Search results for ""author konstantinos""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Boundaries and Restricted Places: The Immured Space
This innovative book defines the concept of immured spaces across time, space and culture and investigates various categories of restricted places such as divided, segregated and protected spaces. Drawing on examples from across the world, this book analyses not only what separates and divides space, but also the wide variety of impacts that the imposition of new barriers and boundaries or the opening of existing ones has on places, people and surrounding areas. Contributors integrate case studies with theoretical analysis to draw conclusions and advance an analytical framework of immured spaces. The chapters present a point of reference to highlight areas of significance and also to encourage further detailed work in this important area.The book has a strong research dimension and will therefore be of interest to academic communities in planning, cultural heritage, psychology, architecture and urban studies. In addition, the use of case studies to develop a common framework will appeal to practitioners and policy makers.
INSTAP Academic Press Exploring a Terra Incognita on Crete: Recent Research on Bronze Age Habitation in the Southern Ierapetra Isthmus
This book brings together for the first time scholars working on the Bronze Age settlement patterns and material culture of the southern Ierapetra Isthmus, a region that actively participated in the coastal and maritime trade networks of East Crete. During the past few decades, while various archaeological projects focused on the northern isthmus, the Ierapetra area remained largely neglected and unknown, a terra incognita. Yet, new excavations at Gaidourophas, Anatoli Stavromenos, Chryssi Island, Bramiana, and the ongoing research at the site of Myrtos Pyrgos are showing that the coastal area of Ierapetra was a vibrant and thriving settlement landscape during the Bronze Age. Far from being simply on the periphery of the major Minoan centers, the southern Ierapetra Isthmus played important roles in the cultural dynamics of Crete. Aiming to be the first building block in the development of an archaeological understanding of the region of the southern Ierapetra Isthmus, this book presents the status of the discipline and indicates future research trajectories.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Legal Speeches of Democratic Athens: Sources for Athenian History
"[Wolpert and Kapparis's] anthology . . . stands apart in a number of key ways. Virtually all of the translations, which are of very high quality, are new for this volume. . . . "Each of the introductions to the individual speeches is accompanied by a convenient outline, entitled ‘Key Information', of the important details about the dispute; this feature will be particularly welcome to undergraduates and other beginners, for whom Athenian forensic speeches often present at first glance a welter of soap opera-like complexity. In the summary that precedes Against Neaera, for example, the subheadings include 'Speaker', Supporting Speaker', 'Defendant', ‘Other Individuals' (particularly helpful), ‘Action', 'Penalty' and ‘Date'. Having this information collected in one handy location is very useful indeed. "One minor yet remarkably useful feature is that [Wolpert and Kapparis] have placed all cross-references to speeches included in the collection in bold typeface. This allows the reader to know immediately whether he need only flip the pages to see the passage in question or must reach for another volume. It is hoped that this will encourage busy undergraduates to take the trouble to follow up a cross-reference. "The introduction truly shines. Without getting bogged down in debatable minutiae, it provides a remarkably detailed and clear account of the law and oratory of ancient Athens. Divided into five sections, it begins with an account of Athenian legal development from the Draconian and Solonian periods to the fourth century. It then tackles Athenian politics and society, the court system (a particularly helpful section), the Attic orators (with a substantial biographical sketch of each orator whose speeches appear in the volume), and rhetorical technique and style. The introduction could even be used in a course where no speeches are read but students need to be given a quick, solid initiation into the legal culture of the classical period." --Classical Review
Emerald Publishing Limited Health and Labor Markets
A country's economic productivity is directly related to the health of its workforce. Thus, how a nation allocates resources to the physical health of its population is of vital importance in establishing the economic well-being of its citizens. This volume contains nine original and innovative articles that investigate the relationship between a nation's health policies, employee health and resulting labor market outcomes. Topics include the direct link between employees' health and wages, the employment impact of an unfavorable health shock, the relationship between job insecurity and a worker's mental health, the effect of career disruptions on already chronically ill workers, the consequences of arbitrary health insurance disenrollments, the impact of reducing publically available sick day benefits, the repercussions of increasing employers' sick pay benefits on absenteeism, the relationship between economic conditions and opioid abuse, and the consequences of parental migration on children's health. For researchers and students of labor economics, or anyone interested in understanding how a country's health policies affect its economic productivity, this volume is a fundamental text.
