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McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Decoding Level C, Teacher Materials Package
Decoding C. The skills are dividedinto four principal areas: Word-Attack Skills, SelectionReading, Fluency Assessment, and Workbook Exercises.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Decoding Level C, Workbook
In Decoding C, the skills are divided into these four principal areas: Word-Attack Skills, Selection Reading, Fluency Assessment, and Workbook Exercises.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Decoding Level C, Student Book
Decoding C. The skills are dividedinto four principal areas: Word-Attack Skills, SelectionReading, Fluency Assessment, and Workbook Exercises.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Decoding Level B1, Student Book
Decoding B1. The skills are divided into fiveprincipal areas: Word-Attack Skills, Group Reading, IndividualReading Checkouts, Workbook Exercises, and Mastery Tests. Decoding B1. The skills are divided into fiveprincipal areas: Word-Attack Skills, Group Reading, IndividualReading Checkouts, Workbook Exercises, and Mastery Tests.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Language for Learning, Language Activity Masters Book 2
Helps beginning and early intermediate ELL in elementary grades achieve functional spoken English. Students learn the words, concepts, and statements important to both oral and written language.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Spelling Mastery Level F, Student Workbook
Spelling Mastery Student Workbook Level F, guides your students as they develop and master the spelling skills they need for educational success.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Spelling Mastery Level A, Student Workbook
Level A Spelling Mastery Student Workbook guides your students as they develop and master the spelling skills they need for educational success.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Mathematics Division, Workbook
Workbooks include daily worksheets and point summary charts for recording student performance and awarding grades.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Decoding Level A, Student Workbook (pack of 5)
Corrective Reading: DecodingSiegfried Engelmann, et al. Written for students who have difficulty reading accurately and fluently, the Corrective Reading Decoding programmes provide a unique blend of teacher-directed instruction and high-frequency practice to accelerate decoding. This proven intervention programme progresses from teaching letter sounds and blending to reading passages typical of textbook material. Detailed data on performance allows students to monitor their own improvement and experience success.
Key Curriculum Press Key to Fractions, Books 1-4 Set
McGraw-Hill Education McGraw-Hill Education Math Grade 2, Second Edition
This engaging, full-color, activity-packed guide is ideal tool for sharpening math skills!McGraw-Hill Education's Math Grade 2 helps your elementary school student develop the basic math skills needed to succeed in the classroom and on standardized tests. The eye-catching, 4-color page design creates a student-friendly learning experience, and all pages are filled to the brim with activities for maximum educational value. The book includes easy-to-follow instructions, helpful examples, and tons of practice problems with answers to help students master each concept, sharpen their problem-solving skills, and build confidence.This book features:• New two-page guide offers parents a clear outline of Common Core State Standards for math in this grade, as well as Canadian requirements and standards adopted by non-Common Core states• Promotes better scores on achievement tests• Eye-catching, full-color design appeals to young students• Provides more than 1,000 math problems with answers• Pretests and end-of-chapter tests help students assess their strengths and weaknesses• Helpful glossary with explanations for key terms used in the book
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Decoding Level B1, Workbook
In Decoding B1, skills are divided into five principal areas: Word-Attack Skills, Group Reading, Individual Reading Checkouts, Workbook Exercises, and Mastery Tests.
