Search results for ""Wessex Astrologer Ltd""
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Astrology and Meditation - the Fearless Contemplation of Change
Astrology and Meditation explores the idea that the most powerful astrological technique is a quiet, meditative mind. The book presents astrology as a form of active meditation where we contemplate whatever is arising with expectancy, receptivity, and conscious use of will to shape what unfolds. The author presents meditations on the spiritual lessons of the planets and zodiacal signs, and, with the plentiful use of case histories, describes the technique of symbol amplification, which enables us to unfold the deepest meanings of chart symbols. The book ends with a discussion of astrology as a spiritual practice, a training for perfection that can instill qualities such as discernment, humor, steadiness in times of suffering, and an expanded capacity to love.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Planetary Strength: A Commentary on Morinus
Planetary Strength - a commentary on Morinus is an intermediate level textbook on natal horoscope interpretation. Taking as its point of departure Astrologia Gallica by Jean Baptiste Morin de Villefranche (1583 - 1656), Planetary Strength explains the differences between the strengths conferred upon planets by virtue of their sign placements (celestial state), house placements (terrestrial state) and aspects (aspectual state). A detailed system of keywords is augmented by insightful "cookbook" interpretations for each and every planetary combination. The depth and quality of the analysis - as well as the hundreds of practical examples and tips - make Planetary Strength an essential reference work which both neophyte and experienced practitioners will consult every time they read a horoscope.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd The Moment of Astrology: Origins in Divination
This is the revised edition of one of the most important astrological books of our time. It not only reshapes the view of astrology that astrologers might have, but it also challenges the entire notion of what constitutes knowing and knowledge in our civilisation. It shows that astrology is not only important in and of itself, but also for what it reveals about the nature of truth and our experience in general.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Judy Hall's Book of Psychic Development
Have you ever wanted to be psychic? To widen your perceptions, hone your inner guidance and be in touch with unseen worlds? Well now you can. Judy Hall draws on more than forty five years teaching psychic development - and a lifetime of being psychic herself - to help you develop your psychic sensitivity and spiritual awareness. This book is a practical, in-depth guide to metaphysics: what it is, how to practise it and the research that supports the idea that there is something more to life than can be accessed by the five senses. In this skilfully structured course in opening your psychic awareness Judy helps you to identify how your inner knowing communicates with you, and to develop your natural psychic ability into a highly skilled, reliable tool. She then takes you to the guidance and psychic connections that go beyond this world including journeying to read the Akashic Record: the cosmic memory bank. Each section is accompanied by practical exercises to hone your sixth sense and build on already developed sensitivity.Drawing on Judy's many years as a psychic, soul retriever and past life regression therapist, this book helps you to avoid the pitfalls of the psychic path and to successfully navigate the challenging psychic situations that arise if things go wrong.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd La Lune et ses nœuds en Astrologie Evolutive
L'astrologie évolutive est une méthodologie spécifique qui considèrel'évolution de l'âme comme un processus de croissance s'opérant lorsque nousprogressons d'une vie à une autre.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Astrology as a Therapeutic Art: Healing Human Relationships
This book illustrates the union of astrology and psychotherapeutic methods, interpreting planetary symbolism in the light of attachment and personality theories, family systems, existential therapy, and Jungian dreamwork. Greg Bogart describes how he practises astrology therapeutically, in a way that’s emotionally centred, process-oriented, and strategic, focusing on tasks, intentions, and positive behavioural change. Abundant examples show how astrological insights can help resolve emotional and interpersonal conflicts related to past traumas, depression, alcohol abuse, compulsive media immersion, workplace stress, and marital disagreements. Seen and experienced through a celestial lens, relationships are a path to wholeness, and this book shows in practical terms how astrological insights open paths to greater harmony and synergy with our family, friends and spouses. Through the case studies in this lovely book we gain appreciation for our common human predicaments and derive insights that we can apply to our own lives. All astrologers will find its insights rewarding.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd The Horoscope in Manifestation: Psychology and Prediction
This is a reprint of the original version from the CPA Press. Bridging the apparent gap between psychological and predictive astrology is not easy, and many astrologers feel they must polarise and espouse one while rejecting the other. The seminars in this innovative volume explore the psychological dynamics which accompany concrete events, focusing on the important psychological model of the complex as both a generator of individual behaviour and an archetypal image of individual fate. This book offers profound insights into the ways in which inner and outer reality coincide and reflect each other.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Astrology and the Lives of People: Finding Compassion, Character, and Heroism in the Horoscope
