Search results for ""author komar"
The Conrad Press Despair and Hope: My journey to freedom
Tytus Sas Komarnicki was born in 1896 in Warsaw. He had been living in Grenoble since 1942 where he was responsible for the Polish Red Cross. At the same time he was involved in Polish underground movements which meant that the Gestapo agents were constantly on his heels. Before World War Two he had been the Polish Delegate to the League of Nations from 1936 and also Polish Ambassador in Bern. In 1940, after the invasion of his homeland, he and his family moved to France and eventually to Grenoble. After the war he lived with his family in London where he wrote several books on Polish history and was a member of the Board of Directors of the International Law courts in The Hague. He died in London in 1967.
University of Tennessee Press King of the Delta Blues: The Life and Music of Charlie Patton
Born 130 years ago in the heart of Mississippi, Charlie Patton (c. 1891–1934) is considered by many to be a father of the Delta blues. With his bullish baritone voice and his fluid slide guitar touch, Patton established songs like “Pony Blues,” “A Spoonful Blues,” and “High Water Everywhere” in the blues lexicon and, through his imitators, in American music. But over the decades, his contributions to blues music have been overshadowed in popularity by those of Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, and other mid-century bluesmen and women who’ve experienced a resurgence in their music. King of the Delta Blues Singers, originally published in 1988, began a small renaissance in Patton and blues research. And now, with the wide availability of Patton’s complete discography on CD and as digital downloads, this completely revised second edition continues the story of Charlie Patton’s legacy.Gayle Dean Wardlow and the late Stephen Calt (1946–2010) originally probed Patton’s career in the Mississippi Delta, his early performances and recordings, and his musical legacy that continues to influence today’s guitarists and performers, including such musicians as Jack White and Larkin Poe. For this second edition, Wardlow and Edward Komara refined the text and rewrote major sections, updating them with new scholarship on Patton and Delta blues. And finally, Komara has added a new afterword bringing Patton into the contemporary blues conversation and introducing numerous musical examples for the modern researcher and musician.The second edition of King of the Delta Blues Singers will further cement Patton’s legacy among important blues musicians, and it will be of interest to anyone absorbed in the beginnings of the Delta blues and music biographies.
Cornell University Press Three Russian Tales of the Eighteenth Century: The Comely Cook, Vanka Kain, and "Poor Liza"
For those who cannot read the language of the original texts, the lively and varied world of eighteenth-century Russian literature has been largely inaccessible. In this valuable collection, expert translator David Gasperetti presents three seminal tales that express the major literary, social, and philosophical concerns of late-eighteenth-century Russia. The country's first bestseller, Matvei Komarov's Vanka Kain tells the story of a renowned thief and police spy and is also an excellent historical source on the era's criminal underworld. Mikhail Chulkov's The Comely Cook is a cross between Moll Flanders, with its comic emphasis on a woman of ill-repute who struggles to secure her place in society, and Tristram Shandy, with its parody of the conventions of novel writing. Finally, Nikolai Karamzin's Poor Liza, the story of a young woman who kills herself over a failed love affair, set the standard for writing sentimentalist fiction in Russia. Taken as a whole, these three works outline the beginnings of modern prose fiction in Russia and also illuminate the literary culture that would give rise to the Golden Age of Russian letters in the middle of the next century.
Little, Brown & Company The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess, Vol. 3 (light novel)
Komari has finally earned a vacation, and she's soaking it all in at a beach resort. That's when Nelia Cunningham, a commander from the Gerra-Aruka Republic, appears before her with an outrageous offer: Together, they'll take over the world. At the same time, a commander from the Heavenly Paradise named Karla Amatsu shows up and hits Komari with the exact opposite proposition: Together, they'll bring about world peace. Before long, the two nations' clashing agendas drag the whole world into war! Yanked from her summer holiday, Komari holds the key to the conflict in her hands.
