Search results for ""canterbury press norwich""
Canterbury Press Norwich Making the Sign of the Cross: A Creative Resource for Seasonal Worship, Retreats and Quiet Days
This illustrated workbook arises out of many years of leading retreats, study and quiet days on the theme of the cross in many contexts from an English Cathedral city to a South African township. The symbol of suffering and sacrifice, the cross also stands for the triumph of love over hate, life over death, hope over despair. This includes complete outlines with prayers, readings, guided meditations and instructions for making crosses on the following themes: Crosses from around the world, Holy People, Holy Places & Crosses: Bridget, Francis, Andrew and others, Good Friday Pilgrims: living the cross, Making Crosses: yours and mine, Meditating with Crosses, and Following The Way of the Cross.
Canterbury Press Norwich The Precarious Church: Redeeming the Body of Christ
What is the biggest threat facing churches today? Not enough young people? Too little mission and evangelism? Unsustainable buildings? Unappealing styles of worship? Not enough diversity? Whatever the reasons, the church today seems to exist in a state of anxiety, concerned with its self-preservation. In this bold and hopeful book, Martyn Percy argues that a being a broken church is in fact good news, as it is only through the cracks that the overwhelming abundance of God can shine through. This collection of essays and reflections considers what it means to be a precarious church. The term suggests uncertainty and peril, yet it is rooted in the Latin precatio, meaning prayer. It argues that the Church’s vocation is not to be successful or even to survive but to be precarious, liminal, unpredictable and mysterious – a place of encounter with the holy. The questions that should consume us are not, “how shall we remove the risks and alleviate our anxieties?”, but rather “how shall we live in this age of uncertainty?” Every age has had its uncertainties and this inspiring volume explores what faithfulness to each other and to God looks like in an age of anxiety.
Canterbury Press Norwich Pastoral Care in Practice: An Introduction and Guide
All disciples of Jesus Christ are called to care for one another whether they have a formal role or not, and exercise pastoral care by listening, encouraging, comforting, offering practical help, praying. In times of crisis and in everyday life, good pastoral care people feel known and loved by God, and valued in the church. This short, yet comprehensive guide lays a biblical foundation for good pastoral care, offers a theological approach to understanding people, considers the particular needs of the sick, children and families, and those in difficult circumstances, and outlines the boundaries within which all can be safe. Throughout, examples and questions for reflection will deepen understanding and enrich practice.
Canterbury Press Norwich Letters from Nazareth: A Contemplative Journey Home
This wise and beautiful book, written in the form of spiritual letters, reflects on the themes of home and being at home: with ourselves, with each other, with the times we are living through, and with God. Nazareth, where Jesus spent his first thirty years, was a physical home but also a spiritual home and the place of nurture, dreaming, formation and becoming. Richard Carter offers a wealth of insight for experiencing how, as Christians, we carry Nazareth, the place of God’s incarnate presence, with us wherever we are and how it becomes a home where the Word is made flesh again in our lives and we find our place of deepest belonging. Rich in biblical reflection, poetic meditation and practical guidance for living in demanding times, Letters from Nazareth abounds in simple yet profound wisdom for our world today.
Canterbury Press Norwich By Way of the Heart: The Seasons of Faith
Mark Oakley is one of the church’s most outstanding communicators. His writing and preaching alike are shaped by a sense that language is sacramental, and he has a poet’s gift of opening up new worlds and new possibilities simply through words. In a series of fifty beautifully crafted reflections, with characteristic wit, Mark traverses the landscape of the Christian year, with its oases of celebration, its desert stretches of emptiness, its days of abundance and seasons of lament, and its affirmation of the ordinary and the everyday. Rooted in the scriptures that the Church reads through the year, this volume is pure gift for preachers and all who are charged with interpreting these sacred stories in today’s world. For all who wish to understand their own story in the light of God’s bigger story, this will be a book to turn to again and again.
