Search results for ""T. S. Eliot""
Faber & Faber The Collected Prose of T.S. Eliot Volume 4
T. S. Eliot is regarded as the most important poetcritic of modern times, the twentieth century's Man of Letters' whose reputation was forged not only on the strength of his verse, but on the enduring influence of his critical writings. The Collected Prose presents those works that Eliot allowed to reach print in the order of their final revision or printing. Publishing across four volumes, the series aims to provide an authoritative and clean-text record of Eliot's approved texts and their revisions, beginning with his formative observations, written while he was at high school, and concluding in his final major opus, To Criticize the Critic, published in the months after his death.This fourth and final volume from 19511966, covers a period of concluding productivity in Eliot's writing. Although his poetry was all but complete, his theatrical and critical work flourished through a decade that included such books as Poetry and Drama (1951)
Faber & Faber The Poems of T.S. Eliot Read by Jeremy Irons
Originally broadcast on BBC Radio 4, Jeremy Irons's perceptive reading illuminates the poetry of T. S. Eliot in all its complexity. Major poems range from 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock', through the post-war desolation of 'The Waste Land' and the spiritual struggle of 'Ash-Wednesday', to the enduring charm of 'Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats'.The Spectator praised Jeremy Irons's interpretation as 'so accessible, reading Eliot as if finding his words for the first time, grappling with them, relishing them, using them to express feelings that we all share as we struggle to accept, to recognise or relinquish'. Dame Eileen Atkins also appears alongside Jeremy Irons in the reading of 'The Waste Land'.
Faber & Faber The Collected Prose of T.S. Eliot Volume 3
T. S. Eliot is regarded as the most important poetcritic of modern times, the twentieth century's Man of Letters' whose reputation was forged not only on the strength of his verse, but on the enduring influence of his critical writings. The Collected Prose presents those works that Eliot allowed to reach print in the order of their final revision or printing. Publishing across four volumes, the series aims to provide an authoritative and clean-text record of Eliot's approved texts and their revisions, beginning with his formative observations, written while he was at high school, and concluding in his final major opus, To Criticize the Critic, published in the months after his death.This third volume collects Eliot's prose from 19351950, when his works The Idea of a Christian Society (1939) and The Music of Poetry (1942) would engage the seminal grounds of his Four Quartets, while his Notes Towards the Definition of Culture (1948) would appear at the moment he
Faber & Faber The Collected Prose of T.S. Eliot Volume 1
T. S. Eliot is regarded as the most important poetcritic of modern times, the twentieth century's Man of Letters' whose reputation was forged not only on the strength of his verse, but on the enduring influence of his critical writings. The Collected Prose presents those works that Eliot allowed to reach print in the order of their final revision or printing. Publishing across four volumes, the series aims to provide an authoritative and clean-text record of Eliot's approved texts and their revisions, beginning with his formative observations, written while he was at high school, and concluding in his final major opus, To Criticize the Critic, published in the months after his death.This first volume covers the years 19051928, a time of dramatic development for Eliot as both a poet and critic that saw the publication of Prufrock and Other Observations, The Waste Land and Journey of the Magi, and a gathering his seminal early essays
Alianza Editorial Cuatro cuartetos