Little, Brown & Company The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess, Vol. 6 (light novel)
There’s a new face in the Komari unit! Though Komari is initially worried that Esther, an honors student from the Mulnite military academy, will be abused by her unruly subordinates, it turns out that the recruit is plenty unhinged herself. Before long, Komari’s long-awaited break from work arrives, and she just so happens to spend it at a hot springs resort in Esther’s hometown. But unbeknownst to her, a sinister plot is steadily unfolding in this seemingly idyllic village...
Little, Brown & Company The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess, Vol. 1 (light novel)
Shut-in vampire Terakomari, or Komari for short, awakens from her slumber to findshe's been promoted to a commander of the army! The thing is, though, her newsquad has a reputation for being violently insubordinate. And although Komari wasborn to a prestigious vampire family, her hatred of blood has made her the picture ofmediocrity-scrawny, uncoordinated, and inept at magic. With the odds stacked againsther, will the help of her trusty maid be enough for this recluse to blunder her way tosuccess?
Little, Brown & Company The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess, Vol. 4 (light novel)
With the conclusion of the Six Nations War, Komari’s life finally starts to settle down...or so she thinks! At the behest of Karla Amatsu, a commander from Heavenly Paradise, Komari is sent as an envoy to a far eastern nation where a major crisis lies in wait! Will this vampire princess ever catch a break?
Little, Brown & Company The Vexations of a ShutIn Vampire Princess Vol. 8 light novel
It seems like every time Komari wakes up, she finds herself on a battlefield...but not today. This is even worsenow she''s in the Netherworld! Thankfully Vill, Nelia, and Estelle are with her, and the four of them join up and begin a journey into the unknown. Along the way, they meet a mysterious girl named Colette who seems to know Vill. But why would someone in another world know Komari''s maid? And will Komari and her friends ever find a way back home?
Insight Editions Game of Thrones: A Pop-Up Guide to Westeros: A Pop-Up Guide to Westeros
Inspired by the Emmy® Awardwinning credits sequence that opens each episode of the hit HBO® series, Game of Thrones: A Pop-Up Guide to Westeros is guaranteed to thrill the show’s legions of fans.Featuring stunning pop-up recreations of several key locations from the series, including the formidable castle of Winterfell, the lavish capital city King’s Landing, and the Wall’s stark majesty, this bookdesigned by renowned paper engineer Matthew Reinharttakes you into the world of the series like never before.Game of Thrones: A Pop-Up Guide to Westeros features a total of five stunning spreads, which fold out to create a remarkable pop-up map of Westeros that is perfect for displaying.The book also contains numerous mini-pops that bring to life iconic elements of the show, such as direwolves, White Walkers, giants, and dragons. All the pops are accompanied by insightful text that relays the rich history of the Seven Kingdoms and beyond, forming a dynamic reference guide to the world of Game of Thrones.Visually spectacular and enthrallingly interactive, Game of Thrones: A Pop-Up Guide to Westeros sets a new standard for pop-up books and perfectly captures the epic scope and imagination of the series.
Little, Brown & Company The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess, Vol. 5 (light novel)
Things are finally starting to settle down for Komari after her hectic trip to the Heavenly Paradise. That is until Pope Julius VI, supreme leader of the Scared Church, shows up at the entrance to Mulnite Palace one day! And if the arrival of an important geopolitical figure wasn’t stressful enough, the Empress is nowhere to be found! Now it falls to Komari to tide things over with the guest of honor until someone can locate Mulnite’s missing Empress…
New in Chess Chess Opening Essentials
Hal Leonard Corporation The Road to Robert Johnson The Genesis and Evolution of Blues in the Delta from the Late 1800s Through 1938
Haymon Verlag Blumen fr Polt
Intellect Books Trends in Functional Programming Volume 10
Volume 10 in the Trends in Functional Programming (TFP) series presents some of the latest research results in the implementation of functional programming languages and the practice of functional programming. It contains a peer-reviewed selection of the best articles presented at the 2009 Tenth Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming held in Komárno, Slovakia. TFP 2009 was co-located with the Third Central European Functional Programming School (CEFP 2009) and organized by the Department of Programming Languages and Compilers, Faculty of Informatics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest and the Selye János University, Komárno.