Emerald Publishing Limited 35th Anniversary Retrospective
Since its inception Research in Labor Economics has published over 350 articles encompassing a wide range of themes and spanning an array of labor economics topics. Authors have ranged from young scholars with much potential to mature leaders in the field, including Nobel Prize and John Bates Clark award winners. Over the years Research in Labor Economics has continued to present important new research in labor economics. It covers themes such as labor supply, work effort, schooling, on-the-job training, earnings distribution, discrimination, migration, and the effects of government policies on worker well-being. It aims to apply economic theory and econometrics to analyze important policy-related questions, often with an international focus. To commemorate Research in Labor Economics's 35th anniversary, this retrospective edition contains 20 of the most influential Research in Labor Economics articles along with new introductory prefatory updates written by the original authors. These new prefaces emphasize recent developments that each article might have inspired and also discuss remaining unanswered questions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Labor Economics
This volume contains nine original innovative chapters on worker well-being. Three chapters are on time allocated to work and human capital acquisition, three on aspects of risk in the earnings process, two on migration, and finally one on how tax policies affect poverty. Questions answered include: Are more educated women now opting out of work with a higher probability than in the past? Under what circumstances do young adults allocate non-school time to educational pursuits? How do macroeconomic shocks affect labor force participation rates? Can tax policies alleviate poverty? Are workers compensated adequately for taking risks? Do differences in private and public sector earnings affect mobility between the two sectors? And, do migrant parents affect educational decisions of their offspring?
John Wiley & Sons Inc Data Mining Techniques in CRM: Inside Customer Segmentation
This is an applied handbook for the application of data mining techniques in the CRM framework. It combines a technical and a business perspective to cover the needs of business users who are looking for a practical guide on data mining. It focuses on Customer Segmentation and presents guidelines for the development of actionable segmentation schemes. By using non-technical language it guides readers through all the phases of the data mining process.
CABI Publishing Tourism Planning and Development in Eastern Europe
Oxford University Press Disaster Insurance Reimagined: Protection in a Time of Increasing Risk
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read at Oxford Academic and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. This book examines the growing role and importance of 'Protection Gap Entities' (PGEs), not-for-profit entities providing insurance protection that would otherwise be unavailable within a purely private sector context. Around the world, PGEs and the insurance instruments they use are becoming increasingly crucial in making sure that funds are available to rebuild after disasters. These PGEs, typically developed as collaborations between governments and the insurance industry, enable insurance to continue at a time when climate change, urbanization, global interdependence, and geo-political instability are making disaster insurance increasingly expensive or unavailable. Given their growing importance, understanding the role of PGEs in both insurance protection and their potential to create a more resilient society is critical. Disaster Insurance Reimagined uses practical examples from different countries to explain how PGEs step in to maintain disaster insurance and how their work can, but does not always, improve financial and physical resilience to disaster. Drawing on 5 years of research into 17 entities that provide insurance cover in 49 countries, the authors examine the strengths, limitations, and evolution of PGEs in providing disaster protection in the face of a growing insurance crisis. They provide an accessible discussion of disaster insurance, its complexities, and the transformation it needs to undergo in order to remain relevant and to contribute to meaningful disaster protection. PGEs and their work offer a path to re-imagining disaster insurance as a key tool in an ecosystem that has societal protection from disaster at its heart.
Emerald Publishing Limited Change at Home, in the Labor Market, and on the Job
How do changes at home, in the labor market and on the job affect worker well-being? This volume of Research in Labor Economics contains eight original and insightful articles answering this question. Seven deal with demographic and labor market change, and one deals with wage differences essentially at a point in time. Of the seven, two articles analyze changes in family related matters and have implications regarding labor supply; two examine legislative changes, one of which has implications on teenage employment, and the other on informal business formation; one looks at potential productivity changes on farms in a developing country and has implications for remaining on the family farm or going to work; one models wage growth and shows why wages sometimes fall as one remains in a job longer; and finally, one investigates new enterprise formation over time.