Admiro al poeta, pero detesto al hombre es fama que dijo José Emilio Pacheco refiriéndose a T. S. Eliot. Llevado de esa admiración, muchos años antes había empezado a traducir los " Cuatro cuartetos " en los que el poeta británico procuraba una recuperación a través de lo sagrado del sentimiento de integración del individuo que los convulsos comienzos del siglo XX habían liquidado. El empeño se convirtió en una labor obsesiva a la que el escritor mexicano aportó su erudición, su curiosidad, su lucidez poética y las complicidades con la historia, y en la que se estableció un diálogo de admiración y distanciamiento.La presente edición presenta por primera vez no sólo la última versión de la celebrada traducción de José Emilio Pacheco, sino también las notas y la cronología que fue elaborando paralelamente con esta labor, fruto de una dedicación de cuarenta años que sólo interrumpió la muerte. La impecable presentación de Luis García Montero ilumina a la perfección la magnitud y la com
Faber & Faber The Collected Prose of T.S. Eliot Volume 2
T. S. Eliot is regarded as the most important poetcritic of modern times, the twentieth century's Man of Letters' whose reputation was forged not only on the strength of his verse, but on the enduring influence of his critical writings. The Collected Prose presents those works that Eliot allowed to reach print in the order of their final revision or printing. Publishing across four volumes, the series aims to provide an authoritative and clean-text record of Eliot's approved texts and their revisions, beginning with his formative observations, written while he was at high school, and concluding in his final major opus, To Criticize the Critic, published in the months after his death.This second volume spans 19291934, a period in which Eliot's poetry was maturing into the reflective verse of Animula, Ash-Wednesday and Marina. It was also a moment that confirmed his critical reputation with the publication of Selected Essays
Visor libros, S.L. Poesías completas II poesía 19091962
THOMAS STEARNS ELIOT nació en Saint Louis, Missouri, en 1888. Se mudó a Inglaterra en 1914 y publicó su primer poemario en 1917. Recibió el Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1948. Murió en 1965. Esta edición canónica de los poemas de T. S. Eliot en dos volúmenes establece un nuevo texto distinto a la Poesía completa 1909-1962, corrigiendo erratas y omisiones que han perdurado desde el asombroso debut de Eliot, La canción de amor de J. Alfred Prufrock. Esta edición contiene no solo sus obras maestras, sino también la producción juvenil de Eliot que ha sido redescubierta décadas más tarde, otros textos que circularon privadamente en vida y los poemas de amor de sus últimos años, escritos para su mujer Valerie Eliot. Christopher Ricks y Jim McCue ofrecen en esta edición comentarios que iluminan la vida imaginativa de cada poema. Obtenidos de los escritos críticos de Eliot, de sus borradores, cartas y otros materiales, dichos comentarios ilustran no solo la amplitud de los intereses de Eliot y
Faber & Faber Old Possum's Book of Practical CATS: Cats Movie Tie-in
Cats! Some are sane and some are mad and some are good and some are bad.Meet magical Mr Mistoffelees, sleepy Old Deuteronomy and curious Rum Tum Tugger. But you'll be lucky to meet Macavity because Macavity's not there!In 1925 T. S. Eliot became co-director of Faber & Faber, who remain his publishers to this day. Throughout the 1930s he composed the now famous poems about Macavity, Old Deuteronomy, Mr Mistoffelees and many other cats, under the name of 'Old Possum'. In 1981 Eliot's poems were set to music by Andrew Lloyd Webber as Cats, which went on to become the longest-running Broadway musical in history and is now a film starring Taylor Swift, Idris Elba, Judi Dench, Ian McKellen, Rebel Wilson, Jennifer Hudson, Jason Derulo, Francesca Hayward and James Corden. With illustrations by Rebecca Ashdown.The Christmas, you will believe!
