Search results for ""cbt""
Sage Publications Ltd Low-intensity CBT Skills and Interventions: a practitioner′s manual
This book takes you step-by-step through the Low-intensity CBT interventions and clinical procedures. With an Online Resource site of accompanying workbooks and worksheets, it provides a comprehensive manual for trainee and qualified Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Overcoming Your Workplace Stress: A CBT-based Self-help Guide
Occupational stress affects millions of people every year and is not only costly to the individual – in terms of their mental and physical health – but also results in major costs for organisations due to workplace absence and loss of productivity. This Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) based self-help guide will equip the user with the necessary tools and techniques to manage work related stress more effectively.Divided into three parts, this book will help you to: understand occupational stress learn about a range of methods to reduce stress levels develop your own self-help plan. Overcoming Your Workplace Stress is written in a straightforward, easy-to-follow style, allowing the reader to develop the necessary skills to become their own therapist.
Guilford Publications CBT for Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders
This book helps clinicians harness the benefits of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for children and adolescents with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Leading treatment developers describe promising approaches for treating common challenges faced by young people with ASD--anxiety and behavior problems, social competence issues, and adolescent concerns around sexuality and intimacy. Chapters present session-by-session overviews of each intervention program, review its evidence base, and address practical considerations in treatment. The book also discusses general issues in adapting CBT for this population and provides a helpful framework for assessment and case conceptualization informed by DSM-5.
Guilford Publications Parent-Led CBT for Child Anxiety: Helping Parents Help Their Kids
Parents can play a strong role in helping their children overcome anxiety disorders--given the right tools. This innovative, research-based book shows clinicians how to teach parents cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques to use with their 5- to 12-year-old. Session-by-session guidelines are provided for giving parents the skills to promote children's flexible thinking and independent problem solving, help them face specific fears, and tackle accompanying difficulties, such as sleep problems and school refusal. User-friendly features include illustrative case studies, sample scripts, advice on combining face-to-face sessions with telephone support, and pointers for overcoming roadblocks. Several parent handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
New Harbinger Publications CBT Made Simple: A Clinician's Guide to Practicing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
In this second edition of CBT Made Simple, two renowned psychologists and experts in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) offer the most comprehensive manual available to help professionals learn CBT and deliver it to clients for better treatment outcomes.CBT is an evidence-based treatment for several mental health disorders, including anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and anger problems. This simple, pragmatic guide offers everything you need to know about CBT: what it is, how it works, and how to implement it in session.This fully revised and updated second edition of CBT Made Simple provides a user-friendly, practical approach to learning CBT using up-to-the-minute teaching methods and learning tools—in particular, the “effective adult learning model,” which promotes interactive learning, experiential learning, and self-reflection. Each chapter presents key elements of CBT in clear, accessible language, and includes client dialogues and clinical examples. Practical exercises are incorporated throughout, enabling you to practice and consolidate your learning. In addition, each chapter mimics the structure of an actual CBT session.This new edition also includes the core components of CBT—core beliefs, intermediate beliefs, and behavioral experiments—to make this the most comprehensive CBT manual you’ll find anywhere.If you are a clinician or student interested in learning more about CBT, this book—part of the New Harbinger Made Simple series that includes ACT Made Simple and DBT Made Simple—has everything you need to hit the ground running. Why not make it a part of your professional library?
