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Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Kant en 90 minutos
Immanuel Kant llev? una vida ordenada hasta un extremo tal que los ciudadanos de K?nigsberg acostumbraban a poner en hora sus relojes cuando sal?a a dar su paseo de todas las tardes. Apenas se alej? en toda su vida de su querida ciudad natal a orillas del B?ltico y, sin embargo, sus clases de geograf?a sobre partes remotas del globo terr?queo atra?an un p?blico numeroso. Todo lo cual casa perfectamente con su propia filosof?a, que niega que el conocimiento derive exclusivamente de la mera experiencia. Kant propuso, as?, una brillante s?ntesis entre el empirismo brit?nico y el racionalismo continental que revolucion? la historia de la filosof?a.En Kant en 90 minutos, Paul Strathern expone de manera clara y concisa la vida e ideas del autor de la Cr?tica de la raz?n pura. El libro incluye una selecci?n de sus escritos, una breve lista de lecturas sugeridas y cronolog?as que sit?an a Kant en su ?poca y en una sinopsis m?s amplia de la filosof?a.
Random House USA Inc Basic Writings of Kant
Vintage Publishing Kant And The Platypus
How much do our perceptions of things depend on our cognitive ability, and how much on our linguistic resources? Where, and how, do these two questions meet? Umberto Eco undertakes a series of idiosyncratic and typically brilliant explorations, starting from the perceived data of common sense, from which flow an abundance of 'stories' or fables, often with animals as protagonists, to expound a clear critique of Kant, Heidegger and Peirce. And as a beast designed specifically to throw spanners in the works of cognitive theory, the duckbilled platypus naturally takes centre stage.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Philosophy of Kant
Illustrations and examples have always been deemed rare in the otherwise abundant materials Kant sent to be printed. In this sense, tradition has made out of the Königsbergs philosopher a rather arid writer. He himself advocated for the perks of a proper scholastic method in presenting arguments. It is thus a common place among scholars that Herr Professor valued discursive clarity over any whimsical rhetorical garments the popular thinker could have been tempted to wield in defense of his surely more than dubious reasons. But even with that in mind, in Kants writings there is this persistent and everlasting metaphor regarding the activity of navigation. A metaphor going all through the Kantian philosophical enterprise: either in the form of sailing the thin air and pretending to avoid -- or surf -- any resistance, like the figure of the dove in the Critique of Pure Reason (1781); or better with the picture of the wandering unconcerned under the celestial and immeasurable vault only to discover we were lost in search for the North in What Does It Mean To Orient Oneself In Thinking?(1786), Kants critical philosophy insisted in the depiction of the task of thinking not only as a concrete one depending on facts and experience gathered -- pinpoint locations -- but also as a matter of orientation depending on the necessity of categories -- criteria, cardinal points -- of thought. If fanciful aspirations of ideas happen to take off from the objective ground irresponsibly as if empirical experience and facts had no substance at all -- it is with good reason that due operations of counterbalance should be taking place with help of the sound weight of articulated reasonable concepts based on formal and material reality. Kants theory of mind presupposes a responsibility of a subject in relation to several types of objects. The two of these epistemic extremes are intertwined and in need of each other. When it comes to orientation, leaning on some sort of inner compass, each of us would have both in regard to sensitivity, knowledge, and moral thinking which serves like a guide to the trip within all three domains, and even comes in handy to map them out. This collective volume is precisely devoted to the task of revisiting some landscapes of the Kantian thought-itinerary along the brave seas and deep into the thick forests of justified knowledge, principles of morals and judgement in aesthetics: through its pages this work has put together renowned scholars from very different traditions eager to circumnavigate again the issues and concerns of 18th Century Philosophy and the particular Kantian solution of a new branded type of metaphysical inquiry, one inquiry subject to intellectual global duties as well.
Brill Mentis From Leibniz to Kant
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Kant Et Les Mathematiques
Heyne Taschenbuch Kant und der Schachspieler
Karl-Alber-Verlag Endlichkeit Bei Kant: Zu Grund Und Einheit Der Hegelschen Kant-Kritik
Herder Editorial La filosofa trascendental Kant
Classiques Garnier Kant Et Les Empirismes
Les Belles Lettres Schopenhauer Critique de Kant
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Partyspa mit Kant Philosofunnies
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Kant
This Companion provides an authoritative survey of the whole range of Kant’s work, giving readers an idea of its immense scope, its extraordinary achievement, and its continuing ability to generate philosophical interest. Written by an international cast of scholars Covers all the major works of the critical philosophy, as well as the pre-critical works Subjects covered range from mathematics and philosophy of science, through epistemology and metaphysics, to moral and political philosophy
Animals Humans and Kant
Everyone who reads Leslie Stevenson?s new book, Animals, Humans, and Kant, will learn from it. Written in a clear, witty and engaging voice, it offers not only a sophisticated survey of current commentary on key issues in Kant?s philosophy of mind; but also a tour of the landscape in cognitive psychology regarding the nature of perception and thought. Best of all, it combines these overviews with original insights into the text of Kant?s Critique of Pure Reason, using as a basis of comparison recent research into the behavioral psychology of other animals.? Prof. Dr. Adrian Piper (APRA Foundation, Berlin)Leslie Stevenson?s book provides an engaging, perceptive and readable account of some of the most important topics in Kant?s philosophy and beyond. Anyone interested in the foundations of perception, judgement and action would be well-advised to consult it.? Prof. Dr. Jens Timmermann (University of St. Andrews)Leslie Stevenson?s Animals, humans, and Kant is a very origi
Seagull Books London Ltd Party Fun with Kant
Thousands upon thousands of books have been written about Immanuel Kant since his death. None, let’s be clear, have been quite like what we have here. In Party Fun with Kant, Nicolas Mahler tells the story of Kant—and his fellow serious-minded figures from the history of philosophy—with a comic edge. With his witty visual style and clever wordplay, he delves into their lives and emerges with hitherto unknown scenes that show them in a new (and far less serious) light. We go to parties with Kant, visit an art exhibition with Hegel, shop at the supermarket with Nietzsche, and go to the cinema with Deleuze, and celebrate the dream wedding with de Beauvoir. In each case, we come away knowing more about the life, thoughts, and feelings of the philosopher—getting to know them as people rather than as stony-faced figures long since robbed of any existence beyond their ideas. The result is pure fun, but with plenty of insight, too.