Canterbury Press Norwich Shameless: A sexual reformation
Raw, intimate, and timely, Nadia Bolz-Weber's latest book offers a full-blown overhaul of our harmful and antiquated ideas about sex, gender, and our bodies. Christians are obsessed with sex. But not in a good way. For nearly two thousand years, this obsession has often turned destructive, inflicting pain, suffering, and guilt on countless people of all persuasions and backgrounds. In Shameless, Bolz-Weber calls for a reformation. To make her case, she offers experiences from her own life and stories from her parishoners alongside biblical theology to explore what the church has taught, and the harm those teachings have caused. Along the way, she re-examines patriarchy, sex, and power with candour but also with hope, because in her heart she believes the "Gospel is powerful enough, transgressive enough, and beautiful enough to heal not only the ones who have been hurt but also those who have done the hurting." This is by far Bolz-Weber's most personal book yet, revealing intimate and emotional details about her life while offering a reading experience that is as entertaining and affirming as it is intellectually robust and liberating. For anyone who has been harmed by the shaming sexual messages so prevalent in religion, this book is for you.
Canterbury Press Norwich Send My Roots Rain: Refreshing the spiritual life of priests
Send my Roots Rain explores ways in which the life-giving water of the Spirit can soak down to the roots of a priest’s life and work. Many priests know what it is to be thirsty: to be overwhelmed by the pressures inherent within their ministry and have little time for themselves or for God. Yet, each priest is also a disciple, whose spiritual, physical and emotional health matters to God, who calls each one by name. Send My Roots Rain explores attitudes, practices and ways of prayer capable of refreshing and sustaining priests and pastors amidst the challenges and stresses of their way of life. Christopher Chapman draws on more than thirty years’ experience of spiritual direction, formational training and leading retreats for priests and ordinands to offer a book full of wisdom that new and experienced priests will turn to again and again.
Canterbury Press Norwich The Vowed Life: The promise and demand of baptism
The Vowed Life reflects on a paradox in the Church today: one that represents an important challenge to its mission and witness. Vows continue to be made sacramentally in the Church, yet there remains a great longing for a vowed life which would be truly transforming and life-giving. Vows are simultaneously alluring and unappealing: lay memberships of religious orders have escalated, yet very few traditional religious communities have attracted younger members due to their more demanding lifelong commitments. The Vowed Life explores why and how this has come to be, and how the Church urgently needs to respond to this paradoxical challenge. Returning to baptism as the anchor of all other Christian vows, a range of contributors consider whether the longing for forms of life that are profoundly life-changing is a displaced desire for something that should be intrinsic to Christian life. In a Church that prioritises pastoral sensitivity, they ask how those demands could be newly expressed for our culture. In seeking a coherent theology of vows in liturgical practice and sacramental context, they find that fresh attention to ‘the vowed life’ also has much to offer to the Church’s continuing conversations about sex, gender and identity, and to a ‘mixed ecology’ approach to the life of the Church and its mission.
Canterbury Press Norwich Soulful Nature: A spiritual field guide
In our busy, pressured world, the natural world can be a powerful counter-balance, offers wisdom for the challenges, pain and dislocations of life as well as for beauty, wonder and healing. In Soulful Nature, Brian Draper and Howard Green encourage you to get outside and make deeper connections with creation and its creator. They chart walking journeys through rural landscapes and town streets over the course of a year, showing how the natural cycle of the changing seasons can awaken us to the rhythms of our own lives. Each chapter explores a different landscape, zooming in on the small details of the natural world as well as panning out to the wide-screen beauty of time and place. Simple and practical spiritual exercises are provided throughout.
Canterbury Press Norwich Enfolded in Christ: The Inner Life of the Priest
Enfolded in Christ is a book about priesthood with a difference. Instead of focusing on ministry, it helps priests develop a healthy spiritual life to sustain them through the demands of their calling. John-Francis Friendship draws on extensive experience in pastoral supervision and spiritual direction to help priests cultivate spiritual practices and habits that will nurture a priests's relationship with Christ, sustain holy living and foster personal well-being. In a series of reflections based on the charges in the ordination service, he explores a range of topics including: • Growing in holiness • The call to wholeness • Keeping prayer fresh • Preparing for the Eucharist • Healthy relationships
Canterbury Press Norwich Veritatis Splendor
Twelve addresses by Anglicans, Roman Catholics and others, expressing favourable and unfavourable responses to the papal encyclical Veritatis Splendor. With contributions by Peter Baelz, Stephen Barton, David Brown, Alec Graham, Ambrose Griffiths, Peter Leighton, Ann Loades, Walter Moberly, Alan Smithson, Robert Song, Alan Suggate and Charles Yeats