John Wiley and Sons Ltd CBT and Christianity: Strategies and Resources for Reconciling Faith in Therapy
CBT AND CHRISTIANITY “A surprisingly satisfying read that refreshed my perspective on, and deepened my understanding of, two topics that have long seemed overly familiar. This work underscores how much of contemporary thinking has been anticipated by the ancients or just how much ‘new thinking’ is a recapitulation of the old, but does so in a thoroughly original way.” Murray J. Dyck, PhD, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Griffith University While cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an empirically supported treatment, many behavioural and analytical psychotherapists also recognize the healing potential of religious belief. CBT and Christianity offers CBT therapists an authoritative, practical, and comprehensive resource for counselling clients with an allegiance to the Christian faith. This innovative new treatment approach compares the teachings of Jesus to contemporary cognitive and mindfulness-based therapies, describing a variety of successful assessment and treatment approaches with Christian clients by incorporating the teachings of Jesus into logical thinking, schema modification, and committed behaviour change. Clarity is further enhanced through a variety of specific examples, descriptions of generic methods, and supplemental resources provided by the author. By combining effective treatments with sensitivity to religious convictions, CBT and Christianity offers innovative insights into the spiritual and psychological well-being of clients with Christian beliefs.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd CBT and Christianity: Strategies and Resources for Reconciling Faith in Therapy
CBT AND CHRISTIANITY “A surprisingly satisfying read that refreshed my perspective on, and deepened my understanding of, two topics that have long seemed overly familiar. This work underscores how much of contemporary thinking has been anticipated by the ancients or just how much ‘new thinking’ is a recapitulation of the old, but does so in a thoroughly original way.” Murray J. Dyck, PhD, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Griffith University While cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an empirically supported treatment, many behavioural and analytical psychotherapists also recognize the healing potential of religious belief. CBT and Christianity offers CBT therapists an authoritative, practical, and comprehensive resource for counselling clients with an allegiance to the Christian faith. This innovative new treatment approach compares the teachings of Jesus to contemporary cognitive and mindfulness-based therapies, describing a variety of successful assessment and treatment approaches with Christian clients by incorporating the teachings of Jesus into logical thinking, schema modification, and committed behaviour change. Clarity is further enhanced through a variety of specific examples, descriptions of generic methods, and supplemental resources provided by the author. By combining effective treatments with sensitivity to religious convictions, CBT and Christianity offers innovative insights into the spiritual and psychological well-being of clients with Christian beliefs.
New Harbinger Publications Super Simple CBT: Six Skills to Improve Your Mood in Minutes
Quick skills grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you find lasting relief from the painful thoughts that drive anxiety, depression, and more.In today's increasingly uncertain world, it's natural to feel anxious, scared, sad, lonely, angry, worried, or hopeless. Everybody experiences intense emotions sometimes. It's normal. But when the pain becomes too strong and too enduring, it's time for a change.CBT is widely regarded as the gold standard in psychotherapy for treating anxiety and depression. Based on the self-help classic, Thoughts and Feelings, this take-anywhere guide offers distilled CBT skills you can use anytime to challenge the negative thinking that leads to anxiety and depression, balance your emotions, and start engaging in activities that make you feel good about yourself. Most importantly, you'll learn how your thoughts affect your mood, and how changing your thoughts can actually change your life!This super simple guide presents the most effective therapy for managing anxiety and depression in an easy-to-read format that therapists can refer to clients, and readers can refer to again and again.
Guilford Publications The Clinician's Guide to CBT Using Mind Over Mood, Second Edition
This authoritative guide has been completely revised and expanded with over 90% new material in a new step-by-step format. It details how, when, and why therapists can make best use of each chapter in Mind Over Mood, Second Edition (MOM2), in individual, couple, and group therapy. Christine A. Padesky's extensive experience as a CBT innovator, clinician, teacher, and consultant is reflected in 100+ pages of compelling therapist–client dialogues that vividly illustrate core CBT interventions and management of challenging dilemmas. Fully updated, the book offers research-based guidance on the use of MOM2 to treat anxiety disorders, depression, anger, guilt, shame, relationship problems, and personality disorders. Invaluable therapy tips, real-life scenarios, and troubleshooting guides in each chapter make this the essential MOM2 companion for novice and experienced therapists alike. Reproducible Reading Guides show how to sequence MOM2 chapters to target specific moods. First edition title: Clinician’s Guide to Mind Over Mood. New to This Edition *Detailed instructions on how, when, and why to use each of MOM2’s 60 worksheets. *Expanded coverage illustrating effective use of thought records, behavioral experiments, and imagery. *Shows how to flexibly tailor MOM2 to address particular anxiety disorders, using distinct principles and protocols. *Incorporates evidence-based practices from positive psychology, motivational interviewing, and acceptance and commitment therapy. *Updated practice guidelines throughout, based on current clinical research. *More content on using MOM2 for therapist self-study and in training programs and classrooms. *Free supplemental videos on the author's YouTube channel provide additional clinical tips and discuss issues in practicing, teaching, and learning CBT. See also Mind Over Mood, Second Edition: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think.
