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Arcturus Publishing Ltd The New Sharks and Ocean Life Encyclopedia
Dive into an amazing underwater world with this extraordinary hardback encyclopedia for young readers, packed with astounding facts and full-colour wildlife photography. With profiles on many different types of sharks, plus jellyfish, tropical fish, whales and other amazing sea creatures, this guide is perfect for children working on a school project, or simply the ocean obsessed! In-depth information is presented in a way that is engaging and accessible to young readers, with detailed fact-boxes summarising the key characteristics of each creature. Covering anatomy, survival instincts, habitats and more, this wonderfully visual encyclopedia is sure to intrigue and amuse children aged 8+.ABOUT THE SERIES: The Arcturus New Encyclopedia series uses stunning photography, fabulous facts and useful diagrams to introduce a variety of subjects - from the animal kingdom to world geography. Great to dip into, these reference guides are a staple
Arcturus Publishing Ltd The New Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia
Explore the worlds of science and nature in this beautifully illustrated reference guide for curious young readers, featuring lavish artwork by Marc Pattenden.Delve into fascinating subjects such as animals and plants, space and telescopes, electricity and magnetism, the human body and its cells. You will discover living things from microscopic bacteria to the world''s largest animal, the blue whale, which grows to 29.9 m (98 ft) long. You can find out about atoms, which are the building blocks of everything from hissing snakes to super-hot stars more than 2 billion km (1.2 billion miles) wide. You will find out how seeds grow and black holes destroy, why balls bounce and ice melts.Based on the latest understanding of the natural sciences, from physics to chemistry, biology to geology, medicine to ecology, this is a definitive guide to nature, the planet, space, and everything we know to exist.A mind-expanding read for children aged 8+.
Arcturus Editions Children's Encyclopedia of Sharks
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Amber Books Ltd Hidden Places
From the psychedelic salt mines of Yekaterinburg in Siberia to the rugged, green-tinted Copper Canyon in the Sierra Madre in Mexico, Hidden Places roams across the globe in search of hidden treasures and secret places off the beaten track. Explore the Silfra Deep Trench in Iceland, where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates meet to create a remarkable rift and freshwater dive site; experience the weirdest of woodland walks through the Crooked Forest in Pomerania, Poland, where a grove of 400 pines are uniformly curved; marvel at the colourful, gold-plated temple of Doi Suthep in northern Thailand; or visit the world's highest sand dune, Grande Dune du Pilat, on the Bordeaux coast. Each location is accompanied by a caption explaining the geography and history of the place. Illustrated with 180 colour photographs, Hidden Places ranges from the sparse landscape of the Arctic Circle to the rich rainforests of the Amazon basin. Read this book and discover the s
Amber Books Ltd Abandoned Islands
Exploring some of the world’s eeriest places, Abandoned Islands features American civil war forts, Europe’s last leper colony and South Atlantic whaling stations, along with once grand mansions and colonial settlements and churches, and much more. Arranged geographically, the book takes us from New York’s East River to islands off Alaska, from a French Napoleonic-era fort off the coast of Normandy to deserted villages on remote Scottish isles, from Venetian sanatoria to Croatian penal colonies, Japanese mining colonies to Sudanese deserted ports and abandoned atolls in the Indian Ocean. Leafing through these pages, the reasons for abandonment are revealed: climate change sealing off fresh water or river channels, shifting economic forces making life too hard, religious conflict, or wars disrupting daily life – or the absence of war rendering a military settlement unnecessary. With more than 180 outstanding colour photographs and fascinating captions, Abandoned Islands is a brilliant pictorial exploration of lost worlds.
Quarto Publishing PLC Rock Explorer: Fossils
Did you know that thousands of years ago the ancient Chinese found dinosaur fossils and thought they were dragon bones? Or that everyone thought the coelacanth fish had been extinct for 66 million years, and then in 1938 living coelacanths were discovered off the coast of Africa? Fossils are the remains of animals and plants that lived thousands or millions of years ago and are the best way for us to understand how we, and other species, have evolved over time. This comprehensive and accessible introduction to palaeontology shows the beliefs and myths that have advanced – and inhibited – our understanding of evolution. Full of facts and photos of real-life excavations from all over the , world, it gives advice on where to find fossils and how to treat ancient remains with care. A brilliant first introduction to palaeontology, featuring awesome photography that captures ancient fossils.
