Search results for ""author arturo""
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Limpieza de sangre / Purity of Blood
Marsilio JR: The Wound
French “photograffeur” JR’s tribute to cultural institutions during COVID-19 Throughout the pandemic, cultural institutions have been forced to shut their doors to the public. Palazzo Strozzi in Florence has commissioned street artist JR (born 1983) to address this unfortunate reality. He has done so by transforming the facade of the Palazzo into a towering photographic collage installation that functions like an anamorphosis: when viewed from a particular vantage point, the distorted image reveals a courtyard, exhibition hall and library. In this volume, JR offers the public a look inside that which, for now, is inaccessible. The Wound (La Ferita) is a poignant reflection on the wound endured by cultural institutions during the pandemic. The book includes a conversation between the artist and curator Arturo Galansino, in which they delve into the genesis and realization of this singular piece.
BiblioLife Las Obras de Arturo Reyes III
Fil Rouge Press Dr Knit's Curious Creatures: Warm-Hearted and Whimsical Knitted Toy Tales and Patterns
Charming yarns spun around a series of artist-made knitted creatures provide entertainment as well as warm-hearted life lessons. The curious creatures with unusual problems arrive daily at Dr Knit’s laboratory and consulting rooms. The solutions he provides will engage and amuse the reader. Enjoy the tale of the owl whose impaired vision turns out to be due to the fact that he is blind to love, and whose enlightenment clears his vision. Or read about the cupcake whose sadness, despite her impressive shoe collection, is the result of the baker forgetting to make her a heart—easily solved by Dr Knit with a little cake-colored knitted heart. Each case study is illustrated with photographs and illustrations that bring the stories to life, while the patterns for the characters and their accessories are supplied at the back of the book.
Duke University Press Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and the Making of Worlds
In Designs for the Pluriverse Arturo Escobar presents a new vision of design theory and practice aimed at channeling design's world-making capacity toward ways of being and doing that are deeply attuned to justice and the Earth. Noting that most design—from consumer goods and digital technologies to built environments—currently serves capitalist ends, Escobar argues for the development of an “autonomous design” that eschews commercial and modernizing aims in favor of more collaborative and placed-based approaches. Such design attends to questions of environment, experience, and politics while focusing on the production of human experience based on the radical interdependence of all beings. Mapping autonomous design’s principles to the history of decolonial efforts of indigenous and Afro-descended people in Latin America, Escobar shows how refiguring current design practices could lead to the creation of more just and sustainable social orders.
Edhasa La marcha Radetzky (bolsillo)
Tomando como núcleo a tres generaciones de la familia Trotta, se narra la decadencia de un apellido, al final de un orden y la disolución definitiva de la sociedad europea. Una obra capital para entender el fin del imperio austrohúngaro.
BookBaby The Elephant on Aaron's Chest
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Colonus
PRH Grupo Editorial Una historia de EspaÃa A History of Spain
Por primera vez un volumen reúne la historia de España escrita por Arturo Pérez-Reverte durante más de cuatro años en su columna «Patente de corso» del XL Semanal. Un relato ameno, personal, a ratos irónico, pero siempre único, de nuestra accidentada historia a través de los siglos. Una obra concebida por el autor para, en palabras suyas, «divertirme, releer y disfrutar; un pretexto para mirar atrás desde los tiempos remotos hasta el presente, reflexionar un poco sobre ello y contarlo por escrito de una manera poco ortodoxa.»A lo largo de los 91 capítulos más el epílogo de los que consta el libro, Arturo Pérez-Reverte narra los principales acontecimientos ocurridos desde los orígenes de nuestra historia y hasta el final de la Transición con una mirada subjetiva, construida con las dosis exactas de lecturas, expe
