Search results for ""author sigmund freud""
Ediciones Akal El malestar en la cultura
Ediciones Akal El hombre Moisés y la religión monoteísta tres ensayos
Alianza Editorial La interpretación de los sueños 1
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: El libro de bolsilloNinguna teoría acerca del funcionamiento y estructura de la mente ha ejercido tanta influencia ni ha adquirido un estatus tan preponderante como la doctrina psicoanalítica, cuyas categorías y explicaciones no tardaron en convertirse en núcleo de un modo radicalmente nuevo de entender la realidad psíquica que ha marcado el mundo moderno. Dividida en dos volúmenes en la presente edición, La interpretación de los sueños desempeñó un papel decisivo dentro de ese enorme esfuerzo de subversión de valores y de innovación teórica. Escrita entre 1895 y 1899, es la primera obra en la que Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) esbozó con rigor y claridad las líneas generales de sus hipótesis y sus métodos. Esta nueva edición reintegra la distribución original de la obra y traslada el importante ensayo complementario titulado Los sueños al segundo volumen.
Alianza Editorial Introduccion al psicoanalisis
Libro de combate escrito entre 1916 y 1917, "Introducción al psicoanálisis" es una obra en la que Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), en plena madurez, trata de romper el cerco de hostilidad y silencio que lo rodea para popularizar las ideas centrales de la concepción psicoanalítica. Si la primera sección de la obra está dedicada a los actos fallidos ?objeto ya de la arención de freud en Psicopatología de la vida cotidiana, presente en esta misma colección?, la segunda vuelve sobre el dominio de los sueños, mientras que la tercera y última se ocupa de los fenómenos y síntomas neuróticos.
Alianza Editorial Psicoanlisis del arte Art Psychoanalysis
La Otra H Introduccin al psicoanlisis El manga
Los descubrimientos de Sigmund Freud, controvertidos desde su mismísimo origen, han ejercido una influencia fundamental en el mundo que nos rodea. Conceptos como el psicoanálisis, la represión, el inconsciente o incluso el complejo de Edipo han entra
Martino Fine Books Civilization and Its Discontents
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Gesamtausgabe SFG Band 18 19241927
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Gesamtausgabe SFG Band 22
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH Abriss Der Psychoanalyse
Reclam Philipp Jun. Totem und Tabu
Les Editions Du Cenacle Fiche de lecture Sur le rêve de Freud (analyse littéraire de référence et résumé complet)
Penguin Books Ltd The Psychology of Love
This volume brings together Freud's main contributions to the psychology of love. His illuminating discussions of the ways in which sexuality is always psychosexuality - that there is no sexuality without fantasy, conscious or unconscious - have changed the ways we think about erotic life. In these papers Freud develops his now famous theories about the sexuality of childhood and the transgressive nature of human desire.In the famous case study of the eighteen-year-old 'Dora', we see Freud at work, both putting into practice and testing his sexual theories that were to change the modern world.
Penguin Books Ltd The Future of an Illusion
This investigation of religion by greatest psychoanalyst of the twentieth-century explores the role faith can take in the life of man, what it can mean to us and why as a species we are inclined towards it. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves – and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives – and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Dream Psychology
Dream psychology is the key to Freud''s works and to all modern psychology - André Tridon This handsome gift edition presents one of Sigmund Freud''s most influential works, Dream Psychology featuring a luxurious, gold-embossed cover design, gilded page edges and patterned endpapers. In this fascinating work by one of the pioneers of psychology and psychoanalysis, Freud unlocks the secrets of the human mind. Featuring an extraordinary range of case studies, Dream Psychology is an accessible distillation of his theories on dream analysis for the general reader, decoding the symbolism of dreams and exploring how the unconscious mind communicates its desires. The methods of psychoanalysis outlined here were revolutionary in their time and continue to play a major role in modern psychology. This pocket-sized gift edition contains the classic English translation by David Eder and introduction by André Tridon. It is wonderfully p
Ediciones Akal Tótem y tabú algunas concordancias entre la vida anímica de los salvajes y la de los neuróticos
Alianza Editorial Tres ensayos sobre teoria sexual y otros escritos Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality and Other Writings
Ninguna teoría acerca del funcionamiento y estructura de la mente ha ejercido tanta influencia ni ha adquirido un estatus tan preponderante como la doctrina psicoanalítica, cuyas categorías y explicaciones no tardaron en convertirse en núcleo de un modo radicalmente nuevo de entender la realidad psíquica que ha marcado de forma notable el siglo XX. Obra cuya publicación produjo en su día un auténtico escándalo social y académico, ?Tres ensayos sobre teoría sexual? es una de las mejores exposiciones de las ideas de Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) acerca de las tradicionalmente consideradas aberraciones sexuales ?desviaciones respecto al objeto de la libido (inversión, pederastia, bestialismo) y a su finalidad (transgresiones anatómicas, fetichismo, sadismo, masoquismo)?, así como respecto a la sexualidad infantil.
