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Alma Books Ltd Six
Shortlisted for the Essex Book Awards and Stockton Children’s Book of the Year Award When Parker Banks moves with his family from London to New York, he struggles to adapt to his new school and environment. His scientist dad is constantly at work on a top-secret technological venture for a major corporation, when one day he is kidnapped. It is up to Parker, along with his deaf sister Emma, their friend Michael and the pet pig their father left behind, to find and rescue him. They have at their disposal the E.F.E. device that their dad has invented to allow the family members to communicate with one another through telepathy. As their search progresses, it becomes clear that Six, the project that Parker's father has been involved in against his will, is a sinister enterprise that poses a threat not only to the Banks family, but to the world at large.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Ordinary Princess
Once upon a time, there was the most beautiful, extraordinary princess. At least, until the day of her christening, when a grumpy fairy placed a spell to make her ORDINARY! Princess Amethyst Alexandra Araminta Adelaide Aurelia Anne (also known as Princess Amy) doesn't mind being ordinary- she gets to play in the woods, and run about to her heart's content! But when she realises that her parents intend for her to marry a dreary prince, she must take matters into her own hands. She may have been born ordinary, but Princess Amy's adventures are nothing but! Is Princess Amy your #GirlHero? Check out the other stories in our #GirlHero collection- which character is your favourite?A Wrinkle in TimePollyannaPride and PrejudiceAnnie Ballet ShoesChinese Cinderella The Borrowers A Little PrincessAnne of the Green Gables Little Women The Secret Garden
Buchschmiede Am Siebten Tage ruhte der Herr
Desclée De Brouwer El amor en la familia segn Juan Pablo II
Qué es amarse de verdad? Es solo estar enamorados? Es querer ante todo el bien del otro, su felicidad, incluso por delante de la propia? Se trata acaso de algo todavía más profundo? Y, en caso afirmativo, de qué? Qué decimos cuando le decimos al otro te quiero? A qué nos comprometemos en el amor? Qué es elegirse para toda la vida? Cómo y cuándo tomar esta decisión? Cuál es el verdadero sentido de los esponsales y cómo vivirlos? Qué es lo esencial del sacramento del matrimonio? Y, por último, cuándo puede considerarse alguien preparado para casarse? Esas son las cuestiones esenciales a las que este libro intenta responder a la luz de la enseñanza de san Juan Pablo II, a fin de permitir a los candidatos al matrimonio plantearse con toda lucidez y responsabilidad este acto del matrimonio que compromete para toda la vida.En él se propone, asimismo, una serie de pistas para organizar reuniones de preparación para el matrimonio y algunos temas fundamentales de la espiritualidad conyugal, a f
Desclée De Brouwer La Biblia antes de la Biblia la gran revelación de los manuscritos del Mar Muerto
Descripción: 24x16 cm.Encuadernacion:Cartone.Colección: Biblioteca Manual Desclée,57 .Este libro se dirige a todos los que aman, enseñan o estudian la Biblia. Los descubrimientos del mar Muerto han transformado nuestra comprensión de la sociedad judaica de los últimos siglos precristianos. Ahora bien, estos descubrimientos inducen una verdadera revolución en el campo de los estudios bíblicos. Esto nos invita a comprender desde nuevos supuestos el proceso de composición y de reproducción de los escritos sagrados, las razones de su selección y el hecho de su reagrupamiento, las fuentes o principios de su interpretación; resumiendo, esa voz nos impulsa a pensar y a expresar las cosas de otro modo, hasta imaginar una Biblia del futuro.El inventario exhaustivo y el examen continuado de los doscientos rollos bíblicos encontrados en las cuevas de Qumrán constituyen la base objetiva de este libro. El campo de investigación se ha ampliado para tener también en cuenta textos encont
Ediciones Dehonianas España Creer hace bien pasos para abrir caminos y dibujar horizontes
Ya se la profese o se la niegue, la fe invade al hombre con muchos interrogantes y le sitúa ante muchas decisiones problemáticas. En efecto, creer es sobre todo un fiarse. Fiarse de alguien cuya palabra y cuya presencia parecen dar a la vida un sentido o, mejor aún, proponer un camino por el que podamos introducirnos con confianza.La fe, que en la relación con la libertad, la felicidad y la autorrealización no establece siempre y de modo automático relaciones fecundas, puede parecer en ocasiones una propuesta de mortificación de la propia personalidad, un camino de renuncia y de privación para conquistar el más allá. Con todo, la esperanza de la vida que supera la muerte no solo no niega, sino que reevalúa la importancia de la vida terrena; la fidelidad a la tierra no descalifica la riqueza de significado de la eternidad, sino que la hace posible. Por otra parte, Jesús no habló de vida eterna más que para responder a preguntas de otros y puso el acento en una vida plena y cargada de