New in Chess Chess Opening Essentials
Princeton University Press Fourier Transforms. (AM-19), Volume 19
The description for this book, Fourier Transforms. (AM-19), will be forthcoming.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Large Scale Computations, Embedded Systems & Computer Security
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Gesamtenergiesystem der Zukunft (GES): Sektorenkopplung durch Strom und Wasserstoff
Das essential gibt in kompakter Form einen Überblick über die Genese und die bisherigen Umsetzungsschritte der Energiewende und beschreibt insbesondere die Rahmenbedingungen des sich wandelnden Energiesystems. Damit eignet sich das Buch hervorragend als Einstiegslektüre in die Thematik der Energiewende, die auch zur Entstehung eines holistischen Gesamtenergiesystems führen wird.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Sol-Gel Synthesis and Processing
Discusses recent technological applications and advances in sol-gel processing of various ceramics, gels and glasses. Also features historical aspects from the initial discovery of the development of sol-gel processing for ceramics 50 years ago.
Random House USA Inc George R. R. Martin Presents Wild Cards: Sins of the Father: A Graphic Novel
Spectormag GbR Funken zu Flammen
Edition Michael Fischer Bauchtaschen nähen
Kremayr und Scheriau Salz Österreich
Suedwest Verlag Ich lern einfach Einfaches effektives und erfolgreiches Lernen mit NLP Das LerncoachingProgramm fr Kinder Jugendliche und Erwachsene
Nova Science Publishers Inc Morphogenetic Developmental Programs: Stem Cells
Little, Brown & Company The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess, Vol. 2 (light novel)
When Komari unintentionally agitates one of her fellow Crimson Lords, FretteMascarelle, things escalate until she finds herself embroiled in a competition againstthe other generals. You'd think the Lords would all be tough as nails, turns outthat one of them, Sakuna, is even more timid than Komari herself and shares her loveof reading! Meanwhile, as Vill grows slightly jealous of the two girls' budding friendship,a sinister plot to assassinate important figures in the Imperial Court brews in thebackground... With so much going on, will the Shut-In Vampire ever get a moment'speace?!
Debolsillo El manifiesto negro
El manifiesto negro es Forsyth en toda su plenitud: intrincado realismo político, intriga a raudales y una trama que corta el aliento."Era el verano en que el precio de una barra de pan alcanzó el millón de rublos ..." Esta frase nos introduce en la convulsa Rusia de 1999. Esta gran superpotencia zozobra en un mar de hiperinflación, caos económico y criminalidad. Las elecciones se aproximan y una sola voz carismática resuena en todo el país. Igor Komárov, líder derechista, promete reformar la moneda, acabar con el crimen, eliminar la corrupción y devolver la gloria a Rusia. Pero los dirigentes occidentales se ven conmocionados cuando llega a sus manos un documento secreto del que se desprende que, Komárov, no es el salvador de la nación sino un nuevo Hitler. Oficialmente, Occidente no puede hacer nada, pero un grupo de prohombres angloamericanos decide no quedarse impasibles viendo cómo la historia se repite. El Manifiesto Negro es Forsyth en toda su plenitud: intrincado realism
Distributed Art Publishers Dining with the Sultan: The Fine Art of Feasting
The spirit of feasting in Islamic lands as seen in art and material culture This catalog represents the first occasion that the burgeoning knowledge of food culture in this period has been employed to inform our understanding of Islamic art. Dining with the Sultan offers a pan-Islamic reach, spanning the 8th through 19th centuries and including some 200 works of art representing a rich variety of mediums. Across its 400 pages, and through an abundance of color plates and new scholarship, the publication introduces audiences to Islamic art and culture with objects of undisputed quality and appeal. Viewed through the universal lens of fine dining, this transformative selection of materials emphasizes our shared humanity rather than our singular histories.