Emerald Publishing Limited Factors Affecting Worker Well-Being: The Impact of Change in the Labor Market
This volume contains new important research on worker well-being. Topics include employment contracts, compensation schemes, worker productivity, retirement decisions, the demographic transition, time allocation, and child labor. Among the questions answered are: How important is incentive pay in increasing worker productivity? Does monitoring productivity affect a worker's earnings trajectory? How is the decision to retire different in two-earner families compared to one-earner families? How did the evolution of the family affect men's and women's proclivities to work? Do welfare subsidies encourage recipients to spend additional productive time with their children? Can property titles (land reform) affect child labor in less developed country settings?
Emerald Publishing Limited Labor Market Issues in China
After three decades of economic reform, China is experiencing substantial demographic changes and a steady structural transformation toward a market economy. These phenomena pose major challenges for the Chinese labor market, which are at the center of the booming academic and policy research in recent years. This volume presents fresh knowledge on labor market issues in China. It contains eight original research articles which offer insights and answers to question such as: Which are the most important challenges of the Chinese labor market? How does rural-urban migration affect occupational choice in rural China? Does urban occupational mobility differ across gender? Which is the cost of job displacement in urban labor markets? Is over-qualification affecting the hiring probability across educational groups? How does the social insurance system perform in terms of coverage of urban workers? Which are the incentive problems in the new rural pension program?
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Labor Economics
This volume contains eight new and innovative research articles relevant to researchers and policy makers. Each chapter deals with an aspect of human welfare and is authored by an expert in the field. One deals with how technological change affects the distribution of earnings, two deal with how workers advance through corporate hierarchy, four deal with how incentives motivate workers, and the final chapter deals with how one immigrant group is far more successful than even the native population. Among the questions answered are: What accounts for the relative rise in skilled worker salaries? Which workers advance more quickly up the corporate ladder? Are workers hired from outside the company as successful as internally promoted workers? Does performance-based pay affect worker absenteeism? Do retirement incentives to workers really help the firm? Do unexpected decreases in retirement income decrease retiree life satisfaction? Do more stringent divorce laws increase cohabitation? What causes immigrants to really succeed in their new country?
Emerald Publishing Limited Transitions through the Labor Market: Work, Occupation, Earnings and Retirement
Understanding the factors that affect how one transitions from school to the labor market and finally to retirement is important both to the individual and to the policy maker. This volume contains seven original and innovative articles that analyze aspects of such labor market transitions. Questions answered include: How did hiring and firing decisions change for blacks and Hispanics relative to whites in the Great Recession? Can redesigning the minimum wage lead to more efficient employment transitions and greater social welfare? What are the factors leading a company to fast-track an employee? How does the number of layers in a company’s hierarchical structure affect one’s ability to be promoted? Do women gravitate to more socially caring occupations because they care more than men? Does gaming among youth increase math scores more for boys than girls? And, does good health impede one’s inclination to retire?
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Demokratisch-funktionale Analyse der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung im Umwelt- und Infrastrukturrecht
Die in diesem Band veröffentlichten Beiträge dokumentieren einen im Dezember 2014 in Thessaloniki veranstalteten Workshop im Rahmen einer DAAD-Hochschulpartnerschaft zwischen der Universität Würzburg (nunmehr Universität Trier) und der Aristoteles Universität Thessaloniki. Die Referate behandeln aktuelle Fragen des Umweltrechts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entwicklungen im Recht der erneuerbaren Energien und der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung - sowohl aus deutscher wie auch aus griechischer Perspektive. Die in dem Band versammelten Autoren sind ausgezeichnete Kenner der Materie aus Wissenschaft und Praxis.