Alianza Editorial El yo y el ello y otros ensayos de metapsicología
Publicado en 1923, ?El yo y el ello? ?trabajo en el que Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) comenzó a dar relevancia a las relaciones que de forma dialéctica mantienen entre sí el yo, el super-yo y el ello, idea que acabaría constituyendo uno de los fundamentos de su doctrina psicoanalítica? supuso un profundo viraje en el pensamiento del médico vienés y dio paso a lo que se considera su periodo de madurez. Completan el volumen otros ensayos de metapsicología, entre los que sobresale Inhibición, síntoma y angustia, considerado por Ernest Jones la contribución clínica más valiosa de Freud en la postguerra.
Martino Fine Books Civilization and Its Discontents International PsychoAnalytical Lib
Turia + Kant, Verlag Briefwechsel
Nikol Verlagsges.mbH Hemmung Symptom und Angst
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Gesamtausgabe SFG Band 23
FISCHER Taschenbuch Sigmund Freud Das groe Lesebuch
Reclam Philipp Jun. Der Dichter und das Phantasieren Schriften zur Kunst und Kultur
FISCHER, S. Zwei Kinderneurosen Band 8
FISCHER, S. Schriften aus dem Nachla 18921938
Dover Publications Inc. The Interpretation of Dreams
Penguin Books Ltd Civilization and Its Discontents
Freud's epoch-making insights revolutionized our perception of who we are, forming the foundation for psychoanalysis. In Civilization and its Discontents he considers the incompatibility of civilization and individual happiness. Focusing on what he perceives to be one of society's greatest dangers; 'civilized' sexual morality, he asks, does repression compromise our chances of happiness?Sigmund Freud was born in 1856 and died in exile in London in 1939. As a writer and doctor he remains one of the informing voices of the twentieth century.
HarperCollins Publishers The Interpretation of Dreams (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics. The virtuous man contents himself with dreaming that which the wicked man does in actual life. At the turn of the twentieth century, Sigmund Freud published a controversial and groundbreaking theory. Our dreams, he proposed, are as complex and multifaceted as human nature itself, and understanding the unconscious mind is key to revealing our true hopes and desires. Highly engaging and compelling, Freud’s research explores dreams and nightmares of every kind, including his own. First published in 1900, The Interpretation of Dreams is considered by many to be Freud’s most significant work, helping to establish his reputation as the founder of psychoanalysis and continuing to fascinate readers today.
Prakash Books The Interpretation of Dreams
Dover Publications Inc. Totem and Taboo
V&R unipress GmbH Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie (1905)
Random House USA Inc The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud
WW Norton & Co The Freud Reader
What to read from the vast output of Sigmund Freud has long been a puzzle. Freudian thought permeates virtually every aspect of twentieth-century life; to understand Freud is to explore not only his scientific papers—on the psycho-sexual theory of human development, his theory of the mind, and the basic techniques of psychoanalysis—but also his vivid writings on art, literature, religion, politics, and culture. The fifty-one texts in this volume range from Freud's dreams, to essays on sexuality, and on to his late writings, including Civilization and Its Discontents. Peter Gay, a leading scholar of Freud and his work, has carefully chosen these selections to provide a full portrait of Freud's thought. His clear introductions to the selections help guide the reader's journey through each work. Many of the selections are reproduced in full. All have been selected from the Standard Edition, the only English translation for which Freud gave approval both to the editorial plan and to specific renderings of key words and phrases.