Guilford Publications Trauma-Focused CBT for Children and Adolescents: Treatment Applications
Featuring a wealth of clinical examples, this book facilitates implementation of Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) in a range of contexts. It demonstrates how assessment strategies and treatment components can be tailored to optimally serve clients' needs while maintaining overall fidelity to the TF-CBT model. Coverage includes ways to overcome barriers to implementation in residential settings, foster placements, and low-resource countries. Contributors also describe how to use play to creatively engage kids of different ages, and present TF-CBT applications for adolescents with complex trauma, children with developmental challenges, military families struggling with the stresses of deployment, and Latino and Native American children.See also Cohen et al.'s authoritative TF-CBT manual, Treating Trauma and Traumatic Grief in Children and Adolescents, Second Edition.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Challenge Your OCD!: A CBT Workbook for Young People with ASD
OCD is particularly prevalent in young people with ASD. This workbook, structured as a flexible 20-session programme, adapts CBT treatment to the specific needs of young people with OCD and ASD.The workbook uses simple illustrations and diagrams to explain ways to challenge OCD thoughts and behaviours and includes fun and engaging activities for use within sessions and at home. An essential resource for clinicians treating young people with OCD and ASD, it will encourage and engage the young person in their recovery process.This workbook is intended to be used in conjunction with the clinical manual for this title, Challenging OCD in Young People with ASD: A CBT Manual for Therapists.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers OCD and Autism: A Clinician's Guide to Adapting CBT
This step-by-step manual explains how to adapt CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) approaches to OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) for autistic children and adults. It outlines why there is the need to adapt treatment for the autistic population, and includes detailed guidance on each phase of the approach.It explains assessment of OCD in autism, the links between the two conditions and difficulties in identifying aspects of OCD in autistic people. The book offers advice on dealing with difficult issues and on the next steps after treatment is complete. Accompanying worksheets and handouts are available to download.
Icon Books A Practical Guide to CBT: From Stress to Strength
Overcome fears, manage negativity and improve your life. Using the tools of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), understand your behaviour and how to change negative patterns, learn how to think differently about problematic situations, put your worries into perspective and start to feel better, achieving and exceeding your goals.Clinical psychologists Clair Pollard and Elaine Iljon Foreman offer activities to support you, stories to provide perspective and a clear framework to guide you. This Practical Guide will help you to develop effective coping strategies, so that you can think more constructively, act more calmly, and feel better about yourself.Part of the Reading Well Books on Prescription scheme.
Hogrefe Publishing Positive CBT: Individual and Group Treatment Protocols for Positive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Positive CBT integrates positive psychology and solution-focused brief therapy within a cognitive-behavioral framework. It focuses not on reducing what is wrong, but on building what's right. Learn about the evidence-base for positive CBT Teach clients what works for them with the treatment protocols Download client workbooks Positive CBT integrates positive psychology and solution-focused brief therapy within a cognitive-behavioral framework. It focuses not on reducing what is wrong, but on building what is right. This fourth wave of CBT, developed by Fredrike Bannink, is now being applied worldwide for various psychological disorders. After an introductory chapter exploring the three approaches incorporated in positive CBT, the research into the individual treatment protocol for use with clients with depression by Nicole Geschwind and her colleagues at Maastricht University is presented. The two 8-session treatment protocols provide practitioners with a step-by-step guide on how to apply positive CBT with individual clients and groups. This approach goes beyond simply symptom reduction and instead focuses on the client's desired future, on finding exceptions to problems and identifying competencies. Topics such as self-compassion, optimism, gratitude, and behavior maintenance are explored. In addition to the protocols, two workbooks for clients are available online for download by practitioners. The materials for this book can be downloaded from the Hogrefe website after registration.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The CBT Art Activity Book: 100 illustrated handouts for creative therapeutic work
Explore complex emotions and enhance self-awareness with these 100 ready-to-use creative activities. The intricate, attractive designs are illustrated in the popular zentangle style and are suitable for adults and young people, in individual or group work. The worksheets use cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and art as therapy to address outcomes including improved self-esteem, emotional wellbeing, anger management, coping with change and loss, problem solving and future planning. The colouring pages are designed for relaxing stress management and feature a complete illustrated alphabet and series of striking mandala designs.
Guilford Publications CBT Treatment Plans and Interventions for Depression and Anxiety Disorders in Youth
Going beyond one-size-fits-all approaches to treating depression and anxiety, this book is packed with tools for delivering flexible, personalized cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to diverse children and adolescents. The authors use extended case examples to show how to conceptualize complex cases and tailor interventions to each client's unique challenges, strengths, family background, and circumstances. In a convenient large-size format, the book features vivid vignettes, sample treatment plans, therapist–client dialogues, and 49 reproducible handouts and worksheets, most of which can be downloaded and printed for repeated use. It offers pragmatic guidance for collaborating effectively with parents and with other professionals.