CABI Publishing Tourism Planning and Development in the Middle East
Archaeopress The Archaeology of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Adjacent Regions
The burgeoning of archaeological research in the Kurdish Autonomous Region of Iraq is one of the great success stories of world archaeology today. For twenty years it was impossible for western archaeologists to work in Iraq, and for most of this time there were also heavy restrictions on the activity of Iraqi archaeologists. In addition to this Kurdistan remains a region never systematically explored. The conference presented the first opportunity for the leading figures in this renaissance of research in the area to gather and present all the key new projects which are revolutionising our understanding of the region. The following papers are available to download in Open Access: Current Investigations into the Early Neolithic of the Zagros Foothills of Iraqi Kurdistan - Roger Matthews, Wendy Matthews, Kamal Rasheed Raheem and Kamal Rauf Aziz: Download About Bakr Awa - Peter A. Miglus: Download
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Wir Glauben an Den Heiligen Geist: XVII. Begegnung Im Bilateralen Theologischen Dialog Zwischen Der Ekd Und Dem Okumenischen Patriarchat (Konstantinopel XVII)
Nova Science Publishers Inc Flexible Text Searching
Nova Science Publishers Inc Peritoneal Carcinomatosis from Ovarian Cancer
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Shareholder Rights Directive II: A Commentary
This Commentary is the first comprehensive work to analyse the revised EU Shareholder Rights Directive (SRD II). SRD II sets a new agenda for engaged shareholders and sustainable companies in the EU, sparking a wider debate on the adoption of duties in company and capital markets law. By providing a systematic and thorough framework for analysis, this Commentary evaluates the purpose and aims of SRD II and further enriches the debate on the usefulness of the EU’s drive to encourage long-term shareholder engagement.Key features include: article-by-article analysis of each of the provisions as adopted in the revised SRD II contribution to the ongoing discussions on shareholder rights and duties anticipated to be at the centre of debate for years to come detailed explanation by leading scholars in the field to ensure complete understanding of each SRD II provision for the reader exploration of the two pillars of shareholder engagement: the facilitation of shareholder rights and improved communication to bridge procedural gaps and implementation of transparency obligations applicable to companies, investors and service providers. This Commentary will be a key resource for legal practitioners, legislators, scholars and students alike, working in the fields of corporate governance, alternative dispute resolution and financial law.
Emerald Publishing Limited 50th Celebratory Volume
This 50th Celebratory Research in Labor Economics volume contains ten original and innovative articles each written by stellar senior scholars in labor economics, including a Nobel Laureate. Each article deals with an aspect of worker well-being addressing questions such as: What can epidemiologists learn from search and matching models? What advanced degrees yield the highest returns? How do occupational and safety risks on the job affect earnings? What are best practices in estimating gender discrimination? Has technology exacerbated the widening earnings distribution? How have bureaucrats overregulated the economy? Did Right to Work laws really decrease unionization? Why were undocumented immigrants able to return to work faster than natives during Covid-19? And, how does a husband’s death impact a widow’s use of time at home?
Emerald Publishing Limited Skill Mismatch in Labor Markets
The 2008 global financial and economic crisis led to a significant increase in unemployment rates in most developed economies, yet despite the rising supply of labor, a high share of employers claim that they cannot find the right talent and skills. Concerns that economic restructuring and changing skill needs associated with new technologies and workplace organization practices will not be met by an adequately skilled workforce, has placed the issue of skill mismatch – the incongruence between skill supply and skill demand – high up in the policy agenda. This volume contains eleven original research articles which deal with the linkages between education and skills and the causes and consequences of different types of skill mismatch. Topics include the way graduate jobs can be defined, the labor market decisions and outcomes of graduates, the determinants of the overeducation wage penalty, the determinants and consequences of underskilling, the wage return of skills, the impact of skill mismatch on aggregate productivity, and the role of work-related training and job complexity on skill development.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Analyses in Worker Well-Being
This volume contains new important research on worker well-being in a changing economy. Topics include employee compensation, human capital investment, women's wages, unemployment, and the effects of government policies. Among the questions answered are: Does free-trade (particularly regarding NAFTA) affect women's wages relative to men's? Can guaranteeing college scholarships raise high school students' grade-point averages? Does increasing wage dispersion within a plant induce workers to put out more effort; or does it decrease comradery among employees, thereby lowering productivity? Does deferring worker pay really affect productivity on the job? Do firms manipulate fringe benefits (job characteristics) to adequately compensate workers for dangerous jobs? Do business cycles influence the terms of effort-enhancing labor contracts? How can workers signal their potential quality when displaced by plant closings? How severe are the detrimental effects of long-term joblessness? And finally, how do changes in welfare laws affect recipients' time allocation at home?
American Psychological Association The POWER Manual: A Step-by-Step Guide to Improving Police Officer Wellness, Ethics, and Resilience
This book offers practical, research-based strategies to help all members of law enforcement improve their wellness, strengthen their ethical commitments, and increase their resilience both on- and off-duty. A police officer’s power does not come from their badge, gear, or tactical skills. It comes from POWER: Police Officer Wellness, Ethics, and Resilience. Even with access to a gym or counseling through work, police officers will benefit from developing a personal plan to maintain overall health. This book focuses on physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and spiritual wellness. It describes steps to optimize wellbeing and maintain effective job performance. Filled with personal examples from Officer Mike, this book will better prepare police officers to deescalate potential crisis situations before they happen and make them more capable of coping with them when they do. Includes a foreword by Kevin M. Gilmartin, PhD, author of the bestselling Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement: A Guide for Officers and Their Families.
