Search results for ""de gruyter""
De Gruyter Wien
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, ist er in besonderem Maße in seinem historischen Kontext zu betrachten. Mehr erfahren Sie .>
De Gruyter Die Zeit von 1350 bis 1400
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, ist er in besonderem Maße in seinem historischen Kontext zu betrachten. Mehr erfahren Sie .>
De Gruyter Ethical Leadership: Moral Decision-making under Pressure
Ethical leadership does not simply emerge from a code of conduct, a good school, or a host of good intentions. It is an individual choice, or rather a series of choices that emerges from the complex interaction of personal values with social imperatives. This book explores how and why some people become ethical leaders in morally challenging and complex social environments. In Ethical Leadership, Aidan McQuade provides insight into the concept of human agency – the individual’s choice of a course of action in response to the options posed by that individual’s engagement with the social world. He puts forth a new model of human agency – the "cruciform of agency" – which recognises that the potential range of individual action emerges from the nature of the resonance that social options strike with personal thoughts. Every action adds to the individual’s personal biography in ways that influence subsequent choices by confirming or changing personal values and hopes, hence influencing the way the individual subsequently thinks about the world. In explaining the potential and limits of human agency for ethical leadership, the book establishes a basis for executives, policy makers and academics to conceptualise and develop more robust and realistic approaches for the mitigation of some of the most pressing moral issues facing humanity today. These include the inter-related challenges of modern slavery and global warming, which pose such critical threats to the Earth itself. In this book McQuade not only sets an agenda for action but empowers individual leaders to find the moral courage to better advance human rights and preserve the environment even when such action requires unpopular choices. Events around the book Link to a De Gruyter Online Event in which the author and independent human rights consultant Aidan McQuade together with Bernd Vogel, Director of the Henley Centre for Leadership at Henley Business School, Joanne Murphy, Director of Research & Co-Director of the Centre for Leadership, Ethics & Organisation at Queen’s Management School; Ambassador Luis C. deBaca, Professor from Practice, University of Michigan Law School discuss topics such as: what potentially deters leaders from making ethical decisions; what can they draw upon both internally and externally to do the right thing when doing so may be unpopular; how, in the light of fake news, can leaders communicate ethically; and much more:
De Gruyter The Radical Innovation Playbook: A Practical Guide for Harnessing New, Novel or Game-Changing Breakthroughs
The Radical Innovation Playbook: A Practical Guide for Harnessing New, Novel or Game-Changing Breakthroughs The only guide you will need on creating, planning, and launching a radical innovation project. Innovation is a must if you want your company to adapt and overcome the market's rapid change in this highly competitive world. Innovation can drive growth and revenue, whatever the size of your business – whether a micro-company, SME, or multinational. But while the more commonly tried and tested incremental innovation can save time, costs and enable a company to be more sustainable, breakthrough and radical innovation (the creation of new, far-reaching, and novel ideas) can generate between two to five times as much revenue within the same period. The challenge is that breakthrough and radical innovation are hard: they require unique capabilities, structures, approaches, success metrics, and cultures to succeed. Launching radical projects without a strategic approach risks you burning through time and money without anything to show for it. The Radical Innovation Playbook is a practical, how-to-do-it manual with tested advice and guidance on planning, creating, and successfully launching new innovative business ideas. Authors Olga Kokshagina, an innovation practitioner, researcher, and advocate for open science and entrepreneurism and Allen Alexander, an Associate Professor with a focus on innovation and entrepreneurism, provide insight, practical solutions, and reusable business model canvases to show how to develop breakthrough and radical ideas while steering through the culture of the organisation to gain buy-in from peers as well as stakeholders. In this playbook, you will learn how to:Discover new innovative ideas and emerging market opportunities;Find evidence that your innovation idea has business viability;Make vital decisions about how to plan and design your innovation project;Generate alternatives to your proposition;Explore, collect and analyse information to influence and convince others;Identify, navigate, and embrace uncertainty;Engage with peers and stakeholders;Reflect on how your organisation supports ideation processes;Discover, explore and secure investment;Gain confidence and skills for a successful launch;Diversify into new markets and commercial channels;Build a business structure that enables innovation to grow;Inspire and support future generations to make an impact and achieve success. This book is for you if: You are a first-time innovator looking for guidance and help in understanding how to take your fledgling ideas forward; A CEO or senior manager looking to invest in and devise your next-generation corporate innovation portfolio; You need to tailor your organisational structure to explore and deliver successful innovations. The Radical Innovation Playbook is a practical guide, presented in striking colour, with downloadable worksheets and canvases to help you collect, analyse, plan and launch a successful breakthrough or radical innovation project. Events around the book Link to a De Gruyter Online Event in which the authors Olga Kokshagina and Allen Alexander together with John Bessant, University of Exeter Business School, and Carina Leue-Bensch, Lufthansa Systems, talk about their own experiences in creating environments and models for radical innovation:
De Gruyter RANDSPRÜNGE - Medien Kunst Denken: Ein prospektiver Katalog
The book series of the University of Applied Art Vienna Edition Angewandte, published by Birkhäuser Basel and De Gruyter Berlin/Boston, comprises anthologies, documentations, and monographs with a focus on architecture, visual and media art, design, conservation and restoration, art theory, art pedagogy, art education, and language arts. Appearing since 2007, the series has become widely known and recognized as an established platform for relevant publications from art and science. The books are published in German as well as in English.