Penguin Books Ltd The Penguin Freud Reader
Here are the essential ideas of psychoanalytic theory, including Freud's explanations of such concepts as the Id, Ego and Super-Ego, the Death Instinct and Pleasure Principle, along with classic case studies like that of the Wolf Man. Adam Phillips's marvellous selection provides an ideal overview of Freud's thought in all its extraordinary ambition and variety. Psychoanalysis may be known as the 'talking cure', yet it is also and profoundly, a way of reading. Here we can see Freud's writings as readings and listenings, deciphering the secrets of the mind, finding words for desires that have never found expression. Much more than this, however, The Penguin Freud Reader presents a compelling reading of life as we experience it today, and a way in to the work of one of the most haunting writers of the modern age.
Vintage Publishing The Essentials of Psycho-Analysis
The Essentials of Psycho-analysis is the definitive collection of Sigmund Freud's writing. It covers the themes that Freud explored in his work from the meaning of dreams and the concept of the unconscious, instinctual and sexual life to the structure of the personality. Beautifully written and endlessly fascinating, the pieces collected here are the perfect guide to the principle concepts of psycho-analysis.
V&R unipress GmbH Bruchstuck einer Hysterie-Analyse
Flame Tree Publishing The Interpretation of Dreams
The Interpretation of Dreams is a seminal work of psychological and cultural heritage and probably the most important of Freud’s impressive output. Published in 1899 but revised by Freud himself many times, it outlines his theories on the unconscious and dream symbolism. Though superseded by subsequent developments and research, it retains its place as a hugely influential and significant opus. This new deluxe edition uses A.A. Brill’s 1913 translation of the third edition, with a new introduction by expert Dr Richard Stevens, who discusses the context, reception, influence, importance and merits or otherwise of Freud’s text and Brill’s translation – truly one of the most influential, if controversial, Great Works that Shape Our World. FLAME TREE's Great Works That Shape Our World is a new series of definitive books drawing on ancient, medieval and modern writing. Offering a fund of essential knowledge, and spell-binding stories it satisfies every facet of human interest: scientific, philosophical, sociological, romantic, dramatic and mysterious.
WW Norton & Co Civilization and Its Discontents
Written in the decade before Freud’s death, Civilization and Its Discontents may be his most famous and most brilliant work. It has been praised, dissected, lambasted, interpreted, and reinterpreted. Originally published in 1930, it seeks to answer several questions fundamental to human society and its organization: What influences led to the creation of civilization? Why and how did it come to be? What determines civilization’s trajectory? Freud’s theories on the effect of the knowledge of death on human existence and the birth of art are central to his work. Of the various English translations of Freud’s major works to appear in his lifetime, only Norton’s Standard Edition, under the general editorship of James Strachey, was authorized by Freud himself. This new edition includes both an introduction by the renowned cultural critic and writer Christopher Hitchens as well as Peter Gay’s classic biographical note on Freud.
WW Norton & Co Beyond the Pleasure Principle
In reasoned progression he outlined core psychoanalytic concepts, such as repression, free association and libido. Of the various English translations of Freud's major works to appear in his lifetime, only one was authorized by Freud himself: The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud under the general editorship of James Strachey. Freud approved the overall editorial plan, specific renderings of key words and phrases, and the addition of valuable notes, from bibliographical and explanatory. Many of the translations were done by Strachey himself; the rest were prepared under his supervision. The result was to place the Standard Edition in a position of unquestioned supremacy over all other existing versions.Newly designed in a uniform format, each new paperback in the Standard Edition opens with a biographical essay on Freud's life and work —along with a note on the individual volume—by Peter Gay, Sterling Professor of History at Yale.
WW Norton & Co Totem and Taboo
Adducing evidence from "primitive" tribes, neurotic women, child patients traversing the oedipal phase, and speculations by Charles Darwin, James G. Frazer, and other modern scholars, Freud attempts to trap the moment that civilized life began. It stands as his most imaginative venture into the psychoanalysis of culture.