Edition Michael Fischer MicroBags nhen Lieblingstaschen im Miniformat Mit Schnittmusterbogen
Haymon Verlag Polt.
Haymon Verlag Polt mu weinen
Haymon Verlag Daniel Kfer Alle SalzkammergutRomane in einem Band
Shree Publishers & Distributors Cultivation of Medicinal Plants
Little, Brown & Company Yowamushi Pedal, Vol. 23
Carrying the pride of his team on his shoulders, Hakone’s captain, Izumida races against Kyoto Fushimi’s immeasurably strong substitute, Kishigami Komari! But an unexpected obstacle stands between the racers and the rapidly approaching sprint line—just who will take the victory!?
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Non Non Biyori Vol. 11
Welcome to the countryside village of Asahigaoka, a quaint town far removed from the hustle-and-bustle of the big city. You couldn’t imagine a more isolated setting in all of Japan. So when Tokyo-raised elementary school student Hotaru Ichijo transfers to the tiny Asahigaoka Branch School due to her father’s job, she’s in for the culture shock of her life! Join Hotaru and her new friends, the eccentric Renge and the mischievous sisters Natsumi and Komari, as they share daily adventures in the idyllic Japanese countryside.
Little, Brown & Company The Vexations of a ShutIn Vampire Princess Vol. 7 light novel
After returning from her hot springs vacation, Terakomari is immediately thrust into another crisis when Lingzi Ailan, princess of the Enchanted Lands, shows up at the Mulnite Palace begging for help. According to Lingzi, the Grand Chancellor of the Enchanted Lands is in the process of overthrowing the current ruler, and he's forcing her to marry him to solidify his grasp on power. Sympathetic to Lingzi's plight, Komari agrees to travel to the Enchanted Lands to help the girl break off her marriage. But in the background of the Grand Chancellor's coup, something even more terrifying is brewing
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Oresama Teacher, Vol. 16
Mafuyu is the no-nonsense, take-charge and hard-hitting leader of her high school gang. But when she gets expelled for being a delinquent, her mother, fed up with her daughter's wayward ways, sends Mafuyu to an isolated school far off in the country. After returning to from the school trip, Mafuyu and the rest of the Public Morals Club learn all about Akki's adventure with Komari. The story makes Mafuyu realize that all the attacks from the Student Council so far have been solo affairs. Why haven't they teamed up to take down the Public Morals Club? Determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, Mafuyu sneaks into Hanabusa's lair…the Student Council Room!
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Reconsidering EU Citizenship: Contradictions and Constraints
Twenty-five years after the introduction of European citizenship, it seems as though the EU has overreached itself. In its current state the EU provokes much negative political reaction among its citizens. Conversely, interest in European issues has increased during the crisis, pro-European social movements have emerged and new debates on reforms of the Union’s architecture are flaring up. Through updated and integrated multidisciplinary research this book reconsiders the contradictions and constraints, as well as the promises and prospects, for the future of EU citizenship.With chapters from leading researchers in the field, Reconsidering EU Citizenship is an innovative contribution to the lively debate on European and transnational citizenship. Bringing together policy research and reflections from political theory, this book offers an up-to-date critique of the current state of EU citizenship as well as new insights for its future.As citizenship rights issues become more prominent on the EU policy-making agenda, Reconsidering EU Citizenship will be an invaluable resource to students of EU policy as well as policy-makers and practitioners in the field.Contributors include: F. Cheneval, H. Dean, O. Eberl, M. Ferrin, V. Hlousek, M. Hoogenboom, J. Komárek, V. Koska, M. Prak, S. Seubert, C. Strünck, P. van Parijs, F. Van Waarden
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Non Non Biyori Vol. 16
The manga series that inspired a hit anime adaptation, for fans of Yotsuba&!Ichijo HotaruFifth grade transfer student from Tokyo. Ever since she came here, every season has passed so quickly and so happily. She’ll be graduating in the blink of an eye.Koshigaya KomariEighth grader at Asahigaoka Branch School. Graduation, huh…? Maybe she’ll cry when it’s her turn. She hasn’t given up on growing into a tall, proud woman by then.Miyauchi RengeFirst grader, the youngest of the five students at Asahigaoka Branch School. Nii-nii’s graduation makes her a teensy bit sad, even though she can see him any old time.Koshigaya NatsumiSeventh grader at Asahigaoka Branch School. Normally, graduation has you bawling your eyes out, right? She’s got nothing but great memories of school…except for tests.FINAL VOLUME
