Search results for ""johannes""
Brunnen-Verlag GmbH Die Offenbarung des Johannes. Kapitel 111
Henle, G. Verlag Johannes Brahms Violinsonate Gdur op. 78
de Gruyter Die Christologie Der Apokalypse Des Johannes
Walther Konig, Verlag Richard Prince Lynn Valley Johannes Wohnseifer
Museum Tusculanum Press Den indtraegende Forstaaelse: Johannes Steenstrups historiesyn
Text in Danish.
Koehlers Verlagsgsellschaft Johannes Holst: Artist Of The Sea
Hal Leonard Corporation Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Johannes Haller: Eine Politische Gelehrtenbiographie
Aschendorff Die Metaphysik Des Johannes Buridan
Logos Verlag Berlin Kommentar Zur Offenbarung Des Johannes
de Gruyter Krüginger, Johannes - Osse, Melchior Von
Geistkirch Verlag Johannes Kirschweng Vom richtigen Menschen
Occident Verlag Johannes Dialoge ber die Einweihung
Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation Johannes Brahms 75 Songs The Vocal Library
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Johannes Bugenhagen: Reformatorische Schriften (1515/16-1524)
Music Minus One Johannes Brahms Sonatas for Clarinet and Piand
Walther Konig, Verlag Johannes Wohnseifer Kleenex Mathematics Lynn Valley 2
Hirmer Verlag Johannes Itten & Thun: Nature in Focus
The Bauhaus master Johannes Ittenis one of the prominent protagonists of early Modernism in twentieth-century art. Few people are aware of the close links between his beginnings as an artist and his experience of landscape and nature in the town of Thun and Lake Thun. Johannes Itten gained decisive impulses for the development of his concept of art and his path towards abstraction through various stations and sojourns in Thun and its surroundings. By means of examples of the representations of nature in his early work the publication shows in scholarly depth how Itten discovered his own, very personal and later internationally famous approach to art and painting style and presents his pictorial transformation of natureextending through to the artist’s late works.
Henle, G. Verlag Johannes Brahms Violinsonate Adur op. 100
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Monastische Bildung: Johannes Cassians Collationes Patrum
Mit den Collationes Patrum (425-429 n. Chr.) verfasste Johannes Cassian ein Werk, das monastische Bildungsprozesse explizit thematisiert sowie implizit anstößt und begleitet. Cassian agiert dabei als Mittler zwischen verschiedenen theologischen und monastischen Traditionen. Er bringt die Bildungsskepsis des östlichen Mönchtums mit der traditionellen Vorbildung südgallischer Klostergründer ins Gespräch und kann so als ein Wegbereiter des Mönchtums als Bildungsinstitution gelten.Dorothee Schenk analysiert die vierundzwanzig Collationes , narrativ aufbereitete Gespräche mit Altvätern der ägyptischen Wüste. Dabei prüft sie, welche theologischen und anthropologischen Voraussetzungen monastischer Bildung zu berücksichtigen sind und im Rahmen welcher konkreten Methoden und Prozesse diese Bildung sich vollzieht. Schließlich werden Bilder und Konzepte untersucht, mit deren Hilfe Cassian selbst den monastischen Aufstieg bzw. Bildungsweg umschreibt.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Der Lieblingsjunger: Das Geheimnis Um Johannes
Pustet, Friedrich GmbH Das Evangelium nach Johannes Kapitel 112
Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi Uitgevers/Publishers) Johannes Vermeer - Faith, Light and Reflection
Peeters Publishers Die Athiopische Johannes-Apokalypse Kritisch Untersucht
Gregorian & Biblical Press Johannes Christiaan Hoekendijk 11 Documenta Missionalia
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Johannes Clauberg: Logique Ancienne Et Nouvelle
The Catholic University of America Press Faithfully Seeking Understanding: Selected Writings of Johannes Kuhn
Faithfully Seeking Understanding provides a first-hand opportunity for English-speaking readers to encounter the thought of Johannes Kuhn (1806-1887), widely considered the greatest speculative theologian of the renowned Catholic Tubingen School. This volume presents selected essays spanning Kuhn's lengthy career. They are organized topically and edited by Grant Kaplan to give readers an approachable introduction to his thought. Despite having a significant influence on German theology and being the subject of much study in Germany, Kuhn's thought has attracted only marginal attention outside of Germany. These essays, in addition to a scholarly introduction, give evidence of the depth of Kuhn's thought and show his ongoing relevance for key fault lines in contemporary systematic and fundamental theology. The selections are taken from chapters of Kuhn's books, including his ""Catholic Dogmatics"", and from various articles that appeared in the ""Tubingen"" quarterly, ""Die theologische Quartalschrift"". They are arranged according to the following topics: faith and reason; revelation and the personhood of God; responses to Protestant liberalism; theological topics, including grace and freedom, theology and the university; and Catholic fundamental theology. Though diverse in subject, when read together the essays yield a complete theological vision that derives from a carefully constructed theological foundation.