McGraw Hill LLC Reveal Math Course 2 Interactive Student Edition Volume 2
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Chemistry: Matter & Change, Studentworks Plus CD-ROM
McGraw-Hill Education Geometry: Skills Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Bon Voyage! Level 3, Workbook and Audio Activities Student Edition
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Introduction to Networks and Networking
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Amer Republic to 1877 Texas SE 2003
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Impact Social Studies, Regions of the United States, Grade 4, Impact Explorer Magazine
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Glencoe Math Accelerated, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Glencoe Math, Course 1, Assessment Masters
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Algebra 2, Study Notebook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Glencoe Earth Science: Geu, Science Notebook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Science, a Closer Look, Grade 6, Building Skills: Reading and Writing Workbook
McGraw-Hill Education Asi Se Dice! Level 1b, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Reading Wonders, Grade 1, Your Turn Practice Book
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Decoding Level C, Enrichment Blackline Master
Decoding C. The skills are dividedinto four principal areas: Word-Attack Skills, SelectionReading, Fluency Assessment, and Workbook Exercises.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Decoding Level B1, Teacher Materials Package
Decoding B1. The skills are divided into five principal areas: Word-Attack Skills, Group Reading, Individual Reading Checkouts, Workbook Exercises, and Mastery Tests.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Decoding Level B2, Student Book
Decoding B2. The skills are dividedinto five principal areas: Word-Attack Skills, GroupReading, Individual Reading Checkouts, WorkbookExercises and Mastery Tests.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Comprehension Level B1, Teacher Materials Package
Comprehension B1 and B2 develop the skills necessary to construct meaning from content-based text. This enables students to comprehend any subject matter they read and learn new information efficiently.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Fast Cycle B1, Workbook
Fast Cycle options for Comprehension B1 accelerates student progress. The fast cycle quickly and efficiently covers content from the core program in approximately half as many lessons. The fast cycle provides for entry into the core program nearer grade level.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Language for Learning, Workbook A & B
Helps beginning and early intermediate ELL in elementary grades achieve functional spoken English. Students learn the words concepts, and statements important to both oral and written language.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Spelling Through Morphographs, Teacher Materials
This program gives older students the tools to become successful spellers and transfer their spelling knowledge to vocabulary.Features Introduces a spelling strategy and reliable rules that students can use to spell over 12,000 words Boosts vocabulary skills by teaching the meanings of common morphemes Improves students’ ability to decode multisyllabic words with instruction that focuses on word structure Reinforces the connection between spelling and composition with expanded writing and proofreading activities Benefits Spelling Through Morphographs teaches prefixes, suffixes, and word bases and a small set of rules for combining them to enable students to correctly spell thousands of words. Intensive, teacher-directed lessons introduce new morphemes, rules, and principles. Each lesson takes a small step toward proficiency, building on and repeating essential principles of spelling to foster longterm retention. i4 Software assists with differentiating instruction by providing skill-build activities that mirror lesson content.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Spelling Mastery Level E, Teacher Materials
Using Level E Spelling Mastery teachers can efficiently and effectively deliver straightforward lessons that help their students learn dependable spelling skills. Students are taught in small steps, using sufficient practice, so that they comprehend how spelling works and can become proficient writers. In just 15-20 minutes a day, teachers support students with the strategies they need to become successful, lifelong spellers.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Spelling Mastery Level C, Teacher Materials
Using Level C Spelling Mastery teachers can efficiently and effectively deliver straightforward lessons that help their students learn dependable spelling skills. Students are taught in small steps, using sufficient practice, so that they comprehend how spelling works and can become proficient writers. In just 15-20 minutes a day, teachers support students with the strategies they need to become successful, lifelong spellers.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Spelling Mastery Level E, Student Workbook
Spelling Mastery Student Workbook Level E guides your students as they develop and master the spelling skills they need for educational success.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Spelling Mastery Level C, Student Workbook
Spelling Mastery Student Workbook Level C guides your students as they develop and master the spelling skills they need for educational success.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Expressive Writing Level 2, Workbook