Canelo Us The Secret Sister
Trinity University Press,U.S. Maximilian and Carlota: Europe's Last Empire in Mexico
In this new telling of Mexico's Second Empire and Louis Napoleon's installation of Maximilian von Habsburg and his wife, Carlota of Belgium, as the emperor and empress of Mexico, Maximilian and Carlota brings the dramatic, interesting, and tragic time of this six-year-siege to life. From 1861 to 1866, the French incorporated the armies of Austria, Belgium--including forces from Crimea to Egypt--to fight and subdue the regime of Mexico's Benito Juarez during the time of the U.S. Civil War. France viewed this as a chance to seize Mexican territory in a moment they were convinced the Confederacy would prevail and take over Mexico. With both sides distracted in the U.S., this was their opportunity to seize territory in North America. In 1867, with aid from the United States, this movement came to a disastrous end both for the royals and for France while ushering in a new era for Mexico. In a bid to oust Juarez, Mexican conservatives appealed to European leaders to select a monarch to run their country. Maximilian and Carlota's reign, from 1864 to 1867, was marked from the start by extravagance and ambition and ended with the execution of Maximilian by firing squad, with Carlota on the brink of madness. This epoch moment in the arc of French colonial rule, which spans North American and European history at a critical juncture on both continents, shows how Napoleon III's failure to save Maximilian disgusted Europeans and sealed his own fate. Maximilian and Carlota offers a vivid portrait of the unusual marriage of Maximilian and Carlota and of international high society and politics at this critical nineteenth-century juncture. This largely unknown era in the history of the Americas comes to life through this colorful telling of the couple's tragic reign.
Capstone Press Desert Biomes Around the World (Exploring Earths Biomes)
Capstone Press Wind Energy (Energy Revolution)
Capstone Press Scrumptious Cookies with a Side of Science: 4D An Augmented Recipe Science Experience
FISCHER Taschenbuch Kaye M Palast der Winde
Penguin Putnam Inc Reckless Fortune
Agro-Bios Animal Biotechnology
£47.99 Of Honest Fame
Nova Science Publishers Inc Physical Characteristics & Critical Temperature of High Temperature Superconductors
Red Sea Press,U.S. Making And Breaking States In Africa: The Somali Experience
Taylor & Francis Inc Window Functions and Their Applications in Signal Processing
Window functions—otherwise known as weighting functions, tapering functions, or apodization functions—are mathematical functions that are zero-valued outside the chosen interval. They are well established as a vital part of digital signal processing. Window Functions and their Applications in Signal Processing presents an exhaustive and detailed account of window functions and their applications in signal processing, focusing on the areas of digital spectral analysis, design of FIR filters, pulse compression radar, and speech signal processing.Comprehensively reviewing previous research and recent developments, this book: Provides suggestions on how to choose a window function for particular applications Discusses Fourier analysis techniques and pitfalls in the computation of the DFT Introduces window functions in the continuous-time and discrete-time domains Considers two implementation strategies of window functions in the time- and frequency domain Explores well-known applications of window functions in the fields of radar, sonar, biomedical signal analysis, audio processing, and synthetic aperture radar
Red Sea Press,U.S. Blood And Bone: The Call of Kinship in Somali Society
Random House USA Inc Alice Atherton's Grand Tour
Mariner Books Everybody Behaves Badly: The True Story Behind Hemingway's Masterpiece the Sun Also Rises
Ediciones Palabra, S.A. Los dones del Espíritu Santo
Mensajero, S.A. La oración respuesta al amor
El Señor habla a nuestro corazón. Es él el que busca, llama, interroga al hombre, pidiéndole simplemente que le escuche y le acoja. La oración es nuestra respuesta a Dios y, por consiguiente, al amor.