Faber & Faber Mr Mistoffelees: The Conjuring Cat
The Original Conjuring Cat stars in the second picture book from T. S. Eliot and Arthur Robins, a timeless magical partnership - perfect for ages 3+.Was there everA cat so cleverAs magical Mr. Mistoffelees!Following Arthur Robins' criticallly acclaimed picture book of Macavity (already sold 10k) he turns his attentions to the magical Mr. Mistoffelees with delightfully hilarious results. Perfect for ages 3+, children (and parents) will love reading aloud about the Original Conjuring Cat. To sit alongside other classics such as The Gruffalo, The Tiger Who Came to Tea, and Spot.'A lovely treat of a book and should be enjoyed by children and cat lovers of all ages.' Children's Books Ireland'A marvellous moggy-filled book!' Read it Daddy!'Original and funny interpretation.' Carousel
Faber & Faber Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat
A wonderful new picture book version of one of T. S. Eliot's most popular cat poems from a timeless magical partnership.We must find him or the train can't start!All aboard as Skimbleshanks, the Railway Cat, stars in the third picture-book pairing from Arthur Robins and T. S. Eliot's Old Possum's cats, set on the Night Mail train where Skimble won't let anything go wrong.To sit alongside other classics such as The Gruffalo, The Tiger Who Came to Tea, and Spot.'Beautifully illustrated to bring the poem to life.' Independent'A fabulous way to introduce young readers to poetry.' Huffington Post
Faber & Faber Murder in the Cathedral
Murder in the Cathedral, written for the Canterbury Festival in 1935, was one of T. S. Eliot's first dramatic achievements, and it remains one of the great plays of the century. It takes as its subject matter the martyrdom of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, depicting the events that led to his assassination, in his own cathedral church, by the knights of Henry II in 1170. Like Greek drama, the play's theme and form are rooted in religion, ritual purgation and renewal, and it was this return to the earliest sources of drama that brought poetry triumphantly back to the English stage at the time. This anniversary edition marks 850 years since Becket's dramatic murder, and eighty-five years since Eliot's play was first performed.
Editorial Pre-Textos El libro de los gatos habilidosos del viejo Possum
Este libro fue publicado por vez primera en 1939. A esa edición se ha ceñido la traductora, aunque en una posterior hay pocas y mínimas variantes. Iba dirigido a un público infantil, pues Eliot fue escribiendo los poemas, en principio, para regalárselos a los hijos de los Faber, dueños de la editorial en la que él era director. Su temática principal son los gatos, descritos de una manera humorística, que imita tipos humanos o literarios. El mérito principal de esta obra -de ahí sus escasas traducciones al español- radica en su ritmo y en sus rimas, a veces internas. Este ritmo da la sensación de un "joyful dance", un baile jubiloso, influido por la poesía "nonsense" de Edward Lear y Lewis Carroll. Valéry Eliot dijo que su marido repetía estos versos antes de dormirse. La imagen de Eliot sufre una seria mutilación si no se tienen en cuenta estos poemas, en los que da rienda suelta, más que en ninguna otra parte de su obra, a su faceta humorística.La traductora, Regla Ortiz (Madrid, 1
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La tierra baldía (edición especial del centenario) / The Waste Land (100 Anniver sary Edition)
Faber & Faber The Waste Land
Published in 1922, The Waste Land was the most revolutionary poem of its time, offering a devastating vision of modern civilization between the two World Wars.
Faber & Faber The Sacred Wood
This seminal book, Eliot's first collection of literary criticism, appeared in London in 1920, two years before The Waste Land. It contains some of his most influential early essays and reviews, among them 'Tradition and the Individual Talent', 'Hamlet and his Problems', and Eliot's thoughts on Marlowe, Jonson and Massinger, as well as his first tribute to Dante. Many of his most famous critical pronouncements come from the pages of The Sacred Wood.Reviewing his career as a critic in 1961 Eliot wrote that 'in my earlier criticism, both in my general affirmations about poetry and in writing about authors who influenced me, I was implicitly defending the sort of poetry that I and my friends wrote. This gave my essays a kind of urgency, the warmth of appeal of the advocate, which my later, more detached and I hope more judicial essays cannot claim.' This urgency is still apparent more than eighty years after the essays first appeared.
