Search results for ""author george"
Reach Publishers George and the Nightmare
Book 5 in the Gorgeous George series. Ella has a nightmare and George is worried that he is also going to start having Nightmares, until he meets his very own Night-Mare.
North Star Editions George Washington
This informative book guides young readers through the early life, presidency, and legacy of George Washington. The book also includes an "Issue Spotlight" special feature, several "Did You Know" facts, a table of contents, quiz questions, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. This Focus Readers title is at the Beacon level, aligned to reading levels of grades 2-3 and interest levels of grades 3-5.
University Press of Mississippi Conversations with George Saunders
Besides being one of America’s most celebrated living authors, George Saunders (b. 1958) is also an excellent interview subject. In the fourteen interviews included in Conversations with George Saunders, covering nearly twenty years of his career, the Booker Prize–winning author of Lincoln in the Bardo and Tenth of December provides detailed insight into his own writing process and craft, alongside nuanced interpretations of his own work. He also delves into aspects of his biography, including anecdotes from his childhood and his experiences as both a student and teacher in MFA programs, as well as reflections on how parenthood affected his writing, the role of religious belief and practice in his work, and how he has dealt with his growing popularity and fame. Throughout this collection, we see him in conversation with former students, fellow writers, mainstream critics, and literary scholars. In each instance, Saunders is eager to engage in meaningful dialogue about what he calls the "big questions of our age." In a number of interviews, he reflects on the moral and ethical responsibility of fiction, as well as how his work engages with issues of social and political commentary. But at the same time, these interviews, like all of Saunders’s best work, are funny, warm, surprising, and wise. Saunders says he has "always enjoyed doing interviews" in part because he views "intense, respectful conversation [as], really, an artform—an exploration of sorts." Readers of this volume will have the pleasure of joining him in this process of exploration.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc George Michael's Faith
On Saturday, June 28, 1986, George Michael picked up his tasselled leather jacket, walked out of London’s Wembley Stadium and cheerfully tore up five years of glittering pop history. He’d just disposed of Wham!, the band he’d formed with school friend Andrew Ridgeley when they were teenagers, and now, at 23, he knew he was all grown up. He just needed to convince everyone else. Faith is what happens when you’ve outstripped your dreams, your peers, your friends and your fans, and no one’s caught up yet. It’s about pouring all of that confusion, insecurity and sizzling ambition into music that comes out confused, insecure and ambitious – and then selling 25 million copies of it. George Michael was always preparing for this and, in the process, he set a template for all disaffected singers making that move. This book examines that model and the themes that went into Faith – from engaging in politics to crossing over to a Black audience and writing classic pop songs to endure – and speaks to the surviving key players to tell the story of how it was made.
Taylor & Francis Ltd George Sand and Autobiography
This book discusses George Sand's autobiography "Histoire de ma Vie" from a variety of perspectives - thematic, structural and stylistic - and examines the often contradictory images of the author/narrator that emerge, in particular, from Sand's confused and ambivalent attitude to her gender. At each point, Sand's intriguing work is placed in the context of modern autobiographical and feminist theory, and measured against the conventions of traditional male autobiography. What emerges is a hybrid, androgynous text that combines different modes and voices, giving a unique access to the person of the author herself, both as she wished to appear and as she appears in spite of herself.
Penguin Young Readers Good Job, George!
From the bestselling author of Fancy Nancy comes a book about George, a little boy who is always eager to help!From the bestselling duo Jane O'Connor and Andrew Joyner comes a story about George, who is a very helpful boy. He feeds his dog, Pogo, and helps around the house. It's no surprise everyone's always saying, "Good job, George!" When his parents decide to paint a room in their house, he knows it is the perfect job for him. But the painting doesn't go as planned for George, when a very hungry Pogo has different plans.Good Job, George is perfect for little helpers; whether they're in the classroom or in the house, children and adults alike will find George endearing and relatable.
