Search results for ""ellermann""
ellermann Jeppe Oswald Ein Wichtel zieht ein
ellermann Bücherzauber
ellermann Die ErfinderBande 3. Schipp schipp hurra
ellermann Regenbogenbunte Geschichten
ellermann Das ist meinsIch teil mit dir
ellermann Oh Schreck Wer hat sich hier versteckt
ellermann Warum bekommen Bäume einen Sonnenbrand
ellermann Warum ist Weihnachten nicht jeden Tag
Stanford University Press Thought’s Wilderness: Romanticism and the Apprehension of Nature
While much recent ecocriticism has questioned the value of nature as a concept, Thought's Wilderness insists that it is analytically and politically indispensable, and that romanticism shows us why. Without a concept of nature, Greg Ellermann argues, our thinking is limited to the world that capitalism has made. Defamiliarizing the tradition of romantic nature writing, Ellermann contends that the romantics tried to circumvent the domination of nature that is essential to modern capitalism. As he shows, poets and philosophers in the period such as Immanuel Kant, G. W. F. Hegel, Mary Wollstonecraft, William Wordsworth, and Percy Shelley were highly attuned to nature's ephemeral, ungraspable forms: clouds of vapor, a trace of ruin, deep silence, and the "world-surrounding ether." Further, he explains how nature's vanishing—its vulnerability and its flight from apprehension—became a philosophical and political problem. In response to a nascent industrial capitalism, romantic writers developed a poetics of wilderness—a poetics that is attentive to fleeting presence and that seeks to let things be. Trying to imagine what ultimately eludes capture, the romantics recognized the complicity between conceptual and economic domination, and they saw how thought itself could become a technology for control. This insight, Ellermann proposes, motivates romantic efforts to think past capitalist instrumentality and its devastation of the world. Ultimately, this new work undertakes a fundamental rethinking of the aesthetics and politics of nature.
UTB GmbH Basiswissen Tanz
Handwerk + Technik GmbH eBook inside Buch und eBook Der Praktikumsbericht
Bod Third Party Titles Förderungsmöglichkeiten bei Wohnungsbauprojekten. Eine kritische Betrachtung
Peter Lang AG Jonathan Swift’s Allies: The Wood’s Halfpence Controversy in Ireland, 1724–1725. Second revised and augmented edition
The patent for coining copper money granted by King George I to the English manufacturer William Wood aroused nationwide protest in Ireland. It led to the publication of Jonathan Swift’s «Drapier’s Letters», in which the Dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, attacked both the patent and England’s Irish policy. But this is not the whole story. This annotated edition contains more than 100 pamphlets, declarations, poems, and songs that were published during the dispute. Most of the reproduced texts are extremely rare and have hitherto lain dormant in various libraries. They illustrate that the protest was in fact carried on by the Irish population at large, who regarded the coinage scheme as a severe intrusion into the nation’s circulating cash which threatened to ruin the country’s economy.