Baen Books Diplomatic Immunity
A COMEDY OF TERRORS . . . A rich Komarran merchant fleet has been impounded at Graf Station, in distant Quaddiespace, after a bloody incident on the station docks involving a security officer from the convoy's Barrayaran military escort. Lord Miles Vorkosigan of Barrayar and his wife, Lady Ekaterin, have other things on their minds, such as getting home in time to attend the long-awaited births of their first children. But when duty calls in the voice of Barrayar's Emperor Gregor, Miles, Gregor's youngest Imperial Auditor (a special high-level troubleshooter) has no choice but to answer. Waiting on Graf Station are diplomatic snarls, tangled loyalties, old friends, new enemies, racial tensions, lies and deceptions, mysterious disappearances, and a lethal secret with wider consequences than even Miles anticipates: a race with time for life against death in horrifying new forms. The downside of being a troubleshooter comes when trouble starts shooting back . . .
Baen Books Captain Vorpatril's Alliance
A new installment in the award-winning Vorkosigan science fiction adventure series! Captain Ivan Vorpatril sometimes thinks that if not for his family, he might have no troubles at all. But he has the dubious fortune of the hyperactive Miles Vorkosigan as a cousin, which has too-often led to his getting dragged into one of Miles’ schemes, with risk to life and limb — and military career — that Ivan doesn’t consider entirely fair. Although much practice has made Ivan more adept at fending off his mother’s less-than-subtle reminders that he should be getting married and continuing the Vorpatril lineage. Fortunately, his current duty is on the planet Komarr as staff officer to Admiral Desplains, far from both his cousin and his mother back on their homeworld of Barrayar. It’s an easy assignment and nobody is shooting at him. What could go wrong?
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Private Law in Eastern Europe: Autonomous Developments or Legal Transplants?
More than 20 years have passed since the downfall of socialist systems. To accelerate transformation processes utmost priority was given to the recognition of property rights, an indispensable requirement for free market economies. Regulators soon came to realize that the success of transformation was conditioned on a more systematic approach towards codified civil law and business law. Numerous comparative law studies on individual Eastern European states have been undertaken, but they fail to portray the dynamic in its full scope. Studies adopting long-term perspectives and offering multi-nation comparisons are particularly rare. In March 2009, a symposium was held at the Hamburg Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Law to address these shortcomings. In this conference volume Christa Jessel-Holst, Rainer Kulms, and Alexander Trunk assemble the contributions by international policy advisors and scholars from Eastern and South Eastern Europe (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine) assessing codification processes in classic civil law fields and company and capital market laws. In spite of comparable transformation problems, the individual processes are moving forward quite disparately, oscillating between 'old' socialist codifications, legislative projects faithful to the acquis communautaire and new codifications with a distinctly autonomous approach. Nonetheless, most transformation states are united in their effort to establish efficient court systems which can handle the acquis without being positivistic.Contributors:Jürgen Basedow, Rainer Kulms, Michel Nussbaumer, Frederique Dahan, Thomas Meyer, Alexander Komarov, Volodymyr Kossak, Jelena Perović, Camelia Toader, Verica Trstenjak, Christian Takoff, Tatjana Josipović, Meliha Povlakić, Dušan Nikolić, Mirko Vasiljević, Alexandra Makovskaya, Oleg Zaitsev, Ionuţ Raduleţu, Tania Bouzeva, Radu Catană, András Kisfaludi, Krzysztof Oplustil, Arkadiusz Radwan
Amazon Publishing Goodnight, Vienna