Taken together, the luminaries and five planets express a totality of our human nature and life concerns: our failings and deceptions, the changing conditions of our lives, and our possibilities for living abundantly. They account for both personal uniqueness and our lives as connected to the larger world. How have the original significance of these planets been reduced in modern astrology and at what cost? By reclaiming and redeveloping the significance of these seven planetary bodies, astrology can become more relevant to the real issues that people have. This book gives fascinating background on the development of these planets in the pre-modern world, as well as exploring new ways their traditions can be looked at today. Joseph Crane's scholarship and profound reverence for the importance of virtue and character in our troubled world is evident in his exploration of solar and lunar heroism, wisdom, friendship, and love, and his discussion of how to find these qualities in the natal chart. Wisdom seekers and astrologers of all kinds, looking to deepen their understanding and practice, will find this book a worthy guide.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Pandora's Box: The Mysterious 8th House
'Pandora's Box: The Mysterious 8th House' is a 360 Degrees analysis of the 8th house, the place in the chart which includes sensible issues like death, debts, possessiveness, entanglements, sexuality or boundary crossings. It links the somewhat fatalistic Hellenistic view of 'descent into the underworld' with more modern psychological interpretations of shadow work, transformation and resilience. The deeper one digs, the more complex this house becomes, and ancient and modern approaches complement each other rather than contradict themselves. With biographical examples of fascinating personalities like Jane Goodall, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Truman Capote, John Dee, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and Adolf Eichmann, the book is complemented by a detailed chapter of planets in the 8th house, 8th house rulership factors in the chart, and transits to the 8th house. Martin Sebastian Moritz' book is both entertaining and insightful, a good read that will challenge any level of astrologer - particularly those in the thrall of the 8th house.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Annual Predictive Techniques of the Greek, Arabic and Indian Astrologers
Predictions for each year of life go back to the earliest times of Hellenistic astrology. Elaborated by Persian and Arabic astrologers who emphasized the revolution of the nativity, known today as the solar return chart, annual predictive techniques then spread eastward into India and westward into Latin Europe during the Middle Ages. For the first time, this book draws together material on annual predictions from ancient and medieval authors writing in Greek, Arabic and Sanskrit, demonstrating their methods with a wealth of present-day example charts. While covering historical background and principles of interpretation, Annual Predictive Techniques is above all a manual of practical astrology, a guide to concrete prediction intended for intermediate students. Separate chapters are devoted to illustrating the use of primary directions and profections together with anniversary transits. The reader is then shown how to integrate these techniques step by step with the solar return chart. The final chapter discusses ways of subdividing a year and identifying times of major importance.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Grief: A Dark, Sacred Time
In 2004 we published Life After Grief: An Astrological Guide to Dealing With Loss (which is still in print). The first 100 pages deal solely with the process of grief and grieving (and no astrology), and they struck a chord with many of our readers who aren't astrologers - and who wanted more. The idea of expanding that section out into a whole book fermented through the intervening years, and now we're delighted to present the result. Grief doesn't discriminate. It will touch all of us at some point; an uninvited guest that can't be shown the door, that takes over our lives and changes us forever. In this gut-wrenchingly beautiful book, Darrelyn shows us how knowing the shape of grief and its consequences over time give edges and boundaries to this dark pathway, revealing that through the prickly branches and the mist, life awaits us at the edge of the forest, dressed in cloths of gold and sustained with love and warmth. Helping ourselves first means we gain the wisdom that grief gives us to help others on their unique journey to encounter a changed future with focus, determination, and understanding when grief comes to call. To allow someone in grief to give voice to their experiences is not just being kind. It is saving their life.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Chart Shapes: The Code to Interpretation
No matter how knowledgeable we are about astrology, natal chart analysis can still present a challenge - however, understanding chart shapes could make all the difference. Chart Shapes: The Code to Interpretation pinpoints an effective route into the astrological labyrinth using a concept pioneered by Marc Edmund Jones then followed by Robert Jansky in the last century. Each chart shape has its own central theme: a Locomotive shape has its starting point with the leading planet which may be in any house or sign, a See-Saw shape begins with the core opposition, a Wedge with the confining trine. Not all charts fit neatly into one of the idealised patterns, and those that take a little coaxing are still a revelation in interpretation. Sometimes it is the planet that stands outside the idealised shape that reveals the core of the personality. With a multitude of worked case histories, this fascinating and accessible book is suitable for all levels.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Essays on Evolutionary Astrology: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul
When Jeffrey Wolf Green retired and went into seclusion he left his daughter Deva with everything that he had ever written which included drafts of various manuscripts which he had intended to publish at various points. This also included every audio tape, video, dvd, and transcript of his lectures delivered over a lengthy career. He also gave Deva his business and asked her to carry on with it. This book reflects her desire to continue to disseminate his work as widely as possible. In Essays on Evolutionary Astrology: The Evolutionary Journey of The Soul there is a combination of transcribed lectures with parts of various manuscripts, most of which has never been in print before.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Pluto: The Soul's Evolution Through Relationships: Volume 2