WW Norton & Co Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious
While in this book Freud tells some good stories with his customary verve and economy, its point is wholly serious.
Penguin Books Ltd Beyond the Pleasure Principle
Broadview Press Ltd Beyond the Pleasure Principle
Beyond the Pleasure Principle is Freud's most philosophical and speculative work, exploring profound questions of life and death, pleasure and pain. In it Freud introduces the fundamental concepts of the "repetition compulsion" and the "death drive," according to which a perverse, repetitive, self-destructive impulse opposes and even trumps the creative drive, or Eros. The work is one of Freud's most intensely debated, and raises important questions that have been discussed by philosophers and psychoanalysts since its first publication in 1920.The text is presented here in a contemporary new translation by Gregory C. Richter. Appendices trace the work's antecedents and the many responses to it, including texts by Plato, Friedrich Nietzsche, Melanie Klein, Herbert Marcuse, Jacques Derrida, and Judith Butler, among many others.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Interpretation of Dreams: The Psychology Classic
Part of the bestselling Capstone Classics Series edited by Tom Butler-Bowdon, this collectible, hard-back edition of The Interpretation of Dreams provides an accessible and insightful edition of this important work of psychology Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams introduced his ground-breaking theory of the unconscious and explored how interpreting dreams can reveal the true nature of humanity. Regarded as Freud's most significant work, this classic text helped establish the discipline of psychology and is the foundational work in the field of psychoanalysis. Highly readable and engaging, the book both provides a semi-autobiographical look into Freud’s personal life – his holidays in the Alps, spending time with his children, interacting with friends and colleagues – and delves into descriptions and analyses of the dreams themselves. Freud begins with a review of literature on dreams written by a broad range of ancient and contemporary figures – concluding that science has learned little of the nature of dreams in the past several thousand years. Although the prevailing view was that dreams were merely responses to ‘sensory excitation,’ Freud felt that the multifaceted dimensions of dreams could not be attributed solely to physical causes. By the time Freud began writing the book he had interpreted over a thousand dreams of people with psychoses and recognised the connection between the content of dreams and a person’s mental health. Among his conclusions were that a person’s dreams: Prefer using recent impressions, yet also have access to early childhood memories Unify different people, places, events and sensations into one story Usually focus on small or unnoticed things rather than major events Are almost always ‘wish fulfilments’ which are about the self Have many layers of meaning which are often condensed into a single image The Interpretation of Dreams: The Psychology Classic is as riveting today as it was over a century ago. Anyone with interest in the workings of the unconscious mind will find this book an invaluable source of original insights and foundational scientific concepts. This edition includes an insightful Introduction by Sarah Tomley, a psychology writer and practicing psychotherapist. Tomley considers paints a picture of Freud's life and times, reveals the place of The Interpretation of Dreams in the context of Freud's other writings, and draws out the key points of the work.
Broadview Press Ltd Civilization and Its Discontents
In Civilization and Its Discontents Freud extends and clarifies his analysis of religion; analyzes human unhappiness in contemporary civilization; ratifies the critical importance of the death drive theory; and contemplates the significance of guilt and conscience in everyday life. The result is Freud’s most expansive work, one wherein he discusses mysticism, love, interpretation, narcissism, religion, happiness, technology, beauty, justice, work, the origin of civilization, phylogenetic development, Christianity, the Devil, communism, the sense of guilt, remorse, and ethics. A classic, important, accessible work, Freud reminds us again why we still read and debate his ideas today. Todd Dufresne’s introduction expands on why, according to the late Freud, psychoanalysis is the key to understanding individual and collective realities or, better yet, collective truths. The Appendices include related writings by Freud, contemporary reviews, and scholarly responses from Marcuse, Rieff, and Ricoeur.
Penguin Books Ltd Interpreting Dreams
By a detailed investigation of the universal phenomenon of dreaming, Freud discovered a radical new way of exploring the unconscious and recognized that dreams are a conflict and compromise between conscious and unconscious impulses. Through his insights about dreams, Freud was able to revise his methods of treatment for neurotic patients and develop, largely through this remarkable work, his revolutionary theories of the Oedipus Complex and of the profound importance of infantile life and sexuality for the development of adults.