Search results for ""medicine wheel""
Medicine Wheel Avec nos coeurs oranges
« Chaque enfant compte, toi et moi y compris. Avec nos cœurs orange, nous marchons en harmonie ». En tant que petit enfant, ton petit monde peut être rempli de grands sentiments. Dans ce livre, moi, Phyllis Webstad, fondatrice de la Journée du chandail orange, montre comment partager mon histoire avec le monde m’a aidée à être à l’écoute de mes sentiments. Mon histoire vraie encourage les jeunes enfants à ouvrir leur cœur quand les autres partagent leurs sentiments et à être plus à l’aise de partager leurs propres sentiments aussi. Écouter est une première étape vers la réconciliation. Il n’est jamais trop tôt pour commencer.
Medicine Wheel Orange Shirt Day: Every Child Matters
A special abridged version of the award-winning book, Orange Shirt Day: September 30th. Orange Shirt Day, observed annually on September 30th, is also known as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. It is an official day to honour Residential School Survivors and their families, and to remember the children who did not come home. What was initially envisioned as a way to keep the conversations going about all aspects of Residential Schools in Williams Lake and the Cariboo Region of British Columbia, Canada, has now expanded into a movement across Turtle Island and beyond. Orange Shirt Day: September 30th aims to create champions who will walk a path of reconciliation and promote the message that 'Every Child Matters'. This award-winning book explores a number of important topics including the historical, generational, and continual impacts of Residential Schools on Indigenous Peoples, the journey of the Orange Shirt Day movement, and how you can effectively participate in the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. With end-of-chapter reflection questions and a series of student art submissions, readers are guided to explore how they, and others, view and participate in Residential School reconciliation.Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives, creating a platform for stories that celebrate Indigenous cultures and inspire understanding and respect among readers of all ages.
Medicine Wheel This Is What I've Been Told Teacher Lesson Plan
A teacher lesson plan to further explore the book. May include comprehension questions, group activities, conversation starters, quizzes, language arts activities, and colouring pages. It’s been said when teachings are passed down from one generation to the next, good things can happen. Language is learned, knowledge is shared, and culture is practiced. In this story of language preservation, Author/Illustrator and Anishnaabemowin language teacher Juliana Armstrong illuminates a number of Anishnaabemowin words along with their cultural connections, passed down from her Ojibway ancestors.
Medicine Wheel L'histoire du chandail orange plan de cours
Un plan de leçon de l’enseignant pour approfondir le livre. Peut inclure des questions de compréhension, des activités de groupe, des amorces de conversation, des quiz, des activités d’arts du langage et des pages à colorier.
Medicine Wheel Le caillou de Trudy
Quand une fillette de la Nation Gitxsan se dispute avec son frère, elle se souvient d’un des contes de sa grand-mère et part à la recherche d’un caillou avec qui parler de ses sentiments. Ce charmant récit autochtone enseigne aux enfants qu’il est normal d’avoir des sentiments et leur explique comment traiter et relâcher les sentiments négatifs.
Medicine Wheel The Hoop Dancer's Teachings
There once was a Hoop Dancer who had many teachings to share about how to live in peace and harmony with others. In this book, Teddy uses the powerful symbols of the Hoop Dance and the Medicine Wheel to show how we can all cooperate and live as one big, human family.Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives, creating a platform for stories that celebrate Indigenous cultures and inspire understanding and respect among readers of all ages.
Medicine Wheel The Eagle Feather
When we look up to the sky and see a beautiful eagle soaring by, we may stop to appreciate its graceful sight, but, as Kevin Locke explains, eagles also have powerful teachings to offer. In this book Kevin shares with us that each feather on the eagle’s wing represents a virtue that we can all learn from. Suggested for Ages 4-6.Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives, creating a platform for stories that celebrate Indigenous cultures and inspire understanding and respect among readers of all ages.
Medicine Wheel Beyond the Orange Shirt Story
Beyond the Orange Shirt Story is a unique collection of truths that articulate the lives and experiences of some Residential School Survivors and their families. Compiled by Phyllis Webstad, Residential School Survivor and Founder of the Orange Shirt Day movement, this book will give readers an up-close look at what life was like for many Survivors — before, during, and after their Residential School experiences. These personal Survivor accounts are authentically shared in their own voices.Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives, creating a platform for stories that celebrate Indigenous cultures and inspire understanding and respect among readers of all ages.