Archaeopress Popular Religion and Ritual in Prehistoric and Ancient Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean
This volume features a group of select peer-reviewed papers by an international group of authors, both younger and senior academics and researchers. It has its origins in a conference held at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, which aimed to bring up the frequently-neglected popular cult and other ritual practices in prehistoric and ancient Greece and the eastern Mediterranean. The topics covered by the chapters of the volume include the interplay between elite and popular ritual at cemeteries and peak sanctuaries just before and right after the establishment of the first palaces in Minoan Crete; the use of conical cups in Minoan ritual; the wide sharing of religious and other metaphysical beliefs as expressed in the wall-paintings of Akrotiri on the island of Thera; the significance of open-air sanctuaries, figurines and other informal cult and ritual paraphernalia in the Aegean, Cyprus and the Levant from the late bronze age to the archaic period; the role of figurines and caves in popular cult in the classical period; the practice of cursing in ancient Athens; and the popular element of sports games in ancient Greece.
Classiques Garnier Vues Politiques Et Pratiques Sur Les Travaux Publics de France
John Wiley & Sons Inc Green Communications: Principles, Concepts and Practice
This book provides a comprehensive view of green communications considering all areas of ICT including wireless and wired networks. It analyses particular concepts and practices, addressing holistic approaches in future networks considering a system perspective. It makes full use of tables, illustrations, performance graphs, case studies and examples making it accessible for a wide audience.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurship, Institutional Framework and Support Mechanisms in the EU
Over recent decades a variety of tools, regulations, and funding and support schemes have been developed in the EU to promote and enhance entrepreneurial activities. However, research supporting entrepreneurial activities in the EU remains under-researched. Entrepreneurship, Institutional Framework and Support Mechanisms in the EU aims to shed some light on the important and yet crucially under-explored interactions between entrepreneurship, institutions and support mechanisms within the EU. This collective volume sets the foundations of a comprehensive discussion which focuses on the determinants of boosting EU entrepreneurship in local, regional, national and supranational levels. With its scope will extend to all major, relevant and interrelated aspects, Entrepreneurship, Institutional Framework and Support Mechanisms in the EU provides a go-to source of current thinking in this area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inequality: Causes and Consequences
Inequality has been rising in many countries over the last decades and the process seems to have accelerated with the Great Recession. Not only is income distribution more unequal today than 40 years ago, but also its transmission through generations has increased. In other words, many countries no longer experience upward economic mobility as was prevalent in the past. Research in Labor Economics volume 43 contains new and innovative research on the causes and consequences of inequality. Topics include the way inequality is measured, the level of equal opportunities across countries, the impact of education, the effect of changing occupational structure, the consequences of changing productivity within the firm, the roles of stagnating average real wages, the decline of union membership, the effect of maternal labor supply on labor market outcomes of their children, and the link between income inequality and health.
Emerald Publishing Limited Workplace Productivity and Management Practices
How firms are structured, the management practices they develop, as well as the way in which workers and managers interact can have wider implications for both the performance of the firm and the well-being of its workers. This volume contains ten original and innovative articles that investigate aspects related to workplace practices and productivity. Topics include the role of employee voice in the workplace, the link between unions, innovation and firms’ investment, the relationship between job autonomy and hierarchy, the impact of personnel policies on firm performance, the consequences of incentives through discrete bonus compensation schemes for learning on the job, the repercussions of firm downsizing on worker’s performance, the individual returns to entrepreneurship, the impact of private tutoring on college attendance, and the measurement of labor market transitions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Income Inequality Around the World
Research in Labor Economics 44 takes another in-depth and focussed look at Inequality. This time however it is tied in with well-being of the workforce. Research in Labor Economics volume 44 contains new and innovative research on the causes and consequences of inequality and well-being of the work force.