Henle, G. Verlag Johannes Brahms Streichquintett Nr. 2 Gdur op. 111
Henle, G. Verlag Johannes Brahms Streichquintett Nr. 2 Gdur op. 111
Peter Lang GmbH Stressbewaeltigungstraining 1: Entwicklung: Herausgegeben Von Johannes C. Brengelmann
Theologischer Verlag Johannes Calvin Und Die Kulturelle Pragekraft Des Protestantismus
Penguin Books Ltd Fear and Trembling: Dialectical Lyric by Johannes De Silentio
Kierkegaard's infamous and hugely influential philosophical work on faith, choice and sacrificeIn Fear and Trembling Kierkegaard, writing under the pseudonym Johannes de silentio, expounds his personal view of religion through the scene in Genesis in which Abraham prepares to kill his son at God's command. Kierkegaard believed Abraham's unreserved obedience to be the essential leap of faith needed to make a full commitment to his religion. The conviction shown in this polemic - that an individual can have an exceptional mission in life - informed all his later writings, and was also hugely influential for both Protestant theology and the existentialist movement.Translated with an Introduction by Alastair Hannay
Edition Axel Menges Johannes Peter Holzinger, Haus in Bad Nauheim: Opus 53
Text in English and German. In the summer 1978, the cover of the magazine Bauwelt showed a photograph of an unusual building. It was tersely introduced to readers as a 'private house with office in Bad Nauheim', but it was immediately obvious that this was a built manifesto. What appeared was a strictly symmetrically articulated, steeply rising façade, emanating dignity and composure. It also seemed able to manage without windows, which further enhanced its austere elegance. And then there were the strikingly slender, sharp-angled wall elements, which seemed captivatingly graceful, or even delicate and fragile -- as though folded from paper. The fact is that, long before Gilles Deleuze had cast his spell on a new generation of aesthetically ambitious architects, Johannes Peter Hölzinger was putting his folding skills into practice as a matter of course.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG A Christoscopic Reading of Scripture: Johannes Oecolampadius on Hebrews
One of the most significant, but often overlooked, interpreters during the Reformation was Johannes Oecolampadius (1482-1531), the first-generation reformer at Basel. This book is the first to analyse and identify the significance of Oecolampadius's voice among those who shaped the way the Bible was interpreted during the pivotal time of the Reformation. The focus of this study is on Oecolampadius's 1534 commentary on the biblical book of Hebrews, which derived from his theology lectures at the University of Basel in 1529-1530. By comparing his exegesis with more than twenty-five of the most relevant interpreters from the early church to the Reformation, this work reveals several important aspects of the changes in medieval and Reformation-era exegesis that need to be incorporated into our understanding of the history of biblical interpretation. Most significantly, this work demonstrates that by recovering and adapting an Alexandrian interpretive notion of Christ as the goal of Scripture, Oecolampadius's Christoscopic reading of Scripture served as an essential step in the shift toward Reformed interpretative approaches, such as that of John Calvin. Recognizing the value of this Christoscopic approach also identifies that Oecolampadius functions as a great example of one who embodied a theological interpretation of Scripture and contributed to the way scholars speak about the use of the New Testament in the Old even today.
Machtwort Verlag Johannes Winkler in den JunkersWerken und die Dessauer Raketen
Peeters Publishers Die Athiopische Ubersetzung Der Johannes-Apokalypse: V.
Brepols Publishers 'Johannes Delahaye, Chansons in Loire Valley Sources'
Brunnen-Verlag GmbH Jakobus Petrus Johannes und Judas fr heute
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Entdeckungen des Evangeliums: Festschrift für Johannes Schilling
Welche Rolle spielte das Evangelium in der Geschichte der Kirchen und den verschiedenen Kontexten der Frömmigkeit? Wie wurde es von Menschen in unterschiedlichen Zeiten und Lebenssituationen verstanden? Diese Fragen sind zentral für das Schaffen des Reformationshistorikers Johannes Schilling.Dieser Band vereint die Beiträge eines Kolloquiums anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstags. Im Fokus stehen die Rezeptionsgeschichte des Evangeliums und die Frage, in welchem Umfang sich kirchen- und kulturgeschichtliche Reformen sowie gesellschaftliche Veränderungen auf eine vertiefte Lektüre des Evangeliums zurückführen lassen. Die Beiträge würdigen die historische Arbeit des Jubilars, in der eine kirchengeschichtliche Konzeption von Rang beschlossen liegt. Eine Gesamtbibliographie seiner Schriften rundet den Band ab.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Das Gottesbild in der Offenbarung des Johannes
Das Gottesbild der Offenbarung des Johannes erweist sich bei näherem Hinsehen als ausgesprochen facettenreich und religionshistorisch wie theologisch komplex. Der Sammelband geht auf eine Tagung an der Universität Wien zurück und beleuchtet die intertextuellen Bezüge zum Alten Testament, die Vernetzungen mit der zeitgenössischen römisch-hellenistischen Leitkultur und die staats- wie sozialkritische Seite dieses Gottesbildes. Mit der Frage nach wesensmäßiger oder funktionaler Dimension der Christologie sowie den auf Christus übertragenen Gottesepitheta wird die monotheistische Verankerung des Gottesbildes der Johannesoffenbarung in den Blick genommen und durch Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zu Gottesaussagen im Johannesevangelium ergänzt. Die Perspektive der Wirkungsgeschichte in der modernen Literatur rundet den Band ab.