University Press of Mississippi George Stevens: Interviews
At first glance, George Stevens (1904Ð1975) appears to be the quintessential Hollywood director. A closer look at his achievements shows him to be more than just the creator of some of the smartest melodramas and comedies of the 1930s and 1940s, including Annie Oakley, Swing Time, and Gunga Din. Several of his films--Giant, The Diary of Anne Frank, Shane, The Greatest Story Ever Told, and A Place in the Sun--are regarded as some of the most important and enduring dramas of postwar American cinema. As a leading producer and director of his era, Stevens repeatedly pushed against the Hollywood grain and clashed with censors. George Stevens: Interviews showcases the deep moral vision of a director who is as meticulous, discerning, and contemplative in his conversations as he is as a filmmaker. Although not regarded as an auteur during his career, Stevens can now be understood as one of America's most personal and distinguished directors. Throughout this collection, his increasing concern over the control of his films is evident, and, like Alfred Hitchcock and Howard Hawks, he became a producer/director who claimed absolute control over his work. His interviews show a man committed to his chosen art and fully aware of the responsibilities that come with that choice. Paul Cronin is a writer and filmmaker.
The History Press Ltd George V's Children
The six children of King George V and Queen Mary all lived to maturity except the youngest, Prince John. The eldest, who was Prince of Wales and heir to the throne, reigned as King Edward VIII for less than a year. His infamous romance with Mrs Simpson plunged the country into the abdication crisis and led both of them into a long period of exile. King George VI, who reluctantly and unexpectedly ascended to the throne, was a shy man, handicapped by a speech impediment and a sense of his own inadequacy. However, together with his Consort, Queen Elizabeth, and the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, he gave the nation spirited guidance throughout World War II. Both surviving younger brothers served in the armed forces during war-time. Henry, Duke of Gloucester, was Governor General of Australia from 1944-6 and crowned his military career with promotion to the rank of Field-Marshal. George, Duke of Kent, an officer in the RAF, was tragically killed on active service in 1942. The only sister, Mary, Princess Royal, worked both as a nurse, and a royal ambassador abroad. This book tells the story of the family.
UCLan Publishing My Brother George
Molly’s brother George tells funny jokes and has the best laugh! When they are together, they have all sorts of adventures, whether that’s on the beach, climbing trees or snuggling on the sofa at home. Sometimes other children laugh at George and don’t understand that his long hair and clips are just part of who he is and how he is. An uplifting story about daring to be different, but finding our place as part of loving, happy families.
University of Wales Press David Lloyd George
The majority of historians have viewed Lloyd George's early career to 1896 as superficial and merely the precursor to his successes at Westminster. Emyr Price provides an altogether different view. Based on original research he asserts that Lloyd George had a very strong commitment to Home Rule (and was the first modern Welsh nationalist), official status for the Welsh language and strong labour legislation and that he campaigned fearlessly against the tide (especially within his own party) to being these measures about. His decision to become a careerist politician after 1896 was the only way he could further the cause of Welsh 'national movement'. Price also investigates Lloyd George's 'Welsh' perception of the major issues that dominated his period of power at Westminster (1908-1922) including Ireland and how these Welsh and Celtic values determined his actions.
HENI Publishing Gilbert & George: The Great Exhibition
This new title celebrates 50 years of the creative force of nature that is the artistic partnership of Gilbert & George. Published in cooperation with the LUMA Foundation in Arles, France, on the occasion of their retrospective exhibition on show from 2 July to 23 September 2018. The book will feature five interviews with Gilbert & George by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Daniel Birnbaum, one for each decade of their practice. This title will be heavily illustrated with examples of Gilbert & George's artworks from their early years to their most recent series. Designed by Gilbert & George themselves, The Great Exhibition will feature their trademark style and panache. Introduced by a text co-authored by Obrist and Birnbaum, this publication will also feature several extracts from Michael Bracewell's 2017 publication What is Gilbert & George?. All text will be presented in both French and English.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc George Marshall: A Biography
"Elegant and iconoclastic ...refreshing ...persuasive."-NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW Here is the first biography to offer a complete picture of the life of George C. Marshall, chief of staff of the U.S. Army from 1939 to 1945 and the military leader who actually ran World War II for America as he oversaw all personnel and logistics. Following Marshall from his childhood in western Pennsylvania and his training at the Virginia Military Institute to his role during and after World War II and his death in 1959 at the age of seventy-eight, this biography casts light on the inspiration he took from historical role models, such as George Washington and Robert E. Lee, and his relationships with military brass, the Washington political establishment, and world leaders, from Harry Truman to Chiang Kai-shek. It also explores Marshall's triumphs and defeats during World War II, and his contributions through two critical years of the emerging Cold War-including the transformative Marshall Plan, which saved Western Europe from Soviet domination, and his failed attempt to unite China's Nationalists and Communists. Based on exhaustive research and filled with rich detail, George Marshall is sure to be hailed as the definitive work on one of the most influential figures in American history. "A grand but judicious biography of a fascinating man."-Evan Thomas, author of Ike's Bluff