Stone Bridge Press The Donald Richie Reader: 50 Years of Writing on Japan
No one has written more, or more artfully, about Japan and Japanese culture than Donald Richie. Richie moved to Tokyo just after World War II. And he is still there, still writing. This book is the first compilation of the best of Richie's writings on Japan, with excerpts from his critical work on film (Richie helped introduce Japanese film to the West in the late 1950s) and his unpublished private journal, plus fiction, Zen musings, and masterful essays on culture, travel, people, and style. With a critical introduction and full bibliography. Donald Richie's many books include The Films of Akira Kurosawa, The Japanese Tattoo, and the PBS favorite The Inland Sea. Vienna resident Arturo Silva lived in Japan for 18 years. "To read [The Donald Richie Reader and The Japan Journals] is like diving for pearls. Dip into any part of them and you will surely find treasures about the cinema, literature, traveling, writing. The passages are evocative, erotic, playful, and often profound." - Japanese Language and Literature
Alianza Editorial Antología de la poesía española 18901939
Dentro de la evolución de la literatura española, pocos periodos brillan con tanta intensidad y ofrecen tantas facetas en el ámbito de la poesía como el que va desde fines del siglo XIX hasta el final de la Guerra Civil. La presente " Antología de la poesía española (1890-1939) " es la más completa y actualizada de las que se han realizado hasta ahora sobre este periodo de nuestra historia literaria y reúne, junto a los autores más conocidos, cuya evolución creadora se resume mediante una amplia selección de su obra, a otros menos valorados aunque de reconocida importancia histórica (como algunas voces efímeras vinculadas a la vanguardia), o bien olvidados, por desidia o ignorancia, en las historias de la literatura. A través de la extensa y esclarecedora introducción inicial y de los estudios sobre la vida y la obra que acompañan a cada uno de estos escritores, Arturo Ramoneda (responsable asimismo de la selección) ofrece, paralelamente, una útil visión global de la poesía española de
Alianza Editorial Memorias de ultratumba
François René de Chateaubriand (1768-1848) fundió en las " Memorias de ultratumba " lo individual y lo universal, su vida doméstica y su existencia de estadista. Destinadas a ser publicadas después de su muerte, pudo analizar en ellas con entera libertad su compleja trayectoria literaria, sentimental y política, que incluye una decisiva intervención en 1823 en los asuntos de España, y los sucesos más representativos de la agitada historia francesa de la época: la Revolución Francesa, Napoleón y los reinados de Luis XVIII, Carlos X y Luis Felipe de Orleans, en los que tuvo una activa participación. Especial interés tienen, asimismo, las descripciones de sus viajes por América, Inglaterra, Italia, Jerusalén, Berlín, Venecia, Praga y otros muchos lugares. La presente selección de esta cumbre del género memorialístico ofrece al lector los hitos más relevantes de una obra en la que la distancia entre las fechas de escritura y las de los acontecimientos relatados permitió a su autor establec
En camino con Ignacio prólogo del la hna. Jolanta Kafka
En este libro, preparado con motivo del 500 aniversario de la herida que dio lugar a la conversión de san Ignacio y que abre la celebración del Año Ignaciano, el lector se va a encontrar las reflexiones del P. Arturo Sosa, Superior General de la Compañía de Jesús desde el año 2016, sobre el mundo de hoy, la Iglesia y la propia Compañía, con fuerte insistencia en sus Preferencias Apostólicas Universales, junto con algunas sugerencias para la reflexión y la oración personal y comunitaria. Así, en palabras del P. Sosa, el lector es invitado a crecer, arrancando del momento en el que se encuentra, guiado por el Señor y avanzando paso a paso (?) a hacerse también peregrino, para recorrer el camino de la aventura de ser cristiano en este mundo en cambio.El libro está escrito en colaboración con el periodista Darío Menor y recoge el fruto de sus entrevistas semanales con el P. Sosa a lo largo de dos meses y medio.