Peeters Publishers Die Athiopische Ubersetzung der Johannes-Apokalypse: T.
Penguin Books Ltd Fear and Trembling: Dialectical Lyric by Johannes De Silentio
In Fear and Trembling, Søren Kierkegaard's infamous and controversial work made a lasting impression on both modern Protestant theology and existentialist philosophers such as Sartre and Camus. This Penguin Classics edition is translated from the Danish with an introduction by Alistair Hannay.Writing under the pseudonym of 'Johannes de silentio', Kierkegaard expounds his personal view of religion through a discussion of the scene in Genesis in which Abraham prepares to sacrifice his son Isaac at God's command. Believing Abraham's unreserved obedience to be the essential leap of faith needed to make a full commitment to his religion, Kierkegaard himself made great sacrifices in order to dedicate his life entirely to his philosophy and to God. The conviction shown in this religious polemic - that a man can have an exceptional mission in life - informed all Kierkegaard's later writings. His 'teleological suspension of the ethical' challenged the contemporary views of Hegel's universal moral system, and was also hugely influential for both protestant theology and the existentialist movement. Alastair Hannay's introduction evaluates Kierkegaard's philosophy and the ways in which it conflicted with more accepted contemporary views. This edition also includes detailed notes to complement this groundbreaking analysis of religion, and a new chronology.Danish-born S¢ren Kierkegaard (1813-55) wrote on a wide variety of themes, including religion, psychology, and literature. He is remembered for his philosophy, which pioneered the idea of the Absurd, and was influential and in the development of 20th century existentialism. His other works include The Sickness unto Death, Either/Or, and Papers and Journals, all of which are available in Penguin Classics.If you enjoyed Fear and Trembling, you might like Kierkegaard's The Sickness unto Death, also available in Penguin Classics.
Peeters Publishers The Ecumenical Legacy of Johannes Cardinal Willebrands (1909-2006)
Johannes Cardinal Willebrands (1909-2006) certainly was one of the major players in the turn of the Roman Catholic Church to ecumenism. Through his stimulating role as secretary of the Catholic Conference for Ecumenical Questions (1952-1962), he prepared the ecumenical openness of the bishops of the Second Vatican Council. As secretary of the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity (1960-1968), and as President of the Secretariat, later Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (1968-1989), he played a central role in setting up ecumenical structures within the Roman Catholic Church, and starting bilateral dialogues with the churches and ecclesial communities that are not in communion with the Bishop of Rome. On the occasion of the centenary of his birthday (4 September 1909), two symposia were organised in memory of J. Willebrands, in Utrecht and in Rome.The majority of the papers presented at both conferences now become available in this volume. After a biographical introduction (A. Denaux), four contributions pay attention to 'Willebrands' formation and early commitment to ecumenism' (A. Houtepen, T. Merrigan, P. De Mey, T. Salemink). The next part focuses on 'Willebrands and the development of the Catholic view on ecumenism during the Second Vatican Council' (M. Velati, W. Thonissen, J. Wicks). Four contributions of this volume focus on 'Willebrands and ecumenism', commenting both on his relations with the Eastern Christian Churches (M. Van Parys) and with the churches of the West and to the World Council of Churches (J. Radano, W. Henn, G. Gassmann). Willebrands also played an important role in the dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Jewish people. This aspect of his work is highlighted in the next four contributions (M. Lamberigts-L. Declerck, M. Poorthuis, P.F. Fumagalli, J. Banki). The volume closes with Cardinal Kasper's address on the legacy of Cardinal Willebrands and the future of ecumenism, with some witnesses of close friends and collaborators of the cardinal (T. Stransky, P.-W. Scheele), and with a bibliography of Willebrands, provided by the co-founder of the Willebrands Archives and co-organiser of the Utrecht conference, Maria ter Steeg.