Medicine Wheel Every Child Matters
Learn the meaning behind the phrase, ‘Every Child Matters.’ Orange Shirt Day founder, Phyllis Webstad, offers insights into this heartfelt movement. Every Child Matters honours the history and resiliency of Indigenous Peoples on Turtle Island and moves us all forward on a path toward Truth and Reconciliation. If you’re a Residential School Survivor or an Intergenerational Survivor — you matter. For the children who didn’t make it home — you matter. The child inside every one of us matters. Every Child Matters. Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives, creating a platform for stories that celebrate Indigenous cultures and inspire understanding and respect among readers of all ages.
Medicine Wheel With Our Orange Hearts
Listening is a first step towards reconciliation. It’s never too early to start.“Every child matters, including you and me. With our orange hearts, we walk in harmony.”As a young child, your little world can be full of big feelings. In this book, I, Phyllis Webstad, founder of Orange Shirt Day, show how sharing my story with the world helped me to process my feelings. My true story encourages young children to open their hearts when others share their feelings and be more comfortable sharing their own feelings, too.Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives, creating a platform for stories that celebrate Indigenous cultures and inspire understanding and respect among readers of all ages.
Medicine Wheel Meet Your Family: Gikenim Ginii'igo
Mother Earth, we come from her, we go to her, without her we wouldn’t be here, she gives all of us life and because of her, we are all one family. In almost all segments of Indigenous life, we speak of Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandfather Sun, and Grandmother Moon. Meet Your Family is a rhythmic poem that will enlighten readers on how to view these important figures while sharing a greater concept of seeing the world as our natural family. Presented in both English and Ojibwe, an additional softcover book in Ojibwe is included inside this hardcover book.Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives, creating a platform for stories that celebrate Indigenous cultures and inspire understanding and respect among readers of all ages.
Medicine Wheel Jour du tambour avec coeur
Quand sa mère lui donne un tambour fait à la mainen cadeau, Ren apprend les enseignements dutambour qu’on lui transmet par le fait même.Il découvre que, grâce à ce tambour spécial, il peutcréer des liens avec sa culture et reprendreconfiance en sa voix pour partager avec joie leschansons traditionnelles de sa nation, la Nation Nuu-chah-nulth.
Medicine Wheel La plume d'aigle
Kevin Locke est un danseur de cerceaux de renommée mondiale, un conteur traditionnel, un éducateur, un artiste, un flûtiste des plaines du Nord et un ambassadeur culturel. Kevin Locke est Lakota et Anishinabe. Son nom lakota est Thokaheya lnazirJ et signifie « le premier à se lever ». Lorsque nous levons les yeux vers le ciel et que nous voyons un bel aigle qui plane, il se peut que nous nous arrêtions pour apprécier son vol gracieux, mais comme l’explique Kevin Locke, les aigles ont aussi des enseignements importants à nous offrir. Dans ce livre, Kevin nous dit que chaque plume sur l’aile d’un aigle représente une vertu dont nous pouvons tous apprendre.
Medicine Wheel The Orange Shirt Story Teacher Lesson Plan
A teacher lesson plan to futher explore the book. May include comprehension questions, group activities, conversation starters, quizzes, language arts activities, and colouring pages. When Phyllis Webstad (nee Jack) turned six, she went to the residential school for the first time. On her first day at school, she wore a shiny orange shirt that her Granny had bought for her, but when she got to the school, it was taken away from her and never returned. This is the true story of Phyllis and her orange shirt. It is also the true story of Orange Shirt Day (an important day of remembrance for First Nations and non First Nations Canadians).
Medicine Wheel Minnow: la fille qui est devenue mi-poisson
Minnow, une jeune autochtone, protectrice des eaux, entreprend un voyage sous l’eau où elle en apprend de notre famille qui vit dans l’océan. Quand elle retourne à la surface, elle rassemble sa communauté pour aider à apporter des changements. Cette histoire est racontée en rimes lyriques et aide les enfants à mieux respecter les gens qui protègent les eaux et les terres autochtones, l’environnement et le monde qui les entoure. Elle aide à faire découvrir l’activisme aux enfants tôt dans leur vie.