Princeton University Press Mathletics: How Gamblers, Managers, and Fans Use Mathematics in Sports, Second Edition
How to use math to improve performance and predict outcomes in professional sportsMathletics reveals the mathematical methods top coaches and managers use to evaluate players and improve team performance, and gives math enthusiasts the practical skills they need to enhance their understanding and enjoyment of their favorite sports—and maybe even gain the outside edge to winning bets. This second edition features new data, new players and teams, and new chapters on soccer, e-sports, golf, volleyball, gambling Calcuttas, analysis of camera data, Bayesian inference, ridge regression, and other statistical techniques. After reading Mathletics, you will understand why baseball teams should almost never bunt; why football overtime systems are unfair; why points, rebounds, and assists aren’t enough to determine who’s the NBA’s best player; and more.
IGI Global Interactive Digital Television: Technologies and Applications
Presents the developments in the domain of interactive digital television covering both technical and business aspects. This work focuses on analyzing concepts, research issues, and methodological approaches, offering solutions such as systems and prototypes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender Convergence in the Labor Market
For most countries, women's labor force participation and hours of work has risen while men's have fallen. Concomitantly, men's and women's wages and occupational structures have been converging. This volume contains new and innovative research on issues related to gender convergence in the labor market. Topics include patterns in lifetime work, earnings and human capital investment, the gender wage gap, gender complementarities, career progression, the gender composition of top management and the role of parental leave policies. Among the questions answered are: Do the levels of and returns to human capital change over the last 50 years in the US? Can the shorter fecundity horizon for females (a biological constraint) explain the division of labor in the home and the resulting wage gap? Does skill-biased technological change favor women's wages more than men's? Do care sector jobs incur a wage penalty? What impact does this have on firm and employee outcomes? Does the glass-ceiling faced by women in top management relate to fertility and parental leave policies and having children? And finally, are men and women complements or substitutes in the labor market?
Springer International Publishing AG Domain Adaptation and Representation Transfer: 4th MICCAI Workshop, DART 2022, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2022, Singapore, September 22, 2022, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th MICCAI Workshop on Domain Adaptation and Representation Transfer, DART 2022, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2022, in September 2022. DART 2022 accepted 13 papers from the 25 submissions received. The workshop aims at creating a discussion forum to compare, evaluate, and discuss methodological advancements and ideas that can improve the applicability of machine learning (ML)/deep learning (DL) approaches to clinical setting by making them robust and consistent across different domains.
Emerald Publishing Limited Small Business Management and Control of the Uncertain External Environment
From the vagaries of the economy, through to varying degrees of social unrest, to the impact of adverse weather, businesses of all forms and sizes across the globe must cope with ongoing change, uncertainty, and risk. In this unpredictable environment, how can SMEs react and control external factors? This edited collection investigates the potential impact of long-term planning and strategic awareness on the ability of SMEs to remain competitive in a highly competitive world. The authors and editors demonstrate that whether SMEs are able to identify and act upon externally imposed forces and factors, or not, is the defining indicator of their likelihood to struggle, survive, or even thrive. Outlining the integral development opportunities or threats to existing business activity inherent to the external environment, this book offers a multidisciplinary insight, which brings together different lenses to explore a range of cutting-edge themes from both research and practitioner perspectives. The book also looks ahead, examining the broad market reaction to external forces in order to predict future implications. Given the significance of SMEs for the global economy, the range of different views offered, including but not limited to people management, entrepreneurship and education, provide genuine insights for a diversity of audiences and readers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Who Loses in the Downturn?: Economic Crisis, Employment and Income Distribution
Economic events such as the recent global economic crisis can have substantial effects on the distribution of resources at the individual and household levels. Identification of appropriate and timely policy responses that support vulnerable groups is hampered by how little is known about the likely patterns of losses early on during the downturn. This volume contains fresh knowledge on the effects of the economic downturn on employment and income distribution. It contains 9 original research papers from both Europe and the US, including illustrations of forward-looking simulation methods that can be used before detailed data on actual household experiences become available. These papers offer new insights into issues such as how wages, employment and incomes are affected by the crisis, which demographic groups are most vulnerable in the recession, how well the welfare system protects the newly unemployed and how consumption and income poverty change over the business cycle.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Modelling and Managing Airport Performance