Rockridge Press The Pregnancy Workbook: Manage Anxiety and Worry with CBT and Mindfulness Techniques
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Even More CBT Art Activities: 100 Illustrated Handouts for Creative Therapeutic Work
From the author of The CBT Art Activity Book, this book brings you even more and even better worksheets and ready-to-use creative activities based on CBT principles.With striking patterned designs and easy-to-follow prompts, these 100 new worksheets are suitable for adults and young people, in individual or group work. Using CBT and art as therapy, they support therapeutic outcomes such as emotional regulation, improved self-esteem and resilience, coping with change and loss, and identifying goals.The book also includes guidance on using the worksheets effectively in therapeutic sessions, enabling a safe space to express, articulate and process difficult experiences and emotions.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Helping Children with ADHD: A CBT Guide for Practitioners, Parents and Teachers
Combining the latest research evidence with the authors’ practical expertise, Helping Children with ADHD offers a complete intervention programme for flexibly delivering behavioural and cognitive interventions to children aged 6-12 with ADHD and associated conditions. Redefines and develops best practice in the application of cognitive and behavioural techniques to help children aged 6-12 with ADHD and associated comorbid conditions, including learning difficulties Offers a range of engaging resources within a pragmatic and practically-focused approach; modular structure allows the interventions to be selected and tailored according to the particular age, ability and needs of the individual child An appendix of entertaining stories about Buzz, a boy with ADHD, provides structural narrative while also teaching core skills in areas such as keeping calm, planning, managing impulsivity and dealing with anxiety Straightforward, accessible language allows the techniques to be used by those without expert clinical training; dedicated sections provide advice for using the approach in school, home and group contexts A companion website provides downloadable materials including illustrated patient worksheets to accompany the narrative stories
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Challenging OCD in Young People with ASD: A CBT Manual for Therapists
People with autism are at a higher risk of developing OCD, with research showing that up to 37% of young people with ASD also have comorbid OCD. This manual offers a step-by-step guide to an evidence-based treatment based on CBT and exposure and response prevention techniques that is specifically designed to suit the needs of young people with ASD.Providing an adaptable 20-session programme for professionals treating young people with OCD and ASD, this book from the national specialist OCD Service at the Maudsley Hospital provides a complete guide for treatment, from introducing what OCD is through to relapse prevention strategies.Designed to be used in conjunction with the workbook, Challenge Your OCD!: A CBT Workbook for Young People with ASD.
Guilford Publications CBT with Justice-Involved Clients: Interventions for Antisocial and Self-Destructive Behaviors
Grounded in science and clinical experience, this treatment planner provides essential tools for conducting cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with justice-involved clients in a wide range of settings. Guidelines are presented for assessment, case formulation, and intervention to alter criminogenic thinking and destructive lifestyle patterns. With a focus on reducing recidivism, the book demonstrates ways to enhance clients' motivation for change and elicit prosocial values and life priorities. Practitioner-friendly features include case examples, recommended assessment instruments, over 35 sample scripts, and 27 reproducible forms and worksheets; the large-size format facilitates photocopying. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. Winner--Significant Contribution Award, Criminal Justice Psychology Section of the Canadian Psychological Association
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Helping Children with ADHD: A CBT Guide for Practitioners, Parents and Teachers
Combining the latest research evidence with the authors’ practical expertise, Helping Children with ADHD offers a complete intervention programme for flexibly delivering behavioural and cognitive interventions to children aged 6-12 with ADHD and associated conditions. Redefines and develops best practice in the application of cognitive and behavioural techniques to help children aged 6-12 with ADHD and associated comorbid conditions, including learning difficulties Offers a range of engaging resources within a pragmatic and practically-focused approach; modular structure allows the interventions to be selected and tailored according to the particular age, ability and needs of the individual child An appendix of entertaining stories about Buzz, a boy with ADHD, provides structural narrative while also teaching core skills in areas such as keeping calm, planning, managing impulsivity and dealing with anxiety Straightforward, accessible language allows the techniques to be used by those without expert clinical training; dedicated sections provide advice for using the approach in school, home and group contexts A companion website provides downloadable materials including illustrated patient worksheets to accompany the narrative stories
Sage Publications Ltd Low-intensity CBT Skills and Interventions: a practitioner′s manual
This book takes you step-by-step through the Low-intensity CBT interventions and clinical procedures. With an Online Resource site of accompanying workbooks and worksheets, it provides a comprehensive manual for trainee and qualified Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners.