Mensajero, S.A. La autoestima de mi hijo
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: AbiertaUn libro sencillo y breve que ofrece respuestas a las múltiples preguntas que nos hacemos en el intento de facilitar a nuestro hijo el mejor pasaporte para que se desarrolle plenamente en la vida.De qué elementos se compone la autoestima? Cuáles son las actitudes de los padres que la favorecen o perjudican? En qué consiste el sentimiento de seguridad? Son algunas de las cuestiones a las Duclos, psicopedagogo y logopeda con 25 años de experiencia trabajando con niños y adolescentes con problemas de aprendizaje y adaptación escolar, ofrece respuestas.
Capstone Press Forest Biomes Around the World (Exploring Earths Biomes)
Capstone Press How Does Streaming Work
Margaret K. McElderry Books Friendroid
Margaret K. McElderry Books Six
Penguin Putnam Inc The Ordinary Princess
Nova Science Publishers Inc Focus on DNA Fingerprinting Research
New Dawn Press For A Better Life -- Thought: A Book on Self-Empowerment
New Dawn Press For A Better Life -- Faith: A Book on Self-Empowerment
Archaeopress Tentsmuir: Ten Thousand Years of Environmental History
Tentsmuir has been a scene of human activity for over 10,000 years. It witnessed one of the earliest known occurrences in Scotland of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers and has supported human activities throughout the Neolithic and Iron Age. In medieval times it was a home for the Norman nobility, and then a royal hunting forest with highly-valued fishing rights for Scottish Kings. Tentsmuir is prone to flooding in winter due to the front line of dunes blocking drainage to the sea. It provides a natural refuge for a wide range of plants, as well as resident and migrating birds, and other animals, including outstanding populations of butterflies and moths. Consequently, this led to the creation in 1954 of a National Nature Reserve at the north-eastern end of the Tentsmuir Peninsula. Initially, an active period of coastal accretion more than trebled the size of the reserve. Now, however, Tentsmuir is eroding in places. The probability of rising sea levels and increasing exposure to storms may cause a level of destruction such that the physical existence and biological future of Tentsmuir cannot be guaranteed. This book is an attempt to record how even within a limited geographical area, such as this peninsula on the east coast of Scotland, plant and animal communities are constantly reacting to environmental change. Frequently, it is difficult to decide whether or not these changes should be resisted, encouraged, or ignored. Examples are provided of instances where human intervention to counteract change has resulted in negative as well as positive consequences for biodiversity.
University of Minnesota Press A World of Gangs: Armed Young Men and Gangsta Culture
For the more than a billion people who now live in urban slums, gangs are ubiquitous features of daily life. Though still most closely associated with American cities, gangs are an entrenched, worldwide phenomenon that play a significant role in a wide range of activities, from drug dealing to extortion to religious and political violence. In A World of Gangs, John Hagedorn explores this international proliferation of the urban gang as a consequence of the ravages of globalization.Looking closely at gang formation in three world cities-Chicago, Rio de Janeiro, and Capetown-he discovers that some gangs have institutionalized as a strategy to confront a hopeless cycle of poverty, racism, and oppression. In particular, Hagedorn reveals, the nihilistic appeal of gangsta rap and its street ethic of survival "by any means necessary" provides vital insights into the ideology and persistence of gangs around the world.This groundbreaking work concludes on a hopeful note. Proposing ways in which gangs might be encouraged to overcome their violent tendencies, Hagedorn appeals to community leaders to use the urgency, outrage, and resistance common to both gang life and hip-hop in order to bring gangs into broader movements for social justice.