Faber & Faber The Family Reunion: With an introduction and notes by Nevill Coghill
Eliot's haunting verse play, set in a country house in the north of England, was performed at the Westminster Theatre in London in March 1939, six months before the outbreak of war.'What is wonderful is the marvellous opening out of consciousness, the flowering of meaning, which makes the play an account of a spiritual experience. There are passages of great poetic beauty, and statements which are the fruits of a lifetime devoted to poetry.' Listener
HarperCollins Old Possums Book of Practical Cats
Faber & Faber Four Quartets
Four Quartets is the culminating achievement of T.S. Eliot's career as a poet. While containing some of the most musical and unforgettable passages in twentieth-century poetry, its four parts, 'Burnt Norton', 'East Coker', 'The Dry Salvages' and 'Little Gidding', present a rigorous meditation on the spiritual, philosophical and personal themes which preoccupied the author. It was the way in which a private voice was heard to speak for the concerns of an entire generation, in the midst of war and doubt, that confirmed it as an enduring masterpiece.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Cuatro cuartetos / Four Quartets
Random House USA Inc The Waste Land and Other Poems
Insel Verlag GmbH Cats Old Possums Katzenbuch
Visor libros, S.L. La tierra estéril
Thomas Stearns Eliot (Sant Louis, Missouri, 1888-Londres, 1965) es el poeta que con más clarida y lucidez ha sabido interpretar las contradicciones del siglo XX, el que mejor supo expresar "la consciente desorientación de una época". Su poesía expresa un mundo de difíciles explicaciones y carente de significado en el que, tras la caída de los valores tradicionales, no hay esperanza de nuevas certezas: un mundo de muertos vivientes que Eliot expresa con fuerza mediante la simbología de la aridez y la desolación, y con peculiar lenguaje áspero, árido, cotidiano y misterioso. Eliot obtuvo el Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1948.
HarperCollins Old Possums Book of Practical Cats
Faber & Faber Prufrock and Other Observations
Included in Prufrock and Other Observations are the following poems:The Love Song of J. Alfred PrufrockPortrait of a LadyPreludesRhapsody on a Windy NightMorning at the WindowThe Boston Evening TranscriptAunt HelenCousin NancyMr. ApollinaxHysteriaConversation GalanteLa Figlia Che Piange
Faber & Faber The Waste Land and Other Poems
April is the cruellest month, breedingLilacs out of the dead land, mixingMemory and desire, stirringDull roots with spring rain . . .Published in 1922, The Waste Land was the most revolutionary poem of its time, offering a devastating vision of modern civilisation which has lost none of its power as we enter a new century.
Faber & Faber The Confidential Clerk
The Confidential Clerk was first produced at the Edinburgh Festival in the summer of 1953.'The dialogue of The Confidential Clerk has a precision and a lightly felt rhythm unmatched in the writing of any contemporary dramatist.' Times Literary Supplement'A triumph of dramatic skill: the handling of the two levels of the play is masterly and Eliot's verse registers its greatest achievement on the stage - passages of great lyrical beauty are incorporated into the dialogue.' Spectator
Faber & Faber Cat Morgan
I once was a Pirate what sailed the 'igh seas-But now I've retired as a com-mission-aire:And that's how you find me a-takin' my easeAnd keepin' the door in a Bloomsbury Square.Join Cat Morgan, the swashbuckling pirate as he sails the Barbary Coast in this sixth picture book pairing from Arthur Robins and T. S. Eliot's Old Possum Cats.
Faber & Faber Four Quartets
'That crown which he set on his lifetime's effort.' Ted HughesFour Quartets is the culminating achievement of T. S. Eliot's career as a poet. This edition is based on the design made by Giovanni Mardersteig for his letterpress edition of 1960 and marks the seventy-fifth anniversary of its first publication in the UK by Faber & Faber in 1944.'Throughout these poems there is also the invention of new rhythms, of unimagined possibilities in the movement of language . . . He is perhaps more original and inventive in rhythm than any other poet in English.' Delmore Schwartz'The most original contribution to poetry that has been made in our time.' Edwin Muir
Faber & Faber Selected Essays
In this magisterial volume, first published in 1932, Eliot gathered his choice of the miscellaneous reviews and literary essays he had written since 1917 when he became assistant editor of The Egoist. In his preface to the third edition in 1951 he wrote: 'For myself this book is a kind of historical record of my interests and opinions.' The text includes some of his most important criticism, especially parts of The Sacred Wood, Homage to John Dryden, the essays on Elizabethan and Jacobean dramatists, For Lancelot Andrewes and Essays Ancient and Modern.