Hachette Children's Group Nature's Classroom: Weather
Are snowflakes identical? How are rainbows made?Welcome to the wonderful world of weather, where you'll learn about different types of cloud, how the water cycle works, and discover why Earth's climate is changing and what we can all do to help.Nature's Classroom looks at the nature we can find all around us, and what we can learn from it. The bite-size chunks of information, bright illustrations and fun outdoor activities, such as making a mini tornado in a bottle, will leave readers feeling inspired by nature.Perfect for children aged 7+
Hachette Children's Group Geology Rocks!: The Rock Cycle
Explore the building blocks of our planet with fun jokes, cartoons and hands-on activities.Find out how the rock cycle makes, changes and destroys Earth's rocks. Explore how violent volcanoes can create new rock, but water and wind can break and take away rock. Experiment with making your own rocks, rivers and juddering tectonic plates.This book is part of the Geology Rocks series. This collection of books examines the Earth's make up, from the different types of rock it is made from to discovering the structure of the planet itself, and how tectonic plates relate to earthquakes and volcanoes.Perfect for readers 7 and up.
Hachette Children's Group Stupendous and Tremendous Science: Powerful and Pongy Plants
Say goodbye to boring biology with this fast-fact-packed tour of the world of plants. It's the perfect way for children aged 9 plus to brush up on their S.T.E.M. stats and cement what they have learned in class with this fun book.Plants explores the oddest, weirdest and most interesting facts about and features of plants in bite-sized chunks of text, so readers won't be overwhelmed with information. Funny illustrations and photos are designed to hold their interest, and help them engage with S.T.E.M. topics.Plants takes a look at plant parts - such as leaves and flowers - and their functions. It looks at the ingenious ways plants pollinate, grow and defend themselves, and how some even eat animals to survive. There is also a fun activity all about revealing the colours of leaves for budding STEMsters to try out, too.The Stupendous and Tremendous Science series is ideal for all children aged 9+ who are studying S.T.E.M. topics at school or who simply have a fascination with science. It covers all the core topics in a fun and accessible way.Title in the series:Ecstatic and Excellent EnergyHappy and Healthy Human BodyPowerful and Pongy PlantsSoaring and Spectacular Space
Hachette Children's Group Stupendous and Tremendous Technology: Mega and Mighty Machines
Say hello to the marvels of machinery with this fast-fact-packed exploration of all things mechanical. It's the perfect way for children aged 9 plus to brush up on their S.T.E.M. stats and cement what they have learned in class with this fun book.Machines explores the most interesting, weird and awe-inspiring facts about all kinds of machine in bite-sized chunks of text, so readers won't be overwhelmed with information. Funny illustrations and photos are designed to hold their interest, and help them engage with S.T.E.M. topics.Machines takes a look at the six simples machines, including wheels, levers and inclined planes as well as more complex machines, such as pulleys, springs and hydraulics. There is also a fun activity to build a marshmallow-flinging catapult for budding STEMsters to try out!The Stupendous and Tremendous Technology series is ideal for all children aged 9+ who are studying S.T.E.M. topics at school or who simply have a fascination with how things work. It covers all the core topics in a fun and accessible way.Title in the series:Clever and Crafty ComputersMega and Mighty MachinesRemarkable and Roving RobotsTerrific and Trailblazing TransportAlso available is Stupendous and Tremendous Science:Ecstatic and Excellent EnergyHappy and Healthy Human BodyPowerful and Pongy PlantsSoaring and Spectacular Space
Hachette Children's Group Why do we remember?: The Battle of Hastings
Why Do We Remember?: The Battle of Hastings looks at the gripping events that led up to the famous battle of Hastings in 1066 and the following Norman conquest of Anglo-Saxon Britain. This simple, friendly children's first history series, aimed at readers aged 5 and up, takes a close look at some key events and personalities through history and reveals how and why they are still important to us today. A perfect support to learning about history at Key Stage 1, each book uses a rich variety of historical sources, from diaries to paintings, to bring events to life, while simple historical vocabulary is introduced and explained. Each book also features a simple timeline and explores how we find about the past. All text has been carefully checked by a historian.