Alianza Editorial El comentario de textos The Comment Text Una guia practica A Practical Guide
En este libro, ARTURO RAMONEDA ofrece un manual sencillo que puede resultar de gran utilidad tanto para el profesor como el estudiante que haya de enfrentarse al análisis y comentario de un texto cualquiera. EL COMENTARIO DE TEXTOS: UNA GUÍA PRÁCTICA se divide en dos partes. La primera está integrada por cinco apartados que contienen numerosos ejemplos que sirven para ilustrar la parte teórica. En la segunda se incluyen diversos textos comentados y, junto a las muestras de autores clásicos y contemporáneos (Jorge Manrique, Miguel de Cervantes, Calderón de la Barca, Leandro Fernández de Moratín, Pío Baroja, Federico García Lorca, Pedro Salinas y Raúl Brasca), se incluyen muestras de escritos sobre historia, periodismo y publicidad. El paso de lo concreto a lo general, por su parte, se realiza con un análisis del mito de Don Juan. Finalmente, los apéndices que complementan el libro permiten repasar conceptos fundamentales, y siempre necesarios, sobre géneros literarios, métrica y recurso
Subito Music Publishing The Songs of Arturo Toscanini High Voice
University of Minnesota Press Rigoberta Menchu Controversy
Princeton University Press The Importance of Being Fuzzy: And Other Insights from the Border between Math and Computers
How has computer science changed mathematical thinking? In this first ever comprehensive survey of the subject for popular science readers, Arturo Sangalli explains how computers have brought a new practicality to mathematics and mathematical applications. By using fuzzy logic and related concepts, programmers have been able to sidestep the traditional and often cumbersome search for perfect mathematical solutions to embrace instead solutions that are "good enough." If mathematicians want their work to be relevant to the problems of the modern world, Sangalli shows, they must increasingly recognize "the importance of being fuzzy." As Sangalli explains, fuzzy logic is a technique that allows computers to work with imprecise terms--to answer questions with "maybe" rather than just "yes" and "no." The practical implications of this flexible type of mathematical thinking are remarkable. Japanese programmers have used fuzzy logic to develop the city of Sendai's unusually energy-efficient and smooth-running subway system--one that does not even require drivers. Similar techniques have been used in fields as diverse as medical diagnosis, image understanding by robots, the engineering of automatic transmissions, and the forecasting of currency exchange rates. Sangalli also explores in his characteristically clear and engaging manner the limits of classical computing, reviewing many of the central ideas of Turing and Godel. He shows us how "genetic algorithms" can solve problems by an evolutionary process in which chance plays a fundamental role. He introduces us to "neural networks," which recognize ill-defined patterns without an explicit set of rules--much as a dog can be trained to scent drugs without ever having an exact definition of "drug." Sangalli argues that even though "fuzziness" and related concepts are often compared to human thinking, they can be understood only through mathematics--but the math he uses in the book is straightforward and easy to grasp. Of equal appeal to specialists and the general reader, The Importance of Being Fuzzy reveals how computer science is changing both the nature of mathematical practice and the shape of the world around us.
Channel View Publications Ltd Crossing Barriers & Bridging Cultures
This text presents translators from different linguistic backgrounds discussing multilingual translation in the European Union. All articles stress the political dimension of multilingualism, and the professional role of the translator as communicator, on which much of the credibility of a union "speaking with one voice in many languages" will ultimately depend.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Closer Look at Farm Bills
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Relationality
This important new book argues that at the root of the contemporary crisis of climate, energy, food, inequality, and meaning is a certain core presupposition that structures the ways in which we live, think, act and design: the assumption of dualism, or the fundamental separateness of things. The authors contend that the key to constructing livable worlds lies in the cultivation of ways of knowing and acting based on a profound awareness of the fundamental interdependence of everything that exists what they refer to as relationality. This shift in paradigm is necessary for healing our bodies, ecosystems, cities, and the planet at large. The book follows two interwoven threads of argumentation: on the one hand, it explains and exemplifies the modes of operation and the dire consequences of non-relational living; on the other, it elucidates the nature of relationality and explores how it is embodied in transformative practices in multiple spheres of life. The authors provide an
Princeton University Press Pythagoras' Revenge: A Mathematical Mystery
The celebrated mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras left no writings. But what if he had and the manuscript was never found? Where would it be located? And what information would it reveal? These questions are the inspiration for the mathematical mystery novel Pythagoras' Revenge. Suspenseful and instructive, Pythagoras' Revenge weaves fact, fiction, mathematics, computer science, and ancient history into a surprising and sophisticated thriller. The intrigue begins when Jule Davidson, a young American mathematician who trolls the internet for difficult math riddles and stumbles upon a neo-Pythagorean sect searching for the promised reincarnation of Pythagoras. Across the ocean, Elmer Galway, a professor of classical history at Oxford, discovers an Arabic manuscript hinting at the existence of an ancient scroll--possibly left by Pythagoras himself. Unknown to one another, Jule and Elmer each have information that the other requires and, as they race to solve the philosophical and mathematical puzzles set before them, their paths ultimately collide. Set in 1998 with flashbacks to classical Greece, Pythagoras' Revenge investigates the confrontation between opposing views of mathematics and reality, and explores ideas from both early and cutting-edge mathematics. From academic Oxford to suburban Chicago and historic Rome, Pythagoras' Revenge is a sophisticated thriller that will grip readers from beginning to surprising end.