New Harbinger Publications Process-Based CBT: The Science and Core Clinical Competencies of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
CBT is one of the most proven-effective and widely used forms of psychotherapy today. But while there are plenty of books that provide an overview of CBT, this is the first to present the newest recommendations set forth by a special task force of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies-and that focuses on the application of these interventions based on a variety of approaches for doctoral-level education and training. Starting with an exploration of the science and theoretical foundations of CBT, then moving into a thorough presentation of the clinical processes, this book constitutes an accessible, comprehensive guide to grasping and using even the most difficult competencies.Each chapter of Core Processes of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies is written by a leading authority in that field, and their combined expertise presents the best of behavior therapy and analysis, cognitive therapy, and the acceptance and mindfulness therapies. Most importantly, in addition to gaining an up-to-date understanding of the core processes, with this premiere text you'll learn exactly how to put them into practice for maximum efficacy. For practitioners, researchers, students, instructors, and other professionals working with CBT, this breakthrough textbook-poised to set the standard in coursework and training-provides the guidance you need to fully comprehend and utilize the core competencies of CBT in a way that honors the behavioral, cognitive, and acceptance and mindfulness wings of the tradition.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Stand Up to OCD!: A CBT Self-Help Guide and Workbook for Teens
Stand up to OCD!Imagine each person's brain has a captain and crew. For a person struggling with OCD, it's as if OCD has kidnapped the captain and changed the settings in the brain. Luckily there are plenty of tips and skills you can learn to disobey OCD and not do what he tells you. Join David, Riya and Sarah as they find out about how OCD sneaks into their lives and all the tricks you can use to stand up to OCD!This illustrated CBT self-help guide and workbook is ideal for young people with OCD ages 12-17 years. It gives teens a deeper understanding of how OCD works and how they can carry out their own CBT with the help of the interactive workbook at the back of the book.
New Harbinger Publications Overcoming Trauma and PTSD: A Workbook Integrating Skills from ACT, DBT, and CBT
Post-traumatic stress disorder affects every sufferer in a different way. A veteran who committed atrocities during war may not benefit from cognitive treatments in the same way a victim of sexual assault might. For each type of trauma, there is an appropriate type of treatment-and the best treatment may not lie entirely within one therapeutic modality. Written by a psychologist who specializes in trauma, this book combines the best of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), and cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). It offers the best skills for specific symptoms so readers get the quickest relief from flashbacks, insomnia, and other symptoms, and so will have the best chance of recovery.
Rockridge Press Healing Ptsd: A CBT Workbook for Taking Back Your Life
Ebury Publishing Break Free from OCD: Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with CBT
Are you plagued by obsessive thoughts, rituals or routines? Would you like to regain control over your behaviour and cast your fears aside?Whether you are compelled to wash your hands more and more thoroughly or feel the need to keep checking that you've turned off appliances, obsessive worries can be a drain on daily life. However, you don't need to suffer any more. This practical guide, written by three leading cognitive behavioural therapy experts, enables you to make sense of your symptoms, and gives a simple plan to help you conquer OCD.Includes: detailed information on the many different manifestations of OCD; the differences between normal and obsessive worries; clear information on treating your individual problem; real-life case studies and examples; and advice and support for friends and family of OCD sufferers.Whether your condition is mild or severe, this definitive resource will help you reclaim your life and keep OCD away for good.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Positive Power of Imagery: Harnessing Client Imagination in CBT and Related Therapies
The Positive Power of Imagerypresents the theory and practice of imagery therapy as a creative intervention that challenges therapists to learn the skills for creatively designing personalized exercises to match clients' specific needs, problems, and personalities. Presents a unique integration of imagery therapy with CBT and positive psychology Challenges therapists to develop imagery therapy techniques tailored to fit their individual clients' personalities and problems Features case illustrations and guidelines for the use of imagery and metaphors for both adults and children
Jessica Kingsley Publishers OCD - Tools to Help Young People Fight Back!: A CBT Manual for Therapists