Katya never wanted to look after Gretchen. Now she’s the young girl’s only hope of survival. 1937. Katya Komarovsky is studying medicine in Glasgow, living among friends and eager to begin her career as a doctor. But when her spendthrift parents announce that they’ve run out of money and are facing ruin—and that she’ll now have to support them by working as a governess in Vienna—the life she’s dreamed of goes up in smoke. Furiously resentful, Katya rages at her wealthy employer, Thor, for stealing her future—and saddling her with twelve-year-old Gretchen, a deeply troubled child who has only a blazing musical talent to redeem her. Yet as Katya grudgingly digs into her reserves of compassion, she finds herself losing her heart to both father and daughter. Storm clouds are gathering, though, and when Hitler annexes Austria, patriot Thor is arrested, leaving Katya wholly responsible for saving ‘imperfect’ Gretchen from being forced into a Nazi medical research laboratory. With the terrifying uncertainty of the new world order, can Katya and Gretchen flee to safety? And dare they dream of ever seeing Thor again?
Baen Books Captain Vorpatril's Alliance
Book Fourteen in the best-selling Vorkosigan series! Captain Ivan Vorpatril is happy with his relatively uneventful bachelor's life of a staff officer to a Barrayaran admiral. Ivan, cousin to Imperial troubleshooter Miles Vorkosigan, is not far down the hereditary list for the emperorship. Thankfully, new heirs have directed that headache elsewhere, leaving Ivan to enjoy his life on Komarr, far from the Byzantine court politics of his home system. But when an old friend in Barrayaran intelligence asks Ivan to protect an attractive young woman who may be on the hit list of a criminal syndicate, Ivan's chivalrous nature takes over. It seems danger and adventure have once more found Captain Vorpatril!
New York University Press Front of the House, Back of the House: Race and Inequality in the Lives of Restaurant Workers
Honorable Mention, Mirra Komarovsky Book Award, given by the Eastern Sociological Society 2021 Outstanding Academic Title, Choice Magazine How workers navigate race, gender, and class in the food service industry Two unequal worlds of work exist within the upscale restaurant scene of Los Angeles. White, college-educated servers operate in the front of the house—also known as the public areas of the restaurant—while Latino immigrants toil in the back of the house and out of customer view. In Front of the House, Back of the House, Eli Revelle Yano Wilson shows us what keeps these workers apart, exploring race, class, and gender inequalities in the food service industry. Drawing on research at three different high-end restaurants in Los Angeles, Wilson highlights why these inequalities persist in the twenty-first century, pointing to discriminatory hiring and supervisory practices that ultimately grant educated whites access to the most desirable positions. Additionally, he shows us how workers navigate these inequalities under the same roof, making sense of their jobs, their identities, and each other in a world that reinforces their separateness. Front of the House, Back of the House takes us behind the scenes of the food service industry, providing a window into the unequal lives of white and Latino restaurant workers.
New York University Press Front of the House, Back of the House: Race and Inequality in the Lives of Restaurant Workers
Honorable Mention, Mirra Komarovsky Book Award, given by the Eastern Sociological Society 2021 Outstanding Academic Title, Choice Magazine How workers navigate race, gender, and class in the food service industry Two unequal worlds of work exist within the upscale restaurant scene of Los Angeles. White, college-educated servers operate in the front of the house—also known as the public areas of the restaurant—while Latino immigrants toil in the back of the house and out of customer view. In Front of the House, Back of the House, Eli Revelle Yano Wilson shows us what keeps these workers apart, exploring race, class, and gender inequalities in the food service industry. Drawing on research at three different high-end restaurants in Los Angeles, Wilson highlights why these inequalities persist in the twenty-first century, pointing to discriminatory hiring and supervisory practices that ultimately grant educated whites access to the most desirable positions. Additionally, he shows us how workers navigate these inequalities under the same roof, making sense of their jobs, their identities, and each other in a world that reinforces their separateness. Front of the House, Back of the House takes us behind the scenes of the food service industry, providing a window into the unequal lives of white and Latino restaurant workers.