Bloodaxe Books Ltd Reading George Szirtes
George Szirtes is a leading figure in contemporary poetry in England and in Hungary, the country of his birth. His poems explore - in a wide variety of complex, skilfully handled forms - his origins, his life, and his critical engagements with works by other poets and artists. They offer powerful and moving meditations on the roles and functions of the poet in the modern world. "Reading George Szirtes" offers the first sustained analysis of Szirtes' work, mapping his development chronologically and thematically, and paying close attention to form and technique in its analysis of each poem.Haunted by his family's knowledge and experience of war, occupation and the Holocaust, as well as by loss, danger and exile, all of Szirtes' poetry covers universal themes: love, desire and illusion; loyalty and betrayal; history, art and memory; humanity and truth. Throughout his work, there is a conflict between two states of mind, the possibility of happiness and apprehension of disaster. These are played out especially in his celebrated long poems and extended sequences, "The Photographer in Winter", "Metro", "The Courtyards", "An English Apocalypse" and "Reel". John Sears offers detailed and lucid readings of these and other key poems - including Szirtes' most recent poetry - relating them to historical events and to work by other poets. "Reading George Szirtes" is a critical companion volume to George Szirtes' "New and Collected Poems". Both books are published on Szirtes' 60th birthday.
Arcadia Publishing (SC) St. George
Houghton Mifflin Curious George
HarperCollins Publishers Inc George Balanchine
Outlook Verlag George Whitefield
MP-MPP University Press of Mississippi George P233rez
Pebble Books George Washington
HarperCollins Publishers George MacDonald
An 365-day anthology of readings from one of the most influential writers of all time, George MacDonald, compiled by CS Lewis himself. MacDonald was a major Christian writer of the late nineteenth, early twentieth centuries. He influenced nearly everyone who was a major twentieth century writer (including Lewis Carroll, WH Auden, JRR Tolkien, Walter de la Mare, and CS Lewis. Not only was he a pioneer in the fantasy fiction genre, laying the path for people like Tolkien to write Lord of the Rings, but also a major Christian thinker, which influenced Lewis profoundly. Lewis, in fact, wrote that MacDonald was his ‘master’, and said ‘I know hardly any other writer who seems to be closer, or more continually close, to the Spirit of Christ Himself.’ These words will challenge and uplift you, and illuminate the faith which underpins all of CS Lewis’s popular and enduring writing.
Taylor & Francis Ltd George Herbert Mead
George Herbert Mead (1863-1931) is widely seen as the father of symbolic interactionism. He is celebrated as probably the most original and important American sociologist of the twentieth century. This collection of critical assessments shows why Mead is important for symbolic interactionism. But it also traces Mead''s influence in social behaviourism and theories of the mind. The articles are gathered together in four sections: section one considers the Biography and Intellectual context of Mead''s work, special attention is paid to Mead''s links with Pragmatism, Social Reform, the `Chicago School'', social behavioursm and symbolic interactionism. Section two, is devoted to Mead and symbolic interactionism. Section three, focuses on the links between Mead and behaviourism. The final section contains articles exploring Mead''s theory of the mind, which many now see as the most important area of his work.
Henry Holt & Company Inc The Book of George
From the author of the critically acclaimed Laura & Emma comes a The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. for our times: Kate Greathead''s razor-sharp but big-hearted excavation of millennial masculinity, The Book of George.If you haven't had the misfortune of dating a George, you know someone who has. He's a young man brimming with potential but incapable of following through; sweet yet noncommittal to his long-suffering girlfriend; distant from but still reliant on his mother; charmingly funny one minute, sullenly brooding the next. Here, Kate Greathead paints one particular, unforgettable George in a series of droll and surprisingly poignant snapshots of his life over two decades.Despite his failings, it's hard not to root for George at least a little. Beneath his cynicism is a reservoir of fondness for his girlfriend, Jenny, and her valiant willingness to put up with him. Each demonstration of his flaws is paired with a self-eviscerating comme
Johns Hopkins University Press George Herbert's Lyrics
Originally published in 1968. The main purpose of this book is to demonstrate that George Herbert is one of the great masters of lyric poetry. Stein discusses Herbert's diction, imagery, syntax, and rhythm in light of his organization of the imaginative materials of time and self-consciousness and in light of his development of a rhetoric through which he could master the intimacies of personal failure and (what is far more difficult) express in language convincingly sincere states of positive religious achievement.
