individual Canadian provinces and territories, our new series, Health System Profiles, examines the social, political, economic, and epidemiological context of health care policy in each Canadian province. Turning a critical eye to the health care system in Nova Scotia, author Katherine Fierlbeck outlines the organizational and regulatory frameworks structuring provincial health care, while providing a detailed assessment of Nova Scotia’s health financing, physical infrastructure, service provision, and the efficacy of technological resources used in data tracking and health quality assessments. Structured for ease of comparison, Nova Scotia: A Health System Profile will, along with other volumes in the series, help scholars draw analytic evidence-based policy conclusions about the health system of Nova Scotia and other Canadian provinces and territories.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd African Nova Scotian?Mi`kmaw Relations
Reflecting on two different communities that have been displaced throughout history, this outline reveals the harsh treatment suffered by both the Mi'kmaq people and the African Nova Scotians. Highlighting how the Mi'kmaq were dispossessed of their lands and, since the early 1820s, confined to reserves, this in-depth exploration also shows how the African Nova Scotians have been robbed of their homes-settlements that were originally granted to them by white colonial governments. In spite of this common ground, this emboldened examination sheds light on these cultures' distinct ideas regarding several concepts, thereby illustrating what draws them together and what keeps them apart. The role of the Human Rights Commission is also explored along with crucial aspects of cultural identity, including interviews with citizens from both groups. Providing an innovative assessment of ethnic relations and indigenous studies, this is an invaluable source of constructive dialogue on these aspects within the history of colonialism.
Recordes què va passar durant el millor estiu de la teva vida? Quins gelats menjaves, quins amics vas ver, on et vas banyar? Aquest diari està pensat perquè les nenes i els nens puguin escriure d?una manera creativa què els passa durant cada dia de les seves vacances. Es divertiran escrivint, exercitaran la memòria, faran volar la imaginació, i tindran un record per a tota la vida.Aquest diari inclou:? Un diari perquè cada dia de l?estiu hi apuntis el que t?ha passat.? Trucs i consells per imaginar un estiu de 10.? Dies especials amb exercicis d?escriptura creativa.? Passatemps divertidíssims. Llistes de plans, idees, llibres, videojocs, cançons...? Rànquings dels millors moments de l?estiu.? Idees per dibuixar, escriure... i viure!Creiem que els nostres estius són inoblidables..., però l?única manera de no oblidar-los és prenent-ne nota.
Aurosory ltd Nova Biblijska Kuharica PisČanca
Goose Lane Editions Autism Arts: A Partnership between Autism Nova Scotia and the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
Winner, Canadian Museums Association’s Outstanding Achievement in Audience OutreachHonourable Mention, Canadian Museums Association’s Outstanding Achievement in ResearchArt has the potential to bring us together and create lasting connections. As humans, we have a universal need to express ourselves, find meaning, and experience a sense of belonging in our communities.In 2006, the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and Autism Nova Scotia partnered to develop a recreational art program that provided a safe and supportive environment for participants to express themselves creatively. In these classes, artists work in collaboration with autism support specialists and volunteers to provide meaningful and positive art experiences for children and young adults on the autism spectrum.Autism Arts showcases the collaborative nature and profound impact of the program. Featuring interviews with participants and their families, facilitators, and therapists and autism support specialists, this unique resource gathers reflections, stories, and feedback; documents workshops, representative artworks, and visual stories of social interactions; and reflects on the role museums and galleries can play in inclusion.Richly illustrated and accompanied with real-life stories, curriculum choices, and lesson plans, Autism Arts invites the reader both to celebrate and to share in the optimism and promise inclusive programming holds for all of us.
University of Notre Dame Press Dante's "Vita Nova": A Collaborative Reading
This original volume proposes a novel way of reading Dante’s Vita nova, exemplified in a rich diversity of scholarly approaches to the text. This groundbreaking volume represents the fruit of a two-year-long series of international seminars aimed at developing a fresh way of reading Dante’s Vita nova. By analyzing each of its forty-two chapters individually, focus is concentrated on the Vita nova in its textual and historical context rather than on its relationship to the Divine Comedy. This decoupling has freed the contributors to draw attention to various important literary features of the text, including its rich and complex polysemy, as well as its structural fluidity. The volume likewise offers insights into Dante’s social environment, his relationships with other poets, and Dante’s evolving vision of his poetry’s scope. Using a variety of critical methodologies and hermeneutical approaches, this volume offers scholars an opportunity to reread the Vita nova in a renewed context and from a diversity of literary, cultural, and ideological perspectives. Contributors: Zygmunt G. Barański, Heather Webb, Claire E. Honess, Brian F. Richardson, Ruth Chester, Federica Pich, Matthew Treherne, Catherine Keen, Jennifer Rushworth, Daragh O’Connell, Sophie V. Fuller, Giulia Gaimari, Emily Kate Price, Manuele Gragnolati, Elena Lombardi, Francesca Southerden, Rebecca Bowen, Nicolò Crisafi, Lachlan Hughes, Franco Costantini, David Bowe, Tristan Kay, Filippo Gianferrari, Simon Gilson, Rebekah Locke, Luca Lombardo, Peter Dent, George Ferzoco, Paola Nasti, Marco Grimaldi, David G. Lummus, Helena Phillips-Robins, Aistė Kiltinavičiūtė, Alessia Carrai, Ryan Pepin, Valentina Mele, Katherine Powlesland, Federica Coluzzi, K. P. Clarke, Nicolò Maldina, Theodore J. Cachey Jr., Chiara Sbordoni, Lorenzo Dell’Oso, and Anne C. Leone.