HRM Ediciones Filipo II y el arte de la guerra
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El húsar / The Hungarian Soldier
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Sabotaje (Spanish Edition)
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La sombra del águila/ The Shadow of the Eagle
Marvel qu hermosa eres
Marvel, qué hermosa eres! Tú que desde los años sesenta llevas contándonos, a base de pequeñas historias enlazadas, un gran e interminable relato de superhéroes y superheroínas que abarca el universo entero. Primero a través de los cómics, luego en películas y en series? Ahora que estás en tu mejor momento, vamos a hacerte el homenaje que mereces. Pero como una disertación de tamaño enciclopédico no te haría justicia, hemos pensado en diseñar a medida la guía que todo fan o fan incipiente de Marvel desearía tener.Cuál es la historia de Marvel? De dónde vienen sus personajes y quién los creó? Por dónde empiezo si deseo adentrarme en este enmarañado universo con tanta intrahistoria? No te preocupes, en este libro encontrarás el tutorial que estabas buscando acompañado de todo tipo de anécdotas y curiosidades que te apasionarán si aspiras a ser un experto en Marvel.
Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A Manual prctico de fiscalidad 2017
? Ley General Tributaria;? Impuesto de Sociedades;? Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido;? Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas;? Ventajas fiscales para entidades de reducida dimensión en el Impuesto de Sociedades;Paraninfo presenta el primer manual que ofrece al lector una visión completa, profesional, didáctica y eminentemente práctica de la fiscalidad vigente.;146 ejemplos desarrollados y 74 supuestos prácticos resueltos para recoger de manera ordenada y accesible, en una sola obra, todas las claves de los impuestos más importantes del sistema fiscal español.;La forma más sencilla, eficaz y práctica de acercarse a los conceptos esenciales de fiscalidad con el rigor y la profesionalidad necesarios que buscan universitarios, opositores, profesionales de la asesoría fiscal y cualquiera que tenga interés en nuestro sistema impositivo.;El autor, Arturo Tuero Fernández, Inspector de Hacienda del Estado con una dilatada experiencia profesional y docente se convierte en el aliado perf
Espanol Santillana Universidad de Salamanca Limpieza de sangre / Purity of Blood
Prh Grupo Editorial El pintor de batallas 60 aniversario de Alfaguara The Painter of Battles
Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch Abogaca graduados sociales y proceso laboral
Insel Verlag GmbH Der Tod den man stirbt Roman
Insel Verlag GmbH Der Preis den man zahlt
Indiana University Press Violence and the Body: Race, Gender, and the State
Violence and the Body: Race, Gender, and the State explores the relationship between subalternity, the discourse and technology of the body, and the rise and proliferation of racial, colonial, sexual, domestic, and state violence, examining the materiality of violence on the "otherized" body. Grounded in U.S./Mexico border and Latin American cultural studies, the essays in this collection intersect discussions of subalternity, violence, and discourses of the body in a transethnic, feminist, and global cultural studies context. They provide a global mapping of contemporary modes and acts of physical and representational violence and demonstrate how discourses of otherization are reinforced and interanimated through violence on what Elizabeth Grosz has called the "intensities" and "flows" of the body.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El puente de los asesinos / Cross the Assassin's Bridge
Orion Publishing Co The Man In The Yellow Doublet: The Adventures Of Captain Alatriste
Captain Alatriste returns in a swashbuckling tale of intrigue, romance and regicide.Captain Alatriste's affair with the beautiful actress Maria de Castro is rankling not only his long-term mistress but also the King of Spain. With loyal companion Inigo distracted by the affections of Angelica, Alatriste becomes embroiled in a series of tussles outside his lover's house. Ambushed by arch-nemesis Malatesta, a skirmish ensues that leads to the death of Maria's other lover - the monarch himself. But behind this tale of sexual jealousy lurks a darker truth. As it becomes clear that both Alatriste and Inigo have been cunningly honey trapped - and that the dead man was an impostor. With a puppet king waiting dutifully in the wings, Alatriste must use all his cunning and swordsmanly guile to prevent the murder of the real king - and his implication in a crime for which he has been perfectly framed.