University of Illinois Press George Frederick Bristow
As American classical music struggled for recognition in the mid-nineteenth century, George Frederick Bristow emerged as one of its most energetic champions and practitioners. Katherine K. Preston explores the life and works of a figure admired in his own time and credited today with producing the first American grand opera and composing important works that ranged from oratorios to symphonies to chamber music. Preston reveals Bristow's passion for creating and promoting music, his skills as a businessman and educator, the respect paid him by contemporaries and students, and his tireless work as both a composer and in-demand performer. As she examines Bristow against the backdrop of the music scene in New York City, Preston illuminates the little-known creative and performance culture that he helped define and create. Vivid and richly detailed, George Frederick Bristow enriches our perceptions of musical life in nineteenth-century America.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc George and His Shadow
One morning, when George walks into his kitchen, he finds someone sitting at his table. "Who are you?" he asks. "I'm your shadow," answers the shadow. The shadow follows George-for a walk on the street, fishing on the pier at Coney Island, and everywhere else George goes. Who is this shadow? Is he an annoying pest? Is he a friend? Or is he both? From the award-winning pair behind I Can't Wait and The Enemy comes a sweet, silly, and often poignant look at how unexpected friendship can be. With mod, quirky art full of personality from Serge Bloch (Butterflies in My Stomach and The Big Adventure of a Little Line) and a disarming text from Davide Cali (I Didn't Do My Homework Because ...), George and His Shadow is charming! Perfect for fans of Leo: A Ghost Story and Imaginary Fred.
Hodder & Stoughton George, Don't Do That . . .
Brilliantly observed, funny, bittersweet, Joyce Grenfell's witty sketches and songs never fail to entertain. This edition contains all the material in the original volumes of George, Don't Do That and Stately as a Galleon, including the bloodthirsty 'Ethel' and the unforgettable nursery school monologues.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Galapagos George
Amazon Publishing When Rosie Walks George
From a New York Times bestselling author and a New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Book honoree, a heartfelt story about taking time to enjoy those you’re with and the world around you.George is an old dog, and he doesn’t run fast anymore. But he still needs a walk, and each day, Mother, Dad, and the big kids take turns. Rosie, the little one, trails behind. George doesn’t hurry. And he always, always keeps an eye on Rosie. Imbued with warmth, this lovely oceanside tale from New York Times bestselling author Amy Hest and two-time New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Book honoree Taeeun Yoo celebrates the idea of quiet, unhurried moments with loved ones and the beautiful connection between young and old.
Faber & Faber The Madness of George III
George III's behaviour has often been odd, but now he is deranged, with rumours circulating that he has even addressed an oak tree as the King of Prussia. Doctors are brought in, the government wavers and the Prince Regent manoeuvres himself into power.Alan Bennett's play explores the court of a mad king, and the fearful treatments he was forced to undergo. It is about the nature of kingship itself, showing how by subtle degrees the ruler's delirium erodes his authority and status.The Madness of George III premiered at the National Theatre, London, in November 1991.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd George Washington and the Magic Hat: George Washington and the Magic Hat
Adventure, history, and the drama of family life intertwine in this engrossing tale of a fifth-grade girl struggling to find her place after her mom remarries and she finds herself stuck with a younger stepbrother. Find out what happens when Ava and her newly blended family take a trip to Boston, where she buys a magic bobblehead and is unexpectedly transported to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. As Ava and her stepbrother, J. P., travel back and forth with John and Abigail Adams and their children, from Massachusetts, to Philadelphia, to the White House, to France, she learns about history, friendship, and how to deal with new situations, including her recently blended family. This sequel to The President and Me: George Washington and the Magic Hat features some of the same characters.
Capstone Press George Washington
Ventorros Press Limited Gross George
Bolinda Publishing Arthur & George
MP-GRY Grey House Publishing George Orwell
Entredos Ladra, George!
HarperCollins Bark George
Moody Publishers George Müller
Penguin Putnam Inc George Marshall
Random House Children's Books Meet George Washington
George Washington grew up in the English colony of Virginia. He was tall and strong, fair in judgment, and respected by his friends as agood leader. As he grew older, George saw how England took advantage of the American colonies—and he didn't like it. When the colonies declared their independence, George was chosen to lead their army as its general. And when the colonies won their freedom, George was elected to lead the new nation as its first president.