Hachette Children's Group Nature's Classroom: Plants
Why do some plants eat insects? What makes plants green?Welcome to the wonderful world of plants where you'll learn about different types of seeds, leaves and fruit and discover how plants make food for themselves - and for us!Nature's Classroom looks at the nature we can find all around us, and what we can learn from it. The bite-size chunks of information, bright illustrations and fun outdoor activities will leave readers feeling inspired by nature. Perfect for readers aged 7+
Hachette Children's Group Our World in Crisis Terrorism
What is terrorism? How do terrorists differ from other criminals? What makes some individuals and groups decide to use violence to create terror as a means of achieving their aims? This book looks at the history of terrorism and analyses the motivations for its use. It looks at what is being done to tackle terrorism and asks readers to think about what they can do to help people in countries affected by terrorism, for example by fundraising for organisations supporting victims of terrorist attacks.
Amber Books Ltd Ancient Rome
Think of Rome and you quickly picture so many treasures from the ancient world: the Colosseum, the Circus Maximus, the Pantheon, the Forum. At its height in the 2nd century CE, the Roman Empire, reaching out from its heart in the city of Rome itself, was the most extensive political and social structure in western civilization. Still today, almost 2000 years later, we marvel at how sophisticated and grand Roman society was – and how much of ancient Rome has survived for us to see in the modern Italian metropolis. From public baths to catacombs, from the Appian Way to small frescoes and sculptures, from temples to private houses to aqueducts, Visual Explorer Guide: Ancient Rome shows the reader both the world famous and lesser known sites in the city. What emerges is both a picture of the grandeur of Antiquity, but also the last days of pagan worships, as by Rome’s final days temples were being converted into churches. Small enough to pack in your pocket, Ancient Rome is a fascinating exploration that gives the reader more than a glimpse of the grandeur of ancient Roman life.
Amber Books Ltd The Wild: The World's Most Spectacular Untamed Places
We live in an increasingly urbanised world, but there are still many magnificent stretches of wilderness unaltered by humankind. From the most remote mountains and valleys in Alaska to the southern tip of Chile and Argentina, from Europe’s primeval forest on the Polish-Belarusian border to Norway’s fjords, and from the Namib Desert to Kamchatka in far-eastern Russia to canyons in Kurdistan and rainforests in Cambodia, The Wild celebrates the beauty of uncultivated landscapes all around the globe. Arranged by continent, the book roams across landscapes and climates, from Antarctica’s dry valleys to African burning deserts, from European marshlands to Arabian rugged peaks and on to Tanzania’s craters, Indonesia’s volcanoes and New Zealand’s bubbling mud pools. Each entry is supported with fascinating captions explaining the geology, geography, flora and fauna. In doing so, the book reveals some of the world’s most naturally bizarre places. Illustrated with more than 200 colour photographs, The Wild leads the reader to the planet’s least cultivated places, from jungles to tundras. Take a step into the wild.
Hachette Children's Group The Oceans Explored: Ocean Life
Take a deep dive into the depths of our blue planet with this stunning book all about the ocean - Earth's largest biome.In Ocean Life, beautiful illustrations and striking photographs combine to portray an incredibly variety of creatures that call these watery worlds home. Readers will explore how these animals survive and co-exist and learn about the importance of eco-systems and the delicate balance of life in ocean habitats around the world. For readers aged 7+ who are studying geography, habitats and natural history at key stage 2. The Oceans Explored series is also an excellent resource for children interested in ecology and green issues.Titles in this series:Ocean HabitatsOcean LifeOcean PollutionOceans at Work
Arcturus Publishing Ltd The Ultimate Book of Dinosaurs
Arcturus Publishing Ltd The Ultimate Book of the Human Body
HarperCollins Publishers The Complete Crystal Sourcebook: A practical guide to crystal properties & healing techniques
Features a crystal directory, organised by colour, covers the properties of over 200 stones, as well as their common and historical uses. Crystal healing is a time-honoured mindfulness technique, harnessing the power of nature to inspire peace and wellness. Crystals are fantastic resources for health, luck, beauty, magic, and healing. The Complete Crystal Sourcebook is a comprehensive reference guide that outlines all the key uses for crystals and techniques for working with them, from choosing your stones, laying a crystal grid, treating ailments of the body and mind, and more. A crystal directory, organized by color, coversthe properties of over 200 stones, as well as their common and historical uses. Following this is a directory of ailments, including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Simply look up your issue (such as a broken heart or a build-up of work stress) and a recommended treatment and suggested stones will be provided. This is the only book of its kind that offers an at-a-glance crystal directory, grids, and a visual breakdown of body layout and ailments. The range and magnitude of crystals included makes this book both stunning and a real powerhouse of information. This beautifully designed sourcebook also includes a comprehensive index and a thorough cross-referencing system, to make it easy to find information quickly. The Crystal Sourcebook is the ultimate guide to crystals and crystal healing.