Orion Publishing Co The Painter Of Battles
A compelling tale of art, love and war...A man lives alone in a watchtower by the sea. On the circular walls of the tower he is painting a grand mural - the timeless landscape of a battle. He is a former war photographer, and the painting is his attempt to capture the photo he was never able to take; to encapsulate, in an instant, the meaning of war. But one day a stranger knocks on his door and announces that he has come to kill him. The man is a shadow from his past, one of the myriad faces of war, and now the consequences of his actions are brought home to him. As the novel progresses, the story of both the soldier and the artist emerge, entwined with a doomed love affair, and the progress of a painting that is infused with the history of art.Intense and turbulent this is a book about art, war, love and the human capacity for both violence and empathy. It asks very profound questions about human nature and the role of the artist, but it is also has the intensity of a psychological thriller as the painter trades stories with the man who has come to kill him - like the Knight playing chess with Death in the Seventh Seal....
Orion Publishing Co Captain Alatriste: A swashbuckling tale of action and adventure
A thrilling,swashbuckling adventure series starring the Spanish D'ArtagnanCaptain Alatriste is a swordsman for hire in Spain at a timewhen Court intrigue is high and the decadent young king has dragged the countryinto a series of disastrous wars. As a hired blade, Alatriste becomes involvedin many political plots and must live by his wits. He comes face to face withhired assassins, court players, political moles, smugglers, pirates and ofcourse, the infamous Spanish Inquisition...Introducing Iñigo Balboa, Alatriste's young page; Quevedo, asubversive poet who likes to start fights in the local tavern, the elegantCount of Guadalmedina, and the beautiful but deadly Angelica de Alquezar,CAPTAIN ALATRISTE is a thrilling tale of adventure and intrigue that will appealto anyone who enjoyed The Three Musketeers.
Vintage Publishing The Seville Communion
Murderous goings-on in a tiny church draw the Vatican into the dark heart of Seville. A hacker gets into the Pope's personal computer to leave a warning about mysterious deaths in a small church in Seville that is threatened with demolition. Father Quart, a suave Vatican troubleshooter is sent to investigate. Experience has taught him to deal with enemies of the Church in all their guises, but nothing has prepared him for the stubborn faith of Father Ferro, or the appeal of the lovely Macarena Bruner, desperate to save the church and her ancestors from her ex-husband, the ruthless banker Pencho Gavira. As Quart is drawn into an intrigue as labyrinthine as the streets of Seville, soon more than his vocation is in danger.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Lie Algebras with Triangular Decompositions
Imparts a self-contained development of the algebraic theory of Kac-Moody algebras, their representations and close relatives--the Virasoro and Heisenberg algebras. Focuses on developing the theory of triangular decompositions and part of the Kac-Moody theory not specific to the affine case. Also covers lattices, and finite root systems, infinite-dimensional theory, Weyl groups and conjugacy theorems.
Little, Brown & Company Fandango at the Wall: Creating Harmony Between the United States and Mexico
It's a history that has involved periods of great friendship with robust trade and loose immigration policies. But the US-Mexican relationship has also been beset by wars, drug trade, and human trafficking. And with the latest Trump-induced xenophobia towards Mexico this book contextualizes how it is the latest swing in the up-and-down two-hundred-year history between these countries. THROUGH THESE WALLS also addresses how the broken relationship between these countries have been repaired in the past and will provide clarity to the current debate regarding building the wall and America's posture towards immigrants.
Editorial Mintzoa La bella Easo II
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El tango de la guardia vieja / What We Become: A Novel
Editorial Mintzoa Orígenes del pueblo euskaldúnparte 3
EL MEJOR LIBRO DEL AÑO 2019 PARA LA CRÍTICA Y LOS LECTORESNo tenía patria ni rey, sólo un puñado de hombres fieles.No tenían hambre de gloria, sólo hambre.Así nace un mito.Así se cuenta una leyenda.En él se funden de un modo fascinante la aventura, la historia y la leyenda. Hay muchos Cid en la tradición española, y éste es el mío.Arturo Pérez-ReverteEl arte del mando era tratar con la naturaleza humana, y él había dedicado su vida a aprenderlo. Colgó la espada del arzón, palmeó el cuello cálido del animal y echó un vistazo alrededor: sonidos metálicos, resollar de monturas, conversaciones en voz baja. Aquellos hombres olían a estiércol de caballo, cuero, aceite de armas, sudor y humo de leña.Rudos en las formas, extraordinariamente complejos en instintos e intuiciones, eran guerreros y nunca habían pretendido ser otra cosa. Resignados ante el azar, fatalistas sobre la vida y la muerte, obedecían de modo natur
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Los barcos se pierden en tierra / Ships are Lost Ashore