Random House USA Inc Alice Atherton's Grand Tour
Penguin Putnam Inc Birdie and Me
New Dawn Press For A Better Life -- Love: A Book on Self-Empowerment
Societe d'Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France (SELAF) Le Finnois Parle Par Les Sames Bilingues D'Utsjoki-Ohcejohka (Laponie Finlandaise). Structures Contrastives, Syntaxiques, Discursives. Preface De C. Hagege
New Dawn Press For A Better Life -- Mind: A Book on Self-Empowerment
New Dawn Press For A Better Life -- Truth: A Book on Self-Empowerment
New Dawn Press For A Better Life -- Silence: A Book on Self-Empowerment
History Press Lost Mills of Fulton County
Lake View Press People and Folks: Gangs, Crime and the Underclass in a Rustbelt City
When People and Folks first appeared, William Julius Wilson called it "the most insightful book ever written on inner-city gangs" and "required reading for anyone seeking an understanding of gang activity in our large urban centers." It was also praised by Ron Huff as "a vicarious journey into the underbelly of a rustbelt city, the breeding ground of gangs—Underclass America." This gritty and poignant portrait of gang members has become a major contribution to the academic literature. The first edition of People and Folks broke new ground, influencing a generation of researchers. This expanded edition also offers provocative new insights into race and class, challenging accepted theories with fresh data from one of the most extensive studies ever undertaken of street gangs in a single city. In particular, Hagedorn questions prevailing assumptions about gang violence, drug use, and the cultural differences between the inner-city "underclass" and the suburban middle classes. Unlike many other gang studies, he explores the nature of gender for both male and female gangs members and examines the differences between male and female gangs.
Peeters Publishers Over Brabant Geschreven. Handschriften en Archivalische Bronnen in de Tilburgse Universiteitsbibliotheek. Deel 2: Jonge Handschriften en Archivalische Bronnen
Het Provinciaal Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen in Noord-Brabant werd in 1837 opgericht door Bosschenaren Hendrik Palier (1785-1853) en Cornelius Rudolphus Hermans (1805-1869). Het genootschap streefde ernaar een grote wetenschappelijke bewaarbibliotheek te stichten om zo een bijdrage te leveren aan de studie van de Brabantse geschiedenis. In 1864 telde deze boekerij 14.000 banden. Naast een collectie zeldzame Brabantse drukken, maken handschriften en archivalische bronnen een belangrijk onderdeel uit van deze bibliotheek. In 1986 werd de Bibliotheek van het Provinciaal Genootschap aangekocht door de provincie Noord-Brabant en in beheer gegeven aan de Bibliotheek van de Katholieke Universiteit Brabant te Tilburg. Het eerste deel geeft beschrijvingen van middeleeuwse handschriften en fragmenten (57 nummers) en behelst hoofdzakelijk meditatie-, gebeden- en getijdenboeken uit de Late Middeleeuwen. Onder de recentelijk ontdekte membra disiecta bevinden zich drie fragmenten van Jacob van Maerlant's Spiegel historiael en een fragment van Jan van Boendale's Der Leken Spieghel. In het tweede deel worden ale jongere handschriften en archivalische bronnen beschreven (561 nummers). Het betreft hier handschriften en archivalia op het terrein van onder meer genealogie, heraldiek, algemene en staatkundige geschiedenis, historische geografie, volkskunde, militaire geschiedenis, economische en sociale geschiedenis, rechtsgeschiedenis, kerkgeschiedenis, cultuurgeschiedenis.