Designed to be used in conjunction with the complementary workbook OCD - Tools to Help You Fight Back!Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) affects approximately one in a hundred young people, and often makes it difficult to lead happy and productive lives. This manual from the distinguished Maudsley hospital guides therapists through the process of treating young people with the disorder and supporting patients and their families.It features an adaptable evidence-based treatment based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Exposure and Response Prevention techniques. It provides instructions on how best to educate young people and their families about OCD and anxiety, and on how to involve patients' families in the recovery process to form a truly collaborative team.Essential reading for professionals treating young people with OCD, it will prove a valuable resource for both experienced therapists and clinicians in training.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers OCD - Tools to Help You Fight Back!: A CBT Workbook for Young People
This workbook is intended to be used in conjunction with the clinical manual for this title, OCD - Tools to Help Young People Fight Back.Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) affects approximately one in a hundred young people, and often makes it difficult to lead happy and productive lives. Structured as a flexible 14-session programme, it sets out an evidence-based treatment for young people with OCD using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Exposure and Response Prevention techniques. Designed to be employed in a clinical setting, it uses simple diagrams and illustrations to explain ways to cope with OCD thoughts and behaviours, and provides activities for use both within sessions and at home. The fun and engaging way in which the exercises are designed will encourage the patient to fully involve themselves in the recovery process and overcome their OCD.An essential resource for clinicians treating young people affected by OCD, this workbook brings together the patient, the therapist and the patient's family to fight OCD as a team.
Rockridge Press CBT Workbook for Therapists: Essential Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Strategies to Treat Mental Health
John Wiley and Sons Ltd How to Become a More Effective CBT Therapist: Mastering Metacompetence in Clinical Practice
How to Become a More Effective CBT Therapist explores effective ways for therapists to move beyond competence to “metacompetence”, remaining true to the core principles of CBT while adapting therapeutic techniques to address the everyday challenges of real-world clinical work. This innovative text explores how to: Work most effectively with fundamental therapeutic factors such as the working alliance and diversity; Tackle complexities such as co-morbidity, interpersonal dynamics and lack of progress in therapy; Adapt CBT when working with older people, individuals with long-term conditions (LTCs), intellectual disabilities, personality disorders and psychosis; Develop as a therapist through feedback, supervision, self-practice and training.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Teen Anxiety: A CBT and ACT Activity Resource Book for Helping Anxious Adolescents
Today's teens are faced with all sorts of decisions, dilemmas and difficulties, from exam worries to friendship and relationship problems. The result is that anxiety is an increasingly common problem, and professionals need practical ways of helping these anxious teens.Teen Anxiety is a practical manual to use with teenagers to help them cope with anxious feelings. With 60 easy-to-do activities based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT), teenagers can be helped to understand what triggers their anxiety; the importance of taking care of themselves; how to work through anxious feelings, fear, stress, and panic; and how to accept and manage thoughts and emotions. Part 1 of the book provides a guide to CBT, ACT and what anxiety is, and the manual also includes scaling questions for assessment and graphs to track progress. This ready-to-use manual, packed with information and activities, will be invaluable to professionals working with anxious teenagers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cultural Adaptation of CBT for Serious Mental Illness: A Guide for Training and Practice
A comprehensive guide designed to enable CBT practitioners to effectively engage people from diverse cultural backgrounds by applying culturally-sensitive therapeutic techniques Adapts core CBT techniques including reattribution, normalization, explanation development, formulating, reality testing, inference chaining and resetting expectations High profile author team includes specialists in culturally-sensitive CBT along with world-renowned pioneers in the application of CBT to serious mental illness Contains the most up-to-date research on CBT in ethnic minority groups available
Guilford Publications CBT Express: Effective 15-Minute Techniques for Treating Children and Adolescents
Offering vital tools for working with 4- to 18-year-olds in a wide range of settings, this book presents engaging cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) activities that can be implemented rapidly and flexibly. Concise chapters guide the provider to quickly identify meaningful points of intervention for frequently encountered clinical concerns, and to teach and model effective strategies. Each intervention includes a summary of the target age, module, purpose, rationale, materials needed, and expected time for completion, as well as clear instructions and sample dialogues and scripts. In a convenient large-size format, the book features helpful graphics and 77 reproducible handouts and worksheets in the form of Handy and Quick (HQ) Cards. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.
