Search results for ""Niggli Verlag""
Niggli Verlag Ulrich Mther Schalenbauten in MecklenburgVorpommern
Niggli Verlag Airport Wayfinding: A Wayfinding Journey
Niggli Verlag Drawing as Design Process
The electronic creation and production of images in all the design professions has led today to fundamental changes in the design processes. Hence, drawing has gained a new importance. Designing by drawing mobilises the eye, the head and the hand to an equal degree, and it establishes connections among the senses that the designer can only experience in a very limited way on the computer screen.
Niggli Verlag Typography: A Manual of Design
This book is the legacy of Emil Ruder, one of the originator of Swiss Style, famous throughout the world for the use of asymmetric layouts, use of a grid, sans-serif typefaces and flush left, ragged right text. His holistic approach is still recognized as fundamental for graphic designers and typographers all over the world. This volume represents a critical reflection on his teaching and practice and a life- time of accumulated knowledge. Beyond that, it is a comprehensive masterpiece seen in its overall structure: in the themes presented, in the comparison of similarities and contrasts, in the richness of the illustrations and the harmoniously inserted types. Behind the purely pedagogic examples of exact proportions, a rich, philosophical thinking shines through. Today, more than forty years after this book was first published, it is still widely used and referenced.
Niggli Verlag Liebe zum Ort
Niggli Verlag Armin Hofmann. Reduktion. Ethik. Didaktik.
Niggli Verlag Was Kommunikationsdesign kann
Niggli Verlag 53. Berliner Type
Niggli Verlag TyPoesie Nicolaus Ott
Niggli Verlag Hans Grisebach Ein Architekt und sein Werk
Niggli Verlag The Japanese Teahouse
Niggli Verlag A Gallery in Type Cases: The Arno Stolz Collection
Niggli Verlag Design, Typography etc: A Handbook
Why does a newspaper look different than a magazine or a book? What effect does using a certain typeface or a specific grid have? And why do some layouts just seem right, and others seem simply wrong? This comprehensive handbook and reference volume elaborates by means of sketches and explanations on the basics and terminology that are indispensable for the design and production of print media. From the initial layout and the correct use of color and typefaces to the right column width and line spacing: “Design, Typography, etc.” covers all aspects of good design for books, posters and advertising.
Niggli Verlag Overlap: Web & Typography
Niggli Verlag 1:1 - Signage, Orientation, Identity
Moniteurs is a Berlin based design agency and has existed since 1994. In addition to the design of signage and orientation systems, the focal points of the company include information design and corporate design. This book showcases the work of this innovate communication design company, bringing them also graphically into focus showing sections of Moniteurs’ orientation systems on a 1:1 scale. The concepts of individual projects are presented in short, concise texts with many photographs and infographics, while an interview with the three owners of the company gives an insight into their approach. Covering the most important projects from the 20 years’ history of the company, this publication is really a valuable reference manual in accordance with practical needs.
Niggli Verlag Architekturlehre II
Niggli Verlag Typography. Advertising. Book Design
Max Bill (1908–1994) is primarily associated with the terms “Concrete Art” and “Environmental Design”. He was active in nearly every area of art and design, which were universal concepts for him. Furthermore, his theoretical publications have turned him into one of the most fruitful stimulators of Modern Concrete Art in post-war Europe among the Bauhaus generation of students. This volume offers a comprehensive view into an area of his work that has so far received little attention: typography, advertising and book design. It shows for that almost everything that the Swiss Avantgarde movement accomplished during the 1930s was visualized in Bill’s studio “bill-zürich reklame”. The reader discovers Max Bill as the tireless creator of highly individual types, commercial logos and advertisements as well as an exceedingly versatile designer who had an amazing command of “visual humor”.
Niggli Verlag Allgemeine Entwurfsanstalt with Trix and Robert Haussmann: Furniture for Röthilsberger Kollektion
The cooperation of Trix and Robert Haussmann with the Röthlisberger carpenters, which started in 1979, yielded numerous successful experiments in artistic and handcrafted furniture. Not comparable to furniture from the retail store, these exclusive designs were sold as a limited edition of 15 pieces each. For the first time, a publication presents the full scope of furniture that was developed in Trix and Robert Haussmann’s “Allgemeine Entwurfsanstalt” for the Röthlisberger Kollektion. The design objects were highly sophisticated in the planning of each detail as well as their realization and required a high level of innovation, new techniques and technical expertise.
Niggli Verlag Arabic Typography: History and Practice
Niggli Verlag Manhole Covers of the World
Niggli Verlag Mono is the new Black: Monospace Fontionary
Niggli Verlag The Age of Data: Embracing Algorithms in Art & Design
Niggli Verlag Design Basics: From Ideas to Products
Niggli Verlag Grid Systems in Graphic Design: A Visual Communication Manual for Graphic Designers, Typographers and Three Dimensional Designers
Josef Müller-Brockmann studied architecture, design and history of art in Zurich and worked as a graphic designer and teacher. His work is recognized for its simple designs and his clean use of fonts, shapes and colors, which still inspires many graphic designers throughout the world today. Since the 1950s grid systems help the designer to organize the graphic elements and have become a world wide standard. This volume provides guidelines and rules for the function and use for grid systems from 8 to 32 grid fields which can be used for the most varied of projects, the three-dimensional grid being treated as well. Exact directions for using all of the grid systems possible presented are given to the user, showing examples of working correctly on a conceptual level. Or simply put: a guidebook from the profession for the profession.