Hachette Children's Group Fun Science: Experiments with Cookery
Making science fun by applying core science learning to high interest hobbies.Have fun with science by trying these exciting, surprising experiments. Beautiful illustrations by Annie Wilkinson show how to master the science and skills with clear step-by-step instructions and easily accessible materials. Encourages readers to free their imagination to ask questions, find their own solutions and create dazzling results as a team.In Fun Science Experiments with Cookery, learn about the science behind baking, fizzing and mixing. Turn a flowing liquid into a crunchy solid. Create chemical reactions to transform your ingredients. Feed friendly bacteria! Add your own twist to all the experiments, then decorate your delicious creations.Suitable for readers 7 and up. Title in the series:Experiments with ArtExperiments with PlantsExperiments with MusicExperiments with Cookery
Hachette Children's Group The Oceans Explored: Oceans at Work
Take a deep dive into the depths of our blue planet with this stunning book all about the ocean - Earth's largest biome.In Oceans at Work, beautiful illustrations and striking photographs combine to help readers explore how humans interact with the ocean and how we have come to depend on it for travel, food and fun. Investigate our use of the seas from seaweed farms to fishing boats, and from whaling to a world cruises. It will inspire young readers to think about how human activity is at times harming our world and the delicate balance of life in ocean and coastal habitats around the world.Each title includes a map of the world highlighting each ocean and what phenomena occur there.For readers aged 7+ who are studying geography, habitats and natural history at key stage 2. The Oceans Explored series is also an excellent resource for children interested in ecology and green issues.Titles in this series:Ocean HabitatsOcean LifeOcean PollutionOceans at Work
Hachette Children's Group The Oceans Explored: Ocean Pollution
Take a deep dive into the depths of our blue planet with this stunning book all about the ocean - Earth's largest biome.In Ocean Pollution, beautiful illustrations and striking photographs combine to help readers explore how ocean habitats are threatened by pollution from industry, farming, litter and human carelessness. It will inspire young readers to think about how human activity is harming our world and the delicate balance of life in ocean and coastal habitats around the world.For readers aged 7+ who are studying geography, habitats and natural history at key stage 2. The Oceans Explored series is also an excellent resource for children interested in ecology and green issues.Titles in this series:Ocean HabitatsOcean LifeOcean PollutionOceans at Work
Hachette Children's Group The Oceans Explored: Ocean Life
Take a deep dive into the depths of our blue planet with this stunning book all about the ocean - Earth's largest biome.In Ocean Life, beautiful illustrations and striking photographs combine to portray an incredibly variety of creatures that call these watery worlds home. Readers will explore how these animals survive and co-exist and learn about the importance of eco-systems and the delicate balance of life in ocean habitats around the world. For readers aged 7+ who are studying geography, habitats and natural history at key stage 2. The Oceans Explored series is also an excellent resource for children interested in ecology and green issues.Titles in this series:Ocean HabitatsOcean LifeOcean PollutionOceans at Work
Arcturus Publishing Ltd The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Animals: An Incredible Journey through the Animal Kingdom
Hachette Children's Group The Oceans Explored: Ocean Pollution
Take a deep dive into the depths of our blue planet with this stunning book all about the ocean - Earth's largest biome.In Ocean Pollution, beautiful illustrations and striking photographs combine to help readers explore how ocean habitats are threatened by pollution from industry, farming, litter and human carelessness. It will inspire young readers to think about how human activity is harming our world and the delicate balance of life in ocean and coastal habitats around the world.For readers aged 7+ who are studying geography, habitats and natural history at key stage 2. The Oceans Explored series is also an excellent resource for children interested in ecology and green issues.Titles in this series:Ocean HabitatsOcean LifeOcean PollutionOceans at Work
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Children's First Encyclopedia: Discover an Amazing World of Knowledge
Arcturus Publishing Girls Can Do Anything
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Kids Build Your Own Space Museum 1
Hachette Children's Group The Oceans Explored: Ocean Habitats
Take a deep dive into the depths of our blue planet with this stunning book all about the ocean - Earth's largest biome.In Ocean Habitats, beautiful illustrations and striking photographs combine to help readers explore some incredibly varied and beautiful underwater and coastal habitats. Readers will explore the depths of the ocean, coral reefs, rock pools and more and be inspired to know more about the animals that live there and the delicate balance of life in ocean habitats around the world.For readers aged 7+ who are studying geography, habitats and natural history at key stage 2. The Oceans Explored series is also an excellent resource for children interested in ecology and green issues.Titles in this series:Ocean HabitatsOcean LifeOcean PollutionOceans at Work
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Dinosaurs: Book and Fact Cards: 128-Page Book & 52 Fact Cards
Thunder Bay Press The Wellness Guide
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet Kids Build Your Own History Museum 1
Arcturus Editions The Ultimate Book of Animals
Hachette Children's Group Master Your Money: Be a Super Saver
A fun, upbeat book that encourages kids to get into good saving habitsBe a Super Saver shows readers the best ways to save money - for example, how to distinguish between 'wants' and 'needs' - and explains the different ways that they can keep their money safe, and even watch it grow over time.Learn all about managing money with Master Your Money - a dynamic series which fosters children's money skills and encourages their independence with sound advice and top tips.The clear information text is tailored to the young readership and recommend only safe, age-appropriate, achievable aims. It will also offer global advice on how to keep your money safe and avoid fraud, as well as explaining the importance of sharing money to help others, if and when you can.Perfect for kids aged 7 and up.