Help poor writers improve their skills with Expressive Writing, an easy-to-use approach to teaching the basics of good writing. Expressive Writing focuses on the writing and the editing of basic sentences, paragraphs, and stories. Instructional strands include Mechanics, Sentence Writing, Paragraph and Story Writing, and Editing, making the program an ideal solution for students who: Have trouble getting started Have problems knowing when to capitalize and punctuate Omit important parts of the story Write incomplete sentences Ignore paragraph structure Edit ineffectively or not at all
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Everyday Mathematics, Grades K-6, Straws (Package of 500)
Clear, plastic straws can be used for counting and making shapes.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Mathematics Subtraction, Workbook
Workbooks include daily worksheets and point summary charts for recording student performance and awarding grades.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Spelling Mastery Level B, Student Workbooks (Pkg. of 5)
Spelling Mastery Robert Dixon, Siegfried Engelmann, Mary Meier, Donald Steely and Tina Wells This highly successful Direct Instruction programme turns the mystery of spelling into mastery. Spelling Mastery provides pupils with reliable spelling strategies that enable them to spell accurately and with confidence. Spelling Mastery emphasises learning to spell by generalisation rather than by the weekly memorisation of word lists, integrating three fundamental approaches to spelling: Phonemic: Helps pupils to spell words that are highly regular in terms of sound-symbol correspondence. Morphemic: Teaches older children to spell a variety of prefixes, suffixes, and word bases, and provides them with a manageable set of rules for combining these elements. Whole Word: Helps pupils to tackle high-frequency words that must be learned by memory.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Decoding Level B2, Student Book
Corrective Reading: DecodingSiegfried Engelmann, et al. Written for students who have difficulty reading accurately and fluently, the Corrective Reading Decoding programmes provide a unique blend of teacher-directed instruction and high-frequency practice to accelerate decoding. This proven intervention programme progresses from teaching letter sounds and blending to reading passages typical of textbook material. Detailed data on performance allows students to monitor their own improvement and experience success.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Reading Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop Grade 5
Concise and focused, the Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop is a powerful instructional tool that provides students with systematic support for the close reading of complex text. Introduce the week’s concept with video, photograph, interactive graphic organizers, and more Teach through mini lessons that reinforce comprehension strategies and skills, genre, and vocabulary Model elements of close reading with shared, short-text reads of high interest and grade-level rigor
McGraw-Hill Education McGraw-Hill Education Math Grade 4, Second Edition
All the Math Your 4th Grader Needs to SucceedThis book will help your elementary school student develop the math skills needed to succeed in the classroom and on standardized tests. The user-friendly, full-color pages are filled to the brim with engaging activities for maximum educational value. The book includes easy-to-follow instructions, helpful examples, and tons of practice problems to help students master each concept, sharpen their problem-solving skills, and build confidence.Features include:• A guide that outlines national standards for Grade 4• Concise lessons combined with lot of practice that promote better scores—in class and on achievement tests• A pretest to help identify areas where students need more work• End-of-chapter tests to measure students’ progress• A helpful glossary of key terms used in the book• More than 1,000 math problems with answersTopics covered:• Adding and subtracting• Multiplying and dividing• 2-, 3-, and 4-digit numbers• Rounding and estimating• Prime numbers, factors, and multiples• Operations with fractions and mixed numbers• Decimals• Customary and metric units of measure• Lines, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles• Perimeter and area• Data line plots• Word problems• Multistep problems and variables
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe McGraw-Hill Education Essential ESL Dictionary
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Learn and understand thousands of new English wordsClear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of English was developed to meet the needs of ESL students like you. Inside you will find more than 9,000 English terms, each with a simple definition so you will understand its meaning and usage. Every entry is accompanied by its phonetic translation, definition, and explanation. You'll find example sentences throughout that show English words in context. Hundreds of illustrations are also used throughout the dictionary, giving you visual reinforcement of word meanings.INCLUDES: 9,000+ American and British words, explained in easy-to-understand language Grammar and usage boxes to aid your understanding of key concepts A grammar summary that highlights parts of speech, idioms, sentence structures, and more A special section of illustrations--featuring thematic groups of words including animals, nature, electronics, music, the classroom, and more--to help you remember common terms A conversation guide that identifies important phrases for everyday situations such as meeting people, asking directions, going shopping, and more Whether you use it at work, in school, or at home, McGraw-Hill: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of English will become your trusted reference as you learn the language and build your English skills.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Foundations Writing Revised Ed, Skills Workbook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Algebra 2