Medicine Wheel La roue medicinale la dance des cerceaux racontee
La danse des cerceaux et la roue médicinale sont de puissants symboles d’unité, de coopération et d’harmonie. Lors de ses représentations aux quatre coins de la planète, Teddy Anderson présente ces symboles comme des prismes au travers desquels jeunes et moins jeunes peuvent examiner le passé et prévoir l’avenir. Les quatre couleurs de la roue médicinale, noir, rouge, jaune et blanc, représentent les diverses nations et populations de la Terre. Dans son premier livre, l’auteur illustre sa vision de la Terre, soit un monde où les connaissances tracent la voie menant à l’amour et où chaque personne se voit comme membre d’UNE MÊME FAMILLE.
Medicine Wheel Jour du tambour avec coeur plan de cours
Un plan de leçon de l’enseignant pour approfondir le livre. Peut inclure des questions de compréhension, des activités de groupe, des amorces de conversation, des quiz, des activités d’arts du langage et des pages à colorier.
Medicine Wheel Le cercle de partage
Quand deux renardes rousses ont une dispute qui divise leur communauté, une gentille bisonne apporte une tresse d’herbe sacrée à une sage locale et lui demande de les aider en présidant un Cercle de Partage avec tous les animaux.
Medicine Wheel Derriere l'histoire du chandail orange
Derrière l’histoire du chandail orange est un recueil unique en son genre rassemblant les témoignages de Phyllis Webstad et de ses proches. Les lecteurs auront l’occasion d’y prendre intimement connaissance de la vie avant, pendant et après le pensionnat. Dans ce livre, les Survivants et les Survivants intergénérationnels partagent avec nous leurs récits de façon authentique, dans leurs propres mots. Phyllis Webstad est une Survivante des pensionnats et la fondatrice du mouvement de la Journée du chandail orange. Phyllis a sélectionné ces récits avec soin pour permettre aux Canadiens de s’éduquer et de mieux comprendre les effets dévastateurs du système des pensionnats. Ceux et celles qui liront ce livre seront sensibilisés aux nombreux défis auxquels font face bien des peuples autochtones du Canada. Cette prise de conscience s’accompagnera d’un apprentissage et d’un désapprentissage, d’une compréhension et d’une acceptation, qui mèneront à leur tour au changement. Phyllis espère que tous les Canadiens honoreront les vies et les expériences des Survivants et de leurs familles en découvrant ce qui se trouve Derrière l’histoire du chandail orange.
Medicine Wheel L'envol de l'aube un recit lakota
Il y a très longtemps, quand un grand déluge lava le monde de ses malheurs, le Grand-Père envoya l’aigle Wanjblí pour sauver un membre vertueux de la race humaine et lui enseigner comment bien vivre. L’aigle est un puissant symbole de courage, de sagesse et de force. Il est connu dans la culture autochtone comme le lien entre le monde de l’esprit et la Terre. Dans son premier livre, Kevin partage le récit traditionnel de l’aigle qui est venu comme messager pour guider le genre humain. Il partage une vision inspirante d’unité et d’espoir pour qu’une nouvelle génération d’enfants apprenne à reconnaître l’aigle en eux-mêmes et chez les autres afin de toujours s’éloigner des ténèbres et voler vers la lumière.
Medicine Wheel We Learn from the Sun
"A children's book version of David Bouchard's best-selling book, The Seven Sacred Teachings." This richly illustrated book by Ojibway writer David Bouchard and Métis illustrator Kristy Cameron, weaves together Woodland-style paintings with a rhythmic poem about the spiritual lessons that we can learn from the Sun and the seven sacred teachings.Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives, creating a platform for stories that celebrate Indigenous cultures and inspire understanding and respect among readers of all ages.
Medicine Wheel This Is What I've Been Told: Mii Yi Gaa-Bi-Wiindmaagooyaan
It’s been said when teachings are passed down from one generation to the next, good things can happen. Language is learned, knowledge is shared, and culture is practiced. In this story of language preservation, Author/Illustrator and Anishnaabemowin language teacher Juliana Armstrong illuminates a number of Anishnaabemowin words along with their cultural connections, passed down from her Ojibway ancestors.Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives, creating a platform for stories that celebrate Indigenous cultures and inspire understanding and respect among readers of all ages.