De Gruyter New Directions in Organizational and Management History
This book provides a valuable review of the disciplines of organizational and management history, illuminating the interconnectedness of these disciplines, identifying gaps in the literature, and sketching a model for a unified field of research and study. This co-authored study is a long-awaited theoretical re-evaluation of organizational and management history. The authors explore the disciplinary advantages of a joint approach to these related fields, noting opportunities for future scholarship, from the wider range of industries and case types to the richer theoretical toolbox. Within this framework, the book investigates interdisciplinary methodologies and surveys and analyzes the most promising of the newest theoretical lenses and empirical approaches in the field. The authors address complex issues from a metacritical perspective, from the emergent theorization of time in the context of organizational identity to the conundrum of case selection for empirical studies. Clear and thorough, the volume creates a compelling theoretical framework for future studies. New Directions in Organizational and Management History inaugurates, and sets the stage for, the new series De Gruyter Studies in Organizational and Management History.
De Gruyter Kurt W. Streubel: Spielarten des Abstrakten in der DDR
Kurt W. Streubel (1921–2002) war ein Maler und Druckgrafiker, der sich trotz widriger Umstände in der DDR konsequent der abstrakten Kunst verschrieb. Seit 1951 dem Formalismusverdikt unterlegen, schuf Streubel in innerer Emigration in Gotha lebend ein bemerkenswertes Œuvre, das abstrakte und ungegenständliche Werke, konkrete Poesie, Textilentwürfe und Gebrauchsgrafik umfasst. Wenngleich die kunsthistorische Forschung seit ein paar Jahren die Kunst der DDR differenzierter in den Blick nimmt, findet die gegenstandslose, konkrete und konstruktivistische Kunst noch immer wenig Beachtung – so auch Streubel. Sein durch das Studium an der Nachfolgeinstitution des Bauhauses in Weimar geprägtes und an der europäischen Moderne orientiertes Werk wird in diesem Band erstmals umfassend kunsthistorisch beleuchtet.
de Gruyter Ein Neues WirbelTheorem Der Hydrodynamik
de Gruyter Ordnung Blattariae
de Gruyter Johann Gottfried Herder
de Gruyter Forschungsplanung Möglichkeiten Und Grenzen
de Gruyter Rudolf Lavant. Gedichte
de Gruyter Über Lösung Und Hydratation Des Anhydrits
de Gruyter Gruppentheorie II
de Gruyter Unkräuter in Der Saatguterzeugung
de Gruyter Das Jahr 1813
de Gruyter Vernünftige Geschichte
De Gruyter Götz Von Berlichingen 1. Die Geschichte Gottfriedens Von Berlichingen. Götz Von Berlichingen
de Gruyter Weihrauch Und Myrrhe
de Gruyter Erbe Und Tradition in Der DDR
de Gruyter Von Galilei Bis Einstein
de Gruyter Bemühungen Um Die Soziologie
de Gruyter Gegenwartsprobleme Briefe Und Vorträge
de Gruyter Physik Der Halbleiter
de Gruyter Tafel Für R3 Mit Dem Argument R2