Modelling and Managing Airport Performance provides an integrated view of state-of-the-art research on measuring and improving the performance of airport systems with consideration of both airside and landside operations. The considered facets of performance include capacity, delays, economic costs, noise, emissions and safety. Several of the contributions also examine policies for managing congestion and allocating sparse capacity, as well as for mitigating the externalities of noise, emissions, and safety/risk. Key features: Provides a global perspective with contributing authors from Europe, North and South America with backgrounds in academia, research institutions, government, and industry Contributes to the definition, interpretation, and shared understanding of airport performance measures and related concepts Considers a broad range of measures that quantify operational and environmental performance, as well as safety and risk Discusses concepts and strategies for dealing with the management of airport performance Presents state-of-the-art modelling capabilities and identifies future modelling needs Themed around 3 sections – Modelling Airport Performance, Assessing Airport Impacts, and Managing Airport Performance and Congestion Modelling and Managing Airport Performance is a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners in the global air transportation community.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Abuse of Dominance and Monopolization
This Research Handbook offers a comprehensive and state-of-the-art collection on the competition law (antitrust) prohibition of abuse of a dominant position and monopolization. It draws from the long and influential traditions of leading jurisdictions such as the European Union and the United States to analyse applicable rules and policy in these jurisdictions. It also takes a comparative approach to identify common threads and differences.Bringing together contributions from authoritative legal and economic experts, it provides an in-depth analysis of foundational legal and economic principles which guide the Research Handbook’s exploration of the concept and prohibition of abuse of a dominant position. With comprehensive breadth, an interdisciplinary approach, and trans-Atlantic coverage, this Research Handbook covers various important topics including market definition and market power, different types of abuse, enforcement, cross-cutting issues such as mandated neutrality, big data and the interface of competition and regulation.The blend of theoretical study and practical advice on the topic will make this a vital resource for scholars and advanced students wanting a rounded appreciation of this area of the law, whilst practitioners, competition officials, and policymakers will also find this a beneficial companion.
Emerald Publishing Limited Child Labor and the Transition Between School and Work
More than 190 million children under 15 are working in the world today. Academic and policy research on child labor and related questions about how children spend their time in low income countries has boomed in recent years. This volume contains fresh knowledge to help better understand the relationship between child labor and the transition between school and work. It contains 11 original research papers by authors from Africa, Asia, Latin America as well as the United States and Europe. These papers offer insights and answers to issues such as: how to measure child labor; how the returns to education in the adult labor market affect children's school enrollment; how cash transfer programs affect schooling and children's participation in market and non-market activities; how child labor and schooling affect health; why children participate in activities that are labeled worst forms of child labor; how children's time is allocated along gender lines; what role local labor demand plays in shaping the work and schooling decisions of children; and, how many hours of work can be undertaken before negative effects on school attendance are observed.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethnicity and Labor Market Outcomes
How immigrants and their descendants fare in the host society and in particular in the labor market is a very important question. While differences among ethnicities have been found to be marked and persistent within many host countries, and while the labor market consequences of diversity have been recognized, they have not been sufficiently examined. This volume contains fresh knowledge to help better understand the complex relationship between ethnic or minority groups, the role of ethnic identity and their disparate economic performance; 12 papers that individually and collectively go to the heart of this question. Offering a new paradigm, they tackle and interlink four important themes of immigrants' integration: ethnic identity, citizenship, interethnic marriages, and immigrant entrepreneurship. These papers offer insights and answers to challenging questions for six different immigration countries while they study countless different ethnic and immigrant groups. It is the aim of this volume to bring the role of ethnic identity in the forefront of scientific and political discussion and provide a link among these themes, anticipating new trends and directions in this area. An anthology of these questions is: Does ethnic identity affect the employment and earnings of immigrant groups and in what way? Does dual nationality affect assimilation? To what extent do social interactions determine the employment outcomes of ethnic minorities? Why do Mexican-Americans exhibit low self-employment rates? Which are the factors that influence the composition of the workforce in terms of ethnic-background? Do interethnic marriages influence transitions into and out of ethnic self-employment? And, are interethnic marriages a guarantee to high human capital achievement of their offsprings?
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender in the Labor Market
Why in 2015 are there still large gender differences in economic success? This volume consists of a set of state of the art research articles to answer this question. Focus areas include educational attainment, financial risk management, bargaining power, social mobility, and intergenerational transfers in the US and abroad.