Medicine Wheel Drum from the Heart
When he is gifted a handmade drum by his mother, Ren learns the teachings of the drum that she also passes down to him. Ren discovers that through this special drum, he is able to connect to his culture and find confidence in his voice to joyfully share in singing the traditional songs of his Nuu-chah-nulth Nation. Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives, creating a platform for stories that celebrate Indigenous cultures and inspire understanding and respect among readers of all ages.
Medicine Wheel The Orange Shirt Story
This is the true story of Phyllis and her orange shirt. It is also the true story of Orange Shirt Day (an important day of remembrance for First Nations and non-First Nations peoples). When Phyllis Webstad (nee Jack) turned six, she went to the residential school for the first time. On her first day at school, she wore a shiny orange shirt that her Granny had bought for her, but when she got to the school, it was taken away from her and never returned. Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives, creating a platform for stories that celebrate Indigenous cultures and inspire understanding and respect among readers of all ages.
Medicine Wheel Minnow: The girl who became part fish
A young Indigenous water protector named Minnow goes on an underwater journey, learning from our ocean-living relatives. When she returns to the surface, she gathers her community to help make a change. This story is told in lyrical rhyme and helps children gain a better respect for Indigenous after and land protectors, the environment around them, and helps show children activism at an early age. We all come from Mother Earth, we all learn from her, and we all live from her. Mother Earth has many children, not just humans. These children are all our relatives, including animals. This book focuses on our relationship with our ocean-living relatives and teaches us what we all must do to nurture and protect them. Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives, creating a platform for stories that celebrate Indigenous cultures and inspire understanding and respect among readers of all ages.
Medicine Wheel Orange Shirt Day Study Guide
A teacher lesson plan to further explore the book. May include comprehension questions, group activities, conversation starters, quizzes, language arts activities. Orange Shirt Day, observed annually on September 30th, is a day to honour Residential School Survivors and their families, and to remember those who did not make it. This book explores a number of topics including the historical impacts of Residential Schools on Indigenous Peoples, the history of the Orange Shirt Day movement, and how you can effectively participate in Orange Shirt Day. With end of chapter reflection questions and a series of student art submissions, readers are guided to learn more about how they and others view Residential School reconciliation. Orange Shirt Day aims to create champions who will walk a path of reconciliation through promoting the message that Every Child Matters.
Medicine Wheel Le cercle d'aide et de partage
Lorsque deux renardes, qui sont des meilleures amies, se disputent, cela bouleverse toute la communauté des animaux. Kokum, une hibou grand-duc sait exactement quoi faire. Elle réunit tous les animaux et organise un cercle de partage.
Medicine Wheel Le chandail orange de Phyllis
Quand Phyllis était une petite fille, elle avait hâte d’aller au pensionnat pour la première fois. Sa grand-mère lui a acheté un chandail orange éclatant qu’elle aimait et elle l’a porté pour aller à sa première journée d’école. Quand elle est arrivée à l’école, on lui a enlevé son chandail et on ne lui a jamais redonné. Ceci est l’histoire vraie de Phyllis Webstad et l’histoire de la Journée du chandail orange, qui pour tous les Canadiens est une journée pour réfléchir au traitement réservé aux peuples autochtones et au message « Chaque enfant compte ».
Medicine Wheel Dawn Flight: A Lakota Story Teacher Lesson Plan
A teacher lesson plan to further explore the book. May include comprehension questions, group activities, conversation starters, quizzes, language arts activities, and colouring pages. Long ago, when a great flood cleansed the land of unhappiness, the Grandfather sent Wanjblí the eagle to save one virtuous member of the human race and teach her how to live a good life. The eagle is a powerful symbol of courage, wisdom, and strength. In Kevin’s book he shares an inspiring vision of unity and hope for a new generation teaching children to recognize the eagle in themselves and others and always to soar above the darkness into the light.
Medicine Wheel La roue medicinale la dance des cerceaux racontee plan de cours
Un plan de leçon de l’enseignant pour approfondir le livre. Peut inclure des questions de compréhension, des activités de groupe, des amorces de conversation, des quiz, des activités d’arts du langage et des pages à colorier.