D Giles Ltd Canova's George Washington
This fascinating book tells the story of a little-known masterpiece by the Italian sculptor Antonio Canova (1757-1822)-the statue of George Washington for the North Carolina State House, delivered in 1821 and destroyed by fire ten years later. It brings together for the first time Canova's full-sized preparatory plaster model, sketches, engravings, drawings, and a selection of Thomas Jefferson's letters about the commission. This is a major addition to the current body of published knowledge on the work of Antonio Canova, as well as on the classical revivalist sculpture of the early nineteenth century on both sides of the Atlantic.
John Murray Press George Mackay Brown
George Mackay Brown was one of Scotland's greatest twentieth-century writers, but in person a bundle of paradoxes. He had a wide international reputation, but hardly left his native Orkney. A prolific poet, admired by such fellow poets as Seamus Heaney, Ted Hughes and Charles Causley, and hailed by the composer Peter Maxwell Davies as 'the most positive and benign influence ever on my own efforts at creation', he was also an accomplished novelist (shortlisted for the 1994 Booker Prize for Beside the Ocean of Time) and a master of the short story. When he died in 1996, he left behind an autobiography as deft as it is ultimately uninformative. 'The lives of artists are as boring and also as uniquely fascinating as any or every other life,' he claimed. Never a recluse, he appeared open to his friends, but probably revealed more of himself in his voluminous correspondence with strangers. He never married - indeed he once wrote, 'I have never been in love in my life.' But some of his most poignant letters and poems were written to Stella Cartwright, 'the Muse of Rose Street', the gifted but tragic figure to whom he was once engaged and with whom he kept in touch until the end of her short life.Maggie Fergusson interviewed George Mackay Brown several times and is the only biographer to whom he, a reluctant subject, gave his blessing. Through his letters and through conversations with his wide acquaintance, she discovers that this particular artist's life was not only fascinating but vivid, courageous and surprising.
Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books George: George Washington, Our Founding Father
Cengage Learning, Inc Curious George Gets a Medal
After repeatedly disastrous efforts to get himself out of trouble, George ends up being the first monkey in space. AUTHOR: Hans Augusto Rey was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1898. As a child, he spent much of his free time in that city's famous Hagenbeck Zoo drawing animals. After serving in the army during World War I, he studied philology and natural science at the University of Hamburg. He then married Margret Rey and they moved to Montmartre for four years. The manuscript for the first Curious George books was one of the few items the Reys carried with them on their bicycles when they escaped from Paris in 1940. Eventually, they made their way to the United States, and Curious George was published in 1941. Curious George has been published in many languages, including French, German, Japanese, Afrikaans, and Norwegian. Additional Curious George books followed, as well as such other favorites as Cecily G. and the Nine Monkeys and Find the Constellations. ILLUSTRATIONS: Colour throughout
Headline Publishing Group George Cross Heroes
In a broadcast to the nation in September 1940 King George VI announced the institution of the George Cross - a civilian equivalent of the Victoria Cross awarded to recognize the many acts of supreme gallantry being performed outside of the battlefield.From Thomas Alderson, the first recipient of the medal, who heroically rescued several people from trapped houses during one terrible Blitz night, to Lance Corporal Matthew Croucher, who threw himself onto a live grenade in the Helmand province to save the lives of his comrades (and somehow survived), to Barbara Harrison, an air stewardess who died in 1968 after helping many passengers escape from an onboard fire, this book tells the amazing stories of everyone of the George Cross's 159 direct recipients.GEORGE CROSS HEROES pays tribute to the extraordinary courage displayed by so many of the commonwealth's men and women in so many incredible situations over the last 70 years.
Penguin Random House Children's UK George and the Dragon
'Far, far away in the high, high mountains in a deep, deep valley in a dark, dark cave - there lived a mighty dragon.' He was an awesome and frightening creature, terrorising whole armies, destroying castles, demolishing forests and kidnapping princesses. But this mighty dragon had a deep, dark secret. . . .Uncover a charming tale of adventure, a dragon, and an unlikely hero. Told with gentle humour and mesmerising illustrations, this is a picture book to enchant and delight. This stunning new edition is perfect for new readers, as well as fans of George, the Dragon and the Princess. This much-loved classic tale comes from the exceptional storyteller and illustrator, Chris Wormell.
Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation George Gershwin
Kopp Verlag George Soros
HarperCollins Curious George Plays Soccer
The original Curious George book was written over 75 years ago and George has been delighting readers of all ages ever since!