New Harbinger Publications Modular CBT for Children and Adolescents with Depression: A Clinician's Guide to Individualized Treatment
Modular CBT for Depressed Children and Adolescents offers a user-friendly, step-by-step transdiagnostic approach to help you treat youths whose depression presents in diverse ways. This manual offers a compelling rationale for using modular cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a brief overview of the limitations in community mental health that led to the development of the modular approach, distinctions from standard CBT, and a review of the current research supporting the effectiveness of this treatment.Guided by innovative research and best practices, this book provides practical steps for creating a personalized treatment approach for each client that incorporates safety needs, symptoms presentation, etiology, cultural and spiritual background, and family factors. You will also find tools to create a pragmatic conceptualization that can be coupled with the specialized treatment interventions of modular CBT.If you are looking for a detailed, session-by-session treatment program that includes specific instructions on how to use the modular approach to meet the individualized needs of your clients, this book will be your guide.
Taylor & Francis Ltd How to Help Your Clients Get the Most Out of CBT: A therapist's guide
How to Help Your Clients Get the Most Out of CBT: A therapist's guide is a practical guide, which will show therapists, both experienced and novice, how to assist clients and help them decide whether CBT is suitable for them and, if so, to help them get the most out of therapy. Rather than concentrating on skills, the book covers the realities of practice, with chapters on how to make therapeutic agreements with the client, helping clients prepare for sessions, and how to deal with lack of therapeutic progress should that occur. The book can be used in conjunction with a book for clients, How to Get the Most Out of CBT: A client’s guide, which is written for those considering using or already consulting a cognitive behaviour therapist. This concise and highly practical book will be an invaluable resource to Cognitive Behaviour Therapists in practice and training.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Free Yourself from Emetophobia: A CBT Self-Help Guide for a Fear of Vomiting
Emetophobia can have a huge impact on daily life, from avoiding certain foods and alcohol to worrying about travel, pregnancy, hygiene and caring for loved ones when they are ill. This self-help guide will help you to better understand emetophobia and give you the tools to overcome it.Using proven cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) including exposure and response prevention (ERP) techniques, this book will support you to:· Understand what emetophobia is and what keeps it going· Identify your problems and goals· Set out a step-by-step plan to challenge and defeat your emetophobia· Overcome common challenges and setbacks.The book also includes guidance on medical treatment and advice for friends, partners and family of adults and young people with emetophobia.
New Harbinger Publications Helping Your Shy and Socially Anxious Client: A Social Fitness Training Protocol Using CBT
Helping Your Shy And Socially Anxious Client presents a breakthrough therapeutic approach to treating social anxiety.In a world dominated by extroverts, being shy or socially anxious can make life especially challenging. And while there is nothing wrong with being naturally introverted, avoiding social contact due to extreme fear and anxiety can be very damaging both mentally and physically.As a therapist, you understand that avoidance can often make a client’s anxiety worse. But many clients with shyness and social anxiety believe they can never change. In fact, they may strategically adjust their lives to avoid social activities or situations that make them uncomfortable. In a sense, they allow their social "muscles" to atrophy, and in the end may become even more alienated and despondent. There is hope.Just as physical fitness strengthens the body, "social fitness" can be developed through habit and action. In Helping Your Shy and Socially Anxious Client, shyness expert Lynne Henderson presents the Social Fitness program—a twelve session cognitive behavioral model for clients with shyness and social anxiety. Inside, mental health professionals will learn powerful tools for helping clients strengthen their social skills, track their successes, and learn to cope with setbacks or hurdles.The techniques described in this manual were developed for the Stanford Shyness Clinic by Philip Zimbardo, and are currently being used by the Shyness Institute in Berkeley to educate therapists and other counselors. Find out more at
Little, Brown Book Group Teenage Depression - A CBT Guide for Parents: Help your child beat their low mood
Depression is one of the most common mental health problems and is estimated to affect around 15% of people at some point during their life. For many people depression is a life-long disorder which starts during the teenage years –around 10% of teenagers are estimated to have an episode of depression and many more experience persistent low mood. This accessible companion book to Am I Depressed and What Can I do About it? follows essentially the same structure and makes use of the same case studies, but looks at the issues from the parents’ point of view, and incorporates additional strategies for parents. From ‘what to look out for’, through what the evidence says about different forms of treatment, to family communication and relapse prevention. Each section includes troubleshooting boxes.