Medicine Wheel Le caillou de Trudy plan de cours
Un plan de leçon de l’enseignant pour approfondir le livre. Peut inclure des questions de compréhension, des activités de groupe, des amorces de conversation, des quiz, des activités d’arts du langage et des pages à colorier.
Medicine Wheel L'histoire du chandail orange
Lorsque Phyllis Webstad (née Jack) a eu six ans, elle est allée au pensionnat pour la première fois. Pour sa première journée d’école, elle portait un chandail orange tout neuf que sa grand-mère lui avait acheté. À son arrivée à l’école, on le lui a enlevé, pour ne jamais le lui redonner. Voici la vraie histoire de Phyllis et de son chandail orange. C’est aussi l’histoire de la Journée du chandail orange, un jour de commémoration important pour tous les Canadiens.
Medicine Wheel Le chef du mais plan de cours
Un plan de leçon de l’enseignant pour approfondir le livre. Peut inclure des questions de compréhension, des activités de groupe, des amorces de conversation, des quiz, des activités d’arts du langage et des pages à colorier.
Medicine Wheel Minnow Teacher Lesson Plan
Teacher lesson plan that accompanies the book, Minnow. Includes comprehension questions, group activities, coloring pages, and more. A young Indigenous water protector named Minnow goes on an underwater journey, learning from our ocean-living relatives. When she returns to the surface, she gathers her community to help make a change. This story is told in lyrical rhyme and helps children gain a better respect for Indigenous water and land protectors, the environment and world around them, and helps show children activism at an early age.
Hay House UK Ltd The Wisdom Wheel: A Mythic Journey through the Four Directions
Access the gifts of transformation, heal the self, and live in harmony with one another and with the Earth by journeying through the wisdom wheel—a fresh take on the traditional medicine wheel—its archetypes, and its four wisdom challenges.The teachings of the medicine wheel have existed from the beginning of time. Today, however, we are creating modern paradigms of shamanism while drawing on the sacred traditions of the past. In this book, shamanic practitioner Alberto Villoldo explains that the medicine wheel is also a wisdom wheel: an advanced tool for working toward personal and planetary transformation. By journeying through the wisdom wheel and its four directions—South, West, North, and East—each of which is associated with an archetypal animal and sacred journey, you will be able to access powerful healing energies and step into a new personal and collective destiny.
Hay House Inc The Wisdom Wheel: A Mythic Journey through the Four Directions
Access the gifts of transformation, heal the self, and live in harmony with one another and with the Earth by journeying through the wisdom wheel—a fresh take on the traditional medicine wheel—its archetypes, and its four wisdom challenges.The teachings of the medicine wheel have existed from the beginning of time. Today, however, we are creating modern paradigms of shamanism while drawing on the sacred traditions of the past. In this book, shamanic practitioner Alberto Villoldo explains that the medicine wheel is also a wisdom wheel: an advanced tool for working toward personal and planetary transformation. By journeying through the wisdom wheel and its four directions—South, West, North, and East—each of which is associated with an archetypal animal and sacred journey, you will be able to access powerful healing energies and step into a new personal and collective destiny.
Simon & Schuster Dancing with the Wheel
Explains the concept of the medicine wheel, and shows how to use it in practical exercises and ceremonies to gain energy from the spirits.
Hay House Inc The Wisdom Wheel: A Mythic Journey through the Four Directions
Internationally renowned shamanic teacher and bestselling author Alberto Villoldo presents a brand new, insightful guide to the shamanic teachings of the Andean medicine wheel.Shamanism is the exercise of personal power, born of knowledge, with the goal of service to all beings. The teachings of the medicine wheel – a spiritual technology for healing – have existed for millennia in different forms throughout the world. The medicine wheel eventually brings you to the wisdom wheel, a subtle process for personal and planetary transformation, necessary for when the world is facing times of crisis that require extraordinary interventions.In this book, you will learn to work with the wisdom wheel and its four ‘powers’, each of which is associated with an archetypal animal and a sacred journey – the serpent, the journey of the healer; the jaguar, the journey beyond death; the hummingbird, the way of joyous wisdom; and the eagle, the transcending power. Every conquest in the wisdom wheel frees you from a fate predetermined by your genetics and your upbringing – a fate that blocks you from achieving your destiny as homo luminous, the new species of human that can live harmoniously with the Earth and with one another. As you make your way through the wisdom wheel you will become an Earthkeeper, a steward of all life. Your health and relationships will flourish as you join a sacred journey shared by enlightened humans around the globe – the new story that we are crafting for all the Earth’s inhabitants.