Faber & Faber The Cocktail Party
'Obviously something more than a successful play, it is the practical demonstration of a patently conceived theory of dramatic form, and as such of high historical interest.' Times Literary Supplement'Eliot has attempted here something very daring and well worth doing. He has taken the ordinary West End drawing room comedy convention - understatement, upper-class accents and all - and used it as a vehicle for utterly serious ideas.' Observer
Edinburgh University Press Eliot and Beckett's Low Modernism: Humility and Humiliation
Explores the relation between humility and humiliation in the works of T. S. Eliot and Samuel Beckett.
Ecco Press Murder in the Cathedral
Ave Maria University Press Elizabethan Shakespeare
To know Shakespeare is to know his plays, not just one by one but all together—or what T. S. Eliot calls ""the pattern in his carpet”.
Carcanet Press Ltd Parallax
The T S Eliot Prize-winning fifth collection of poems by the inaugural Belfast laureate, and one of Northern Ireland's greatest female poets.
Edinburgh University Press Modernism and the Theatre of the Baroque
Modernism and the Theatre of the Baroque fashions an independent aesthetic for modernist writers and texts that challenges many high modernist qualities promoted by James Joyce and T. S. Eliot.
Faber & Faber Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats: with illustrations by Rebecca Ashdown
'The cat himself knows and will never confess...'To celebrate Old Possum's 75th anniversary we have commissioned lively new illustrations from Rebecca Ashdown for T. S. Eliot's original book of Practical Cats. Featuring Macavity, the Mystery Cat; Mr Mistofelees, the Original Conjuring Cat; Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer and all the gang, this is a must for every child's bookshelf and is a great companion to the Andrew Lloyd Webber stage show.
Faber & Faber Jennyanydots: The Old Gumbie Cat
I have a Gumbie Cat in mind, her name is Jennyanydots.Her coat is of the tabby kind, with tiger stripes and leopard spots.All day she sits upon the stair or on the steps or on the mat:She sits and sits and sits and sits - and that's what makes a Gumbie Cat!But the Old Gumbie Cat gets busy at the end of the day, teaching and cooking, and getting the mice, cockroaches and beetles organised!The sixth gorgeous Cats picture book with lively and colourful illustrations by Arthur Robins.
Faber & Faber Jellicle Cats
Jellicle Cats come one and all.Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball.Join the Jellicle Cats under the Jellicle Moon in the forth picture-book pairing from Arthur Robins and T. S. Eliot's Old Possum's cats, as they dance the night away.To sit alongside other classics such as The Gruffalo, The Tiger Who Came to Tea, and Spot.
Galileo Publishers The Gloucester Notebook
Faber & Faber Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
A stunning new edition of T. S. Eliot's beloved cat poems Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, containing beautiful original colour illustrations by Axel Scheffler.Cats! Some are sane, some are mad and some are good and some are bad.Meet magical Mr Mistoffelees, sleepy Old Deuteronomy and curious Rum Tum Tugger. But you'll be lucky to meet Macavity because Macavity's not there!In 1925 T.S. Eliot became co-director of Faber & Faber, who remain his publishers to this day. Throughout the 1930s he composed the now famous poems about Macavity, Old Deuteronomy, Mr Mistoffelees and many other cats, under the name of 'Old Possum'. In 1981 Eliot's poems were set to music by Andrew Lloyd Webber as Cats which went on to become the longest-running Broadway musical in history. 'If cats, witchy or not, are your child's thing don't miss the new Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats.' The Times'A lovely edition of an old favourite . . . it will be enjoyed again and again.' Carousel'Classic cat poems . . . are given a delightful new look.' LoveReading4Kids
Penguin Random House Australia The Waste Land and Other Poems
Faber & Faber The Waste Land Facsimile
When the New York Public Library announced in October 1968 that its Berg Collection had acquired the original manuscript of The Waste Land, one of the most puzzling mysteries of twentieth-century literature was solved. The manuscript was not lost, as had been believed, but had remained among the papers of John Quinn, Eliot's friend and adviser, to whom the poet had sent it in 1922.If the discovery of the manuscript was startling, its content was even more so, because the published version of The Waste Land was considerably shorter than the original. How it was reduced and edited is clearly revealed on the manuscript through the handwritten notes of Ezra Pound, of Eliot's first wife, Vivien, and of Eliot himself.In order that this material might be widely available for study, the poet's widow Mrs Valerie Eliot prepared the present edition, in 1971, in which each page of the original manuscript was reproduced in facsimile, with a clear transcript facing pages. Mrs Eliot also included an illuminating introduction, explanatory notes and cross-references, together with the text of the first published version of The Waste Land, thus completing the evolution of the most influential poem in modern literature.To mark the centenary of the original poem, and celebrate fifty years of the facsimile, Eliot's original pages are published here in the startling vivacity of full colour for the first time. The present edition reissues, with corrections, of the text of the 1980 reprint, and includes an appendix of original materials not previously made available.