New Harbinger Publications The CBT Anxiety Solution Workbook: A Breakthrough Treatment for Overcoming Fear, Worry, and Panic
You are stronger than your anxiety! In this important workbook, best-selling authors Matthew McKay, Patrick Fanning, and Michelle Skeen offer a breakthrough anxiety solution based in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you understand and overcome your fears and worries, rather than try to avoid them. If you suffer from an anxiety disorder, you may try to avoid situations that cause you to feel worry, fear, or panic. You may even believe that terrible things will happen to you if you face the things that make you anxious. But avoidance isn't a long-term solution, and in the end it may result in more anxiety. This book shows you how the simple belief that you can endure your worries and fears-both mentally and physically-can be an extremely powerful treatment. Using a breakthrough approach combining proven-effective CBT and exposure therapy, this workbook helps you understand how worry and rumination drive anxiety, and offers practical exercises to help you adopt new habits of observing your thoughts, rather than accepting them as the "ultimate truth." You'll also develop mindfulness and self-soothing coping skills to help you manage anxiety in the moment, rather than avoid it. Over time these practices will show you that you are more powerful than your anxiety. If you've been stuck in a cycle of anxiety and avoidance, this workbook will help you make the changes you need to get your life back.
Oneworld Publications Coping with Fears and Phobias: A CBT Guide to Understanding and Facing Your Anxieties
Fear is a normal emotion. For one out of ten people, however, fear is extreme and disruptive because approximately 10% of people have an anxiety disorder at any one time, only a tiny proportion of whom receive appropriate psychological treatment. This book provides you with information about fears and phobias and how to cope with them, so you can reclaim your life. Incorporating extensive research on anxiety and phobias, Dr Mansell writes accessibly and supportively. He provides real-life examples and many easy-to-learn techniques from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), all of which will help sufferers develop a lasting change. Coping with Fears and Phobias is supported by a dedicated website for sufferers and carers.
Guilford Publications Parent-Led CBT for Child Anxiety: Helping Parents Help Their Kids
Parents can play a strong role in helping their children overcome anxiety disorders--given the right tools. This innovative, research-based book shows clinicians how to teach parents cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques to use with their 5- to 12-year-old. Session-by-session guidelines are provided for giving parents the skills to promote children's flexible thinking and independent problem solving, help them face specific fears, and tackle accompanying difficulties, such as sleep problems and school refusal. User-friendly features include illustrative case studies, sample scripts, advice on combining face-to-face sessions with telephone support, and pointers for overcoming roadblocks. Several parent handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
New Harbinger Publications Overcoming Procrastination for Teens: A CBT Guide for College-Bound Students
Procrastination is a universal topic-it's a problem that plagues millions of high school and college students and concerns teachers and parents. If you're someone who procrastinates, you know your delays can have a negative impact on your life-especially when it comes to grades and preparing for the future. Even worse, if you aren't able to overcome your procrastination habit, it can have a limiting effect on your success as an adult. So, what can you do to strip away the procrastination barriers and successfully meet your challenges?Overcoming Procrastination for Teens is a practical, research-supported workbook to help you understand the habit of procrastination, reduce it, and increase your ability to get things done. Using tips and tools based in CBT, you'll learn how to address unfounded fears, improve self-perception, manage your time and feelings of boredom or indifference, increase critical thinking abilities and organizational skills, and much more.With this comprehensive self-help training manual, you'll develop the self-mastery you need to lessen procrastination and be ready to meet your challenges, get more done, feel better, and prepare for the future-setting the stage for success in high school, in college, and beyond.
ABC Books No Worries: A Guide to Releasing Anxiety and Worry Using CBT
From the bestselling author of Change Your Thinking comes No Worries - the clear, compassionate and practical guide to understanding and managing anxiety and worry. Anxiety and worry rob us of the ability to think clearly, enjoy life and function effectively at home, at work and in social situations. One in five Australians have an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives, and many more have periods of debilitating anxiety.Using proven strategies from a range of psychological approaches, including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and metacognitive therapy (MCT), No Worries explains how worry and anxiety operate, and will equip you with the tools you need to release worry and anxiety. With plenty of real-life examples, exercises and experiments, this book will teach you to: identify and release unhelpful thinking and safety behaviours that perpetuate worry recognise and let go of worry thoughts effectively deal with the unpleasant physical sensations that can arise from worry and anxiety learn to manage panic attacks Take back control of your life with these valuable techniques, and free yourself from debilitating worry and anxiety.