Little, Brown & Company Pocketful of Miracles (Revised and Updated): Prayers, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year
In this exquisite little volume, acclaimed healer Joan Borysenko offers a unique, organic means of drawing personal strength and spiritual succor from the wondrous cycles of nature. Drawing on the ancient wisdom at the core of the world's religions, the guidance of the four great Archangels that stand at the gates of the Medicine Wheel, and her own deep mystical experience, she has divided the book into twelve inspiring monthly sections. Each reflects such emotionally significant themes as Forgiveness, Rebirth in Love, and Spiritual Healing. And each provides daily meditations, prayers, and affirmations that help you let go of fear and realize the light of peace and compassion that dwells throughout the universe... and within your own heart.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Journeying Between the Worlds: Walking with the Sacred Spirits Through Native American Shamanic Teachings and Practices
Journeying Between the Worlds shares Native American shamanic teachings in a way that is easily understood by people from any culture. This book is filled with practices that will open the door to dynamic, ever evolving relationships with the Great Spirit, your sacred Self, and your Ancestors. With simple exercises that help you build your skills and knowledge, this powerful guide teaches lessons based on Native American spiritual concepts, including shamanic journeying, the Medicine Wheel, dreams and visions, symbols, power animals, the elements, shamanic tools, the three realms, and much more. Written for beginner and intermediate shamanic practitioners, Journeying Between the Worlds shows you how to use shamanism to make sacred connections with the natural world, divine beings, and your own soul.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Haunted Wyoming
Wyoming is filled with ghosts and haunted adventures. Sleep at the Ferris Mansion where a mischievous spirit of a little boy resides. Take a hike to Big Horn Medicine Wheel and experience the history and spirits that reside within the sacred Wheel. Grab a magazine at a drug store where the late owner likes to be greeted each morning. Visit a ghost town where a former serial killer still walks on an unearthly plane. Find out about Yellowstone’s mysteries, as well as the spirits that still roam the many caves and grooves of Wyoming’s landscapes. Learn the signs to determine when ghosts are near and what you can do to protect yourself from them! Wyoming has plenty of hauntings just waiting for you!
Rockpool Publishing Healing through Indigenous Wisdom
Come on a journey to enrich your relationships with the land on which you live and with your ancestors.Learn to walk in two worlds: the Western world and your inner Indigenous cosmos. Through a 52-week journey of reflections, practical exercises, Indigenous storytelling and knowledge-sharing, this guide will support you to respectfully connect with your own ancestors as well as ancestors of the lands where you live, whether you identify as Indigenous or not. There are stories to inspire you and help you feel seen, exercises to illuminate blind spots and tools to heal individual and intergenerational wounds. You will learn to divine and work within your own medicine wheel and to enrich your spirit by integrating authentic earth-based rituals and ceremonies into your life.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Earth Wisdom Teachings
A journey of self-empowerment to discover your innate inner wisdom and enact collective healing• Takes you through the eight directions of the Medicine Wheel to ignite your spirit fire, inspire deeper connection with all life on Earth, and open your creative, sensory, emotional, and intuitive intelligences• Shares practices such as deep listening, healing with the four elements, making death an ally, transforming limiting beliefs, discovering your animal teacher, and accessing inner wisdom• Explains how the transformation of consciousness influences those around you, allowing individual inner work to initiate collective change and ecological healingTHE FUTURE OF HUMANITY is in question, the world is in crisis and the Earth on fire. How can we find the inner strength to meet these challenges from a place of power?Aware that personal transformation serves the collective healing, Carlos Philip Glover takes you on a journey of s
Collective Ink Way of the Lover, The – Sufism, Shamanism and the Spiritual Art of Love
The latest from the Moon Books Classic series, The Way of The Lover combines medicine wheel teachings of 'The Path of The Heart', with the poetry and hidden teachings of illumination within the words of the great Sufi love poet, Rumi. It explores the questions that concern every man and woman: What is True love? How can I be more loving in my relationships? Why do I find it so hard to give, forgive, or receive love? How do I know that my relationship is taking me where I want to go? Can I learn from my experiences of love? How do I deal with the pain of a broken heart? Can love help me grow and find greater happiness and satisfaction in life? Who am I, really, and what do I mean when I say that I want love?