Faber & Faber Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer
Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer were a very notorious couple of cats.As knockabout clowns, quick-change comedians, tight-rope walkers and acrobats.And when you heard a dining-room smashThen the family would say: 'It's that horrible cat!It was Mungojerrie! and Rumpelteazer!' - And there's nothing at all to be done about that!Join the cat-burglars Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer in the fifth picture-book pairing from Arthur Robins and T. S. Eliot's Old Possum's cats, as they steal meat from the oven and pearls from the drawers.
WW Norton & Co The Waste Land: A Facsimile & Transcript of the Original Drafts Including the Annotations of Ezra Pound
When the New York Public Library announced in October 1968 that its Berg Collection had acquired the original manuscript of The Waste Land, one of the most puzzling mysteries of twentieth-century literature was solved. The manuscript was not lost, as had been believed, but had remained among the papers of John Quinn, Eliot’s friend and adviser, to whom the poet had sent it in 1922. If the discovery of the manuscript was startling, its content was even more so: the published version of The Waste Land was considerably shorter than the original. The manuscript pages illuminate how the famously elliptical poem was reduced and edited through the handwritten notes of Ezra Pound; of Eliot’s first wife, Vivien; and of Eliot himself. So that this material could be made widely available, the poet’s widow, Valerie Eliot, prepared the facsimile edition for publication in 1971, reproducing each page of the original manuscript with a clear transcript, an enlightening introduction, and explanatory notes. In celebration of the centenary of the poem, published in the United States by Boni & Liveright in 1922, Eliot’s manuscript pages are presented in vivid color for the first time. The updated facsimile edition also offers a new appendix—including a sheet of Valerie Eliot’s corrections discovered in the Faber archive in 2021—and an insightful afterword from Faber poetry editor Matthew Hollis. Complete with the text of the first published version of The Waste Land, this definitive volume reveals the evolution of a landmark work of the twentieth century and its enduring legacy.
Faber & Faber Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
The naming of Cats is a difficult matter,It isn't just one of your holiday games;You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatterWhen I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.So begins one of the best-known poetry collections of all time. The practical cats need no introduction, but this stunning new full-colour version, illustrated by Júlia Sardà, is the perfect companion to Old Toffer's Dogs. Whether you are a cat or a dog person, you will be enchanted by Júlia's highly original interpretation.
Faber & Faber The Naming of Cats
The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,It isn't just one of your holiday games;You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatterWhen I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.The first poem in Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats is a brilliant introduction to the fabulous world of Cats, featuring names such as Bombalurina and Munkustrap - made famous by the recent film!The seventh gorgeous Cats picture book with lively and colourful illustrations by Arthur Robins. Perfect for reading aloud, singing or performing!
Edinburgh University Press Modernism and the Theatre of the Baroque
Modernism and the Theatre of the Baroque' fashions an independent aesthetic for modernist writers and texts that challenges many high modernist qualities promoted by James Joyce and T. S. Eliot.
Faber & Faber Winter Pollen: Occasional Prose
Ted Hughes has written a series of pieces on writers as diverse as Emily Dickinson, Isaac Bashevis Singer, T. S. Eliot and Sylvia Plath; and on his deep-rooted concern over education, the environment and the arts.