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Kant-Bibliographie 1896-1944
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Kant: Theologie Et Religion
Les Belles Lettres Kant Et La Nature
Independently Published Boy, Kant You Read!
Junius Verlag GmbH Immanuel Kant zur Einführung
Bod Third Party Titles Die Philosophie seit Kant
Francke A. Verlag Kant Die Hauptwerke Ein Lesebuch
Taylor & Francis Ltd Kant, Duty and Moral Worth
Kant, Duty and Moral Worth is a fascinating and original examination of Kant's account of moral worth. The complex debate at the heart of Kant's philosophy is over whether Kant said moral actions have worth only if they are carried out from duty, or whether actions carried out from mixed motives can be good. Philip Stratton-Lake offers a unique account of acting from duty, which utilizes the distinction between primary and secondary motives. He maintains that the moral law should not be understood as a normative moral reason but as playing a transcendental role. Thus a Kantian account of moral worth is one where the virtuous agent may be responsive to concrete particular considerations, whilst preserving an essential role for universal moral principles.Kant, Duty and Moral Worth is a lucid examination of Kant's moral thought that will appeal to Kant scholars and anyone interested in moral theory.
Biblioteca Nueva La Aventura Intelectual de Kant
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Le Souverain Bien Chez Kant
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Kant Et La Metaphysique Speculative
De Gruyter Immanuel Kant: Zum Ewigen Frieden
De Gruyter Immanuel Kant: Kritik der Urteilskraft
Antonio Machado y Kant
En Los Complementarios puede leerse esta afirmación: todos los filósofos modernos que merecen el nombre de tales, parten de Kant, confiésenlo o no. Es innegable que Machado se dedicó profundamente (aunque no sistemáticamente) al estudio de la filosofía, y disponemos de valiosos estudios acerca de los aspectos filosóficos de su obra. Bergson, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer son algunos de los filósofos modernos a los que se refiere una y otra vez en sus escritos, pero, si hacemos caso al poeta, esos filósofos, confiésenlo o no, estarían partiendo de Kant. Este estudio se concentra en la recepción del pensamiento kantiano en la obra de Antonio Machado, recepción que puede rastrearse en la poética de la palabra en el tiempo, en la creación de los apócrifos, en el relativismo maireniano, en el corazón de la monadología sui generis de Martín y en la misma teoría de la heterogeneidad del ser. Juan Antonio Sánchez (1970, Madrid) estudió filología hispánica y filología alemana en la Univers
Princeton University Press Kant and the Early Moderns
For the past 200 years, Kant has acted as a lens--sometimes a distorting lens--between historians of philosophy and early modern intellectual history. Kant's writings about Descartes, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, and Hume have been so influential that it has often been difficult to see these predecessors on any terms but Kant's own. In Kant and the Early Moderns, Daniel Garber and Beatrice Longuenesse bring together some of the world's leading historians of philosophy to consider Kant in relation to these earlier thinkers. These original essays are grouped in pairs. A first essay discusses Kant's direct engagement with the philosophical thought of Descartes, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, or Hume, while a second essay focuses more on the original ideas of these earlier philosophers, with reflections on Kant's reading from the point of view of a more direct interest in the earlier thinker in question. What emerges is a rich and complex picture of the debates that shaped the "transcendental turn" from early modern epistemology, metaphysics, and philosophy of mind to Kant's critical philosophy. The contributors, in addition to the editors, are Jean-Marie Beyssade, Lisa Downing, Dina Emundts, Don Garrett, Paul Guyer, Anja Jauernig, Wayne Waxman, and Kenneth P. Winkler.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Kant: The Three Critiques
Immanuel Kants three critiques the Critique of Pure Reason, the Critique of Practical Reason and the Critique of Judgment are among the pinnacles of Western Philosophy. This accessible study grounds Kants philosophical position in the context of his intellectual influences, most notably against the background of the scepticism and empiricism of David Hume. It is an ideal critical introduction to Kants views in the key areas of knowledge and metaphysics; morality and freedom; and beauty and design. By examining the Kantian system in the light of contemporary arguments, Ward brings the structure and force of Kants Copernican Revolution in Philosophy into sharp focus. Kant is often misrepresented as a somewhat dry thinker, yet the clarity of Wards exposition of his main themes, science, morality and aesthetics, through the three critiques brings his writings and theories to life. Lucidly and persuasively written, this book will be a valuable resource for students and scholars seeking to understand Kants immense influence.