Goose Lane Editions Studio Rally: Art and Craft of Nova Scotia
On the first weekend in October, Nova Scotia artists and artisans throw open their studio doors, and locals and tourists alike, Studio Rally maps in hand, hit the highways and byways to pay a few calls. In 1992, Adriane Abbott, a Halifax textile artist, and Beverly McClare, a Grand Pré basketmaker, developed Studio Rally to help art and craft makers to sell their works. Since then it has been an exciting year-round part of Nova Scotia cultural life. In Studio Rally: Art and Craft of Nova Scotia, Robin Metcalfe takes his own journey through the art and craft landscape of Nova Scotia, introducing 52 of the province's artists and craftspeople and their highly professional yet dramatically different works. He recounts his visits to artists as varied as folk carvers Bradford and Ransford Naugler, painter Alan Bateman, and ceramicist Zoppo's silk-weaving cabin-studio in Cape Breton. Colour portraits of the people and their works by Julian Beveridge, David Duncan Livingston, and other expert art photographers make Studio Rally a sumptuous overview of a cultural scene that's as full of beauty and surprise as the natural world.
Editorial Barcanova Com Un Miratge Like a Mirage Antaviana Nova
El protagonista d?aquesta novella, un noi d?un poble dels Pirineus, espera com cada final de curs, amb curiositat, l?arribada dels estiuejants. Però aquest any tot és diferent perquè arriba la Salut, una noia de ciutat que el fascina i que li fa descobrir alhora el desig i la traïció. El noi ofereix a la seva nova amiga el seu món, al qual està tan arrelat: la muntanya, els animals de casa seva, els passejos amb bicicleta, la seva colla i, sobretot, el seu secret més ben guardat: la cabana al costat del riu. I amb la Salut viu fascinat, absolutament seduït, les primeres vegades: l?amor, la gelosia, el desig, l?amistat, el desengany... Els mons dels dos protagonistes són molt diferents. Mentre que ell és sentimental i noble, ella és sensual i capriciosa, i prova en el noi el poder de la seva feminitat. Després de l?estiu, però, quan se separin, tots dos s?adonaran que han canviat, perquè aquest primer amor viscut els ha fet més madurs. L?autora ens ofereix una novella de to just i de ll
Birkhauser Verlag AG Theoria motuum lunae nova methodo pertractata
Vitasta Publishing Pvt.Ltd In The Nova: Superheroes And Saviours
Educaula Nova antologia de poesia catalana Inclou recurs digital
Colección: Educació 62
Medieval Institute Publications Aedificia Nova: Studies in Honor of Rosemary Cramp
While the essays offered in this collection vary in subject, discipline, and methodological approach, they center on the interpretation of the material world, whether that materiality appears in literature, stone, or the artifacts removed from an archaeological dig. The essay deal mainly with the Germanic and Celtic worlds, but incorporate motifs from Eastern Christian and Roman cultures. Contributors address the themes of time in history; societal and ideological change and continuity; iconic style and polysemous textuality; symbolic and representational interpretation; gender-specific economic production; definitions of social and political structures; and social processes of eclecticism and adaptation. Hence the approaches are interdisciplinary, contextual, comparative, and fluid in their integration of texts and images where the text represented is as crucial to the meaning as is the image or object; they therefore represent the study of the material culture of the Anglo-Saxon period at its best. The variety of disciplines represented in the essays and the range of topics covered by the individual scholars give some indication of the enormous scope of the scholarship of Rosemary Cramp, in whose honor this volume was produced. Readers will find that the subjects dealt with resonate with each other in interesting and complex ways. It is an invaluable contribution to scholars of Anglo-Saxon culture and archaeology.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Voices of Nova Scotia Community: A Written Democracy
From Birchtown and Harbourville to Lincolnville and Orangedale, small-town life in Nova Scotia is vividly rendered in this collection of stories from local residents compiled by an area journalist. Voices from these communities share perspectives on the unique value of rural life. Descriptions of local industries, including lobster management, accompany profiles of important civic organizations, including women`s institutes and schools. The unique perspectives of rural Canadians are brought to life in this thoughtful collection of reflections from plainspoken, hardworking people.
Meiga, Verlag GbR Terra Nova Globale Revolution und Heilung der Liebe
Sourcebooks, Inc The Easter Bunny Is Coming to Nova Scotia