It's back! Due to popular demand, Jeff Green's groundbreaking book on Evolutionary Astrology in relationships is back in print. For richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, you and your partners will meet again and again, over many lifetimes, until you work out the kinks. There's no way to skirt the issue - your soul needs relationships to evolve. In this classic work Jeff Green clearly illustrates the evolutionary and karmic progression of two people throughout many lifetimes. By incorporating past-life dynamics with modern astrology, Green creates a powerful new paradigm...evolutionary astrology. Pluto II elucidates Green's theory, introduced in Pluto I, that once you understand your past life dynamics, symbolised by Pluto, you will be able to focus on key astrological principles and methods that propel you forward. If you're tired of making the same mistakes again and again, this is where you get the chance to evolve.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Understanding Karmic Complexes: Evolutionary Astrology and Regression Therapy
This book is the result of seven years' research and several thousand case histories through which the author has been able to peer into the deep inner life of the soul as it reincarnates from life to life, both as a guide and an observer. While studying Evolutionary Astrology with Jeff Green, regression therapist Patricia Walsh realised that the potent combination of the two disciplines could help to resolve current issues which have their roots in past life experiences. The types of issues that arise in past life regressions to be healed are also the exact dynamics that Evolutionary Astrology aims to describe: * To understand the past security patterns, emotional and mental imprints that have conditioned the consciousness previous to this life. * To point the way to the path of evolution beyond these. Regression work adds to the understanding of issues presented in the natal chart This book is not written in a 'multiple choice' style. It will become apparent that the understanding of previous lives is not such a simple matter as a few keywords or thoughts relating to one or two symbols in the chart. Rather, this book is written like a journey through the archetypes, from the depths to the heights of each, and is meant to be read in that way, sequentially from Aries to Pisces. Once the elements of the karmic axis in a chart are understood, all the related archetypes in this book can be read in relation to a single chart and synthesized to give a whole picture.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Introduction to Medical Astrology
Medical astrology is a fascinating subject, yet undoubtedly a rather challenging one. In this work however, the author attempts to ease the path towards greater understanding of traditional astrological principles regarding health, as well as introducing some new experiential ideas. These have been developed through her long practice in this field. What can sometimes be helpful in studying a chart is to understand the psychological underlay to medical conditions inherent in the cosmic pattern. The many charts included in this work from the author's own casebook as well as the charts of some public figures both current and historical, suggest guidelines for interpretation. This book is recommended for anyone who is interested in exploring medical astrology in greater depth, and perhaps including some aspects of it in their own astrological work. Whilst medical astrology cannot take the place of advice from orthodox professionals, it can often throw light on prevailing problems.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd AstroGraphology: The Hidden Link Between Your Horoscope and Your Handwriting
Handwriting is more than just a means of communication. Each time you pick up a pen, you create your own art which draws from all the light and dark areas of your natal chart. By learning how to spot your own natal aspects in your handwriting, you will open a whole new door to the hidden potential within your horoscope. As you begin to understand how your handwriting reflects your natal chart, so you can harness the energy of your predictive work by changing the way you write - and help a difficult aspect to gain a more helpful expression. AstroGraphology synthesizes handwriting and astrology in a totally new paradigm that will delight and inspire you with new power to bring change into your life.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd The Gods of Change: Pain, Crisis and the Transits of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
Life isn't always easy. It's impossible to live deeply and not to feel pain or go through times of crisis, breakdown or major disruptive change. Although this is clearly inevitable, what is not always obvious is the crucial role pain and crisis play in the process of growth and evolution. While some people fall apart altogether and never make it through difficult times, many others emerge from conflict and turmoil renewed and transformed, indeed, more fully alive. They 'return' to life with a renewed sense of commitment to a neglected potential, with a renewed sense of what one might call the 'sacred' in life, with a richly enhanced sensitivity to others. This lovely and important work from Howard Sasportas teaches us how to respond to the transits of Uranus,Neptune and Pluto with calmness and a knowledge that the more we work with them, the more worthwhile will be the end result.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd The Consultation Chart: A Guide to What it is and How to Use it
With her expertise and experience of both traditional horary rules and contemporary medical and psychological counseling, Sellar shows how to blend together the best of ancient and modern astrology to create a system that really works.