Plaza y Valdes, S.L. Kant sentido común y subjetividad
El presente estudio se propone desplegar la pregunta acerca de la subjetividad en la filosofía crítica de Kant a través de una minuciosa lectura de la Crítica del Juicio. Esta pregunta tiene como hilo conductor a la facultad de juzgar (Urteilskraft) y es respondida desde tres ángulos distintos en nuestra investigación. La Crítica del Juicio supone dentro de la filosofía crítica de Kant un importante ?giro subjetivo? en relación con las dos primeras Críticas. Este ?giro subjetivo? implica una ?segunda revolución? en la filosofía kantiana y está estrechamente vinculado al descubrimiento de la peculiar autonomía de la facultad de juzgar. Para comprender el alcance de este descubrimiento analizamos las distintas funciones que desempeña el Juicio dentro de las dos primeras Críticas con vistas a abordar el tema central de nuestro libro, a saber, la peculiar heautonomía de la facultad de juzgar.
University of Wales Press Politics and Teleology in Kant
This volume critically examines and elucidates the complex relationship between politics and teleology in Kant's philosophical system. Examining this relationship is of key philosophical importance since Kant develops his political philosophy in the context of a teleological conception of the purposiveness of both nature and human history. Kant's approach poses the dual task of reconciling his normative political theory with both his priori moral philosophy and his teleological philosophy of nature and human history. The fourteen essays in this volume, by leading scholars in the field, explore the relationship between teleology and politics from multiple perspectives. Together, the essays explore Kant's normative political theory and legal philosophy, his cosmopolitanism and views on international relations, his theory of history, his theory of natural teleology, and the broader relationship between morality, history, nature and politics in Kant's works. This important new volume will be of interest to a wide audience, including Kant scholars, scholars and students working on topics in moral and political philosophy, the philosophy of history, political theory and political science, legal scholars and international relations theorists, as well as those interested broadly in the history of ideas.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Kant, l'Annee 1798: Sur l'Anthropologie
Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp The Story of Immanuel Kant
J.D. Ponce J.D. Ponce su Immanuel Kant
Examicus Publishing Klassische Vertragstheorien (Hobbes, Rousseau, Kant)
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Kant Et Les Lumieres Europeennes
Spectormag GbR Oskar NegtAlexander Kluge Kant Kommentare
Heyne Taschenbuch Kant und der sechste Winter
Walter de Gruyter Immanuel Kant Freiheit Vernunft Sinnlichkeit
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kant Handbuch: Leben und Werk
Das Handbuch erschließt alle Werke und Aufsätze Immanuel Kants durch Referat und knappe Interpretation und gibt Einblick in die Bezüge Kants zu den philosophischen, wissenschaftlichen, religiösen, künstlerischen und politischen Tendenzen der Zeit. Eine nach Themengruppen geordnete Einführung in die Kant-Literatur seit dem deutschen Neukantianismus, Zeittafel und ausführliche Register machen das Handbuch zu einem philosophiehistorischen Nachschlagewerk. Die dritte Auflage bietet eine verbesserte Bibliographie der Kant-Literatur. Der Text ist eingehend durchgesehen, ein Anhang enthält Ergänzungen und ein ausführliches Nachwort.
Anthem Press Autonomy: Beyond Kant and Hermeneutics
In the first decade of the twenty-first century autonomy has become one of the major concerns of our social and political existence. The right to autonomous life is now a political, cultural and social call of both the individual and the group – a rare conformity that points to the crucial importance of autonomy in the agenda of critical thinking. Though the notion of autonomy in the modern era was at first applied in a political context, the term was quickly taken up in the context of individual rational persons, their rights and existences. In the wake of anticolonial movements, the term gained new perspectives and meanings which would imply new rights and new responsibilities. It became the emblem of group rights, in particular minority rights. In time the idea of autonomy became not only the standard of rights and responsibilities, but also an issue of governmentality. The present volume is a critical attempt to understand autonomy from both historical and analytical perspectives. An international group of scholars seeks answers that go beyond the thinking of Immanuel Kant or a simple hermeneutic reading of the principle of autonomy. Autonomy, in this collective reading, emerges as deeply rooted in social practices and contentious politics.
Königshausen & Neumann Die anthropologische Normativität bei Kant
Duncker & Humblot Reflexion, Gefuhl, Identitat Im Anschluss an Kant / Reflection, Emotion, Identity. from Kant Onwards
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Kant Et Wolff: Heritages Et Ruptures