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Epic Myths for Fearless Girls
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Kids Build Your Own History Museum
Calling all archaeologists! A crate has arrived for you and it's packed with treasures from the ancient world! Can you assemble them and assign each to the right room in time for the museum's big opening? Among the treasures to display are an Egyptian sarcophagus, a Greek temple and a Chinese Terracotta Army. Fun, interactive and with lots of facts to discover, Lonely Planet Kids' Build Your Own History Museum is a hands-on way to learn about ancient people, cultures and traditions. It's packed with amazing facts and awesome illustrations that reveal how people all over the world once lived and worked. Perfect for history fans of all ages, this follow-up to Build Your Own Dinosaur Museum features the ancient civilizations Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, Egypt, Greece, China, Rome, the Maya, and the Vikings. About Lonely Planet Kids: Lonely Planet Kids - an imprint of the world's leading travel authority Lonely Planet - published its first book in 2011. Over the past 45 years, Lonely Planet has grown a dedicated global community of travellers, many of whom are now sharing a passion for exploration with their children. Lonely Planet Kids educates and encourages young readers at home and in school to learn about the world with engaging books on culture, sociology, geography, nature, history, space and more. We want to inspire the next generation of global citizens and help kids and their parents to approach life in a way that makes every day an adventure. Come explore!
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Children's First Space Encyclopedia
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Girls Can Do Anything!: 40 Inspirational Activities
Arcturus Publishing Ltd You Can Do Anything!: 40 Inspirational Activities
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Kids Build Your Own Space Museum
Suitable for children ages 6-8You have received a crate of rare space objects from around the world, and it’s up to you to place them in the correct rooms! Follow the instructions to create five amazing pop-ups and assemble the objects in a series of exhibitions in the museum. Learn about everything from Mars rovers to Moon rockets. Hands-on, interactive and illustrated with picture book panache by Mike Love, Science Museum is the perfect gift for fans of Space, craft and model making, combining STEAM and creativity in a fun-packed package.Five featured pop-ups: Solar System Saturn and its Rings Lunar Module Mars Rover Perseverance International Space Station Contents: Introduction & Contents Introduction to Space The Solar System Inner Planets Outer Planets Stars and Galaxies Space capsules Space Planes Rovers International Space Station Where in the Universe? and Space Travel of the Future Build Your Own Space Museum is the latest release in Lonely Planet Kids’ successful Build Your Own series which includes Build Your Own Dinosaur Museum, Build Your Own History Museum, and Build Your Own Science Museum.About Lonely Planet Kids: Lonely Planet Kids - an imprint of the world's leading travel authority Lonely Planet - published its first book in 2011. Over the past 45 years, Lonely Planet has grown a dedicated global community of travellers, many of whom are now sharing a passion for exploration with their children. Lonely Planet Kids educates and encourages young readers at home and in school to learn about the world with engaging books on culture, sociology, geography, nature, history, space and more. We want to inspire the next generation of global citizens and help kids and their parents to approach life in a way that makes every day an adventure. Come explore!
Arcturus Publishing Ltd The New Children's Encyclopedia: Science, Animals, Human Body, Space, and More!
Arcturus Publishing Ltd The New Dinosaur Encyclopedia: Predators & Prey, Flying & Sea Creatures, Early Mammals, and More!
Arcturus Publishing Ltd The New Animal Encyclopedia: Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Sea Creatures, and More!