Johns Hopkins University Press Future Perfect
The latest dazzling collection of poems from Charles Martin, a modern poet working within the possibilities of traditional measures.To be modern is to live not in a single era, but in a churn of new technologies, deep history, myth, literary traditions, and contemporary cultural memes. In Future Perfect, Charles Martin’s darkly comic new collection, the poet explores our time and the times that come before and after, which we inhabit and cultivate in memory and imagination. Through poems that play with form and challenge expectation, Martin examines the continuities that persist from time immemorial to the future perfect.Sensitive to the traces left behind by the lives of his characters, Martin follows their tracks, reflections, echoes, and shadows. In “From Certain Footprints Found at Laetoli,” an ancient impression preserved in volcanic ash conjures up a family scene three million years past. In “The Last Resort of Mr. Kees” and “Mr. Kees Goes to a Party,” Martin adopts the persona of the vanished poet Weldon Kees to reimagine his disappearance. “Letter from Komarovo, 1962” retells the tense real-life meeting between Anna Akhmatova and Robert Frost a year before their nations almost destroyed one another. And in the titular sonnet sequence that ends the book, Martin conjures a childhood in the Bronx under the shadow of the mushroom cloud of nuclear war as the perfected future supplanting the present.Introducing Buck Rogers to Randall Jarrell and combining new translations or reinterpretations of works by Ovid, G. G. Belli, Octavio Paz, and Euripides, Future Perfect further establishes Charles Martin as a master of invention.
Little, Brown Book Group Blood on the Siberian Snow: A charming murder mystery set in a village full of secrets
'Quirky and colourful' Times Crime Club'An absolute delight' L C Tyler'This intriguing but charming murder mystery is packed with psychological depth and wonderfully-drawn characters' Eleanor Ray'A cast of colourful characters decorate this cosy Siberian crime' The Sun Winter has come early to the tiny Siberian village of Roslazny, but for Olga Pushkin, aspiring writer and Railway Engineer (Second Class), it only makes leaving the harder. Olga is being forced overseas by her jealous superior, and now faces two years in exile from her beloved rail-side hut, her white-breasted hedgehog Dmitri, and Vassily Marushkin, sergeant-in-charge at the tiny Roslazny police station.Fate seems to intervene when Olga's train crashes outside Roslazny, shutting the line and killing two on board - local celebrity Danyl Petrovich and his wife, Anoushka. But Vassily Marushkin soon discovers that the Trans-Siberian locomotive was derailed on purpose. As the weather closes in, trapping the villagers - and the suspects - inside, Vassily begins a murder investigation in which Olga and her long-lost friend, Nevena Komarov, soon become closely involved.But murder and extreme weather isn't all Olga has to deal with. Recalcitrant publishers, haunted police stations, and embarrassing online exposés combine to make this early winter a particularly challenging one - with the threat of a forced departure still looming as soon as the weather lifts. Can Olga find out who killed the Petroviches, secure the release of her book, exorcise the ghost, and save her job, all at the same time?'The whole atmosphere of the village and the two main characters... are evoked with charm and panache A novel to treasure' A. N. WilsonPraise for Death on the Trans-Siberian Express'The book is an absolute delight, evocative equally of the frozen steppes, bad vodka and worse sausage, and full of larger than life characters. Olga Pushkin is an endearing protagonist, who is hopefully set for a series as long as the Trans Siberian Railway.' L C Tyler'Written with a warmth that would thaw Siberia, this intriguing but charming murder mystery is packed with psychological depth and wonderfully-drawn characters. It also features the best hedgehog I've met in a novel.' Eleanor Ray