Collective Ink Story Compass: An unprecedented journey of discovery with myth and life
The Good Ship Story Compass sails you away on a potentially life changing journey! Story Compass is a book of word and action, leading the reader on a ship's journey through the Four Directions Medicine Wheel! You step onboard, put on your captain's hat and sail away! Compass points take you sailing North, East, South and West to visit the story fields of the author, lifeline, ancestral banks and the mythical realms. Story becomes understood in a way you have possibly never been able to appreciate before. Archetypes for Mother Goose, Wild Merlin, the Prince from Sleeping Beauty and Anansi the Spider appear as the inspirational teachers for each compass point. Playful in tone, interactive in design and deeply explorative in its action, this startlingly original book is both a healing journey and an instruction manual.
Hay House Inc Awakening Your Inner Shaman: One Woman's Hero's Quest
A powerful debut from one of the world's most respected shamanic teachers, following Marcela Lobos's journey in this world and the world of spirit. This book follows the Shamanic journey specifically through the rites of passage and initiation that women experience. Following the thirteen moons of the year and the thirteen stones of the Andean Medicine Wheel, this book guides the reader on a healing journey alongside Marcela's own as they grow in wisdom with each turn of the wheel. From her war-torn childhood to her complicated relationships, her training with the shamans of the Andes and the Machi of Chile to her life today as a teacher and medicine woman, Marcela's story provides the reader with real-life context for each stone, each moon, and each step on this ancient and archetypal journey. Through healing, deepening of understanding, transformation, and embodiment, the reader will learn to walk the Medicine Path to find their power and inner beauty.
Portage & Main Press Teacher Guide for This Place: 150 Years Retold
The graphic novel, This Place: 150 Years Retold, includes a variety of historical and contemporary stories that highlight important moments in Indigenous and Canadian history.Written by Anishinaabe educator Christine M'Lot, the Teacher Guide for This Place: 150 Years Retold offers 12 comprehensive lessons that support teachers in introducing students to the unique demographic, historical, and cultural legacy of Indigenous communities and exploring acts of sovereignty and resiliency using circle pedagogy to show the interconnectedness of ideas and topics, primarily in the form of the medicine wheel infusing Indigenous pedagogical practices, such as working with others, seeking holism in understanding, and learning through storytelling engaging students’ understanding and encouraging them to embrace differing worldviews NEW! Incorporating the This Place CBC podcast when studying the graphic novel Lessons in this teacher guide are appropriate to Grades 9–12 English, Grade 11 Global Issues, and Grade 12 Current Topics in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Studies classes. They are also adaptable to relevant university or college courses.
University of Toronto Press Teaching Where You Are: Weaving Indigenous and Slow Principles and Pedagogies
Teaching Where You Are offers a guide for non-Indigenous educators to work in good ways with Indigenous students and provides resources across curricular areas to support all students. In this book, two seasoned educators, one Indigenous and one settler, bring to bear their years of experience teaching in elementary, secondary, and post-secondary contexts to explore the ways in which Indigenous and Slow approaches to teaching and learning mirror and complement one another. Using the holistic framework of the Medicine Wheel, Shannon Leddy and Lorrie Miller illustrate the ways in which interdisciplinary thinking, a focus on experiential learning, and the thoughtful application of the 4Rs – Respect, Relevance, Reciprocity, and Responsibility – can bring us back to the principle of teaching people, not subjects. Bringing forth the ways in which colonialism and cognitive imperialism have shaped Canadian curriculum and consciousness, the book offers avenues for the development of decolonial literacy to support the work of Indigenizing education. In considering the importance of engaging in decolonizing and Indigenizing approaches to education through Slow and Indigenous pedagogies using the lens of place-based and land-based education, Teaching Where You Are presents a text useful for teachers and educators grappling with the ongoing impacts of colonialism and the soul-work of how to decolonize and rehumanize education in meaningful ways.